Hancock weekly journal. (Sparta, Hancock County, Ga.) 1868-????, September 08, 1870, Image 1

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»ic®c '31^' ;j> Volume 3. Number 19. tllK 18 PUBLISHED WSfcKLY - • ' : ^A T-r Office on MonVior at oppo* it« ('othrrti A M’mkiiiu. WILIIAM H. ROYAL, KOITOR vnormrTOK. O. 8 Di BO E Ars' Cintc Kditor RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. h y/;k\.,v cash a Dm- copy l i month* $.'( 00— 6 motitha §1 00 RATES OF ADVERTISING. TraiittMiil Ad vert' «mi ui'h will ln» charg' d i t t' c Fa*r f oitc dollur per (fjii tie io the fii i and »• V'*nty • e «;■> h for r-utU Niibm qn-ut ;n i-vtimi, f t one mm •ajuar 3 m-tii'h ?I0 — 6 month* 816 a 16-6 ; 25 $* 3 25-(i r 45 »4 3 H 35-6 t 55 A c tiuum 3 45-fi w 75 I • 3 50-6 - 1.50 All ud?.•fti**-> from « distanor*, rnn*t be paid fur .piMrleitv H, advance - Or with KMi dactory ii f-j - ,n y In* p hi nl the cud of im-h i|iturt,< r, by Mn udil tinii of 5 p-t c-m for imliilgcn,,, Pen line* ,'f‘ihi*type (ill one wpi ire. riiAs. s. DunosK ATTORNEY AT LAW. “w* ahb r-: jxi xoisr, o- a - m 0 ' \v lh nil ihe (Join, Of (its p i < ,v oi l / KOK 1 fitUN Cl\l< lilT ober s Marri & Shivers . I Aim>K.S AND sion ^jertlhutiji, if.l. give ihelr |M» sen i! nt rntiou to ull eon ri -,1 tm uls o: COTTON id o*h r prwliin* hci»i ihrm f- r nilo or storago. tugUnia, July 48,(1 ’ tn POLLARD, COX & CO. Cotton fagtors, AUEHOFHF. AVD < I.MMI>i^Ii»N 3 KC HAN TS. im^Bori* AllglDln, r B -y-.> Of* him I IoR-RSIU 1 ' .• n, |>'-n 11 * r * e'*. I ■Hi Ml |\ L i 5 I| II i.»i-11 - It II.' i > .1 ■: St.Ill",1 . (i «• Hi-n p rwoiiil .-ii I«• i. -nl. mil.-' Si ■Hffie of ('oft---- it Utl till nl l|i-r prt'iluci- Onl r> 1-n IfijrTli-g ii >1 K ■!' ■ (' ompily uiiemi'*. to C'ni-ii liieiiM're*|' c»*m-V Mthciled. F.aliu ^y iM iL'IM-d 4t> U» IN deliveit’ I ir.illl ll|N • l»lh- li C-oon iF air** l«rih-jr « ri «*if«-r» Ag-id* It)' lo-ol » I’hn-jiii'ile „t|i| * l «-gi i F ««• - y The mil-** *•► f tho fi.ui u ill In* ,,-pr**N#n*««l li;' Jif *1 ot VVnrr n cn »;)»>2 6ui HIM HIM MALE X FEMALE ACADEMY ' ME Fa t.l, s-l-JH *|ON of 'bia Svh»i‘tl f emit iieiug out , m,tbs yitil'begu, M-'Uday A' g*i*t Vpib. par T,*r»„, III I. ,,-VMfy llapurt,,, nt*. euli »U U *-4.I f- N *16 Ull «t2l tM», 926 06 Tuil mients on m *-»t'M-i $'.’5 Of. f bhaigi-,1 Item '♦»•* Dim* of euirgnoe to tho «»d ol -k I -*»>'»• llltlM.4 A, MURRAV. V KICK, Pill,ctpaf HAS UK M Awmjaul Mrs. WL’RK vV, Ttucintr uf Mu-ie. Aug 4—ft* W. M* WARREN, A J. LINK. J t\. w ALL UK A ugtts' a M „ieick('u. Augnats. Warren, l-ane & Co. * ti ore score to W. Ilenry Wane,, & Co filTTON ,H*.UO0r.ff rLCXP.B VV AM* COMMISSION MERCHANTS. th5 a»*l I *« llV‘'( atr«»1 AU0U8TA, GA. C A8H ADV VM'Kkmi<h «»u aliipmcnts of Lotion » N-w Vorkunu Liverpool VVe a' ” «g« U*n ,«-r (ieorjf'S and Smith V^iulitta lo th* Celehiated Krttlemir, Manijmldtcd (iKUiiot, OUr'a rhm^hatc, Patent Iron Band •ml the AlIKttW TIE, end for iiiditlg ' ,»tli-u. Jial' ‘I'ne mtuiesta of tin* firm will be repr^seuted in llaucut k eotthfy by J. 1'LAIIENCE Ifisq.,uf 8j*srn, attg • tffcut* •« Vttifrd TO 8 KM. OUK DELEhKATBD GULDEN PUCNTAIN »>ENS. Atikni.a'ledavd by all who have used them in hr lira brat Pelt itHiih, nr m» 3I ill *hia cmntiy. No blotting t Ns auilvtl fnig-rs T Sixty lines written with our peu of ,wk’ Will mil wear any st*«l pen ever mad* — Ibitia*,* me reliant*, teecher* and xl- i*Ixm,-*. ra r^oAe* them iu the ht*jl»e t term* ot j.rai e. Pat up altde te-v-**. Pr-eea. two bone# 59 u „,s, ti v l.