Miners recorder and spy in the west. (Auraria, Lumpkin County, Georgia) 18??-????, September 17, 1834, Image 3

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6, Resolved, Tint a committee of three be appoint'd by the President, to issue a cir cular on the subject of Temperance. 9. Resolved, Thai the President appoint a Committee to arrange business for the next convention; and tn nominate three or wore speaker- w to six months notice. 10. Resolved* That the State Society be rbcomnded to continue the employment of ao Agent in G- orpin, and that iho several Societies l>e requested to aid in his support. 11. Resolved, t hat the several Societies ©f Georgia tie urged to send Delegates to an Jlnnvcd Convention at Athens, to meet on Monday before the first Wednesday ol Aug ust, at 4 o’clock P. M- at the Bip’is! C >ur< h- The convention then took a recess until 7 o’clock P. M. to meet at the Presbyterian Church with the citizens at large. At Iho appointed hour a very large con courao nf persons, including many ladies as sembled The Throne <>f Grace was address ed, after which Col. J. H. Lumpkin submitted the folowing resolution: Resolved, That the past success, present pro-pecis, ad ultimate atrn of the Temperance Reform, should enlist in its support the cor dial and zealous co-operation of every lover of his spe« ies. This resolution was s*i ! »p.->r ,’d bv able and eloquent addr-sses fr«»m Me-sis. Lanpkin. JVishe t and Chnppell. Lncouraceil by the eviden 1 signs of pl ea sure and <i<-ep interest arid approbat ton ex hl btied by the crowed and intelligent ts-«*m bl-i'je, ATr. Shannon m vel that all present, friendly to I emperonce reform, should, rise 1 tie question was put, ;»nd almost every indi vidual rose, hyji sim d'anmius impulse, from their sens, rcaleand female. Resolved, 1 hat the proceed'ngs of this Convention e signed by the P esident and Secretary, and lift published oy <di the g izetts in G e<»rgia, favorable t-» the cause. The Convention was then adjourned by Prayer. A. R. LONGSTREET, Preset. J. G. Poliiill, Sec'y Slate are respectfully solicited to publish the above, in conformity with the wish*-* of the Convention. J P. RECORDER AXB» HI. 11. dATMlttOirr, IMilor. AURARIA, GA. SEPT 17,1034. Union Conirrcssionul Ticket. JOHN COFFEE, of Polfair County. SEATON GR \NTL\ND, of Baldwin. CHARES E. HAY* 'iS, of Hnnenck. GEORGE \V. 0W E NS, of Chatham. WILLIAM SCULLY, of Rip»r.n<»n<i. JOHN VV. A S\NF of Baldwin. JAMES C, i'ERRELL, of Franklin. GEuRGE B TOWNS, ofTalM, JAMES AL WAYNE, of Clmihmn. Uuoln and Stnic Kights “otic anti indivis ible, now anti forever.” UNION CANDIDATES. . For Sr nite Jjhßi I). Fields. House i>J esantatintg. Ileuiry J assies Cat litre il 9 We b»v a rocfi l ’id th-- first number oft ic Soctiikun Spt, a new laige ami uwaily pun ed paper publishi d nt Washington Wilke* Comity, Ga., by M J. Kap pel, Erq., and edited by Duct, .lames T. Hay. '1 be editorial remarks uro written with boldm re itndhbili. ty, and exhibit tnilrh talent not! r< soaiv.h. mid lire < | n truly de loieoitie cltarnc er; mid in hi* * Itv lions, the Editor diepluys ainoid jittlg. nient ai-tl go-d latite, Ue think the Spy. located as it m in the erntral part ot I e Slate, amidst an inteiligant comniii i'y who will dm.bill s.