Hancock weekly journal. (Sparta, Hancock County, Ga.) 1868-????, October 22, 1869, Image 1

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A [r * . &A ■COCK W111 £ ¥ JOtt "til VOL. II. The Hantock Journal IS PUBLISHED WKRKLV, W ilMitm H. Royal, Editor AProbuiktor. ‘ | 4 jrT*ro topics to xme addresa, I year, 6 00 * Ho aamo will be taken tteleas the cash ae •eapany the ordeVCaaH^mHiH^H|ifl Bates for ? m. y be el lasertion, for one idUBth 4 4 * A liberal dieqeunf cx««»Wely7 k beWPffe _ to t*n*&d person* advertieiug .’.W b<rtk.RS to Space. Cartts, "WEr Business for three montns or lo ng er, of type onc 8 U|uare. T® rionals: -V.....- ■ i-rl **^*\ -■**r M „ r -~ uiXudinff omce in westofiheC H Wmmffii GEORGE F. PIERCE, Jr. £s %m» ..See to vCXlUing! ...t of the «MI PROFESSIONS CARD y * r, TV ^ct- hTlTiK;,“u" ,*•. t a^Sof Medici^ end Surgery in the town a!!wr*be Of iWrifi SSiK all theses other •f then, may be found at their okce nt of the day. ; 4 ^ Special attention is gi ven to the treat «*nt of tjla-uuic DlneaSVs and diseases peculiar to Females. s Feb 12 —ly GEORGE H, JONES," WITH M HYAM8 A CO 384 Broad Street. Under Ventral Hotel , Awjutta, Georgia Dealbrs In VINE kROCERIEO, • Wines, Liquors and Cigars ; ALSO, GUN’RL VOMMIS’N HA RCILiNTS _V______Jw April ilO«lgR». ijr UMrles A. Nlrdgc, 9 * Harness Maker and Repairer, „JF Sparta, Ga. , If AT he found in the upper story of J A, prepared jyX Scaddsy’s (Jatrriage the public Shop, in where hi,,Sine h« tl# is to senra work, mi terms to suit the times. may 7-1 y JEWEL’S MILLS. (FORMERLY R kick him /W Office at oJRrto*, Ga, ■■' CUSTOMEBS W E WILL this MANUFACTURE tbc WOGL fottoWllg FOB "EftBoii, on tormsfl fMayflW&m*! mt Wool m JEANS (e^warp) Manufaefouediato Carded lute BOLLS Kersey* 12} at cents 20 ct* per lb. yard; me at per Sheetings, Skirting*, Ocaskurgs fuel Yarns •onstantly on hand. Wool Wanted, tn Exeliange for Goods, at market value, or for CASH. Consignments by ItaifYoaA should be direct¬ ed to Culvorton, Go. . D. A. JEWEL, may H 6 m Proprietor. New Cabinet Shop. ■ JOHN FRIESE. M > NUPAOTUREIl AND DEALER IN ALL KIND8 OF FURNITURE, f"k ESPECTFOLLY inforaui the citizens of |V .-parlx and this vicinity plnee that establishment he has re¬ cently opened in an for Manafkcture the. _ and _ __ Repairing , , OF FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, and will keep on hand a full assortment ot Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, he. or make to order any artiole in the cabinet line at the lowest prices and* nt short notice. Call amt^eemra^ netlee*lv»w' ^ ? ply t#ail short ■' DiMolRtion Notice. rflHECOPARTNt-RSFHI* I between LsFsyvtle Powell heretofore and Albert exbt. tag was dissolved on the 2 <*h September Inst, by its own Iknflattoo and by matasl consent. Fayette Pdrefl, the senior partner si settle the old firm, is duiyAathowd to arrange and nil 11 .......litlgifaiar- •I^B^Fatstt* » f the firm both pro and **** Powell, JEL H. Bihdbono. ' * * . A The undenrignnd having pnrehasrd the stock iu trade of fo« fom, respectfully returns ihauka to bn (Heads shtdcuMtomem bSowwi. for the liberal patrou age heretofofo and