«x a #L real five , f j.i, toga, uud giinrnulaed to give perleet ransf.,, tin,, I1RKU L t OMM188lON TO AtiBNTS We i« piep.trml to gne i»UV (UergMiu |t*r«n, taking th" sgettcy of time*' Throa p' 0 *. u <* miri-i-ion th.ll wit! pay pee month. sam ple ,* a* will b* t,tailed (or 10 cent Add few WKMTKKN MIUUMHINU i'O E 8YLVAN HILL M IAL SPRING HOTEL * tGOCK COUNTV, OA. m mow aPKH, I HE undvtiilvtrntod hagaioavc to inform the tat te cab ir.aumimiitsls s tow m- * a, tha ttmmdr Ue htopas aoM to bai»l>" «•» IVtrual, find el, Ms toOtoome>todAiio«a for all wha m«y coiue lavalida ar* iuvtie-1 (a gtortha rpruuj a tn.l Wyl R W SMITH, prop r K r. m"' WEEKLY©^ ■: vw tvtv ! OS tJ-J r**> •to# X i IV 00 ( i YEA . \ ; / \ *' -L >JU$pgBL. m,*«,a««. «*. on'*ulnatrfrfc^iS' i/ ... ,,. l.' ; .I'/j . ^ /.Li •„ ’ lAt<--Lf. ' , '.‘'‘ia^ifiiv , i $.1 ., |() HBirMUN ' . . LS, «*«........L-...... p d. fid. 3 i-3~tf — I ............ I ............ . ..... Jt : Br. ( lark% Londou Rflaifflifw • * Ft) R SPECIAL COMPf.AlNTS.” UH.TI, Ifto VliK’8 IAVIU'JMi A' FOU ^ K-pca.ii^lv givimr s*r-».gi<I the agHiand 8. id!ftato-d; >i dhoifneR 6>r yonotf m.-ti v. hi, hatr-wa~t-d ibnr-vigor bv • *««*»' Of ov^ry k'lMJ, and all pi-raoaK whn« syidHn»h«vei-e conic w nk hy impnt *ftic* are eooipltMaiy ra*,tor<'d by R' « «. I'i i«i> Oil" Dei!uf. DR l LARK'' I'UKIMERts' ans n he Mood flfdin ;,i ! inpiiriti|« jjioJi a* ttorofola-, hyjRyl!*, Mur oit'iit*, Rhruirtu.!• ,,i f Hornbin < ( Mfrry Had Rf.-a-ii olP'i aivo I’ mpiiat DM, Foil F>< Cu'arrn l*f** t e'g ‘toin Ui" Eg, 8oro Kve*, >«i'* ih'--at. Falling all di yvf the Hair, UScent, Boil.v ,1’ niji! a. I. itigum •iitd s ol the Donga and Dig- tiv- t Price One Do'tarv' ■ DR OLARK'R PAN AO R \ ,,dU», w Piinof everg dc«cnpii*>ir llyol.n;li-, Karchc, >l T<**hMcAc, 81,>m ach*, Back -chc, Pattis in ih« k md and I.untie It »** it'* inv tfut>!»!« r in" v : ti ail Nf»rvo*»* Diso.d-ri and no faroW> 'Inatiit h w ib.'uit d Pifiye < *in- Drill,ir.* DID Ch \ i( K > Hi I <1 It is a f.rftliji « H'r for al* \vo,tl*iif-8 nl ii.nli it i» C'nmy Oigaiis.fgti d -char go* ufa ntoeo jut '-.lent nut, ■ e, lyeini'irhir",. Loitor riiat i, .Sii|i"fnintnfih«ni. nnd S- rn ’i.d Wcjjkncs*, ar ipo*di!v Cfl. oufVn by it* „ * I' ire ( )i t e f)«! ; s r DU. ItK's HKGIH. MO \i • J> tn ,t. nlv is gtnii-. tit nd i • <>« rr*-. f afl ! |,CC itt a iif.t lid *! Uiirit i i ( of S-,iglrt l.ruli'-rt. Vf L d " can ione ~ tin 1 i t n* d „ Ii- I- ill ll C r.me «• a,fli d it ♦ lll-ct wii-.M I, too r»->V»*; tl- ii < >;(.• i hlito ■ AH relob a' >1 r- o,-«ii ■ *•> -paicd from I -I li F.xitaH ■ in.i 1 -1 Dr. • i .i. z in-ri' "F * " t it ,il)d Mr. *i r d f i, iid z ‘.J ♦If ct-d : hntifrl. ii-( .» ri,, r z f64'tl,<!“!)* O' It.-T, tn-1 I i* k, ,.,-d • n *r . !> r ;.mis- if 1 . wifi in, si-itt pr |*i 1 1 i, c -it ,,'i-c j.-i, o !y Mvfli c 1.1 w; . It,' tv II-'V r i ;ii-t. n* j-J .,;*) iht m C'lvCo *i- r. Mr- J t h \RK. A ift I v ' N ■<3 ■ It No. t'i i 10 , Amity ,c. i Bioudvi *4rrH, ;tv BHU'IXK, OPP09I !»■ P.\ 'SKN <i KR DEPOT. MAC ON, GA.* KKANK L. LITTLE, >/M KTA fit P’lliwmi ill Lm w Inl-t.-r ig, '4 >«m ot Cutty |lo-i . . READ! T H WRLt k'MIA N •«» |ki(N nr?* m net •> rtf Wortmij mic ,„l-j' i" i fm • ti 1’ « if *X HlW . li «*(’ fa |H* Mi mi<m, H'lit-ii, I'i,it,-it mi \1 bly ' 1 <*' -oils U ‘i- iwt* i t sifi ii l ills H,t.r’k nmi M uinh f I'raqnmi JM* tl8U'iik**l I), II, IN ’ rtf!, t*fv* ot Elre**i e ' l M*w. i „‘i I’li l-psu.s Birno, F'-JUfig ^.* ,.l n,.- m h Thesr r ises h>• v< *t ..H-ru n ♦* I * ■ ft H A«ily. pri f- f-si(.,i he* *iu ht ;• i- - if. f u M-'tue t*)u -"y but tvo Id ,-mtbl » T*?fI # *••'• 1 t' r 4 *** iJ.s Mil* **» * till ’•«! , ' !