< conti ibiiti tn>-ch m-etui iim hi tons ciduni is, piomisea to be of ji« at utdny in the ch-lribmmn «»f correct prinoip'oN. We rev intend it to the ja tronnge ut a libir.il and patriotic publick. Union men ol* Lumpkin county The day ihj >*i ai ban-' when inn will again be cal led up.n tuexrrcisc the inestimable ptivilege of free ■uliragc. You will have to perform th-responsible duty of electing immhcrs to rep-cienty< u in your next State, and saiional Legiilniure, let ue then re mind you, thm for every voir you give upon that day, , you will bu reap- tisililo to vein eouivrv nod your God. Are you, then, fully pr<i>nied lorn Lit nt ill discharge of thia itnpniianl and highly re ponmble dn.'y 1 Wnl you. upon tbo fiist mi»« day in October next. evince to the world, tin sincerity >f vour h-listed d volion to tin perpetuity of our Fed ral ( num. and your prtde sed hoMtiliity u> the d< Itt-ive a.d iling r-u< heresies of Nullification? Are you preomed, wo again r> p--al £r n united ami vignr--us discharge of these duties ?| 11 until inti ig as it is, w e ere bound, as faithful ae tills, to proclaim fr->m the mi ch tower, thiv you an- no' !!! ttonie a»i utng • diudu.da among you, p< s-t ssing more ’ of vanity tha i patriotism, prompted by-ani lordinatehrst for pow cr and preh tment. have sown among you, with i u profligate hand, the eevds of discord, and are notv \ cultivating the obnoxious plants, with an industry, equalled only b» their-clfi h amlutom. You no-v nave m i .«• :i, hl, two can 'i tales for the Senate, ai d thier for the House of Krprearntativea, ‘ nn J onlv one i each House to be elected. The claims and prrtrns .»« <>l cacti one. >r.- urged upon you. w ith <bat chai«< tensile seal, peculiar to their respective tai-j ent*, thereby e ram -g schism and divisions in your: ranks, which mutt inevitably result in the overthrow, and prostiaunii ,>| pimciplcs, y uu have long cherished and maieiaiued. lour epp nci.ts have not been idle spectator of" these dittrav iHUta aim ug yvu. No! They have taken fresh ivuoyr Irvin ibrin,and have seized upon the ! prvpitiou* re- i-, mid aie now benCmg all then united to keep up th. flaim, and tain your dtaatlec <iun» io thetr on a 4- vantage j Union men or* Lumpkin county! will you suffer the j destinies ot millions of Freemen, it may bo, to be offer ed up upon the unholy altar of ambition ? Have you ■ forgotten that your candidate for the House of Repre sentatives, was defeated I ist year by similar rnove- I merits ? V\ di you then suff-T this admonitory lesson I to pass un leeded? ,Ve call upon you then.ifyou would I lend a helping hand to the preservation of our Federal Union; if you would resisi the enactmentand enforce ment ofan Odums ami loaths un TEST 0.l TH; if you would save your govern ent from the assaults &. me naces <>f a monied aristocracy, we beseech you in the i une of pair. itistn, show it on the first Monday in j October next, by your AC i S. for by them v >n wdl be judged. To do this • ftecuially, we urge upon you the absolute necessity of a c meentrrtion, as far as possi ble, of your undivided support ipon the t -vo candidates wiios prospects tor success, seems now to be tne most fluttering. Surely a sense of Justice among your candidate-, i will urge upon the n the necassity of yielding their 1 claims on the altar of the Union. We do not vi is to derogate fro hanv oi th. in. Bui as fail hful j-urnalits, ■ we wain them to consider well, win h< r it is mon pa ( triot.c to withdraw fiom a contest so urn. qua:, tian to bring upon their party, by their per erse ebsinacy. the im niliiiting reflect!on of a total defeat. We ask, 1 and we put it to the candor ayd patriot! in. of each ■and eveiy of the vanditaies wiietherit. would com eort - more with his feelings a >d sense of doty he owes hi couury, t.see nulliliers voting fu a second edition; ( wiih, perhaps, additions) ofCo<>pei’s& Chappell’s Re solutions. V'.ii tg i i r, soiu tonsoi d< nu.iciation of your VeneiuUe I iiiei ugi tlatr, Andiev. J.mkson, up portmg nul ili is, dome 1 i i ier the un ;■>- u.j ,a ~e of Slate ilisiiis, lor t in mg i and i.np >r an o.lic. rs ot Senators to Congress, iiiia lodges oi you .superior Cour s. ihan io see one ot youi muon ■■ ..inpetimrs,. c< •- frying Hie station io ntiidiyou asp»*e, sup »ortm■■ and maintai .ing the democracy oi the conn r . It docs seem to U!, that tlie cundiua'cs vvh<. slimdd nun wit >draw, would do a more last! g service io his country, than it is possible lor him ever to do la the Legislative councils of his State. FOR THE RECORDER AND SPY Mr. Gathkight,— X lew days since I had OCCONIOII lo visit till- Vein Mine on Lot No. 7z7, 12 1, belter known as “ the M nthews’ Vein Anne,’ the property of Allen Mat thews, Esq. 1 had often heaid oi the nch | ness, tnd gu-at success winch rew.tided the industry of the operators on tins lot. Still, however, i remained incredulous, m rouse qiii ui e oi the frequent in ic< in actus of the re pom in rel mon t > ifie success of the mining opvraiioiis ot tins cornlry. Those doufi s, im.vi ver, have been entirely removed, so i a r as 'hey relate to tins mine, and a it w others in (Du coniiti v; ind 1 sincerely congratulate the woi thy propi ieior upon the bitil.am success, wht< h ai l< iigiu crowns the persevering and untiring mdii-cry, and eti'erprize ot ihe owner. Col, Abnei p. CalJwt'H, wno formerly su p' l intend- d Hie operations <m <ho celebrai< d Cap’s v< hi mine m Nordi Carolina, has been engaged oy Al,. Al iiiiews, w.ih a s duty oi lh>A.oou per annum, to sup> rmiend the opera li.-us on ii.s mine. To the experience, skill, i-migy and minis ry <1 Colomd-jJaulwuLL is Mi. *lJatd'lo"vvs niumly 11ide(11«*d, toi ibis early de velopciimut ot ihe mitiivrtsv resouices of tns mine, w mioui which, (. must have bwen long Urlnyed, it ever mscovered. tioin Colonel L Auiweii, t learn that lie made a we< kly re | oFi of ihe >esuli ot ins operations, and tnui he bail nevi r laleit short oi, tioni sctb./i io dwts. oi gold per liaiiu . er day. It caiiii-H be ollifi wise Imu highly gr ilify mg Io mose of oui fellow citizens, who have made iuv< aimeiils Hi Hie vein mines ot’ our coon ay, io leam the uiipiu.i leilcd success which u s :ewai<t u ibis vineipr ze. Now, since the depos to md branch mines are rapid ly i-enig uxi.uuMi d, i timing i.nt little em our ! agemem, citm r io itu. capi alist or the mdu"- tri'uis, tin prospuity and tespeclabdny of tins J section of the stale, depend mainly upon the i successful operations upon the vein mines. ■’ The -kill, exp i n» e and energy, ol Colom I J 1 ui<. w * ii, uh i dure, w ill t.e of va.-t tni| ortanet* > to me Country, m ihis brancii of toe inmmg bu an.esf. U. i h<- nine nppnw lie* when the voters of Georgia wilt h-.vv lo exercisu agum un in por l-iu power. fiie.y w.i| tmv M to choo.su re pit s-eimmves fur «he state nnd It-dt-r .1 leyisla litres. Hiey i.re u- doubt well prepnted to it m liaise sin li u iiu j with iiidepetideiice, nt.d w in. n emeu-e desire to pi<>tn.--« >h« public •good. 11l loci, UVW coultf the voters of <>eor gmiieoiueiwi.se than well prepared for the < uy, winch t> io de erir.iuc whether il.e union of those s htva ■ til be pres, rvt*d, and whether wearu io v»ii!iuiie tv enjoy t | lUi , c n iigi.-iis mid p. Illicit: ngli-s ,or wtih.’i th- pain.ns of the re. vviutiu.i loux'it noil im-d ' W, s>y that <he re sult ut Hie etvt h>iis in October will d- t rmute whtUier ine Luttiii Will be pre>< rv J, at.u whether we .ue u> i.miutiue to t-nju, th- iigiita which lue public, ins.iiutioim ol the eo-intiy insure to « veiy »t z u; but we do not nie.,ii e.X| h sii u liviuai a> iii itu issue oi those t jer- Uulis. bt lire ttiiiuy eou.uiu-id that the Lu n-n tickt ie wa u uuipn by lai u e ttiaj .inn »; tint tins issue, to I, t>e lite liifl<i<-uce m u'.uei stales, must be dn .Ueil by vie, wo- linu;_ o.a Juinics, th Old, rto criisti al one blow that spun <d tiastilii y to tiie union, which has m.i lutes-ed Hm It tn ine country, and more purti- Cuhti ;y ut li.e south. U iihitut over w helming in.ip lines, Hie spirit ot nuiliti anon w ill not be t n .rely rr-iuiva eu; toe touts m tv <l4 <iu spiuut whuh will requite exertion ano vi niuuce, m o.det to prevent the fruits ho.n ntbunitig tha maturity wu-cti would be productive ui s-> iuu.iv evils to the couu'.iy. Can union m< n brin.