Hancock weekly journal. (Sparta, Hancock County, Ga.) 1868-????, December 03, 1869, Image 4

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M Tin: Human Form Divine.—W hat sad havoc Scrofula indicts on the htl maa .syatern. How Uhcuni.atisin distorts -the frame. What misery the injudi¬ cious use of Calomel entails. How sad the effects of Syphilis transmitted from parent to schild. Would you uvaid these terrible afflictions, fail not to use Dr. 'Putt’s Sarsaparilla and Queens De¬ light. It penetrates every fibre of the system , even into the bones, and eradi¬ cates every trace of disease. A Curious Hoax. The London Court Journal says: “A funny story .comes from America of a lady who, for fur., advertised for a husband. She gave a general description of her charms, but rather more of her means. She spoke of a snug little fortune. Enough! She received an euormous number of . replies, and laid her plans accordingly, A**i«ted by five other ladies, she wrote replies to all the euger swains. She proposed to each a meeting iu a Broad¬ way restaurant. Euch was to be dress¬ ed in a rather marked mannea, to as¬ sume a partieular attitude, to be eating a certain rather eccentiic and ignoble dish. Meanwhile the lady arranged with her friends to dress all alike, in the costume ind cated to the suitors in the letters sent by them, and to present themselves, one by one at the appointed rendezvous. The plot was carried out, and succeeded. Great was the grtlier ing of suitars iu costume, attitude and gustatory occupation strictly according to orders. Very attentively did each apply himself, uncouscious of proximity to Ashers whoso minds were similarly occupied, to the particular action by which he was to be recognized, and great of course, was the amusement of the ladies who sat watching them. At last, when five and finally the sixth |ady in the notified costume arrived, it flashed upon the astonished suitors that they had been sold, and so, without u word, they made for the door. It was with difficulty and slowly th»*t they got jthgir money taken und departed, laughter, leaving the six ladies iu fits of merry and the proprietor and waiters iu as grout a state of wonderment at their departure as they hud been thrown into by their arrival. A special telegram to the Charleston Hews, dated Columbia, November 23d, says? “ A row occurred in Abbeville, ou Saturday, at a gathering of negroes, who recommended were addressed by Judge liege. He ihut the laborers snout a mac trot less than half tli« crop. Cothran, Democrat, asked him what the negroes would take in money. Huge replied that negro meant ‘dirty dog,’ And there were none there. Cothran then desired to know what the colored would take. The negroes became tur¬ bulent at this, and Cothran left, but the pegroes pursued and caught him outside of the town, and dragged him out of his buggy and curried him lo prison, guard¬ ed by five negroes, with Winchester rifles, until night. Cothran was then released on $2, 00 ball, and no charge preferred. him, The negroes wanted to kill And threatened saying that he had drawn » pistol to kill Huge. Tlielutter is bow iu Columbia.” .. .......