Hancock weekly journal. (Sparta, Hancock County, Ga.) 1868-????, October 22, 1869, Image 4

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7 “Traveller,” Chronicle the flying correspondent of thV pays us the following compliment; Jlut lew towns boast , # “ can of better or¬ der in the streets on public days than Sparta. The wild and ferocious do not selves make many in yells before they find them¬ the “jug,” consequently such demonstrations are few and far between. For this state of things all honor is due to the worthy and efficient Sheriff of the county, Mr. Rogers. I don't know of a more the active, vigilant, and fearless officer in State. Perhaps the Qourt, and the public little regard their obligations to such a man. The present editor of the Southern __ _ Recorder, ns executor upon the estate of tbe late R. M. Onno, Sen., desires to sell the deceased’s half interest in the paper. We desire an active and energetic co¬ partner,one who will take charge of the out¬ door business and financial department of the p«per. We have a plan on foot that we think will prove of great advantage to the paper, and all that is needed to make the Recorder a handsome paying institu¬ tion, as it was before the war, is tho right kind of a man to aid us. Our business is departments. too large for us to do it full justice in all Wc prefer one who haa a practical knowledge of the printing busi¬ ness. . v* Hold Your Cotton. —The Southern Recorder, speakihg on the subject of hold¬ ing cotton, says: Such is the advice wc see and going the rounds of some of the papers, comments for and against. We cor¬ dially endorse the advice given with an amendment, by saying, hold yo ur cotton if all your obligations have been met, and your creditors not made to suffer. No man has a right to speculate upon the money of others, and if our planting friends have promised to pay off certain obliga¬ tions at a specified time, they are bound by every sense, honor, justice, right and fair dealing, to sell their cotton for what ask they can get, and not for what they may oi expect. There is a moral law that eame direct from the lips of the Redeemer, that is above all other laws or selfish in. terests, and should be the rule of our ac¬ tions not only because it is right, but be¬ cause it is both wise and proper, and reads as follows ; “ Therefore, ail things what¬ soever ye would that men should do to jou, do ye even to them.” AN EXTRAORDINARY CHANCE. The Leading Literary Paper of tke We»t FREE FOR ONE YEAR! The Western Home, If a large first class literary periodical of 64 eolumns, printed on paper 28 by 42 inches, sixteen pages, extended quarto. Kaeh number contains several choice •tones, soul-stirring ablest poetry, writers original in oon. fributions, from the Amer¬ ica. Correspondence, Young People’s De¬ partment, Wit and Humor, News, Reviews, tf* etc., etc. Also a discourse by Ward America’^ Beecher.— meet gifted Harriet preacher, Beecher Henry Stowe, Robert Collyer, Geo P Upton, Mary E Hoffman, Emily L Whiting, and other distinguished writers, are regular only paid publication contributors. of New York The west -whieh employs the best Eastern as well as Western writers. * The organ of no sect or party, it incub* eatas the purest morality, while it is in¬ fused with the life, spirit and vivacity of this It teeming, such progressive ago is a paper that we are now pre¬ pared to offer as a FREE GIFT for one ;year, to all new subscribers (or pld ones vwho renew, pay up all arrears, and on? jrear in advance), for the Journal or the farmer —thus securing two papers for tbe price This of one. opportunity whieh is a rare tbe in¬ telligent duly people of our section will no doubt appreciate. Hand in your subserip. tions at once and secure the Journal and the Western Horne for three dollars a year, -or the Hancock Farmer (weekly) and the iWcttern Home (monthly) for only ONE (DOLLAR a year. fftko Western Home is a monthly of 16 {pages—-price by one dollar a year. Published A. Itadkhurst & Co., Chicago, Illinois; >but will be given free to each one of our ■patrons who pay one year in advance. ■iWM ff Furniture jf