The rural southerner & plantation. (Atlanta, Georgia) 1866-18??, May 01, 1875, Page 16, Image 16

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16 Honda, ns. A SPECIALTY. ♦ I HAVE spared neither pains or expense in breeding this superior bird; and I can now warrant them Th.oi-oxigb.k>recl and perfect in every respect, and equal to the best strains in the country. Eggs for sale. Warranted fresh and true to name. $3 per setting of 13. Chicks from sls to S3O per trio, consisting of One Cock and Two Pullets. Write for particulars. Address F. A. STRATTON, BREEDER, apr-6m Worcester, Mass. I . __ _ LAWRENCE’S PiTENT EXHIBITION CAGE. Get the Beet, which is always the Cheapest. ♦ _ r | HUB Cage is the strongest, most easily set up, and 1 the lightest Exhibitiin Cage now made. In fact, the only desirable one for a club, or persons wishing a large or small number. This cage has been adopted by the NEW ENGLAND POULTRY CLUB, and Maine State Poultry Club, and is now in use by the Massachusetts Association ; also by the Maine State and Penobscot County Associations, and highly recommended by the National Poultry Association. Send in your orders at once and be prepared for The Coming Fair. Send for Price-Lists, etc. Address E. P. LAWRENCE, Manufacturer, apr-3m Worcester, Mass. PLYMOUTH ROCKS • [Tht Hol man Stock.] A. NEITHER pains or expense liave been spared in breeding these choice fowls, and they are u arranted pure bred, perfect In feathwr-marking, and will throw chickens equal to the best strains in the country. I have also bred a few CHOICE LIGHT BRAHMAS, Also Thoroughbred BROWN LEGHORNS (Wheeler’s Stock). The above fowls are all of premuim stock. Eggs for sale. Price $3 per dozen. Fowls and Ch.ckens a mat ter of correspondence. Send for particulars Address Rl Fl’S HOLMAN, Breeder of Choice Poultry, apr-Sm* Leicester, Mam. ADVERTISING: Cheap: Good Systenwifii. All" persons who contemplate making contracts with newspapers for the insertion of advertisements, should send 2ft cents to Geo. P. Rowell & Co., 41 Park. Row, New York, for their Pampuurt Book (ninety seventh edition), containing lists of over 2,000 newspa pers ami estimates, showing the cost. Advertisements taken for leading papers in many States at a tremendous reduction from publishers' rates. Get the book. NEW YORK TRIBUNE’ “ The Leading American Newspaper.” THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. Daily, $lO a year. Semi-weekly, SI. Weekly. $2. Postauk FKEK to thk Si hs< lUBIK. Specimen topies and Advertising Ratos free. Weekly, in .clubs of 30 or more,only sl,postage paid. AddressTwbTribune. N.Y. jE>vire Bred < alves, Sheep, Premium Berkshire and Chester White Tig*. Bred and for sale by FRANCIS MORRIS. Office 18 N. 13th St., Philadelphia, l*a. H«pu-4t J". ZB. Davis, Northboro, Mass., HRFb'DEK OF AW DEALKIi /.V PUKE BRED LIGHT AND DARK BRAHMAS, BROWN LECHORNS, PARTRIDGE COCHINS AND DOMINIQUES. *| Hl F>K birds an-Firxi l*r< • lim'd. > md a p,- t . I ’ nt i throw chicks equal team strain in (h«> country. Egg> warranted pvrt.vtlv fr> >ik. anti kv.l wl. per dozen Fowls and . hi< ks a matter of correspond rm*. Si nd for what you want. Addn »s ab apt 6xu ■rffi WAL-SWWM WMTIOK ATLANTA MARKET. CORRECTED TO MAY 1, 1875. GRAIN. Corn—while ...$ 105 Tennessee White 1 02 Wheat-white 1 35al 45 amber 1 30al 40 red 1 20al 25 Oats—white 80 Peas 1 50al 75 Corn meal 1 05 Grits, per bbl 6 50a7 00 FLOUR. Superfine $ 525 “• Extra 6 00a6 25 Family 6 25a6 50 Extra 6 75a7 00 Fancy 7 25a7 50 Buckwheat Flour, per bbl $lO 00 , HAY. Timothy , $ 160 Tennessee ~.. 1 25al 35 Clover , 125 PROVISIONS. Bacon—clear sides 14 C. R. sides 13% Shoulders 10% Sugar-cured hams, new.. .t 14%a15 Bulk—clear sides 13% C.R. sides ’. 12%a13 Shoulders 9% Hams 12% Bacon hams 16%a17 Lard—tierces 16a16% Kegs and cans 18 Buckets 18 Mackerel—No. 3, per bbl 11 00 No. 3, per kit 1 20 No. 2, per one-half bbl 5 50a6 00 No. 2, per kit 1 50 No. 1, per one-half bbl 7 75 No. 1, per kit 1 75 GROCERIES. Coffee—Rio, per lb 22a24 Laguira 26 O. G. Java... 38 Sugar—A, per lb 11% Extra C White 11% Yellows 10 alo% N. O. fair to choice 8%a10% ’ Molasses—per bbl—Black Strap 45" Syrups—New York 50 a75 New Orleans 75 aBO Candles—per lb 17% Soaps—P. M. Soap .3 50 SALT. Liverpool, per sack $1 75 Virginia.: * 2 00 Rock, per lb Table, per dozen 150 SUNDRIES. Iron ties 6a7% Bagging—Gunny 11% 21b 12% 2% lbs /. 