Hancock weekly journal. (Sparta, Hancock County, Ga.) 1868-????, October 13, 1870, Image 3

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■ (jjarttnent. ti «tol>er 13, 1*70^ having the largest circiF taoo ia the Wpl paper of th e county. Term* Brd i^TWO DOLLARS a year, PoMye hi in Advance. We are au4i 0r } Z ed to announce the name of DAVIL &HEA as a -andidate for the offiet. 0 f Tax Collector Wm Hancock Cocnty, *t the next elec tn. October 6, 22 ta * , PUBO TINCTUj. fpurely vegetable remedy, repared only PH. by H.NEESOn, 3, 22 ly Warrenton, Qa. - £OT ION MARKET. 6.—Cotton steady, at Lto 13 5-8 cents. SfaIIXA, Oct. 7.—Market steady—con tideHkolc coming in,—we quote 11 to nts. 5% The Superior Court of Vencd <9li Tuesday IBge Andrews presiding. There great deal of criminal matter te Coort, but few civil causes tried. . We are glad to see in our town many legal gentlemen. The entire bar Washington aud Warrenton are here.— The talented young lawyers, ]from Greenesborough and Crawfonlsville, have won by their gentlemanly deport raent and attention to business, the os teem of this bar, aud will bo warmly to future Courts. ■U will be in^jsnible to transact all lawyers his <8 gemetiy u a. 108- 18 - : 'this houi fon iXSSSST 'ere shown, yesterday, a sewing i needleni»d» by hand by Mr. L. Gilisen, of this place, jwL'aJLL Hkictry of siiH]*o # bim.w4iy ot j» ol»«h, HfcoenntJss of point, cannot 1> o p X-' PRnied by any vie have ever scon. If our lady friends »bouM Jbappon to the bad accident of breaking their needles, they can learn whom they may he again supplied without delay, by reading Mr. Gibson’s advertisement in another col¬ umn 61#e J ournal.^ , .Merchants will find-‘itrintorostflig visitin^LAthinta during to the tiirouglJt|^yH4 go al « Liquor House of 11*->se udvertisemcnl coin inn After tho capture of Napoleon, and his imprisonment by that old Dutch King William, the price of House Furnishing (Goods fn 1 so as to enable our wide [wake, KHass “ E. R. S.” that to he buy Fine sell them Flint Goblets so cau kfc the low pric3 of only 90 cents per set ; and if you want anything else in hs line ‘CALL ON STEDMAN.’ Qurky.—W hy is the Solicitor Gen¬ eral like a penniless widow V The Great New Orleans Circus is coming to town. [Read tho advertise¬ ment, tuamine the pictures, save your dimes, and be ready to see the fun by visiting one of the most celebrated cir¬ cuses in this country. Perhaps this may be your only chance this winter. ---------- --- State Notice. —The Democratic ecutive Committee meets in Atlanta Saturday, the 22d day of October, at o’clock A. M. — — — - The low pric^ffeotton has induced the uiuteraigued to reduce the price card photographs, for tbe present, to per dozen. Call aud secure your pic¬ tures \t!*He the price urdown. Bkoivnk Uasb Ball.— The’MteJp^ihfse Ball £|uA» oiinnrt prjL* of Lmm »ban Tweu* ty Five to the Club «d err / Nt L A Torpid System Sometimes, without any assignable the physical strength and animal give way? and a strange torper alike on the body and intellect.— is little or no pain perhaps, but natual vigor and elasticity of the nervous and muscular system seems to have deported, and an indifference to the deaserues of life; and even of its grave responsibilities, takes the place of that earnest interest in both which charac¬ terizes every well balanced mind when in a healthy coudition. This state of partial collapse is often the premonitory symptoms of some se riou8 malady. It indicates unmistaka¬ bly that the vital powers are languish¬ ing and need a stimulant, * In such cares the effect of a few doses of Hosteter’s Stomach Bitters is wonderfully benefi¬ cial. The great tonic wakes up the sys¬ tem from its drowse. The secretions and the circulation receive a new im¬ petus. The refaxed nerves recover their elasticity under the operations of the specific, like the slackened strength of a logical instrument in the process of tun inft Lethargy and debility are replaced by ftnergy and vigor, the spirits rise, and life that almost seemed a burden while the season of depression lasted, becomes once more enjoyable. That such a radical change should be produc¬ of ed by « remedy.entirely devoid the powerful alkaloids and minerals so ex¬ tensively used in jnodern practice, pin their may seem incredible to those who faith on the medicinal efficacy of active poisons, but if these akeptics will take the trouble to enquire of those who have tested the corrective and alterative virtues of the Bitters under the circum¬ stances described, they will find statement to be true. WANTED AGENTS. - Jfit75 to %200 p-r VV everywhere, male and female, to introduce Genuine Impr<v.*d C’ornrnuti Sense Family MachinO. This Machine willatitch. hem, fell, bind, braid, c ird. quilt audwmbroider in n most su p -rior ni»nn«r. t ‘ Pile* only $15, Fully for Uve’yoftrs. We will pay $1,60(1 for any that will sew a stronger, more bumiful or mote elae tic seam than ours. -It makes the “Elastic Lock Stitch.’’ Every second stitch can he ret, and still cloth can not be pulled apart without tearing it. pay agents $75 to $20d per month and expenses, a coin mini-ion (ruin which twice that amount can made, ForCirculais aud Terms, apply or address J. W. ROGERS and CO , 402, Library Street, Philadelphia. Pa. Caution.— Do uot he imposed upon by other ties palming off wort bhss cast iron machines the same name or otherwise. Oars ip the only gen¬ uine and really practical cheap machine ured. Oct. 13 23 3m MM 1SJJ THIS. W. w. SIMPSON &JJ). aRk * K old (Is and thSVew OoVda/co^ of a large aud well selected of first class ^rcss (ShoffdiS. every sh»de, style and quality DOMQ3TiaS, of all grades—large stock READY !VI%DE CXOTIIINtt, in suits, or otherwise, varying from th$ finest down to the cheapest. BACON, FLOUR. and otherjOrst class FAMILY SUPPLIES 1 und a general assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY &C-, Bagging, Koiic, Twine , etc., etc., together with a great variety *>t Notion* ami «u*dri«s, ranging from a COTVON (-IV br Fatont’Plough, down to a Needle. Remember Hotel. the plaoe—Brick Store, opposite the W- W. SIMPSON, Sparta, October 13, IS7$. 23 6m. ia. asas b WHOLESALE DEALERS IN LIOLMRS. VIMS AM ATLANTA, *ga. JY T/'EEPoonsiiiully on hand a large and stork nf everything in their hue Having arraujfrme.its with the largest d<«till r« m ihelJen StaUa. they are able to offer inducement* equal auy liouee in the State. Dealers ear invited to examine th«ir stock. Oct 13 23 3 m L. COHEN & CO. im'OUTERS OF MAIBIES. I IMS. S15S. Fill SUMS, &L j>F.ALERS in RYE. BURBON & MAHONGAHEU WHISKIES Munulocturers iqf the oelebr»te<i Stone Wall intuit Whit# Half Street, Atlanta. G« mi 22 3m THE HANCOCK WEEKLY JOURNAL DR. PROPWITT'S Celebrated WAeer .flediri urn, It it) purely vegetable, and will act upon the Liver Kidneys as promptly as Calomel aud Bucbu, any danger of ualivatiou or detraction of the Parties taking this medicine need not fear etting, wet, or any othir reasonable exposure. SYMPTOMS OF LIVER DISEASE: IfoAdacho, Dull Feelings or Blues, Sour Stomach, or Nervous Headache Heart-burn, Indigestion Dyspepsia, Bad or Bitter Taste in the Mouth, the has a thick rough feeling, aud is darker than usual, Costiveness, Melancholy feelings, Cramps, Cold Feet, CeJic Dysentory, or Diarrfnee, Chills