Miners recorder and spy in the west. (Auraria, Lumpkin County, Georgia) 18??-????, January 21, 1837, Image 1

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MINERS RECORDER AND ' ' SPY IN THE WEST. vrn., \v. &ia hiwjmw & st-- ah An 1 id<-;>e.»dem tiepubhcaii Newspaper, Published •t Dt'i.oli ega Lu iipkiu County, Georgia, devoted to the >r .-servati .n of the Union, and Sovereignty of the >.iris. fnesycopuaut 4 no Party—ihesiandeier Ot no Individual —inc fi lend of Jackson. PUBLISHED EVERY SAfURDAt MORNING, By JI. H. PHI vTED By SMUTL TATUJI. Terms —Three Dollars per annum when paid in ad vance .r four dollars, ii not paid until the end of ,U No'paper will be discontinued. hut al the option of the Editor, to any subscriber in arrears. Advertisements anil Job \Vork will be executed at the customary prices. . _ > (’om.n.i'iii-.atio'n to the Editors must be post naio to nlitle them to attention. No subscription received for less than a year. EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS’ DUTY j Notice to Debtors and Creditors to be published! six weeks.—Prince’s Digest, page 157. Ail intended Sales oi goods and chattels belonging I to testa-tors or intestates goods and chattels, shall lei published in tw >or more pu ilic places in the, parish i | coindy] where such effects are to be sold, and in the | gazette, at east forty days before the day of such in tended side — ibid 151. All salesto be between the hours of ten and four j o’clock, and if continued from day to day. notice to be given thereof on the first day of sale— ibid 167. Sales of real property to be or. the first Tuesday in the inoutli, at the place of public sales,after sixty days publication.— ibid 171. Application for Letters of Dismission published six months. — ibid 168. ESTRAYS. To be advertised by the Clerk of the Inferior Court ' Law Notice* OUR Copoii m r >io i« i iis nay, by mutual con sent, A. B HOLT. A J- HANSELL. Attorneys at law. Daldohnega, 15ih Oct 1836. j 0' so ill con i -lie nep :nlio in the Cher .kte, ai.d ine udj .ci nt I'n.iHie of the VV < st.n. Circuit.— Aodie.-s. D Allt-01l < ..GA, I. napkin < inoy, Gn. • AND’ -V. J. H -.N -ELL. Od 15, 1836 23tf The Republican ■siivanmih R. corile Milledgeville Sentinel An ustn, wil. giv- .ne above time m > t lv insertions a>d forward a< i-oums. A. J U NOH E, 1-tsT - r Mis; aid a e< itnin pr rnisorv Note. J made bv itow land Be-.r I. n » d j.av ..bir i<> Jo n T :ials'"u, Jr tun! e .do. e.; by s.ud Rai ton to t: BUb-< rib. r, f>i thirty dollars. bean, g dal ill.- J'.lt’s day ot M-< i’ll an. 'hi t -It > da* ' t I Hut. aft r To’ - pi.blic n e tier, by < nil mJ ag inst tradi g for a.id N tv, and th hiaite' l:o.n piying n to any < nc <x»• p : mysely, as I . m he legal ou n< i o the mme JAMES 11. VVORLI Y. Dec 21th. 1836.- 28tf VrEGRO IS TO BE HIRED, w. If,], nn the first Tn day h Febuarv next, in the T iwn OI DVIH.OHN’H A. I>. 