13 Standard J 3% Borneo 18% Feathers „ 50a70 Yarns $1 20 Nails—for 10s and 12s $3 75 Seed Potatoes—Early Rose 4 00 Goodrich 4 00 Pink Eye 4 25 Sweet Potatoes 50cal 00 Apples, per bbl 4 00a6 00 Honey, strained, per lb 20 Ta I 100- per II) h a 9 Cheese—State dairy 15 »18 Factory 17 a!7% Onions— Silver Skin, very choice 4 75aft (Ml Red 4 75a5 00 POULTRY. Chickens 25a30 Geese 51*75 Turkeys 7ftal 25 Dicks 25a30 FRESH MEATS. Beef—Loin 15c Roast and Sienks .. 15 Pork, nominal 12 Mutt0n........ 12%a15 COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter 25 a3O Eggs ;i4a 22 Wool, washed 32 aSO unwashed 25 GRASS SEEDS. Clover $1 25al 35 Timothy .* 1 s«al 00 < »rchard grass 3 (MM3 50 Blue grass 2 25 Herd Grass 2 50 Hungarian millet 2 00 LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle—Ten nenee 3%a8% Country t%»4% Sheep—Tcnncace I Country • 2 a3 Shoats .’.... ........... 5 a6 FINANCE. Buying. | Selling. Gold 1 13 1 Ift Silver 1 04 1 OR Exchange on New York par. %prem. I-oaus ’ lal% JUNK MARKET. Rags buying prices 2 a2% Waste jMprr—buying prices % PAPER. Manilla .... g al2 New s. best rag 11 %<l2 " rapping 6% Cotton Cotton 15% EARLY VEGETABLE*- New Potatoes, per quart 25 Ml Green l‘ras. per quart 15 B ' ' h .... 15 Onions, per bum h lit Carrola r, Strawberries, per quart .. 73 SOUTHERN PUBLISHING CO.’S STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, Corner JPryor and Mlteliell Streets, ATLANTA, . . . GEORGIA. BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, BOOK BINDERS, and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. | ■, Ax hfiiji i IM frttMK lul I f I m 'fi H Mi: 11 !ill [lift - I | | | i 1 t i| '|SE$ " 1 .Tin ' 1 : I*l*l Ml!lap - ISfINHIHHNiMBSBIHHKBHBHHHI PMawMMMWMMB mifi n i r I r "iFi son wfii Si l 111 eiSia l 'H At •'H I-1 '99 flMw xl ! 1 li I: rs I ''i 'Mwa a ■ ■ JEW i,l 1 'KWw £ > '”IIH I n II a Pl H I 'i ' Nr* S I S w s MjH&j 'bb il El hh rpHE beat and most complete Publishing, Book and Job Printing Binding, Ruling, and Blank Book Manu- X ftteturing Establishment in the South, and the only House that can compete with Northern Houses in price and mechanical execution. For specimens of our printing, see Sunny South (acknowledged by all to be the best printed paper in the United States), the Southern Medical Record, Woman’s Home Book of Health etc., etc., etc. In removing to our new four-story brick building, we have increased our facilities, and at the same time reduced Our expenses, which enables us to execute, in first-class style, BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, BINDINC, ETC., from sto 25 per cent, cheaper than can be done elsew here. All work executed with dispatch and promptly delivered. Give us a trial, and judge for yourselves. ZE TSTG-T^JL'V’TISrG-1 We have connected with our Publishing House one of the best Designers and Engravers on wood in the country, thus enabling m? to illuminate and execute, in the most artistic manner, all styles of Tint Work, cither engraved or plain. Ornamental Colored Jobs. Fruit and Tobacco Labels, Show Cards of Machinery, Railroad Headings, Buildings, etc., etc. We therefore solicit orders lor all such work. Wood and Electrotype Cuts furnished on short notice. We are prepared to execute, in a manner which will be sure to please, ail kinds of JOB PRINTING such as - BRIEFS. ENVELOPES, STATEMENTS LETTERHEADS, POSTERS. PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS ’ E sl^ E > DS ’ HANh B,LLf S blanks. DODGERS ’ BILLHEADS, INVITATIONS, PLACARDS, TICKETS. All Orders from a distance will be filled, in all ree|»ecUi, as if the patron were present. JEz3IL-j-uA>. Wn F *”?p |, - ,d with th e latest and Most Improved Machinery and Tools-aud having the LF.>T WORKMEN employ prepared to furnish, at the lowest rates, and in the very best style, Blank Books, of any desired style or pattern, such as J 3 Kills Ijiding Books. Hotel Registers, Invoke Books, Countv Record Books Rc< <-jpts for Cotton on storage, lb-ket Books, Note Books, Land Ida is Cotton Purchase Books. Journals. Receipts for Taxes, Petty Ledgers Cotton Journals OrdeMof Courta. Receipts for Money, Ledgers ’ ( otton Forwarding Books, Consignment Books, Marriage Bonds. For Cash & (’urrenev ■II™ SUil •• JiS’STT’ *'’*"• SST 5 t “* SStaJiaSE: (otton Lodgers. ( a>h Books. I>raft Books. T r j a i T) (>c k<t« Cotton Sale Books, Freight Ledgers. Cotton Abstract Books, Etc., Etc. ’ <'rd. -s ». Icitcd, Estimates cheerfully furnished, and satisfMtion guaranteed WM. A. RAMSAY, President. PUBLISHERS OF STANDARD SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS,