Miners recorder and spy in the west. (Auraria, Lumpkin County, Georgia) 18??-????, February 14, 1835, Image 3

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RECORDED AW 71. 11. GATHRI&HT. Editor. AUKARIA, GA. FEB 14, 1835. The Public .Meeting. — We would respect fully call the attention of our reach’!- to the notice in to-day’s paper, of the I' xecutive Committee es the Auraria Temperance Socie ty, calling <» General Meeting of the Citizens of Lumpkin county, for the discussion and ad vancement of the great cause of Temperance. We sincerely hope there will be a general at tendance at the time and place appointed. I*rojrrcss of Temperance. We are gratified in being enabled to state, that the Temperance Reformatian is begining to make some progress in this part of the coun try. There has been of late several accessions to the lists of those who have given a pledge of total abstinence of the use of ardent spirits. The speech of Colonel WALKER before the Temperance meeting here, will be found in to-day’s paper, and read with lively intere >1 from the striking picture in which he has ex hibited the destructive character, and odious deformity of drunkenness, with its whole pro geny of ills and calamities. An attempt to kill tlie President. We learn from the last papers from Wash. in"ton city, that a daring and most aitrocious attempt has been made by a man of the name of Lawrence, to destroy the life of the Chief Magistrate of the United States. It is im possible that we can find language sufficiently strong to eXi ress our indignation as well as f chagrin, that (here should exist a man so base, so reckless, so wanton, and withal so brutally blood-thirsty, as could wilfully a.id deliberate ly, conceive n design of taking the life of he first officer of our country. It appears that Lawrence snapped two pistols in the Capitol nt the person of General Jackson, before he was taken. And when brought before a judi cial Magistrate, lie made no defence, and as signed no reasonable motive foi his conduct. It is supposed by some that he is occasionally subject to derangement. Claims on France. The latest intelligence from Paris upon this subject is rather unfavorable. It seems that there exists very little disposition in the Chambers of Deputies, to make the necessa ry appropriation for carrying the treaty into ef fect. And if this disposition should continue much longer to be manifested on the part of Franco, it cannot fail to produce • necessity for strong measures on the part of tho 1 ederal Government. 'lhe idea cannot fi>i a moment be entertained, of abandoning those claims, i,s it is a matter in which the national honor is involved, and that must bo vindicated, even if it should cost twenty times the amount of the claims. The fVeathcr.— Vor two weeks past, tin weather has been most intensely cold The Mercury in Fnrenheit’s Thermometer, has been down t<> Zero, or 32 degress below freez ing point, an<l how much below that point if went, we had no means of ascertaining Lasi Saturday was admitted by all, to bo the cold eSt day they ever saw, and will long be ie membered as the cold Saturday Our I’fiti ters, Printer’s Devil, and indeed every thing connected wi'h the black art, have been en tirely frozed up, and from present appearances we doubt whether we shall b<> thawed out be fore spring. Our open, stnokov cabbins are at this season of the year, very inappropriate fur our business, and unless those who have so lung withheld from us <>ur pi-t dues, pay up we doubt whether we shah b» nabled to survive a'lother wm >•-■ tn .en» At \ .