Hancock weekly journal. (Sparta, Hancock County, Ga.) 1868-????, November 19, 1869, Image 4

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Li 8 AS C 0 fi « K WSISI'f . <9m owmis a & GRAY & 00.. Hancock Sheriff Sale. ITT?-WILL BE SOLD ou the first Tuesday ff in December next, before the Court House door in the town of Sparta, between the legal hours of sulu, the following property to wit; Fourteen hundred acres o( land more o* lea, lying in Hancock couuty, and along the watetB of town ersek, and adjoining lands of Aithur Butts, and others, Levied on as the properly of Ann Devereaux, dec’d, by virtue of one Han¬ cock Superior Court fi fa, in favor of John B. W. Latimer vs. Edgar B. Fears Adm’r Ac,, of \V. Devereax, dec’d and Fitz W. Berry, Exe’r tc.‘ of Anna D.vereaux, dec’d. JAS. 11. ROGERS, Sh’ff. ALSO At the same time and place wiil be sold one houso and lot, containing about (4) four acres more or les*, lying in, Hancock county, and in the village of Linton on the North Bide of main street, troil'.iug the Washington Institute, and adjoining Levied lands the of B. H. of Miller, Jam und Ray, others. ou a- property s to rati* fy one Washington county ’ourt fi fa, in favor of Catherine Cone, vs. R- L Andrews und James Ray. The above property pointed out by Pl.ua liflj Attorney, writeu notice served ou the occu¬ pant. JAS. H. ROGERS, Sh’ff. At the ALSO, sains time and plaos will be sold one lot of land containing six acres, more or less, up¬ on which is a good too story dwelling house aud other all lying outbuilding*, the mak ug Poweltou a very derirable adjoining place, * in village of and lauds of Dr. Tho* Jones. Dr. J. J Cooper, Mrs. Auu Rudistd aud others. Levied on us lhe prop¬ erty of G. S. Allen, security, to satisfy six Justice Court fi fas. in fnvor of John J. Cooper, assignee, vs. Henry Wynn, John Wynn mid G. S Allen, security, the above property pointed out by Joe! S. Burley, constable, JAS. and H. returned ROGERS, to me. Sh’ff. ALSO At the same time and place will be old the eutire track of the Macon k Augusta Rdd Road, running through ihe county or Hancock, begin ing at the line of Warren and Huucot-k counties, at Baldwin Mayfield Statiou, running Went io the line of and Hancock couuty,at Carr* M*tfon embracing 30 Miles more or less. Levied on to satisfy one Hancock Superior Court fi fa, in favor of John D. Garrard, vs. B. Conly President, John P. K. King, et al. Directors of Ihe Macon and Augusta Rail Road Company. Tin above property pointed out by F. L Little, oue of Plaintiffs Attorneys, written notice giveti to the Agent al Sparta Depot. JAS. II. ROGERS, Sh’ff P S. Purchasers M«t pay for stamp* and deeds. JAS. H. ROGERS, Sh’ff THE IS THE ONLY Weekly Paper PUBLISHED IN THE SOUTH ' For One Dollar a Yeai. It is the only weekly paper in the State of its peculiar character The only strictly Agricultural x. Educational weekly published at tho South—and tho subscription price is so exceedingly small as to place it within the reach of every family in the land All businoss communications should be addressed W. H. ROYAL. Articles for publication must be sent to the editor. MR. O. S. PROPHITT’S LIVER MEDICINES. CONSISTING OP III* CFLEBRATED Liver Medicine, Anodyne Pain Kill It, Anti. Billioue P'lls, Ague Puls, Dysentery Cordial, Female Tonic and Purifying Pills. rpHE | PH1TT excellent M. D., Remedies need recommendation-—- of O. S. PRO* no their well Know power in removing the diseases peenbar to our Southern climate having already established for them an enviuble reputation in Georgia and adjoining State-. As the majority of persons living South arc predisposed to dis¬ ease i of the, Liver, it is gianted by ail intelligent phy.