— Fite Toaacco. —The inquiry is fre¬ quently made by strangers how much is realized per acre from the cultivation of the fine yellow tobacco for which this section i remarkable. We wiU state what we know to have been made once from bur acres: the handsome •inn of one thousand eight hundred dolinrs. There are only some six or seven counties, however, lying in Vir¬ ginia and North Carolina, that produce this high priced-article. Danville hap¬ pens to he situated in the centre of this favored region. A soul, like and instrument of music, should he well tuned to meet the vari¬ ous strains the hand of Providence may cull from its vibrating chord*; firmly, yet sweetly should its toms ring out, of whatever character they are; strong, but sweet music still, should a god sfrenghtened spirit yield beneath the touch of sorrow or adversity; us sweet, though it may be sadder, as in its days of brightest pow» r. All the kitchen girls in a certain French oity recently struck for higher wugo«, less labor , and the privilege of having the ootnpany of their beaus in the kitchen. The mistresses granted the last named demand, which so. thor¬ oughly duty satisfied the girls r< - aumeu without tro Er about more pay cr lighter tasks. A gentleman from the Sunny South •ntored a bar-room and aaked for drink keeper fit for a Southern gentleman. The bar¬ replied ; “We don’t make any¬ thing but loyal drinks here, sir.”— “Then^ust give me a Union Smashed !” five hundred dollars reward.— faptferd by the Agricultural Society and of delivery Early county to the tor Sheriff the apprehension of Early with evidence to convict the incendiary who tired and burned the gin house of J. W. Alexander. Jr., that county, which burning took place on Wednes¬ day, 3d of this month. & CO” -USTA{GAH ENCOURAGE .Home Productions. A Jlosl llcliglatr«ii Tonie! A Hod B^uliglitlul Tonic! A ITIosti Iftclixlitfui Tonic! 0 LLCAR 0 L 1 KA BITIERS! A * SOUTHERN I’ll ISP All AT l< JN. VAUJA « ij 8-: Ac It !•: L 1.4 Si L K Jfjj JAQUAL tnnrket, it" not and superior much to less any Hitters in the Dyspepsia. Loss of at Appetite, price. Cures Chill and Fever, and is without, doubt the best Tonic In use. GOODRICH, H1MDIAN k Co Manufacturers rind Proprietors, and Direct Im poiters of Choice Drugs and Ceemicals. (II ARLES TON, S, C. For sale iu .Sparta by A. W. HE HUY, and Jyl6 (ha . POWELL & 111HDtfONG, Roberts, Morris^ Shivers Successors to James T. (iardiner i Co. WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILL Augusta, Go., give tluir personal at i cm ion to the Storage ami sale of CuTTON, in.d such other produce as may be sent to them. ('ash adcaiurs on Produce iu Store. Having withdrawn from the General Ware¬ house and Commission business, in favor of | ROBERTS, MO URLS ,C- SH1VKRS, l take pleasure in recommending them to the confidence and Patronage of my old trieuds. They are ail men of Large Business Experience and ample means to conduct busim satisi'ac orily. tojan It J. T. GARDINER. WHOLESALE DRUG HOUSE -:o:—-* PLUMB & I.EITXEIt. j ,i ii« .»I a . 4. a. -- I Choice Drugs, Pure Medicines, and Chemicals, OILS, BRUSHES FANCY GOODS, IOILE 1’ Alt I ICLKS, Pure Willie, i.ead. 7^1 N B White ami Colored P I NTS. W.ir fan eil Genuine and Fre.-li Gard. u SPEEDS, j _ l-’iftill Slowl y a.illf v |>..| * ’ ’ ... 1 ' ami 1'ftllCJ' 1'Tackle ‘ ' Wholesale Agents r. r 'lie «• I* hrated taii.I.YILiLi: I RI I ! .11KS Aft Ac. PLUMB & LF.I INF.R, New Gmuiio Friiut, 31 Bnmd Sucol, Augusii, Gfurgin. |K p| | Q WILBERFORCE DANIEL, A\ r arelionse —A N D— Commission Merchant, No. 3 Warren Block, Opposite Globe Hotel HU SI V.I.V AH business * inrusleil to hiin wid have c-riet per.