‘,u>ta on the Sth at sunrise, the Mer cury stood al 1 1-2 Degrees below Zero. At Milledgeville, At M ashington, 7 o’clock, •’ At Athens, Id 1-2 nrrriiHUl »•»>«* I'lwuU **•* UiniU. We perceive from the last \ugristu papers, that the rase pending in the Superior < ourt ot Richmond county, has been tried, and thal the jury have rotuined a verdict declaring he (.’barter of the Bank forfeited, and sustaining nearly all the charges against it. nnnuMCATi n. Air. Editor—l would beg leave through vour columns, io suggest to the Irioiuls ot the 1 uion, the piopriety ot nominating 1 ham is Uo-sr, I’.sq, ofGircne county, ns a suitable person to lilt the vacancy in ( ongress, ou u stoned tn Mr. W avne’s elevation to the bench of the Supreme Gouri. Mr. Cosy’s i dents render him conspicuous a9 u professed jurist, and his polities! cieed, will no doubt, meet the opprobution ot a I .. r » majority of his fellow citizens. The present aspect of political affairs, ren ders it ail important, that we should place in Our flatonal councils, men of talents and turn rets, and i uc of such in my opinion, is Mr Cotre. r. r. C. United States ATint- According to the an- ' mH report of 'he Director of the Mint of the United States, it appears that the amount • < gold produced from the gold region of the U Spates, for ihe la«« 10 vears, is -as f< |h w-. But wo will observe that this amount n> - embrace only 'he gold which h-*s been depos ited in the Mini, ind not the gold employed for other purposes than that of meialic currea rency. ■North Carolina produced from 1824 to 1834, inclusive, $2 054,000 Virginia, from 1829 to 1834, 252.500 S. Carolina, from 1829 o 1834. 200.500 j Georgia, frem 1830 to 1834, 1.159 000 ; Tennessee, fiom 1831 to 1834, 12 000 j Alabama, in 1831, 1,000 $3,679,000' The coinage, during the year ending the Ist I January, amounted to $7,388,423; of which $3,954,270 weie in gold cc ins. $3,415,002 in silver, and sl9 151 m copper The coinage <>' gold under the new -landard, commenced <>n the Ist of August, and of the amount of the gold coinage for the past year, $3,570,725, consists of coms of tlie new standard.— Geo. Constitutionalist. TO THE CITIZENS OF LUMPKIN COUNTY WE, the undersign' d, icting as the Exe cutive Committee, of the Auraria Temperance Society, would respectfully in vite yon to attend a Meeting to be he’d at the Court-house, in Dahlohnega, on Friday even ing, the 20th instant, for the purpose of dis cussing and advancing the great cause of Tem perance in the county of Lumpkin. punc tually requested -Several distinguished law yers are expected to address the meeting. WILLI \M E. W\LKER. GEO’.GE W PASCHXLL, DANIEL G •' WID ER. Ejcrcutive CCnimittee. wANTEI) IMMH)IATELY. T’H’lWo Apprentices at the TAILORING BUSI S’ NESS. Those who have some knowledge of the. art, wonid be preferr d. Auraria, Feb. 14 46 B. C. CAN’DEE. NOTICE. A LL persons are hereby forwarned from trading for a Note of hand, made by myself and made paya ble io.lames I). Rivers or heater, for the sum of nine ty Dollars. Given on the 24th day of January,lß3s - -ixtydeys afterdate, as I am determined not to pay the same, as the cousidera i >n for which it was giv en has entirely failed, this 7'h Feb. 1835. _J-’eb. 11—3 46 BENJAMIN BRADFORD. NOTICE. A LT. persons are f u'w.