The ice berg. (Winterville, Ga.) 1897-1???, June 09, 1897, Image 4

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ASK fflIE Id INTERFERE. MACON, GJL, CITIZENS ARE AFTER THE SOUTHERN RAILROAD. t CLAIM ILLEGAL CONSOLIDATION ‘Tte Gwvvrw*r le Asked to l*ve*tla*to th* ■Salter—May Bo Flaatly Carried to th* Coarto. A petition has been filed with Gov •emor Atkinson, of Georgia, asking him to direct the attorney general of the state to institute proceedings to break the relations between the South ern Railway, the Central of Georgia, the Georgia Southern A Florida and other lines. The petition wa* presented by at torneys on l>ehalf of citizens of Macon. Th > name* of seven individuals and firms are signed to the petition. The petition wss tiled a few days ago an<l Jndge Miller of Macon, La<l a rnnferenca with the governor. It is alleged in the petition that tJßMmXb ern i*iitr«-^_ number of railroads in <»Torpia the control tends to defeat competition in violation of the constitution of the state. The paper ia a long one and recites the history of the Southern,explaining in detail Low it has grown np by the *cqui>it.<>n of the East Tennessee, Vir ginia and Georgia, the Georgia Pacific, the Cei.'tal of Georgia, the Georgia Southern and Florula, the Atlanta and Florids, the Georgia Midland and Gulf, the Macon aud Birmingham and otlu r In r*. All these roads have been cntisr lidateil.tLe |>etition declares, aud it < n to ssy that the city of Macuu ha* r.< •w no competition and the pe tition* re a«k th* state t*» go to their rein f and break the relations eii •ting between the several lines. The p.ternor La« l»ern carefully es an.inn.;: the | aper and Las been get ting in I* i mat ion al*ont tbo relations etistll.g Ih tween the different I'ota panics. I u«l» r the Itaeon art of 1*93, pro ceedings ran l»e instituted in two ways to I teak an illegal consolidation of vailr* ad". The governor is empowered to dire, t th* attorney general to bring suit for the forfeiture of charters or any | arty interested in the properties can go into the courts for redress. After bearing from l*oth aide*, th* gcMernor ran direct the attorney gen eral to proceed in the name of the state «r he ii ay decline an.l lo* re the parties who are interested to apjieal direct to the courts themselves. FIRED SOCIALIST DEPUTY. SoldUrv l.rmo.a Memteref Prowrk Cfeaws *sf Btoptotlefe. There * as a dramatic incident ia the cliamlxr of deputies at Paris Saturday. During th* di«rn»ak>n of th* labor troubles at 1-a Grand Conib*, in the de| artiueut of th* Guard, noted for its oil mining, glass works and sine ■melting furti*<-ra, M.tleiault Richard, a oo*i*li«t deputy, referred to some of Li* wd League* as “police spi*s.*‘ Th* < Laml«er tborowpu* |>*a«e*l a *vte to peremptorily rtpel him from the b«>n*e M Richard, bow. ever, refused to lea** and th* pr* eidrnt of the cha*wl*r. kl. Brto*»n, sustained th* sitting and aotil for th* guard oa duty A moment or so later a equal of *.ghl soldiers entered the rbamlme of deputies and the colonel in command p Isreal Lis hand upon the shoulder of the axadist deputy, who thereupon eonxnte.l to go with the officer, saying he yielded only to superior fore*. WILL RECALL WEILER. s)**ew r.»<e*4 oZ ***■« Caawßrwto Sower Cowerwa, tko F wlee. A special of Hu ads y from Madrid •a;s Tbvqueea regent ha* confirmed Honor <NRoV*»P the prwm—e. ia bis ministerial powers, and the cabinet will remain in *>Ar* with personnel and r*d»cy nmhaagwd All of the lea-liag tuembwrs of th* ■on ate and vs th* chaml**r of deputies who were consulted Ly b*r majesty l>nv* mlvised tL* recall of Captain General Wry tee from Cwlm At a ratunet council nt Lis residence bonne Canova*, the premise, announc ed that th* queen r***«t Lal renewed !