Hancock weekly journal. (Sparta, Hancock County, Ga.) 1868-????, September 24, 1869, Image 3

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„ * B A* € 0 n C 8 WISE 3 t--T * «flH4l Our local Cotas FRIDAY MORNING, Spit. 24, I860, PVIOTOGRPYIS. Thoee in want qf Pictures, arc respect¬ fully invited to call at tho New Gallery, Hotel' in the old Alley, South of the ^here Mr. T> 0. Glonn is prepared to ex¬ ecute work in his lino in the finest stylo of the Art. Charges moderate. * July, 2, tf. Municipal Election.—I n accordance With notice given, an olection was held at tho Court House yesterday, for five Town Commissioners, who will serve until the regular time of olecting, which we believe is some time in May. The voto we uudorstand was largest ever polled for town officers, which we attribute to two prime causes—first, the popularity of the men, secondly, to the general desire of the people to see Law and Order re¬ stored in the streets of our once quiot lit t!o Tillage. The following named gentle¬ men were elected ; Hon. B. T. Harris, LaFayctte Powell, T. C. Turner, Xovkk Pierce, jr., and James Smith, Esqrs. They will be •worn in and regularly organized in a few days. Then the elec* tion of one or two efficient Marshals will bo next in order. Wo trust that peace, ^ui-t and good order may be the result. And now that we have made a new start, in what wo believe te be a good cause, let every goc-d citizen stand firmly by those in •uthurh, h whatever lends t, the good •of our town and the welfare of society. Sparta ia aeon to become a rent learning •nd ought of course to be the abode of ^uict, good order and a model of sobriety* aa it was twelvo months ago. Hir We send copies of the LITTLE FARMER, this week, to the patrotts^fjf *be Journal, with the request thjgfcach •one of you will carefully peruse t, aud if it strikes you as boing worthy u support, give us the benefit of your pjjfo onngc and Miflucnoc. If you do not ish to take it yourself, will, if perhapsspift^your neighbors you fl 10 trouble to sfiow it wound. JTf you can procure five sub •cribors, a j pd send us five' dollars, wo will •end oncJ extra copy, grutis, to the getter up of t(J[ club. An' o«n 4h&t as agent in getting up fire, • dub^of fivo, ton, fifteen, twenty or twenty nd we will add one subscription freo ior o |ry fivo dollars sent us. tyjExpreaa, ^fllsuais over one dollar, must be sent 1‘ost office Order, or in Rogis tam-eil letter. r W y u an .—That’s tho name he goes by —visited our town and gave one of his vronderful entertainments on Wednesday Kveuing—performing soveral good old rh»o hicks, which amused the little folks, who had never seen them before. Our people are all fond of the marvelous —and everybody and his wife went, aDd warned tho children—expecting, of course, to see and hear what his hund-bills lmd promised. He commenced with an apology (not tho bills) reeited a short piece from (Quackeubos—(wot in tire bilk)—laughed fcoartiljr at has own wit—(not in the bills) —repeated a portion of a negro preacher’s jermou (not iu tho programme), luughed ecstatically again—burnt a ten cent hand¬ kerchief, shook an old hen out of a bag— made another apology, dismissed tho audi¬ ence,and “ vaiuoozed.” But he paid bis bills,the printer’s included. If the weather was worth writing about we should say it is awful dry, and too hit to promote comfort or elicit corn plimotary notices from the press. If we had time to bottle up a lot of it for tie State Fair, we should surely expect a premium, for we should exhibit it under the head of “ Sun-Dries.” “The Little Farmer.”—’ 1 his being our own affair w* feel some hesitancy in xpeaki*^ of it in terms of seeming praise, but we have assuredly been more than gratified at the commendation which it roceives *1 the bauds of those who have npd it. £ct all come aud subscribe and we w illuuke a worthy paper of it. Hogs. —The hog crop of lower East Tennerne., this season, says the Cleveland Benner, is greater than it has been iu any one year sinoe the war, but owing to the fall off in the corn crop, there is but little doing in that line. Wc have heard of bog* being offered at 5 cents gross, but buyer* do not appear to take hold at these figure*. Delays are Dangerous .