11l ED to the highest bul h r It F'H R Months .6 the NEGROES belo gi' gt the Estate of t LIZ ABf. i'll SMl’l ■ lit. f l.iim.ki c tint) deceased. Terms made L'ii vr on the day B IV. FIELDS, Ad u’r. January 11, 1837 31 td li Ln nd for Sale. r|l H E subscriber off. r ® !o ' s ' l ** l * ,< f‘'ll"iiig Lots <»l land, viz : A LOT OF LIN’D, in Frinkfin < uun v lying 12 mile- Eum of Carnesville and 6 or 7 miles No th ol «’•< F .inklin Springs adj<> nn g Attaway, AdtliTh and miters, cimla time 100 aeieg, about 20 a< es of which is < hared, With a Dwelling llou-e. &c. there >n. Alan—<• O D LOI No 863, 16 h Dis trie’, 2'l Sec ton, Cherokee Tetntury, with Indian improvement*. Also—<• OLD LOT No. 924 17th Ihs trict 2d Section, ( li« r.»kee 1 etn cry. For terms, «pply < n J \ MES WILLING!! \M. Wae't ine’on. «Liti. 3 1537. lw Reuben ’utchison, //?// Jot disco- vs. verij relief an.i John E. Caihoun, } in liavhl <'. • •ib'son & | l.u/np.\/n John i>. Livid*. J Court. AT CHAMSJRS. 19 n i ugu.-t, 1836 IT appearing that John E. Calhoun n-idr> .nt t >| th Male, and al David « . Gib on. it> id. *in lb county and the c. m Him nt having made <.a h ottbes'in.. lit* >r<l-reiithßi a copy o l is Bill be served on Hand C <»ib-~ n. tn person (hi tv dat- br foie the next term ot said Court, a d hit th -aid John E. I's hoini cppri.r and answer said Bill, at th next term of his Court and that a copy ot tlii.- oid.r be pub tshi ti tn some public iiaxette once a mouth L.r three months previou- to s .td next ter t . O H KENAN. J S C. C.C. Ist c IN <. tire- 1 HEREBY forewarn ad infsoiis from trading fur a certain promissory N te made pavabk to Job Butt* uivr t>r Tv . nivtii- Della rs .tit. th. 25th oi J>. comber 1b36 given 0.l I r tilh of <I. lob. r 1.-36. mad< by II P. t.<•< aid psi ri I ami A t .rd Btt scci.ity The not. » ui . bool in horses and the h-mie u uns.win • a d I dont inte >d paying thi note unless co.upviltiM t>y Gw. HAK\Y F ENt.l AND. No*, n, ISM. 21-It. “let THERE EE HARMONY Inth In g s essential —l Ibera lI t Y IN TH INGS NOT essential —c harity in al l.” D.AIILOiL\EGA, LUMVKUW C 'l\\’ VV, GGORGUA, JANUARY 21, 1537. GxJOaiG-XJL h, Gn. rfNHE exercise <>. h * instiimion will be resinned on Monday the 16 h d>y of January, 1837 From the fl -.ttern g encouragement we have received during t i’’ preset)! year, we have made every exertion, and have sm-. < < defl m eitgug ing the services of first rate teachers in the several depar'tiH’nts of the t-i.-iitutmti. The. brmg witli them testimonials of religious < har aeter and literary attainments from m-my <■! the most influential gentlemen in the United States. We have made arrangements to have a Steward’s Hall attached to the I c itinum, at the lie id of which will be Mrs. D’ l " S I E an • Iderlyladv, whose domestic halms and ex perience in the government of young ladies, are verv highly extolled. We have been led to this s’ep, from the ineonvemem e which voting ladies experience m going to ami com ing from their hoarding houses during im lo ment weather ; from the tme ’h'*y lose, owing to the d'»cn ! stir arrangements c.f oihi r houses, n«>f erirrespoi dmg with our own ; lot the sake of having ;dl the young ladies, at all urn. *, m der the stipervtsi ut of the teachers, as many of them ate deposed to m-glect tltetr studies, and become careless of tneir maimers ->ud language when not subjected to such a check; and, finally, the tea< hets cannot feel them selves as responsible for those who hoa«d 'elsewhere, as for hose who board with them We do nm wish to be undevsu) .d as dh iatiug to our patrons, but, r. spe< d’ullv submit t ie above hints to 'heir s .!