The rural southerner & plantation. (Atlanta, Georgia) 1866-18??, April 01, 1875, Page 12, Image 12

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12 APRIL sth Don’t delay to buy a bond of the INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION CO. Don’t compare it with a Lottery; bear in mind that the Capital invested is always secured. Every Bond purchased before April sth will participate in the Fourth Se ries Drawing, to be held publicly in the City of New York, on Monday, April sth, 1875. Bonds are S2O Each! This Loan is issued on a novel plan, and is authorized by special act of the Legislature of the State of New York. CAPITAL PRIZE, $100,000! Circulars giving full explanations will be sent, free of charge, on appli cation. l ? or Bonds and full information, ad dress, without delay, MOR6ENTHAU, BRUNO & CO., Financial Agents, 23 Park Row, New York, or PHIIYLJPS & CJREW, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Remit by Draft on N. Y. City Banks, Registered Let ter or P. O. Money Order. jan-3nios THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MISERY, Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope. Price ins cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Cure of Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, Invol untary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impedi ments to Marriage gem-rally ; Nervousness, Con sumption, Epilepsy, and tits ; Mental & Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abuse, Ac., —Bv ROBERT J. CULVERWELL, M. I)., Author of the “ Green Book,” Ac. The world renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves troin his own experience that the awful conse quences ot Self-Abuse may be effectually re moved without medicines, and without danger ous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual by which every suf ferer, no matter what his condition may be, inav cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. I his Lecture w ill prove a boon to thousands and thousands. - Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Culverweirs “Marriage Guide,” price 25 cents. Address the Publisher, J. COWDEN, apl tit P. <>. ih x «>2, Prospect, Butler Co., Pa. I* A genu wanted. All classes ww LU WtaiV of working people of ix>th sexes, young and old. make more money at work for ns. in their own localities, during their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else. \\ e offer employment that will jiay handsomely for every hour's work. Full particulars, terms, etc., sent free. Send tie your ad drvea at once. Don’t delav. Now is the time Don't look for work or business ••!«<«h-rv. nntil von have learned what we offer. G Stin*on A Co , Portland. Me. tV* Permanent employment at liberal pay offered young men, ladies, teachers and clergymen in every town and county. Send for circular to SOUTHERN PUBLISHING co., Vur Pryor and Mitchell Sts , Atlant*, G*. ■f® sw. SOTWEK & WATM WATERS 5 CONCERTO PARLOR ORGANS are the most beautiful in st yl® and perfect in tone ever made. The CO N ■ wHfffl CJEJRTO STOP is the best IlikßC.lWjjSg!, ever placed in any 'Organ#' It is produced by fl W 011 extra set of reeds pe- 1 culiarly voiced, the E FFE CT of which is I CHAJRIHING SOUL STIR- m im ■ HWI ITATION of the HU- i 938 lit VOICE is SU- t Mi |J PEIiB« Terms liberal. WATERS’ ' Philharmonic Vesper and Orchestral ADC AMQ tn UNIQUE FRENCH WNw W Xln O jCASES, are amrrq the best made, and combine PURITY of VOICING I with great volume of tone. Suitable for PARLOR, CHURCH, or MUSIC HALL. WATERS’ New Scale PIANOS ! have great power and a fine singling tone, with all modern improvements, and are the BEST PIANOS MADE. These Organs and Pianos are warranted for 6 years. PRICES EXTREMELY LOW for cash or part cash, and balance in monthly or quarterly pay ment* .Second-hand instruments taken in exchange. AG ENTS WANTED iu every County in the U. S. anil Canada. A liberal discount to Teachers,Ministers,Churches,Schools,Lodges etc. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES MAILED. HORACE WATERS & SON, ; 481 Broadway, New York. P. O. Box 3567. TESTIMONIALS OF WATERS’ PIANOS AND ORGANS. The Waters Pianos are known as among the very I beat. We are enabled to speak of these instruments : with confidence, from personal knowledge.