-ouxl Nlt-tilion Orders fur Bagging. Tin ! or Ri-pe and p'aiuily 8nppl'es prompOy fill* d COMMISSION I 1-4 PER CENT l Judge Jehu l Kmg. Pres’t Oa. R. I». Judge B- H. Warren, Pres’t National Bank of Augusta J- T. Gardiner, Esq Pres’t Dickton Fertilizer Co H . F. Russell. Esq Matur of Augu-ta. Anto ieti I oulia u, , Director Ga. R, R. I ol-L M Hirt, Dfroetor Oa R R. THE HANCOCK WEEKI.Y JOURNAL I*St. », N. PRUIMllTT^ . LIVER MEDICINES. Co.NSIM INH or HID CKLKBK \TKI> Liver Medicine, Anodyne Pam Kill It, Anti Billiotu. P Hr, Ague Pills. Dy.-enlery Cordial, Female Tonic and Pur fyiwg Pills. • rllHE excellent Remedies ot O. S PRO. | PIIITT M !>,, ue< il no reconimmidatioi__ their well know powrr iu removing the discuses peculiar to our Southern climate having aintidy established for them au- enviable reputation in (Lo gin and adjoining States. As the majority of persons living South are predisposed to dis¬ ea e of the Liver, it is gianted by all intelligent physicians that most. f he pains end aches of our people ure due to organic or functional derauge i ent ofilial important organ. ProphitFs Liver Medicine and anti- Bit'ions Pdls strike directly at the root of the evil. They cuie li e liver, which in nine cases out of ten. is at Hie bottom of cuuglis, dyspepsia, colic, sick It. adac-he, Rhema tism, consumption, menstrouHi nb-ti uctious. &.« . so rheumatism common among neuralgia our people. Earache, acute and bodily p.,ins ot .very kmd, fiee before PROPHITT’S PAIN KILL 1' like chart - beforo a. wind. PRt'PHITT‘8 LIVER MEDICINE I ,r Erojihitt: Having used this medicine suf¬ ficiently long to test .ts virt e, and to satisfy m> own m ud that it is an invaluable remedy for dyspep.ia—a disease fr-.m wh.cli tlm writer has suffered much lor six years and being pursuud t d that I uudi«-ds now sutler fioiii ih'.p annoying complaint would be singular'y bi-iiefi.tr d. as he has the been, by its u e, we deem it a duly we owe in unfoiinnate class to recommend to them the use of tins r< nit dy ; w hicrh lias given not on ly hiniself hut s-veral iiiemberta o' his family the greatest relief. VV. M ARNOLD, Ot the Georgia Coufe dice. Dooly County, Co,. Ait.il, J5<fi , This is In certify that I was coi.fined to ti e Imme. and most ot the time to my bed, and suf¬ fering the greatest agony imaginable, with rheu nnnisin, ior five mon'hs and after Irving ev-ry available rtinedy with mo relief, I was’eureri with t »’° of Dr. O. S. Prophill’s Anodyne »“ ud »t III th- highest degree to Others sufF-rimr trom similar diseace. I can say that it is one of the best family m-dicies now out. certain. Your*., truly. VV. \ FOREII \ N u. Covington, (in.. July 9, 1S67. Dr. Pi. phitt— having used your iver Medi c,,lu *° r tt' 01 '*' than a year iu my family I eheer f liver ui * v ffft'liimeod dec lion in it t° form. all |iersnns I nl*n suffering from a auv recoinmeud >‘ ,ur Dyseutery Cordial as the best remedy for Stanfordrille, Putnam Co., Oct • 1, 1867. Dr. O. S. Prophitt— Dear Sir: Th.s is lo eerti ly that I have used your Ague Pills for the lat>t ten V- are, iud have never (ailed to cure the Ague iu a single instance with tin in. They always b'euli ih- chills the first day that he> aie given. I can recommend them as being the b->t ague medi* me that I have found, and the) leave no bud rtfecla following them, as quinine k .c Yours, reapectlully, A WESTBROOK. Prepared orily bv DR O. S PROPHITT, Atlanta. Ga A. W. BERRY- Agent, July 30. fim • v parta, Ga. - Strayed or Stolen. U'ROM L llie place known as the Law sou |>ldFe, llaucock coun.y two MULES. One a 8. riel horse mule, medium siz-. about eight years old—the other h grey rnare mule, medium s.zc, paces under the seildle, and branded with the letter “O” on one shoulder—both iu good order when miused from the place I will pay Twenty Dollars f. r the deliver--- to in.