Hancock weekly journal. (Sparta, Hancock County, Ga.) 1868-????, December 31, 1869, Image 1

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W: M f ') Wa pi \ j3fc ll* — i ■fir ! 1 r 4 w A h 9 ! Tr, on !( I M r»! V il V II ■a L Mi J ii ti I t » f i Volume 2. Number 36- 3 "j>e Hancock foantal >■ 18 PUBLISHED WEEKLY —a r_ SPARTA, GA. (Office,^pid Masonic ti all—Court H 1 us-.) WILLIAM H. ROYAL, EDITOR 4- PROPRIETOR. C. 8 DtlRO'E, Associate Ediior RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. On* copy l'J month* $•! 00—8 months $2 00 Due copy 8 months, 1 50 —4 month*', L I oil tTTEXhS CASH £J RATES OF ADVERTISING. Transient Advertisements will be chnrgi d ut the Me t f cue dollar per square tor the first and seventy* Ke cent* for each subsiquent insertion, fur one month or !*•* k 1 aquar 3 months $10 --- 6 mouths $16 A 2 “ 3 16-6 - 25 3 “ 3 -rit 25-6 r 45 4 “ ' 3 35-6 r 5fl i « 3 45-6 - 75 I •* 3 50-6 1 , 1)0 AH advertisernnnt* from a distance, must be paid for quarterly iu*adranoe— or with satisfactory refer¬ ence, tn.iy b« p .id at the end of eaoh quarter, by the addition of 5 percent for indulgence Ton lines of this type till one square. CHAS. S. DuBOSE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. "W 133SITOIST,, O A*. Will pmctica iu all the Counties of the NORTHERN CIRCUIT. FRANK L. LITTLE, AWdJtaiiW atf iljW» SPARTA, GA O*Rooms iu Law building West of Court House. GEO. F. PIERCE, Jr.. i\inr@lES!l^ ATT ILA^t SPARTA, GA. IT Rooms in Law budding West of "ourt House. Professional Card, in A F DURHAM, thanMul for the pa-t pstro. l^Bponagrt, B^HontiiiM> thkne practice pleasure of m .11 i d nouuc and ug Suigery • ti-tl l>« s Die em* HI^Ba ^^nving town of cjati rtpavta. d with hitns*ll hi* brother Dr. G. sW a»s< Du ham In p'actiee, on* or the other of them may Be found at their oftioe at all times <>l the day, I3T'“penial aitention is given to the treatment of Chronic Diseiuo* peculiar to Females. Feb l2~—ly* ■ GEORGE H. JONES, WITH M. HYMANS & CO., 931 MIroeid Street, UNDER CENT RAT, HOTF.f,, AUGUSTA, GA, HEALERS I < FINE GROCERIES, WilfflBS, 0 , 31 *)®®®® ft 83 ®.A® 8 ; ALSO ONESAL OQMMIS’Jl M^CHANTS. April 90 I HOD ly H. II. SASNKTT, 110 BROUGHTON ST, SA.^7" grVlsnsrA.'EI, OA. Will keep constantly mi hand a Select Stock of . BOOTS and SHOES m it niisii! in urn The patronage of my friends and the public is ear¬ nestly solicited ILTl will fill all order* promptly for Cash. H- H SASNETT. July e6 ly W. W. SIMPSON & CO M Have in Store a New Stock of Hoods for Which for Variety, Style and Completeness offered is Second to uone iu lhi* Seouuu, all oi which is ut tea* a«ui able prices * Tn*«* needing BUPPLIK- will please give them a all. Polite and active atteiit on given to those Want, ug to purchase. Additions to tli«ir preseut stock arc eiug constantly received. As Agent* they offer for Sale the B)3«I53®S9 8®I£il[P®Mli)> To those Desiring a reliable Fertilis-r. 8IXTEEN TONS No w ready lor delivery at th* Warehouse of Jam • T. Gardner at the Dspot in this place. A Sparta. Ha , Oct lSth LSI*!