-iciauK that most t f 'he pains end aches of our people are due to organic or functional deranee i cut of that important organ. Prophitt’* Liver M-clicine and anti- Billion* Pills strike directly at the root of the evil. They euro the liver, which, iu tune cases out of ten, is at the bottom of eaughs, dyspr pda, colic, sick tuadache, Rhema tbm, consurnptioi., menstroiml obstructions. Ac., so common among our people. Earache, acute rheumatism, neuralgia and bodily pains of every kind, flee before PROPHET'S PAIN KILL T like chaff before a wind. PRCPHITT’S LIVER MEDICINE. Dr.Vrophitt: (laving used this medicine suf¬ ficiently long to test its virt»e, and to satisfy my own mind that it is an invaluable remedy for dyspepsia—a disease from whioh the writer has suffered much for six years aud being pursuad ed iliat hundreds now suffer from ihi* annoying complaint would be singular : y benefi ted, as he ha« beuu, by it* u-e, we deem it a duly we owe to the unfortunate class to recommend to them the me of this remedy; which has given not on¬ ly himself but s> veral member* of hie family the greatest relief. W. M. ARNOLD. Of the Georgia Conference. Dooly County, 0\i„ April, 1867, This is to certify that I was cor fined to the house, and most of the time to my bed, and suf feriugthe greater t agony imaginable, with rheu maiirin, for five months and after trying ev**ry available remedy with no relief, I wa* cured with two bottles c»t Dr. O. S. r»<^ihitt'» Auodyne Pnin Kiil ll , each costing me fifty centsouly; it relieved me almost instantly. I theref.re recom mend it in the highest degree to others suffering fr® 111 «fi«eace. I can sav that it is one of the best fanuly ntedicies now out. certain. Your?, truly, W. v FOREHAND. Covington, Gn.. July 9, 1867. cine Dr. Pr.phitt—having than used your family liver Medi¬ lor more a year in my I cheer¬ fully recommend it to all persons suffering from liver affection in any form. I also recommeud your Dysentery Cordial as I ho best remedy for that disease. O. T DOG ERS. Stnnfitsrdrille, Putnam Co , OH- 1, 1867. Dr. O. S, Prophitt—Dear Sir: This is tacerti fy that I have used your Ague Pills for the laet ten years, and bave never failed io cure the Ague in a single instance with them. They always break the chills the first day that they are given. I cau reccuimend them us being the best ague medicine that 1 have found, and they leave no bad effects following them, ns quinine fitc. Yours, respect)ully, A WESTBROOK. Prepared only bv DR O. S. PROPHITT. Atlanta, Ga. A. W. BERRY- Agent, July 30. 6iu Sparta, Ga. Strayed or Stolen. T^ROM the place known as the Lawson place, Y iu Hancock county two MULES. Oue a Sorrel hotse mule, medium six*, about eight yean old—the other a grey mare mule, medium axe. paces under the saddle, and branded with the letter " O’’ on oue shoulder—both iu good order when missed from the place I will pay mules, Twenty Dollar* f >r the deliverv to me of the and Fifty Dollars for the t{yef, , with sufficient proof to eneute h a ecnvrtoeu Sparta, Oct22-Hu Z 1 1 . MtCOMB. Fall & Winter trade; -ar *.w <* DRY-GOODS, &HS82&it DRY-GOODS. & C 1 ® 209 BhOAD STREET,! NATIONAL Third Door Above BANK I AUGUST!. -•{ o—: J- We invite a thorough examination of our Stock by the of Hancock k adjoining counties. Our stock is complete in every department; is bought from first hands, and is th n mi nn to mti WE SELL AT A SMALL ADVANCE ANDIGUAKANTEE SATISFACTION. TO MEEC HANTS WE OFFER INDUCEMENTS HERETOFORE UNPARALELLED AND SOLICIT A CALL, FEELING ASSURED THAT THEY WILL FIND US