-irtied from trading for a ,'la promissory Note of hand, given by the subscri ber, and pa ■. able to Hiram tV liliams for Five Dollars, dated some lime about the 17th of December, 1834, and due uie dav after date thereof, as tlie considera tion for which said note was given, has wholly and en tirely failed. WILLIAM ANDERSON. Feb. 11 46 r ll.l. be sold on the first Tuesday in April next, V V at the Court-house in Lumpkin county, All the Real Estate, belonging to M. H Snow, deceased, hat is situate in said count v,< onsir ting of two improved lots at Lea thers’ Ford, on one of which, is a neat and comforta ble dwelling, kitchen, Ac. and one Lot of land in the ■ til. lot Sold 11, OIIPSIIHIirM- of HI, order of the honorable i he Inferior Court of said coun ty, when Hittiin’ for > idinary purposes, for the benefit ot the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on the dav of sale. 11. SMALL, Adm’r. Feb 1. —tds NO PICE. A LT. persons having any claims against the estate of Daniel Blake, deceased will render them du ly at esied to the subscriber, without delay, and those indebted to the estate, will make i-nmediate. pavin'nt to RtIBIRT HABERSHAM, Adm’r. Feb. |4.„ 16-- lOd NOTICE. B7T til R months aft»r date application will Tie made to the honorable the Inferior Court ot Haber sham county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Lot otl.and No. one hundred and fifty two, in the eighth district of originally Lee, now Ran dolph county. Sold for the benefit of Benjamin L. j Mahan, minor. WILLIAM WORLEY, Guard. i Jan. 31.—45—w4m. GEORGIA: J PROCLAIM 11 ION tty Hilson Lumpkin, Governer, and Comman der in Chit sos the . Irmy and Navy of this t St.itt and the .Militia thereof. WW ’ II ERF. AS, by Resolutions of the General As- V ▼ seiuldv oi this State, passed on the 20th De cCinber, IruM. it istnadcthe duty ot 'he Exec'itive “ looffcra suitable reward tor the apprehension id the Cherokee Indians, S.U TOOCA, (or log m the water.) JOHNSON and IT' I s . who escaped from th,. ;in ; (i ut ,n <•!t ,« unty . win re t lit y wci t i ontined under .-enfenee of iniprisonmenl in the Penitentiarv | oftfus Stale.” An<l, al-o, to offer a reward, in such sum as msv be ( deemed necissarv to secure the ar est of tw« Chcro ' kee Indians. Dl Civ and SAV TMMF.R. charged with the murder o' EIiI HICKS, Ido i herefote, in compliance with the provisions ot the said resolutions, her. bv oft- r a reward ot tot H t t.NDKTD and I’H'TA DOLLARS, to any person or persons who ' mav apprehend and deliver the said SANTOoCA, 1 JOll NSON and TITVS, into tlie eus'ody of the Prin -1 cipal Keeper oft' e Penitentiarv rtflhis S'nte, or the su ,ol ONE Hl N DRED and ill l\ DOI.I V.S .for either, t toctn and the stun ot 10l R til NDRED DO LI \KS, to any person or persons who mav arrest and cause to be safely routined in any jail in this <tato, the Indians, i > VCK and S\\ IM Al f.K. or tin sum of TAA O hl NDKYd DOLLARS tor each of them. And I do, moreover, hereby require and enjoin a.I ; Olli, er-, civil and military, in this >tate. io aid and I hsms. m apprehending and bringing the said offenders to justice. In witness whereof. 1 have hereunto -et my I and an caused the great seal ol the State to be affixed, at MillcdeeviUe, tins the thirtieth dav ot J utuary, on. ! thousand eight hundred and thirty.five, and ot tin American indcpet deuce, the mty moth. WILSON LI.MPKLV Bv the Gov mor.- WittiAM A Ttsxiltt, Sec. of Slate. ./an. 31. —!•’ —3t LAW NOTICE? HAAING been request'd by S. D. CRANE Esq. to attend to bis unsettled professional business iiuthis countv, during Ins absence, those clients «uo ! ‘,„. n have employed Li ... w,.l phase eai. on >ne at Au rana. or leave tiki: jnsuuctions with John D. Fields, ' ; r at Dablohncga. ’.7- St GrO - W FASC’JAL. ENTERTAINMENT. JIIIE subscriber has settled in the A’illage of New a Echota, Cass county, and opened his house for the ENTERTAINMENT OF TRAVELLER - He will be prepared at all times, to accommodate all wdio may call oii him. with the best fare which the country can afibrd He will not promise all the luxuries of the older sections of the state, but no efiort shall be omit, ted to please all who may favor him with their com pany. Provisions and Forage will be kept for sale to travellers who may not wish entertainment. R. H. L. BUCHANAN. New Echota, Cass ct. Ga. .Tan. 24.