* if PUI.LAH0, COX & CO., J general gkoveky and. t 4 ^Commission Mfrchants, 979 BROAD STREET, * A (A few >loo»« belt w tiie Planters’Hotel.) ATJOUliTA, - ■V HEP constantly hetid large and selected . on * well stock of tin* rise «»l every t <**iipnou, including ■ |ri»r assoiMiient of 'A link as, Bi (Vim#. Jte The uilerest »>• tly firm will be nv«Srtat~<i by JudSe'IInury It. FiUpatnok «f Waffsa cck,.y. May 2 am THOMAS RUSSELL, JEWi'.L- R, j Ift iiiblmned ui 1855 j \Y ISDKS Hancock to inlorin o. iiiy the 'liu citizens he is arena of red Sparta, 'o icpsir and r IF dcUf*, Cork Jutif.'i’i/ mtrl . . nitrite Cto.vf* f rq’t il to any hotsc in ih* ■Sin hi-rn country, and i «u»«d to noiirt, WEDINU and BRIDAL RING4 in an * io ordri- mol all kin.n. of p cciuos hT«NE;a Set and Rrt^pt Mr. Frank Knupferi WATCH-MaKF r, Can fi.nnd at the same pluce, 198J Bro ill tr et kiiguata. Ga* FOR SALE, II '.ticker 4'fot’k* etmi Jctceiry, GUN v.ND PISTOLS. Ol 9 3": _ CerriagOi Bnggfie and Waggon ± EPOSITORY, ♦T.A1V1E4 a SCUDDAY has rc* 0 p<.u<d his iJAR R1 AGE 8IU»P, ui liis old >tand « h»rc l • s p-epnr cd Ui servo hi old friends and patrons and th-* public generally, in eve > In .inch of his buaitii ».*, n,:h“» w th N* w Work, repai Hg or Ko uv iug of Carnages, Doggie*, Wugnns &c., Hi th" tno-t r-asoiiKbl** pni: s He has in his employ the well known frredinan loin Cons alias ’1'oni Thompson, hurl wi*l warram oil work tt> stand the test. Turn is a tho.ough Demo¬ crat, He will nlsn do all manner of Hlncksnothing and boI'C ts a sh*r*'ofih public p itrouag*. Spann, apr 23—1 y FURNITURE Ob' ALL DESCRIPTIONS AT PLATT BROTHERS, (Formerly C. A. Flatt & Co ,) 214 Broad St. Augusta, Ga., o— WK YV have mid are const ant'v reeeiving the best as snrliueiii ol I URNITURE that has *ver been in till* mari e:, cotivstii g, of Rom wood mid Mnhcganji, Parlor ruit*. Chamber Bed¬ Suit*. Ckittagc Sails. steads Chairs, Bolus, Teta-Tete, C entre Tables. Bureau-, Sideboard-, Exten¬ We sion Tables, of aJI Jc/'g'h* part'c.ihi'ly cal! tins alicntioii of pnreha-ers to our SOLID WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS, for Bi aiitv, Durnbdiiy f and Chcapne** OUR MANUFACTURING DEPA R TMENT 1* still in upeiatimi Special orders wdl b* promptly ntte dnl Uk Repairs done in all its blanches. UCHOLSTERIN(i DEPAh'TMENT HAIR HLOTII. ENaMELED CLOTH, REPS, '1 EURY slid SPRI NI• H. ami all arti Icssuitablf for Miiiiaiuclii'cr•.. which wo *»ll"«-r at Low Puces. % ** WINDOW SHADES A largo stock of Window Sliadc*, of ov< rv style and p Horn, f oin tin* Chetipt * Io thy Finest, w th all th* N.-w S’yl* fixtures. UNDER 7’A KER'S DEPA RTMENT 8unrrmisndi'C by a couipotnul mini. COFFINS of all D.ac iptkms and Quality. MET.VLlt’ CASKS audC \SKETS of tbs in ,approved styles, fu ni-li¬ ed at all houis during the Day or Nnigiit. IJud. riakfis call be supjilied wi b all kinds Trim mere. may 2—ly CHHRLES A SLEDOE, IBIMMFIi AND UPfiaLSTEREft, Harms* ,flaker and Itcpairrr, SPARTA GEORGIA. .Hi MAY he fund III III npi> r fiery of J A buddy's Cur *;■ S hop, wh r he i* pr< pured to ,rti\ethe public in Ins hu« of work, on isrms in Miff ihe time,, may 7 ly IB. ti. S. PR,1 "X 'Vi LIVER MEDICINE'. CUNSISTlNO OP HIS CKLVBIIATKO Liver Medicine, Anodyne Pain Kill It, Auti Billiou* PI Is, Aguo Pills, Dysentery t'ordiul. Female Tonic nud Pur tying Pdl». THR excellent Remedies ol O 8 PROPH1TT • M. l>,, need no recomincndaiioi—thcr well ’.now j tower in renniviiig the disease; peeu! nr to our .'outlirtrn climate having alreudy estahlisht d <or tit in nu e livable repot •lieu iu Georgia and adjoining State-. As the majority of persons living South are predisposed to disen-e o) the Liver, it is gi anted hy all lute llgnut phyiiciau* that q IO si „f he pains mid aches of our p> ople are due to organic br functional deraueei em of that important organ. Prophitt's Liv er Mcdiciue mid anti Billiou* Pills strike directly at the root of th* evil. They cure the liver, which, iu nine cases out of ten, is a', the bottom of caught*, dyspepsia, colic, kick headache, Uhematiam, consump¬ tion, meustrou *1 obstructions, so common among our people. Earache, ucute rheumatism neuralgia and bodilv pains of wery kind, flee b fore PRO PHITTS i'AIN KILL IP likecWbefore a wind* PROPII1TT8 LIVER MEPICISE Dr Vrophitt: Having used tins medicine ■mlficimit ly l"ng tn test, its vtn <t>, and to satists m. own ni’iid that it is hu invaluable remedy for Cy-pt-p-m— a ,j m . ease from which the writ*r lias sufl-red much for ,-ix irnui years aud being pursuadnl that I uudreds now suffer this Huuo)iMg complaint would be singularly b»-uefiitecl. a* be lias been, by its u-e, we deem it u duty we owe to the unfortunate class to recommend to them the u»e of this remedy ; wh'cli has not gnen only himself but several members o' hie family ihe greatest relief. W. M ARNOLD. Of the G> utgiii Coufe ence Doolj/ County, Ga, Avril, lb(m. This is to certify hat l wascoufinrd ;«» ffe Ii use, and iii<**t nf the tune to my led, h• :d sulleriug the g:vnt*‘ft ug<njv iniagiimble, with iheiv.inau.-in, for five men hs cull uttr * trying every available rein dy with no r-lief, I \\a> cursu with two bo.ties of Dr. O. s. 1‘iophiuV Anodyne P«m Ki I It. each costing me fifty cents, nly; it relieved me almost instantly. | lliercf tie reco "mend it in th* highest degiee (■• others suffering from siinihir iliseace, I can any that it is one ofiiie tie* 1 family in. dices now out, certain. Your, truly, W. a. FOR Ell (ND Co>’i»tfh>». (rn. July 9, 1867, Dr. ft phitt —t'pv.ng us.'it your t iver Med.cine lor more than a vmi in my fatni v I ch.** rfullv rci ons* mend it to all persons siittv'imn 1:vin l>v< r Hiieciion io auy form I .»ln> reconuut'ml y«'»i' Dysentery Cordial a* ihe bt‘8’ remedy for that disease O T DOGERS. S in Airitrill, . Pu/num (o.,Oci I, 1867 Dr. O 8, i ri'pbhl— Deai 8ir : This is to ©crtily that I have oaec y *nr Ague Fills tor the I i»t ten v> ur*. and bate never f.oi. d io cure the Agu. in « suigie in. stance vv iib ih- in. They always bmak Ui- chills the first day that hex a'fgiVcU. 1 «au renomnieud helU ns l*eiu; t >e l»e*l ague medi me that 1 liiUii found, and they leave no bail effect* following them, as qtii IV Uf Yours, respectfully, A W E-TBROOK. Prep-.irctl .inly by PROPHITT, Atlan'a, Ga. DR O, S A. (V. BERRY AgrtU-, Julv 30, 6tn. * 8parta, Ga Sparta, Ga., December 31, 1869. 0vb;MV]}’s jthucvliscminU*. Administrator's Sale W ff ,LL BE SOLD the on highest ih* F.r h.dder » Tii> sd«y • u Feb ruary n*x', » iimho an or¬ der of the Couit of Ordin ary ot Hancock County, be¬ fore i he Don'i House door Sp- r*n—on* tract *f land belonging to the crate cf John C Ha p* r dcc’d . «-u th* wtiler* «*f Island ("r.-ek and adjoining ’ail Pow * ot .L.liu W. Cawth. n, Jam <s I. Butts. Lmayi tt* II Hiid other*, contnining four hundr* d acr*s m >re or l*w, subject to widi ws dower, partiiioncd and sen. off bv on),.| of the Supeiior T'ouvt, through Comnn*Sc itfra appoinlefl •<« -ant Court for that purpo-e ; sold as ihn property of sad decanaed Terms (.a*h. Wm H AUl'EK. Adm'r. D.c. 20 1869 nf bdiii C. .Ilarp. r dec’d HEORUfil—HaticK-k Coil dy ORDIN/IRV^ OFFICE. ) December 22 1M!) ^ w ' HF.RF./1S, .llbert M. Hutch usou has tiled hi* petit on iu this < ffict» praying to he nppoiiit.-d the gilHid'ltli cf me p* on h ml prop* riy of M.ittir L. Hutchinson. \iii.nr Child ofunborn L. Hu'chinswu ii< ceaaeil. These »r« t. ci»e all p r on* interested to *hovi cause il any exists, why the sell llls-it M. Hu chin son should not Is. appoiut-d guardian of thejarrsuii and properly of the sad Mattie L Hntehmson at th. February J eim of the Court of O.diu -ry m x«. THOS. I. LII ILF., O diuary. --- -------- AfiltlilfeiwI "tOP^ w ILL BE .SOLD at -he bee re id-nce nf Mar sliall E. Lat.m.