- into die held, a suthc ent number <>f votes s<>' as to decide tin comest with overwhelming majout.i s t I'ney cenamly can, ,f they keep firm and undaunted; ti they are tr ie to the cause tu which they are engaged; an.l if no oliiet cunMiiieialioii inn that ot u,« public good leads them to me polls on the day of election. A, u..y otuer lune priv.ne cousiuer.ti. »us might bo allowed lo lead us m the exercise ol ou< elective hancinse: but al the opxt elections-' when so many imnonaiit niiercsts will be ai s aka; when, m some measure, ihe desliti v of 15 millions of souls is (o be decided, when die union is to be preserved, <>ur public institu tions mamtaim-d, and our liberues placed ue yond 1 e reach of those who would invade them; no other < rmsideration but that of ihe general good, should nave influence with a vo ter, ( specially when he shoulu recollect tiiai his single vote tnav condemn* m ,Tons to* tnt-- ery or slavery, or perpetuate the oiessiugs we now enjoy The great object the union men should keep steadily hi view, is die eradication ol tie doc trine of n dltfi aimo, which is the root oi all the injuries diat th<s ei.uiHiy nas la teily suf fered, and w ould suffer, if per uri< d to extend its mflueu e. Let us accomplish ihe des ruc tion of i his hvdi a, and ■ lien we wi| look ai ound us; and if omer evils have sprung up, which r< quirt- amputation, uim . ie power in our own hands, i .e will and me skiH io operate how and wiit ii we please, we < muoi lad io remove •ah • xciescemes wmen niay have grown on the body poj.ttc, and to p.m-e smb around our political histituiions, as to deiy oi attempts on the part ot forei_ u <<r domestic fins to injure them We are far from believ ing that all our federal ctmeerns have be n managed as they should nave been. but vv i should disimgui-ii beirvr-eii evils resulting fr*>m measures winch • an be e.is ly remedied, and mjiui sresulihig irom idenipis made to chage tin- tu.id .menial ptim i.m-s of oar federal go— vcimnein. In be one case, ’he remedies are! t->m ( .ie, n i< q mes umhing else but a change! or the icpeai oi the measures adopted and i iournf to b inj •»< us, wniie m Hie oilier case phy -icai l«.r< e would nave m be res rmd to, She id Illi’ reVoimlouis s lake ue field, and endeavor (,> ~p-i tea e.range m our govern-, i menl w iin sword m mtud, >v hen other less Vio lent m <ias have laded, li, uui. n'i.nv.eiy, Hie nu liflcairou parry m .South Carolina, iad been stisi.>m* d by Geoigra, ami the oilier Sou hi ra blatcs, m witat c >odiiloa would ihe mmm n.tv been at me ( rese.tt Him- ? ould the unnm have been pr user vt d f Would a civul war imve been pieventen ? W ould mn one section oi tne union n vc been arrayed agoust an. tn r j Would not for. igu .neicru ri ie-. nave been cul led ar ihe aati.-mm e oi tins ,»e.ker par y s And would nui every section of Hie coumrv 1 nave In in an easy prey to the mv iston ol a foreign arm - . Uould weh ive resis td stmji gimm, divided <i- ne would nave been, ai.it a ciril w;i< i.tgrhg Willi it; tietiess among uh 1 i his w ‘Hirj nave teen <»nr comb mu, ti Geur gia hu<i asji-t. d SoHia Uarolm t m tier mad ai (empt to eua 1..51 tae d r. I. me ol null.li a.ma as ihe basis oi me rigu.s which the sm es re sined lo nmm-reives wuvu they rontederaled. Geoiyia d d imt as-isi South Carolina, .md the union vvas mesui Ved, loge uur >vnh our liber ties. Holme p.iity w.iiin s>pi ung up in Geor gia m tavoi <>j Suutu Carolina, houmi defeat < d, is noi d siroyed; n is in ikiiig povv> rful el lot's (o omam the asermjenvy hi ihu state,atm hen to nmke a < mmmm cuuse wit 1 t.ie nuiuit caltua nailvlin South t ar.»m..» 1 m« ol the elections in Uc über vv.ll decide the q .