tok. . ooutiunsac* of the satoe. at the old stand, where he will comiiopfe to keep a good |tock of artw’e* In hie line. ^ hlFaiStte. PowelL Sparta, (in, Sspk “ w M. C W. Ben Boots ‘ and hoes, - ■ 1 * Wi l- I door above Mr,. ich\ A(l«Vm, «G 01 « 1 A. INDEPENDENT jf '^ 1 Hi IN ALL THINGS -NEUTRAL IN NOTHING. * SPARTA. HANCOCK POI NTY, 22, ATLANTA BUSINESS PI RECTORY. ADAIR & B RO. Wholesaht Ueelen in «RO€ER|IIS, TO«A€€ 0 , AND NN ESTERN P 1 KNWQS . Soluble Puclfic Gu«no, and J. M. A J. c. A KXANDEBto f Dealen ia Hardware, lr»i|, ferriage, IriH»teeM>BU, Mdfprial, " BoUiug Clothe, and Mining \ . ; Whitehall Btieet. f|uib I a [EM AN, HUNNt^fTA'BWL.^U.Vnr, maae rto Mi p wnawcBclu’ ^la*.,^ M,,W,£,,T nnuaucuTll a,SSn. * 1 Jfgft* il eucsr R . ofii „, afc C«S 5 Sheet Iron, Copper Valley*, c. a“---t 7 ,-Tw 77 vS“^S' 4 ‘ 1 T J? 1 13 T* Tl i t 11 ^ • Wmadr-w.atmaMk.Mto Keep coiuiautly on hand a large ami well select Crockery, China & Glass Ware, ^ V' Whitehall Street. ‘ i kck,d,Iaiili.e 5 Lco. Whe^ie .^Re,.,, Ue.le,.!, »ry Good*, iVoflOIIS, &C., ““«»«• "»• - ■— *“• y ^ \y C. LAYVSHE, Weekealejend Retail Dealer Medicines^ and fmigists* Paints. Articles. Dye*, Fancy Goods, Per fnnie ry, Ceriwr Pbachtree and Marietta streets. __ A. J. WEST & CO. A WhalesaMjbfirncers, nd Commltiton i’eachtred Street, Orde rs prom pMy filled. Cohsiffn meuts aoiii ited_ S 1 LVEY A DOUGHERTY. Dealers and Jobbers iu DRY GOODS, White Hosiery, Notions, Goods, Shot s, , u Hats, ate., , Cetner j, Pea phtrec and Meeatur SfH *, • CHAMBERLIN, BOYNTON A CO., Wholesale and Retail Oealoas iu Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, oaarRTS, wimdow mu deb, oil clotiis *.o., 1 . Car. Whitq{iall and Hunter Sir’*, W. A. LANS DELL, * Whstesul® ami Retail Dealer iu DRFttg, JHfimt’INES, ' Paint*, Oils, Glass, &c. Whitohnll Street. COX & II 1 LL, Wholesale Dealers iu Foreign aud Domestic LIQUORS, v fine sugars, TOBACCO <ScC. Peachtree Street. MOORE & MARSH, $11 Wholesale Dealers iu Y GOODS, <%aSr HATS, SHOES, ft BOOTS Decatur aud Pryor Streets: *’ BEKRMANN F KUHRT, ^ 1 alerters of aud Dealera in all kinds of Havana X Domcwlie Mcffars, SlMkio^ Hiid Chewing TotNfeQofijPipfli Ac* Whitehall Street, near tk • Rail Road F. M. JACK & CO. CONFECTIONERS & BAKERS Comer Whitehall and Alabama Sirs. STORAGE FOR ALL! Hff WJE• TTAvrEi JXA.VJ!i AJuriiL aTUTDT p FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE AND Close Storage Capacity for 16,000 Bales of Cotton, And i citl give our PERSONAL ATTENTION to the Sale and tdorage of the / tone to aU echo mag faior iu with their jhi Iron age. - *• ... ■ - — ____ - - - ^ _ TKHMKS—Cotmuiseions 5 for Selling Cotton, one and a quarter (1 14 ) per Cent. Storage, Fifty Cents per Bale per Month. _ , s BEFKRKNCE—NATIONAL BANK, AUGUSTA. W. H. HOWARD X NOA. A. K BENSON, Book-Keepnr. Oct l»t Cm T. C.' & D e L, TURNER. COMMISSION DRY GOP AND GROCERY MERCHANTS, ’ A-iid General Guano Agents. . SPARTA, GEORGIA, TfTOULD respectfully inform their friend* and^ the general public, lh *t R they are and sli'i VARIETY on hand, M t^^ds in th*ir line DBB8S GOODS, NOTIONS, DOMESTICS, fee., tfME In new COMPLETE, to which they paitienlariy call the aUention of the LADIES OF COMMUNITY. They keep always on hand a fine Stock sto ot rUJTATlOX SUPPLIES, which they ^ ^ 1 Tfeoy rile W,,'*!ao.. tiire Ibera • e^l e.4 they will i pee you Mtiaf,ct!on. Se^KbJi. ** ■ •* L T. I ANKS ’* Wholesale a,,d Seiuil Dealer in Boots Lesd»>*e*lf fuiH Slioes, ‘ Skins and Sh.