Hancock weekly journal. (Sparta, Hancock County, Ga.) 1868-????, December 24, 1869, Image 3

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Ofif. local Column t FRIDAY MORNING. Deo. 24, 1809. _ CHRISTMAS. To-morrow is Christmas day, and al¬ though it is as old as the Christian Era, it will be hailed by the little folks as a day of mirth and joy v Older nnd wiser heads view it in its true light-—as a warning that, it brings us all a twelve month nearer the grave. Tbe true .Christian rejoices that he has been spared longer to sow 1 one year the seeds of righteous, and do the will of his Master. The miser rejoices that it brings the time for settling up the usurious gains of another year. The printer rejoices that the time draws nigh when many of his patrons have promised to remember their little obligations to him, and the printer’s devil look* for his pocket change, with a grin of hope. ♦ • - Seed Barley, Rye, Oats and Wheat, Bacon, Flour, Lard, Boots and Shoes. Domestics, Fine Imported Liquors &c., at J. L. JOHNSON, A CO’S, MiVledgeville Ga. pictureTTallery. Messrs. S. M. & B. C. Browne, are preparing to open a splendid Picture Gallery in Sparta. They will produce Photographs in the very finest style of the art, at moderate prices ; will take or copy ambrotypes, &c. See card in another place. They have been operating in the best galleries in Macon and Augusta, during selves file last that four they years, cun give - and satisfaction flatter them- in j all cases. '■ f ASH WANTED—for which I will exchange any quantity of Tin-ware, Iron-ware,' Sfovcs, Wooden-ware, or anything else house-keepers want. E. R. Stkdman. We Svelte visited on Tuesday, night by a regular thunder storm. The winds howled nnd the thunder roared, in a Hiercury resembling mid-summer, and the rose, and we threw off a por of the covering, turned over and away like a lamb. The Circus came, spread their can¬ vas, performed a little and dismissed a very large, ariixous audience, who left wiser and poorer than they went. Ex perience is an excellent teacher if we would but profit by its lessons, Santa Claus is in town nnd his head¬ quarters may he found at S. O. Shivers’. Dickson Fertilizer Company.— In our last issue we called attention to the card of this institution, but inadvertent¬ ly styled it the Dickson Compound company. The $hole thing, however, is so well known and tftiderstood in this latitude, that no little misnomer of ours would be likely to do i.ny harm. Every planter in Midd e Georgia is more or less familiar with the Dickson Compound, from having used it. Let it-suffice that it is now manufactured on a large scale, aud will be furnished in a pure and unadulterated form, by tha i ickaon Fertilizer Company and their agents. The famous Union Washer & Wringer The Never-Rusting. Everlasting patent white wire Clothes Line, spring Clothes Pins, etc., at E. R Stedman ? 8. We shall issue an advertising sheet for county circulation next week. The printers want to blow a little andjio do we. Ojur next full turn out will be on Wednesday the 6th of January. In the meantime we may be found at our office a» usual, ready to 611 out receipt, for thoae deairing them. We expect to commence iheNew Year with a large increase of circulation, and with renewed tiuorgy aud bright hopes for the Journal. We had to contend with numerous trials, difficulties and perplexi¬ ties, but thanks to the Deity that shapes our ends, so far we have proved master of the situation, and to-day the Journal occupies an enviable position