—44—4 t. LIBERTY HALL, 1 ! JimW CANTON, CHEROKEE COUNTY, GEORGIA. THE undersigned having opened a HOUSE es ENTERT.AINM ENT under the above name o the north side of main street and east of the Court House, is now prepared to acc mmodate travellers, trancient persons and regular boarders. He has ne glected no measure in fitting up his house with vari ous and comfortable rooms to render it convenient, and agreeable H» pledges himself to spare no pains in furnishing his table wi‘h the best the country af fords. llis stables are inferior to none in this coun try, and are plentifully supplied with provender, and attended by a good osier, so that none who may favor him with a call, snail have any grounds to complain AVILLIAvI M M’AFEE- Janll 43—ts. Cuiiiming, Forsyth o. JO h n jola. i, K Ft 'RMS his ftiends and ail persons ® visiting this country, that he has 1 ’’Peued a HOUSE OF ENTER . IAINMENT, in the town of Cum- ming, where no pains will be avoided to render his company comfortable. From ’he newness of the country, it cannot be ; expected that the accommodations will be as com | plcte as those furnished at some Houses in the I older parts of the State, but the proprietor assures I the public that he will continue with all speed to add | to his establishment, until it is put on a looting in | etior to none in this country. j March 8. M A CON G NORG} A. CARTER, Late of Clinton. §S' opene jt. e Central Hotel, in the ex ••gW. ajL nsiveFire rcofßrickßuildmg;recently erectedin this City ’! he Location is central to the busi nessofthe place, it the House is conveniently arranged for the accommodation of Families or single persons, either as reglar ortransient Boarders. The beds A: fur niture throughout, are new and superior. The Table and Bar will always be furnished with the best the market affords, and no pains will be spared by the I Proprietor, to render comfortable and agreeable, all ' whoj avor him with their custom and he hopes from I his long experience,and the satisfaction heretofore \ rendered the community, to merit from bis friends and the public, a liberal share of patronage. Exten sive and convenient Sttable are attached to tha Ho tel. March 1—55 Fnlei'Uimmesat. subscriber, grat. tul tor the pa ® -uage s liberally bestowed upon ,«liul&aB 1 ■'> a generous public, nt ins Hotel at Dahlohuega, respectfully inlorms his old j rons and the public generally, 'hat he has recently '-r —-J - UP 1,-NTRBT*ia I MRRiT ,n lhe j commodious House lately owned by Robert Ligon, at Leathers Ford. Where he will spare no pains to I der comfortable , all who may favor him with a call. XJ’He also informs the Citizens of Lumpkin and the adjoining counties, that his SA AV ; and GRIST MILLS, on the Chestatee River, late! I owned by Rub, it Ligon, are now m excellent order and ready for'he punctual despatch of any orders in i this line of his business. JOHN O. BRACKEN. j August 27. —2fi —ts. Paper Making. The undersigned have lately purchased of AA’hite man A Lones, theii several PAPER MILLS, near Knoxville, Tenn and are now piittiug up very ex i tensive and ENTIRE NEAV MACHINERY lurtlie Manufacture of Paper, 1 AA'hich will be in full operation in a few days.