The rural southerner & plantation. (Atlanta, Georgia) 1866-18??, April 01, 1875, Page 16, Image 16

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16 SOUTHERN PUBLISHING CO.’S STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, Corner Pryor and Mil eliell fStroets, ATLANTA, ... GEORGIA. WJBtf I ill I BMW' 1 ■ |fff fl ill I ; Isl 11111 mtjl I ■ B fflilfflrnTuHunTilir^* p^^ißS^^OPl':::i lr ,|l l tl^ili'' ' ■ v I i MiiW 1111 1I I ? ~ llli ' ■ IP- II t i I I •■JP Mi U IB J 111 rill il*fltSl rI .« 'fl SB wfl! hUJBIeia JIMK !■ *’ -q I 'Sa | •F’Yij .BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, BOOK BINDERS, AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. ■ FIIHE best and most complete Publishing, Book and Job Printing Binding, Ruling, and Blank Book Mann I. fiM turing I'HtnblMiriH nt in the South, and the only House thut can compete with Northern Houses in price and mechanical execution. For specimens of our printing, see Sunny South (acknowledged by all to be the best printed paper in the United States), the Southern Medical Record, Woman’s Home Book of Health, etc., etc., etc. In removing to our new four-story brick building, we have increased our facilities, and at the same time reduced our expemes, which enables us to execute, in tirst-clasfi style, BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, BINDING, ETC., from 5t025 p< r cent, cheaper than can be done elsewhere. All work executed with dispatch and promptly delivered, Give us a trial, and Judge for yourselves. 2STCGI We have connected with our Publishing House one of the beat Designers and Engravers on wood in the country, thus euab'lng us to illuminate and execute, in the most artistic manner, all styles of Tint Work, either engraved or plain. Ornamental Colored Jobe, Fruit and Tobacco Labels, Show Cards of Machinery, Railroad Headings, Buildings, etc., etc. We therefore solicit orders lor all such work. Wood and Electrotype Cuts furnished on short notice. JOB We are prepared to execute, in a manner which will be sure to please, all kinds of JOB PRINTING such as .. BRIEFS, ENVELOPES, STATEMENTS, LETTERHEADS, POSTERS. PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, NOTE HEADS, HANDBILLS. LEGAI BLANKS. DODGERS. BILLHEADS, INVITATIONS, PLACARDS, TICKETS. All Orders from a distance will be filled, in all respects, as if the patron were present. <»ur BINDERY being supplied with the latest and Most Improved Machinery and Tools—and having the BEST WORKMEN employed we are prepared to furnish, at the lowest rates."and in the very best style, Blank Books, of any desired style or pattern, such ns Hills lading Books, Hotel Registers, Involve Books, County Record Books, Receipt* for Cotton on Storage, Docket Books, Note Books, I joh! Plats, Cotton Purchase Books. Journals. Receipts for Taxes. Pettv Ledgers, Cotton Journals. Orders of Court*. Receipts for Money, Ledgers. Cotton Forwarding Books, Consignment Books, Marriage Bonds. For Cash A Currency, Cotton Receipt Books, Promissory Notes, Marriage Licenses, Trial Ballance Book’s* Cotton Ixtdgvrs. Cash Books, Draft Books, Trial Dockets, Cotton Sals Books, Freight Ledgers. Cotton Abstract Books, Etc., Etc. Onlere sulk riled, Estimates cheerfully furnished, and satisfaction :uarant«ssi. WM. A. RAMSAY, President. r® nil sotmek & ww Agents Wanted for the Best, Cheapest, and the Bible that is Recommended by the Leading Men of the South as Superior to all Others. THE PICTORIAL HOME BIBLE, Devotional and Explanatory: CONTAINING THE OLD A i\D NEW TESTAMENTS, APOCRYPHA AND CONCORDANCE. Also. an Improved Classified Bible Dictionary, Analysis of the Bible, etc., with nearly One Hun dred Thousand Marginal References and Readings. The Text conformable to the Standard of the American Bible Society. Translated out of the original tongues, and with the former Translations diligently com pared and revised; with Companion Articles written expressly for this Edition by M. LAIRD SIMONS, Esq., and founded on the Standard Evangelical Authorities; the whole forming a Popular Cyclopedia explanatory of the Scriptures. A careful examination will convince you of the vast practical value, interest and importance of this Unequaled Edition of the Holy Bible for the Family, Its talented and accomplished Editor, whose People’s Edition of D'Aubigne’s History of the Great