Hancock weekly journal. (Sparta, Hancock County, Ga.) 1868-????, July 09, 1869, Image 3

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BAHS Wll&if Ion RN A L , t)nr Local Column **•*!£•*•••***•••?*••••* ........................................................ FRIDAY MORNING, July 9, I860. 'Aokkts.—M r. I,.#. Rtowart is an author!*. «d Agon t for the Hancock Journal. Any con fcltot made by him for Subacrlbtion or Adver¬ ting will be Jiv duly acknowledged t: and carried vbfct by u«. • *•* % W/B 4TA. 8. flcriffcga, (T. 1 C!) of Warren county Is uUoauihorhedto id a»<wr Agent, anil will •■iwnr Vcoognhed !iy tts. Our friends in old Warren are Invited to call on him. files A. Roberts, of MilledgeviUe. is an A Ut Wed a^ent for the “ llancook Journal,” annwlllrccetve and receipt for money duo us, TBV'iuVcriptious, advertisements, &e. IHOIOUIU'II* Those to want of Pictures, are rcspcct dyjty fpvkcd %ho New Gidlory, fTlley, &oath of the Hotel, where JMfc 7. 0. Glenn U prepart J to ex wovk iu his line in the finest style of ihe*Arb Ch rge*.moderate, J * 4 4 'L’bd 2 , tf. * ■* FaiiiiL Supplies. Jjft » LAilBH and wett assorted stock always 'afm ■ «a hand %nd for JOHNSON sale elurap. by J, & CO. June 23. - Who ran beat tt ? **"Wl were ;4iown, a day or two since, by S..C. Shivers, a Obhaga measuring 90 inches in j(jramn£m‘wice, woighing oighi and three qnsr '4«r pawndt, grown by James Ilanhriek, E;q., ngi-lbia county. Also, a m.amm'Qth' Tomato, •out by Mi-s C F Shivers, measuring 12 incliaa •dWfcmlcrerke nntt weighing 13 ouucoss J ou want SOMKTm.VG COOL and re SShn fYe*titng v call on SStJL) aad he will fix H up for Dt -If .4 1ST Wjt art wjwte*: by Mr. A. T. I-yon, fricwia ia Sparta and vicinity, Ui*t ho will open Id* GoHcry iu thin pliice in •■Mtit fon d.ay». ttd fs now prepared to make as beautiful I’llOl’fHaiAMLS us enn be ha* <n »py <7nlleVy In tfiY,South. lie takos (He ur«s wil It all tbe differaut variations «of poanery, Look out for him and wait for a w 1 ■». jyll—1f ---------ti ’ tt’ --------. ~*Xt|jE CqncxiiT.-—We might have in¬ dulged in a somewhat extended notice of tjifyofl^ruioiiietft bi^Tui!|(luy evening, 1 at Ahc, Academy, had notour corresjiondent “ * hie” I lit:rely supui'Oeded us with a bet¬ ter ftetice than wo wuld have munufuo ed turcsi.l^JJuffico wint it to s.iy 4 wc wero delight tlio jirofi^endy of the Judies and 'j^Witb’rtvm in Uicir respective parts. The the pcrlormancc ilT-' AJntcrtainmcnt a decided a«ue<MMv Lot u» have another toon-^it w “ drive dull eareuWay,” and more vi.( ho needed to ticcomplish the for .which it was given. P^lr eal \ qf Misfl-0. C, II. and Rev. *)airoll,.).,, w h,.n; imhis paper. A piout (tout with,-.)*** a^all.^Wq uV^’riend wcyg Jeifeivm pleased > ui thcr’ ^tonlcf PrcssTwh-i paid ua a vhiit yesterday,‘ Afi is looking w’cll, and wo «rc glad to *ari that his paper is flourish «ng. • t H r ac«» nnd Atijtushi itmijp-* It is rovv a settled fact that this Ro^d fa to be completed ut uu early day. It is believed the train# will run through to Clinton Station,* lour miles from the town of 0ir>tot ,p§ tl*<! first or middle of Octo¬ ber Bokt, thus cuabliug Jones county planters to ship their present cotton crop |« Angfcsta.. the best Cotton market it the South.