— New York j Evangelist. We can speak of the merits of the Waters Pianos I from personal knowledge, as being of the very best I quality.— Christian Intelligencer. Waters’ Concerto Parlor Organ possesses a beau i tiful and peculiarly soft tone. The concerto stop is, i without doubt, the best ever placed in any organ. It is i produced by an extra set of reeds, peculiarly voiced, I from which the effect is most charming, and its imita! ' tion of the human voice is superb. For sweetness Os j tone and orchestral effects it has no equal.— N. Y. Times The Waters Concerto Parlor Organ.—We are glad to chronicle any new thing or any improvement upon an old one that tends to popularize music by ren dering its study either easier or more attractive. Lately our attention has been called to a new patented stop ' added to the Waters Reed Organ, called the concerto stop. It is so voiced as to have a tone like a full, rich, alto voice ; it is especially “ human ”in its tone. It is powerful, as well as sweet, and when we heard it we were in doubt whether we liked it best in solo or with full organ. We regard this as a valuable addition to the Reed Organ.—.Runw New Yorker. 500 PIANOS & ORGANS New and second-hand, of first-class makers, will be sold at lower rates for cash, or on installments, or for rent, in city or country, during this month, by HOR ACE WATERS it SON, 481 Broadway, than ever before I offered in New York. Agents wanted to sell Waters’ ' New Scale Pianos atd Concerto Organs. Illustrated i Catalogues mailed. Great inducements to the trade. A i large discount to Teachers,Ministers, Churches,Lodges, etc. WATERS PHILHARMONIC ORGANS, ■I |k 11 Ik i iSSa in unique French Cases, are among the best made, ai.d combine purity of voicing with great volume of tone, suitable for Parlor, Church, or Music Ball. WATERS’ VESPER ORGANS ~' iWr ' I^MWW|F^ P S n Walnut Cases of unique French Design having Lamp or Flower Stands, Book Cloaeta, with Jock and key, and Patent Double Forte Swell, beautifully voiced and capable of a great variety of fine musicel effects Are allowed by competent judges to be among the best and cheapest Reed Organs ever offered to the public. HORACE WATERS & SON, 481 Broadway, X. Y. P. 0. Box 3567. AR RF A T AFF F R I Horace Waters & MnLn I Ur I L n i Sous, 481 Broadway, jNew lork, will dispose of 100 Pianos and Organs of first-class makers, including vVaters, at extremely low prices for cash, or part cash, and balance in small monthly payments. The same to let. WATERS’ New SCALE PIANO are the best made; the touch elastic, and a fine sinking tone, powerful, pure and even. WATERS’ Concerto ORGANS cannot be excelled in tone or beauty ; they defy compe tition. The Concerto Stop is a fine Imitation of the Human Voice. Prices extremely low for cash this month. Monthly installments received; on Pianos, $lO to sls; Organs, $4 to $8; monthly after first deposit. Agents wanted A liberal discount to Teachers, Ministers, Churches, Schools, Lodges, etc. Special inducements to the trade. Illustrated Catalogues mailed for 8 cent stamp. ECHOES FROM ZION. Things New and Old in Sacred Song. Edited by M . F. Sherwin. For Prayer, Praise aud Revival Meet ings, comprising the leading favorite songs, with many choice new ones. The most desirable collection of Devotional Hymns and Music ever issued. It contains 128 handsome pages. Price, paper, 25 cants, S2O per 100. Boards 30 cents. $25 per 100. Cloth, flexible; 35 cents, S3O per 100. Mailed at retail prices. Publishers HORACE WATERS & SON, 481 Broadway, New York Box 3567. Songs & Grace B Glory The very best Sunday-School Song Book. By W F Sherwin and S. J. Vail. 160 pages, Splendid Hymns, Choice Music, Tinted Paper, Superior Binding. Price in Paper Covers, 25 cents. Boards 35 cents ; $3.60 per dozen ; S3O per 100. Specimen copies mailed at retail price. Publishers, HORACE WATERS & SONS, 481 Broadway, New York. P. O. Box 3567. Th iKimii's Directory) r pHE undersigned have in preparation a NURSERY 1. MAN S DIRECTORY, embracing a list of the Nurserymen, Florists, Seedsmen and Tree Dealers of the United States. The-Work will be sold wholly by subscription, the price of which will be FIVE DOLLARS PER COPY. A limited space will be given to advertisements, at the following low rates: Full page, - - - $26.00 I One-third page, • SIO.OO Hall “ ... 