The rural southerner & plantation. (Atlanta, Georgia) 1866-18??, March 01, 1875, Page 14, Image 14

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14 BEAN’S DOUBLE-ACTING Stone Force Pump, FOR Warehouses, Railroad Purposes, Etc. HOSE PIPE Can be Used on our PUM PS. Nichols & Treadwell, MANUFACTURERS. J) AGENTS ipl WANTED WITH LITTLE 111 \\ R eai ty Money ‘ Imk \| Agents wanted E \ in each of the Y Southern States. jf If V The Right to man- \\ ufact’re the above W® I! Pumps in the b f W 11 n! 1 . rare? wwi*. 1 1!l1es of Missis aippi and Louis iana w *'l *’ e fiifflß raore remu- nerative business * s not known.— (, ur Agents are S Sfiqll S P roud t 0 know kwilW’«is' - t}iat the y ftrc en * I3R.J £ a s ed in a busi ’ .J <? ness that gives I universal satis- | faction. Why this Pump is Superior to Others. 1. It is never affected by frost—requiring no taping, raising of the handle, or other care. 2. It starts with the first or second motion of the handle, and the flow ceases the moment you stop, leaving no drippings to form mud or ice in win ter on and around the platform. 8 It thor oughly ventilates the well, ridding it of foul air. 4. It saves its cost every year in labor, it runs so easily. 5. It is invaluable in case of fire— an engine ever ready at your door. 6. The cyl inder being of stone, and glazed on the inside, is equal to glivs, and much stronger; there is no slime or filth ever collecting on it. 7. The well requires no cleaning out after one of these Pumps is set in one that is clean. 8. It com bines both the atmospheric and force principle, which gives it an equal pressure on the water, throwing a steady stream, both with the up and down motion of the handle. 9. This Pump al ways brings cool water from the start, the water standing six feet below the platform in a stone cylinder. 10. The buckets may be removed at any time without moving the Pump or platform. This Pump is one of the most durable and easy working Pumps ever used in deep wells. Will work practically in wells from t>o to 100 feet deep. The cylinder being made of stone, and glass lined, is free from all impurities or rust. Bean’s Water Purifier and Pump Is designed for all Inside Stone Cylinder Pump. Showing RrrrrrifJ' HTt/cr Puri tier .4 ttached. cisterns and wells where water is to be used for drink ing and domestic uses. Thb Pump is ready for all pur poses, as well as for purifying water.— Wit ha hose in place of Purifier, it is a perfect fire-engine, always ready in case of accident by fire, or for sprink ling gardens, wash ing buggies, etc. The Purifier is at tached to the Pump spout when in use. Both ends are alike, so that it makes no difference w h ich end is attached to the Pump. It is self-cleaning, requiring no packing. When first put on it will clean i'self always, and perform the work in a few minutes, which the common filter requires hours to perform. There is no material used but pure quartz, which never becomes impure of itself, or need repacking, like common filters. This purifier will take out ■m w ww & hmutw a proportion of lime and mineral, although in a solution with the water. It will take those foreign particles which cause diseases, prevalent in all districts of our country where hard or im pure water is used for domestic purposes; also preparing cistern water for washing purposes where the water is filled with smoke, dust, and all other impurities that gather in cisterns. Thus in these pumps you have a first-class Fire Extin guisher, Water Purifier, and Pump, for all pur poses, and all for a less sum than they are now selling a good Force Pump alone, or a good Filter of the old kind. This Force Pump will do the work of any other Pump, having the same capacity, with one third less power of any Pump in the United States. Have taken the First Premium in Mich igan, Missouri, Ohio and lowa, and contended last Fall, at the Indianapolis Exposition, against all the leading improved Force Pumps from Penn sylvania, New York, Ohio and many otheßof the States, and was awarded the Silver Medal at the Indianapolis Exposition. Have engines for smaller cities or towns, that will throw from one to two hundred gallons of water per minute, and over any ordinary building. Orders will have prompt attention. Give us a call, or address NICHOLS & TREADWELL, Corner Loyd and Decatur Streets, Atlanta, Ga. t3F“Send for Circulars and Testimonials. mar-ts The Diamond /**4"E3i”iti jbTl> ta.s ■ COTTON £ w At once. Scrapas, Dirts, ® IMPROVED&WARRANTED ESU-JSJi,** c S S.tiON RANTee Guano Distributer, $25. (3 1 J-Hiyator, S2O. Planter “ \\ Wcr' Distributer and Cultivator “ % V Pi combined. $35. COKS IW¥Cli r p^rß; 4 SgM < -i g ; i*i.AXTE» attach- E $ £ 'YrY/Vl? - All O JL warranted. Agents want > & 'P e<7 ' stamp for Illus- CHFAP trated Circular with war- O . _ rantee and certificates, to O V. C. C. * C. Co., FAYKTTitTTLT.g, N.U., or to Local Agt. mar-11 FITS CURED FREE. Any person suffering from the above disease is re quested to address Dr. Price, and a trial bottle of med icine will be forwarded by