>• r consideration. A contract has b- en m de tor having corn pit ted early in the ensuing year, a Fem i 6 Gvmunsium. for physical education. Yi.utig ladies wht rnav desire 10 speak th< French I uiguage, -vi|( have u, comm n tdv ti ta.jes ifl’ rded them here Mrs. E’Este was educated in Fram e— is a lady of super, r tv comph-limen's, and speaks French and Eng hsb wiih eq til lacihtv. I lo- I’rmmpal and Ins brothei likewise speak 'be I ingriage. OFFIUi BS. L. LaTA-iTE. I’o :> h < of French, Span sh, Latin, G. rm m. Logic, ditetorie, and B'llt - Leto r~, I listorv, Geogian .y, Arithme nc & A. B WATROUS, A B. Tea her at ('hr tiu.'t. \, .Naim <1 P i| soo y A it momv A'gel r , Geomelty, I r miemi 'rv M r d and lo’ 1 1 1. 1 tii o Pmlosopb\. Jg. . M s I)’E>rE, teacher of Drawing ami P 1 ming m all their branches, and Assistant in French ami Music. V. L \ I A >l'E, teach ir of the Theory and Pruct.ee of Music. TE MS. Element irv pupil.-, per term, S2O A II others, “ “ 25 Bo 'id, including, washing, fuel, candles, &c per month, 10 ML'SH —Piano and Guitar, per term, ea h, 25 Use of Piano, per terin, 3 Drawing, in C rayon or Pencil, per term. 15 Painting, in oil or water colors, per term, 15 l'u io h Latin & Spanish, ea« I) per term. 15 One titli the above firms «<ll tie invariably leqmred in advance. No pupil will lie received for a less time than one term, and those who come aliei the begun ing of a term w ill be charged from the line of entrance, 'mt 1,0 dedu mm will be made for leaving before the end of the term’ anna M LCTAS lE, L. LA I AS I E, Principals- Dec 10 26wt 15.1 u 2 n St ’ayeJ or Stolen, &.'h ,( AI 1 .ie siib-< 1 ibt-r’s planta'l 11 in R < i> Oik e Uouitv, a ema I ba' ’ !, f * I'bnut tour ya s hl. i h tier IN -V-,L J, last spring’s cu t ; .mJ a -tn 1 I son II Wie -aracMSt li rsr, (lax main and mil about four »«'nr«ol.i Anv iidoriiia in dm cted lo tbe -übscriber at D.hiohnc' H Lumpkin (' unty will be ilianktully ren ived, and libcra’h i. wa d- ■ THOMAS J PARK'. Nov. 25th 1836 24tf. For Sale. T '' T 1034. adj . n? »«»»■ j I>.l. 1. g.. o 0 25 JI i M ' * midvr (c nee, also g >od JHSfIA or GOLD. ALSO 722. ° ) which the Mil l.ftw n D .hl.ihnega aud Au aria is -i n i'« I. I’- rfe tn- at ply to G. K Cessna, or to th. s-il.sc th- r. at Dab hm ga J A UES P H\AM s. Notice. FBI HE subscriber have g been called on business B to NF.AA F.UHOI A. informs those who have b> iit so kind as to intros' prot.-s-i • >a busii.e»s to ins car., that ll.eit intr rest* shall till receive pr.. p' at- ' fei'ti >n. Those wh< may wish t< co<ntn>i icate ui hi him on matt, rs c nn. cted with tb< LAVA , or i I a.» s bii'ini s< l" tils . anageme t, ci . d - t,.ug . .M 11 Gatltiighl I ~q ~t Dat.lo, <u A h it I .'rk"i «n will gt»< i. 1 tir pr >’i.- mn. «r forward t <-ir 10m .j.Hiations to the H a ! Quarters ut t>< LutUj'kia Volunteers «t N< w t cho a. GEORGE W. P \SC \t . »Jy<jrnry of Lew. Mirror, SiljE spieadid pat uiiag< awarded to the I’hiladel- R. pltia Saturday Courier, induces tie editors to couitm uce the publication, under the above title, of a quario edition of their popular journal, so long known as the largest Fam ly Newspaper in tli p United States, i with a list oi near TV, L.VI Y-SIX THUL’toANDj .sUiioUuiBEKS. The new tea'urerecently introduced j ot turnishittg i n-ir r-ud-rs ilia new books <-f the bi st ■ literature oi