* i.t**u. tb ii* i-*Titr- v 5 I i t <i tM*i-<v .r- t>, , no c ili-i I rl< if |> D-S | f’l* lit I g, oryia '- l>,t“-t v ri* \i F K» FEM/vLE [REGULATOR. I, z~ i *- *'-« b’ i ,1 j.-, up its , liauta, b> I it. I 5 ",i lit.* I-:, L -ml Inn ibeii tl„. *\*l*t„, r li- * in' T it uf tl,i- dt - liti is i, | el oat, s(e* i oi*- I ,6 - r *- tili-ve if s- : e* #-eita-a • nufeeti 61.u it'iw* iu V-'li "■* nr,3 -. i-v-r For h ii!*t v .r» ut i t-i» *>:, uml c.rt ti ».t— til its w,n tierf r - fit. **, 1 1,** rrs-lrs S e*. -|.-ti to tho w.a, p - un, ?i I rite .on twill*! or ntui.ey F-vy » * 1 d h» -d., ite wurviMtivd r-i g*ve I m* » ai,“e t,., , Match 23 ,870. IlHADFILt i) \ 1 O It itt'.ti, (In: DeaVjJjjr*-: I I»k-| (I ea*rre It, tulinu that 1 h* V" »,-«*! t-,r the IsH twenty v,« ►. il** nivtht *„e v.”" *re pti-**uiu up *ktioa-n a-..t r < UiStilieai’ KM ILK lifcailLAYDK, Vud t alluder n tie* l-edlepinuiw-utotf i-r*r |iiit -ik|aarthe( to* iba a a t *»se* to. wh., a *t ,* recuAit, ,ide,t. I •"ktivt- been faiAfigr wlrh 8,« p»e* Mrijutou both as a p nl n,ed e,i-e ,t»d ,« dnt. noetic pt'iifMw, nwl "an MilW) tt»y tltot t «•«*• elder it a h-eat to euNt-rwig Nttnater. and cun bat hope that eve, \ bidv luohr wtoils tauT, w-,o may tm suf |<ring m an) nut |*-.euliar to heiawk. may be abta „» ;eo 4 -iir<> h not**, that itie** m JT- nog* info) not ,a,ly be ieli* y**sjji,»t thaf t-,ey may b*' restored o t,vui*J» and StivugrtT. ’ * * ml!y. - » With ti»y k i-ueet tvuaiA*, l "tn, r•*(»-<• 1 AV I- t* EliKELI# 4. I*. , Wa, the ttnds.e «ie-d Dru-»g ; #te l»V* plwitop lu enuiineedtuti to t.:e tru.te Dr B n fieidV Feio-d" |; nut ,till Jn.eti<*v tfg it to tie a go-el and rvh.ii.le truicn fut thad-aafes or who I, lie *«-c,.mm*aOs il VV A, I. v N'D’a.l., AM stda, La PE MB l.K ION, WlUSoN.TAYLOKAOu Atlanta, tva UED'VINE'A I t»X. Atlanta, «» VV. t\ |, \ W.SHK v-laniu On W, H> *Vt’l slid rHiN, Marietta, tii-ntp,A July 28 ly Ilnncoek Sheriff P08TPI.WRO 8VIE. \iriLI. BE SOLD before tha Court llous* »km \\ hi thv tow n .>f 'p.uta. on (be fir-t Tuesday n **ep»vmher next, *he fuiletotna t‘*®P' land r, y *o-"> •s : O.i" Irandred unit lift* *•' ra of iu ...-it eo»*,. ly, sdj lt{> ltd* «* t . I enreo., nod etb rs levi »d " !$#« | .•net* ot B<-swell hi 'v CH-iffv ti ti ti e lo Apt i Term 18( 6. ot I) tuic- u Mi,i or ( mill, in »i*vor 0* 1 It Amitis pn-pet i \ d out bv F L Little, Ex'r of T II And'i *. * ti' y tu'y 36, IC*0 JAMES II KOUKRS, St-:'. \\ VV ILL (is -old liefore (hi C urt House dear iu the l*wu of Sparta, ou the fir** Tue- ..t J Ssplomber following next, wtliiia to-wit Bis leg., 1 Itotirs ut ‘ pro petty — lying Han- 600 n tet ol laud, more or less, n - k I eoaot v, on tne ht-sd water* o* J*bou • *( ||9«e 4 j and h-vu-d Avtjv-iiiiag the th-* la »d* claim- id" John d by I'i-iiii-i VV 11. to t SI I, *•)« **t, i-n tu projK-rty * - I two 6 fa* retu-liable to llatiCH-k S-i|H-r"-r Cu-o' tt tk-tijer Term. 18 HI. one in favor ol I'-cnj VV Rf, id¬ es Join, Bonm r, ami other ti fas v> Jt4,u U -ut* i ] Pr--petty pointed 1870 out hv JAMES deleudaut. li ROGERS,81.37 Aug 4. Sparta, (la., September 8, 1870. : j A ,1 NKW ( OLLIEC I fON of thv latest f-«vnr,(e 1 ; M ut< N0-n.J\Bf, Iff. -\d rf«JC‘iZS. ’W At/fir;-« KKDD-V.Vv FOI.KaS F£»rit Ifxjip |‘!Kvl>>. QL\\DKiL».I>. &c. A new ,’o lertiou of the lie ml p ,j*»« l<* .StM.tjr, H«* 'ad.-, i ,CrV-t-Tfiftfc f-nd (Ju Duet* te oi oi *h- *h“ dav. dar. *>iih wiih ito an ir-*<‘'iwii*«nni a -d iM»!*n«ii»c«l ,or of »W<h v R..Uto«%#. ChitK t h,«h f.ni ?fu, jti • - 8 it |Ht*i paai on ocejji of P» ti*'. . , ^ 1)1180^ & VVaBtiDigt>Vi «‘0 4 , p*.