t k J. CAR ACEH are now receiving a Bot of NICE FURNITURE, consisting of Bed Room sets, Tables, Chairs, Wash stands, Ward¬ robes, &o„ Ac. They are prepared to fill all orders for Basil Blinds and Garnet Doors. Also, ROSEWOOD AND METALIC COFFINS MASONIC HALL, MILLEDGEVILLE Quick sales and small profits Is the motto of trade with us. Furniture Repaired They also carry on the Wagon business Patrouagesolicited- may 7 —8 m, WHOLESALE DRUG HO® :o: PLUMB & LEITNER. Augusta* Ga. -:o: Choice Drugs, Pure Medicines* and Chemicals. OILS, BRUSHF-S. FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES, Fare White Lead. TONE White aad Colored FAINTS, W.r ranted Genome and Fresh Garden 8 BEDS, Fifth Hook*, Lira, Ptles *Bd Fancy FI.U>, Tackle. Wholesale Agents Ftr the m lebrated ItlLl.VILl.K FRUIT Ac* Ac. PLUMB A LEITNER, New Granite Front, 813 Broad Street, Augusts, Georgia. Sept 10 6 ra fTAJtUflCK WEISIf PARTNERSHIP. Avgusta, August 20, 1869. 'PUB UNDERSIGNED have formed a part. A nership for the manufacture tic of a ] FERTI. LIZER in this city, to known as E. M. PENDLETON’S ■1! cun: Price per Ton. It is the result of investigations made by him as a Chemist and practical Agriculturist for a number of years; and he believes it will fill all the indications required for a Stan* dard Fertiliser of a high grade for the Cotton Plant. Out of fifteen Commercial Fertilisers and twenty-two Compounds of his own, used on his experimental plat the present year, this pre. paration has excelled them all to this date in the number of blooms, which have been care¬ fully counted on the section of a row of sixty yards, and in the sparsity of fallen fruit the (which has also been counted,) as well as in weight of the bolls. W e intend to put up a uniform article, with the highest possible per cent, of Phosphoric Acid to make the seed, and sufficient Ammo, nia and Alkaline Salt to make the weed and fibre, and sell at the usual rates ef Standard Fertilizers, though with smaller profits. The Senior Partner will aet as Chemist for the firm, and oarefully analyse all material used, and guarantee a uniform article of high grade. Junior , , » The Partner will superintend the manipulation: net trusting to second hands so important an interest of the firm. We solicit early orders, so we may ascertain at an early day the amount of raw material time required, that our mauufacturers may have to furnish it for manipulation. E. M. PENDLETON, Senior Partner. E. J. DOZIER, Junior Partner. —:o:— REFERS TO Rev Bishop Pierce, 8 parta, Ga., Rev Dr C P Reman, Sparta, Ga., Hon Lintou Ste phens, Sparta, Ga., Hon D W Lewis, Sparta, Ga., J W Burke A Co., Macon, Ga , Gen Lr McLaiys, Beall, Augusta, Ga., Z McCord, Augusta, Ga., Spears & Co., Augusta, Ga., W P Crawford, Columbia Co., S. Mays, Co¬ lumbia Co., Dr J S Hamilton, Athens, Ga. Address—E. M. PENDLETON, Sparta. Ga., or PENDLETON & DOZIER Augusta, oct 16 Ga. W. W. SIMPSON & Co. Have in Store a Neva Stock of Gocnh for Fall and Winter Trade, Which for Variety, Style : nd Complete¬ ness is Second to none in this Section, all of which is offered at reasonable prices. Those needing SUPPLIES will please give them a call. Polite and active atten¬ tion given to those wanting to purchase. Additions to their present stock are being constantly received. As Agentt, th*y offer fur Sale the Dickson Compound, To those desiring a reliable Fertilizer. SIXTfiGN TONS Now ready for delivery at the Warehouse of James T. Gardiner at the Depot in this place. Sparta, Ga., Oct. 15th 1869 tf encourage Home Productions. A Mow! Delightful Tonic S A A Mont Mtwl Deli Delightful Tonic! gat ftsl Tonic! CZ3 BITTERS! A SOUTHERN PREPARATION. VALUABLE Ac RELIABLE T7IQUAL if not superior to any Bitters in the fj market, and at much less price. Cures Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Chill and Fever, and is without doubt tfip best Tonic in use. GOODRICH, WIN EM AN k Co., Manufacturers and Proprietors, and Direct Im¬ porters of Choice Drugs and Ceemicals. CHARLESTON\ S, C. For sale in Sparta by BERRY, and A. W. Jjrlfi 6 m POWELL & BIRDSONG, THE IS THE ONLY Weekly Paper PUBLISHED IN THE