* finding*, (Rawsoah Building) cot Whiu-hall A Hunter st Hhl W. TORCE, " ■*« ' tty.oln.ale Dealfrf in Boots- and Shoes, T| T# ,^;;“-nT 598 *JSJt^SS^ , * , ta * "' ««■ _Jr CHAPMAN, BDCKKK A CO. ".+**«f - I« %*-iA-H « r O c W r a , »vma 1 «; E vv> DZe &, T Slat ioiir U ^ n SUEKTlKJSIC, PIANOS & ORGANS., TOMSlEY * STEWART. Dealen in Hardware, Iron, jand Steel, Cutlery, M Tools, <>f all kind.-*, Builders’ and i-arriage * te WhitS h M.^t W011 **"* Pn * k ' > *’ elc ' i I, v M Win „ n ,---; ' ‘ J ’ Auction . .. and ( merchant, ommission aud REAL ESTATE AGENT, Liberal Cash Advance* made on Hoods in Store Peachtree street PHILADELPHIA 4s ATLANTA* Wine and Liquor Company Granite IMock; iqtmd Strict 1 GUTU.MAN, Agct t. PESSELS A S ' Elt.V, Dialers, in Domestic & Faacy Drs>Cf 6 od 8 , French Corset,, lloop FnvdirWoods Sh "*• iCahnorale, Ki G ove*. Ate. * - Na ti Wlijiehall Street. 77$. CL\YTON A CCV Wholesale Grocera, COmmiSSlOIl 11 . t MerclWltS, .. A » d Li.,«or Dealer*. Whitehall Street. JAMES li. WYLIE/ - Wholesale Grocer AND Coiitmi*Mion .Herchnnt, Pfuchlrce Sirs- 1 . J. 0 . IIOl.Bl-O K, Whole..!, end K«.H l>..ler i> Fur anti Wool Hals, Gf all tk - J.ate»t Lade*’ and MwafiT Fur*, IVachtree Street. i. PtiBERTWi; WILSON, Nlaniifactiiflpl TAYLOR Importer*, aud Wholesale Dealer* in Pure Drugs Medi ciHes, Chemicals, l’uiutu. Oil*, Gla*s Ac. F uew 3 d story Biick BuildingCurm-r Peachtree aud Decater Street " . 1 ~ JOHN FICKEN, - Maiiuf.aiclure Tobacco, aud ifollerjin FineSegars, ^iiiilf, Suuff Boxes, Pipes &c, lfeit»l. • . Oppotile Nat qpal *"**. GEORGE SIIAllSsf 3 K % Live Jeweler, Importer ami Dealer in ** •' AHamontls, W atelier A Fine JEWELRY, solid Silver, Plate-<t Ware a Fancy Goods, next door to Jack’s Coufectiosery, Whilehall Sireei. Watches and Jewelry (f alt kinds carefully Repaired and Warranted. AUGUSTA 'BUSINESS * M PKTKR KEENAN & CO., Wholesa’e and Rei *H Dealers in < Boots, #gf Shoes, * I p*•— ton i <$ — r " ' iT r ' A a W i/VT. * * ' T rel * 4 4 * ia Drugs Medicines; OUs, &<T Oar f den t«# Bm Seeds, .1 AkhT . ^,—' >, * '*• <ian.sbeku E “Tr**^* A '^t tC ° W^tchea, Clock* and GoodgJ Jewelry, «toer 1%^ and Plated N A^ . aud Jw ,,, y H ^ r .6 i I • • ~ J, ltBOWNE °fwSgc OiHto LoDkfne ItSer* Ginas * Pin R® G*U to Look ci^/ equal to New - Carefally Lined and I jjg n a *' . 'Tw 3 st MARK A Xry, WATrpTR^-' WALTERS, ■ -4k |^^HKjnKHyM|^^B|F j mar Die W OrKS. /W Strtm^nrar faer Market i C ! 4 *, •> , 3 ?&kO»K, TOMBSTONES, khippE. At|work for til. conuiry cererutly boiifd end " -a------—;—**— w.i«>abr», 7 - - A^giiMn, a j LANK, j.w.WALLACi T. 11 uncock Co, Augustn, 8 lfi.m.rr^. ^ ^ uarren, Lane m 1 - Co. (*M 0 «! 