PREPARED TO SELL THEM GOODS AT THE MOST KEAS0NABLE RATES. Our stock will be constantly replenished during the season. Augusta, Oct. 15, 1869. Bui. A. A. BEALL. J. H. SPEAKS. W. U. POXTk.it BEAJTL, SPEA.JRS & CO*, WAREHOUSE ... COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Continue their business at their Old Stand, the Commodious FIRE-PJ900P WAR hi] 0 L NE, NO 6 CAMPBELL STREl-T, ) AUvllJul A HP TTQ r P A A fi A A Office and Sales Room. 177 Reynolds St- t VT • All business entmated to them will have strict personal attention—Oder, for Bag>giug, Uuivar.a Ties, Rope and Family Supplira. ammotly filled. Liberal Cash Advtuces on produce in store. Mcssts. T C. & DeL. TURNER will represent us in Hancock Couuty. 8ept3 4m. S. i >. HEARD & SON, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION M ERCHAUTS, AUGUSTA GA. CONTINUE the Sale and Sto-agc of COTTON. Caali advaneea made any tjmeon V J produce in store. Consignments solicited. Scpt3 4m. STORAGEJFOH ALL! WE HAVE AMPLE FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE Close AND Storage Capacity for 10,000 Bales of Cotton, And wul (jive our PERSONAL ATTENTION 4a the. Safe and ttorage of the sani'' to off who mny fai or vs with thetr patronage. TERMES—Commissions for Selling Cotton, oue aud a quarter (l 14) per Cent. Storage, Fifty Cents per Dale per Month. REFERENCE—NATIONAL RANK, AUGUSTA. «V. H. HOWARD Sc MOV. A. E. BENSON, Book-Keeper. Oat. 1st 6m T. C. & DeL. TURNER COMMISSION DR? GOODS AND. GROCERY MERCHANTS. A.nd General Guano .Agents* \\ OULD SPARTA, GEORGIA, VV respectfully inform their friends and the gen*ral public, that they are *ti'l on Hand, and are now prepared to accommodate their cas'.omerj both in PRICE and VARIETY of Goods in their line Their stock of DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, DOMESTICS, &c., 10 ihey particularly call the attention of the LADIES OF THE CQMMUNITY. They keep always ou lm.d a fine Hock of PLANTATION SUPPLIES, whiek thoy offer at r<*a>ontibfe rates, They also keep ou baud Sample* o£different kinds of Fertilizers which they offer for the inspee tiou of the plautera of Haucock and adjoining counties, guarauteei' g the Manures to come up te the sampler 1 hey alio buy Cotton, Give them a call and they wilt cive you satisfaction. SejHlO-Sm FALL GOODS! Cothern Sc Watkins, DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRYGOODS AND GROCERIES, C L 0 T U I N G, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Etc. HARDWARE. CUTLERY. Crockery and Glassware Saddles k Bridles. WOOD WARE, Tobacco, Segars, &c. HOSIERY* LAMPS & LAMP. CHIMNEYS. rpOGETIIER kept in this with market. all other articles usually Our stock is constantly reenzited by the ar¬ rival of FRESH GOODS, direct from the best market. We will sell as cheap for CASH asanv house teao afford to. COTHERN A WATKINS. Oca 19, 1809. t( Spartm, G& HARPER C. BRYSON, warehouse: AND Commission Merchant, ALGU&TA, GA. /CUSTOMERS supplied r, with B GOING and ROPE aud FAMILY SUPPLIES. Prompt attention p*'d to SIORAGE and SALE OF COT ON aud other produce. OFFICE: 158 REYXOLDS STREET. WM. BRYSON, CHARTER CAMPBELL Augusta, Ga. Late of Maaisoa, Ga. Sept 10 4m I T. HEARD & CO. WAREHOUSE AND Commission Merchants. COR* REYNOLDS & MMNTOSH ST’S ! Warehouse formerly occupied by Meters. BU8 Tix'i WALKER, ISAAC T. ITEARD. O. M. STONE, AUGUSTA, GA. Will devote their strict personal attention to the STORAGE and SALE of COTTON and all oiher PRODUCE. Orders for Bagging, Rope, Etc*, promptly attended to. Liberal CASH advances made at all times n produce in store. 