the day .amig proved so eminently suc ees-lu., th.: plan will tie continued. S;x Volumes oi the celebrated writings of Captain Marryati, and sixty tiv- oi Mi BtOi.k’s valuable Letters from Europe, have aheudy been pun.is eu vvithoui itiierieiing with its news and ini'CciiaitetiUS reading. The Courier is the largest arm cheapest tamily newspaper ever issui d in thi-. c. u'dry eoiitaining ar l icles in Literature, Science, ami A.ts; Internal Improvement, Agriculture; in simri ever, variety of topics usual,y introduced into a p b.icj trual. livtun t-JI accounts of sales, markets, and news ol the latest date's. It is pi.blisiied al tit'- low price of §2. For this small sum subscriber: get valuable and entertaining matter, each Week eitougo <> t.ll acomtnon bookoi 200 pages, and equal to 52 voiu .ies a year, and a i.ith is estimated to be read, w.ekly, ny at least two hundred thousand Ibjople, scattered m ail pai ts <4 the country, from Maine to El -r'ma. amt !r..m the sea boaid to the lakes. The paper iiu- been no* so ong established as io render it oi well Known to require an extended prospectus, tile publi.-dn is, tneieiore, will do no more than refer to th. tw leaning .tally political papers of opposite poli tics. i tie Pe msyiva,.i .n says— ‘ The Saturday Cour- j ter is lite largest,and one oi the bcsitamiiy newspapers in t ie Lnio.i;’ the other, the Euquirei and Daily Courier, says —“it is the largest journal published in Philadelphia, and one of the very best in the Uni ed States” Toe New Yolk Star says - “we know of noihi .g tn nc liberal on .he pail ofihe editors, and no m.-a.is im.r.-ctli'. aci us io ui a>v ut lie dot ,iant talents >1 on i minny, .ban then unexampled liberality in ottering .1 erurv prizes,” 1 in; Albany Me.cury of March 16ili, 1836, says— “lhe Sai iiday C mier, is de.-idi dly the beet Family New spa fit i ever published in this <>r any other count ty, .. id i s ,;ue is omy app ec.i.ed by the public, it we may judge iro n its vast circulation, which exceeds 2 S.UOO p< i we< k! Its contents are agreeably varied, a,, i e.icu num >er <oiitaiiis imue ready v.lmible ’rea ding mattei’ .11 • . is . mm hed in a w. ek in any da.iy ~aper i he onion—l s mummoih di.nensums enable its enterprising pioprn tors, Messrs. Goodward A Ci.arke, ol Pni adeljdiia lo re-pulnis:i in itscmUmns. hi t:ie couisv <>l a y ea<, several of the ost i iteresti .g new ». iKs hat issui tropi the bii ish press; wine cannot tail to give o it a permanent niter' st, and ren ■er i. wort,.y oi p. esei v..tion T < tm e. tne msites. iber. toie i s >cii ot heir übset diers as desiie to have thei numbeis bou U, Ui< y nave d. termin- d o issuing an cdmoii ol the U uti > in th. quarto iorm, w nc . w ill re ml er n much mo. e cmivt ui. nt tor reading w lieu it is 0 .u .d i.i a volume, and Uiu* greatly enbanct its value.’’ TUI'. QI AR I’o I DI , ION. Under the t tie of im Philadelphia Mirror, will r oinmeiice ■< ith the pubii. at 0,. . i 1’ ize Tale, to vvmcn was a ame.dtm priZ" oi written by Miss i.eslie, edito ■ f the »;4' mlid A .iial the Token, uiitl a.i ho. of \ ucrican Li eialure. A I "ge number ot songs, poems, la cs, &c. oliered i i Coinpenti n for the ji.rOO dol.ai p mmums, will ald v hie a I interest to the succeeding nu übers, w hi< Ii will aisß be enriched by a story from Miss .Sedgewick, author ot Hope I.' s ie, > he. Linwoods A c , whose talents have been so jus y and extensively appreciated, both at home and ab oud. This a proved FAMILY NESPAPER is siridly neutrai in u hgmus .mi political matters, and the un compromising opponeni oi quackery of every kind M APS. ’ In addition to all of which the publihers intend fur ' iiishmg th.ii patrons w ith a senes ol engraved Maps i emorar. mg the i wenty-uve Slates of the L tiion,&c. ex i mbi mg il.< sit .un. n.&c. of rivers, towns, mountains lakes, the s a board, internal improvements, as dis play, dm <■ .mils, ail roads. A’< wnh other interesting ami useful teatures, roads, disianc. s Ac. forming a aco plete Alias for general u-e ami inf. filiation, h <nd | soim ly e*. cmed, and each distinct map «.n a large i quario sheet, at an expense which nothing tint the spo udid p it mnuge w lii. h for six years past has been so : geneiuusly extended to them, could warrant. TERMS; The Philadelphia Satun.'ay Courier is still continued jin its large form, < th. s une piicea-gheretotore. The Pnnadelj Imi M . ror bei g a quarto t uiui n ot the Sat urday Cou i< r, wit;, its increased attractions, and prin ; led on the tine w lute paper <4 i be same size as i lie j New Y ork .Albion, will tic p it al precisely one half the price <4 that v .lua rle journal, viz : I‘liiee Dollais per I annum, payable m advance, (inch ding the Maps.) WOUDAVAI.D A Ci.ARKE. Pniladelphi. i ol ice. tI.L p. rso ’S are nr r. by cauti tied against ttading tor a , r mis- ,rv N. l« , ex< cuted bv tne to a Clock f’< lar by th- name <> AViihams, foi the sum ot St vt nt. rit Doi is and tit' v cents- due tin twentv 25. ii of Dee mber ext—as i.e said Note w din. the paid vo untariiy by me, on uicount ut an entire failuie oi con.-iJe atiou. OSBIRN IKGOOD. Forsy iy couniy, Ga. / 18—3 mm. Sept. 9th 1836. j Aoticc, IIIRREBY t >rwarn al 1 p- i - - from tending for k N ot of band made by my . If payab.e toWiUi .m H. I nderwood. th note i- t u tii.r.y Do bars, pay ah e 1 six molilli- alter dati lie <1 ite wt do n 4 recollect.— ! I do m.t intend lo pay Said note mihss compelled by law, as the considers ion i»r winch it was givin I i jeutiidx failed. ’ j LE.ASON SPDA. I Spet. 20lh. 1835.—22 f- TAKE NOTICE, ■ FH HAT 1 do he re > y cai.ti. ri an 1 f.-ru am all per- ’ R soi»a Irum ire sspu-st .g in any way w hatever. on j iu> tot < f Gohl Land, number h'.tj, in tne 12ib district f the first »e» t am, smate and lying in I.nmpkin coun ty (l or me: ly C hefokr «■) m.d r the |ien <l> v the la w . J A 1.8 ... BKAAV.NJ.R .xo vvev:. unsettl'd busi ess <>t the Office of the I AV Est Er.* Ht>At D. mav be found m tire fiends (> vs ts (i A t lli< IGIII. f.?q—to w m>m tb. se m .ebted are Tt quC.-ted oi. akc pay m» nt. O. P. MI.aW. Dahluhaega, Augtxst 2Cih, ISX Ibtf , Gist off lactfcrs REMAINING in the Pus. Office al Dtli lobritga, Lunipkm County, Ga. un the Ist day of Januaiy, 1837, and if not taken out before the Ist day of April next, will be sent lo the General Post Office as dead Leiters : A M Win. Anderson 2 Willts McDonnald B A. McCollum 2 Mordica Brown 2 Mrs. Sarah Marlin John Brown John Mar.in Willson Bredweil D tmel Mathias Thomas Bennett Alen M thews James M. Barnes Daniel Miller Isham Baker P K. McCraiy 2 AA m. Bairt 