-r rtecM m, We -day 22nd . m-t., „ all „ the .. peri ... hah e properly . «> ( -aid I >1* I rd. >1 eou.-i-t- •. ’ 1 * ” * . ing oi . hor es, mules, , oxen cattle , among them milch , , * cow* and . calves, , pink , and * stuck . l i legs, sheep, i corn. ' T ' , fodder wheat oats, shop . , tool*, . wag cart, ruck i a way, armnig to-* a <1b-* c. A so^t the same .me and place, will he rented all the lauds bdong * ug 6 to said e tat • to the high- * et bid (ier Alsu, will be sold in the Town of Sport*, oil Tue* day the 28th inst., all the M- rch tudis** a* s*t apart io said dec’d, by the ooniminniicrr, appo nt-d io Hi vide the good*, of the Intefi inot Shivers if- Latimer, consirtiiig ,of Boots, Shot e, Ha's, various 'oys, and o h*r a'tic'es. IVnn* c *>b M. S. MED LOCK AdmY Dye t7ih. 1869. AdininiNtr£i4oR*M air. \\7 ILL BE SOLD on h" first Tnin Juan f 7 ary in xt b-itore the Court House door, in tl 10 Tow,i ot „*-p(ii >«, Hancock county, b#i*v« rn the logal hour* of s !e : the Coin and Flour niili with th* Site and Fixtures, ritoateii inGr-eu comity, and known a- Laurence’s Mi'l. ■ ti the Oconee K ver with seventy five acre* of I -nd ih-relo aiincti 'd. be ihe same more or less Sold as the property ol ill* estate ol SeeJi'Tii J Luureiice. late of Haic oi-k ouniy d. c'd, by the c*u*eiit of the h*ir* tYrm.- Caeh. .1 M E< .1 L4WHENCE ) .Y.&nr’a JEFF. R LAWHENi K, (, <»i‘Orgia— Hancock ('omit;/. ORDINARY" - OFFICE. } December. 9'b 1868, J 7JUR WEf.L E EARNEST he* «,.j8»ed for,*. D * (option of p* -.-Oiiftliy, and 1 will pt-s u|ion Ui* same at JO o'clock a rn on I lie 23d day ol December, 1861), at my TH08. I. LI TTLE - Ord’v. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. w ■ Ill, f Or BE inary SO|,D. of Haoco under -k mi county, o-d-rnl on I ha the ('ourt tiiC Tnrtsdtiy in .Ltnnaiy ucxi. b-uvct-n 'h- legal h nr* of sale iu the V lliige of GibkOli, Dluseock ciiimiv. before the Court II u-* door oo h'Midr ~ acre - o lend more or fc s ' cloog ng •> th* e t.»’e r Tho'iia; J Dickson d-e’.i, late of llnecock coim' v. -aid land adjoiiiug lands ol el’ite of li t'lnrk. t’o em n am! olheis Vnn 'Cash i'll v li Ei> W. |*,i Bo - ti'lin'r • i Ext Ih'iinaiiJ. Dickson Nov 12'h I860 ADMINISTRATORS SALE. \\f ILL BE. SOI.D by J. R Latin r, r.d:n\ of John IT 8 Latimer, «*e’d one I«.t of land lying io Duo, county No J04 — 12'h dirt also one I v in Hah-r •h ill county, No. 64 14 h Diftru I'f eye Lots of lund r.rv m.itnpruv-*d. and «(dd a* wild lauds imilrtr an order of the Court of ordinary, of Ha oeck county. They will b nllered at pr'va •< xal--, mid if no h!« i effected, will he offi red a; |ut die out< ry hef re ihe Court IJiium door in .'Sjia'ta, on the fiial Tuesday in J lt'tary 1^79, to the high bid<’« T rtii-cali J R L> \ riMfiU, AduiV Novembfi i 1^6.8 ids. TO IRlilSrT Vril.L BE REN PEDio tile lliglie l b’tblsr, li iVif V* the Court Ho'i*e do.>r iu the town of Sparta, on TUE-DAY the 4th day January next. !';» i lie- v.-ar Iiit) within the u-uat h ur*' of ral .->1’ that Irac: cl land iu tbs county of I!an-o< k. known a* d>e Fe r*l (■/ac« adjoining lands of Jam « K Berry, A E VX Br.'Wn, and others containing hot ween six and heven hundred sores, of which about s«v»uiy five acres are open for cnltivati'-u No improvem-m* on the place, Also, ell that oilier tract ol' i im m *,>id c -nmy. on Kpring Frerk, known as the Laurence Hall place, ooiiia iung about lJ r*c humlr. d ami fiftv acr.s ilierc is n good itwolling bouse and « few cub ns cm :h* pUc*. Toms, Nine with approva srcitmy and Lem on the c-op* grown ou the I i n pavnb’* 15th Nov.m bei 1870. NAM Y WAITS, f In **'1 nd ns Adm'rx of Sal.'ic ii.tli, dre’d Dec. 10, 186* 4>*<‘or§i<i, I!anccrk t'otiuiy Ol!DIN \RY'.