— 1 That poor, «tnaoiated Consumptive, who is now be vond all hope of recovery, might now be hale and harty had he not neglected that •light cough. Be advised, if you have a cough or cold, got at once a bottle of DR. TUTT'S EXPECTORANT and you will Men be relieved. Do not put it off. W* respectfully invite the attention of ort reader* to th* c*rd of E. R. Stedman, thia page. .. - 1 db—- "• * - - ■■ Mr. England, Edward Barrow, an old journalist Dickens, is and uncle of Charles di*d in London a fortnight ago, at the age of Mventy-oue years. We havo received a pamphlet contain¬ in ing substance of the remarks made by Col. 13. Hulbcrt, (Superintendent of the W. & A. R. R.,) before the members of the Press Convention of Georgia, on board the steamer Etowah on the Coosa River. Our thanks to the Colonel for the same. Our thanks are also due his excellency Gov. Bullock, for a copy of the Decesion of the Supreme Court, on the eligibility of the negro to office. Committed.— Thomas 0. Jackson, re¬ ferred to in our Inst, charged with rape, on the person of a colored girl, had a hearing before Judge Simmons, on Friday last, and was committed for trial in October. The privilege of bail in the sum of 85000 was allowed, but failing to make the required bond, he remains in jail. Rome is to have another Brass Band, Say3 the Commercial. The weather fine, crops harvesting.— Savannah overrun with beggers.—Suvan nan News. Her Georgie Sands is writing more tkan ever. sands of lifo have by no means run out. sociaiiou Anthony Trollope heads a literary as ia Manchester callod the Sphinx. Prof. Cyrus Northiup, of Yale, has been elected President of the Alabama UnL versity. this Blacque Rey, the Turkish Minister to country, has been elevated by the Sultan to the b grade of “Ullab,” “ i the high. 9 o aue . . ., the first „ . rauk , of Civil B in service. Jenny* Lind is said to have become i Wor » her husband being an extravagant ^ , T Jr 8 ° ,, . “ 4 - 1 " - l Cotton Market. ^Market ^"'Augusta, September 22, P. M. 'Middling, opened quiet at about 25Jc for and under a brisk demand sales were made at 25£o, but tho weak prices of Liverpool and New York cased off our market, which closed nominally at from 25 k to 25 Jo. Sales of the day 440 \ re¬ ceipts 521 bales. New York, Sept. 22, p. m.—Colton opened heavy and declining, but closed firm at 281o ; sales 3,900 bales. Charleston, Sept. 22, p. m.—Cotton active but easier j sales 700 bales; Mid¬ dlings 26c; receipts 1,459 bales. Savannaii, Sept. 22, p. m.—Receipts 2,306 bales; Fales 1,200 bales and market firm—Middling 25|o. Sparta, Sept. 23. —Figures same as Augusta, less the freight. llac World Abroad. Frauce, it is snid, declines to send a repre¬ sentative to the (Ecumenical Council. Tho fifth anniversary of the birth of John IIuss was celebrated at Prague recently. Russia is about to introduce trial by jury as a new pledge of her progress in civilization. Mr. Bancroft delivered a speech at the re¬ cent Humboldt celebration at the Berlin Uni¬ versity News was recently received at Berlin from the German Arctic Expedition. A11 engaged in it were in good heabh. A new German steamship line will soon be established between the Piussian port of Stet¬ tin and the port of New York. Minister Burlingame is said to have reoeiv • ed a dispatch from China, expressing entire satisfaction witJi his treaty, nu l stating that it would be ratified. The town of Gonaives, Ilayti, was recently bombarded by rebel steamers. Four hundred women were removed from the town by a Bri. tish gunboat. At Puerto Principe, a reconnoitring partv of seven hundred, under General Puolo, it is said, was routed by tho insurgents recentb, with the loss of tho entire Spanish force by casualties, desertions, and capture. The ca tira Cinco Villas and Eastern district is re¬ ported to be in the hands of the Cubans. Another cable is soon to be laid. A com¬ pany in London propose to lay a line from Scotland by way of the Orkney aud Faroe Isl¬ ands to Quebec, and it is announced that, .