The rural southerner & plantation. (Atlanta, Georgia) 1866-18??, April 01, 1875, Page 13, Image 13

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u. s. PIANO CO. $390. It costs less than S3OO to make any S6OO Piano sold through agents, all of whom make 100 per cent, profit. We have no agents, but ship direct to families at factory , r We' make ohly one style and have but one price. Two Hundred and Ninety Dollars net cash, with no discount to dealers or commissions to teachers. Our lumber is thoroughly seasoned —our cases are Double Veneered with Rosewood—have front round corners, serpentine bottom and carved legs. We use the full iron plate with overstrung bass—French Grand Action with top dampers, and our keys are of the best ivory with ivory fronts. Our Piano has seven octaves, is 6 feet 9 inches long, 3 feet 4 inches wide, and weighs when boxed, 955 pounds. Every Piano is fully warran ted for five years. Send for illustrated Circular in whyh we refer to over I 000 Bankers, Merchants, &c., (some of whom you may know,) using our Pianos in 47 States and Territories. Please state where you saw this notice. U»S. PIANO CO., 810 BROADWAY, N. Y. mar—ts. RE-A R M S —AND— SEWING MACHINES! New Double-Barreled Breech-Loading Shot Guns, Snap and Positive Action, with patent Joint Check—a marvel of beauty, finish, and cheapness ; the celebrated Remington Rifles— adopted by nine different Governments, and renowned throughout the world for military, hunting and target purposes; Pistols, Rifle Cades, Metalic Cartridges, etc. Also, manufacturers of the new Remington Sewing Machines! To which was awarded the Medal of Progress of the late Vienna Exposition. This machine has sprung rapidly into favor as the best made machine in the world, and pos sessing the best combination of good qualities, namely: light running, smooth, noiseless, rapid durable, with perfect lock stitch. Send for circulars. E. REMINGTON & SONS, dec-ly Ilion, New York. HI s>5T- f ' ; • T^^i^ v /nE-::^v COR. BROAD AND ALABAMA STREETS, - GEORGIA. A STANDARD INSTITUTION. UIIGESnBEST PRICTIUL BUSINESS SCHOOLISOUTH, CONDUCTED ON ACTUAL BUSINESS PRINCIPLES. SUPPLIED with Banking and other Offices, combining every known facility for imparting a thorough Practical and Systematic knowledge of the science of accounts in the shortest possible time, and at the least expense. BBT This is the only Business School in the City presided over by a Business Man and Practical Accountant, any other making such pretentions is a fraud and imposition on the public. Our reference, the leading Bankers and Business Men of this City. MT No Classes, Students admitted at any time. Catalogues containing Terms. Ac., mailed Dec to any address B. F. MOORE, A. M., President miTOLSWBmK & HMTIOX GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY OF GEORGIA With a particular description of her Rich Diamond District, her Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, Iron, Coal, Kaolin, Graphite, Mica, Fire Clay, Corundum, Man ganese, Slate, Marble, etc., ect., etc. This work is accompanied with a perfect Topo graphical and Geological Map, with a profile showing the geology of the country, which will be of great value as a reference to persons hunting for minerals, etc. It shows the new countries and new railroads, which every farmer, mechan ic and merchant ought to have for reference, as they can see at a glance where the different met als, gems and precious stones, coal, and also cre taceous and postpliocene tertiary or silurian fos sils may be found. It is the only geological map of the State that has ever been published, and is worth more than twice the price of the hook. Conditions.—lt is printed from new type, comprised in one 16mo. volume of nearly 250 pages, and will be sent by mail, post paid, to any address, on receipt of One Dollar. Address, SOUTHERN PUBLISHING CO., Atlanta, Ga. WIRE RINCS. .Will not Runt or make the NN llog’a None Sore. V X. A Hardware Dealers sell them. ” V linger, tl.00; Tin Bings, per V 100, 60c 4 Coppered Hings, 60c - • ' r ” n R H - tl by mail, I postpaid. Circulars free. W. Util «L Co. Decatur.HL Sept—Onios ISM HYGIENIC HOTEL —AND— HEALTH INSTITUTE, 13 t 15 LAI3H" STMZT, HZW TOBZ. Thia well-known house is convenient of access from all parts of the city, six lines of Ijorse cars passing near the door. The table is supplied with the best kinds of food healthfully prepared, special attention being paid to breads, fruits, farinaceous foods, vegetables, etc This house is noted for its pleasant parlors, and the cheerful, home-like feeling which prevails. Connected with the Hotel are Turkish Baths, the Swedish Move inent-Cure, Electric Baths, etc. Circulars free. Herald of Health, with Shakspeare Premium. $2.00 a year. DRS. WOOD & HOLBROOK, mar—6t Proprietors. SUBSCRIBERS TO Our Own Fireside have choice of any of the following articles for a pre mium, viz.: One of the Following Chromos, ■■Mischievous eAttack,’’ 15x18. After Reinharts’ S6OO Painting. ‘ Edmonson’s Fruit,” 14x17. The best Fruit Chromo made. “Cross Triumphant,” 14x17. The best Chromo of Cross and Flowers, or a GOLD SCREW PENCIL, or 81. ACK WOOD'S DRESS