96TAgents for GULLETT’S PATENT IM¬ PROVED STETL BRUSH COTTON GINS. Also, HALLS PATENT COTTON GIN FEED ER. July 224. 1Q69, 6m. DR J BRAOFIELD'S Female Regulator! WOMAN’S BEST FRIEND! — 0 — rpiIIS VALUABLE MEDICINE is prepared J for only, WOMEN It.is exclusively, adapted nud to.be used by women where the womb is disordered, especially to those cases and will cure any irregularity in the “ menses,” except in such cases as require a surgical operation. As these last are very rare, the FEMALE REGULATOR is of almost universal applicn. tion. In a sudden check ef the “monthly courses" from com, trouble of mind or like cause, it acts like a charm, by bestorino the discharge IN evkry instanck, thus relieving the fever, headache, pain in the small of the back and “lower stomach,” flushes of heat about the face*’chilly sensations, burning of the eyelids, and general restleness. Taken in time, all these symptoms pass away immedi¬ ately, without injury to the constitution.— Frequently, however, the if disease the proper romedyis not applied in time, becomes chro¬ nic, and the foundation laid for numberless evils to the constitution of the woman. The next “turn” comes around and there is no “ show,” or perhaps the “ whites” will ap. pear. There will be some uneasiness about the womb, but very little or none of the nafu ral fluid escapiug. The complexion becomes sallow, bowels swollen, a sortof greenish caste about the face, constant dull, aching pain in the head, weight in the lower stomach and back, with or without whites, palpitation of tho heart, pallor, exhaustion, indigestion, weariness, langor, aching across the loins, loss of nppetitc, pain in left brenst, lightness across the chest, cough and giddiness. If still allowed to go on, “ greeu sickness” will be fully developed ; the headache becomes se¬ vere, with toss of memory, diminished sensi. ability, sick stomach, dyspepsia, no relish for food, loss of flesh, increased fluttering of the heart, swelling or tiih legs and body, and occasional spittiDg of blood The slightest effort causes hurried breathing, almost to suffocation. The skin is flabby and has it a “doughy feel.” This is a sad picture, but is the condition of thousands of women between the ages of fifteen and forty-five, who are brought to the grave by ignorance cr ne¬ glect to take the proper remedy. To all who are afflicted with any of the symptoms above mentioned, in connection with an irregularity of the “monthly sickness,” we earnestly say, TAKE DR. J, BllADFlELD’S FEMALE REGULATOR. A few ounces ta¬ ken, you will at once experience its ‘benefit, and with a little patience you will be fully re¬ stored to health. This remedy has bceti oxtensively used for upward of twenty years by many ef the most experienced and successful pi ysicians in Georgia. No family should be without two or threo bottles. We repeat, that DR. J. BRADFIELD’8 FEMALE REGULATOR is prepared for wo men, and to b# ased by women only. Aerial Prepared is all and wc sold ask. in any quantity, by bradfield a CO., Atlanta, Ga. TESTIMONIALS. STATE OF GEORGIA—Troup County; This is to certify that I have examined the recipe of Dr. Josiah Bradfield, of this county, and, as a medical man, pronounce it to be a combination of medicines of great merit in the treatment of all the diseases of females for which he recommends it. WM. P. BEASLEY, M. D. This December 21, 18G8. An, art*, Ga., December 29, 1808. l)r. J. Bradfield -—Dear Siv I take plensu-e in stating that, sometime previous to the late war, l used with the most success, on a servant girl, your FEMALE REGULATOR. prepared then at Bradfield’s Drugstore. West Point, Ga. She had been suffering severely from suppres¬ sed menstruation, and this medicine restored her to health. She is to-day living in Atlanta, sound and well. 1 will state further, that I know of its being used, witli equal success, in other cases. 