The ice berg. (Winterville, Ga.) 1897-1???, July 14, 1897, Image 1

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VOL. 1. THE ICE BERG. Winterville, Oglethorpe County, G*. A WEKKLY PYPEII. (HAS. W. LOWE, Editor and Prop. m ruK KiFTio m rztcz: Ou* Year Si* Moa:h« •• • • --'re Advertiaing rate* ou application. Church, marriage and death notices inserted free. CHI'KCU IHUKCTOKY. Ptrrtrr. Rev. W M. Coile, paator. First Lord’s day aud Saturday be fore, Antioch. Second Lord’s day and Saturday Ins fore. Winder. Third Lord’s day aud Saturday l>e fore, Bogart. Fourth Lord’s day aud Saturday be fore. Winterville. Rev. H L. Brock, jraator Moore's Grore, first Lord's day and Saturday before Elder F M. Me Leary, Beaver Dam. thir I L>r i • day and Saturday before WIVTIMVILLI CinCltT. Methodswt. Rev. Charles L. Pat tillo, pastor Second Lord's day, Winterville, 11 a. m. and a p m Second Lord's day, Bethel 3 p. tu., Satnrdav Ila. m. Center,third Lord'ailay and Saturday 11 a. tu Atkiaaon, third Lord's day 3 p. tn. Temple, fourth Lord's day aud Sat urday 11 a. in. Cit*rok»e Corner, first Lord s day ar.d Ha'.i r lay. Entered a*, the PoatofUce at Winter s ill • Ge. a- Sw.oi.l Clwws Verter LOCAL MELANGE. ITEMS (IF INTEREST GATHERED FROM HERE AND THERE. XV I. st Is «.••<■< ww ArwwwU an 4 Abaal Cs TalU la Uriel, Filby aa4 I'sageal Fara*rapks. Good se .sons last week ♦The a rather is not qmte »o L«t. Crops are lookinc well and inis mg "fast. In s..iue sect .on « they hair uot hi l much rain yet, lint generally the farmers seem to be iu good spirits, though the .mm emp through this m><-. j tu>u will not lie an average one. The crvtton crop is very uncertain. one can tever tell tnnch about it uutil it I is (gathered. A* a ml*. after yon get i th ' »e*i. vs sth proper seasons, three I weeks is plenty vs to iui«- a g sod ! c, tt«u crop. l-j.t TU-.railay the infant twins of J Mr J. M SitildelU were buried iu the h ik! grave They were interred in . the Winterville cenie’.ery. Mrs. Katie Snarks, of Athena, spent j !>•? week SI'L the Misses Lowe W. T. Low*. ie ■ouspanieil by La tusr Aula, uy, is at home again, after ; a week's stay at hia daughter's tn Mor i-w county. Mias Hex Mur rah io vieiting friends and relatives in Islington and Craw ford for several weeks Mi” Emily Hutcheson will spend vacation with her parents at Rutledge. Rev. Chas L Totillo and his too I file boys left last week for Gaines ville au.l other points iu northeast Ge -rgia ! t health and a nsnch needed I reet. The Athens district of the Woman's l Mi«sivna*y Horiety met at t utors Point j I vs! >tn lay The mue| of the deleg lies w eut do a.t '-atarday Athe .« was well rv| rv-ented Mm. lb-a», the pres.leu* <f the aswietv; Mi«» Jessie Ht:ri». M • Mwtoa, Mlsa Dei*v I. ’». Harrie a.d Miss Luce Hall went f -m W a**rville With such zealous sorters a« constitute the** s >iette« it will l«e is > guesswork to say that a g eat d-a! -4 g-wwl w ill l*e a.