— They ere also manufacturing PAPER constantly at the Holston Mill, in Grainger county, where the de mand at present can be supplied. They hope from close attention to business t<> still retain that liberal patronage heretofore extended to the Paper Makers of East Tennessee. They will keep constantly at all the Mills a A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF ] PAPER, CASTINGS AND SCHOOL EOOOKS Os every description, to exchange on the most libe ral terms tor R AGS ; 1 And d,» once more rail the attention ot ’be [" "j 1 ; "t !'. nut v-ee and North-Alabama A- the northwestern i part ot Georgia, to be more particular in saving their : RAGS, as they are the means ot then' very existei. e J and we want -t east 50(1,000 lbs. every year. j Orders addressed either to Knoxville or Marshall’s ' I Ferry will be promptly attended to SHIELDS, WHITEMAN A Co. Jan 18 I VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. 9 OFFER tor sale lot number 264, in the 7th district ot the Ist section. This lot ut land is situated on the Toccoy river, and is of the richest quality, with arge improvements. Persons wishing io purchase can call on Isaac N. Grier, «ho lives near the land, or on Allred li- Holt of Dahlohnega lor the t- rtns. I I ASSES LEWIS. C > in > is, October 29th 1831 —31--4-—stn» STOLEN. tNRO.AI Eh McConut >l's - able inFberok-’Ccounty, on the night of the 12'h inst.. a so>rel ma: e a 'b mt five vears old, with old shoes. I wi.l g:ve a liber h! reward tor the marc and thict, or lor the mare aln- c and all reasonable < xj-euecs pu;J. Any mformaUon res eitr g s H ,,t i;.are will be thankfuiiv received by the 'Ubscriber near Lawrenceville or to Eli McCon , r.cl, in Cherokee county. The public are refpeci lulty re< uistcd to be in making enquire about said ■mare. AA .M. BAILEY. Oct. 15—33—2 t FOR SALE. A NF.GRO women and her daughter about 3 ,IgW. Vt ars old. a~d n» " .-on almut nee years of age, ai jk.ielv', to-particulars, apply at ibis oKce I>. A. WILD.S. ; FASHIONABLE TAILOR. j KESPECTFULLY informs the citizen ofMurray ' county, and the public, generally, that be has located himself at Poinsett, where lie designs carrying on the TAILORING BUSINESS, it its various branches. He hopes that promptness with despatch will insure him a liberal patronage. His work wil. at all times, reccommend itself. 1 August 2—24 I I MATHEWS & CANDLER, ATTORNEYS AT Z.AW AVE opened an Officetit Auiaria, Lumpkin coun ly. Air. Matthews having resumed the prac tice of the law, ie now making arrangements to rem. ve Ins family to Gainesville, where be will spend a consi | derable portion of his time. Lette s on business ad < j dressed to the above Firm at either place, w ill be penc-1 j tnally attended to. They will attend the courts ot the > i AV’estem and Cherokee circuits Mr. Candler will re i main constantly in Auraria, wnen not ->n the Circuit. , I °_ ct - 22.—33—4 l : "TO' SSoiSKABiBS? i ; r&jAHE Subscriber will give constant ernploymt ci i«. j M three or four Journey men Shoe and Boot Mak < ! era, and the highest orices given. i AMOS T- LARD, i 1 Auraria, Oct. I.—3l—tf. I VA LU ABLE LAND FOR SALE. j ibscriber offers for Sale thatvah [ tjgSSregte' 3 ualde lot of land with an improve] ment of TO acres, under good fence, and ' good cabbins thereon, known ns No. 19; TGth District and 3rd Section, origialiy Cherokee now Cass county-upon very accomodating terms. Apply to the subscriber at Jefferson Jackson county. SYLVANUS RIPLEY, May 3 --11-Ms GOLD LOT FOR VLS. TSI HE subscriber offers for sale, under a power o. JeL Attorney from the owner. John Bush, Lot No . 791, 12tb District, and Ist Section. For Terms apply j to him at Dahlohnega. JOHN CHOICE. . Sept. 3.—27—4 t NOTICE. PUBLIC notice is hereby given, that I have this day revoked and made null and void a certain | power of att rrmy and bond, made by myself, to one Amos I aid, to ake titles in my name to lot num- I her 578, ic the 12th district of the Ist section, as the j consideration for which papers were given is about t 0 f a i|. THOMAS JACKSON, j Sept. 10—28—3 t. i NOTICE. 