0 r, to IV llenrj Warren A Co.t ©ottoii HraCTors- WA U A II O U SR AH D Conlbission Merchants, - =- 185 and 177 Broad Street^ ' AUGUSTA, GEC’.ilA. CASH ADVANCES made on shipments of Cotton to New York and Liverpool* We are ngeuts for Georgia and South taro inn for the celebrated Kettlewell’s Nlanipulafed OIAVO* ’; Ober’, Phosphate , nd th . ARB0 v ,,,. ,„ d |r(J „ „„ nJ for Bailing Cottou. 4 @r The interests of the firm will be repra »ented in Hancock county by J. CLARENCE 1 MMON 8 . Ksq., of Sparta. W., L. Al* *" g '* 3 m f T. HEARD & CO. -WAREHOUSE AND Commission Merchants. COR. REYNOLDS & M'INTOSH ST'S, HareAowfe formerly or copied by Meter*. BUS TIN j* WALKER, ISAAC T. HEARD, O. M. STONE, AUGUSTA, GA. Will devote their strict personal attention to Yh* STORAGE and SALE of COTTON and all .other PRODUCE. Orders for Bagging, Rope, Etc*, promptly attended to. Liberal CASH advances made at all ti me* «a produce in store. ftaT*Agents for OULLETTS PATENT !M b PROVED STETL BRUSH COTTON GINS. Also, HALLS PATENT COTTON GIN FEED ER. July 23 d, 1869 , 6 m. WILBERPORCE DANIElT ~W arehouse —A N D— Commission Merchant, No. J Warren Block, Opposite Globe Hotel. AdtIlSTACA. All busiues* * in rusted to him will have strict personal attention Orders for Bugging. Ties or K«>pe and Family Supplies promptly fitted* COMMISSION I 1-4 PER CENT. REFERENCES: Judge John P. King. IWt Ga. R. R. Judge B. II. Warren, rres’t National Bank of Augusta. J.T. Gardiuer, E*q Pres’l Dickson Fertilizer Co. H. F. Russell, Esq . Mayof af Augu-ta. Anto* •we Poullaia, Esq , Director Ga. R. R. Cot. L. M Hill, Direr tor Ga. R K. Premium Wood Type. J. G. COOLEY’S PRINTERS WAREHOUSE f 75 Fulton *treet, New York. MF* flestf Tgfte of Kerry Description _ Specimen Book and Price List on applica. tkm as above, or to Geo P Rowell ft Co, Ad vertising Agents, 40 Park Row. New York, e a. asseu. a. J wnnon, t. u caldwell. ThToLD Virginia TENNESSEE AND GEORGIA U. S, HOTEL. ATLANTA, GA. 8A88EKN - CALDWELL Within 100 ,ard» of the Patteager Depot SUNDAY I* |Mnstituty)*jfe Devi Walk! the * . Mil. "to „ fflCnd < i ^ thtJ Can "P* ’ re,cl T’,r ,e ^ la3t <"*» onc bo,d strokij . ot genius the jpiyatoriw of the “ Demoniac of Gudard,” ^f l0 **£* 9 f th * “, T the ,™“ dev1 *' °“‘ 6 of - when be l oar, a boy. tlndercpvg.l thj. ^Ssri-ssa ^Cy^'iMoT^W for. rt,. time;th, brekenbean.oi lather. and mothers, who, too late, have awakebod to the tremendou. u.fen.ibilitie. of P ». gaum.. 'A clerical gentleman, with hi. eye 6 «d »» the c«ed, 8 „d. fault with the theology ** *-.**-** was » n tl,CUJ »» beginning.” lie will not deny, at all events, that this night work hastened his development, and that 11 *•"*“?*• upon boys who w run ont « »« of a nights, 'T /^ the i)cvil mi ® ht have bcen ke P fc down, and may be, expelled from his stronghold al tu o ti *her. I have read somewhere, “ one hour of moonlight has seen more sin than the longest day in Juno ” An intelligent ob-. ^ver of wea and thin.,, eespeciajlv in our 1 Clties> wi „ readily understand the figiirq, and promptly credit the faeUrfckh iW;! j, „ night ^ , n.e^ih J the rcource. of temptatiA 1 t^fcMy nWfl «x^ 4 tempted, . . from .eme «o.« plaiued, are more open toUKfetion and weaker to ‘resist. There seems to exist some mysterious . . affinity *■ , between 1 . spiritual . , .»d natural darkne... With the titUght, hiding bm.