-cuss {•lisbesl 1. u cra-olewore. nearly as cheap a* tin. re.-».'e.| at the Ro k It is ct.vj -, 1-nt true —»■>»* pe. pie cvj'l tell j •'» fr> ni blue. The Ice Berg. WINTERVILLE. GA. WEDNESDAY. JULY 14. / Mrs. Hunnicutt returned Saturday after a few daya’ visit at Mm. W. M. Dean's. Good rains Saturday brought a big crowd to towu. They go to see those that advertise iu the I, £ U’.Bo, too. If yon don’t see the editor, just leave your subacription aud al. with H. T. Kittard next week. There you will find all kinds of cool dnuk». A tremendous stock ot wen's hat*, all shapes, just received, cheajier thau ever at the Rock Store. Get Mr. R. T. Pittard to te'.l you the dog storv if vou Lave never beard it Mr. J. B Winter lionght a ’’me Jersey cow and calf from Mr. Holman of Athens, lust week. Mr. Plat Glm will a»-i»t Mr Harry Pittard with his school at I'nckstoi. this summer. Rev. Wm. Coile preached at Winder last Sunday. He »i»o preached the intriwluctory sermon nt the general meeting la«t Tuesday at Macedonia, in Greeu cuiinlv Fresh turnip seed grown l>y Lan dreth ju»t received at the IL-ck I Store. ts j The church when finished will lie very pretty, urvertbelrs., notwith standing. Rev. T A. Harris went dowu to ('rtwfordvdie la»t week to attend con ference. Mr. <’. W. Harris livgan bis school , navr Maleys last Monday. “Is this your maiden a|>eeeh*'' kind- j ly a*ked the president of the man • v terminators. “1 should say uot. mad ’ am; I've been r.iarried for three ye iri. " No matter how brilliant the mind ■•( •he drunkard, his Lome Is dark uid dismal. »t is rutuore.l tnai a new store will > l»e opened up in town in tin- near fu- | ture. A 12 room t« o--forv dwriling < house, painted pmk. would look pretty ou < Sreeu street The house former!v owned Lv Mr • Ed Hutcheson is to )»e reuuslelt d and | occupied a» soon ss rtin*tied. The 1 M C A <>( Atlivuw played a game of laall at Crawford Friday i The Athena la.y. pi«t w.t«n tin it 2t> 1 to ii in favor of Crawford Smie country melons coming in. We only hear of them. Mr It M. Nearby came iu «>» Hie train Frnlav f<>r his ani.nai rest Wil! be m the villa for several weeks Messrs J R Turk and W H NL.r ton <-ame up Friday eveumg from . Crawfordville, where they had been to ; attend conference. The tongue is the keylwvard of th* soul, but it makes a world of difference who sila to play npou it. Mr M. L. Ganldiug went down to' I I.riiugtou Sunday All gelt'emeu ami 'vli. »’ •sum «• , •Loco at gr«-atly rcdnc. d pr.. c» at th lbs k Hb-r • il l d.. t »i-.. b. carry I thMAuver If • Rar. Tooms Deßose, of Athens, fi'l .ad Iba pu'pit for Kav. Charles 1. Pa- I tillo at 11 a m last Sin lav H* ! preached a spleu lid sermon—a plain ! gospel sermon. Hi* tert wa* “What •ball 1 <L> to l>« saves!.'’ H* male • deep impression on his enngregatlou. which brought several to their feet be fora (he meeting closed Miss Nara Fleemen and mother were the guests of Mr* 1 H Kro ner last Snndav Mrs Kno:.*r i« again able to sit up after two weeks' illness. The colored Baptist ebnrcU was I now les I to it* utmost capacity last I Sunday ami Sunday night to listen to anew preacher trom Crawfordville . Sine* their regular past >r di.-sl. Rev ' Audv How ar,l. tbev haven t Lv I any reg liar pres Ever v pre v-'amg -lav a new awe p rwebe* w ha* t u y s. I a ti tai serm •« We are g'al t.» k»ow (Lit our old friend. Prof F B Shipp, a " iuter- , i villa bov. is d,>ing so w ed al b :••!•-. me*. ' Fla It does a* go«wl t. hea-o( any i of our old or nee frian Is su -cess. , The annual meeting of M.mru's ( Grwe church al Hull, wsil l«* he! 1 ( comtuenev v; ou Friday before the fvurth >.13.1av .d this ir>'>3tta Mr R T Ihttarl rd this plu-e ha« two 2',-s-eut p *■-*• ,d gold ., mint ed. pce«u»ably. l-y the I S govern STEER CLEAR. tueuf. One's heiajouaud the other circular in shape. TLe Snndav school convention Sa- I repta Baptist a««ociatto.i, convenes in Annual meeting uelt F'-iesday at Ln ion church. Ms liss»u <•• nuty. 12 miles above here. It w ill b•. ue of the liest Attend'sl and mtere-ti ,g meetings rd the year forth- fveople. A large number from til's section will attend. The war is on beta.. . the editor of The Oglethorpe Echo and Mr. Eber hart over the questlof of how should the public roads be v» ••rkvd, and it is likely to be on for souir time to come. The |»eople i,f < lg!eth< >pe are too well |M>ste<l to Ih- l—l into ar; thing without first euiliititig the cost. There are «ever.rl things of a grent deal more imiMc t that ne >d our attention tlmn iinv change <>nr imaxinutive br.nn could I.e <■( oil this r< a I ques tion. Jn-t think for a moment. Tuckston. Mrs W H Dea . rid M;ss Lizzie Hale will leave tom< row »ttertl«H>n f->r I nion I’oint t«> att,-id a mi-’ioiiary meeting. Mr Hubbard N.wil .nd hi« mother have returnssl home, after visiting friends aud relatives r v’.sm. r Mr. R .bt Hal* - d Mrs .1. T Hardemau went -low in Oglethorpe yesterday to visit rein* tea. Mr« Sam Datilel »a» Iweti very i sick, but is lw tt*-r now Mr W. C Baugh Ii .» gone to liar- : mouv Grove ou loisiii*w. Mrs. C I Ball. V f Vhens, was iu town Wednesday v iting lin-nd- Mr. <’ W. Simp.- i- going ns! • the "\I, i T • Io ' .nr Mr. •. i-‘ '• • w "'' ' 'mi ■, f 11,-.. | I (••’ll 11, l|' I »*' •• * | walk .a ,W. H. Dean th • e . Mrs .1 ’• tl tr>i tn i will Lavs as I bs.r guest for ale- . v s u blight uml j . charming young In I Mi»- It,•••!,• I lu.-k, of Uh. us I Mr. Ls.ii Weatheif.rd and Emory ' Halis-uek vvs-r<' i:i tout toslay »u Ini.'i I Hess. Littl,- la onar I McCur. th* son of j ' Mr. nn I Mrs Mant Mo'lair. «d \t I lant>» is very si.