and Fever, and Piles. In fact, where the.Liver is out of you ate liable to every disease that is not con¬ tagious Prophitt’s Liver Medicine, if taken properly, will prevent and cure any disease resulting fram a de¬ ranged liver It will regulate its functions and thus cure all dis eases caused by the failure of its healthy action. It has beau used for a great number of years, ond has given universal satisfaction. There is no brother or son claiming to have the original recipe. It is put up in both Powder and Fluid form. DR Fairburu, Ga , Sept. 4, 1868 O. S. TROPHITT; .Snt; My wife has been an invalid for fifteen years, Doctors all agreed she bad ‘‘Liver Unease.” In connection with their practite she used various and noted remedies, none of which seemed to do any good. Sometime ago I procured a bottle of your •‘Liver Medicine” of yopr agent here, C. A Ilarvey whlch being given accosding*o directions, has effect ed a cure. RespectlulljwS:, GEO. L. THOMPSON. I Charlotte, N. C., Sept 24, 1368. have used Dr O S Prophitt’s Liver Medicine as a tonic, and found it to be powerful and efficacious. It is excellent for functional derangei .ent of the liver or constipation of the bowels ; in most cases superseding medicine. the necessity MEYNARDIE, of a regular course ol E. J. A. M Pastor Tryou fct. Church. Mariou County, Texas, A ug. 1, 1869. Dr O 8 ProphUt : Dear Sir—I write you this to inform you that f have been troubled a grtfat deal with iudigCKtiou, but af er using one bottle of your Liv^r Medicine, I find great relief. I cheerfully re comm< nd it as a good Family Medicine, and feel confident be that antidote. it is good for anything for which it claims to an Very respectfully. DICK LOCKETE. Is otto ol the most Valuable compounds now put for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Inlantum, or lera Morbus. This medicine has been in use for years, gives universal satisfaction. The most delicate child may take it w ith Covington, Ga, Nov. !l, 1867, DU. PROPUITT: Having a severe attack of Dysentery during pajii summer, I was induced to use your Cordial, and derived therefrom immediate nud p' tnanant relief. It gives me pleasure to ibis remedy to all who may he so attacked, ing that, should the directions be followed, would surely be obtained. Truly, .' c., L. O. S. POUTER. (Jusseta, Texits, 1869. DR PROP HITT: Dear Sir—Your Liver medicine **•**• Pain Kill is a complete success. J L. WIIITTL3. West Point. Ga., Ang. 11, 1869. xnis is to certify that I have used L>r Liver Medicine myself and in my family, for twe months or more, ami I unhesitatingly say that I Imve it to be env or the lies* Faintly .Medicine* in l»MA M. T. W ALKER PROPHITT’S rain kii.i. it. Thin i« tin* ucb bi altd medicine that run Perry Da¬ vis' Pain Killer i ul of ihw markal, wherever it vnu* soid. Davis made L’rophiil oliange lha name from Fain Kdier i<> V MS KILL IT For Rheumatism, Neuralgia, or puiu ol any kind, u lias no equal. For cuts, bruises, burns, or old sores, it is the best ihing you Snake can Bites, u-e us i dressing. For or Stings of PoisOtioud Insects, it i« a perfect antidote. It is good (or Pol e. Oougte., or Bowel Ooim plitmi. Ite tmtne indicates its nature fuliy. It is truly DEATH lo (>aiu Mnnnfaeturcd .uid sold by BRADFIELD St CO, Atlai ta, Ga. mid for sale by all Di uggitfi* ii April, 1867. Dooly couuly, Gu,. This is to certify U»»! I w*» PllK iiuC'1 to ih<> Itou-w and tnost of the time 10 mjr ami sull.Ting the greatest agonv with RlmpmtUi*m, ior live mouths. ai.