<:» ion, wue in r tne peopie ol (ie.-rgia will allow me iiuiiiimrs o disturb mire.if.er mil on ly ihe barm ny .md pea: e oi our state, hut of .ne wiioh c<.uu iy,aod m keep the cmzeus in <i cmiim ed sm.e oi uiariii and tcai mr me pre servation oi me iinicu and me imvg'i v ol out republican p IhClplen. Should ihe voters oi Georgia disch rga taith ully meh dum s, our slaic will dr serve ihe thanks of millions ot Ircuimm, wb 1< >k i i. pot. us with the lee, est inter* St, ami will ac quire un .Udi .uual ir.il leu e in lim manage"' me ui ol our led er d coucei ns. ill th • voiei s •it Georgia msappoiu urn j i, expectatmns of ! ihe hieii<i*ol lie dom? j>o. fhr eXi eciatious •it ihe Iriemls o| Jr* > d m will lie more ica.i ed, I by (he resui. oi our Goober elections. Geo. Cotis'aiuiiouulist, From llie Southern Spy. An am itm wine , veiy mpenmu ty leniitk cvtii erniiig <ite hypia i t-,-, th.it ••he did r. ! put oil in-, oui iimn, ou p u the new one upui it." H e die by it< itie.. n , dispov-.j i o cii ir-je i out pvhlioH iippi.ticois wnli iiy jioeri*v, but 1. hc .llj seems to us m,it i u e Itaulimt-ut ul Stii'e iiigh a ut ictei.l (iiiiiiui.irtuie, so : spb umd aiiexiutiv , is designed but to covet me hi-icous g-mnem of Nml-ii ati n . \V j opme however, i.ia- the outer cua is so Him as nut iu rixpnii aum r<»seo, ,-ye to discern j luu vesliiieiit oeueatit He utt«e long since been satisfied Inal a u non ol pimerple, if mi I a lomeit <>t anmn, nas ext.- ed between me Nuu.hers m doom U.no.ma, a.id 4 respe, 1 poiiiuu <>i the s 11-siyted »tui. • U Georgia. im , ipp, 1, to iiav<-a evm-imu ciiurv.il, r o.u to pws.it: >0111! r oir.-su vs, t >r ; -“e at'UuiuicHi ul the s ,me end. It w :tl he oviK.ki a . , -uni the Niailim rs of our sister :it i« , « vtiiinetii ru du .r lar rrofhustih-v o <ho uicri-i. ooie<ntm ti , in.d r ue imposing . uai.ie oi bt.uu ixii.ws. A ci rt .iti ( ~»r.v u> • ewgia so-11 tuiios, d hi me w ike. Tm , N -dimers>>( Uuroha 1, pi<>i-iauued their "pra< e- Jui f< mvUy . A i.utiiurr <»? 'le II consul-.-et m ins in Gi soon e< noed the irv. Ihe Ai.iiuiri ol aim i) < ii.-.ioa e-i.tbhsm d dis. tiici u.-sucia. iiiiij- iue hiudieii par y in Gv.ogia, tuliowvd me example by esiai-tiati i Illg County aasncta.uuis, uuxdi «r v. &e. The doiniHHui party m b-»u'h C-ir-dtii i. passed an odious e.'l i,alii. Many <•! tin wo .lu-be rul ing p-Tiy m v»eurgia, tact y or opeulv approv ed it: i hut u..ui, by patriotic and independ < tii judges, w.s prououticed, uncuustdu u-nal and void- for this manly act of the Ji.tuta y, iau ot lite number were branded wi n the most bitt- r epithets, anu ineoaceu expulsion from im-u seas. Heard we not ibe echo ot icspotise tn Georgi., ! A.r* c-lhvuu, ii not the ack now ie ged fa ther, is cert only one of ute ouas-ed cna »pivns | ot N ullthi aiiou la our sister 8- ue. \Vu<» mi Georgia, have muted mm wit > AI D iii ■ aud others to public mceiis.’e>; wuo by •LtuJulvi toasis and sitimp speeches, have lauded him to the tferv skies? To Mr. CNHioun, are we '’•amly indebted for ilie m igin nf a pr fnc-’ive 'riff, so much talked about and so 1 ie imdrr s,ood; to him by a certain coiticid'encc aj cir cumstances, somewhat lesembling an associa mn with kindred siiii is. must be a'.ti ibuted hs pro! >n<jalion beyond a period, at which it would have inevitably expired. Yet, ibe af f.i -ted parly presses <>f South (hirolina and Georg! i, puff him aS the mam supporter of Smte Rights, and some seem to view h.m hs he paragon <>f republicanism. Mr. Calhoun’." i. flue.ice v-as noi vviihheul to induce his tel low citizens, io resist he execution ol ihe