1 do not, hesitate to indorse your preparation for the purpose for whicfl you recommend it. Yours, truly, JOHN C. WII1TNER. Caiitkusviu.u, Ga., April 26, 1809. This will certify that two members of my immediate frinily, after having suffered for many years from menstrual irregularity, and having been treated without benefit by various medical doctors, were at length completely cured by one bottle of Dr J. Bradfield’s ‘-FE¬ MALE REGULATOR” I therefore deem it my duty to furnish this certificate, with the hope of drawing the attention of suffering womankind to the merits of a medicine whose power in curing irregular and suppressed men¬ struation has been proven under my own per sotial observation. Its effect, on such cases is truly wom.erful, and well may the remedy be called “ Woman's Best Friend.” Yours respectfully, JAS. W. STRANGE. At wholesale by J. H. ZE1LIN & CO., Macon. W. II. TUTT & LAND, Augusta. For sale in Sparta, by Sept 2, 18G9 A. W. BERRY. FURNITURE OK ALL DESCRIPTIONS, AT PLATT BROTHERS, (Formerly C. A. Platt & Co.,) 214 Broad St. Augusta, Ga., - :o :— 117 E have and are constantly receiving tlu VV best assortment of FURNITURE that has ever been iu ibis market, consisting, of Rosewood and Mahogany Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, Cottage Suits. Bedsteads, Chairs, Sofas, Tete-Tete, Centre Tables, Bureaus, Sideboards, Extension Tables, of all lengths. We particularly call the attention of purchas ers to mu- SOLID WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS fer Beauty, Durability and Cheapness, OUR MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT Is still in operation. Special orders will be promptly attended to. Repairs done in all its branches. UPHOLSTERING DEPARTMENT. HAIR CLOTH, ENAMELED CLOTH, REPS, TERRY aud SPRINGS, and all articles suita¬ ble for Manufacturers, wbich we offer at Low Prices. WINDOW SHADES A large stock of WINDOW SHADES, of every style aud pattern, from the Cheapest to the Finest, with all the New Style Fixtures. undertaker’s department. Superintended by a competent man. COFFINS of all Descriptions and Quality, METALIC CASES and CASKETS of the most improved styles, furnished at all hours during th* Day or Night. Undertakers can be supplied with ell kinds Trimmers. may 2—ly M. COHEN, Dealer in Boots and Shoes, 182 1-2 Broad Street, Next door above Mrs. Fredericks, AUGUST A, GEORGIA. Segtf 4«i PARTNERSHIP. Augusta, August28, 18*09 fpiIE UNDERSIGNED have formed FERTI* a part. nersliip for the manufacture of a LIZER in this city, to be known as E. M. PENDLETON’S « Price #72 per Ton. If is the result of investigations made by him as a Chemist and practical Agriculturist for a number of years ; and lie believes it will fill all the indications required for a Stan¬ dard Fertilizer of a high grade for the Cotton Plant. Out of fifteen Coirraerciul Fertilisers anA twenty-two Compounds of Ins own, used on Hi# experimental plat the present year, this pre¬ paration has excelled them all to this dote in the number of blooms, which have been care¬ fully counted on the section of a row of sixty' yards, and in the sparsity of fallen fruit (which lias also been counted,) as well as in. the weight of the bolls. We intend to put up a uniform article,- with' the highest po>Bible per cent, of Phosphoric Acid to make the seed, and sufficient Am*rw*- and nia and Alkaline Salt to make the weed fibre, and sell at the usual