-J «Tv. r trying every available remedy, with nc ••WVkli I was cured with two bodies of Dr. O .o. Prophitt’s Anodyne Paiu Kill It; each cost jno idly cents only. It in'ievod mo almost instantly. I therefore recommend it in the highest degree to oth¬ ers suffering from similar disease- I can say that it is o«e of the finest family medicines now out, cer¬ tain ^Truly yr g-s W. » A- FOREHAND. DooN’ County, q*.. Oct. 27, 1«67. Dr U- S. rttrphiii: ^ I hrfvo, rhinag tin* Iasi eigh teen months, Used your I*uin Kill It, and I co ulct it uueqttaRod by auythpir tor pain in the hoad, breast, back or side; aud for cmic nothuig gives relief half 80 vuirk as vour Aiuniyue Paul Kill It. It is doiug «ie piifuh good in the community in other Umilreu well as my own Yours etc. D. T. FOREHAND. Newton Factory, Ga, Nov., 1866. Dr. Prophilt: Lost summer my 'wwsc spmuiud his knee Mfffely, cauemgth 1 whwf** Ivg to swell to about iU Matural .-uie, m^.reiid-nug utmost he’pb -s; two npphcauousot yo«r Auodyue Pam KWi llthor ougtHy ' Wo the aud—signed, have used recorflrheading Dr. Prophitt’s *n«i tase pleasure iu them to the public, m beiu » all that he claims for them— U J Henderson, Covington, Ga. Col O T Hog »n, do DS Porter, do Prof J L Joues, d<» M W Arnold, Georgia Conference, Ret W W Oslin. do M F M Swanson, Mouticelh*. <»« Jirte.-teJSSh*’ James Wright. Putnam conuty, A Westbrook. »i*' d>* Judge J J Floyd, Coviugtou, Ga STATE UK 6KUK61A / Know all meu by Faliou county . S three present*. That iijHuvtaciure and sell my haanly triediciuee. and have faruiehod them with the full recipes, and hav« authonted the said BRADFIELD it C*0. to pnut or Have printed, auythiug they may see pmjier cou cernmg a*»y aud all of above u<uneu mediciues. Thu* 15tii day of Jut*, lb70. [- s igued]’ O. «. PROPHIIT. Manufactured am* for aaie by BRADFIELD A CO. rroad street, Atlenij, Ga. For sale by all Druggie, July 28 ly readi 1 T IS WELL KNOWN to Doctors and to Ladies, that Women are subject to numer¬ U ous' disease peculiar to their j sex—such as Suppression of l .irr. ; the Menses, Whites. Paiufal % L/ , ' Monthly ‘Periods.’ Ill leuma- Tsfe> tism Irregular ol the M*»nstrua-tion, Back and Womb, Hem 4| iftC orrhage. or Excessive ‘-Flow, ’ C and Prolapsus Htfetior Foiling ’ of the Womb. These diseases have seldom been treated success fully. The profession has sought diligently for some remedy that would enable them to treat these dis¬ eases with success. At last, that remedy has beeu discovered by one of the most skillful physicians in the State of Georgia That remedy is BRADFJ ELD’S FEMALE REGULATOR. It is purely vegetable, and is put up in Atlanta, by Bradfield & Co. It will purify the blood and strengthen the system, relieve irritation of the kidney, and is a perfect spe¬ cific for all the above diseases; as certain a curesc Quinine is in Chills and &ters. derful For a history the of diseas|^fcid readti^^fcferrcd certificates to the of waappe- its woo cures, EveiJP|fcle arouud the bottle warranted ro give satisfaction or money reft- Juinled^k hot* LaG#-—- 1 Marcli 23, 1870. BRADFIELD & CtiFauee. 9* Dear Sirs : I t aker *< At Ian.a, that I have used for the last twlp ty 1 ' 4 year*, ' 1 ® the *»«dirt'EMALE J' 0 " are putting up kuo< |HTas Ur J Bradfield's ^ibination REGULATOR and consider it the best << ’lL,i h r j„ ever gotten - ogethor , for tin* diseases for wh*" c recommem I have wen familiar with p fe _ scriptiou as a piac'itiouer of medicine j domestic uctide, and can hon* > fray that I cu sidor it a 1 uffer,, Cau ,< ho 4e that erini evertff ? ladV } '“°" » r W 'K U P W mBy n ! W S “(a IL lowS>iri relievei in By i W ‘ *y I Tu U ‘u r l ° l i r - ' r .^■„,Tr y 1 .!n andstreulh be thaf they noay' be restored to health With ujPkiudest regards. W I B am, FERRELL. r.