^„.ia. f their place, and the hud paavoris or-n^« ame^e md 8, ' 0 ’ , lbcmselv « in plots and deeds of iniquity. It is now that the victim says iu his heart._.“ Ud hath forgotten: He hideth His face : He will never see it.” Job observed the relation between night,roving and sin: “ The eye also of the adulterer waiteth for the twilight, saying, no eye shall see mjs; and d'sguiseth his face.” “In the dark they dig through houses which they had marked for themselves in thu day-time: thqy know not the light.” “For the morning is to them even as the shadow of death : if one know them, they are in the terrors of the shadow of death.” At such a time, the wise Solomon, “Dis¬ cerned among the youths, a young man void of understanding. “ Passing through the street near her corner ; and he went the way to her house In the twilight, in the evening, in the black and dark night “ And behold there met him a woman 4 with the attire of an harlot, and subtile of heart.” “ With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with * the flattering of her lips she forced him.” “ lie goeth after her straightway, as an ox goeth to the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction of the stocks “ Till a dark strike through his liver ; as a bird hasteth to the snare, and knoweth not that it is for bis life.” Does not St. Paul tell us that “ they that be drunken, are drunken in the night?” And does not the Great Teacher explain it mil ?—“ Every onc that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometli to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.” . Said a man to me, not long since, 4 bhose «rl, youth «» innocent nud noble. bn who became, ten years ago the prmed of fast men and “-black-legs” in Atlanta; who, in a delirium of drunkenness killed iend and made himself an outcast reprobate: “ 1 was a good boy and loved h^if e and mother. Mother hired a boy a 1 night walker, and first persuaded me to go down town of nights After a while he got me to the bar-room. Then 1 drank with him. Cards came next. Dad wo men and drunkeness followed and you know the rest ” * It was very mournful to look upon this own, and hear him talk about his mother and pure childhood—now gone forever— and he a man of genius and sensibility, in the very prime of what might have bcen a glorious life, a blighted thing—the fierce and pitiless simoon, in unintermitteutfury, licki^ up with a. ho. breath thu Ter, itfe of hie eoul. And this mani^out a Mpresentative of tens of thousqj^B who, in t^ese sonl-pollu V .‘F' ' "f, '3“ 12 ~55 p n 4% m m ' a, ■ . • 1 ligiTfcrambtea, have been pe«»X 5 %nptross that “ *n>Un w*. jpt, and bread eaten in Mens! is “Knowing not that the dead ire that her guests are in the depthfe of htifl. /; -/ * r*i ' < vjf^S JO, sir, it is a' ble and potentons tl to see a halft », boy roving tbro • our cities ici the time, and lev behied him nlbtbe i^A, ynre .-Bode the aiabnnd^.-. M “‘ 0 ' wi ” 0 ' *” d «— J| ,. Mdbytlie 1 evil to acoomi>li.h bi.de. 5 10 J ra « “«* K>n - b »'-« OT ». f~"> - ^e 1 !*■* h 01 * 1 10 th<l •■"k, pour forth their Mm.dmh.mtt. on ^^^£±££ ’ ® hows prepare Mm for 2 crime, ? ^ ruin of, fZ and 8 ?