‘i-h^., 8<‘ Ro«l«»h * • . ‘17? M. • ( ll DlT*SON & t^.». >• • Aug 2fi. ii* 111 ttroadw'ay .New .York Fall and Winter ,8W RIBBONS jd'llDERY AND STRAW 8000$. /\KrliTK,K\,i'. < ATOR J A * «:<» lM1*.^Tr.Ma MJO JtaBKHB. Vefvei Olt - Aui. J DO^NEffl, TRIMMING' and RibKoim ) Bonnet Silk*. .Satina and Velvets, Blonde*, Nells ( rup** lUrhe*, Flo',vers,, Feather*. Or,iai„Hut«, LTRAW BO.nKETc and LAD IRS’ IMPS. Trnamed and uotriiiuiiM, SIIAKEIl llO ( OD-t, Ate 237 and 239 BiinOnore *t B.u.tiM'jkk, Mi). Ollbf *he larci-et Stock tohe found in n>iB tou,niy and tnevnalhd In ctmice varit ly and t-he* puo.<8 (;■ inpi.citig -he l.,tev'_ I' lfieiun novetTes. < *t Jc < *"'id and [> r «*Mip aS(fiilii)tt givoti. A WAV Willi UilCO WfQRTABLE nr » HJ B 3 7 i 3 ♦ 1 OMKORT i\’l>i r ;f, for the udptub ; * , - l) N * l»* ti \ ‘ I 1 ' \ on 1 ,-cripi ot !f» cl* Com- Ad* i; * D-. K B FOiVpJ lllti c - 0( Moi(io-:I t. -i y -;» - K' l ’0 l„ a i g’on \ v- tsuc. New York WAV "'Ml s W'TMTLF.V-OM ■*>«•* t*i !tC tv ••.•Raw, rinc*orA* »,twins tic*. t' t mi ' - ot 10 ecu** M'l C-8 Or 1*. v p'on A vcnto, N Y-,rk _ _ CGTTO W~tti.il WffOt MAOTTINE CARDS. Mfulr. (;f' Mm/ Oak Tijimml Lmthrr and irafmminrfit*' Qn'dihj. • Alr ^O r f) V ID N D, f-npi li*-* n 1 ’ kind* (-»r furnished '« o„b-r Itlf i Vtf. (* Hit'! V* *-t i Al«K Ftil Roa<i» M’i - I,-Mo 'bop*, li • v.sitnl tiinv 51i ! |*- di't Ag u' f if .-till- , * vVo-.-l l'« ding \1.»* hiu, f, or,. II ii 44 it)-ii«* w .h* Juki,. Lnoin-*. Ptc'tois. Bur hft.e I'a d t ir-ml » •* vVovr Wire, ali *1 Horn *. . ■ !! ijl 'ho very h—f qoaiity Mini !oW“.-l IV'" t . - I. ft illN ii H ASKELL. r.t. m N.j 33 *5, Hi:van I. I’altimoie. M I Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of the Throat and Dongs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Probably never before In the widely whole and history deeply of modlcine, nas confidence anything of won mankind, so this so excellent upon the as Through long remedy for pulmonary and complaints. of the a of series of years, among most races men it has risen higher and higher in their estima¬ tion, as it has become better known. Its uniform character and power to cure the various affections of the lungs and throat, have made it known as a re¬ liable protector against them. While childron, adapted it to is milder forms of disease and to young remedy at the same timo the most effectual that can be givon for incipient consumption, and tho dan¬ gerous affeeUons or toe throat and lungs, As a pro* are sometimes subject lo eolas and coughs, all should be provided with this thought curable, Although still settled great numbers Cowswmpttlm of eases to whore the dis¬ m ease seemed settled, have been completely^ ur JSl sS s^ aiaaffKs /Mnjeri and FeNh. Speaker* find great pro to always relieved and often wholly v go generally are its virtue# known that we need not publish the certificates of them here, or do more than assure toe public that its qualities axe fully Ayer’s Ague Cure ° Favor and or to irT?" „I,,, ... .• tail “ Oi^unStoirA^nt'S^m.Tf^mlS! in^WNtory or Ague MMVflctoe. 'SLZ™*, ^‘T^ion^I^roii^dtiverCoraplatats.ltla oftt^ uS HuanStortlwtteS&dy. sttmiHSfi SfflffiS^CTTMafeg; e Sow^nfewoSSu”™' TBMC*, $1M> TMM BOTTLJt. w . .. Feh 24.1y f J^ir 8«h* by A W BEKKV * “*• - -flfi.Ikvasuk *( ‘ . I* rOrj£lj| — Hnp> (tf-f t ovnt(f—~ ** . DEBTOKb*' AND C'RKDITORF NOTICE ^^4,1. IVrMin* Ilnncoek tnlcbi, d to the eeinte di-«-».a*-*d of iilpkrttv 8. But** bite i-f COM'.tV. are re¬ quired to in • e iiiinedfi'ie ,>-v„"’Ui *•> me nti.ler ►-•’tte-: «,»•» . ,*-c ,<» whom - » lt- ---nw'l * 1 miidvlod n Ur i., I tie, et *,•!