Miners recorder and spy in the west. (Auraria, Lumpkin County, Georgia) 18??-????, January 30, 1836, Image 3

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qaUttena odoi* lions, .hen, «!£•'»« " , b ' <<«h..n<able to paoae a r™*" ll "> »lier„ati»o wh.ch such a atatef 'Sa? «'’“ ld P rea,! "' • Come wha®‘VJb« wp,arv ‘’ ,on wh ’ ch France demandj d neveibe accorded; and no ar mament, and at adistance r °n otf fioa»', will, I trust, s e ter us from <fliar^in{'«h 0 duties whirls we •**, to our national character ' 'and' to th*or]d. ‘ The fuse of ppresentatives, at the close of the la s*-ssion»f Congress, unanimously feselvfcchat th»ea'y of the 4th $f July., ' 1 1831, shld bemtntaieed, and its execution insistel 'he tailed States, It is due to the weiftf«>fthe bmaii race, not less than to our o*H interest and honor, that this reaolutinaiould, mH Hazzards, be adhered • to. Ifaf'er so an example, as that Amerian People during their lone -nracted dijfiJties with France, of forbe*" 0 * under of gene* l ’ confidence ir>her ultimate return t<< justi, she shall now be permitted to withhold froo* ’he tardy and imperfect indemnification wht, “fief years of remonstrance and dtacus sjU(«ad at length been solr.mofy agreed on by i treaty of 1831, and to set at naught thqiligation it imposes, the United States ” "whir not be the only sufferers. The j-fforts ofhnirpnity and Aeligion, to substitute. the appeals of justice »nd the arbitrament of reason for 'he coercive remedies usually resorted to by*injured nations, will receive little encour- Ogeaien' from sudi an issue. By and enfotcement'of such lawful and expedient * measur as may be necessary to prevent a result so injurious to ourselves and &o fa'al to the hopes of the philanthropist, we shad * therefore not only preserve the pecuniary * interests of ourTitiz-ns, the independence oi our Government, and the honor of our country but do much, it may be hoped, to vindicate • the faith of treaties, and to promote the general ' interest* of peace, civilization, and improve- , * enU ANDREW JACKSON. WaBHIN«toX, Jan 15,1836. v Internal improvements. .. GEO KGB KAIL KO AD. . We are indeed gratified to find that the rail ’ road now in from Augusta to We inte rior or the slaretis becoming more anymore popular, and that *hc stock of the company is acquiring additional value. This gratification ie founded on the*le»irc toseeihe road comple ted, and in full ofier4ion, affording S| safe convenient, and eipedilious conveyance for the transportation of produce io market, aud giving to the citizens an agreeable and speedy mode ofttavelling. Uethereforc wish success to the company. 'The Georgia R »il Read Campany havei Accepted the act of the last legislature, granting them banking Dowers and privileges,and book* are shortly to bej>pened, lor the purpose of carrying into P*U* ers granted oempany. Jodg.ng by ’he good opinion entertained of the slock, we believe that the additional quantity t« be subscribed for, will be rend-.ly taken. And why should 11 not 1 It i« well known to our readers that we were decidedly spposea to g> anting broking powers and privileges to rail road companies, "e believed that such a connexion could not he ante, and wuuld produce serious evils, net only to the companies possessing such powers, but to the state at larjw, by the circulation of. the paper money. A/ilie time we gave our realms for this opposition, we now say th it we are mill opposed to the connexion, and that the ' leg.alsture, instead of gran'ing hanking powers and privileges, should hive opened the. vi ilto ‘ of the Central H-dk >o the two riqj| road companies. —the (Aorgta and Central, —and let them take a* much mnney would have been io need of to c.xnpleto iheir reaper- A 4l rc roads, t B«rt the legislature did not ’niiik ■ proper to du so ; the legislature