^A l ' 00 V n k U P the last Vestiges W ® Dre *‘ ?'^TOTO V , °h Yciu language, will, my when friend^ p^don $Wthat, aatPjustify sU Ictell witb)« these few days ^ past^young friend that I “sociatea fernons already fallen, l bfa from the |f 6ptcr ' a certain Will he spend ular Wro< another and night P°P ^ » ^ in fanc ^ b ' i,li#rd saIoonf A» d will 110 bccome bk e ^ rest of them, changed, •“? br0 " ‘" d “”“ bih, y frc ™, b “ con ‘ Clen ^' : ' ” pviyer. ll)s. ^ 4 lkaf ,t*ught Sthe him, to; be hushed upon hU tiSl lips, sweet fnith of ..-J W. childhtmd St ^ , another , .. .. “deaf . ? added, biting ^ come jy«^w and S" .. . g “ . . .. .V - . ^ “*f rf« I,1B t0 P«M aod to fifo T , Shanh.• bbalt V ae ‘ , > be bhmed • • ar ridiculed r,.; 1 c ry ao y h jirhen l sec this ^ . ,nult ude 81 3 h*n^Vi thc.vexy.jj>r% ^ * t0 tld ‘ C ° f hfe » a n d Wlth tbe dew of their youth , yet sparkling . . . them, being dc- v upon stsoyed before my eyes ? Whon I see them iq whole hecatombs being raptured away fro n mother’s love and God’s peace to be ground to powder by all this terrific enginery of Satan^ who has 4 urned, in re sistless sluices, upon the driving-wheels of his unresting mills, the influences of a corrupted and debauched civilization ? Shall I, or auy other man who fears God and loves his race, b« sneered at as “puri¬ tan,” or “fanatic,” by men who “fear not God nor regard men,” when I protest with all my soul against gigantic wrongs and monstrous crimes, against the life of our children, because, forsooth, the whisky traffic has grown so huge that it can shape a great part of the legislation of the coun¬ try, and buy the endorsement of newspa¬ pers ? and so respectable that it can com¬ mand occasional toleration by the Ohhrch * itself? Shall aehing hearts be denied even the last right of protest against whisky and its legitimate concomitants, gambling, brothels, forgeries, murders, “and such like,” because these agencies of Satan bate become so powerful that re¬ sistance .docs not promise victogr? • a Let such fathers and mothers ns may «v chance to read, in the stillness of tbtdlioly day, your ‘^Sunday Letter,” or who, read* »ng from their own hearts, mourn the Hight that fcljreateas or has already befal. lea their children, ponder well the perils that surround their sons who roye these streets after night fall; and let them now remember, what too many of them to their undying sorrow had forgetten, that eternal ,, 3 Uan« i, ,he price 0/O^ir MU^-pu. Bilim it lto§ e lhn, Oct. 186 V. — ■ m m tHlSstbat —The Detroit Tribune the New Moon, talked of, will not be of much Herv ^ ce an l©®* it is different from the moon # , ____ —l*he bust’of Baron Von Humbelt was un 1 f^ ed w j^ b appropriate honors, l^thfof at Cen 0,1 c nte his birth. / v - at _ Pompeii, An ong two ^ busts recent have dhmoverfo ^V tbe finest execution; beeu-found, which* of Pompey, one of ie the othdr is Bl-utus^Jftejr here Priced a( thtJMHphafoaafo j Ujf Ro»n Theatre, be*n°discovered cap* Jjavj: ** > * et * >0r,> - _j ( ^ ^ ^ ^ rf fron the eon b, thu wrfcoe of th. fall moon, is little mon than that ofk* «x candle at fifteen