■* v ,ju*red by .-w Jlt(l' i. t-IN ION Vdm r . A ng 2 KSH ' f ipll.-ll* B'.t'S dec'll ' a IMII AI VI'U l TOU^ n $m;. , ' ” \ S 1L(. BE >OI.(». uuder «n Onto* the rf fi (,*■ *' Pm- tut £ Otila i-iy of H-t -v, k ronntv, e- -t - r - ii Oct; be - ne v i be- w •--1 t «* egfit liou-s of .-ate. £ •u lIoit‘ ! c coo tn toar-i i.f • :ih-r< u't of ! mi coma-n ng \ hundred lie-re or jo n np lac«.* ot ll -i.ry T F -»l ' "'„) : *’*o ojh’ 3 ther tract ot land couta-umg H*i a more or ten* djo lung '.and* ot John K ltd. and l. i I rdt Fialep. silt —Ad a* the ptoper t\ O Ilf* |H({.tt ut C.liuotii! A Bull*, dec’d IWn, fid.. PuCrtiae-r* to pay f<u litie drn d*. i,u-l I iii d 8t ,'"* Intern T I, .via,,* 8<„inp* VKTIil'K I. BUTTs-. Ad»’r. l **5 2, 1870—J,, Fdm->ud A Butta dec il • •• • .. ' * n *** k . .?* .. , . ^ ’ f tr¥lh, ' '* r> w ‘ ** r ’• 4 r . h “" , w e*!**®**. ' - 8i c k S 5 V. l r;XK^^&^« iu <*»* «*ta£ iLft *, “ * ? fu. ** ** ta * k Kft0t T” *’>' ,M -* , hontthy «,;li«>ii It iiatj iK-en u#-«l t v r h Rreat »«n»h. r „C ympf. ubd h > gi^.H ll|,:vr^nl rlHiai..t)li»ll. • ».. > 'I litre is . o lire i«.jr *,r son dainiHtg lo Iwve iht •Vigiii I rrci'p* ’ It i«i put np *n htoli l*owU«-r and PU.uHorm. - •--•■•• - .. - Jt'airliuiy 'l» t\ R *'* Jd.^4 DR O S PRO PH 111 ; "** *• Si.i. My tv do h«s been u,. invHiirf for litWn y. am, Doctor* uil uof<. *a«* MR - Direr 4>*ea»o. ‘i*i conufctiou noitd iiirtl wait ilit-;i jirndiiti ^Im; u*rd var.utiR and f< r«. *«*»« e ol wliioti urCIHM to do au\ goo a. >oitn*uii)e «g., I |»r,ic. red a bottle of you, -L vi i M< «*ictue”o| yuitvjigi-iit 1,en A llarvey Wiiicu b tng givoi:cosdii g odoecti'U* l,a*ctfe<:t t'li 4 < ole li,-. iH,ei fully, &c f OI O L 1HO VIP. ON Ch 4H*e N. f , Snpi 21, 1368 1 hiive u d Dt o l*..»jph2H b L«Vt* Mctliflurv Ii» e; u- aim cl if. m» h • (AtiAV-rl\i» at»<l eflk a *i< — ■z I Js.f ,u:,»om»i ,l*'4>-ngc, ©tit ul ih . VO* , -p4Si.il b, ii,,* 'liowc:!, ; in iu,i*t i-um. no tn i- sty \IKYM4klilE. • f « rrgnlitr c urt-c ol K J A. V! IV'oi I ryi.n M. t.hinrcb Mtttton funny, Ti-xui, Aug 1 1469. - .* I ! iptvp .• iH-.i- .*ir—1 *»••*«* ton ihl* lo tnf--iu« ou 'tut I f, b< * n irout lfii u g i-af deal VC!’. I, ■ *’iige < t «.ii. *mi- :,t r xt'tt g *»•'«* .boitlc of jour 1 y tni .I fi d , f a- rrliif. I cki-cndiiy r vomiti )*,i '! a* a gi-«al I' Sii J Mi0m;ii-* 1 .nut I »-f »jo»ili-l' :•! " 't it i gi., i !m hti, tlm g tor which i. Claim- 'O hi- at- an , '*•*«• - V’fJ) " ,(vp-i "-t.lt- 1.1HKETE • UI.'K mnrn lYstmiy mi (.-• out* 0 - ,h« ini.aa v.i.in.tiis Ct*lM|«*ni!,i» lo-w put up (-ii i .nrt Dj* Hit toy Cludna lu.tiniiiui n| i'kti lvfi ,VI nbii* * . , , ‘I iii* lunlii ine ion, t»i-»-u in u**C tin - je.,,M. m»,iI girc.-i iiu-voinui *«ii»f.icl ot, The hum d* lic.itf chikt may iabe A with impuudy C'-oV'HgM)ii, (i ,, Nov , I8r»7. DU. PROPltn i’ Uitvhig i, s- Vo a*'nek of Dysculcry t uritig ll». p- .■ viiu'Uc-f, I w is -utluCr-i I-, „;n* y«-U|' Dy cilery * t dial, nndd.tivc. ili-.e' i in ituirnttii'ito and p r tn itcnl relief. 1* -jiv-b r„c p'enear** H» r*"‘-iirt»ieiid ttv-n’.fdy to nli who tony hr .«» ..tlavkod, lo-fi-v iug tliut, shouhi the d r- c< Hin* be follow--,1. relic I w-inld surely be obbiim-d Truly, c., O S. PUR PER Gu -set b T.-x is 186!» D!L I’ROPHITT: ntid P-’*«u Kill It D**r.r Sir You* l.iv.r me-licine r* rouijitvK* hur'C^ss j i, wmrria^ W st Pain'. r «-tf Aug ll. L*Ui!) This i* tor-e bly that I kavi- used l*r <V pi in j L*voi Vedtr'iiM- iM',^*-if sin* mi utt f.