14.00 | One-fourth “ - 8.00 One-sixth page, $5.50. For sample pages and further information, address D. W. SCOTT & CO., Printers and Publishers. _aprjt Galena, BhL- E. N. FRESHMAN, ADVKRTISINO AGENT, 190 WEST FOURTH ST., czisrcizxrnsrjvTi, ohio, IS authorized to contract for advertising in this pa per. Estimates furnished free. Send for a Circular. apr-8t pr " pr{r<nr Penn’a Agricultural Works, I Fek J. York. >•«--'«. I f jMK / M Manufucturer of Jmp'dStandard j Ta y R^. l !. Agricultural Implements / SOUTHERN TOOLS A SPECIALTY! Send for Illustrated Catalogue. janly 1,000 I Farmers and Farmers’ Sons Wanted immediate ly to engage in a business that will pay from j .*2 to $lO per day. Apply at once to SOUTHERN PUBLISHING CO., Cor. Pryor and MitchellSts., Atlanta, Ga. FLOWER Spooner’s Prize Flower Needs, erURC Spooner's Boston Market VEGETABLE SEEDS. VFGFTARI F D<-«criptive Priced Catalogue, w w jth over 150 ilhistrations, mailed : free to applicant. SEEDS. W. H. SPOONEH, Boston, Macs. jan-3t Bloomington nursery. Bloomington, iid.- F K. Ph<enix Spring Lhta free, or the set of four catalogues poet free for twenty cent*. jan-3t MINISTERS, tend for Descriptive Circular- of our Religious Books, Southern Publlahlng Co. At i 'anta. Ga CONSUMPTION CURED. To the Editor of Rural Southerner and Plantation : Estbemed Friend— Will you please inform your readers that I have a positive CURE FOR CONSUMPTION and all disorders of the Throat and Lungs, and that by its use in my practice, I have cured hundreds of cases and will give SI,OOO oo for a case it will not benefit. Indeed, so strong is my faith, I will send a Sample, free, to any sufferer ad dressing me. Please show this letter to any one you may know who is suffering from these diseases, and oblige, Faithfully Yours, DR. T. F. BURT, mar 6m.69 William St., New York. MOT-GUNS, RIFLES, BEVOLVFRS, Os any ud every kind. Send etamp for Catalogue. Addreee Great Western Gun and Revolver Works, Pittsburgh. Pa. apr-9t , new and beautiful 3-page Songs and Instrumental pieces, by popular composers, just published. Richardson & Co., Music Pub lishers, 112 Washington St., Boston, Ms. ap-3t A Fortune for $1! Positively the Last Postponement, One Gift is Guaranteed to one of every eleven consecutive numbers. $50,000 for ONE DOLRAR! “NOW IS YOUR TIME.” DAME FORTUNE HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES 500 000 Tickets at $1 each, numbered from 1 to 500,000 inclusive. The exceedingly low price of Tickets brings it within the reach of all. Grand Gift Concert In Aid of Public Improvements in the City Os Denison, Texas. ramWMHTlSifflfflM WILL GIVE A GRAND CONCERT MONDAY, March 31, 1875, And will distribute to the Ticket Holders $250,000 IN GIFTS! Depository, First National Bank, Denison! Distribution to commence immediately after the Con cert. Managers of the Distribution chosen by the Ticke Holders hna Prominent Citizens. LIST OF GIFTS : 1 Grant! Cash Gifts 50,000 1 “ “ “ 25,000 1 “ “ “ 15,000 1 “ “ “ 10,000 1 ‘‘ ‘‘ “ 5,000 1 ' i 6oq 10 “ “ “ SSOO each, ’ 5! 000 ‘ ‘ ‘ 250 each 5,000 30 “ “ “ ISO each 4,500 50 ‘ “ 100 each 5,000 100 “ “ “ 50 each 5,000 100 “ “ “ 25 each 2,500 2<'O “ “ “ 20 each 4 0(X) 8 0 ,> “ “ “ 10 each 5,000 1.000 6 each 6.000 1,500 “ “ “ 2X each.. .. 8.750 16,2.50 “ “ •• 1 each 46,250 49,767 Grand Cash Gifts, amounting t 0.5200,000.5200,000 22 Prizes in Real Estate, amounting U).. ... 50 000 49,789 Gifts, amounting t 05250,000 Please address us for circulars giving references and full particulars. A statement of the Distribution will be published'and forwarded to ticket holders, and all gifts will he promptly paid after the distribution. Good and Responsible Persons Wanted to work for the interests of this Association. LIBERAL COMMISSIONS ALLOWED. HOW TO REMIT TO US .Vunry should be sent by Express or by Draft, Post Ojfice Money Order or Registered Leiter. Address all communications to ALPHEIS R. COLLINS, See’y, DENISON, TEXAS FOTTTZ’S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS, Xvill cure or prevent Disease. jau—ly