•«■* power* and the-* <4 the cabinet in terras fiattevtsg to him and to all I* is TO IN|E>TIGITT WATTVCONDUCT SlleeW, e< UewSk CaoMtw*. MMakers*C a Ceara oZ laualry. Gvrwrnor Ellerim. of Houth Caro hnm Laa ap|>oiated the evurt of ia -quiry to ait ia General Watts' cmaa Tte (wwt will al Culvabu sad Th* eewrt ramamto to Bngwdmr G*a ■ *r*J J—ryh L. MtawnlWta, tte m mac • villa, first brigade to cavalry; Colonel J. <l. Wardlaw, O*ff**y. third rwgi msat <rf infantry; Captain Henry T. Tbompsaa, Darliagt**; Darliafte* Owewla Wins! <r & G. M«yfi*M. «f Barnwell, -as >mfie* advvxml* general *a lb* fivrr «tn< wiR prssetwk* ibn enna. BASK PRESIDENT SUICIDES. MeC*n»*ll, A reused *r Cr**k*d Traaca*- tl*aa. Fate BaU*t la Mia Brala. At Ocala, Fla., Saturday afternoon, R. B. McConnell, th* defaulting prea ' ident of th* defunct Merchants’ Na tional bank, sent a bullet crashing through hia brain, dying instantly. Th* deed wan committed nt the borne of hia brother-in-law, W. K. McDonald, where he and hia wife and mother were taking diuner. It se*ma that the receiver of the Merchants' National bank made some new developments in the bank’* buri neaa that showed up very badly against McConnell. He at once com municated them to United States Com missioner D. H. Williams, who at once issued a warrant for McConnell’s ar rest. This was placed in the hand* of a deputy United States marshal, who proceeded to McConnell’s residence. He learned there that the bank presi dent was at dinner at Mr. McDonald's. When he went thither and read the warrant McConnell asked tor permis sion to go up stairs and get hia coat. In abont two minntes the household was startled by th* loud report of a pistol, and the fall of a heavy body on th* floor told the tale. The officer rushed np stairs only to find McCon uelU>re*thing LL> la*t* with a big bole in the right side of his bead over the ear and a smoking revolver still in bia band. TRIED TOkTIL WHOLE" FAMILY. Miry *f a Mldwiakt Amssll <«n>Med l« Ma** F-sHmI la Lyachlag. News La* l>een received of a fiend ish crim* which was ]>erpetrate<l at Orangmlale, Fla, alaiiit twenty milea from Ht. Augustine, in which an en deavor was tn ad a to murder a whole family. The details are meagre. The atory is that a negro suppose*! to lie Isaac Barrett, entered th* boms of 11. J. Hewson, a farmer, aud mur derously assaulted Mr. Hewson, his wife and seven-year-old son while they slept. All were hit on th* head with a pice* of scantling. The daughter, Mias Maggie, grap pled with th* negro aud so bravely <li«l she fight him that b* left th* hons*. Th* soa is said tn b* dying, but th* |>*r*nt* may possibly recover. on Barrett was arrested an<l the report ia that a |>arty nf tw*lv* mm took th* prisoner from th* officers sod a lynching was probably the result. COSDE.WMM THE SHERIFF. TrwwM* at I rhi.i L*M at Mi* Dm*. V*w*l«C Him I* Lew** tb* City. A special from Url»aua, Ohio, says that the eity baa resume*! ita normal condition and th* seen a has ebanged entirely. Immediately after th* trouble Sher iff McLain and Captain Leonard left tor Springfield. It waa reported later that a mnb of l.*U) was organising to go toMpringfleld after the sheriff and such word went to Mpringfleld. having th* effect, it ia aaid, of driving th* sheriff off to D«y > loa . Threats of getting th* body of Mitchell aad burning H w*e* fr**ly m*>le Bofor* being reasoved front th* courthoua* yard r*lic hunters ha*i nearly rut th* coat off the d*a*l mas. F.v*ry battoa was gone and even bia sho«a and *Um- kings were taken off and carried a«ay. GEORGIA DAY lY MEYATE. SalavAer ******* Ik* O» »*■!