-.s soma as completed, the Post Office Department will purchase it. The harvest in England is reported secured, and, notwithstanding the recent heated term and long drought, has proved plentiful, beyoud Hie hopes of the most sanguine. Gustave Dore and Blanchard Jerrald have been making a systematic exploration of Lon. don—from Wapping to KensiDgtou, among high and low—with the view to a great wotk on that great capital. Tho American Consul at Vienna has receiv¬ ed his exequatur, and Americans ia that city :»M much pleased that this Government is the first to be recognized under the new rule ad¬ mitting Consuls to other towns. The Japanese Parliament is discussing the propriety of returning to the old system of isolation, ntul of expelling all foreigners from the kingdom, (jue member proposes to kill all that remained after tliey had been warned to leave, allowing them a certain time to settle up business. Woman* HcnI Friend. I)r. J Bradfiehi’s “FEMALE REGULA TOK,” ia uoquack nostrum, but a legitimate the p e scripiiou, endorsed aud prescribed ty best physicians in the State ol Georgia, it has cured thousands of h-dtes who had despaired cf ever finding relief this tide of th-j guive, the proprittor shows certificates from the best citizens of li e S'ate, all wno have tried it unite in saying it has been truthfully named ivou-ns best vriknd — Suiletiug woman hers do keep not let your from fear lief. nor the Follow pre. jucices Bradlie’d’s of o - advice and you suffer r Dr, no more. Tan Yard for Sale. TT OFFER FOR iSALE my Tauuery w.tli all j the tools, stock iu tan, etc, consisting of stv eral hundred sides of Leather in process of tau uingt etc. HOUSE and LOT, with niperior Also, a a Peach Orchard and the house newly repaired aud painted and plastered —everything in elegant con. dition for tauning and living comto mbly I sell to change mves m<*ut- to go the field. Parties havihg leather here will be satisfied about their leather—-sell or uo sell—you can eeud in hides on shares, yours wilt be fully cared for in the tale, if sale is made. In my absence apply to Col T. M. Turner. J.D. GARRARD Feot 32—2m SPECIAL NOTICES. CRRORS OF VOI)TIB. A gentleman wbo suffered for years from Nervous Debility^ Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, f or the sake of suffering humanity, send free to<*^ who need it, the receipt and directions f ° r making tie simple remedy by which ho cured. Wufforcrs wishing to profit by the 11 vertiser’i experience, can do so by &ddr«J®l n ?» in perfect confidence, JOHN B. N • je4—ly No 42 Cedar street *• The wonderful properties of the Pyrafuge is showing its If daily in the bloom'Dff cheeks of our former emaciated citizens,* 11 of whom do dart that until they tried thi* chill and fevsr expeller, they knew n0 * w * ,at was 10 be Clear, even for a few °* ,1C scourge of 0ur Southern country; butfhauksto science and our enterprising tow r,sman * we nee( f n ° longer fear this great scourge, ani1 wc can now go on our way rejoioinF ,1,R ^ atlas ^ ac o nf l uer o r is at our hands which *>11 instantly expel from our system chills and fcvcr > domh n S ue > aud those diseases i D cidental to malarious climates. Keep a bottle of the Pyrafuge in the house, and as soon as the chill or fever is felt corn menco taking Jt » and at once you are really making a lasting and permanent core. May 21—tf [Republican. Ivavton’s Pills cure sick headaches and all bilious disorders. Kayton’s Oil of Life cures all pai»s and aches, and is the great rheumatic remedy, tf TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy afier having suffered several years with a lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption —is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send*a copy of ,he prescription, used (free of charge), with the dire c ti ° n “ for P™P*J™S and using the same, winch , . they will fiad a stjrk cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, etc. The objoet of the advertiser in sending the pre¬ scription is to benefit the afflicted, aud spread information which he conceives to be invalu¬ able ; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, je4 ly Williamsburg, Kings Co., N.Y Dissolution Notice. rpiIE 1 COPARTNERSHIP heretofore exist iug between La Fayette Powell aud Albert H Birdsong, in the mercantile business, und r the firm name and style POWELL & BIRDSONG, was dissolved on the 20th September inst., by its own limitation and by mutual consent. La Fayette Powell, the senior partner of the old firm, is duly authoriZ'd to arrange and settle all outstanding business of the firm both pro und con. LaFayette Powell, A. II. Birdsong. A C4RO, The undersiguud having purchased the stock in trade'of the fi'm, retpectfully returns thanks ti> his friend-, and customers for the liberal patron¬ age In rctofuro bestowed, and respectfully asks a couiinuauca of the same, at the old stand, where he will cuatimm to keep a good stock of articles in his line. LaFnyelte Powell. Sparta, Ga., Sept 24th, lfe69. PouTKR Fi.EIHNG, CuaS. E. STAflES, EUGENE P. BURNET, with FLEMING & STAPLES. WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCERS nncl gf-n-ral Commission Merchants. 26d BtO id Street, Augusta, Georgia. Sept 17 €m HARPER C. BRYSOK, WAREHOUSE AND Commission Merchant, AUGUSTA, GA. /CUSTOMERS supplied with B-GOING \i ^Prompt hhiI HOPE aud FAMILY SUPPLIES. attention paid to £ ' OR AGE and K A I F OF col' ON aud other produce. OFFICE: 158 REYNOLDS WM. BRYSON, CHARTER CAMPBELL Augusta, Ga. Late of Manisou, Sept 10 4tn Garriage, Buggy and Wagon REPOSITORY. J CARRIAGE AMES A SHOP, SCUDDAY has re-oprnt-d his at hi- old stand, wh.re be is prepared to serve lit • old friends and potniiis and the public generally, in every branch of his business, either with New Work, repairing or Renovoiii g of Carriages, Buggies Wag»n*. &o , at the most reasonable prices fie ha* in his em¬ ploy the well known frredmsu tom Coles alias Tom Thompson, aud wdl warruut all work to stand the test. Tom is a thorough Democrat. He will also do all manner of Blacksmithing, and solicits a .hurt-of the public palrona^". eiparta, apr23—ly AUGUSTA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. PETER KEENAN & CO, Wholesa’e and Retail Dealers in Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valises, &c., 230 Broad Street Uuder Central Hotel, F. A. BEALL, Dealer m Drugs Medicines, Oils, Gar¬ den Seeds, Etc. 180 Bmad Street. F A. BRAHE & CO. Watches, Clocks and Silver and Plated Goods, N. B.—Watches, and Jewelry. Repaid Stfe<t. and Warranted. 206 Broad Gilder, Looking 0 Gliss * Pic ture Frame Maker. Old Frames Re Gilt to I*>k equal to New— Old Paiutings Cart fully Cleaned, Lined aud Vari’fehed- 135 Proad Street. P. HAN3BERGER & CO. Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff* at Wholesale and Retail 204 Broad Street. *H .. E. R. STEDMAN, DEALER IN .J ri.f «T I \Sjjjw eg 8 HARDWARE AND CUTLERY t * AND MANUFACTURER OF JV] T 11ST "W A. RTS . AT THE SIGN OF THE RED-HOT COFFEE POT. © Please and :o: articles, }-:- mark them—preserve the and examine this list, finding needed paper use the list as a memorandum. IXX Tin Milk Buckets, 6qt lOqt 14qt. IXX Tin Dish Pans lOqt 14qt 16qt. IXX Tin Butter Buckets 81b 121b 241b. IXX Tin Churns, all sizes. Dinner and Lunch Puckets, all sizes. Baking Pans, all sizes. Oven Pans, all sizes. Bayne’s Patent Rubber Scrub for Scour¬ ing floor-'Stry it. Hartells Patent Glass, self sealing Pre¬ serve Jars. Patent Rubber top, for preserving Jelly. Stamped Milk Pans, with tops, without Seams, straight up sides, Sizes—lpt IXX* lqt 2qt^qt 4qt 5qt 6qt lOqt. Tin Coffee PATENT EVERLASTING M.ETALIC CLOTHES LINES—GUARANTEED NEVER TO