among the country newspapers of Georgia. CHRISTMAS TOYS! Plenty of toys for the little folks, at Stedman’s. Tbe best aud cheapest STOVES, fit Stedman’s. New Paper—W e have just seen the Prospectus of a new pajier to be com¬ menced by Messrs. Rbberts and Ham¬ son, as Publishers, and B< H. Sasuett as Editor. Verily, Sparta is some on pa MMa' f " AuMCNTOJf—The countrymen crowd the streets and stores of the village, looking up toys and trinkets for the lit tic folks at home. The Barnes Bros. arc very popular with villagers and countrymen, and many n basket. loaded with Christmas presents are borne from their store by beneficent ‘-.Santa Claus” 7 he negro emigration has nearly ceased, though but. few of the laborers have made contiacts for another year. They wa >* tlic coming of January, The Sabbath Schools are making pre partitions for the con ing festivities. On Friday night the childre n of the Baptist School, after raising their childish voices in concert with her who sits the ‘Queen of all’—giving praise to Him. the Great, the Good—will while away the Christ¬ mas Eve in play and mirthfulness. Then, Tuesday comes, and brings with it a Christmas Tree, laden with those things which will chesr the hearts and gratify the desires of the good little children of the Methodist School. ’Tis like the soft utterance of angels to hear their little voices swelling and falling in sweet cadem e with their teachers.— God bless the Sabbath Schools and prosper them. Read Shivers’ advertisement and sec what he has to say, and then go to his new 8 ^ ore ttn ^ buy your Cristmas tricks Eatonton.— We were pleased to see the effects of industry and enterprise manifest in the appearance of our neigh boring town, which we had the pleasure of visiting a few days since The Merchants and Farmers all wore a smile upon their faces indicative of hopes of prosperity. The success at the Fair is proof of the condition of Put nam. Eator.ton has many attractions, one of which the pretty girls are who.” The beauty and intellect of the ladies, there, is unrivaled in any town in the State- If we were not married, we would surely go over (on business). The Farmer. — In consequence of the recent changes which have taken place in connection with our office, we have been compelled to discontinue the publication of this little enterprise, but will send the Journal in its stead, until further orders. Cothern & Watkins opened a large stock of Christmas Goods yesterday. Sid. Shivers has just opened a large and varied stock in his new Store. Attention is called to the card of S. Engel & Co, who are selling off very low preparatory to retrieval. Oglethorpe High School. —A H igh School under the charge of Rev* N. C. Smith and Mr. W. D. Seymour Princi¬ pals, will be opened at Midway, former¬ ly the location of Oglethorpe College. Under such men ns these the School is certainly worthy patronage o' all who wish to have their boys or girls well educated. We know these gentlemen and have the greatest confidence hi their ability, i'heir Circulars are out. send * or one an ^ 8R e j It; Take reduce it, Take the dose in on, and keep Taking j so it acts as a laxa¬ tive, and continue it on regulaily. It is a tonic, aud will strengthen you. It took a long time to confirm your disease and you can’t get well in a day. Sim¬ mons’ the Regulator, if persisted in, will cuje most stubborn liver disease.