Reformation has been so favorably received, has made its preparation a labor of conscience and Christian love. 350 mLUSTFLAkTIOIVS. PUBLISHERS OF STANDARD SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS, The Apocrypha of the Old Testament—books of the Hebrews, written prior to the birth of Christ. A Concordance of leading words of Scripture. Marginal References, carefully verified, by whose use parallel passages explain each other. Illustrative Engravings, on steel, wood, and in colors. All of these tend to illustrate the letter or spirit of the sacred text. Many are from photographs in the East by travelers and missionaries; others from original designs by the best native and foreign artists. The Holy Bible and its history, the evidences of its Divine authority, the preservation of its texts, for mation of the Canon, ancient manuscripts and versions, English translations, etc. Analysis of the Bible, grouping together for de votional reading its own teachings about God, man, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Scriptures, Providence of God. the Christian life, the Sabbath, the Church and its ministry, family life, time and eter nity, life, death, resurrection, last judgment, heaven, hell. Books of the Old and New Testaments, with Apocrypha; a separate history of each book and writer, with analysis, comments, and tables of the Kings of Judah and Israel,|of probable occasion of each Psalm, of the Prophets, of each of the Prophecies, of the har mony of the four Gospels, of Sacred quotations, of parables, miracles and discourses, of titles of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, prayers, origin of nations. Animals of the Holy Bible— a description of every creature mentioned, with their characteristics. Trees, Plants, Flowers, and Fruits of the Holy Scriptures— a popular but exhaustive article on the past and present vegetation of the Holy Land. Eastern Manners and Customs— a vivid expla nation of many obscure parts of Scripture, by ref erences of travelers to the present mode of life in the East. The Forty Years* Wanderings, in the light of recent travels. Jewish Worship- its type's explained an illus tration of the. harmony of the Divine Law, as success v lely revealed in the Old and New Testaments. ?«-■*' This is the only Bible that has a Patent Adjuatable Photographic Album, which is a new and hit' r» sting feature. It relieves the book from all strain and breakage, as in the old method of binding, it com prise- four highly-ornamented quarto pages, with openings for 16 card pictures, inserted in a recess in the lid or c >vcr of the Bible, and can be removed at pleasure. The inestimable value and great satisfaction of preserving lor generations the portraits of beloved members of the family circle is apparent to all; and this home-like feature alone is a strong inducement for the head of a family to give his order to an agent for a copy of the Best Family Bible published in America. fSTOur agents deliver this superior edition of the Bible at the homes of patrons for less than ordinary Bibles, especially when its superior merits are considered. Persons wishing a copy of this Bible, can write the Publishers, and they will have an agent call on them. AGEN TS WANTED.— We offer great inducements to agents wishing to canvass for the best Bible pub lished. Our own agents, and many agents for other Publishers, are selling this Bible, and say it is the cheapest, bes». and fastest-seliing Bible in the market, and is the only Bible that gives general satisfaction. vanning Book Free to Working Agents. Write promptly for circulars and terms. Address, SOUTHERN PUBLISHING COMPANY, Atlanta. Ga. BINGLEY’S NATURAL HISTORY; A Library of Pleasing Anecdote and Graphic Description, treating of the habits and peculiarities of nearly every known species of Animal Life, Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Insects, Reptiles, Mollusca and Animalcule, etc. By BEV. WM. BINGLEY, Jk. M. The accomplished scholar, eminent divine, and popular author of “Memoirs of British Quadrupeds,’’ “Animal Biography ’’ “ Useful Knowledge,” etc., etc. This work is the result of years of close observation and laborious research on the part ot an ardent lover and most careful student of Nature, aided by the extensive labors of