-mily, for two v«* ,I,,i,it its «• r,,oi«. Hull I Mfibestlat ■ ujj V saV tl»:U I I*- | ,-ve ,i t* Ih* one *>: ti,*- l»e*' Fum-Ty lUod.c'iiMH iu ! M T W AI.KF.U klMt IT Tkw ,► l,t- cvMhni d medicine thal rett Perry Da vis’ Pi ,.ii liiHer . u■ of the uiaiket. where,or ,1 ww MO tl D«v.* mu, tie prwphitt ct'ftuge the Maine front PliMi K Ilr-r %» I’MN KIM- IT I Mh-«maB«n, Neuralgia, or p.,la td »uy kind, " b.,,-,... u. ,h, i«. Lmg >«« c..n tr-e asa d-v * ».rr*ttake Lll---. or .'Ulqp, ol I ,it*ou«ai ,( w N je*rf«-ei aMtdrHe. ,l <-H, ,,r “ ,l c LohD.Lough*, or Bowel , (ann ^ **““''"* H iktemuiFcx. V* * * *' % ' *--_ • suit: J]U . rrjitlyC- snd .offer, agile '*■’W S^hTTS' ” te y rUi. I .n,e, w„to IWU hu.iea or wr » M “ '* ,,l,: ul ?* '““‘j 1 ' * TruH •!** mi. * / • • > aras aHteat ^ • Dooly Couuiy. <<a. Oct. 27, led»7 DrO S. Pe.»ph r u » h-tvo. du/iog toe Uati ragh ten, mouth*. ,ua4l jWVaiu Kill ft, and-Lounwdu* 1W H!t^( by ueytioo* rat (min iut-ll” iH^Lhreaet, back o< M,ie: sod for cola* aoihiug gtvea It. so vai. k iu. your Anodyne Paw Kill . It I* di’iug ttiach gowl IU tbr Isnnmnaiiy in other famUres w well us my own Y- ura etc. - . D T ft Ml Ell AND Newton Factory, l*», Nov , 1866 Dr Prophitt; Last •umtNVf ,«> t,or a* sprained ho¬ knee ******-•>', C*tt.-iN|f The wShte leg tv KWel! to uIn-in ill natural -i»e. -,ud tsit<it-riu! «iim»>t helplne, two Mp|dicatiou-ot your Attotlyur Pa,it K*l( It thor ou:*lity r-i. • v t JtlliN L b.VVD, CERTIFICATES VVe. the Modern ym-d, h-.-e n*-sl Dt Propb ll * p-ep.irilniHc and m^e piea-ura ,»• ro« iii>»»oe.„ding * * tlu-m— fit K J IJeudortuU, Lov nglnii, G-t. O t’ Uovor*. do 0 8 Po ter. d-> Pro! J I. -loue*-, «lo VI VV Vruotd. Georgia t'oi-tWnuee. R< v -V VV (Mis. do till f M 8wnuHo|,. Mctlti'-ello tin Rotwu l!.,r,ii>, 3 u*j*-i county, Ou A .VI Uvlti tlMlii, Viol,tK'cft**, (is J un*** VVrtglit. Pittun„, ermuty. tin A Weat brook in. • to Judge J J flntd, Covington, (ij 0*?. 'RMlWfi. i ■W* .» A- V 1) K ii ~ f\ if W4 ir -•sr W 'T"“ A *' , M sK** * Me m»n»!»iji«n» u»»,l , sell my Family medtciues, by* and ffifttto ba d Owww wfrb thefall romp*., and autl.o, ir.-.l the-, a,rf UK A DU KI/D- A :i\t «*i-pniM «rhare printed, anything they • may 4 fto* proper eon ;^ * < itr "1 ________ 5 L__ wiNMMkal * VINEGAR RITTERS, . fledordnfiaflhcdnwn For long]. (bald... womanfimdo; tha-hi’ mgménqrgq 3' A" 17;. - lemma vomoqw;¢phwdmmmhmdm “ Appetisers,” “Roe tor era,” Ac., that lo«<l tha tippler on to drunkenneaa and ruin, but are utruo Medicine, made from tho Native Roots and fSKSSHffiS CTPltE, perfect Keoovator laid Invigoralov a SSSSTSSSS No i can take them Bitters, ac cw t li ng to nnd remain lontr unwell. •l OO will be given for an inf-unthlo ease, pro vidmg the bones an not and daatnyod tha vital by mineral poisons ^beyond or other means, organs Inflammatory the pstatot and repair. Ohronlo Rheu¬ ■ . For and Gout, Dyspepsia, Indi¬ matism, Bilioua, Remittent, and or Inter ssasfl gestion. laeto, and stirmiUila which reader them uwing the Wood of all impurities, and iinpai rtMnrufsand vigou U> the whole system. neWlsnhsy tneos of the psdnfm symptoms which are tha offsprings of a«b£^^l»Mlnbeb—Ith'oTthi^StBOiwlfi *' "<yl follow ■* ■irwrAte Ban Francisco, ■arSOLD'BY ALL DBUOOIBT8 AND llWATkltH « F »r N.ift- ,.t Sj-arta, by K. B lA>Nii *t t'O July 14. 1870- 6,„ lltH lit M. $35 GOLD WATGIIBS $40 IH CARAT (*OLI» mi g mr 4 M C«Mw,wi «t> ***”*• OUR EXTRA EIRE QUALITY, 18 <-« ai ^ TurMed, Hunting case, lw*l Eagliidt. Swiss tnni Antericau AloveMtentH l FulJi-w. lie, li .e w MU r,.aa*e,l at aay |*rm , p rfenrl regu Watch luted ateiMljnNled TUBS? r«i roadM«era-llM., ' heaprrt ia nsa» l^tuly' ALUMfNOUS GOIaD, nueu^ws*^ ss -qiral.a apt^raac. n. >2*0 (iol.l Wat.