** •< S***«k** By B**e* **4 CV*y. Saturday waa Georgia's day ia th* senate Th* notable featar** of th* tariff diseaaaio* during th* day wer* ' faraiah**! by th* Georgia s*aatora. | S*aator Chy d*liv*r*d hia maiden speech as a member <4 th* body, aad K«natoc Baron spoke at length apo* a feature oe th* tariff of special fcal«rw*i to Georgia. This was th* lnml<er sch*dah. aad ia favoring th* tariff on lumber a* sgaiast a motion to put it oa th* fr** list. Senator Baroa took emphatie grounds against th* doctria* of fr** rgw materials, as did Srnitnf Chy ia th* mor* elaboeat* speech ia which h* disease*! thia aad other features of the tariff measure. AAR BARREFTM RETESTIOY. Fi sslSsul MrHlelev Bm-m**« • Telegsw rrM* B*a*k*k. A rablegratn from Bangkok to the Associate*! I‘r*«s aays that th* Ameri- I cans of r lam Lav* signed a unaaimoua petitto* asking Dresident MeKialey to retain John Barrett as United States mini*t«f r •* Num*. The dispatch is signed. •‘Flaya, liewartte. coamitte*. ~ rRCMDKSTIAL MJHSATIOSW. Bmm* A** Bess* S* Ike ***••• ky Nrßlatey F*sr C**ar*MSlM. Th* pr*niil*Bi has seat th* followiag aotaiaaivoas to th* sen al* AaArww Bartow, *f Miaaoun. to b* <*o*aaJ f *sml «• th* rvty of M*si«m Hsrail B. Ta* Bar**, of K*w J«r aey. to h* *bbmJ afi Mbra, Franc*. Qari Bailey Bant, cd th* District of Columbia, aew «aaaul at Paragway. to b* eaaeal jaaaral at Vienna. Aaatna. B*ary V. Merga*. *f to l b* ooa*al at Horgaa. Dwttaariami. WdHaa W.Gnnsto. <4 Isdiaaa, to , b* eoaMl at Tara Crua. Mexha. Doafe A. P»W t» e< YThnaaaia. to ba aentotaßl attacMF • W MS TUMBLE DOWN. •. IMMENSE SHEET IMO J TUBS CRASH THROUGH FITE STORIES. TWO MEN BURIED IN THE RUINS, i Tb* Bwttdlac. WTkUb Was a X*w Oss, Was AlnsoM B**4y F*r Ow«y«s*y. Thlrt*** W*rkw»*si Ferwgs. Five enormoto tanka, each contain ing 13,000 galifja of water, fell five , ■tori** through th* new building of David 8. Co., soap mannfac turera, at TwedK avenue, Fifty-first and Ffty-Meon<| streets. New York, 1 Thursday morntpg, burying two men ; under thousands ,>f tons of debri*. Th* body of William Frazer, forty , years old. a aurrd'or to ths employ of ' the Otis Elwrator >snpany, was taken I from the rafts ac’netim* afterwards. ' Jacob Jaoobsouhfi carp«nt*r ia mis- I I slag. Th* plac* was nvarly ready for occu- j pancy. Th* tank* wer* to have con tained soap fat 'they wer* put in by the Cotes Don W«rks, of Coteeville, Penn. Alexander Broun, the brick con ! tractor; Henry F. Xilbnrn, the archi ! tect, and Hamiitoa, inspector for the i iron works contr* Jors, wer* arrested . charged with homi-ule. The flv* tanks slot through th* five floors like a stone dropping through ' so much space. There were fifteen I men in the building at the tune of th* , accident They wrr* scattered around th* factory. There was not a second's warning <4 the fall of the tanka They had been filling with water for testing and wer* nearly full. Th* tanks wer* each 13113 feet I equar* by 20 feet in height. They j wer* mad* of sheet iron aud were a i quarter of an inch thick. To prevent th* water from bulging their sides, i atout iron bands had been placed in sid* <4 eaeh tank. Th* fall of th* tanka carrying with them five floor* ot iron and woodwork was heard for several blocks around. At th* fall of th* Uaks they earned down iron girderfi aad beams a foot in width and four inch** in thickn***, snapping them as if they were pip* stems. There was no stopping, as I they struck the floor* in succession, no enormous was the weight of th* tanka. | All th* men who had been insula