-speetfully, M. D. IVe, ji, e undersigned Druggists, take pleasure in commeii ■il,^ to the trade Dr. J. Brariiieki’s Female Regulator—Welieving fdlr diseases It to be a good he recommends and reliable reineav ilrv for which it W. A. iANSDF.LL. Atlanta. Ga. i’EMBfctHTON, WILSON,TAYLOR »>Oo Atlanta. Ga. REDWINE A. FOX, Atlanta. O a . W. C. LAWBHE, Atlanta, Ga. W. HOOT ana SON, Marietta, Georgia July 28 ly F RONDEAU & Co. MANUtfAGCUOkiM# AND DEALERS /N ii i FUKN 1 TUKI 5 , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, N Opposite H. /• Kimbal House, Atlanta , Ga. I w 7 j,; ar«<oA“ring gr» * I inAucsniaiiU lo pal lies in m <nt of uuytbitfg ill<mr liue. T /i GOODS OAIlEFri.LV PACKED, am! delivered . .1 u WITHOUT CHARGE. <;ivt* MH a call, Ainl we will you where it is Your Intrrest lo Huy. E Oef 6, HiO. 21 3m PI POIMWVr TO All- \UIO DKSIKK GOOD TIC7URUS - - :tu>: -*— 'Vi- Ap,- Doiic; i’titd Cinoa U)oik. And w« guarantee sutisfucliuu to all our 1 * u Irons. Call and see rmr Specimme'l'ietures Albums, Frames, etc., etc. nun .- Nr, brothers. Oct. 6. 1H7I). 22 I KU.X .%• tv. r mu i;. ATLANTA. GA. Wholesale and littail Healers in Bools, 5t)0fs’mifr 8 j- Iuducemenu offered to Country Merchants. «>cl b, IsiO 22 3m NOTICE. f r» E ftu hevrib-rs, desirous oatsUmding J*; •’**!*•> to culie-l jf ,° the Tugusta price for cotton, outlie ^‘ ,ver y»*o far a* the teller's luiiebuoln*^*-*** ^P«rU,Sept W. W. #00. 26, 1870. ©rbincira’a sMiutrtistments DM I \ 1ST llATO US’ SALE \\l \ V ILL be sold by authority of an order from the Court of Ordinary for the county of Hancock, the first Taesday in Deeomber next, between the d hours of Sale, before the Court House door in town of Sparta, One tract of land belonging to Estate of Sarah Hall deceased, on the left of th* road leading from Sparta to Miliedgeviile, eon eight lntndred and ten acres (by recent sure be the same more or less, and adjoining lands! A. E. Vt. Brown and James E. Be rv A^d^u^thet eok tract of land on the waters of Sg and nig county ' containing one hundred acres, more or less, known to n part Hall’s homestead tract of land land. adjoining lands Mrs- Jem<ma Hall’s andCroorn Also at the same time and place Mrs. A’anc.y Wat ts . will offer her part of the Samuel Hall tract tor sale tfie hignest bidder, said part containing one hun¬ and Seventy s ven acres, more or less Purchasrs to t ey tor title deeds and U- S. Internal Revenue Stamps. Term Cash. * , j NANCY WATTS, diceaserf. Administratrix of the estate of Sarah Hall Oct 13th 23 td Adiiiiiii§fi'aloi'N Notice. GEORGIA, Hancock County .— ijIOUR weeks after date. 1 shall apply to the jF Court the lauds of O'dinary for said the county, of for Marshall leave all belonging to estate E. Latimer, deceased. f. ' • ' M. S. MEDI.OCK, Oct 3, 1870. Adiur Estate of M. E. Latimer. A imiftlSTU ATOM » A Ij IS, 'XXT'IL«Lt be *oid under an order of the Court of Ordi VV nary for the county of Hancock, on the firsi Tuesday in December next, between the legal houre () f onp tract of land belonging to the estate . lliam Stanton, deceased, containing two .humlrod autl thiri y , lcrc ,, more or less, known as the home, B t e ad of said deceased, and adjoing the lands of James Pi Berrv, John W Stanton, and Georgian Thornes - ^ld subject to the wid w’s dower Terms cash. a wild tract ot land ,n Ware county, contain. > jjf. <lred ” 11,1 uuu ''>' Hcrt8 ’ No - 4G,), et, .