-k at li<. graml i moth - r •, Mr» < ,re, r Mr < 'liar!l* Ma oe a .» ilh .• ,|'ter, ' M »s l»,ra. w.-rc in town th. other I ui Lt a imin n <h uh i T» Ike> of Mr.. Maggie 1., knight. Er >m Ih.- H. I. M. *.H iety. For the tnr 1 time .i * on- (ii ' zatf-n the .1.- ,tii sig- I h <. • al I oils- of our n’t ul» • On 1 r iday , v,-:iing. 1 June 2*».h. th- getitb l | irit of Mr«. ! Maggie 1. Ivngbt I,rake its earthly moorl ig • and | a.*e I *r the river to “rest under the shade ,d the t..-es From he. <h: -llesrl she ha* lived am >ng n-. ai: I tin- dct.-tls ,>f her quiet m > le«t hfs- are farm liar to all Vi h lie • till a chill «h* cue hr r heart to 1 •■*!. giving full evidence 111 if'rr life of th.r ' siuss-ri'v -f le- pr,,fr«s on During a long an,l | illties. her patience ' ail cheerful rcigua., >li were HU failing Ju't one .'..ort year a 40. anrrraunded by family a 1 I frir’ids a >d radiant w ith harptne-s, she plight*,! her faith to the ruA'l of her • u«»l*e To lay she | sleeps hcneitL a*l .wrr- s e e I utoUl d awaiting the true w! eu the ,1, ad tu Cbri«t -hall a: t»e It !• rn»to'. it* to qw-ak of th* ■ rnel “hand ,-f dear J. SO. indeed. It «er'», wbeu IU th* ft-ish >f I fe's nii.rniug. h<-t«e t ’tn .tig-1 ’*• e . erv ••bjert • itll Its rnwgir I ght Hit !<• fore the dav is sp. □" » * realize ">at t!»e baud will. L t’.e l.u-d*n from weary show < • •• « t•* •! e..’»g pulse aud ra ~ ’•* ' -e I rhi. Ito its father'* arm. 1. k ■ I * !.*r t» «u cruet “O • '■vatu • .• * .. lu* stmg •• grave' where !• t'.»v “>(».* u»r ' >»« i.,r ha’ la.a there w e ,!rea I not n» 1 Keuh.'iat empo consolation <■< ' •or Is, we ,*a:i 03'y sit -n I t • the ire -1 reuve-l '• 1 • 1-• vr it--*'an-1 bid ' th. mis* t • '.*»• e„ »-i J through the r tea-. • •• tt<* • 1* of right eofuc •si ’ •_* * tsisi-'S .f ever las;.n* h n« R. • ' That t!.;s •o-.-.-r a'. I* * . s .>q y A Fresh Lot of Landreth’s Turnip Seed Just Received. Wil! .*ll at -11 ce lt* per 'null I for i’.ie next thirty day*. Save rje;' and get reliable >e«-1 l>v biiy iu_ from it*. DILLARD DRLG €O., Lyii(lon\ Old Stand. - • ATHENS. (J A. D. A. Anthony, WINTERVILLE, GEORGIA, nioi.i.n i:.' Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes, And everything per- *** taming to the * Undertakers’ Business. c 1.. .Vt!* 1 IAHIRNEYIAHIRNEY AND COUNSELLOH AT LAW Ift I liaytou M., Hhcus, Ga. | Will practice in I'lark* and adpon- I lug <-oiint|,-s < 'olL-.-lmg a s| H^-ia |ty FOK SALE. ( sI . 2 will l,l| Vi« I 1.-.- !<• One 111 Win terville IH 'igbt of th,- 4' H la HIV and near the d,'|>ot. five ~ r•« •>! land, a ■ g> •• I f’-nr r>»>m >1 w<li i ig Lou .* a, II till .he I, tw . to V out :,.m.e.. !,. o ; 1 room* ii. « "img "r hard and two i ' we 1. \ .1.-.itjl, .- i| Voi| want t . .-In. it. v.oir .-In h-n < I •-* to th. ra: • i 1 Vpp.v t . < W Low I. ! I I ■ I I fittli -h>- I t’o- fa iJv o', o i d.