* 1 ' Tib; 8h»ta Pcnitpntiurv with ull its uonviets, tools, machinery, cte., ha* bum limsod by t ho fntn of Grant, Alexander A t!i ftp- u tenn of years. Wo do not knew knm what uuthorily ibis transfer of thi iff ate Cohviets is made, but presume aohio locuiit hgislatiou has provided it or such shrewd gcnilemeti as the would not have catered into 'such a ttnet. * ‘ lit,* . Icdsc . Will ... act udnft , a considerable -Li, number of loafing Radicals and scabwags why h. W positions ns Keeper, Assistant Ivoepcr, guards,.watchmen, book-keopcis, Ac , of the Penitentiary, and in this view of the transaction wc have something commend it. The lessors will leave otily a few of the convicts in ‘be ronitentiury— enough to provide tool*, cart*, implements, shoes, Cbthing, etc., lor those who will be put to work on our line of Railroad. The entire convict force will soon be at work «m the Macon St Augusta Road, and that fUproiiU Willbo completed within ono year fWtltftdafl. To SCM'TH 8 .- '1 hr almost daily receipt of voluntary testimonials from evety part thwcouuiry, from Rhysieian*, Cleigys mem old and young, male and ferni*, is tuffloioifc SSi).. 4o contiiiee tho ioo»t s^opical TON'S B Ml KOTO II ANT. is the most vmluable LUNG BALSAM kif the »go! many wopderful cure* have be<n performed by-it, as may bo soun by bun dftd* of ccrtificatos in the bands of tie Kutr Tr,it “' i M ° U *1-12' f<Th# say*, “Judge Garnett Andrews decided, in Chambers, on Monday hut, at Waahiugtou, Georgia, that John \W\oj j, the legal, and only 8 heritl of WarTun Jltitjv This decision puts somebody in a precarious fix- R«l s look won’t feud uiuch lougcr, aud wo hop* suoii to Lc*t 80 iiie county having that ptiviloge. Wo have been blessed with pb;^ v 0 f rl j n the pa»t week. F.ailv cam is safe. The Slander Mill. , In reply to our correspondent Hancock of Inst week the Atlanta Constitution says : ‘ Certainly ! The little we know. The mill is not local. It ranges wher¬ ever malignjty can find a sphere for its labors. The inilLboy is said to be in the State Execvtivc Department. If the Governor owns stock, it is,con¬ jectured only from identity of purpose and principle with tho machine. Our city contemporaries can tell better than we can—one having been, and tho other be¬ ing now said to bo in the Executive con¬ fidence. The stockholders aru those who wish to dig into the public crib without Courts and ponaTstatutes to cramp their benevo ience. The Directors arc the worst spirits of the Radical party-venom, lust, avarice, vice and falsehood—whose course is tracked by slime, who thrive upon gar bage, and die with truth. ' Tho mill Ium branch establishments that co-operate with zealous ardor— among them the Washington Chronido and New York THbunc. T he rules of the mill arc : 1st. To slander unrestrictedly an inno¬ cent people for partizan purposes—to make them out lawless, savage and rebel¬ lious when they arc not. 2d. To falsify every act and word in the South iuto a Ivu-Klux outrage upon liadieuls, worship pf w hom is “Joilty.” 3d. To prevent truth, defile virtue, blacken worth, defame innocence, and with harlequin deviltry, expose to scorn every emblem ol peace. 4th. A carlo blanche to diabolical in¬ vention to tinker up any vicious mischief to practice on the Southern country. 5th. -To retard Reconstruction, unless it secures anarchy and plunder to the “loll” and tho anti-Caucasian. “Let us have peace. » » - : — +-m0 The Macon Tele raph, Albany News, Cuthbert Reporter, Lagrange Reporter, Griffiu Star aud Atlanta Intelligence* ad¬ mit that the late decision of the Supreme Court entitles the rejected negroes to their seats in the Legislature. Alexander 11» Stephens says it docs not, and cannot possibly touch the cave of the expollod d rkics. Those of our readers, who trad® 1 N lcdgeville, would th* wtiiL-u* vrttrthe ad ▼enlscment f.