- OFFICE ) J 'eceiiihsr 1 1869 S JJRS. MARTHA E DURH AM, her i.u-i.aud lirrgrt W. Dutham refusing) tins »[ pli .! fur ox emptiou of i>ers*mallv and I will npan ih- anio on the 13,Ii dtv "f December. 1862 a' 10 n"«:L>ek v. M ai my ()tK e tho*‘ : . i i.irr b tbdj 4aCOI*jSia —//(Wine 1 . Count ,,— OR DIN »R' *8 OF Fir R, > N'lVrtinbar 23d 1869 1 1'HOMS M. TURN F.R, av u-xifri*.id ef il.a Lm 1 »« R. Williams hn* app *d tor f* mp’ion <ti ;er sOHatty and setting apart sue valuation .>t h ’msvies.l aud I will pass npou the •*an* > a: 10 O'cloek i. 51 en »h* 9tb day of Drtfelubrtr 1069 a' my ffi-e GEORGIA—Hancock County— (Ol) T OF OH IMA AUY Novstnbui T»-*m. I?fij y WI1ER AS, John W Mam.u and Rn ,inn! I.. Ilea )i. Ex• ciito's of (hi. hou iiit! ami )« taut ut < f John vt •l.tson, late of vnid o.untv <lrtc.-i.se nsv lU.-d lht*i. pp'iciiti.'ii pr-ivng >t.At Uttar* ol aduiis i-sioii da issue to ihrtin in the |.frt.tiis»s Th *' are lher-fore to cite a!) inU"*»i<-d. kmiirr and irirtd.to to show < au e if uuy ex *U on or l> f t lie first Monday in (larch le7(t, wliy «,ui ■ PP'i • ants shoulo uot h d s*m s-d bom oe furtlit < x rutiou of su'd la* 1 will and t**la'n«Mi ol John M M» »ou » *c'd. i (Tveu under my haml > ! Offi ui 8 i .us , 1 Sih day Novemhei. lpti j 1__ i’llOM A> I LI TTLE Ord’v Seed Barley, live, Oats and Wheat, Bacon, Flour, Lard. Boots and SIhi. s. Domestics, Fine Imported Liquors &v., at J. L. JOHNSON, & U* VS, Miiledgevilie (in. DR J. BBADFIELD'S i FKMALK UKGUUTUH? irvj.Vwf.v’s aEQ'v 'Pills V \ LU ' ISLE MKDfi INh i* p; p. P d for L WOMKN rtxclu* x-ly, iioil tub- u<> il by women V» 7. U is adap* tl t.p -cia.ly to thoar ea-ea ware the wom.i is tl.sinli!ii au.J w ;! ours any ir'cg lari^y in tin; mcn-cs ’’ except in au.-h nasss a* r q i.red a tur f: dy»p. iition ih"sc last nit* "cry are. the FK UbUl ^ LA i 1 11 i* ot iiiinost uiovcimiI appli cat mu In a sudd v f 'h'ck <>f he • nvn.lily course* ’ f f0 "i ’’OLD. lionb *- oi m il ! ordk* nil <«. it io ts like a chain, by ItK -TUBING TM di a ii \r«;k IN EVERY INVi \.\CE, ihus r *v ng t h- fever, ini d ich*- , p •» • ;he snial! of the baik niid • low r loin i I. ** ffus' s of h a' i.bom h- f ic*, chilly .• sen •attuiis, bur dug of the * v lids and geit.ral rest ••'trm T k ll tme, ;.!l he-e .Vii p olll* pass nv‘H\ itunie.’iai lv v.i'i uni | irv to ■h*. eou. iui'inn F qu wily how v* , if th prop r leirn dy i- mu sp¬ l-l ins . ;!*• di*«n»*e : I'C imi)- chi'i c, i,nd the otiunaliuii lain f >r i niiib rice* evils to th" constitution cf woman The next Mum”«- rnes a i oud and th-r« •* no.....oi’,’’ or p rh*p*ih “wi.n s” will appear— I h re wi.l bo s -me niea-ii. a* about »»• womb, but »• r> iiit’*^ or i.mi- of th- nalma! fluid cs-aping. 1 he ‘•-‘•ropl. x on h « •"» * aT w, bnwels sw..l m, .. son ol greeu.sU casuitmi il:« Leo. constant dull, acting 4 i„ j„ ti,- he.'d we jtht iu the lowi r a'cmache and b.-k. w>th or with nit white-, palp utwn of ih* In art »*«’>-. oxhausf.m, .nd go-am. w-aMiie*. I gor ach I'll-t. t «r liiesa lh * ° acros U8 * II ° C >e-l. tg P l aUll ' ,‘ n gnhllli * ^ s* \ & ,, ?. If il! I iw"d , to . ‘ , ckness , will . be , fill¬ . s a no on. green s V .f.-v-l , !«■<': the nrtliuc c h.-conn * severe with / 1 lo».