1 HEREBY caution all persons from trading fur a noted hand, drawn by \\ m. Hansell, in favoi of Ij O. Bracken or bearer, for seventy live dollars, dat ed about the sth inst , aad payable one day after date. As the same was lost at this place on yesterday. Any person finding said note, and returning it to me, i shall be liberally rewarded. RODNEY WHEELER, ’ Leather’s Ford, Lumpkin county, Ga. Sept. 18—30—ts. TAKE NOTICE. THAT I do hereby caution and forwarn all per sons Iroin tresspassing in any way whatever, on liny lot of Gold Land, number 995, in the. 12th district J fthe first section, situate and lying tn Lumpkin coun !ty (formerly Cherokee) under the penalty d the law. JAMES M. BRAWNER I Oct. 29—34-5 ’ LAND FOR SALE. ' HE snbecriber oilers for sale, lot rumbe 3(1, in S ihe 16th district of first section, Li mpkin coun ' ty; the above lot is second quality with an improve ! ment oi ten acre.- v ith good Icnceing, a >y person ■ wishing to purchase said lot v. ill apply 'o the subscri t her at Cedar Town Post Office, Paulding i mint v. Ga LEONARD IL WALTHALL. Notice. WILLIAM B. Hl BBARD is duly constitute & appointed my agent, for me and in my nam e to collect and receive all my outstanding, unpaid and unliquidated demands in this neighborhood. ' All persons indebted to the subscriber, either by j note or b nik account, are requested to call upi.n him 'at Aurarin and make immediate payment to him. S. T. ROWLAND. | Auraria Nov. 12—36—ts. NOT ICE. iDO hereby forwarn all persons from trading for a promisury note given by myself to Jesse Carrol, I tor rent, payable in corn at two barrels per acre, it being for the rent of part of lot number 1178, in t> e j 14th district oi th Ist section, and, as the considera lion for which said note was given, lias altogether , failed, in consequence of which 1 am determined not Ho to pay the said note unless compelled by law, i ' IRzV WALDRLP. ■ N. B. According to the best of my recollection the ‘aliove named note is due on the first of November ;1834. j Nobember 12 -36—ts. NOTICE. /Eto all officers in the Indian I>»- ,nn> and o ners ■ whereas hi the year 1832. I gave a power ol |a>t„rnev to Alexander Me- oy, ot the Cnerck Na ; tion, to’ collect from the Government of th U.nted Slates moneys due me tor rbindoned Improv m»nts, Hinder the Treaty of 1819. Notice is hereby given I hat said power oiattorney is henceforth revoi ed, and any moneys j aid, by virtue of said letter of ar >rney, is unauthorize v me. 1 ' EDMUND DUNCAN, j ; n-.3—,1 .• GEuilGi GiLMJLR COl NI Y <" 1 IDEON BMITII, of ’he th Di. ir ct. GM ; M toll-i< or< . .c, one Imn (ir: , are, n.ne ~r iU [ y ars old; tliineen or fourteen hu us high; appeared ! by Thomas . Smith and 11 K. Quillian, ,o t..rty del ■ lars, 2“t!i Nov. 1834. ) STEPHEN GRIFFErII, J. 1’ i A true extract from the l.strav Book. C. A. ELLINGTON, c. 1. c. D-'. 17 I ADMINI.n i RA 1 OK’S DALE. aa’ILL be sold, on Ist Tuesday in February next ] < ▼ >t Dahlohnega, Luinpkm connty, (oer. ! bet w. , n the u- ial hours of sale, ah the property fie- 1 longing to the Estate of Hardy M. Rodwell, deceased, i consisting "f two Negro (tirl-, on- about 18 ye ars of J age, and ihe other about 12 or 13yearsofage . together ! with the K itchen fur 'tme. Sold fur the bceiefit of' the heirs oi said < e ceased in compliar < • w ith an ordei ■fthe Interior t’ourt of Lumpkin county. Terms F. R. McCRARY, Adm’r Dec. I.—3B—td». STOLEN" : BN R< )M my T rank on th>- nigh' of (he 7th inst. the ' followin'? promrsory Notes, to wit : Two .ia..e ] : 01-,n .1. Gardner for thirty dollars eaeb, pivable' t.