> r F* A. (^araker, who keeps everything usually kept in a Grocery store* Ah we bav« known Mr. O) fora long time, we feel no hesitancy in smjiog, that those who purchase of him, will not regret it. The Crow. We have recently travtrsed the entire line of the Ge^gia Roilrojd, and judging from what Millc'Mpac wc saw by Rio way—the crofs between and Wafiretitdn are at • 25 per cent aheao %f an y wc saw. The Amcricus Courier says, wo con suited screra’ farmers from the c)u**uy and find the reports very various. Ono farmer says hi* corn is sorry and cotton only medium Another has excellent cotton and medium corq.* A third has a fine crop of cotton and corn., Somo have had Cue seasons, whilst others have suffer¬ ed for rain. There appears to be no uni¬ formity in the crops or is the seasons. Wc come then to this conclusion, that news¬ papers cannot report tho true state of tin* growing crops, but only an jy^^rxlmation. We alwava wish to make reliabli state meats, and for this reason wo are v-»ry careful what wo say about tbc crop® The Adkjns Muhberer.-'A commit Uc of gcntlcmcu, compose* Democrat* and Republicans and fJatiotis of tbc de oeased* Jutvo petitip-* 0 ^ Mr*. Adkins to ^ JT0 t j, 0 namo ^ n 4ttiea of the party iiu plicate a in tbo homicide, D will lie reoieniboroa that immediately a (* |er ^ was killed, a report was put in ^ cffect Ultt ho had identi . led and named the parties to his family ! jist before his death. Mrs. Aikins refused to respoud to tho application of the Committee, who then wtited up» her i» person, pledging them tclve* totrrest any one who Mrs. A. or the faulty might designate as the guilty jartics. Mrs. Adkins refused to sec the cam niiico or communicate with them iif any wf, and the daughters of Adkins fusedf) give them any information lit* "us an ciuwwerw#—tt^rreu htoest aud i'air g* to have by tM ^spected partio* brought to justice t ) 10 I iepU Ucd and opposed by the wife n>«l . a«gMor of ^ *u deceased «« man. *'>• The ‘“ miliary torc° 80u * ^ thr er;nmi*ls, . . should be \ n i OTU tiog out 1 ^ withdr^o- Jh.- people of mn have fuR v * n< I* catc ^ themselves -ChimUc. j .hoi wf: mi*l« 11 "* -Akbatn,, “I .mM h,i on nl.MMion, person. K«.\ Ill,shot,rll'ohokooa odhonr „!«»»*. It d,d «n . », diwt*" »- a *r ,oM " , “ rd<,r - , D< Tho S»* of sent the iollow “° re W '*“ r T^aAtososr, Major. The State Fair. The Macon Telegraph of 25th says:— Col. 3). W. Lewis having returned from Washington, a meeting of the committee appointed to loeate the grounds for hold¬ ing the State Fair, in November, mot yesterday afternoon for consultation, and to hoar what Col. Lewis might have to soy in regard to the matter. Ho stated that his mission to Washing¬ ton was entirely successful, and that he had returned with an order from the Sec¬ retary ol War, upon Col. Lewis, of the Freedmen’s Bureau, to turn over to the State > Agricultural Society the Armory Buildings held by the Bureau in this city, Col. L.wis farther stated that he had scarcely a doubt that the Government woi\ld fiually douato the property to the State for agricultural put poses and the holdingof State Fairs, Wc understand that the work of putting the armory blMiings and grounds iu or$ler and proper condition for the Fair, in No vember, will be immediately entered upon by the committee of arrangements, and when completed there will be nothing of the sort, in the country, that will surpass them in convenience, elegance and ampli¬ tude. ■ Au Arkansas judge of the older, time, who had an office in common with a phy¬ sician, was at his table, b isy with briefs and bills in chancery. The doetor was writing a letter, and pausing for a moment, callc^ out: “Judge, isn’t e-q u-i the Avay to spell equinomical ?” “ Yes, I think it is,” said the Judge; but here’s Webster’s Dictionary—I can soon tel! you.” He opened the book and turned over several leaves, repeating aloud, u E-qui-nomioftl —c-qui-nouiical.” Finding the proper place, he ran his eye and finger up and down the column two or three times, until he was thoroughly satisfied the word was not there. Closing tie book with a slam, the Judge laid his spectacles on the table, and rising slowly, broke forth; “Well, sir, I’ve always been a Daniel Webster man, and 1 voted for him for President; but any person that will write as big a dictionary as that, and not put as common a word as e-qui-nomical in it, can’t^acmy vote again not once.” The following P?.****) we clip from tho Macon the 7th. w««flber of Congress tells us Macon •frtfts hdr post office organization peculiarly to the Massachusetts radical.?. Thank you, geutlemen, wo owe you one ai*d will pay that debt. Grant on JoiiK8oa < -_The telegram says Ccu. Grant was asked WW<> cr he had road Johnson’s strictures upon himself aud what he thought of them. Grant said, in reply : “Mr. Johnson uses very hard words ” Pocket-Book Found. OWNER coiuo forward, describe, pay the printer, and take the book with contents. July 11—tf J W TREADWELL, SPECIALS. BEESWAX WANTED-The highest Com. livico paid for BEESWAX iu small or large quantities, by 8 . ENGEL is GO., Sparta, Ga. TO COA8lMI»TIVE8. The advertiser, having bcen^ remedy JO health in a few weeks, by n ver with lung after having suffered sev r*i« a affection, and that dread sc, OonsuiTiption —in anxious to known to his fellbw ..... t% sufferers nil.>*•' the , he will ... send . copy of , To a prescription directions for used preparing (free of and charge), using with the the s «rfie, which they will fiad a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, etc. The object of the advertiser In. sending jhc pro¬ scription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which lie conceives to be invalu¬ able ; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, blessing. ss it will cost them nothing, and may provo a prescription, Pavties wishing the will please address llcv. EDWARD A\ WILSON, jc4 ]y Williamsburg, Kings Co , NT. I1RROK8 OF ITOtJTil. A gentleman who sutfered for years from Nervous Duhilit)'. l’rematurc Decay, aud all the effects of sufering youthful humanity, indiscretion, will, for the sake of send free to all who need U> the receipt and directions for making the sirnpla remedy by which he was ad cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the .▼eftber’s experience, can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN. je4—ly No 12 Cedar street, N Vf. The wonderful properties of the Pyrafuge is showing its U daily in the blooming checks of ovlr former emaciated citizens, all of whom de¬ clare tlnu speller, iiflGI they tried ibis great chill and fever they knew not what it was to Hear, even for nfew days, of the scourge fj onr Southern country; bus thanks to science and our enterprising townsman, we need no longer fear this great scourge, and re can now go is at on «ur hands way rejoicing that ai last a conqueror our which will instantly expel from our syoteln chills and fever, donib ague, and those diseases incidental to malarious climates. Rs<p a battle of the Pyrafuge in the iiousc, awl as soon as the chill or fever is felt coui muice mdcing taking it, aud at once you arc really Jay 21—tf a lasting and permanent our«. [Republican hAYTOx'g Pu.fi* cure sick headaches nnd nil bil'nus disorders. achts, Ntyton’s Oil of Life cures all pains and and is the great rheumatic remedy, tf