preferred io > grant banking powetsand prwdeges. V c are then obliged to prosecute the works roniem platod with banking powers our opposition . must cease for » while, and we must give cur feeble assistance in the completion of works which cannot fail to he of immense ben. fit io the stile. In the meantime the hope must be aater’.amed, that those who will have’he dime tien oi the banking operations oi the company will take prudence for. tieir guide, and will . au »aet as to rtndsr tho-Jt bunking operatnlis useful to the company, and to the community. Vi e believe that h'e company wid prudently •ct, because ph<e ■ ' the h?a<k«>i their banking operation*. tneaAof undoulwd financial talent«, of rrnut end foresight in business transactions, mdof known Mitt gaily. c a*a * And why ahfnld not th. rail road realize the •n 1 icipa*ions ol its frienes, and the stock be a profitable one I In lhebrat place, this rail road is to pass through Some of the most populous aud wealthy counties of the srvte, a: d are to extend to counties eq atU cotton, grow iQ> " October " me . « s' er The ion wiU pleea* . . their < u» to county of branches It I uMW 11 n road ’ w>th we suould F B l ‘of » ( H,tK*e. upqsi be in foil °> M ’ r V runn4. fmu ; objects mu?* l , A ol ,<le r *‘* a,ter c ® m P ,e ' br.nc*’ ’- - ” Junk's lt£?* rd ®>‘ J * ,he •’» terestuf t:ie <qer..u-»e by hums* 0 t ® |,e *k«y ftt ’‘ * l 13,1 'flr.e tut best tater< l 3! 'of the stockholders both interests are identified and cannot be separated, without injury to either. We have confidence tn the manage ment of the concern’ of the company ; our citizens entertain the same opinion ; it is to be hoped that none will be disappointed. Georgia Constitutionalist. R£Coai>Ei: aad spy. TH. 11. GATIKRIGHT, Editor. DAHLOHfIEGA, JAN. 30. 1836. FOR PRESIDENT, Martin Van Buren. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, Kichaid JI. Johnson. Lumpkin Mountaineers. It is with me greatest pleasure we announce the formation and organization of a Volunteer Company of this County, to aid our distressed fellow citizen of Florida, against the Seminole Indians. The company has chosen the fol lowing gentlemen as officers to command it, to wit: Josiah Shaw, Captain, Nathaniel B Harbin, Is Lie Henant, Y\ illiam Darick, 2nd Liemenant, and William M. Shaw, Ensign. We understand Capt. Shaw, h-.s notified his Excellency the Governor, that his C< tspany is now ready to >i a ch at a moment’.' warning. We aLo leam that the Volunteer ' Rifle Company of Hall ( oun'y, has notifieo the Governor of its readiness to assist Florida. We cannot withold a tribute of praise which we conceive is Justly due to the magnanrmty and patriotism of the citizens of this Country lately from Tennessee. Every Tennesseean with but few exceptions young and old, to our knowledge, have, with a patriotic spirit worthy of imitation, boldly and fearlessly tendered their services to Florida. Seveial Tennes seeans now in our neighborhood, upon a tra ding expedition, have joined the Company ' with a full determination of serving a toui before they return to their homes aud families in Tennessee. The following gentlemen have been elected to the Senate of the United Slates, to wit; Robert J Walker, from Mississippi, Robert C. Nicholas, from Louisiana, W. D. Ewing, from Illinois, all Van Buren, which gives to the administration party in the Senate, including Mr. White, a maj iri y of i two If he is ami administration, then the * Senate is equally dtvid'-d, 24 & 24, Mr. Van > Bantu, havinir tli« casiinu voie. giu«u a majnr ' ity to the Administration. The Special JlesNage. We puldisii, in another column, tha Presi dents Promised Special Meesage, to bodi branches ot our National Legislature, upon our diffic dues with France. It will be cb served that the President still maintains, with j hn accustomed firmness and decision of char acter, the positions heretofore assumed by him upon that s ibjnct. Contrary to ihe ex pectaions of a few res'less party demai’ouges, lie Message*Uuc. not amellso strong of wai as was anticipated. YY e perceive hum the documents a-companving tins Message, which will appear in out next, iha- the D-.ke de Bro . 