> John ( hoice N Co. due out-. ay afterdate, a <! dated , I sen c »ime -ebout the 1-t ol Se. ternber last. One on 1 Robert Morrison for nine dollar- mid fi tv <■ nts. pava- • , file toj -hn Choice and Co. due one day after date-j thereof, date not re collected. One on How ard i.'oun I •,1 for >3 1-2 cents pavable, to John Choice .v co ; - date not reCuiiT'.d, toge her with various receipts; and accounts. The makers of toe abov notes are' toiwarned paving them tn anv o. e exr,- t m.s.-lt , John ( hoicu, us we aft the' >er:,i hulcer? ’ •><•:<• 4. i W. r .'TH AN GE. ! 2 1 —4? —?! Pfiffcon MINING COMPANY. IN CONF UiMITY with an Ac; entitled “an Act to Incorporate the Pigeon Roost Mining Compa ; ny, of Lumpkin county,” Books of Subscription wiil be opened for Slock therein, as follows, viz .- AT AUGUSTA, ou the 15th of January, and be kept open for three days. AT SAVANNAH, on the 21st January, inst. and bo kept open for two days AT WASHINGTON, ” dkes county, on the 27th January, and be kepi open for wo days. AT ATHENS, Cla.k com.ty on the 30th January, and be kept open two days. XT MILLEDGEVILLE, on the 3d day of Februa- ' ry, and be oj en three days. j AT MACON, on the 7ih day of Frebruary, and be ; kept open two days. v AT COLUMBUS, on the 12th day of February, and j be kepi open two days. AT AURARI A, f:om the present time until the 16th ( January, for a limited number of Shares.- } AN AGEN’ 1 ’will atieud at tl.e above nnffied times I and places, ai d Copies of ihe Charter am! Ccnstitu-' ? mn of the Company wti; be furm.-hed fort the satis ( fac’ion of those who may wish to subscribe tor Stock, j Shares, One Guttdred Dollars each, 25 per cent, only j. required in advance By order of 'he Directors, i J. R, CAIN, Sec’y. ) Jan. 3—4l—tf. BRUCE’S I New- York 1 ype Fo undery. HE subscribers fespectlullv inform ths Printers that they have recently completed a variety of new fonto of letter in ine style of the latest European Specimens, veil calculated fur ornamental printing or tasteiu- display, and making their assort ment ot PRINTING TYPES unrivalled in beauty, ] extent and variety , A book of specimens m ybe ob , tained at the Foundry, No. 13, Chambers Street, near Chatham street, or at No. 18 City Hall place. It con tains specimens from Twelve Line Pica to Pearl, com prising 45 tontsof Roman Caps with lower case 25 “ Italic do do 5 “ 'l'itle Roman do do 5 5 “ Title italic do do 1 5 ‘‘ Shaded Rom. do do 5 : 17 “ Antique do do 12 “ Black do do 3 5 “ Open Black do do 5 ‘‘ Script do do 5 “ German Text do do 2 “ Opet-Text do do 25 ” Two line Rom. Caps with figures: 11 “ Two Line Italic Capitals. K i 10 “ Shaded Capital' ot various kinds. 6 “ Open do do . 7 “ Dalian Capitals and figures, _ I Besides Ornamental Letters, Backslope, Music, Lot tery Figures. Piece t ractions, Superiors, Agronomical and other Signs, Spa«:es Rules, Brass Rub s. Cn uamen- I ted Dashes, Long Braces, more than 2VO kinds of Borders, anJ more lO'-O kinds of Cuts a. d t.-rnaments : for s< hool books, newspapers and sciei-lii'.c works: osr i der.s for ary which. • r ! r Conposii.g - ick .Case— I Chases. Kc. will be ceciiie.G vv ith ti ■ , s promp, | titudi —a large st. ck bem-.’ a way' The Will also »xt ~t<- orders i.-r P-mtr.g Presses, . Paper ink, &.c. which tiiev will fur is; at tin- manu . lacturer’s prices. Printers ot Ne spa.ersvih ( -<as, ( üblirh this sd vertisi merit (with this tiolv) wree times, eending a a pt r containing it to ihe Foundry, and receive p ymeut when thay purchase iuu. 