Express, FREE! the only cost being the Express charges, which, owing to my large business, arc small. Dr. Price has made the treatment of Fits or Epi lepsy a study for years, and he will warrant a cure by the use of his remedy. Do not tail to send to him for a trial bottle; it costs nothing, and he WILL CURE YOU, no matter of how long standing your case may be, or how many other remedies may have failed. Cir culars and testimonials sent with Free Trial Bottle. Be particular to give your Express, as well as your Post Office direction, and Address, DR. CHAS. T. PRICE, mar ly. 67 William St.. New York. A MILL FINDINGS WWW ra BR3NNER jan-tf SEEDS FOR 1875. J. M. THOKBURK S. CO., 15 John Street, New York, Will mail to applicants, free of charge, their new Catalogues of VEGETABLE SEEDS. FIELD SEEDS. TREE SEEDS. FLOWER SEEDS, SPRING BULBS, Jan-St Etc., Etc., Etc. Job Printing- AT LOW PRICES. COUHTRY WOM SOLICITED. BUOCHaa BKTOND OOM® XTlTlOir. Nellis’ Patent Eflh ■ TM« Tt« tbs apptwaj of FtnUr »n« ■ A *:acts trial at the ■ I or Cor.a9rma ita »tr--r - h, to«- u and ■ adraatacea cr.r anr Io markrt w . ar. t' Md ■ to .opplr th. trad, at rr.irk-t p-s«*. <•rJ’-ra aad ■ Orders re.paetftil.y Mriieued. Adlr». W A. J. NELLIS A CO., Pa. C7*A’.»a. a*fr« 1 Iron, of all kind* H ■ anl .trea. to wit: R.-wpa, Beraxra, Bull K I Siorrla. Pea Via* Camera, Be.. gt«.l M, br NaiU*' Pm can* t* nut aU **iL —'—;— Oct-»t PLANTS, FLOWERS, FRUITS! GREENHOUSE AND BEDDING PLANTS, Flowering Shrubs & Evergreens, FRUIT TREES, Pears, Peaches, Apples, Cherries, etc., etc., All of the very best varieties, adapted to the South ern States, AT VERY LOW RATES. Hyacinths, Tulips, Crocus, Iris, Jonquils, LILIES, GLADIOLUS, TUBEROSES, Etc. Plants and Bulbs SENT FREE BY MAIL, in perfect order, at Catalogue rates. Send for our Catalogues. CHAS. F. GAILMARD & CO., ATLANTA, (P. O. Box 425) GEORGIA. jan—tf SUGAR CREEK PAPER MILLS. WM. MCNAUCHT & co. Office 86 Whitehall St. Atlanta, Ga. MAMUFACTURERB OF Book, News, Colored —and— Wrapping Paper. Highest market price paid for Cotton and Linen Rags, Pure White Paper Shavings, Hemp Bagging, And other Paper Stock. See “ Rural Southerner” for specimen of paper. dec!2-ly. Lewis H. Clarke, DEALER IN FASHIONABLE HATS, CAPS AND FURS, UMBRELLAS, Trunks, Velises, Canes, Etc., No 6 Whitehall Street, JAMES’ BANK BLOCK, Next to Railroad Crossing, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. terms are Cash, and consequently will sell cheaper. jan-2t Mv annual catalogue of Vegetable and Flower Seed for 1875. will b»- ready by January Ist for all who apply. Customers of iaat season need not write for it. In it will be found several valuable varieties of new vegeta bles introdnred for the first time this season, having made new vegetables a specialty for many years. Grow ing omt a hundred a*a fifty rariette* on my several farms. I would particularly Invite the patronage of market gardeners and all others who are especially desirous to have their seed pure and fresh, ana of the very best strain. All seed sent out from my establish ment are covered by three warrants as given in my catalogue. JAMES J. H. GREGORY, Mablehead, Mass. Jan—3t WKKD SEWING MACHINE IS THE BEST! —=why ?=— Because it has the best Shuttle. Because it has a large Balance Wheel, causing it to run light. Because it will sew every kind of goods and thread. Because it is never taken apart to oil or clean, thus making it impossible to get out of order. Because it does not soil the work or the gar ments of the operator. Because it has no cogs. Because there is not a single spring motion in it. Because it does not waste thread. Because you need not oil nor soap goods or thread before stitching. Because it has so much space under foot and arm. Because it makes a stitch alike on both sides. Because the tension never changes when run ning it. Because the needle is easier set than in any other. Because none of its parts ever break in use. Because it will sew from finest to heaviest without change. Because the seam is elastic, and does not break or draw after washing. Because the most delicate woman has strength to run it. Because it is the latest improved Shuttle Ma chine. Agents Wimtecl. Energetic men wanted to sell the Weed Sew ing Machine in every town and county. Address WEED SEWING MACHINE CO., july-ly Savannah, Georgia. PLANT Seed. Company (ESTABLISHED IN 1845.) SUCCESSORS TO BROTHER. PLANT’S Warranted Garden Seeds! Have now been sold in the South and West thirty years. OUR AIM FOR 1875 Is to supply every Fanner and Gardener his GARDEN SEEDS BY MAIL. Send for our Catalogue and Price List for 1875. Address, PLANT MEED CO., Sept—-4mos st, Louis, Missouri. Published Quarterly. January Number just u ued, and contains over 100 Pages, 500 Engravings, descrintions of more than 500 of our best Flowers and Vegetables, with Directions for Culture, Colored A .T 8 ' e s c - *he most useful and elegant work of « , < *, n wor W-——Only 35 cents for the year. Pubaihed in English and German. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y.