rates cf Standard Fertilizers, though with smaller profits. Tho Senior Partner will act as Chemist for flic firm, and carefully analyze *R materUll used and guarantee- a aniform article of high grade. Partner will superintend the The Junior manipu'iUion : n»t trusting to second hand* so important an interest of the firm. We solicit early-orders, so we may ascertain* at an early day the amount of raw material required, that our manufacturers way have time to furnish it for manipulation. Senior Partner E. M. PENDLETON, E. J DOZIER, Junior Partner. .:/ —to:— REFERS TO Rev Bi.-hop Pierce. ipnrtn, Sparta, Ga., Rev Dr </ P Roman, Ga., Hon Linton Ste¬ phens, Sparta, Ga., Hon D W Lewis, Sparta, (la., J W Burke &Co., Macon, Ga , Gen L MoLaws, Augusta Ga , Z McCord, Augusta, Ga., Beall, Spears & Co., Augusta, Ga., W P Crawford, Columbia Co., S. Mays, Co¬ lumbia Co., DrJ S Hamilton, Athens, Ga. Address—E, M. PENDLETON, Sparta. Ga., or PENDLETON & DOZIER Augusta, oct 15 Ga.. Premium Wood Type. J. G. COOLEY’S PUEiVfiMEKs AVARMiOUSB 75 Fulton street, New York. Wood Type of Every Description Specimen Book and Price Lis-t on npplica** ton as above, or t« Gao P Rowell & Co, A’d vertising Agents, 40 Park Row. New York, ENCOURAGE Home Productions; A must Deficit tliil Tonic! A Moist Delightful Tonic! A Most Delightful Tonic! OLD CAROLINA BITTERS t * A SOUTHERN PREPARATION. VALUAE1LE& EM* LIAR LG TT*QUAL if not superior to any Bitters in tho market, and at much less price. Cures Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Chill and Fever, and is without doubt she best Tonic in use. GOODRICH, W IN EM AN & Co , Manufacturers and Proprietors, and Direct Im¬ porters of Choice Drugs and Ceemicals. CHARLESTON, S, C. For sale in Sparta by A. W. BERRY, and Jylfi Cm POWELL & BIRDSONG, Roberts, MorrisA Shivers Successors to James T. Gardiner & Co. WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, .-I ujunta, (hi., WILE give their pel renal attention to the Storage and sale of COTTON, and such other produce as may be sent to them. Cufh advances on Produce in Store. Having withdrawn from the General Ware¬ house and Commission business, in favor of ROBERTS, MORRIS & SHIVERS, I take pleasure in recommending them to tha confidence and Patronage of my old friendr. They are all men of Large Business Experience and ample means to conduct business satisfaa orily. tojan It J. T. GARDINER, WHOLESALE DRUG HOUSE. •to: PLUMB &LEITNEI 1 . A ii s « hI a , Ga. . Choice Drugs, Pure Medicines* and Chemicals. OILS, BRUSHES. FANCY GOODS. 101 LET ARTICLES, Pure Whiic Lead* TTtJNE White and Colored P INT.S. War U ranted Genuine and Krerh Gardtti SEEDS, I'iwli llooLw, IJnfM, Pole* and Fancy I'Miing Tackle. Wholesale Agents F. r 'he c Dhratetl niLU lLM: FRUIT .9AR$ &Ci Ac. PLUM B A LEH NER, New Granite Front, 212 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia, ^ept iO 6m WILBERFORCE DANIEL, 'Warelioms© * -A N D— Commission Merchant, No. 3 Warren Block, Opposite Glob* Hotel. /MGtVri.G/t. All business entrusted to him will have strict personal attention Otders for Bagging, Ties or Rope and Family Supplies- promptly filled COMMISSION 1 1-4 PER CENT REFERENCES: Judge John 1* Kmg. Pres’l G*. R, R. Judge B. U. Warren, l’ree’i National Bank ot Augusta J. T. Gardiner, Ehq Pres’l Dickaon Fertilize! Co H . F. Kusseli. E>q . Major of xugu t*. mo PouLaiu, Esq, D r»ctor Ga. R It. Col.l* M. Hill, i,'fleeter Da. R. R. Central Hotel. /^HABLOTTESVILLB, and Va., looated at the Depot, lendid convenient for student and via ora. Sp fare, charges moderate. Edwards House if F. COTHERN, E. 1 i „ * . OEO.W. WATKINS,] t * rM ***