Hancock Sheriff Sale, FOP D’GL'ST SOLI) before the Court [louse , V <oor in the towu of Sparu, on the first If U oft !. S K r&rSnMfc, n r A i agu f f ' bctween,he legal hours a. a«res of land, more or less, in the village of Linton. n«w occupied by Mrs. Cone, lying on the south »jde ofWlain street, adjoining lands of Trawick and offiers, levied on as the prop «Hyof Jam»s liny, to satisfy one Justice Court fi fa issued Irom thf Justice Conn of the 118 ih I»isirk,tG M of sail county. {., fivorofj. T. Jordan, admipistraloY ,S;c. vs John Stone nnd James Bay; property pointed out by pl.fimiff. levy male by a ComnJblc and returned to me. <?uly 1, . JAMES V, ROJFIIS, Sheriff. CHEAP GROCERY STORE. Corner iVayhc! and Hancock Slmdn, iliilktlgcvviiie, Gn. I WISH.to call the attention of the citizen? of Hancock county to my Stock of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, which I olTar CHEAR FOR CASH, consisting in part of Bacon, Lard, Flour, Sugar of all grades, Coffee, Syrup and Molassou, Tea, Ilice, Limitation Hoes, Nails, l II am es and Traces, Chewing and Smoking Tobacfo, Women and Men’s SHOES, Whiskey of all grades, Candles, Matches, Domestics, Starch, Ginger, Pepper, Alspice, Buckets Tubs, Sifters, Iron and Brass Bound Churns, Patent Axle Grease, and many other articles too numerous to mention. All I ask is to give me a call before purchasing tisOwhorc, and I will try to please in quality and price of goods. T. G/iKAKKR, Agent. May 7—2in JAMESA. GRAY & CO ^ H ... Importers, Jobbers and Dealers in ISTo: 3NJ8 BROAD STREET AUtSSJHTA GtEOltGIA. BEG TO INFORM THS PUBLIC THAT EVERY DEPART¬ MENT OF THEIR COftO^OEIOUS ESTABLISH¬ MENT IS ROW -TEW FULL AND COMPLETE, WITH .AND DESIRABLE GOODS FOR SPRING WEAR. AND SUMMER May 7 I8CTI, 3m. I- 238. BROAD 8TEGET. .238. ♦ : Spring and Snamier Clothing. OF TUE VEST OT-AUTY AND LATEST STYLE. READY MADE AND TO ORDER Mens and Boys Furnishing Goods of Every Description, ■ at J o II N K E N NY’S " ■ ' Wholesale end Retail Clothing House, 9*4Q PP A \ .1/ |) jT TPli'Ti’T I I j/ i L F 1 • . nVHE Public are respectfully informed that I have now on hand A LARGE I STOCK ^ OF ‘ MEN’S YOUTH’S a„.l HOY’S READY-MADE CLOTHING l*OR ' SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR. MY STOCK OF <y .. *■ Cannot be Surpassed, and Will be Made up to Order, I IN THE ’ LATEST' PRICES. STYLE ' . AND AT CHEAP Men* s & Boy’s Furnishingr Good*, every Description. JOHN *ff£E N N Ya,‘ CLOTHIN^f * . WIiOLESALK AND RETAIL HOUSE,. ' April 39 3m - 1 23S BROAD STREET. t wr BUY THE BEST H \ GO TO IV. C. HEWITT & CO. , 1 ^ • w ■■ 11 POR T ER S A N I) le ^^ers.iu Pure, Unadulterated WINES, LIQ ffiS AND CIGARS. ■ AT TIIR BIG SIGN ‘Xm rbOAD-ST. flor EVERY ARTICLE WARRANTED. ^ GUST A, GA. W. C. HEWITT & co. TIIK.\ STOl* AT ' x HEWITT’S GLOBE HOTEL, Till’CITY. FARE, THREE DOLLARS PER DAY—LEST IN w. C. HEV/ITT & .SOX, llminou, 3S9 JBROA.J3 STREET, OPPOSITE MASONIC HALL. NEW STOCK C>V FASHIONABLE CL 0 T HI N £ TIIE FINEST AND CHEAPEST EVER OFFERED TO THE CITIZENS OF AUGUSTA AND VICINITY. A . T , G- % A ¥ , [Late of ||ie Urns of Kf any and Gray] Has received from the Manufacturers and Importers, A SELECT STOCK of Cue, Medium and Low Triced READY MADEC OTH1NG and GENTLE¬ MEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, of tbe Latest and most FasU _ioi:able Styles. These Goods will be >u.d very CHEAP FOI? CASH. The Public* arc invited to Examine before Purchasing elsewhere. Aprlil 30 1809—2m A. T. G i? A V. TU'TTS vegetable liver pills Cure* Liver Jhscases, Dyspepsia, Ae. T « TT ’* MPBCTOWAXT Curos Coughs, Asthma, xve. Tutt’s Sarsaparilla and Queen’s Delight Thep-iAiimtiv, i*Lod , Tllll’*!