* d ' i '. tricUl I |lw | IlMj . ^ Ptiered for sale, . if not sold privately bT^Vlbe .day of sale. Purchaser to pay IbrUUe deeds an.lU. S Internal Revunuo Stamp 'JOHN VV. ^ 1 AN ION. Oct 3, 1870. A£mr. Est. ol Win Stanton. GEORGIA,. Hancock r-v —er --r- County , I"! THERE AS Thomas € Turner has filed his ap W plication in dne adniunatra'ion form in office, the proving for permanent letters of on estato Ann D Masou, late of said county deceased ; These arc therefore, to cite and admonish all terested, kindred and cieditois, to file their objrclj^*** vember if any there kr, why on or permanent before the letters first Monday^ of >«*»’i‘t«tra- ’*°* next, apjdie^t** 011 ihe t ion should uot be granted deoea*F tlu* r es¬ tate of said AtiuU Mur on, ; , Given under my hand tree “mCidl signaluro, at •p.T % " ‘VtunlK, Oriittmry tUeorgia.’/fincock C'onnfy : Term — ORDINARY’S OFFICE, October, 1870. vx ri/fiHEAS i> is ripresented to the Court that y y Cornelius B Harper, minor child of John 0 Harper, late of said county deceit ed, under the nge fotJitcen years, is entitled to a distributive share in estate of said deceased, amounting |lu live vum of hntidred and niuoty three dollars eis<ht mid two cents, (493,08 2 3,; and that said til nor child no legal guardian, admonish These are therefore to all p nti> s inter to show e«use if any there he. why the Clerk the Superior Court of said county, or some other and proper minor person, child should not be appointed Term guar of said at the November ot Court of Ordinary, A True extract (roin th« minutes nf said Court. Oct 6 22td THOMAS I. LITTLE, Ord’ny. EC) RGIA, —Ha ncock County. Hancock County Court of Ordinary. O, I«l>< i 187”, HEREA8, Isoitc J l’ei-lrr mul Jumw M \r. clier, adminislratmaetc on the enlute ,>l Iti r Peeler, deceased. icpiceenG to (lie Cowit that have fully miin nisti red the estate of tin ii mtes and filed their final account current and |>ray to be rlisiiii.'Keil from the furthnf administration of estate : These are therefore to cite and admon<nli all per¬ interested to show cause, if any exist-, will the Laac J Peeler and James M ^ robot should uot dismahnt iron ibeii2 ud “dimnsaati n, o.i ihc Mo ,<Uy in January next. Witness my hand end oftHal signature in t*p-ii this 3rd day of October, 1870. Oct 3rd td l'llOMAi I LITi'LE, Uru'o.\ A- 1IANL OCK COVJSTY To all whom it may cpncciu : iuVratur VV HERE IS JOHN R MILLSMA.Y, L.imio ot thw esiate ol" lotlr-.y E. Ui-hmau, lato m county dooeaMol, haa filvd hi-- application pray¬ ing for letter#ofjheiflafion ’ from 4 hit Paid mimiuistru tiou " ; ‘ ‘ ' ' These are tllerefoi i to cite ell persoliO mlereSled, kindred and > mlitot> lo show cause, if any exists why Letters of Admini-Uratioi, should not he granted said applicant, from ins further administration ot said 'IVrni Jeffrey K. Hdi.sm n’s atati*’ at Lite November of iln* O-urt ol iJrdiunty. t-» he held wbh’ii and for *«id couu.y, on the first Monday of Novem¬ ber, 1*57U. W(tut-as my hand and offid d signature at office this the 2d day ol August, 18/0 THOMAS I. LITTLE. Ordinary. New views on Foot Lights. P 6 ARRECKT anmpmees that he lias es/nb bsheda BOOT ,4.nt StlOK-SitOB in WAR!! ENTU *, and Ite b-gs tin* jmtrmKvgo of (Jm |>ei>ple ol Sparta and its viciuny llo makes tlie fitliug of t»eformed e idOHppl-d feet a speciality G >o-i ia.ujri.il and su/ieCatffo ry wor* isgu irauteeff. Sln>p over Heath .V Mien’s rtn-' Sep/. 1. bill WARRENTON, MECHANICAL. ITT E are prepared to do any woik in our lim y y cheaply and promptly. A I Wood VV'egouSjBiig and Iroi Work such as repairing Lottou <«ins, 2 lfc - tte, The niakitijr of pi *uglis and all othei farm»ik;Ueu»i!* Fire Ar i> : iin-Kimg executed. Sewing Mach men and ,.,p 1,., nicely Cnuutry and Town p-itroiiH^^ solicited. c. j. jhiis -tun a. L GIBSON. Sep. 22, 1876 At .-cuddny’a Old stand. 