'i..h s <h, amount oi liiuir ' bill from the Foundry GEORGE BRUCE A Co. j Naw York. Jan. 24, 1935 i J PBOPOSALS i kor Publishing tn the Town of I’ Alabama, a Jlfcldij Newspaper. to be entitled the VV £ UUMKA GAZETTE. FHIHE Subscribe! proposes publishing in I « V»etumpka, Alabama, a weekly newspaperun i der the above title. The town being si'uated at the ' head ot’ steamboat navigation on ihe Coosa River, ano i the prospect of its becoming a place of considerable I business induces the belief i at the establishment of a Printing Press n that place will be advisea'ldf. The objects oi 'he Gazette v.ill be to disseminata ■ correct ane useful information, and to sustain 'the rights and intercs s of the citizens of the State of L Alabama, and of ttie United States, The Gaz> tte will not be the organ of any faction, or the tool of anv 1 piity, but will at a i times, be open to the tree, fuH , i and lair diseussio ui ail political questions vv Inch may ' agiti’.ite the mix- - .f the j.cople. In the caaseofna .: tional liberty again t - narchy ami misrule, Ihe Pro t prietor wil! pursue w naiever course he deems consti tutional e.xpedn . and just according to the dictates ) of his best jud-one ..t ,! A suinma y view ot all i portant events, happening r I in any part <> >he United Simes, and a eiimmnry ot ! all Fort ign ■ < mestic Lt-d.-ince, whetbt r civil lor poiiiica med to b« ot an interesting oi u por lant charai < v ■■■<. ther-.vill a collect account • he Mark't in t.. . e and i the principal ets in li.is t mon . e gi-. ■ kl> ’t will it. 1 e endeavor " ■ iiii'i I. ’ .inisl. ispairons wiln I! all import on ■ and every subjec t calci.lut- ,t. ben nepub .c in to pn •■. tin m th such 'I • : rgiiial ued • iected ai • c ies as i. < ieOI '• u struc- ■ I'iveori-t. rti. mng i IL .so pucg*:» ninjili )to spai't i: x r'lons ■ . ins ; ait t r nder t ..izi ite ; worth - , ' . patronage < an enlightened ana generous cjtntnui.ity. i TERMS. IThe Gaz r tTi ill a issued on tin first o’ Decem ber x ai 'I r« 1 ><•: a. •f i r anmim m adv.im ,of i D liars ;.t t-r • m.i ot th‘ y> r Adver- j t'Scim uts wili be i. ■. <. at the lau < ;■ < s HL.NRt I.’JON. I H ctur. ; .'J.'ut’a;. January 1. I - I PKk SiJvC I’l OF IHE ILLL EG RAPI I, I JA WEEKLY lAPER PUBLISHED IN DAEHN AT rriREE DOtLAKS PEI. ANNUM, BY NATHANIEL M. CAULDER. i Z* feb'R first yea; has near ly close.!, and as yet. u e i w “ ~«ve never c one before the public with a re gular prospectus. Our vi. ws it is true have been ■' briefly set forth m the fir-t numb* r <>f ■ nr paper, bu ' its circulation, a! tnat early period was ot nrse, ve ry limited, and (Ley con.d not be very widi dissemr inated. Under these circumstance s, pies< uiing out Prosiiectus, it is but right that we should, in as few words as practicable, reiterate t! e Our Country, our S'aic- a d our Home, have an equal claim, aucl 1 lheir several and united mUreet, it .shall ever be our i aim to promote. The general politics of our beloved country, shall ! -iccasi niallv occupy our columns, but as Editors, we, i disc land all , ohtical party connections. A strict and I u deviating ue.utrali'v, shall al waj s charac terr3<- our writings, for reasons which are good, and substantial. I Our pafrona and friend, are fi und among th< ■> < f ’ both par'i' -. ami it ih at their euggeenon, v » c, neert ] to pursue this course, lor the estabhehtm-r t ot ilrepa -1 uer is desired bv all, amJ tould not ue suntuii.ud ex 'cept by a Union of both Ti.us then, we aw engaged land to ow friend- ot both parties, to ourpAfrOuß, and Ito the public- we pledge our best, and moei nnrem". 1,-d c xeruooe, to tender ours, a uset"!, enlerraitmg I l.iU l:.te uc.lag ,'<> rl. Subscribers .ccvt. ed at .h.- -flue. a- he Dar it.n F3-J A"er. v.Aj... w 'JUilv .- n.