* flll|irOTPtI IfaiE” w* arraiucd i tho \ Cst ^ in ut. For sale by A . W. S5KK iX Y , lw 9 t \_1 v < 1 * \ p i T*. •. *-' * * -_ fJMBB’S 1 HOL’SK— J Dai-oi: CAMP BULL, 1 >. Pn p'r. -------------------------------- 1 TKIS llt-Uc-K. Kn >'.v! T ns:•-■.so ■ N I* WHITE, Pron’-. 11 I) Wnr.v. I k lit line* >V , & .T. 1-TRNTTUltE, C.MtAKEB arc now receiving a lot of ND’F, consisting of Bed n«'.rm Tat)’ ?.Chairs, Bash stands, Ward robes, xc„ Ac. They are prepared to fill nil orders for Sash Plin fi and 3 a id Doors. Also, rqShIWGOD 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ liliU AND HUi 1V1LU1 1 ,TAMC il UiU COFFI S M \.^)NIC HALL, MIIaLEDGEVILLB 'i a’ > - ua’,1 , r fils is thv n>,|tO of tra is. Fui’iif! M’c R<;|)jiired i 1 *.:} *•’ r - . i. business. imv 7—"m. The Ordi nary's Column Georgia, Hancock ( ouuly.. ADM I XISTIvATOli’S NOTICE. 'PWO MONTHS after d We application 1 will 1 be ii;n'le to the-l.ouvt of Ordinaay of i ln. 11 - cock County for leave to sell an umlivitlocT jn« terrst in a tract of bind lying in tho.county of VI 'like.-:. belonging to the e.-U;C of Marv E Tint! mep, dcc’d M. 8 . MVDMCK, June -Jilt 18bJ lift]i'u 14 !tor, Georgia, Uaucotk County. VT^HURUAS VV of the estate John of L. Ivan Garner, Johnson, Administrator Die of said county, decAiseW. re]■■resents that he lias fully administered the vstut-r of Jus iu testate, and ap/dies for letters of di.-miis- ion fi/oni tho further administration of said estate. 'these are there (ore to cite all persons in¬ terested (kindred and creditors) to show cause, on or before the first .Monday in October next, why dismissed the sai from l' John his kid I,. Owner snohl'l not bo adrniriislrafton 18«!) THUMAS 1 . Ll'JJiLH, June 12, Orduiaiy. GEORGIA Jhmeocl' County. WIIKlUSAa' N V C.VTiiEUINi: L. SIMMONS, Administratrix and A. IHWiN SMITH, Administrator, of the Jo state of-.Tinhes W. fiim- 1110 ns, deceased, represents Hut they have fuily administered dismiYon the estate of'their intestate, and applies fer from the further administration ol sanitate. These are there five to cite all pjysons in¬ terested to show cause, -on or before the first Monday in Oeto'un * next, why Letters dismiA sory, in tlio premises, should not be granted to tho said C. L. filaiinoas ami A- Jrwiii Lfinrtb, Adtfi’x and Acini r. as aforesaid 'i'HO.MAS I. LITTLE, June 12, 1800 , Ordinary* GEO fits (A —liimcock Cum ty. JlEiUU TELLE’; and BEN* \ 1 JAMD'} LOLHilTS, Lxuuutcvs,‘i>r tho last Wiirand ro?tahrfn> cXfinn-ry' 6 f Job--. MncUTlai,, represents-to tho thM they have fully aihninistereiWiiN will, yiiil applies that citation issue lit? dismission i'roi" the further* execution These nreithocfiforv of iheir frjist. ciio*aU j * / i (T in¬ to persons terested, to SlioY«* cause, ou,dr lie fore the, first Monday in October naxt, why l.etlcfs iJ iwmjg - ‘*r?L , „„ titomas I. Ln'HALjJ —„. nnl , i ' •• S'fS jSSSSS':' his haufisv;uBd/^ififoh>:-UUici||trge(J as,p»i*ftdwiiiistmHir, aU'l^rayiqg alf hi^'lujica mi^edfrom Wo'Baid admlr■R^raidan, These tiiere^re iivyite all, ilsft',!!" con - . missed .from 'Jiis said Jilnunbtrali-ou-, These are therefore iu cite all pci'SOJ)SjpVtk- ’ ccrfced to show cao^, if any-exist, why the Geoi^a K i’ierecf, should util be dis misseiTfpom his eaHTbiiMaihitHraiibn,’ im the first iloimlay iu September noxu- « —Cm ^-TLF^Orji’y. •AdmiuiilraiurV^iiUfie, m DEBTORS AND CREDITORS', ilof A'LL l’KKSONS IS vVEBTER lo tho vMnfc Marshall 11 . tAtl.Wjlt; lat-ti. of Han¬ cock oonnty, dec’iJ,‘* arc hereby required h> unTlce'iinincdiatc payment to (he undersigned, . ♦nj those holding clauns ogailist deceased will present them iri terms«f if.’3^!