th* building wer* got together and count- i •d. It was found tout two wer* miss- j ing. They w*r* Jacobson and Frazer. , A wrecking firm undertook th* r*- I moral of the debria. At 4 o’clock Fra zer’a body was partially uncovered and thr*« hours later it waa taken out. Coroner Fitzpatrick aaid that it waa probably th* bulging of th* tanka I which bad caused to* di*lodg**«at *f i th* walla aad eaaaad lb* fall •< to* teak* aad fiaara. A BEYBATIfiIAL PRAYER omww* V* »r <*•*■*■• i* sa* •«*«* U(MbMra. Th* chaplain of Ik* Illinois hows* of r*prea*ntaUv*s, R*v. David G. Brad ley, open*<l th* session of th* stat* Isgialatur* Thursday with th* follow, tag prayer “Almighty God. w* ***k Thy pr**- •ne* and bl***ing st to* beginning of another day s diligent labor. H*lp aa, pray Th**, ia th* discharge *f this day’s daliw. Help th*** te*a to r*- msmber th* poor, tex burd«n*d p*opl* of thia great state. Contract, w* ytor Th**, tb* enpa eion* maw of char itable aad *ducJßhal instituUons <4 niiaois May tWy l**r» to b* eoa tent with !*•• msnsy and asay w* r*- fna* to worship • golden calf, rwfa** ala* to worship g’ld i* **y *4ba» form. FtoMd tost any Mwigaer visiting ear sh«r«* shall ev*r|afaia have oecnmoa to write; "■saey. is *0 theU sry. Maney's the Atal a* m. Otv* as ■■aryftsten ww dtei Oh. tat tos swsna" “Aad v* will gfCTh** prate*. “ Th* prayer eAtogd a a*a**tto* and wssgrwted witißhtousiaatteepplan**. | ■ les**rt~C*<rtoßtoMl Ete*U*a- Th* *l*ettoa to «b* Arte Mteeouri district tor a sadcweMF to CT—- man Giles, dsc**o*d, FeauMafi to faror of J. T. Lloyd, lUwaxte. by a plaral ity of 5.5 U *vsr Clark, republican. PROTEST HAM BY DCRRAIT. A Tirwil tteaoeto Fee Btesaaa . CaJwrt » S < i . A B*a Fi ain tee* fiteaatab There* will b* twa haadswi Ja rt»n- Uoua issued for «b* «Ma*«*t* •* i rant and Wartou Btofi b«« fc*d MM a. ». a* th* UV rt Mfißtfiß five medical »*e Ml Afi ptoteßtod to witaeaa tb* e«*cuH«m • -s p «™* h - r*** * for rehsaa*. •tefaßtafi M W TTt? ImprteMtod. Thte will bajert •« appml te th* eupTMto UtoH to to cover tb* point •whteh; toifihi b* mad* that bk fading to **• '( demand hi be bad tb* FAUBE IS RESERVED. Preach Presides* Wltbbelds HU View* Oa Monetary Qaostlew. A Pari* special says: It i* learned from an authorized source that the let ter* of credence presented to Presi dent Faure by Senator Edward O. Wolcott, of Colorado, and his col leagues of the United States monetary commission, designate them as minis ! ter* plenipotentiary to France, Great < Britain and Germany, with the mis ' cion in concert with the United States ' ambassadors to those countries to dis cus* monetary question* and come to some agreement on bimetallism. . President Faure carefully avoided making a statement to them at the ' audience which ho accorded to the I commissioner* at the Elysee palace j on Wednesday last, which might be interpreted as a promise to take any steps in the matter. Before the com i miuioners left the palace he invited them to share his box at the race for ■ the grand prix de Paris. ! No doubt the government of France L i* friendly to the American nJEtiou.but I nothing tangible will be done beyond ; the expression* of sympathy and the assurance that the matter will bfiaio i riously * 1 15 MEMORY OF AMERICANS. Cabas Sympathiser* llnl<l a Housing Mealing la Washington. A large crowd gathered at the Na tional theater at Washington, D. C., , Friday night to attend tb* Cuban • meeting in memory of Americans who Lav* sacrificed their lives for Cuba. Speeches were made by represents l live" Swansun, ot Virginia, and Green, ut Nebraska, and other*. Mr. Green declared that not only should the lielligerency resolution l>* passed by congress, but Spain idionld Im> given so many day* to take her sol diers from the island. 1 He ma*le light of th* prolmbility of war with Spain, and said that if »Ue | declare*! war against th* United States | I 3,000,00) swords would spring from i their »«-ald>ards ready to fight and th* blu* and gray would march together ' to th* music of “Dixie.” Resolution* wer*adopted calling for a prompt recognition of Cuban liellig ereucy and arraigning all who rusk* th* “honor and glory of th* nation and th* d*mauda of th* p*op’e sub servient to th* interests of th* Spanish bondholder* and th* sugar trust." WHITE FACED DEATH COOLT. i . Aara»<*o4 <B« Oeaßtete Nawebslawliy *a»ak lag • Clgwr*«la. i With * cigarette ia hia mouth, Hen ry White, th* murder or of Polic* Off!- J cer William Jackson, coo7y descended into the yard of th* Muscogee jail at Columbus, Gx, Friday to pay the death penalty for hia de«d. The young man was more composed than any m*ml>er of th* party which , escorted bias to th* gallows. No* oar* did b* show tb* white f«atb«r daring tb* teaff boar* <4 tbo test day ot bi* *oalß«te«at aad at bia doatb tb* ewlteiaattaa of bte wonder ful display ot oorro waa s«Mb*d H* ■sad* ao spaacb —«i*spiy Rad* tbo** about him “goodby.” Th* trap waa sprang at lAI and at 1:43 Whit* was pronoaaced dead. Hia u*ck waa aot brokaa. DURRAIT BAWfilie FRBTFOSED. Aw*B* Bliss ASVavwaps FwrmSaataw *• Ap *a*l F»»* SB*s BisSslia. A Baa Francisco *p*eial aays: Theo dor* Darraat will not b* hanged oa a**t Friday. Hia attorney* bar* gained for him a a*w tea** at lif* for four months at l«ate, aad tb* condemned man made ■sarry to bia e*ll wbteteb* board th* cbeerfa! a*wa. H* bad bwcoiao resigned to his fate, pb«a iaformatioe was received at th* rrißoa that Judg* 4 Gilbert, of th* Vaited States circuit court, had grant ed bte attorney* permission to appeal to the United State* *upr*m* court from hia order frsvfaaaly mad* d*ny-. lag th* spplicatioa for a writ of habeasl eorpu*. * •Hg. • - . UmLoADED yBE HU.n? Bst I* M(| *• * Fnaae Kitts Ml* At Gr**a«, <4 L. Schwarts, tehil* attempting to unload a gun, discharged th* weapon, killing bi* two slater*. TL* ballet pasted through th* n*ek of on* sister and struck tb* other sister just abov* Lb* heart. COLLINS SUDS 15 RESIGJATIOT Kad Os »sra»» Btesßaas Bsssmsssuas la* A TallahaMaa, Fla., ■ dispatch aaya: State Treasurer Collia* baa r*aiga*d aad J. B Whitfi*ld. *x-elflrk of th* rnirtai eouri, ba* been appstatad. . •Collia* ha* for aoaao tiaM eoatoa atotod raaigaiag. but vaa talked out of IL Hi* resignation, if accepted, ear** Mb* *tel* 130,000 axpenans at trial, v Tto Governor Btoxbam notified 4b* Wan* ot Collins’ resignation, it are* with a rscwMiadstiou that it b* eaaaptod, aad th* houa* iapaaehatest eaasaxitte* wa* *rd*r*d to go before th* nsaal* aad withdraw th* artick* atJopenchsaaeL .-i II DOWN BY I Mlllllft LYSCHERS 15 OHIO FIRED UPOS3 BT STATE TROOPS. TWO MEN WERE KILLED OURIGHT; Mwß, Htwrrer, 9ucre«rfs I* Swtaclns Cp Xagr* Convicted *C Crliwlwal Assault ; Cpww a wait* Wm*w. Two men were killed and ten wound-:; ed by a company of the Ohio National Guard nt Urbana, 0., at an early hour Friday morning. The soldiev were attemping to save Charles Mitchell, Hie colored assailant < of Mrs. Eliza Gaumer, from the hands ' of an infuriated mob, but their efforts were unavailing. Mitchell was taken from the jail at 7:30 o’clock a. m., and hanged to a tree in the courtyard. \ , The dead are: Harbor Bell, Urban.’,: instantly killed; Uptou Baker, farmer , north of Urbaua. The fatally wounded are: Wesley 1 Bowen, Cable; Zach Wank, Urbana, i