'he llinl’l''', Hlinouncsi lo Bar i ton, our late t barge de Affairs at France, that hts Government is r» udy to pay the indemnity noon the condition, which Ins Government assumes the right of dictating, that the Gov ernment of th' U. S. djdare "th it it never en , tered into its mientention to call in question the good fat'h of the Fiench Government, nor io take a menacing attitude towards France; and that if the Government of ihe U. States does not give this assurance, his Government will be obliged io th.ttk that this misuuderstan i ding is 00l the result o* an err>r.” From this it ts readily perceived that the Guver; meat of the United Stales h.is but 'wo alternatives leit her. She must either mld to the dictation ot Fr-«ce, by making a degrading apology for the assertion of her righ's, or retort, in order to ma ntam her national d-gni lv even at the hazzird of war to a *y-tem of reprisals. But ll is, however, the opinion of some of o' r lead ng politicians, that the q-ies ! tmn will yet bo settled to the entire s.Tisfae ■ non of both Countries, without a resort to harsh measures. —son — TBS INDIAN WAR, Up to <>' r late-t dates from Florida, nn new engagement h’d occurred, since that reported io our list. It is saij that several hundred Negroes and Creek Indians have joind the Seminole Indians, snd that thev are supp« rted a.th arms and amuniiion from the West India Island*--probsblv bv 'he Cuba fishermen,, who swarm oumterrupaedly along 'he shore. i The “SoH/iern Recorder" vs th, 26 h mat. > «>vs. “YYc regret to learn th d a YVagon load nf arm*. *ent t>v the Govern r some time ago fi r he ’»e ot the ci xeus of F.arlv. and the • dp..u<i g counties, have been m ercepted. and fi *-e fallce Hilo the hand* ot ine < reek India os- We umierstind that although thev used L.c wugetrars nt’h «-’mc vnlenc?. yet they did nut carry it to the exlent of murd< r. The same paper also says, “Orders have been isued from the Executive Department t to the proper militia officers, making a re- s quisition of thirty-five hundred men, to be ' drafted from the Ist. 2d, 3d, sth, 6th, Bth, r 9th and 10th divisions, to be held in readiness : for immediate sc-' ice, upon the order of the v comm mder-in-chief. Ihe other divisions of t militia have been excepted from the draft on r account of their remote locality. Ih p icqui- i sition will take about every tenth man.’ 1 The “Macon Telegraph,” of 21st inst. says. '» “News arrived in Town yesterday of two £ men being killed in Baker co-by a party of 40 or 50 Creek Indians, and seveial others wounded. We have wot time to state parti culars. It thus appears as though the Creeks and Scminoles were acting in concert in their sav age warfare. i for the miner’s recorder. t Dear Sir, i' Bv an insertion of the enclosed Receipt, /' yon w ill confer an especial favor upon one who ' < has been forced to accept in his peregrinations , of Tavern Slops, or to adopt the alternative | of dr nking nothing; and entitle yourself to j he gratitude of A LOVER OF GOOD COFFFE. I Receipt lor making Colicc, If you are not TOO saving. Toast or Parch your Coffee slowly to a deep brnwn not quite black—stir it constantly and briskly or it will burn—grind it coarse —for each person who is to brealast or sup, one large table spoon heaped with Coffee—mix | well with the white of an egg—(one egg will clarify Coffee enough for 12 persons) for each spoonfull one pint of water —boil briskly to three gills. Tavern Slops are made with half or less than