re venue laws, and boidlv to declare (hat after a certain neriod, they should not be enforced in South Carolina—if we mistake noi he uracil ■ his measure; —-yel he is soon aft. r found en tering into a humiliating compromise with pa cificator Chy the reputed Father of the .d --merican System, the ver* man, who admitted mat imt for this < , om uomis<, irs nursling would soon have breathed its last. AL. Cal hmm hi :y have expected from inis conduct, to be >i i;led is the conservator .if tfie Uimui, md ere long io be tudii''ted into the bigiit si Fh’e withm the gift of :he people; ihe nidh f’mrs of his own Stat., w. mid mdoubtedlv hail ms success with j >y .nd exultation, nor would they lack hearty greeting and cordia’ saluta tions from ihis sde of the Savannah; but vve are constrained to believe (hat the office for which tm has been so long an asspirant will never be filled by Mr. Calhomi. From the Georgian. Glorious victory—T-tumph of principle. \ voice from Old Chatham, which we test vill be reverberated |r<nn the Mountains of our State in October next, has in annimated P'*als pmola'ined the atiachmqnt of her sons 'o the L nion ot tiies • Sta'es, a-u; their deter mination io maintain the glorious “Star and .'itrt.ies,’’ n it only t'r nn foreign aggression, iiit from Hie in me deadly as<iu!ts of that d >e trine win* h m Souiii Carolina has been yclept “.huilifi.-anon,” and m Georgia disgui-cd un der the more seductive pile of “State R.ghts.” Monday was a proud day. The people rose in the m ijcstv of their sireng'h, and em piiatically pro. lai ned through the ISallot liox, tu’ir deles anon ol tue d >cu ine of Null fica- Hon Hud ns advocates. In vain were appeals made in trj. t. personal predilections. l'h ( y r illi *d, and ai'-sb d th'-ir if v iiion io ‘‘l’jun CiPLES. not Men ” Il ,s bu fi tug that in tii ii Coun y w tere the spirit of’76 mi tied so brightly in the bosoms of t ten f t hers, ihrii sons should ores’Tve il in Us vestal puny.— i bey h ive done so by proclaim.iig to the world their unshaken, unalterable ati ichineni o tin- U ti m ol these Sia'es, ibeir abhorrence of all its enemies, secret and open. Each party ran its ticket, and never before was so iar.-e a vote polled ala City elec i<>n. ‘‘Commg events cast their sha tows befor them " i liis election w>s < onside ed as the t meh-st<>n ■of the election in October. Gio- - t halbum vindicated tneir attachment to th institutions of their common country. Ihe ntlopieil ctuzens of A in- rici aided to swell the majority. The elecimn resmted m the sue less of ine enure Union and State Righ s tick et fm \ldeirnen. Ihe le ist vote received b) ■my Union candidate exceed the highest r. - <•« ived by anv State Rights Candida., by two hundred and ffhj four votes. Tins is the firs ii.ue the leeuou of Aldeimen has been made party question. Cholera.—AVe have the sa’isfiction to re fer io the report of our B >vd of Health of v« sitrday at one o'< I n k P. M to austaiii us m the asserlion that a case of Cholera does tin? exist in our city. The distressing mo itth y >t Maj tr Weigh'm in’s plantation mis be ascribed (•> lac il •-auses, as no case having, as we Can learu, ocrier.-d >n anv adjoining pl >ti aiiiHon. In addimm I » w’liat tlie board states, we can say ih.it not the -ligfi esi whisper has reaclu d ns ‘>l it- exts’ence in the < ny, smee be death repor ed on \V dnesd ly. This ex . rnu un. may be as- ribed, in r <t m -asuru, io the vigilance <>f our •th tent Board ol i I “alt h, 'hough we have heard it good humour • dly asiiibid io Nullification, winch if it omd worn sm Ii wonder-, is • nulled lo more irgitid in in we have been disposed to give it. \V e advise our citizens Lov ewr, to observe 1 ■ne request of tne board, “to cleanse and] ■chit- w .sb their res ;e. live