* r>t . minui shed , . ns Sntitv, , . , uck ■ . ►mmacli, nn iin.r., si . ■ ,, fl>r ,, iw „f ffe-h, i„cre **d flitDermg * of ill* h-art, sweiliug «f the feat, lags and } * J b , ort!| sligmes. of mt hurried , , brn . thing most , t* >utii*Lon. .• can—«s a i he skin is Hobby and b is a "d mghi f—1 ” 'l hi* i* a vaid picture, bn: it is ib« condition of ih>ncands of women between dto ages of fif eau >nd forty rt.-#. who a f h ii igin to th r ,v. b_t ignataaco o. n g eel t<» ink* Ui- proper ri iio dy. • -i out! who are ftffl et.*.) wi ,! ’ any of the svrnp'rtn* an J- in ut r d. in coiuiecliun with n*s irregti'anty of Che *I«I'»U' BK.Vi.hELI);S E. > •!■ kin.-*,” w>. .«-» stive if, 1’AKE Hf< .1 1* F. .ekegui.a row tew ouiiC“s tsk-ti. y«.ii w- «t ouc- *•.«. «*u-nee iti x •i.efi , and wit.li a 'it.lc p t eucc you will be iully d io b altfi This ,*eni t.ly ha* h *n < x ei.s'v !> u-cl for upwar*'s of tw -iitv y ars hy many of i.i« most *xper,eiicei! at. u< f.-fful ;dl i.,.« a Gvaigi.i. No fanri'y IldcM !><» W;ti <)UI « p.ill’u tv.- tt.ut DR J DRADF1KLD’8 FE M \ r- U LA A A It is prepare f ii wy iieu, and t. h - rd c- v . JHieii on y. A tr.il ' iv'l w • a k Prepared ^u-i-oid iu auy quality, by BRADFIELD &. Co., An aula, Ga. TESTIMONIALS S T \TE OK Gl.OROl Prmip (N.iiii y: This is t« c--i'fv t at I have examined the recipe of Dr Jonah Br„ilfi.|ii £ ibis comity, and as a med jr. a! inn ii, pro lounce it. s be a coin'll' ation ot !o»di l.lll* s g.-eal lie rit in i T tr atm -ut «.f all ih» disc s ** u mah s 'or which -Z rec«*iniHf nd* it W P. BE \S!.EY. M I> ’I'hi* 11. camber 21 H<W. ■itu*t* G« , December 29, Jc'6^. Da. .1 DkiO-Iki.ii Dear B*r8 I take plea*ursein staling ilia), sosii: l.m* nr. V'ldis to ihe lal« war, I us¬ ed Witll l!‘* 111 ’*? ticccs«. on n servant girl, y,,ur FE MALE REHIJI iTdll. JireJmred then ai Bradfichi’s i >rugi*ior V.'.st Poiig. Ga. ii bad laren suffi rii g i f •*)!! -Ilppres. d Olecs'rilI o'l KHli tl|i> llied i > i.'nhirnl I t'lh. She i» to-day living m At'un’e.s und ui d we! . i w:ll ftm- funic r, O at I Uo. w of U huing usad, c ;h q. • siu-c- - o ih rue* I do „,,t |,r*iiat» <! ? your nr. p ira' on tic the perp.** f.,r wh ch I el,i. .him lid I Yours IDIIN C WlIPNRP. At >vh !e»;de hy .1 H V. .1* IN .4 • (».. ^ •c in. ' w. h. i u i r& i,. s - x uguile. t*. i siil<- in joula, bv 7 pt 2 1869. A. W. HENRY 1 The symptoms of liver com SIMMONS’ |i n >lnint il-.e is are side uneasiness —! e .*ineliiueH and j'uin tbs f%. ain in the shoulder, and IS till'd liken io •• riie-.tiifitisBi t'lie stomacb is af» tcctcd niih lo^a of sppciits and sickness, bowels iu gem-mlcostive, son:'times alternating paia. and duil, heavy Hsasnioin. cunsidcra)>)e loss of inetnory, .accciopsriied with painful sensation of having IsCi **<)<»■• ,t»u ho g iviiich osghi tn bars J-ecn dons. .——-^Oueu T IIIPD couiplr.ining i f weak ijl V 11111 |Sonietin*es, |ii»ks, dvhiliiy. and of low the spirits, ahovs some Ic’.^'-.irsaBBrseEMWrapsaV i»tli.*r symptoms attend ihs dis*a*e, amt ai iii* ( .. very few of them; but the Liver in generally tbs organ most involved. Cure ihe Liver with DR. SIMMONS’ UYRR REGULATOR, A pr» mimM ro'iiss an I herbs, warrari!e<l ts bs strict • ve: mid c. ned can il-* no injury to any SU't It Ii m-• h« Mi us.".l by hundreds, nn<l known for is |.,hi y f as ous of the most rvliabls, efliica hi t ti miles >rv pa rations rver offered lo (ho ? utf-rm If 4k,!t vejnla ly and persistently, il : v * .9tirip to cure •» tavwrtamMsiDjfpepaia, beudsebe. jaun iec. t.isii vsitess, sick bead I REGULATOR •eciions <c! e, iTimiiis of WiaVrliflc.