half the quantity of Coffee, as their pil-) lowreea are half or less than half the size of well grown pillows. •" I House of Representatives. ) January 6, 1836. I Sir Will you be so good as to inform me, j whether under any of the exis'ing laws of th° United Stales with the Creek Indians, you aie authorised to retain from their annuity, any I moneys which may be nee s«ary tn reimburse the citizens of Georgia, for spilatinns commit ted by them during the year 1835—if not, be pleased io give me your opinion as ’o the best mode to bo pursued hy such injured citizens ' for a redress <»f grievance?. Respectfully, your obedient snrv,?.T’, JESSE F. CLEVELAND. 1 Hon. Lewis Cais, Secretary oj If ar. "ar Depart.m E< r ’ ? January 9, 1836. S Sir I have had the honor to your letter of the R'*» !, '-vtant, on ,l ~ —object of the J injuries committed ag unst certain citizens bv 1 ; the Creek Indians, ami asking information as to the mode by which redress can be obtained. i On adverting to a letter, written by the act ing Secretary ul War, of July 28'h, 1835, I , find H suggested, these cases come within the provisions of the Intercourse Act of lune 30th, 1834, and consequently, that the amount, on > the prod iction of the proper evidence, miy be deducted from the annuities pay tble tn the s Creek Indian-*. t \Y Hhwui going info anv other question con ce mog l e local ex ent of that act, I would . observe, th it inis d'-partmen' was under a mi«- appreh'-nsion. which it is proper I should take t the first opportunity of correcting. I do not , cons.der that (he provisions of the 17th seitmn ( of the above mentioned act embra e the den redations commuted by the Creek Indians of Alabama. The injuries provided for in that act, must l»e commuted, euher in the “Indian i country,” or by Indians “who shah pass from • the Indian county into anv state or territory >n abi cd yci iz*na of the Uni'ed Staffs.” &. • The laws of the State of Ai-i.i-ma i>-vtng been extend' d over those Indians, the dr*>n< t in habited by them ins eras* d t > In Indian coun try. Th»-v are inhabitants of the S’afe nt A labam i, sut ject, like all other pi r$ n> living , within r»jurisdn tion to the opeiatu-n of it* laws. You will perceive, by adverting io the Ist section of the above mentioned a- i, ih . this view of the case is cor fii med Th- Indian country is described to be “ail that part of the United States&c. not wi h»n any ''late <o which the Ittdt in iHlo his not been ,-x in . . gunned.” &•-. In Alabama, the Creek title as wrigm Hy held, has been in ide, in 'On’ormi’v wuh the treaty ot cession, to individuals. j she ii le of individ als, to these separate tracts is not the Indian mle hete desbnbed The latter is descriptive of the unci oed coun try. The case of the cit'Z*n« of Genre;* who have been injured bv the Indiana, is not pro. vidcd lor, alihongh it is a veiy rec di tr < ne, and, cetlainlv calls for i proper c« i-i dcrati' n. The pre«ent condition of the CrccK Indians '« not within th" contern. '.s’ n of the law, al though the tribe is very numer . is and a< tuallv hv ng togeiht r with a I those h i its w' i-h ren der l‘i»-m d mgernos t<» oi.r <>w i ,-i;iz> n«. Non the iheory of their situation is, th t they ar citiZer « <•!' Alabama and under 'he .irdmarv opera rnof hs la* «. A* t- w» l| x' own. ines laws are frequently in*<-ffi tent m -ff rd d e protection, and the <r ly remeev l« ft for the i-arties, i« an -pphcatiua t*» Congress fur such rel es as miy he deemed proper. Y our mo* i-bed ent servan LEWIS CASS. lion J&R3X F. Clf.vf lv xd, l/r.