-Jie*. Ilaotiiig < a* d. full Jeweled L ver* ih^Frtra^FwT a^ VwUdLk EXTRA ««»ylT“ Ihc IXoohh-KxtAKetoXrai ^,Xg iTZd ii PlJjeWek fPO d at #«, SaYd and f 12 each. (I^tiea’ ar Uanttf) from M» metitrs l<a«, at *2, *4. #6 and MH ^ press, payable <»u del,very Place* wWno Exurrae runs, Gooda will he aent nl our risk, by mail, in Keg wlenrd (>ackas«* by «•«■«cash in hee, advance Ex Aa Agent eeiuliug tor Five Wat. get* au Irq Walch free, ot the same value. -■*-«. ..Adl-Lkiotki before>tid may^ie OjkjiwnI pay*ncutmf and Kwiwmsl Kspraraschar*"* m Ri preas •w.’Vm only, and if not mtwfMClory, tdared. Hlau deacnpti u uud price of good* desired and addres* all orden, to TDK EVOLK WATCH CO May 12 $25 148 Pultun Bl., New Yutk, New Views on Foot Lights. P.6 AKIIECKT .mm,o„i,|. v* lie low ,-*4nli l t> |,ad „ HOOTrJ.t fJ MVOfN-VffOP in j \V VBBENTD •, null he b*, he patrotoiige of lh* peojilto Ol Spaiia i-.ml i v ii • Ho make., th • ti > u,> «»' **• finm- ,1 a-id i'nppi d I feet a sfH-cwthty (l<**i i.in _• nl- ir,,d -Wiefacto«y - work i* gu> r iite*-d Shop rivor II-all, fit T ll*n*s 8"|<f I . m VVALRENTON.Oa a’vivi Sk: Ihum ?-*» nf.r a Mad—Lodging 50 PASSENGER'S the Macou and Augusta Kail | mail wiM find tin* limine the place iirr a (iood Bre >k-v fast R F. >E.\Y, Propritt^r.^ —»«* # n—i i i tertimnny to their wondortul Curative Kftl-cU. , WMAT WHAT glKlIllfBKT .nr TU W * F ”^v. * * " * THEY ABB NOT A VILE drink, , MOOI panic ad's" ua’l‘W‘ M flu. I mu umgm arm! fiepfiomm u w ng the Perms Twt IL’birs T-.sli * ' i ■ I^Jnary V\flAL coti^i’n,n/ h:»\ '.no (• . II;r ii e O i •: i— that n. :,„ni-. n tati * i, I' . > '<■ '!• ,(l i in the Co* liaVC Iw-Ca VM.lM- ifintv w *1 V mg Seen,,,,pfl.*- I;. v . » • I” " li ll I, Vtimnifoitatt* Bonds 'hr„»< -- *■ .• -If- • v *• " v - :i iiS 9f itj» At f«> . ,rv \ r Z"*1 If fX . ......«, •» ....... -• D-. ri'i',U!nTiwVo^ l ’:'!.'!'P V. - 15 ’}'••* In Mini l'’e»rie*» in Ihei, ,e^je' liv, ,1 •!. .- 5 of tlyv film,,,,* *„ what ex- cm on* ,re on si •I " ,S |W <t. KttdVf.eirr ie tA n hntfit. ’ * , * . ■ •. • . . () Witii.-HN my 0 |R--ikI . s tign»ir,i, r t >0i"v, *’ny and d„t«. -,>!,*)<• WriUel* 8 pi I 3w THOM \ - | I ' t l.K Ot-f'v 1 6|Wi^go,'..B,ng^io »B±»OSXT a»a pS. W 'it L ? tl AMK-i \ St'UDOvY l.a* ..... ,1 liis RI AtiK at hi old-tau»l ••• r-i e ■« p-.,, «<l to s-TVe hi » d friend* mill (* us and I ( *,b' c gfci|Arally. WnfV, it, «*Ve v Lnsui-.h of iy,'v h-, h .s tea* -i-h * i|» N"W I pni I HO ll -<f Bnggie , Wa»ttBK &c, at ilt« in- i > lie ha* iii hi* i-mp'oy the w»dl I-m.c.v I -e in || < H M Mv f''nn • I’i ornp on, Hl-i work to sratid the- test i 0)11 r» .1 ♦ ^ M» era’. - i ll.* will aJ*.i <h» ill inonm-r o’ f’f iok -in n g ml oil .-ts a - r>- of Ii p riilic p i-i.m,..«* -<• ar a. 2d -ly tiaiicofk, \h*'v* t’oiMisy OHDI.N OF! i f I 7-1 J^OUU • onrt. w of E, .«*..-,( K s n i *-r ^ ti ^ «| - »« i ! , r.ivi; I -• : i * I nil t he tn . t a '•ii .{•» , r 1 it- v > LiU, Ittio . f *oni , «, - ih't \j n \V’ y », » a< * ilni'v. ^••pi 1.4870 «>f f**i dt,l| ,.! -I . F.Uiitil\- hin nan corxrv Ti. ..4 - ho ll i i --hi,-, ■•••ii I’M W"HERE r 1 \"< *O iN It ftf. i? i-in,ti»r .it ti<-; i**‘*vy- o r|‘- - r’ .-411- * i'll 1,1, \ li- lj,--l*r-t | ll .* ,,'l'd ;. -H > fin li-O.-n* of <1 • hit* i**li ninii ti '■■i - n [-!(, — files,, tre i(»•- 1 »•!,>#h to <>i;.. 1 ■ • .-il f k ittlp, >l*.il nr- «*Ct.<‘ -L- -.i--.. i , v V.t-s '-“IV fid' !.