-i, the bladder, nf . aanip dysentery, affestious of tha ki-t e .erruuanees. (bills, diseases of the ski criiy el ttie bi« <>d. mslsncbely. er depl ess’io: 5.5- ir;t< heartburn, colic, or pains in bowel*-, p III the iiosd. fsver s.’nl au-ns. dropsy, bulls, r. .in in ck an I 'imp*, sat lima. .rysipeUs, foin ile a'f. cii.'ii* mid biinms <lis*vs»a gsneKHllly prstiavcd only by J. Hr. ZF.ILIN 8l CO.. Druggist *.«C"ii, G* Tri v sna fl 25 The l( S ,ifc ; sbls psr«on scan f o ilia * .i iu*« of thin valusV.U msdicinc. -x~ w* iiiosi resp*eifully rsfer : "•!, :’r««id“iit .8 9 it Rl'otapsny; c. I*,’, I’rrry, <!a; <1 E K Fnarfes, tie trge J. Lunsford. Esq. Conductur Li»:srs»*. F.vp 81 m--, Iff Bi! b conmy : J A Dun* V bridge. La; Dyke* k 8pariiawk. fdiioi-v ..p !'»iwhas-«j. iisvJ tv ,.i.i-ks, •‘.jc n. ti» ; Tower*. E?q. Snpcriutsudent A R U ; Dmin T.,ii. u l. UulUrdN .8taiioU. Mn c !< y vwick it Txvige* esunty Ga t Rev H T Easterlii % F K F Ja t'oiiferciiea : Major A F (Vmdsy. Kr.igoti . Ga . Editor N.acsn Tategruph D ' sale by J ■ a If Hutiry. Xaw York, Jno T*rk t’inci a:i, Juo ‘•■'•nuuinj Jisw Urlsans. and at’ Druggist * For **!e i>y 4 W BERRY. Diet 22 r. Spans. G* H CA Km After Every STORM Having bt eti kicked, cuffed bulled and balled about for several months past, for a place of business. 1 AM happy to infonm my friends and the public genera ly, tlmt I am AT HOME AGAIN, at my old Stand in a Spacious new Building erected for my special Benefit, where I sit at gentlemanly leisure with hands folded fendy willing and anxious to wait on all my old customers as man) new ones jus dame fortune may favor me with. My stock is now complete, having recently made large purchases with an eye to the want* of the people, and think that I can please all, and last but uot forgotten, the little folks’ depart¬ ment, everything is as it should be. AND WISH their little stockings may bo fill oil to overflowm^*ith A great variety of fancy *oys, Fruits, ■Notions, etc. Old Santa Claus, with his MERRY grin, having arrivctl by the last t^ain, with an immense assortment of CHRISTMAS goods, enough, both in variety and style, TO supply the wants of ALIj .In the construction of my new and store, and at a heavy expense, I have Attached A telegraph and under-ground Railway, by which I can order and re ceive goods in a few hours, ami thus keep fresh supplies ehming Cnily. My Canal being in full blast, FRESH FISH and OYSTERS will be received about three times a week. Don’t forget to call at the sign of I s Kinvr.fitK. S[>art*, Dec. 24th _ WHOLESALE DRUG HOUSE ;u: PLUMB & L,EIT\EU. I A «t x s* »I a * (i a . i ■:u, ! Choice Drugs, Pure Medicinos» ; and Chemicals. I OILS,- BRUSHF,' FANCY OOODS, . Oli.ET ARTICLES, Pure While I^ead. i T YJNB White and Colored I’ ilN'I'S, \V«r- j rau ed Ueuutue aud Fre.»h Gard' u SEED8, ti»Si lioolix, binox, i’olu* acid f ancy I idiiiitf raclklr. , , Wholesale Agents F. r 'lie c I braisd I liiiJiVILLE I'KI 1 i JAKS Ac. Ac. j TLU • B x i.Ul i N F.R, New (irauile Front, 912 Bro»d Street, Augusta, Georgia. rp( t<) 6v» Pcrins Three 1 » ^ J Utisfcllaui). Our true policy wny,—avoiding is to pursue the i Ven tenor of our offense by violence, and disarming the moiistrosi ty by obedien- e to I be laws; Such" a course will secure our triumph in the glorious end, and the victory will lie the more for having been won through the ordeal of fraud, falsehood and force. To work, then, in the peaceful voca¬ tions of husbandry j and let tranquility and patient obedience to the mandates of destiny solve the problem.—Albany News. Pardoned.