-s- of [From the Savannah, Georgian, Jan. 18.] A letter from Capt. Stephens of the Savan nah Volunteers at Ptcolala, dated 14th inst. states that as the term of service of »he Vol | nteers will expire before the next boat ar rives there, some will be obliged, from in aerioos engagements, to return. He does not wish an entire company, but express a desire that a detachment of volunteers, with two more pieces ol art tilery, w'juld be sent by the next boat. He wishes more mon, because tiie necessity of being constantly oti guard to prevent surprise would exhaust (he diminish ed number of men left. The following Letter speaks for itself-. TO THE EDITOR T h e GEORGIAN. Str—As much doubt seems to exist abroad' .is to the present condition of Florida, arising from 'he indefinite ai d often contradictory statements of the public prints, a plain state ment of facts Feems necessary, to brine that assistance of which we really stand in need of. The inhabitants of the whole coun try of Alachua, have abandoned their once ■uifonable homes to the ravages of the mer ciless Savages, and are confined in temporary forts. Women children (as I have heard from good ■authority,) owing tn close confine ment and waler, are dying day and night They resired to these places with hardly pro visions enough to keep themselves alive, and must soon be, if they are not already, in a st irving condition, wnhont the possibility of ol aiding themselves. They must receive assistance from otners or perish. The Indi ans are rat.gi'-g the Country without moles ' union. Gen. Clinch, whose whole force on the llih inst. consisted of 250 Regulars, is i unable to do more than keep a Company al I Camp King, and the rest at Fort Drane, to protect the hundreds es Women and Children, which have fled to him for safety, leaving th i comrv open to the ravage’ll of these Savages. They have the whole sweep from Musqoito it« the Nation, taking horses and th se ne groes that they cannot arm, to carry provi sions amongst their tribe. Why has not a | Company of U. S- Troops been stationed at Picolata and spring Garden, to slop all this! and at Picolata, where there has been the whole stock of provisions for this warfare, and , ihe good Volunteers from Savannah, have been the means of aavmg all, as when 1 left, a few da\s ago, they were prowling all around and thre Hfui <g what they cin get force to gether. And onw my good Citizens only { nine of the present Company intend le iving iai the expiration of their time ; which will be I to morrow, can I not raise a few more good I resok' e f< Hows to return with me in the > ea ter Florida to protect the frontier. If we -Hlow it to tie earn, d the I’dims m one «ei k it er w 11 I >v every «e‘liema t on the river in ashes, aud God kuuws the number of Chil- and YVomen exposed to the scalping knife. Tiie’miT**' • * ,,fc ’>nab!e to pi o ect the llliin y -aeiiis which are abandoned with ,i, exception of mandarin from Picolata to J-1< k-ouviik, and unless aid is received they all must suffer. The state of this whole sec ( tion oi tiie cetin v ie d j lorable, the Indians not content wuh possessing Alachua, have ex i tended thnir ravages to tue adjoining counties o! Musquito, St. Johns and Duval, Lving waste ihe plantations and carrying off the Ne groes, as by pretty accurate calculation they lisvc 460 negroes wuh them. From Mr. Forrester’s plana ion on the St. Johns, at i Spring Ghden they got 194 negroes. AH ■ Communication i* stopped, no person dare travel a mtle trim these forts or rather these dungeons, for dungeons thev are. Gen. Clinch will not, I am assured, move ’ from he F<>rt until he receives ah.rge additon toil..