SOUTH, For One Dollar a Year. It is the only weekly paper in the State of its peculiar character The only strictly Agricultural Ac Educational subscription weekly published at the South—and tbe price within is so exceedingly small as to place it the reach of every family iu tbe laud AU business communications should be addressed W. H. ROYAL. Articles for publication must be sent to th« editor. Postkr Fleming, Chas. E. Staples, EUGENE F. BUBNET, with FLEMING A STAPLES. a*. W areliouse -ANl)— Commission Merchants. —Occupy the— FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE OF PNINIZY, Jackson-St., Augusta* Ga. Commission for Selling Cotton, 1} percent. 8ef* 17 - 6m Roberts, Morris&Shivers Successors to James T. Gardiner k Co. WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILL Augusta , Ga., 8 give their personal attention to the |orage and sale of COTTON, and such other produce as may be sent to them. Cash advances on Produce in Store. house Having and withdrawn Commission from the General Ware¬ business, in favor of ROBERTS, I MORRIS tSe SHIVERS, take pleasure iu recommending them to the eenfideoee and Patronage ot my old friends. They are all men ot Large Business Experience Orily. and ample means to conduct W. business satisfoe to jan It T. GARDINER, Jas. A, GRAY & Co., NO. 228 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA G A'i Offer to the Trade and Public Generally, Extra *9 Inducements in FALL <fe WINTER DRY GOODS! With a large and varied experience in the Foreign and Domestic Markets, Buying Exclusively for Cash, from first hands ol Quality and LoWdfls of Price. No Parties will undersell we guarantee our Goods lot Excellence se. We constrantlj making Urge Litton, to onr miou, Dep.rtm.nU of Fresh .mtmefng ,B ,f,e I .lent O Md KovelHr. of Imported W Particular attention is invited to the Dress Goods Department, and an examination of Prices and Fabrics. A full line of Entirely New Black and Colored Silks, Handsome Silk Poplins, Merinos, Empress Cloths, New Poplins &c. -We call the Eepecial attention of Purchasers to the Largest and Best Assorted Stock of Domestic Goods in the Market, and American Manufactured Woolen known. comprising Every Description* of Cotton In our other Departments will be found full and complete lines "" a ■ • - Fluids, Blankets. Skawls, Cleaks. B.siery. Corset*. IIo*p*kirts. Wkite «u4 and 1®“ Wholesale Buyers requested inspect NOTIONS/ are to our Stock. Oct. 1 eowBtu. JAS, A. UR. «. S. PROPHITT’S LIVER MEDICINES. CONSISTING or MIS CELCBaATXD Liver Medicine, Anodyne Pain Kill It, Anti Billions Pills, Ague Pills, Dysentery Cordial, Female Tonic and Purifying Pills. rpHE J PH excellent ITT, M. D,. Remedies need recommendation— ot O. S PRO. no their well known power in removing the diseases peculiar to our Southern climate having already established for them au enviable reputation in Georgia and adjoining South States. As *tlie majority of persons living are predisposed to dis ea. e of the Liver, it is granted by all intelligent physicians that most of 'he pains and aches of onr people are due to organic or functional derange i. emofthat important organ. Propbitt’s Liver Medicine and anti Billions Pills strike directly at the root of tbe evil. They cure the liver, which, in nine cases out ef ten, is at the bottom of canghs, dyspepsia, colic, sick headache, Rhema tism, consumption, menstrou.l obstructions. See.. sn common among our people. Earache, acute rheumatism, neuralgia and bodily p^ins of • very kind, flee before PROPHITT’S PAIN KILL IT like chafl’before a wind. PROPHITT’S LIVER MEDICINE. Dr Prop kill : Having uaed this medicine suf¬ ficiently long to teat its viitue, and to satisfy my own mind that it is an invaluable remedy, for dy^wpsia—a suffered disease from which the writer has much for six years and being pursued ed that hnndreda now Huffer ftom thin annoying complaint would be singularly benefi ted, as he h»* been, by iU u-e, we deem it a duly we owe to the unfortunate claw to recommend to them the uee of this remedy; » hich has given not on¬ ly himself but several members o* his fussily the greatest relief. W. M. ARNOLD. Of the Georgia Conference. Dooly County, Oa„ April, 1 S 6 ?, This is to certify that I was confined 10 the house, and most of the tune to my bed, and suf¬ fering the greatest five agony and imaginable, with iheu matiem, for moii'hs after trying et»-ry available remedy with no relief, I was cured with two bottles of Dr. O. S. Prophitt’s Anodyne Pain Kill It, each costing me fifty cents only ; it relieved me almost instantly. 