premises, as the best means ot preVen mg the disees ” We should add that all (fie medical gentle men co icur “la stating ilia: there appears n > > tendency o rhider i m their general praclu-e, ! and that ibe CUj Was nevei m >re heal.by.” •Snr; nuuh Georgian. ■ Little Hock, lug 19. Desperate engagement b ttoeen tin United Stales Dragoan* aid P<w iee Indi m 3 Bv •i tint) Irin hi f; n<: \\ ,i*iiitig>uii t-outilv, Wei b- r » tua ihi’ U.itu-d >i Dr.igu<nh h.ivr r»*« «• i|y had * bl<i >d> fi_U» wti’i n< P wire, Lt ■Balis. >ll wi.n h the lai « r lust 80 killed and 150 ,»rt '»u> r'. Our iiil<>ruitut de ived bis* in h>r»u i'p»n trout a voting man w >«> wa* at Fori G.b*<»n w ui-n d.e pt ismiers w«*r brought in un der hr escort of .« d>-<aciuiietii of he Dra goons. I'iie remainder oi the L in(» , <l States f- rces b’l>»nging io the exploring party were l<-tl oi pursuit ot the Indian*. Ihe Pawnee* are said to have tougfii draper tely, and o; nave killed right ol the Qi igoous. Saver#! O. i_e prisoners w« re ret 'k> n at die lame umr. tr< m whom it was pretty it itt<da«*l«>rilv n*cer a-ned, that die young tn o. wnnni he i’ t *-, nee* took from the Hanger , last summer, i>a<> been killed. These are tie only particulars t tnat our intorinaii- / as able to collect lo morrow’s mail, or that of St’ day n« Xt, we ,o>pe wilt turms'i the detail-, ot tins .dfair. A. ih< P<wne> s have hitherto i.iamtaioed nt ir supremacy in the Oouibcss prune* ot the! west, it is to be hoped that the d nut ing anich lacy hay© received from the Dragcuos B ill Lave -a good c3*ect cn ‘hr n, end tench tbejn not only to ri spec- our hen trading among them m pa -sing t rmi. h ’» ir hunting gi<H.iiH.ls, tint to fie [ess ironblesonie to ii.o neighboring friendly h dens.— Gazette. From, the Southern More “Recantation'’— ‘•'Nous l r <rrons! ,s Wo, the subscriber®, rii z>-us of Wdkes county, having been indu ■< d to sign our names to i paper purporting to be a ('onstitu lioti ot the S.ate Rights Associat.ou of Wilkes (ounty, deem it an act of justice to ourselyeg, tixm.iite a |Hibhc statement ol the reasons that tiave indue.'d us to withdraw o:r names from the said Association We were told hat the object oft te Asso ciation was mereL io ascertain who were friendly lo the - tglp, of the St He; but we were n >t informed of lueir politic .1 doctrines, nor of ibe olihgations it might be supposed to im pose upon us to support their politic • I prmci pies. We now believe their O'ditical doctrines and opmions are ihe same as those advocated bv the Nnltfl rs of South Carolina, and in •‘ump übic w , h the true interests of our cmn t:y. We are Union men, nnd opposed to the doctrine of nullification. We are freemen, and do not wish to be bound in support iny pohneal ere d that a «et of men may wish m impose upon us. We, therefore, hereby withdraw our names from the said Associa tion. TTIOMXS CASH, L \WRE\CE CROOK, JOHN L. HAWKINS. J VMES M. C. LUKER RICHARD NEWNAN ' GREEN HOPKINS. ’ The loss of the Packet ship St tlira.—Tna packet ship Statira, Capt. Bartlmg, from New York for this port, with a valuable cargo of met ch mease, took a pilot on Wednesday eve ning, a d arrived -ff Tyhee at about JO op-lock where she c tine tn anchor between two and three miles east of the light. At three o’clock yesterday m >r sing, it blowing a gde from tha N. L., she parted her cables and went a shore on the South Breakers, and bilged, having 5 feet water m her hold. Capt. 8., passengers and part of the crew arrived in town last eve ning for assistance. Hopes are entertained tiiat most of the cargo wdl be saved in a dam aged state. Savannah Georgian. IL I .T -T; I » l »" ■IWW IJHI_.JUL.. jr- J J _. aUwJ J- u X-Jlg- TAVEIfN FOR SALE. SI Tc\’Snnu'fr r / ~r 9a ’ 3 <hcir known CJ M H)I >LS HOUSE and 1 ,|, no v occu pi u by th,.,., as all use 11 nl< rtainmeni, situated o . tne - um eomer „f the public S qu, t r m the t- vn of I a h. <-a, I umpkin county, Georgia; to gether wi-h sue' b I|l<e „|) a ,. d L!