- force ol Regular troops. In the mean time tho Indians may lay all the places in ash le-. witho jli, I think it would he folly fnr Gen Chnch to atiempi any attack <m the Indians ai present, and if ho can hold his posts win re he nows is stationed it will be as m ,ch ar he cm do. The vigorous fought ha'iie at ti e With lacoochy showed she inef ficiency of the Regulars to contend with this d- terntined and blood thirsty set. Arms and ammunition, we have I 'hink a plenty, but it any Volunteers havo good guns, I would ad- ■ vise 'hem to take them and report them«elve« at J - ks'inville, Picolata, or to Gen Clinch at F *rt Drane. The cot.s'ant stale of alarm, and the truly distressed condition of our Jriei.i s i i Alachua, we hope will immediately re eve tha' a tei t nso loud y c.i'is tor. My obj- ct hto represent truly the condi’ on ol h * country to those who are readv -»nd will- m.' t i aid us. I forbear full er remarks. Yours, &c. JOHN P. LEVY. On a visit, for a few da»s to his city. SHERIFF’S SALES. Cobb .Sheriffs Sales. ILL Hr fold, on lh»- first Tue-dav in March » » tvetorr the court Imu-e door in the town >1 Marieita, GoLb connty, the following property, to «it: Lot No. 165, 17th District 2nd Section, levied on as the property of ! . A J Sheppard, to ea'■ i y a fi la. i««ued from the Interior Court ot Washington county, iu lav of Jeremiah Kvie *<- co. Ld No 1062, liitii District, 2nd Section, levied •»n as th ■ prop*r'y of VX iil,r>m <J. VVagnon aad James Harns, to sati-ty * fi. f» iMiied from the Superior Court <.i Desa.ti County, in favor of \\ tn. Hnsp<tb, vs Mid defendants. D. MAY, D.Sh ff. I.n 23th, 1834. I nion Sheriti Sales. WM’ILL h < don the n «t Tu*z ! v Ms-eh --11,1 A h-.-Tnanci BUir-vilfe. L -n C- n > • run be usual Hours ol tale, the fob u tog pmc>er fy, to wi*: POSTPONED L-t No. 216 3*h Dis-'., t. t-t «e-.on.ler ej n n a* 'h- penpert . ><ha K. Iln Won. to » |\ a~ ' i-a-i- <’ >r,m a us ers « nr. of Hir-i.f n -- favor John F : rs »a-- Ho .su n |. e v , ..m* lr .d ret uene.; to tn.- bv a C<>rsstab e. I’iHLR p. MrP7N£Y.Ek’’ . 8 «v ta-f * Liiiug»kiii Sheriffs Sales, ¥p&'lLL bo sold op tho first Tuesday in ’ ■ March next, in the town of Dahl ihnega. f.umpkn county, within the usual hours of sale, tho following pioperty, to w it .- Lot No. 45, in the Town of Dahlohnega, levied on as the property of Edney Brown, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued o it of a Justices Court of I.ttmpkm County, in favor of VVlilam H. Ril< y. for the use of 11. W. Kiley, vs. said Edney Brown. Levy made and returned to me by £. W. Cole, L, C. Lot No. 7, in she Town of Dahlohnego, levied on a* the properly->f 11. £ V. Riley, 'osatisfy a fi. fa. issued froni a Justices Court of Lumpkin County, in favor of E. P. H de, vs 11. W. Kiley. Levy made and returned to me by E. W. Cole, L. C. N->. 113, in the Town of Daldohnega, levied On #s -.hr property of William 11. Rily, to satisfy sundry fl, fas. issued from a Justices Court of Lumpkin County, in favor of Jon Humphries for the use of lohn Choice & co. vs Willi -m ll- Riky. Levy made and returned io me by E. VV, Cole, L- C. Frac ion No. 15, 4ih District Ist Sectinft, levied on es the James W hite to satisfy a If. fa issued from the Superior Court of Habersham county, in fa vor of John Headrick, vs. said White. Also, at the same place on the first Tuesday in April next. Lot No. COS, and A. McLasgJdin’s interest in lot No. 716, both in 12th District Ist Secfion, levied ofi a< the propertv of A McLaughlin, by virtnre es a <vrt ga«e fi. fa. fiorn the Superior Court of Lumpkin fOOri. ty, in favor of B. F. Patton. Properly pointed out w the mortgoge fi. fa. One Mulatto Woman by the name of ELIZA, le vied on as the properly of John Ross, to satisfy a Mortgage fi. fa. issued from the Inferior Court of Lumpkin County in favor of C. K. Cessna, vs. John Roas. SAMUEL KING, Sb’ff. January tPth, 1336. Cherokee Sheriff Sales. W/LL be sold on the first Tuesday in Mu-ch next, before the Court House door, in the Town of Canton, within the usual hours of sale, tho following property, to wit. One Negro man named JACK, about forty years of age, levied rm as the property oi Michael Dickerson, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Supeiior Court of Hall County in favor