RUST, And numerous other articles which must be secu to be appreciated. I am selling the best COOKING STOVES in th® State at prices leSs than anybody, and make to order anything that can be made of lin, Copper or Sheet Iron. Please give a can E, R. STEDMAN T. C, & DeL TURNER i COMMISSION DRY GOODS AND GROCERY MERCHANTS. And General Guano Agents. SPARTA, GEORGIA, W°.nd L i"„r i ^T u r„sr.r rt ^ -rv"^ of Goods in their line. Their s>ock of DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, DOMESTICS, &c., Ia now COMPLETE, to which they particularly call t'»e adentiou of the LADIES OF THE COMMUNITY. SIIPJPEiIfcS, ______ which . they , T hey keep always on hand a fine slock of PLANTATION off>r at reasonable rates, offer for the . . They also keep on haud Sample* of different kinds of Fertilizers which they tnHpec* tion of the planters of Hancock aud adjoining counties, guaranteeing the Manures to come up to the samples. Give call and will give satisfaction. SeptlO-Sin Tliey also buy Cotton. them a they you TAX NOTICE, I AM NOW READY TO COLLET STATE AND COUNTY TAX UlUtAY, OCTOBER 2ND. CULVKRTON (Culver Jr Connell’s Store,) 111 DIST. G. M. Monday Oct. 4th. MEDLOCK’S, 112 “ s Tuesday “ 5 MRS. RACHEL’S, 114 « r Wedn’y “ 6 DEV11EAUX, (Bass’ Store,) lift “ s Thursday “ 7 POWEL'i ON, 106 “ 5 Friday a 8 MT. ZION, 108 « s Saturday 11 9 . PAIiTA 102 & 113 Diet G. M. (Court Week) from Monday Oct. 11 to Sat’dy 16 BINION’S STORE, 104 Dist. G. M. Monday Oot. co BARTON'S, 101 “ t - Tuesday “ T-l cs AM OSS’, 103 " 5 Wednd’y “ ti CONNER’S, 109 « a Thursday u to III LLx \ V'Q 107 “ £ Friday x M ’ SHELTER, 117 « 5 Saturday r to LINTON, 118 « Monday “ l« SPARTA Ga , SEPT. 21 18G9. S. C- SHIVERS, T. C. HANCOCK COUNTY, OA WHOLESALE -:o:- DRUG HOKE | 1 PLUMB &LE1TNEU. 1 A ii £• ii s t a , Ga. -to. Choice Drugs, Pure Medicines* and Chemicals. OILS, BRUSHES. FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES, Pure White Lead. X7HNE White and Colored PAINTS, War. JJ ranted Geuuiue aud Fresh Garden SEEDS, Fish Hooks. Linen, Poles and Fancy Fishing Tackle. Wholesale Agents F.r 'he c- l-brateu 1ILUILLE FRUIT JARS Ac* Ac. PLUMB & LEITNER, New Granite Fr<.at, 212 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia. •*®ept i 0 6m POLLARD, COX * c0 ‘ COTTON JFA CTORS U'JtltEHOLiSE AND Con-mission , , Merchants. «. . , c ° rner ""fi? their business at their /continue their strict old stand and will give per son.-.l attention to the Storage and Sale of Cotton und all other produce. Orders for Bagging ami Rope promptly attended to — Consignments respectfully selieited Cotton consigned to us is delivered from the cars—a considerable saving to planters. Agents for Reed’s Phosphate and Georgta Factory. the firm will be represented The interests o( by Judge Henry H. Fitzpatrick, of Warren connty. may 2—6m Sizes—lqt 2qt 3qt 4qt 5qt 6qt. Milk Strainers—Milk Cups. Painted and Crystalized Toilet Sets. Japan Trays and Waiters, all sizes. Japan Cake Boxes, all sizes, with locks. Japan Tin Trunks, all sizes, with locks. Japan Dressing Cases, with locks. Japan Spioe Boxes, with locks. * Japan Fork and Spoon Boxes. IXX Tin Kerosene Oil Cans 2qt to 60gal IXX Tin “Sealed” Measures, Ipt lpt lqt 2qt 4qt. Kerosene Oil Lamps—Stable Lanterns Knives a Forks, Table Spoons, Tea Spoons. Carving Knives, Forks and Steels. Butcher Knives—Cruller Cutters. ENCOURAGE Home Productions. A most Delightful Tonic! A Most Delightful Tonic! A most Delightful Tonic! OLD CMMtA BITTERS 1 A SOUTHERN PREPARATION. VALUARLf,&R£LIABLE TT'QUAL J2j if not superior to any Bitters in the market, and at muev less price. Cures Dyspepsia, Loss of Appel it e, chill and Fever, nnd is without doubt the best ionic in use. GOODRICH, H IN EDI AN L Co., Manufacturers and Proprietors, and Direct Im¬ porters of Choice Drugs and Ceemicals. For sale in CHARLESTON, Sparta S. C. by A. W. BERRY, and Jyl6 6m POWELL & BIRDSONG, CENTRAL GEORGIA Real AS«*ejr. *T~T WISH «.«-bUshed a Real Relate Agency u!