Cuvier, Buffon, Wood, Dallas. Wilson, Audubon, Bonaparte, Nuttall, Agassiz, Jardine, Brewer and others. The work is written in a style that any one who can read can understand. This subject is one of imm/zw range and inexhawdtbte interest to every inquiring mind, speaking, as it does, of nearlv every existing species of Animal Life that the Great Creator has made to live upon the face of the earth. here we find the whole Monkey family (man's first cousin, according to Darwin), from t e powerful and savage Ouran-Outan to the mischievous Squirrel and White-nosed species. Nearly ALL OF NATURE THAT BREATHES is herein minutely described, and their thousand and one singular pecul J Parities and curious habits in the moat fascinating manner forcibly illustrated by means of the most interesting anecdotes, some ludicrous in the extreme, many marvelous, others thrilling in their scenes of terrible danger, and others still full of fond affection, etc. It is a booa that proves a treasure in every household and to evkby member of it. It is also the only really comprehensive low’-nriced w ork on the subject published in the country. « ft is a l>ook that, considering its size, nearly 1100 rery large octavo pages, the wealth of its illustrations, some 1070, and the excellence of its mechanical execution, must commend itself at once to all as remarkably low in price PRICE— In Extra English cloth, beveled boards, plain edges, new, elegant designs, enamel, and g01d,....54.5() In American Morocco, marbled edges 5.50 AGENTS WANTED, Address, SOU THERN PUBLISHING CO., Atlanta, G-a. AGENTS WANTED. Young men in the country can have permanent and profitable employment. Teachers can make more than double as much by canvassing for our books as by teaching. Women succeed as well as men. Terms very liberal and no risk. It is sold only through Agents, to whom exclusive territory is given. If unable to canvass yourself, please oblige us by showing this paper to some Teacher, Stu dent, or any intelligent person, either male or female, whom you may think likely to undertake the business. Young men, by canvassing for useful books, educate themselves in that knowledge of men and things which is so essential to every business man, but which can only be obtained by travel and observation. One year's experience in selling books is worth more to a young man who expects to engage in business, than four years of college life. Send for circulars and terms to Agents. Address SOUTHERN PUBLISHING CO., Atlanta, Ga. A PORTION OF THE CONTENTS OF THE PICTORIAL HOME BIBLE: Idols and Idolatry of the Ancients, in Egypt Canaan, Phoenicia, Babylon, Assyria, Greece, and Rome. Countries and Nations of the Bible— a geo graphical and historical outline of Egypt, Syria, Meso potamia, Armenia. Babylonia and Chnlnea, Assyria, Media and Persia, Asia Minor, Greece, Rome. The Holy hand— its mountains, hills, lakes, val leys, streams and towns—an exhibit of its appropriate ness to be the scene of the ministry of the Saviour. The City and Environs of Jerusalem -its past glory and present wretchedness, in accordance with Hie latest scientific explorations in Palestine. Historical Connection of the Old and New Testaments— the history of Judea, from the reforma tion by Nchetniah, through Its conquest by Alexander the Great, oppression by Antiochus Epiphanes, inde pendence achieved by the Maccahees, partial conquest by the Romans, and final iron rule by Herod the Great. Bible Prophecies and their Fulfillments, in the life of our Lord : Israel as a nation; Egypt; Arabia; Shem, Ham and Japeth ; the cities of Sidon, Tyre, Nineveh, Babylon and Damascus; the Amala kites, Ammonites, Edomites and Moabites; the Assy rian, Persian, Grecian and Roman empires. Immanuel, Our Lord Jesus Christ, the per son, office, and life-work of t* e God-Man. The Missionary Journeys of the Apostle Paul. The Bible in Historical Order— every chapter arranged as a consecutive narrative, founded upon Townsend's Harmony of the Old Testament, Arch bishop Thomson's Harmony of the Gospels, Conybeare and Howson’s Life of St. Paul, etc. Chronological index to the Holy Bible; with the principal events of the profane history, according to Abp. Usher, compared with the latest chronologlsts. Key to the Antiquated Words of Scripture; defining those which are obsolete, and those not used in their ancient significations.