of William Tereil, vs. said Dickerson. Lot No. 1291 3-1 District 2nd Section, levied on as the property of John 11. Hammond, to Satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Inferior Court of Gwinett County in favor ol James McDever tor the use of Edmoud B. Thompson, vs. said i tammoud. Lot No. 760, 21s» District 2nd Section, levied on n* the property of Stephen Bowin to satisfy a fi. fa issued from a Justices Court o, Fayette County in favor of Asahel R. Smith, vs said Bowin. Levp made and returned to me by a Constable Also, at the same place, on the first Tuesday in April next. i.ot No 272, 14to I'isir cl 2nd Sec;ion, levied on ea i < the property of James Gray, to satisfy a Mortgage fi fa i ; issm-d from the Superior Courtot Cherokee Counts, iin favor of Jo lather Johnston, vs. said Giay. Prop erty ppiniedout in Mortgage. • I ' Ole Yoke of Oxen and Cart, levied on as ihe prop -1 , erty of John Black, to satisfy a Mortgage ti. fa. i su» d > from t tie Interior Uourt ot Cherokee County, in javof . of Noble P. Beall vs said Black. Property pointed , out in Mortgage. M. J. CAMDEN. D. Sh’lf. January 28th, 1836. 1— 1— Forsyth Sherilis Sales. IL ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in March 5 » w next, before the court-nouse dooi, in iue town ol Cumming, between the usual hours of sale, ine following property to wit: * Lot No. 352, 3d D.stzict Jat Section, levied on as ? the property ot James Mathews, to satisfy afi fa issued • from a Jusucea Court ol Lincoln Couuiy in tavor ot' / \ Harrison Doughty. Levied on aud returned lo cue by ■ Constable. Also, at the same place, on the first 1 uesday in April next. s Lot No. 77. 3d Dis.net Ist Section, leiied on as the property ul Arcnibaid McLaughlin, to satisfy a Mort gage ti ta. issued hom Forsyth .-superior Court, in lav- r 3 of Benjamin F. 1 atton, vs. said Mclaughliu. J JOHN JOLLY, D. Sb’lT. rj Janaary 27th. 1836. Law Notice. s FNTHE subscriber still continuing to reside in Gains- JL viile, Hall County, aud will devote his entire s attention to the PXJLOTXCE OF THE LAW b in the Counties ot Murray, Gilmer Überoaee. Cas , Forsyth, Floyd and Paulding, ir; ibe Cherokee Circnu, ' in the County oi Cobb, in Hie Coweta Circuit, and in I the Counties oi Hall and Jackson, in the Western Circuit, Ah .business entrusted to him in the above Courts, will be promptly aud taiibfully altenoed to. ' JAMEd A. WRIGHT. t Gainesville, Jan, 26th 18:4*5.—4t42 f M Git- Copartnership of El, £COI.T r -I- * * lue prac.ice oi La-v, .as been dissoiveu by I tne * u. riuiiio Co ambus, Georgia. HOLT & HAVE entered into Copartnership in the practice oi Law, and will atteud all the Courts oi ibn Cheruu.ee, and Had and ilabersuam Courts ot tuo Wsiein Circuit. ALtRED B. HOi.T, ANDREW J. HANSELL. idT* The Whig at Athens—-the Journal £. Recorde; Muieugevilie, the aenuuei Augix-ta, Republican Ba-> va,i . u Mercury Charleston a. C. win give tne abe n - i aertious. 3311 H. & H. Dahiohnega, Ga. January. 1836. | The □ u. rstgued have united in the practic r>€ Law, uncei tue nriu ot COLQLITT, HUI.T at Echo La. They will attei.u U.e Courts ol the Cnatatauochce, and the adjoim g counties ot Coweta Circuit. Also, the L <sr,» >i I4»e udjommg countie-, m Aleabatna. Tbei oitKe is tna- .erctoiure uccupied by Colquitt, Echols <x .iltl.nr. UALTER i . (OLQLIIT. HINE3 iibLr, Jr. JuabPiiLd Echols. Columbus. Ga, Januaiy, 1036—38—20 . b->O Reward. TI.E will give the aho.e reward f. A the appteneusion aud delivery i«, him, at Lab iOnn* ga Ga- •> tor . s .-a e conr.nement in anv Jail »'• ■•- ■° r <aih C rol.ua o< a certain n uiaii-. n gro man r,y t. e name ot JTi.B.aY, or • 2i years old, toriDeil_. ow n< d by Abner F. Ca.dw*!:. | u. ry ie a s out, athle ir, well loukn.g mulatto mui , Im | manners and peiurtus ve y weit upon the Viutia. RICI\HDS PERSSE *a,»T 7- 33