SKIRT ELEVA i TOR, or one copy of “I’ll K MX >N T A NAS.” | Buying the Paintings of celebrated artists, and hav ■ ing our own Chromo Plates made, we have better pic : turns than those offered by other publishers. The Gold Pencil has a Patent Screw which lengthens and shortens it It is lour inches long when open. It { retails for sl. When ordered as a premium ten cents ex tra must be enclosed to pay for mailing in a registered letter. j The fashionable effect of drawing the skirts a trifle ' back is produced by the Elevator. One simp’e motion ; elevates the skirt, another lowers and extends it. The largest trail dresses can be worn with comfort and ! cleanliness. When selected as a premium, 10 cents ex tra must be Bent for mailing same. “THE MONTANAS” I* a Novel, written by Mrs. I Saliie J. Battey. “This is an interesting story well i told, full of the pure heartedness and high heartedness of Its most excellent author.” This lx>ok will be sent by mail on receipt of $1.25. When selected as a premium, 10 cents extra must be ent for mailing. YOIfwANT Our Own Fireside FOR ITS GOOD STORIES! FOR ITS FASHION ARTICLES! FOR ITS MISCELLANY! FOR ITS HOUSEHOLD NEWS ! For Its PURCHASING DEPARTMENT, Through which every desirable article in New York is furnished at the lowest rates without extra charge. “OUR OWN FIRESIDE” IS A HOME •JOURNAL FOR TH Fl RESIDE, : Almost In Its fourth year. Sixteen large pages, with ' illustrations. Price. $1.50 a year. j E\cry subscriber having choice of one of the desira ! blc articles above named, makes this paper the cheapest published. sub sc ni be no w. ues Canvassers Wanted IN THIS VICINITY FOR THE ABOVE PAPER. Send three cent stamp for sample copy. Address*. 01R OW.W FIRESIDE Pl BUSHING CO., Roon 4, StN BVILDIX'.. N. Y. ANY ARTICLE PURCHASED FOR YOU! Ladies', Gentlemen s, or Children's Garments, any Household Goods. Musical Instrument, or Fancy Article. ANYTHING YOU WANT, AND WITHOUT EXTRA CM ARO E. Send three cent stamp for circular. Address, PURCHASING AGENCY OF “OUR OWN FIRESIDE,” augly Room 4. Suu Building, N, Y. Strange But True! The Toong' Qua Cucumber grows to weigh 70 pounds each and line quality. 15 cents per seed; 10 seeds, sl. Snake Cucumber grows from 2to 8 feet long, and coils like a snake. 20 cts. per paper. Per sian Watermelon. Very superior, and keeps per fectly fresh and sweet throughout the winter. 20 cents per paper. Strawberry Watermelon, finest in cultivation: 200 prizes: 10 cents per paper. Japan Radish. Pods 2 feet long, and delicious; 15 cents per paper. Mammoth Cabbage. Heads weigh from 20 to 60 pounds each: tender and sweet: 10 cents per paper. Conqueror Tomato, ten days earlier than any other variety; 25 cents per paper. JAPAN PE AS.— 2OO bushels per acre on common land; unequalcd for stock or table use: grows on an upright stalk. 15 cents per paper, 50 cents per pint, 80 cents per quart. CHUFAS.— Furnish grazing all summer and food for yourself all winter; fine lor poultry, and fattens more hogs than ten times the area in corn ; 150 bushels per acre on poorest land. 10 cents per paper, 10 cents per pint. 75 cents per quart. $lO pe,r bushel. ROSE SLIPS— With good roots, of any variety the purchaser may choose, at 4 for 50 cents. 9 for sl, 20 for $2. 100 for $9 Also, potato, cabbage and other plants at low rates. Seeds and roses by mail, post paid. Send for our free catalogue, giving full list, descriptions and testimonials from those who have grown the above seeds. Address, SOUTHERN SEED & PLANT CO., Gallatin, Tcun. Lb Meschacebe says of us: “Their rare and prodi gious vegetables elicit the admiration of all who have the good fortune to visit their celebrated gardens at Gallatin. mar-3m. Mark W. Johnson, Woo W 4 Co. COTTON COMMISSION MERCHINTS, AND DBA! EKS IN Agricultural Implements, MACHINERY, FERTILIZERS, SEEDS, AND Improved LIVE Slock! SLATE ROOF WAREHOUSE, ATLANTA, - - GEORGIA. GENUINE BRAHMA EGGS FER DOZEN, $4.00. Large Stock of Amber Seed Corn, Baggcrly’s Prolific Corn, Mammoth Dent, Broom Corn ; also Doura Corn, very fine for Fowls, 50 cents per quart. Sorgo Seed, Japan Peas, Improved Cotton Seed, Grass and Clover Seed, Tobacco Seed, etc. Also, large stock of Guano, Agricultural imple ments, Wagons, Buggies, etc. Send for Price-list. MARK W. JOHNSON, WOODRUFF & CO., nmr Atlanta, Georgia. OPIUM HABIT CURED. A certain and sure cure, without inconvenience and at home. An Antidote that stands purely on ita own merits. Send for my quarterly magazine (it coats you nothing), containing certificates of hundreds that have been permanently cured. I claim to have discovered and produced the frtf, original, and only sure cure for opium easing. Dr. S. B. COLLINS. LaPorte. Ind. B. M. WOOLLEY, Sole Agent Southern States. Atlanta, Georgia. Vll flrat orders front the South for Medicine should be forwarded through him. Office in Park Med ical Institute, comer Broad and Mitchell Streets, At lanta. Ga. mar Wanted I 5,000 more subscribers for the Rural Southerner and Plantation—the farm ers' friend. S 1.00 per year; 50 cents for six months; 25 cents for three months; six copies $.500; fifteen copies for SIO.OO. Send in your names at once I 13