- of the mules, and Fifty Dollars for the t^ef, with surtictent proof t«i ensure Ins ccnvs'Oon ot*,. Oci2'J-lm Z I, fceHTtJTMB Fall & Winter Trade, ’? < i r * G DRY-GOODS, DRY-GOODS. if., f * &B88SU & m, 209 BhOAD STREET. f fc~t < « - AUGUSTA. c:^ -4 o—: - We invite a thorough examination of our Stock bj the Citizens of Hancock k adjoining counties. Our stock is complete in every department; is bought from first hands, and is Ti LMlilT III iliiT TO 111. WE SELL AT A SMALL ADVANCE ANLgGUAEANTEE SATISFACTION. TO M Jd R C hi A. X T S WE OFFER INDUCEMENTS HERETOFORE UNPAllALEBEED AND SOLICIT A CALL, FEELING ASSURED THAT THEY WILL FIND US PREPARED TO SELL THEM GOODS AT THE MOST REASONABLE RATES. Our stock will be constantly leplenished during the season. Augusta, Oct. 15, 1809- 3tu. A. A. BEALL. J. H. SPEARS. W. il. POTTER BEhALTi, SPEARS & GO., COTTON FACTORS WAREHOUSE AID COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Continue their business at their Old btand, the Commodious FIRE-EliOOP WARtJlOL A’, Office NO « and UAUPRGLL Sales Room. STIttMT, 177Reynol is . St i > l VUGUSTA GA. All buKiut-st. entilisted to them will liavt* .-trict pereoual attention—Order* for Hugging, Univsrea Ties, Hope and Family Supplies filled. Liberal Cash Adv uc«-i on pr< iduce in store. Messrs. T C. & DkL. TURNER will repu-seut us iu liuucoek County. Sept3 4m. S. u. HEAKD & SON, WAREHOUSE m COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AUGUSTA GA. /10NTTNITE the Sale and Storage of COTTON. Cash advances made any tiraeon V_A produce i" store. Consignments solicited. Sept3 4m. STORAGE La. FOR ALL! WE HAVE AMPLE FIRE-PIiOOF W^I^iHUOTJSE AND Close Storage Capacity for 10,000 Bales of Cotton, And will ytve our PERSONAL ATT/ ATT I O.Y the Sale and storage of the same to all who mag fm or vs with thefr patronage. TERMES—CominUsioMs for helling Cotton, one ami h quarter (L 1-4) per Cent. Storage, Fifty Cents per Bale per Month. . REFERENCE-NATIONAL BANK, AUGUSTA. IV. II. BSOWAItl) Sc SOY. A. E BENSON, Book Keeper. Oct. 1st Cm T. G. & D e L. TURNER COMMISSION DRY GOODS AND GROCERY MERCHANTS, And General Guano Agents* S PART A, OE ROTA, \\ VV OULD and respectfully pr.pa.ed iutbrni their accouiinOUate fr’eud. and their tne general public, both in that PRICE they are «ii'l VALIE'I on hand, V of Goode arena w ro cus amen and in their line 'I’heir s'oek of DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, DOMESTICS, &c. TUB I* now COMPLETE, to winch they particularly call the attention of the L\ n IE$ OF COMMUNITY. 'I hey k' rp always ou hand a line Mock ot PLANTATION SUPPLIES, wluehikey offer at na.uiiable rates, I li--y also keep on baud Sample of (litlerml kinds of Fertilizers vliicli they offer for II.e ini-psc ti< u of the planters of Hancock and a<joining countii s. guarantee!- g the Manures to coin- op t# the sample* riiey aisu buy Cotton. Give ibem a call and they will give you satisfaction. SfpllO-8ru FALL GOODS! COthern & Watkins, DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, C L 0 T II I N G Boots, Shoes, Hats, Etc. HARDWARE. CUTLERY. Crockery and Glassware Saddles k Bridles. iYOODWARF, Tobacco, Segars, &c. HOSIER v. LAMPS l LAMP CHIMNEYS. fPOGETHER wiili all other articles usually J kept in thif market. Our stock is constantly recruited by the ar rival of FRESH GOODS, ditect from the best market. We will sell as cheap for CASH as any house •an afford to