— There is no failure about it. “A Blase or Beauty.” —The Picto¬ rial Phrenological Journal for 1870, appears iu bright array. A new form, new types numerous rich illus¬ trations, with sound and sensible read¬ ing matter renders this the best ever is¬ sued. It contains Hon. b. S. Fisher, of the U. S. Pateut Office ; De Lesseps of the Su.n^.n.l, Pre.ide.it C«p*d*., of ' ; ( f eor * e Pe “ b<> $ D r- '''T h en * . 1 Por train of the Kaffir, and Australia.. Kacc«. >' 1 This favorite Journal has now reached its 2,0th vol., aud appears io a handsome m <gazine form. We think U wil ' l ,rove “,' re, ‘ " l0r f P"P ular ll ‘" u ever before, lerms, only ti a year, or 60 cents a number. Now is the time to subscribe lor 1870. Address S. R. WELLS, 3S9 Broadway, New York. AUGUST A* M AR KET. December 22, P. M. Gold and Silver money market. We quote : Gold—buying.. selling 120 122 Silver—buying selling 1 Mi u 120 Augusta Factory Stock 156 Securities dull City Bonds S5 The Cotton market opened with a active demand at 23c. for Middling, but. dosed dull without any quotable change THE HANCOCK WEEKLY JOURNAL, SPECIAL NOTICES. eKKuits or Yoiri H. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nerv. ous Debility, Premature Decay, aud all the effects of youthful Indiscretion, will, forthe sake of suf tcriug Immunity, send free to all who need it. the receipt mnl directions for making the simple rem edy by a Inch lie was cured. .Sufferers wishing to profit, by the .advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing iu perfect confidence. JOHN 11. OUDKN. jc4—ly No 12 Cedar street, N Y. Woman* Beat Friend. I»r J Br.dfieUI’a “FEMALE REGULATOR/* is uo qu*> k mwtiuni- but h legit.in.tr p-»« riptioii. endorsed nud p e*cril*ed by .he best physician, in the St»U «*| Georgia it ha> I'urf 1 llistnaHdtuflidseiwh'i had (IfMMCirrd of ever li"d.itg tehtsf thi* »ide of tlt«s g av-, the proprietor t»how* eertifi.ate* from ih.- best Cilia- of the 8 . .to, all who liavo tried it unite in say¬ ing it hat ooru .ruihfully named wou»n» hit frikno Sutlriu g woman do uot lei yoiu (ear m»r the prrjudi ces of o’hrrs keep you from relief. Follow Ur, brad livid'* ndvee ami itutT-r uo more. Rit.UM.Tlcr, Liman A!»t* Lit* as.—-Pro!. KrtU ns the popular i.nd eel-br.ited ttiannf .e tm-r of Kaytou’, Oil if Ufe, the be.st and Mir*si liniment (or rhrunn.* tinn kuowtt. boa now dixconiiu ued l.ia travel* throu ghou' the Stut<a lo wee the lam- end the oripple, and tho-r ith>-reine «ffl c<ed by rheturiaiiam. or iieutalgie, or p;oii.* ill luemde, &c , lor he argue*, and Well too, th«t the people can cure themsclve* without him b • iiamg hi* O l of Life , the virtue* of wuchare universe - ly nekiiowVdged Some people were too I tab ouough to think from tile aw if and speedy cures made on the spo', Wore their rye* 01 iheir friends, that the Prof-e. or’s hands were bewitched, bui we a sore alllh »i the eterlii g virtue lies only in the Oil of Life and good rubbing. For rli uniuiiwm. u-.uutlg.u, pams in the back joints or sides 01 wherever a liniment can i,e used that Kay ton's Oil ul Life ia ackuowiedgeo with' out Ul) equal, oiv ng lilts patent almost iurtmlaueous relief by'one rubh.tig. m.irked (or sprains or bruises, it has also h-'su used with success Kay toil’s Oysp-.ptie I'ills, purely veget-ble, are an exceilrut cath rtic. McKee uu and Robbins, whole¬ sale * gents, N. York Jacob Lippman. p oprieior, if WhoInWe Drug Home, S- vauttah. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy after hav¬ ing suffered several years with a lung affection, and (hat dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it. he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the direc¬ tions for preparing and u ..ng the same, which they will find n st'Ru .lull for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, etc. The object of the advertiser in sending th pr script ion is to benefit the afflicted, and spr ad information which he conceives to be inv< .able; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, will please’ad dress Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, je4 ly Williamsburg. Kings Co., N.Y. Katto.n’s Pills cure sick headaches sad all bil ious disorders. Kay ton’s Oil of Life cures all pains and ache*, and is the great rheumatic remedy. if NOTICE. J. B. CAR1V, OUST REPAIREK. Louisville, Georgia. All work warranted addro* through th** Post Office. -Do- 17th 4t S. ENGLE & Co., DIM' «0«BS, Men’s & Hoy’s CLOTJaiN <3r, BOOTS SHOES, 11AT8, are now offering their entire stock Itsstjwn dtost! Give us a call bclorc New Year’s Day, as we shall vn that day. S. DiVGDL Si Vo, Sperta, Drc 22, WILir RfOllcE BA*ILL, WAHEHUOSE —A N D— COMMISSION MERCHANT f No. 3 Warren Block, Oppexite Globe Hotel. AUGUSTA, GA. All busuuft* • ntrusted to him will have strict per¬ sonal attention Orders for Bhirgii.g. Tis* or Uope and Fnin.ly Suppl r» piotnp ly fill' d COMMISMON I 1-4 PER CENT T. MAUKWALTERS MARBT ,E WORKS > Bionil S'reei n#*nr lower Maiket, Augtrta. Ga. Ke*'p on himil ahd ready for ante, a large (election. and oholurni hes, to ord'-r all sort* of mar.ile monuments, tombstones. \ll work lor*, the country carefully boxe 1 anriahip p-d. Sept. 3d—tf. FKK l'l L1ZLIC*. STOVALL & ROWLAND, eOHTTOt I'AdOKN —AND— COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. Ar** now offering f>r Sata th*- c^l b r a»» J WANDO. It i* a Fertiliz r made iu Charleston, from t • Wonderful pho.phntic dicoveriee near that city, which hnve been pronouuecd by acieut fic men the tnoet vat uabt a* well a< the it.o*t remarkable deimait of the kind kunvnin the world Price $6o per Toil 1, Cicrular* fi.rv mr I'd o« upplihaiion.. Dec 17 2iu pacific §uano Cumpg. J. 0. MATHFWSON, AGENT, Augusta, Georgia. CflTHKRN & WATKINS, —SOLE AGENTS— sipai&iffl, ®i®ssaa. Will he pleased to fiirireh the ptan'-r* .f ihia and adjoining counties, wit, the following Popular Fort fixers, guarantying all w. fnrniah to be as represented Of this «nr thing you may be au r o : You’ll have poor crop, with -ul MANURE. Augusta Prices: Peruvian Guano, Cosh $110 Taiid Planter, Cash,......... #20 On Time,... ... 25 Soluble Pacific Guano, Cnch .$70 On Time 80 Flour of Raw Dnwteamed Bone Ca«h..... ..........$70 On Time ... so Ground Bone, Ohs'.. ---- On Tim. 7.S Comp’d Acid Phosphate Lime, (For Composing with Cottou 8e*d ) f!m«h ...... *50 On Time. . 57.50 Tint" Sale* are pnyah'e by Planter*' Ural's on good Factors, maturing l*t November, 1870, without in leiortt. Cothern & Watkins, SPAR PA GEORGIA. Dec 10 4m. Jail # ® inter fabs! COthern & Watkins, DEALERS IN Staple and Faney DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, CLOTHING, B03TS. SHOES, HATS, ETC. HARDWARE. CUTLERY. SAHOLES SIB BRIDLES. WOODWARD, Tobacco, Segars, &c. HOSIERY. LAMPS AND LAMP CH1MNSS M’OGETHER with all other article* usually kept 1 in 'his market. Our stock is constantly recruited by the arrival of FRESH GOODS, direot front the bestmarkrt. We will sell a* cheap for CASH as any house eau qffi^d lo. COTHERN & WATKINS. is. imi tr Sparta, Ga Assignees Sale. WILL BE SOLD on tho first Tuesday in Jnn h uary uexi, before th- Court House door in the town of Sporta, bitwr n thr Irgsl hours of sale, the following property lo wit: Crook, t A tra -l ot land m Hancock county on Spring • continuing about lli6 norm, adjoining lauds ol Jam'S 0*berit and o h.r*, u w nccop.ed by Wm. Gnffiu well unpruv d &<:. Also Town lots N.s 11, 12 aud 14 and a lot of 2 aerrs, adjo-uing Dr. J. Stone, a lot ol 6 aerrs a/joiuii g Town plat on the East, and a 12 aorr lot adjoin ng T. J Adants ou the W«c, aud Prescott on the Ea»t—all of said Town lots am iu tlio viliag* «.f Linton, Nos. li and 14 are well improved )b. ot ! e s vacant. ; Sold a* th" prop-rty of John Tiawiok, «u adjudg¬ ed Baukrupt by order of S G. Fo*W, Register in Bankrupt y, fee from incomhruuue* for iht- benefit of the creditor* o b id estate Term* Cn*h r. C BROWN, Assign e. Dec 10 18C!) TOYS! TOYSl! All sort* of TRICKS aud TOYS, l or all the little GIRLS aud ROYS. A d a great many < ther thing.., too t)Uine r ou* lo inent on, at D, R. ^TED.TI A.liS. l> C 10 Jv. CLOTHING. -- FIE MEDIUM. AID LOff-FHICED, -A.T -A. T. Q-Fl Y’S 229 Broad-St. opposite Masonic Hall. AUGUSTA, GA rpil fc pub ic arn r-q -ested to cal! and mv 8'ock I fFM.L AND « INTER READY MADE CLO ' H1NG for men and bovi* ALSO, a very Choice Stt ck of Gent’s Furui*h tig Good* with the a-surance that they will b-we'f treated, and have goods priced to them at the v-rj low** pneoe. A. T. GRAY. L*eu 3— 2m. Opposite Masonic Hail FALL AND WINTER GOODS FOR 1869. Wholesale and Retail! LONG & CO •f AT SPARTA, GEO. llav* received an unusually large and aareful I y *evt*dsLn:k *f GOODS, a 'ep ed to the want* of thi. viemity, which tho* la*t ia coming are »qual at least, iu extent and variety, to auy stock in town. Th-y invite th* calls .of bnyera and will be huppy to have au opportunity of *x • hanging any of thrir gootl* at lowoat rate* for CA>H or satialaciory BARTER. t ' t Th*ir o'd Sturt boing lee small f- r the «‘zltibi tion of th*ir LtRdE STOv K they have tae keo the splendid NEW WAREHOUSE of Dr. Watkins, ueXt door below »nd a jouiing the store of Mesa.* COTHERN $ WA 1 KINS, where they intend keeping a general atuortinml of GOODS to be sold a* LOW a* he LOWEST, and will give ceurtrnaa a'tenliou to all who may call, whether they buy or not. Their Stock coiinisis in part of the following I N DRY GOODS almost everything usually wanted, I N CLOTHING Suits of Coats, Pants and Vests, Or each article gopnrate. Overcoats, Cloaks &c. HATS and CAFS, for ‘MEN aud BOYS, In Great Vnrfy. BOOTS and SHOES, From COAUSKST to FINEST, MENS, BOYS, GIRLS, GENTLEMENS, LADS .nd MISSES. Hats And Bonnets, Cloaks, Shawls, Arabs. GROCERIES! Sugar*, l oflt t’, Tobacco, Syrup, Ulolauti, Flour, tlSeal, Cl»ee*c, Graokcr*, Gaudy, Spices, Snuff Sec. Hardware Cutlery &c. Crockery and Glassware. Lamps and Lamp Chimneys, and Fixtures, Kerosene &c* Double and Single Barrel in Great Variety, Rifle, Gun Caps, Cartridg¬ es, Wadding, Pow¬ der, Shot &c; W00DENWARE, Tubs, Buckets, Churns, &c., &c. FT LEY’S PATEUT! The latest and most approved PLOUGH, adapted to thia toil are for sale for the Coueties of HANCOCK, JEFFER¬ SON WASHINGTON, BURKE and RICHMOND. A Large Supply from Baltimore, is expected in time fur early Plowing. The attention of PLANT¬ ER i* particularly called to these exoel lctu, MG HOT and CHEAP PLOW. LONG & CO. Next door fo COTHtrilA 1 U 4TKI.YS. N.v.mb«- ‘ 9. Sm » OD RHEUMATISM. FnR A SWIFT AND NUKE CURE U** KAYTON'S OIL OF LIFE, the GREATEST LINIMENT OK THE AGE7 It Work* like a (liantf, 1 It ha* hoen applied I- 'he mamas in the streets ^avanuah. .Macmt, Augusta Celurnbua, Moat guinery, *nd all the leading cities aud tewae is the for Miaai.tippi river, from hi* famous carriage, many years, with HOIVOERFUL SUCCESS The Most Sever# Css## of RHEUMATISM, NEURa! gia. pain-> in the back, BREASTS, JOINT.,, and S1DKS. w*re broucht to the p-efeiwer who ».