*pe '../ovirtnil Geoigia, with headquarters at Hotel, Augusta Ga. I solicit all persons having Real Estate for sale in Hancock Co., to call ai the .aw office of Frank L. Little Esq , my authorized Agent at '-parta. giving full d-scrip lion, that your property may be sp^ c>fi-d in ihe advertit-ements now being prepared lor the North¬ ern press, send prorutly. co-respoudem* now cult far several first c!a.-s places in th • couuy. J. UOWARtj BROWN. Augusta, Ga. September 3, 1869. 2m Strayed or Stolen. J\_ A BOUT the first of September, 1869, one small HOR.-E MULE, light bay, white mouth. Wheu he war taken he was in good working order; a little lame in oue front foot— about £ or 7 yean old. A suitable reward will be paid for either hi j delivery » r any information in reference to his where.abouts. Sparta, Hancock county. Ga. DAVID B. DICKSON. vv Shears—Scissors—Pocket Knives. Metal and Glass Kerosene Lamps. “Clipper” Lamp Burners and Chimney*. Brass Preserving Kettles, 1 to 6 gallons. Euameled & Tinned Sauce Pans, all size*. Wafer and Waffle Irons. Sad Irons and Sad Iron Stands. Iron Coffee pot Mats—Hand * Tea Bells. Trays and Sifters—Coffee Roasters. Frying Pans, all sizes. Wood, Cake Bowls, 6 sizes. French Coffee Biggins all sizes. Sausage Meat Cutters—Sausage Stuffers. Knife Polish—Best in the Market. Silver-plated Brittania Gourds. Furniture* & J. CARAKER are now receiving a lot of NICE FURNITURE, consisting of Bed Room sets, 'fables, Chairs, Wash stands, Ward¬ robes, &c., &c. fill orders Sash , They are prepared to all for Blinds and Panel Doors. Also, ROSEWOOD AND METALIC COFFINS MASONIC HALL, MILLEDGEVILLE Quick Bales and small profits is the motto of trade with us. Furniture Repaired 8£*L,They also carry on the Wagon business Patronagesolicited* may 7— Sm I T. HEAR» & C0 * waaA’HOUSE AND Commission Merchants. COR- REYNOLDS & M'iNTOSH ST’S, Warehouse formerly occupied by Mesert. BUS TIN $ WALKER , ISAAC T. HEARD, O. M. STONE, AUGUSTA, GA. Will devote their strict personal attention all to the STORAGE and SALE of COTTON and other PRODUCE. Orders for Bagging, Rope, Etc*, promptly attended to. Liberal CASH advances made at all times on produce in store. fl^Agents for GULLETT’S PATENT IM¬ PROVED STETL BRUSH COTTON GINS. Also, HALLS PATENT COTTON GIN FEED ER. July 23d, 1869, 6ra. H. H. SA8METT, 110 Brougtiton Street, SAVANNAH, GA. Will keep constantly on hand a select stock of BOOTS & SHOES, BOTH AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. rpiIE patronage of my friends and the publio 1 is oarncstly solicited. jgy I will fill all orders'promptly for CASH, July 16—ly II. II. Sasnett. M. P. STOVALL, WAREHOUSE AND Commision Morchant, JACKSON STREET, AUGUSTA? GA. ^/ONTINUES the and to give and sale his personal of COTTON attention and to storage other produce. Orders for Plantation and Family supplies promptly andcarefully filled. make'libeial CASH ADVANCES is prepared to on all consignments. July 23d, 3m. ^ m Hancock Sheriff Sale. "t VV T7 ILL BE SOLD on the first Tuesdaywin October next, before the Court House door in the town of Sparta, between the legal honrs of sale, the following property, to wit: One hundred and ninety acres of land more or less, lying in H&neock County, and adjoin, ing lands of Dr. Thomas Jones and others; levied on and sold as the property of David Ingram, Fi to satisfy one Hancock County and Courtt J Fa, in favor of Wm G Johnson S Johnson, Administrators, vs. David Ingram. The above property pointed out by Plaintiff’s Attorney. JAMES II. ROGERS, Sheriff. . —ALSO— One house and lot in the village of Mount Zion, containing half acre more or less, and adjoining lots of Cumming, Bryant and others; levied as the property of Thomas J Marchrnatii to satisfy one Hancock County Court Fi Fa, iq favor of John Drake, vs. Risdew Marchman, principal, and Thomas J Marchman, seourity. The above property pointed out by Plaintiff. JAS. H. ROGERS, Sheriff. P. S. Purchasers must pay for stamps and deeds. J. II. ROGERS, Sheriff.