Less seriously wounded: Denuis Graney, Urba; Dr. Charles Thomson. North Lewisbury; S. 8. Deaton, Ur bana, serious; John McKeever, Urba-., ns, painful; Ray McClure, Urbana, painful. In addition to this list, it is feared that Mrs. Eliza Ganmcr, *ho was as saulted by the negro, will uot recover aud several of the injured aro in a se rious condition. There is intense' feeling against sonic of tho official* and further complications are appre hended. One week ago Mrs. Gaum er wa«, assaulted in daylight at her home J Urbana. She was prostrated and felt ' the disgrace. She requested her son to announce that she was assaulted for* robbery. It was given out that Mitchell at-| tempted to force her to sign a check for jSOO. But as Mrs. Gaumer’s con dition became more serious, the fact* l*ecam* known. Mitchell was first held for robbery, bukon last We«lnes day he was arraigned for assault. Mra. Ganmcr was utlabla to appear in court, and the hearing waa held at her home. As Mitchell entered her room, she raised up in bed and exclaimed: “The brute, hang him. How dar*j you face m* again, you brute?” Soon after the identification on We<l-’ n**<l*v, there was talk of lynching.' Crowds surround**! th* ja:l that night aud the sheriff and local 1 militia had; trouble protecting the prisoner. Thur*-, •lay a grand jury waa empaneled and it soon returned an indictment for criminal assault. Mitchell, disguised in a aoldiar’a uniform, waa carried from jail into court. H« waive* I th* reading of th* indictment, pleaded guilty aad was promptly sentenced to twenty years in th* penitentiary, th* limit for aeaaulL Th* trial waa over before • o’clock, when an attempt wa* ■sad* to tak* Mitch*ll to Columbus on th* train at 10 p. m. But th* crowds were about th* eourthuua* and jail and when th* carriage drove np th*' crowd mad* a rush for th* jail. Th* militia drove the peopl* lark, but th* crowd aoon increased in fury aa wall as in numbers, so that Bheriff and tb* troops bs*l all they could do to bold tb* jail at that time. It was 1:35 o’clock Friday morning when th* first attack waa mod* on th* jail. Th* ■oldiers opened fire on tb* mob and twenty volleys wer* poured into th* advancing crowd with th* re sults as abov* stated. ■ Th* attacking party r*tir*d, but th* sight of th* dead aud injured infuria ted them and th* crowd soon ra'liad. Th* final attack on th* jail waa mad* at 7 o'clock. Th* mob which had grown ia Ha ters at th* break of day, s**ing th* way open, secure*! a larg* sledg* hsrf m*r and started for th* jail. Th* ham* mer was not a*ed*d. as Hheriff Me Lean delivered th* keys and tb* crowd soon foaod Mltek*H’s cell, • • A rop* was thrown aroand tb* gro's a*ck aad was dragged out into th* yard. Tb* rop* wa* tbea throws over oa* ot tb* limb* of a tr**. Mitch ell was j«rk»d up unlil Lis Lead struck th* limb. Hi* n*ck wm broken and hia body drowsed to th* ground. Th* crowd repeated th* jerking several time* until they wer* aar* b* wa* dead, s A DAT OF SPEECHES. ,»./ A Ke**l«ttew Fs«»»* Fwe «b* Bewe«S to SmU Coewtta*. ,/ ■ *'i Th* senate had a p«riod of sp**eb making Friday and a* a rmralt litth prograea waa mad* on th* tariff bill A resolution aiming at a notation ot tb* South Carolina di»p*u**ry muddle* ■nd for which Mr. Tdlmaa ha* ooa< coatead*d for, <a* paanad. It r*adi a* follow*: AV - r .HL ‘•lteaofvto. That tb* wslto *• tb*fs dletary te dlroeted to eouider **4 report, by MU er Mterwi**, what hfteteos, if is nrrsmsfy togtv* full **se< to tb* parpo** o( tte a< appe*vsd Asrwt •. IM. wattti* •A* art to ilstU ton effort *f tbe J ot eotnmere* between tbe nrvsrsl with forsiga iiwtertm (a asrtato k- ‘