—T he Sandersville Geor¬ gian sttys Hit-hard Nelst d, tonvictod of murder at the last term of Wi kinson Superior Court, and sentenced to the Penitential y for. life, has hern pardoned by the Governor. Also, W a>fiiugf©n McDaniel, of the same county, sentenc¬ ed cember, to be lots hung been on the reprieved lirst, Friday -in De¬ until Janu¬ ary. certainly Fodder tight as Greenbacks.—M in this oin'jPj.s v\We good town. (Se a evidence many of people vest rday.) As an it, we saw a couple of y»ung bloods go into a bar-ro* m yca’er <Jay and negotiate the drinks tur two bundles of fodder. You ought to have seen that b-ir-keeper’s ej'esand counte¬ nance !—Macon Pclc^rap/i-Messenger, Brick Pomeroy iftins. A negro deucon iitu Louisville church undertook to pul nn uiliu y boy outhif doors, and Intel n bole cut in his abdo¬ men. injunction Shoo fly.* An is to be served op Chi¬ cago m ousters to pi event them fro.v. praying tor the removal of all wicketl ness from the city, on tho ground that if the prayers are answered, the place will be depopulated. To show how contrary women ure, it, is announced that u Chinaman in Cali¬ fornia had got all the arrangements made to sell his wife for debt, when the woman actual y committed suicide. Is their no law there to prevent women from doing so? A great many places that gave radical majorities are voting to exclude the Bible from the public schools. Of course. T'ds loyalty is a big thing. A lunatic at Seymour, Indiana, put one end of an old gun barrel iu the tire, and luoked down the muzzle with ouc eye to see if it was loaded. It was the opinion of the parlies who picked the man’s brains up un a dust pan, that the gun was loaded, and Ihe coroner’s iurv concurred. J J A Vaukoc Sout !r has struck a fortune by which inventing « certain ‘turpentine Soap,’ is advertised to k'll — theoffensi™ siiu ll of the niggers. T ~ e colored pop uliiUun arid curpet-bbggera are selling lb(!ir last shirt t raise money to buy it. Memphis, Otto nigger came near killing hitnself at ally. by taking a cake of it intern¬ The Mate Entomologist of II inois is ca U-d by the natives «Bugmaster-gene ral. Now, " by couldn’t Grant have been elected to some such office? Cincitmeti is making gr«ut efibrts to attract , Radicals „ .. to settle there. last bid is by the The have reduced tlioprice suloon-keepera^ at who from 15 tu 10-cents. straight drinks Chicago , , I claims to have a greater vatiety of „ woman t .on any other <khown 8f)ot on earth, and among thorn flour ^wT'd^d of that city out of $1,100 ou Wednesday by adding two cyphers to a draft for iiie eS. C. Republican commenting on the condition of Georgia, says ‘ 8ho alone stands in the way ol a complete and harmonious reconstruction ol majestic Union. 81m our ‘alone the beauty mtirr. And in the same issue publishes report of Hubbard, Gov Scott’s Lliief Constable, wherein the said Hub bHitl calls (or two hundrey un.J fifty soldiers (negroes of course) to ‘preserve the peace,’ in five counties it, that State. Is there not a little inconsistency in that 'harmonious r<} «n8truction’ und Hubbard s negro army ? Yes, verily. Chinese testimony has finuJly been atlmuted in the Police Court of San Francisco, on ihe ground that the State law xcluding t is iu conflict with the 14th itinendm ru. I he judge who thus ic ims heretoforo excluded it. ^ k the victims r ‘‘‘ DVt'i'ct} of fever dyspeptics, and bilious diseased ague, the hea patients, Row they u0<i it., cheerlul spirits, and Liver They Regulator will tell yon that that relieved was the them from the jaws of death. Header, we wish v«.,i u very ~ Year.