-->• V- of \4til nV'c.t't b;f,- V-V‘.“!!;■i t* S' I - l •'» aid .-,( 1,1 *>-*-i f tV-'Iri In- IT.V i '.,’*4.® . i' •'tiiil .l,-il-e\**.|'J *t- '-qu-tV^f 1 ' r Ten, of the t! ml < t.»| o. \ ’» I * • V) , I, If tltlil 1*0 It -( com V nil t ‘it (if 1 *1 H V •» !^» V II'« I) r' 1*79. , W,1 l,n«l< iiiV luiluLd*) d (1 I g -i|*.ri* ■ l ■ /i t.liis ilie-jilitay ■< uf .. . *%,« ibr,,- « 0$ . Til*) 0 \ -4 1: in¬ v f'y e. . 'flDkun liiiT mT~ w .iiM.iick • 11 ,-o„ui*, a' *•!,** wiil.-r t; i !!’, Du*-, <* tern - ‘ U i i* ii 8 ' - Kill V 111 8.1 It liohil 0)1 )*!,« , 1 I •it, t O -toll »• ii x-. tti« 5 ii)- l.-li, *'»!? *1 «** b Ml' - ,1 ll-l-u lit I Hue- VI ..li- -mi, t- w i llltn- lil , . uni !>* '-. i< a. n— i>, (] I. * iU :( < n:iih tr/iy -o vn • \y "A * i.t • * *)“• i< ' -’ll I.’ i ?•, V To A, j, * W I I, r ' Vtit*. f tbh . Tl i -if j) ifcsO, II If III! ;'t'i--l i,. 3 I I, liit.ii tv.i ? 7 !•(» i,'_ { s i.^cii mi,*, No. . ;; . It il l r-»-»t 133 in ti.i* 2 .-I .liV. •„•!»{.- »«' i ■ r:- " iti 11,. i uil* iliNi n» ibc #ih <!ist; :Jj i - i ilJly idff *. it I ifi * iff*. ?*» <f 1 I » «JP F i.-.y c.ntitly, No 2, . i . •. V :{ •' 1,1 1 h fit-.: ‘*05 ■„ ,.,-t, Ilfst. '|T)8 <• 3 i* 11 lb il'i, 2», u I, ti i| rt: .3(1 m |j,,, I ut ill IDv-r etf |',I\ , Wd 27lefrit, , • 2 li» * -ti i-»t ,,Hii t- nitty, lb» i'i it 4 - vi -f, 72 • in iit# roll il sir hi • I l -t it, 13, huh * n i>>* 277 I ; i il *t 2 I-* » hi L'otipiiit cm# ,iy JV«». ;■*; r_ s'; 159 in tlie 9th 41-t, • 3 lot,* iu laiwnfies minify. Vh J i k i * 2*1, d.*trict; Sfitiiftiln* 1 (tl, H lh i (|f t „ |5 , 2 (oi* it. Were 2li( - j, . 7( y tl| dun , , , f , 3 lot- In Code.- county. 263! u, 6 ,j IH 5th don; 38-1 la 5 i ii, h di*,. . 4 lots it, Appling i-ouuty. No 3 7 •* *83 in 9<( rltsf; 24Ji 3rd . ,„ di*t. 5(0 in 3 u ,j|. s . a ioteju Winth e.(l„.y, No 3 (•'»*,„ 6 , ii.;.l!|;| in ^tS/b ♦IuwI •*,'■'* !% ^ IVriael ties the * ’ • f ( lo tuber i„t. r . , I, - made at »hc time tt{ ,h,> sale, by |„ Cl) * ,)( -rilOMAMM TIIPN- . » tor nag II lb- iniuo--f-h lifr-n . ,J l| pi„ks on. , U,/ W ^uj^OfliH >»<*»»! O' ”♦» t.-e - 6 - «l-umarv li d h,* ap,4i. f UmI ' ***»•* -fflff* Mr ; U.e.efiw# »., cite .„ 'py.Vous lu’Mf,- i e .J, k,tldredae.l «ro*»«te to»«lM.W«,(,ev c ,r. J2 ZZ&SZL'S'Z ifct* (*.i,t*HMl,-Held *.« a refuUr ter„. M hi ' vmI 0,1 l, »* k’rst *L< j|a/. iu ih-tob-r "" office, <i»y. ihi* „ staler my hand and . ffi. , a l ?ioii,tar«r ai fill dav of Jni, |e«7t) ?? >Ht>( lid......... A be'taSl <L|ui i»i<n| f ' . V-tU*. WT , Lb »«v orito of*/I*- t f v f O.dinnry If of tinny;tu-k County on l V.i -d,y m th-fe* If* ue'xt, burr a--ret! W‘)«iu>! wj/.* f | tm-ufs BtfraWfe-nAm f‘ier»^» ; hu-'ummI fyiol, -nr fulv <-•- V.u /74gh/ „f VHWT..1- «*y-» : :*o - . t .,,f «>../ ,i* u f J II n.k< hi, f t > r II •(' '•* !•* nV ,’ti* Hold a.-- do- j.op.-i7. nflhe *.■ I ll Mm B hr<mb-, de-en-i-.F tt/le i'KtisM<-L> H. .A'Sf * v'i*>m ’.kePty lor d-r.: n«-i V I 1 \.,l Ri-Vef ll L fllBDI.KBROOK T. V-l**,’. August .8, 1870. 15// f ill Mid-d, t.ronks s———a^—asaa——a—aaawewe-w-oiwK'Sw..'- .—a wn V sraara* wSto—m aim »m nri i'll 15 • C02ST3TXTTJ X XOTST, ' BY W. A. HEM Pf 11 LL ^CU., Atlanta, Ha J | AVING the largest botia eircululiou of any P l |)”r iii that city, reuden itlhe B,sl Advertis¬ ing Modiuni, through which men can l.iittg (Itair names and bnsiuoea bemre rhe j.ublie. Terms Ktn-ral Daily per auntim............ ......JjtlU (HI “ for six moullii...... . r, on 1 Weekly per annum ... 3 0C ((» do 8ix nioiilhs......... 2 They are also prepared (o cuiilim-t (or J<>l, Julv P-,ni 7 l dCT tf