1 therefore recom¬ mend it in the highest degree to others suffering from similar diseaee. I can say that it is one of the best family medicies now out, ee{tain. Yours, truly, W. A. FOREHAND. Dr. Pt« Covington , Ga.. July 9 , 1867. phitt— having used your liver Medi¬ cine for more than a year in my family I cheer¬ fully recommend it to all peraons suffering from liver aliection in any form. I al.-o recommend your Dysentery Cordial as the bee doger's. remedy for that disease. O. T S'ttnfordville, Putnam Co , Oct. J, 1867. Dr. O. S. Prophitt—Dear Sir : Pills This is to certi¬ fy that I have used y »ur Ague for the laet ten years, and have never failed to cure the Ague in a single instance with them. They always break the chills the first day th.nt <hey aie given. I can recommend them as being the best ague medinue that l have found, and they leave no bad effects following them, as quinine. 4tc. Yours, respectfully, A WEsTBROOK. Putnam County, Ga., SepL 22.18b8 , Dr O. S. Prophitt -Sir: I have used for the last two years in my family your Liver M. diciue. year Pain Kill It, and yonr Female Tonic and I have no fears in asymg that they are the best medicines I havaever used for tbe l«ver andvtom ach. Neuralgic and rheumatic affliction*, head¬ ache, colic, and paius of ail kinds are suhdued by them. After using the medicine so long, I cheerfully recommend them to all that are afflict¬ ed, as 'be best and safest remedies for ail the dis¬ eases for which they are recommended, ice. Yours resp’y, JAMES WRIGHT. DR. PROPHITT’S FEMALE TONIC This medicine with ite associates dise'aaes is a telhfoh safe and certain remedy for all curable females alone are liable It is also an excellent preventative of nervous Miodne*’. or uvtvou* disease in either male or female It is a power fnl nervine tonic, setting up a full and free eircu• latioa throughout the system. All of Ibeabcve medicines gold by draggle : and roeichante generally throughout the south wart, Prepared only by DE.O. B. PROPHITT, Atlanta, Ga. A. W, BERRY- Agent, Sparta, Ga. July 30, tun ———-— POLL — Vr Aijuxx. At* -- APf D. COX VVO, & CO ww-f . GENERAL GROCERY AND Commission _ Morcn&nts, _ * Ao. a* .Ml- £94 JfJiUAU nun in o ornri-* 1 KB IT) (A few doors below the Planters’ Hotel.) A.ugusta, Georgia E EEP selected ption, constantly including stock of on a hand GROCERIES fine a assortment large and of every well of Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, Ac. Bgh. The interests of the firm will be repre¬ sented by Judge Henry H. Fitzpatrick, of Warren county. may 2— 6 m Central Hotel. /CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va., located at the \_j Depot, aad convenient for etudeat and vis. ore. Splendid fare, charges moderate. DR J BRADFIELD’S Female Regulator! WOMAN’S BEST FRIEND! —O— rpHIS VALUABLE MEDICINE is prepared 1 for womkh exclusively, and to be used by women only. It is adapted disordered, especially to those cases where the womb is and will cure any irregularity in the “ menses,” except in such cases as require a surgical operation. As these last are very rare, the FEMALE REGULATOR is of almost, universal applica. tion. In a sudden check ef the “monthly courses” from coli>, trouble of mind or like cause, it acts like a charm, by restoring the discharge IN every instance, thus relieving the fever, headache, pain in the small of the back and “lower stomach,” flushes of heat about the face, chilly sensations, burning of the eyelids, and general restleness. Taken in time, all these symptoms pass away immedi ately, without -injury to the constitution.