20 if l'Hv: COISraTITUITON, (7L Atlaaui* BY W. \. HE.MPU1 & . O., G« I I AVING the largest hoa» lid- cireulntioii of any II paper ia that city, render* it t|,e B-t*i \dvertis iug Med'uni, through winch men can biing il»cn iirtinefr iitid busiuft-s berure rhe public. Term.-, Da.ly | er uuuum..... .......$111 “ lor six imuithe ......... -‘l Weekly I>«r annum . .... 3 - oix m .nth* . . ... 2 They are uIs,i prepared i<> contract for Job P.ini IU2 July I it $300 ItlAVAKlI. i WILL cheerfully p<v the above reward for evury h Case of .syplialis hfirnieh my put?® -rxisraxxjM i, ,.,seiT. taken according to dir t -cliou* ami tailed sfiect « pertnaneut cue. PiepaitU ouly by DR. H NLJWON, Oct 6, 22 ly AVarrentou, Ga. KTIEl'W" 3-AXiOOI>T r* - n AN l> <@raterg-$t<rtfc I .1 AMES A. SCUDI)AY taken this method ol ill ruling the public that his now SALOON & OROCKRY WvJ. uoy - in fall blast. His true to infer* a West that his IVinw, UnutMcs, /inf c baoo <5s a^KTry^sr » ; i i of ali grades caiuioi xceiled for quality and pr.ee t*rlxe Candy hand, aud Boa kept on lor sale. In tho Family Grocery line, FLOUR. MEAL, BVCoN &.c. and all kind- of Groceries will be sulci on reason¬ able tel ms. Call an<! gel a Bur. ain. - Store in -Scudday’s new bnildiug, Sl'xRTA -jij'j GEO June !), tf The Great Medical Discovery! Dr. WAIiKEll’S CA-LIPOHNIA flNEGAR 5. . M .10? maxim: I‘e o du’vn C - csvmmaniood lain“ whe:herin:mu..g m'» , . . Bum 9: or the tum an or life,- L.- w: '1 m z : W In) equal; mute and rename m toms of disease. Made and of Poor Befuso Bum, Whiskey, dooLorod, Proof spiced, Spir¬ its, and sweetened to please Liquors, Clio taate, called “Tonics 1 * “ Appetizers,’* “ Kestorers,” &e., that loadtho tippler onto amnkenness and ruin, but are atruo MtiAiolne, made iioia tho Native Roots and Herts of California, free from all AlcoholiO Stimulants. They are tho GREAT BLOOD PURIF1EB pad UPS GIVING PRIN¬ CIPLE, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator ot ond the restoring System, the carrying blood oil to a oil healthy poisonous condition. matter, No Jtions, person and can remain take theso long unwell. Bitters, according to direc . incurable 6100 will be given for an cose, mineral pro¬ viding the bones are not destroyed vital by poisons or other means, and the organa wasted beyond tho point of and repair. Obroruo Bneu- < For Inflammatory and Gout. Dyspepsia, Indi¬ xnatism, or gestion, Bilious, Remittent, and Inter* mittent Fevers, Diseases and Bladder, of the Blood. Bit¬ Liver, Kidneys, these ters have been most successful. Blood, Such Dis¬ eases are caused by Vitiated of which Is generally produced by derangement the. Digestive invigorate Organs. tho stomach, and stimulate . They torpid liver and bowels, which render tliom the unequalled effioacy in cleansing the blood of of and Imparting Ufo and vigor. all impurities, new Chest, Dizziness, flour Stomach, llsd Taste In the Mouth, IHilious Attacks, palpitation of the Heart, Copious Discharges of Urine, Pain ini th' regions symptoms of the Kidneys, which and the a hundred offsprings other oti j painful D' spepsia,aro cured by those nro Bitters. Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood whenever you flnd'l its imnuritlotf Eruptions, bursting Bores; through cleanse tho skin it when in Pira-j it is pies, foul, and feelings or will tell you when. Koop j j blood your and tho hoalth tho system wiUj the pure of follow and other WORM3, lurking la* the PIN, TAPE, thousands, effectually system of so many aro destroyed and removed. For full directions, read carefully languages-—) the circular around each bottle, French, printed and in four Spanish. i J. English, WALKER, German, 84 Commerce Street, N. Y. f 82 & Proprietor. R. II. McDONALD & CO.. - Druggists and General Agents, flan Francisco, California, and 82 and 81 Com¬ merce Ktruet, N. Y. I VST SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND 4 l)£jLIdilUji K B. LONG & July 1 l. 1570. 