* qti caly rab* bed tha patient wi>h ! i* OIL OF LIFE Sending (hem away in every imtuiie" eutiraly relieved, tliuit causing uue bottle o' the LiuTne.t to nave hundreds of dollars in do lor*’ bili». Kayt oil’s OIL OF LIFE 1* now contiidered by *11 who have witnessed o* application lo b*- the true and reli*l»l* Refliedy for RHEUMATISM, NFURALGI. .nd for all PaiuN and Aches wherever a Linimert aau be *»cd. Poe kaylon’s Oil of Life ! *i»vrwr—fwil«iit; German Liniment, ia onsqaal* •d for its sterling virtues iu the history sf Medi> tinea—nuking n »eift and .tire euro, giviag rw lief in every ca*e ahns«l by^hs first rushing Read the test momal* aud h«ar tbs epiuisa u the people Fsr «al* by dll lending Drag * lores McKFSSIiY A R0M8IHS, WHOLESALE .4 GBITI. NEW YORK i»koprii:tok. I JACOB L1PPH V\, WHOLESALE DRUG HOUSE. S A Y A \ i\ A II , GEORGIA PYRAFUGE -* THE JUSTLY CELEBRATED Chid and Fever Exreller, A#t* a* a louic and a* an Appetizer, giviug tits pit sut Mretigih and buihuug up hi* *y*iem, laat ing h in Granger and hvallhier tbr.u bafars tb« attack ’ . ' * For *ate iu span* by Octoi^i 29—fm. A W BERRY. W.11.WARREN, A.J LANK, J \V.WALLACE Augusta, Hancock Co, Augusta, Warren, Lane A €o. (Successors to W Henry Warron & Co.) Cotton F actors. H A It A U 0 L S E AND . Commission Merchants, 185 and 177 Broad Street , AUHUSTA, GKrilA. CA81I ADVANCES made on tthipments of Uouoa to New York and Liverpool We are agents for Georgia and South t aro ino for i ho celebrated KcttlouelP* Hanipiilatcd GUA.\<»M Obcr’s Pliospliate and the ARIHAV TIE and Patent Iron Band for Bailing Cotton ■IT The interests of the firm will bs reprs seuted in Hancock county by J. CLARENf * SIMMONS. Esq., of Sparta. W. L.. & Co •wf 1* •n WHOLESALE DRUG HOUSE -:n: PLUMB & LEITNER. A (I h h t a , G a . Choice Dmgs, Pure Medicines^ and Chemicals. OILS,' BRUSHE-i. FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES, Pure White Lead. Jj 13 IN E White aud Colon d I*-. INTS, War* rained Genuine and Fre*h Garden SEEDS/ lisli Hooks, lines, Pole* and Pancv Fi«liiiiff Tackle. Wholesale Agents K* r ’ha c I- brnted RILLYILLE HUH JARS Ac, Sec, PLUMB & LEITNER, Now Granite Fruitt^ 212 Bro*d Street, Augusta, Georgia. Sept iO 6ut New Cabinet Shop. JOHN FRIESE, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, TY ESI’ECT ULL iuforina the citizens of XV ’ part a and cinity that be has re¬ cently opene ! in this place an establishment for the IHiiuufaclui'e nnd Repairing’ OF FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, and will keep on haud a full assortment of Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, &c. or make to order any article in the oaWnet line at the lowest prices and at short notice. Call and see bint. Will also Supply Coffin* at eliort notice. jan. 15. Roberts, Morris&Shivers Successors t.> Jaim-s T. Gardiner & Co. WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILL give Avymtn, Or*., tbr.ir personal attention to th* Storage nnd sale of C-.TTON. asd-mtoh other prothtce as may be scut tc-fh«tn. Va»h advanres on Brof/ace'tv Store. nVtfng withdrawn from the General War* I take pleasure in recommending them (o Ih*' confidence and Patronage of my old friend* They are all m< n »f Large Business Experience and ample means to conduct business satisfa* orily. to j«n It- J. T.. GARDINER)