— Frequently, however if the proper remedyis not applied in time, the disease becomes chro nic, and tbe foundation laid for numberless evils to the constitution of the woman. The next “ turn” comes around and there is no *• show,” or perhaps the whites” will ap. pear. There will be some uneasiness about the womb, but very little or none of the natu ml fluid escaping. The complexion becomes sallow, bowels swollen, a sort of greenish caste about the face, constant dull, aching pain in the head, weight in the lower stomach ond back, with or without whites, palpitation of the heart, pallor, exhaustion, indigestion, weariness, langor, aching in’ across the loins, loss of appetite, pain left breast, tightness across tbe chest, cough and giddiness. If still allowed to go on. “ green sickness” Zomm will S- be fully developed; tire headache vere, with loss of memory, diminished sensi. bility, food, sic* stomach, dyspepsia, no relish for loss of flesh, increased fluttering of the heart, swelling or the feet, legs and body, and occasional spitting of blood The SRSlCrWTStoTOa I* between the ages of fifteen ancT forty-five, who are *‘?J brought to the grave by ignorance or ue l if*Vk'. k '.ra25 .i.k any or ib« symptoms above mentioned, in connection wilh an irregularity of the “monthly sickness,” we earnestly say, TAKE DR. J. DRADF1 ELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR. A few ounces ta¬ ken, you will at once experience its ?»enefit, and with a lirtlc patience you will be fully re¬ stored to health. This remedy has been extensively used for upward of twenty years by many ef the most experienced and successful physicians in Georgia. No family should be without two or three bottles. We repeat, that DR. J. BRADFIELD’S FEMALE REGULATOR is prepared for wo¬ men, and to be used by women only. A trial is all we ask. Prepared and sold in any quantity, by BR.4DF1ELO & t o., Atlanta, Ga. TESTIMONIALS STATE OF GEORGIA—Troup Coaaty : YJjjg jg to CCT (jfy (|, gt J J, aTe eXRn ,i ne d t he recipe of Df. Josiah Bredfield, of this county. an d, as a medical innn, prononnee it to be a combination of medicines of great merit in the treatment of all the diseases of females for wblch be rec ommends it. WM. P. BEASLEY, M. D. This December 21, 1868. Atlanta, Bradjuid Ga., December 29, 1868. Dr. J. —Dear Sir: I take pleasure in stating that, sometime previous to the late war, I used with the most success, on a servant girl, your FEMALE REGULATOR, prepared ‘ken *‘BradfieliPs Drugstore. West Point, Ga. She lful been 8 U «e sn«f r ‘ n g severely from suppres «ed menstruation this medicine restored ber bea .^ bbe 18 l 0 '4»y living in Atlanta, «°“ n d ‘ * will state further, , that L . , I . know of # , its , being , 1 “ e 9 UA } success, in other cases. 1 do he8,tate . ‘° “'Jorse preparation for your ,he purpose for which you recommend it. lours, truly, JOHN C. WHITKER. — Cabtiesvillb, Ga., April 26, 1869. ■ r ‘^ certify that two members of my immediate fraily, after having suffered for many years from menstrual irregularity, and having been treated without benefit by various medical doctors, were at length completely curwi ty 01 ** h 01 * 1 * of Dr J- BradSelUs “FK jjaLE REGULATOR” l therefore deem it my duty to furnish this certificate, with the hope of drawing the attention of suffering womankind to the merit# of a medicine whose power in curing irregular and suppressed men struation has been proven under my own per sonal observation. Its effect on such cases is truly wonderful, and well may the remedy be JAS. W. 8 TRANGE. At wholesale by J. H. ZEILIN A CO., Macon. W. H. TUTT & LAND, Augusta. For sale in 3parta, by Sept 2, 1869 A. W. BERRY. Edwards House SSPASffA, COTHERN, ®S®1SSE&. E. F. | Proprietors. GEO. W. WATKINS, THE GREAT CHILL AND FEVER EXPELLEE. [MAN'S PYRAFUGE IT IS IN FACT A MOST WONDERFUL Fever Co re, i ON ACCOUNT OF THIS i i ’ Instant Remedy MAKING A " LASTING AND PEBMANFNT CURE. i SO CA8B HOWEVER OBSTINATE, (’nn Resist its Health-giving Properties PYRAFUGE n rca ‘ . e ®- an -Appetite, . . __ Brings . Color ,, , to the Cheeks of the Emaciated and Strength to the Feeble, vvvilV PHTTI JiUllLr. v cm SOLD n ic? IS AC a n COMPANIED BY A GUARANTEE aij * y cuin ICAC % n\r X . *„ ™ * ,e T Propneton , . of , the ... l’\ RAFUGK challenges every case, no matter of how long standing, ‘•‘ft ‘ hi ? GREAT CI 1 ILL AND FEVER in*** *»eny its wonderful enralivo P , 0 i’ er,,e » AbK FOR T A Jr lr ^-*"^**-* PYRAFUGE ’ a™ gkt kid or that „ Miserable Disease, PTIU ^lLL T ANU Akin fMdiH. nPTTPn For sale at Wholesale, by the Sole Manu¬ facturer for the Un ted Statos, by JACOB LIP. MAN, MOW IKTOR or LIPPMAN’S WHOLESALE DRUG HOUSE, Savannah, Ga. KAYTON’S OIL OF LIFE CURES ALL Pains an*d Aches, AND IS THE Great Rheamatlc Remedy. KAYTON’S PILLS Cures Sick Headache a H n AIL BILIOUS DISORDERS. For sale in ^part* by May 21 —ly. A W BERRY FURNITURE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, AT PLATT (Formerly C. A. Platt & Co.,) nix 214 Broad St. Oi, Augusta, ... Ga.} " ;o: _____ \I7E . have and , constantly . receiving . thf are f f best assortment of FURNITURE that has ever been in this market, consisting, of Rosewood and Mahogany Parlor Suits, 1 Chamber Suits, Cottage Suits. Bedsteads, Chairs, Sofas, Tete-Tele, Centre Tables, Bureaus, Sideboards, Extension | Tables, of all lengths. We particularly call the attention of purchas- j ers to our SOLID WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS fer Beauty, Durability and Cheapness, ' OUR MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT Is still in operation. Special orders will be ! promptly attended to. Repairs done in all its branches. UPHOLSTERING DEPARTMENT. HAIR CLOTII, ENAMELED CLOTH, REPS, I TERRY and SPRINGS, and all articles suita¬ ble for Manufacturers, which offer Low ' we at Prices. | WINDOW’ SHADES A large stock of WINDOW SHADES, of every style and pattern, from the Cheapest to the Finest, with all the New Style Fixtures. undertaker’s department. Superintended by a competent man. COFFINS of all Descriptions and Quality, METALIC CA 8 ES and CASKETS of the most improved styles, furnished at all hours during the Day or Night. Undertakers ean be supplied with all kinds Trimmers. may 2—1 y E. E. BROWN. W. F. BROWN. OPPOSITE PASSENGER DEPOT, MACON, GA. * Sept 15,186». PuiTiTiffl Bitters. This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are especially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks flOwIl 41 106 ,- ftUxIttftx onlwtfa SpiFlt/S* Wherever it is intro¬ duced it becomes a stand ard article — a medicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, and 41| lOO A H1USL nnnnlni* jHipUIlir mndlelnn IllCUIClIie in the civilized world—be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Gro¬ cers and Country Store s. ^CENTRAL GEORGIA Real l.wtate Agency. TT .IT AViNl* established » Meal Net ate Agency for Central Georgia, with headquarters at Glope Hotel, Estate Augusta Ga, I solicit all peraons having Real fur sale in Hancock Co., lo¬ cal! at tbe law office of Frank 1* Little Esq my authorized Agent Sparta, , tion, that at giving be foil descrip¬ advertisements yonr property being may specified in the tend now tig, prepared for the North¬ ern for several press, first prom co-respendente tins now oall claw places in county. J. HOWARD BROWN. September 3, 1869 2m Augusta, Ga .b’oi? Kale FI1HE TWO Story Wood building next. A Eavt 0 f the Edwards Hous*, about 40 X 40 feet, with a yard in rear 30 X 40 feet, first floor, fltoi* with 2 buck rmtms and a hall, second floor divided into four rooms and a hall. The building is perfectly sound and in good condition, and is one of the best stands for busi in **^ _ ALSO a Dwelling with 4 room-, and good kitchen, good well of water and a fin« garden spot of } of an acre. A good bargain wilk be given a cash purchaser. Said house is dneetiy in the rear of the stores and fronts on Jail street, A. GUILL. Oct. 8 tf. H. H. SASHETT, HO 'Broughton Street, SAVANNAH, GA. Will keep constantly on hand a select stock of BOOTS & SHOES, BOTH AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. rp HE patronage of my friends and the publle WSf I Will fill all orders promptly for CASH July 16—ly H. H. gasmen « , -- carriage, -ollggy - and WagOn REPOSITORY. - m prepared to genre hie old friends and patrons, at the most reasonable- prices He basin his em,