COTHERN k WATKINS. <Jet. 18. ISSrt ff Spin Wi, Ga HARPER C. BRYSON, WAREHOUSE AND Commission Merchant, • AUGUSTA, GA, /^iUS’lOMERs Mippl.ed with B Gi.ING \y and ROPE uud FAMILY SUPPLIES. Prompt attention paid to S ! ORAGE and SALE OP COT ' ON and other produce. OFFICE: 158 REYNOLDS STREET. WM. BRYSON, CHARTER CAMPBELL Augusta, Ga. Late of Maaiuuu, Ga. Sept 10 ,4m I T. HEARD &, CO. WAREHOUSE AND Commission Merchants. COR- REYNOLDS St, M’lNTOSH ST’S I Warehouse formerly occupied by Meters. BUS TIN $ WALKER, ISAAC T. HEARD, 0. M. STONE, AUGUSTA, GA. Will devote their strict personal attention to the STORAGE and SALE of COTTON and all other PRODUCE. Orders for Bagginsr- Rope, Etc., promptly attended to. Liberal CASH advances made at all times n .produce in store. fSTj?**Agents for GULLETT’S PATENT IM¬ PROVED STETL BRUSH COTTON GINS Also. HALLS PATENT COTTON GIN FEED ER. July 1S09. 0m, DR J- BRADFIELD’S Female Regulator! WOMAN’S BEST FRIEND! rpiIIS VALUABLE MEDICINE is prepared for wombs exclusively, and to bo used by women only. It is adapted especially to lliosn cases where the womb is disordered, and will cure any irregularity in ihe “ metises,” except in swell cases as requiro a syrgical operation. As these last are very rare, the FEMALE REGULATOR is of almost universal npplioa. tion. In a sudden check ef the ‘-monthly courses” from cold, trouble of mind or like cause, it acts like a charm, by restoring tiik discharge in kvkbt instance, thus relieving the fewer, headache.' pain in the small of the back and “ lower stomach,” flushes of heat about the face, chilly sensations, burning of the eyelids, and general restleness. 'faken in time, all these symptoms pass away immedi¬ ately, wit bout injury to the constitution. -- Frequently, however, if the proper rewedyis not applied in time, the disease becomes chro¬ nic, ami the- foundation laid for numberless evils to the constitution of the woman. The next *• turn ’ comes around aiul there is no ‘-show.” or perhaps the •* whites” will ap. pear. There will be some uneasiness about the womb, but very little or nm-.o of (he natu ral fluid escaping. The complexion becomes sallow, bowels swollen, a sort of greenish caste about the face, constant dull, aching pain in the head, weight in the lower stomach and back, with or without whites, palpitation ot the heart, pallor, exhaustion, indigestion, weariness, langor, aching across the loins, loss of appetite, pain in left breast, tightness across the chest, cough and giddiness. If still allowed to go on, “ green sickness” will be fully developed ; the headache becomes se¬ vere, with loss of memory, diminished sensi. bility, sick stomach, dyspepsia, no relish for food, loss of flesh, increased fluttering of the he.ti-t, swelling of the feet, legs and body, and occasional spitting of blood The slightest effort causes hurried breathing, almost to suffocation. The skin is tlaboy and has a “doughy feel.” This is a sad picture, but it is the condition of thousands of women between the ages of fifteen and forty-five, who are brought to the grave by ignorance or ne¬ glect to lake the proper remedy. To all who are afflicted with any of I lie symptoms above mentioned, in connection with an irregularity of the “monthly sickness,” we earnestly say, TAKE Dll. J. BRADFIELD’S FEMALE REGULATOR. A few ounces ta¬ ken, you will at once experience its benefit, and with a little patience you will be fully re¬ stored to health. This remedy has beeu extensively used for upward of twenty years by many ef the most experienced and successful physicians in Georgia. No family should be without two or three bottles. W e re peat, that DR. J. BRADFIELD’S FEMALE REGULATOR is prepared for wo¬ men, and lo bj used by women only. A trial is ail vve i-h Prepared and -o 14 io ,-i.ny quantity, by Atlanta, (in. TESTIMONIALS STATE OF GEORGIA—Troup County : This is to certify that 1 have examined the recipe of Dr. Jo-iali Dradtield, of rlii.