|c|)Gil furni(|irt ag , ab 'V , ? I * v'r! ' 'V' a *’ art f'"C house nt the "d. A l.b-ud er, dit wifi bc&veiq with .£ .nd e -.as ui.-huiy n operty of this kind st 1 :ted as nl. in t highly flomi hing village eo 'ded ■y lew & surpassed by n.HIC in p.,in of I I, t.uild a- eieai'i’/'’ ' “ 'u 1' , ’ i '’. e,lie l’ r m ' immediately, a j gieat bargain wdl be giv< n. J R s. Bit'.Rff Pits, c . nn 111 ’MAS J HAS ;N. Sept 17—29—Gt. A DMI NI-x 11: ! (HUS s kLE. ' ?,% TILL besolit, on me fi r3l r, jeß d ay i( , December * L 01 L1 Aall Lheiok-e County, lot itu.abor aS, in the 14tli district of the 3d section, as the property ot Berryman Marshal dec’d. Sold for me iMinefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec’d.— i tirms made known on ihe day of-ale. ARt'UIK •1, COl.Qt ij’hOUN, Adru’r S- t 17—zy--m? AUA UAR ' ini '> Adnr’x. ADMINH I fl \ *? be sold, t > the highest bi.'dc., at the court > V 11 use doo a Cu „mn>2 Fo.svih.or he fitst I tiesdav in i>e ember next, hu m m >cr 801, in tho i' h .lriet Ot<h first s. < t on, cmitai img foity acres a- th >pr • .er" 01 John Callal.am, deceased. Sold 'or the b netnt oi th- heirs a- d e-euuursoi said deceased. 1 ui’gjs 'iiidi' know'i) (Hi ih(’ o , GEOti ,E VEKNON Adtn’r. Sept. 17--19-t.fs, a d m 1 \ 1 s 1 r \ r ( mtF S~ \ m l be » J 1 on the first Timsd.iv in Imcemher VV next, at tie .o.ise ( ,f Clem nona, the puce bo.dl ,g public sales, km.Wn as the Court House of , a.Ker county, lo: number 54, in thebih • bstrictofthedth sec .0 ; sl ,„. pr , cr o . Bl ,, y „ !aa ‘iar hij deceased. > o ld for the ben fit of theirs and creditors oi a«id decease 1. Te<ms made known oi ihe day. ARCHIBXL COI.QUOHOUN. Adni’r Marshal, Anmr'*. Sept. Iz—29—t.ta, FBosyucTifi OF THE SOUTIIEJLX’ spy, A IVEf KI.Y .v nu sPitEK publis.'i t m Hathing to'i H'llsts 1 ou.dy, Ge ut. be denoted tu Politics, Literature, Ac Bl , its so long ben the custom of person* announ < inn their d -gn to establish a Pr« *9, to issue a I -pei tus conttti nog the p i-.ciok-s wmr-n hev in* leivt to ilia, tain, that a departure in the present in stance would hardly tie pardoned. The people have unquestionably th" right to be infirmed what path we desio . t.r travel, and to judsic first if its propriety, and hi. rw ards if theie -h mid b- a d vistion from the -a .ie‘ AVe would tlierrfo e bru-Hy sia’e, t .at our j ot.j ct is to advocate and support io tbe extent of our ah.lily, th dm trims professed find pra< used by the ihi • i Party of an Slate, be'ievi them to be essen tial 'o the preservath ii of < ur existence as a natron, and the perpetuation of <>ur happmeas as a pi ople. fh.se we believe to be generally k mw n and under stood bv the citiZ'-n* of .hi S ar-, nnd i idi-ed the pro p--r limit of a pior|iec'u“ wodd preclude their being .•iamined aide» ul >im d r uetail. it ear" fully aware that pr fi-s-i .n* mad. and no prac' sed are w. a than futi e It w a lould be lou.id terp v-rsatbig in ■ur c mar, we are vs consequeiicr am nabie to our patr -n . a.id r< ad.-ra, aidbytm m, we are willing to be / f .rs on>i rh • paper will »e d -voted to rmscellane |ou- in it’ . dis’inct from trolitical. emtiraciug ’hat which will b t .otigh’ rn st t>«< il and t'trr-siing. ; I'he Editor ledges hlrns If t ■ us • e very exertion to nak'-h ' ptjier a- icspect-b -and interesting as lies m bis power. Tie *ou hern Sp wil b übli-hed on a Koval «h •••’ witun-w typ nn<t press, at two d<-|!arsa ft v ■ en’s i i advance, »r three do Li » *r inwen.i »■ ’too jy ar The first number w.li be iasu.-d ab >u: ti e 2Ciu ; if this m i th. j.i.dßfi r. i/.i?. ■ Ao?. 6