- ,-u.,--l . \l-o. t , »•_ it | I in Tu ( I. 15 . . , Ih.- Vth- .. l-.a lio> Mi.. I I M . M I ' It K 11->M H. 'I ss > Vll VII :l VUH' ~ < oluml'tee. j |NM K'.l VI" VI HU. hStn.»--nr I I y Ji’t • tat i! I 4 • , ri I a riot at Ja- k»••••'li e, ■ I Fla. iro.. Lis I, other, ('..lohrl vin ,-eute t-M.iilo, I i. d-t.- of Santa I (*la-a province, Ju.»e 21th, *boas that an active r-a u aign i» •■eing curried on i a id that th- < -tlu'i, ar* holding their own d-spite the p,e«ence of Spaniards | ia mnrh greater icimler. An ex- Iting engag-ment i« reoorted ■ tn have taken pin e l*’we, . (.enera! Weiler's tr<-,p-, :iun;l~ ring men. and those under • ieueral < ariilo, ' cumnianding th* fourth <-‘tps <•( Gen eral Gomez • army. RAILWAY HORROR I' DI AW IRK. • •■•*'* •—* •• ----* A Ivices fr cm < of a » - ’bat a terrible railaav ....»,t., t - . |'» - a’. M n.i I'aigl.t M a' ' .t fter The elpre.s P-ei.ii r --r» ran Hit • a Mss-nger tra.ii standing at the sta tion. wrecked e.ght carriage., killed fortv fr« n« and injured eighty four Othe-. Most of the «i tiraa are of the :...■ ' • • ’ |t »• J--S • ' » • • ► .(. I-.S | t 4 a i • rr-.r g.» I - - » .- .*- - i 4 re* it ig ", - »ig- v. .. < • the faiitre .J U a'- ». • t a t. R. ut Mm rax l'i iiitii * Ls I‘uhii \hir i. \them. NO. ti. ' :• • :: 11. tw.-. x XI 1.1 si \ „M>t VIII • Ss. I. Vngtl.ta • 7 I’.l * I -Sh> I I nioii P -int II J<>i ii tslj, I V W-M-I.ill- II :ig.i t; 12;. I v Miv v. II I M . ii Hip l.v st -,.|>.-t> • II .>•„ . •; :U.|- l.v t raw lor>l 12 n«p Ii .Ulf, I . Irmilaf, 12 2>-p 7 lf<|, I v VVmt- rvill. 12 :I2|. 7 !‘2t» Xr Vth- n- 12 >tf- 7 »l < I < Xrt,- ti- • • l'>a • I Ist,. I V. u.t- mil s 4 |7 ( , II.It mi if. •12 s I 22|. !IV• -IW r.| " 211 I IS;, I v Sf. 'till, I '.lf. | I V1,,, . •! |r> I : | XX..--I, til-- •• 2s l 511 ■ X' i m .•> r .mi !• un . V \ • ■ . I ... %% ••tkkMglkkM I V. ■- Oi.-H m • • I'll -I I<>« • I rr t . , I Ih.l-mm • ||| || , | i l.v s■,r 1. s ’.gj, II |l>, I |T,. Xr lu—.tt •• n« II », •.!»>. |I . ~.rn.-(l •'•2m •12 •». I I I *' |f ’• I’kr. », I Ih.lni in ’» •<» l.» J’,. ♦. 4,, ' y* H n»»p 7 :«» . • i» i.i* I WkaaN I'sakwt A %% Ikitk* l*l«tkk« Is. IZ. “ »»,k.h I X -pt MsiiU . I Lips <•. I \ W r, '4> itfti I l.v *‘*l*»kkGi 7 Mfl« \r I in >n I* »tnt 7 Uim i I \ I ni-»ti r »:nt w »■» »•»!♦ V w JI j»n* Kr U !»it‘- I*l »lh« M IU Illi® * >il -a» ••dieted l<* Moataart BttS. * 2 Ova O wit it Oaaoairc U. B. tinar Ornti * If a j » ji.nx e p_i nt aa mm Unit '■*» i-.*—«J 9 - I ••» *• • • i J xaJ r- *•<!. «S 41 aj « w h r *». V• > •*. »< |’»***<a « <«r •<« I • J A p, r < • - - * < m»~« t’tS« L. X »ud lwfc«43 ♦ »nt l»«. A.l- # ;C. A.SNOW&COJ J ©*• R»Tt»T watmwcttw DC.* F. W. COILE, M. D Physician Surgeon. C. W. LOWE. TTIZZZLT-. INSTATE. If j.. ba" a»f Kea! I.Ui* It* wll cal! •» < ha». M’’ r . w imim .m i. .... «.a.o;u;tv