*l.ooK, tho btw M. Ao’m’r June 11—1m of M. 15Luth ier, ‘d( v c'«.l UkUFlGi h—Uuncovh Contly: w J liEKEAS Charles W. DuBoe#, adminis. trator of the estate of Jesso M. Pialv. si on, deceased, represents'that. Lo has fully adisfiiiitored tJie estate of his intestate, and applies further for letters of dismission from tlio administration of the said .Jesso M. i’iukston Theie are. therefore to cite all persons inter ostci (kindred and creditors) tij show eausu if any exists why the said Charles W. DiiBoso should not be dismissed from his ndminisi ra¬ tion of the estate of said Jesse M I’inkstiM* on the 1st Monday in September next. Given under ray hand and official sit nature this 27th day of .Wav 180!). THOMAS 1. LITTLE, Onl y. May 28-31110 GEORGIA — Jl'iiu-ui'k County. \\J V trator UKUEAS of Ezekiel tl.c F. CutJicrn, ef Murshull ndminis. f estate I!. Guill, ilt-ccascd, repri'sents to the Oidinhry flint lie has fully administered tho estate of his intestate dismission and from Las said filed administration. Lis application Tor The; are therefore to cite all pov ciis iii«or csted (kindredand creditors), to show enusb if any exiids \:hy t he said Ezekiel V. oliunii should not be dismissed from Ids adffllnistra y"" of tiie estate of said Marshall B. Guill on ’®,. 'o-TT*' Monday iaKej.temper j.ext. 1 " 5- T '" v ^*Jiid nud official fflimature #i tins • 2 / ih day ot THOMa S I. LITTLE, L.d'y. Ma y 28—3iaro. GE 0 R CIA-// < v^F cr,: it \\l \V trator U*.KK-i of .8 the Chav estate lea IV. of I uBo.- VVillinii, •. itdiHudW. deceased, the Food, ha li.lly admjiii.itci represent* i« Ordimuy ihut ho td L:c,t,' ; !aic ot j. is iuivs~ tate. stud has filed hi.- u» p! • ,t: u for t,is*iiis sion from said aiiiiiiuistraiion. These are therefore to cits all ]i r.'.om in if terosted (llindred and creditor,-.)- u-Uiu'b 1 •! t how cause ahy exist* why Dm Haul . VV, Du Buie should not bi luuii-ac l fro.:. Jih, ndminisira t ion oi ih.: o.- * u* * ; V, id fit ot Hood- on tho 1 st Monday in tii ptemtK i m-xt. Lp-ri under my L.md and ot' d tignafura this -Till day 1 of a! i v 1 c GIL ’ T HUM A 8 1 LITTLE, Urd’y. May »8«3mo. Q Go^rgia, Iiaiic\ck“cV»i:iiy— ~ \\ \\ HhUKA8, ("liaib V,. Duliasi*, LXemlor ol the l.u .1 Mill : uu 1 v^iaountol Gooi'gc W. Davis dcc’d. presents to tho Ordinary that he has fully nduiioKicrod aid >a-/ Will and Tul't^incnt, and h’.c Li) *. ’h'..;' I'u' mission from the ex'.V-; i father ■ t !.i,; said tmst. 'J'lief.e arc tJier-fov-* lo eife 8 ! vriaon- inter t-hti'il, to ;.'iow enu.-a if any , r,i,y Letter* of 'li-ini-si,;-y t-houM n< i f, ■ i Lharl' . Duh .■■<• I;. *. 1 >.--- v-i] i \■ ii'ioii of the said last ’Will and zaita; o. l to.ga \Y. Dati,, dee d. on (he h .. v .a kt*i-!efi,hisr next. Givcu under jay hi ,d m.<i offid*. MgaBurc (Lis !!7(h day of .Jay 18* '.,t, May IIlOMA.'j i. j.j , TlIv, til'd'./. 28- -3ra. ADiillNISTR AT OR - 3 R j?v- L. rr X WO MONTH,. tj *i < 1 1 i * iil Xl' 11 Will * be n *Ua to.iiie i t <•* y *,i r lla:.eock counl >' leave lo self ‘thhrt* prlvaFfly oV ut r ,, *fic *«jc a lot of j, i j * ''tinted i :! Mikon county, known ns N u . • o-', , iij i:,#i|y ci.ei oke. c.»uu;y, i.Lso, all aihav »•..i< ad... I <-h*ngiug to the estate «.-* flu mn? tfi .T Lv , .• * VvlLT.IAM fi. CTlfiTfiLT I.’. A : r Api il 22. WIN NY lliCLfuWr, A'hn’x, Ji <l minimi rcii'y'*~ sn'U* TY^D-L \\ be r, i t i fie i ■' •“ * Tt; s.Lit in i. =. Le rang to ti t es'.ac It 13 - L. Soi l So*i*i• r nn (JiJ r ' ! • lilt of i <’■>> Unary, Tt ’! la:- * , .L- " *'4 AN. ir.;i - * ♦ % / f .’r. Us)