6m Hud A M, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of tho Throat and Lungs, such aa Coughs, Colds, WhoopinK Couffh, Bronchitis, Asthma, und Consumption. Probably never before in Uie widely whole and history deeply of niedi'-mo.has confidence anything of woo mankind, so this so excellent upon the as remedy series‘of tor Dultnoiuiry compifiiutd* most of Through the u iGiiK years, and gmong races or men it has risen higher and higher in their esttinu tiou, Ub it lias become better known. 1U uniform character anil power to cure the various affections of the lungs and throat, have made it known as a To¬ llable protector against and them. While children, adapted It to is milder forms of disease to young at the same time the most consumption, effectual remedy and the that dan¬ can be given affections for incipient of tho throat and lungs. Asa pro gerous vision against sudden attacks of Croup, it should be kept on h ind in every family, and indeed an all ate sometimes subject to colds and coughs, all should be provided with this antidote for them. Although settled Consumption is thought In¬ curable, otiil great numbers of cases where the dis¬ ease and the seemed patient settled, restored Waive to t>een sound conmlijtejy health ny cured, the Cher rtf Pectoral. So complete is its mastery over the disorders of the Lungs and Throat, that the most obstinate of them yield to it. When noth¬ ing dsc could roach them, under the Cherry Peo~ 'toral they stibshld and disappear. find • Singers and Public Speakers great pro¬ tection from it. relieved „' • . and oSUn ' Wpoliy . ,, A.»tHtnrt is always WPPIP cured by it. cured taking Um Bronchitis Pectoral is generally in small ami frequent by doses. Cherry generally its virtues known that we need So are of them here, do not publish the certificates or moro fully than assure the public that its q iabtioa aro maintained. J • - Ayer’s Ague Cure, For Fever and Atruo, Bemlttent Intermittent Fever, Dumb Chill Fever, Fever, Ague, Periodical or Biiioua which Fever, arise &o.» and indeed all the affections miasmatic firom malarious, marsh, or poisons. As its name implies, it does Cure, and does not fail. Containin g neither Arsenic, Quinine, Bismuth, Zinc, nor any • .ther mineral or poisonous substance whatever, it in nowise injures any patient. The number and tmj urtanee of its cures in the ague dis¬ tricts, are liter,fflv beyond account, and tve believe without a parallel in die hiutory of Ague medicine. Our pride Is gratified by the acknowledgments effected In obstinate wo receive of the radical cures failed. cases, and where other remedies had resident wholly Unneclimated persons, either ui, or travelling through miasmatic localities, will be pro¬ tected by taking the a a up: err up daily. torpidity For TArer Complaints, arising from of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stimulating tlie Liver into Disorder* healthy activity. and Liver Complaints, 0 For Unions riiio;i an excellent remedy, ot£er T' r ‘kinci n F JIo-rbaT ractield marteaM* c ur es, where ■ Wfetasa phicp, $i oo or. k Borrzm. FabCM ly For Safe by A \V R Y ’ FRANK L. LITTLE, SEA ETA , 6 A cr Rooms iu Law building Weal vf Court Hundreds of testimony to their Cnmtive Effects. WHAT ARE UJ . \ * i TIIEY ARB NOT A VILE r‘ev also. are . peculmr m-aemm mergt 0t ‘atfmiaa u Urdu .- army Joug-stion fr: the Infiummmonox me ‘ver, a. powerful and all the agent Visceral in Organs ' Vin: or