-, county, and, as a medical man, pronounce it to be a combination of medicines of great merit in the treatment of till the diseases .of females for which he recommends it. WM. l\ 131USLEY, M. D. This December ^1, 1808. • Atlanta, Ga., December 29. 1808. J'Jr, J. JJratiJifhl - Deal- Si>- I take pi earn o in stating that, sometime previous to the bite war, l used with the most success, on a servant girl, your FEMALE REGULATOR, prepu red then at I>i adiit Id’s Drugstore, West Point, Ga. Hhc had been suffering severely fmin suppres¬ sed menstruation, and this medicine restored her to health. 8!ie is to-day living in Atlanta, Bound and well. 1 will stato further, that l know of its being used, wit it equal success, in other cases. 1 do not hesitate to indorse your preparation for the purpose for which you recommend it. Yours, truly, JOHN C. VVillTNEil. Ca RTERSVtLLB, (3 a., April _'d, 18(10. This will certify that two members of my immediate frmily, a ft or having suffered lot many years from uiensiiiuil irregularity, and having been treated without benefit by various medical doctors, were at length completely cured by one bo;ile of Dr J BrudfiehPs “FE ¬ MALE REGULATOR” i therefore deem it my duty to furnish this certificate, with tlie hope of drawing the attention of j-iiff< ring womankind to the merits of a medicine whoso power in curing irregular and suppressed men¬ struation has been proven under my own per¬ sonal observation, its effect on such cases is truly wouuerful, and well may the tcintdy b. called “ Woman’s Best Friend.” Yours respectfully, JAP. W. STRANGE At wholesale by J. II. ZEIL1N & CO.. Macon, W. II. TUT! cc LAND, \ugti la, For sale in 8pat ;a, by Sept 2, 180S) A W. BERRY. FURNITURE OF ALB DESCRIPTIONS, AT PLATT imOTIIfERS, (Formerly (J. A. Platt & Co.,) 214 Broad St. Augusta, Ga., - :o: — \»TE W have and are constantly receiving tin best assortment of FURNITURE that has ever been iu this market, consisting, of Rosewood and Mahogany Parlor 8uits, Chamber Suits, Cottage Suits. Bedsteads, Chairs, Sofas, Tete-Tetc, Centre Tables, Bureaus, Sideboards, Extension Tables, of till lengths. We particularly call WALNUT the at tent ion of purchas¬ ers to our SOLID CHAMBER SUITS fer Beauty, Durability and Cheapness, OUR MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT is still in operation. Special orders will be promptly attended to. Repairs done iu all its branches. UPHOLSTERING DEPARTMENT. HAIRCLOTH, ENAMELED CLOTH, KEl’S, TERRY and SPRINGS, and all articles suita¬ ble for Manufacturers, which we offer at Low Prices. WINDOW SHADES A large stock of WINDOW SHADES, of every style and pattern, from the Cheapest to the Finest, with all the New Style Fixtures. undertaker’s department. Superintended by a competent and Quality, man. COFFINS of all Descriptions METALIC CASES and CASKETS of the most improved styles, furnished at all hours duriug the Day or Night. Undertakers can be supplied with all kinds Trimmers. may 2—ly M. COHEN, Dealer iea Boots and Shoes, 1*2 1-a llroad Street, Rext d'.or ahoee Mrs. Frederick'$, At«|J8TA. UIWKUftA. 4 m