2 James S. Moreland 2 Wm. Biid \A m. Mills Joseph Barnett Joel Marable C N Miss Martann A Carr Morgan Nelson Maik Coleman Z Norman George M. Crane P McLeod & Crane James Prater Henry C'umpbtll ILdbffP Inter Hesektah Cochran Wm. Phillips , Elihu Criswell James Pares j D Q Elias Davison M. P Qmliian E VV m Quince Thomas Edwards II Philip Earley D- 11. Ralston * F Samuel Ku.berford J. A. Few 2 Sohn Ralston J, D. Fields, jr. John Redman G George Ruhus John Gage S H John Suadman Lewis Hicks M-iry Senders A. J, Hansell 13 John -mith, R. B« .. B. Holt 3 Mrs. Surah Siepbens Henry Holman H. Sulliv-iti J am« s H Hay nes VV’m. S one J - F. llopkiud John M. Seliorn Isaac Huberts 1' J Dorcas Treudaway AV in Justice 2 D J Turner Henry Ji nmogs, W r Jason Jones Joim W d.-oti 2 L John VVi'lker Mm. Landrum Wm \\ dener 3 Mi. Lance H m K AV illiams 2 John Wallis WILLI AM A. ST A 1 ON, P M. LIST OP LETTERS REM VINING in the Post Offi.t at A lira im, L m km county, Ga. the Ist day of Jan nary 1837, and if not taken out befioe ’be Ist day of April next, will be sent to the General i ost Office as doad Letters : A L F. C Andoe Francis Lockerd B Wm Linsey Clinton Biadford M John Baker William Moro W’dli.itn Banks Aictiible McCollum Joseph Banz Robert B McClure C John Martin Elihu Creaswell 2 N Jacob Canol Daniel Nesler F P William Fry J irm-s Paxton H A Pone Wilham Harnnton R G Patton Maj V B Holt R ] E S’ Hopkins Ansel Road J T A or Jasner Johnston G Doctor Thomas T H Jus 1 ice W Miss Tebitlia Wade THOM A' LILLY, P, M. Georgia, Lumpkin ( ounty. RtR HERE A.S Boling AV Field-, applu hto me for V V Leiter* of Administration, >n the Estate ol Elizabeth Si.,ith. late "I s.ud county ei eased. Ilu s are therefore 10 cite and ad-nontst. all and singular the kindred and i reditors ot said deceased, u. be and ap pear at my "ffive within tbe time i c ibi-ri by law i to show cause if any they have why said Lciteis I should not be granted. j Given Under my hand this 11th dav of Nov 1836. M. P QI I LI.IAN, c. c. o 24 -30 d GEORGIA, Lumpkin ('ounty. B H IRL A - 'John M Bow ma. 1, Guardian oi (he < T ci.duri a of Polly S atl t (laidier absent) a; , nes to me for Letters oi Dismission of his t-uid Gtiart'iauship. I hese are then tore to cite and ad moms Hit win in these presi-ms may concern to be 1 ami a,'p> ar at my office, » tthiti the time prescribed by I ta w, t" shew cnus< if any the , have, why said Letters -hould ii"t be granted. Given under my hand, this i-llu Match, 1:36. M. P. QUILLIAN, c. c o. 4a Gul. SNOL'R montl s a'ler date application a ill be made to tne H noralde the inleii .r Court of Chen.kt e couiov. while eitm g ns a Court <4 Ordinary, for leave to seli Lot N i 32, m the 9th uistrict of otiginul.y Trut,|> now Menw ether coumy ,it being the real Estate of I Hampton G. Mudd x minor JOHN G MADDOX, Guardian. Sept. 29th, 1336.—21- 4m. ULll inonflis ufit-r dale applicntton will I be tn «de to the ILmorAbli Lift i tor (Hurt »t Habersham County, wfsen sitting Im t.rdi n ry purp .sts tor leave to st II all the real • b late ut John Melaine, de< eased. ELIJAH BHK, Adm’r. Dec. 2€, Miscellaneous. HUNTING versus YACHTING, BY F. P. DELME RADCLIFFE, ESQ. Some love to ride the ocean tide, Their charms are in “the dark blue sea But nerve at need, a gallant steed, And the life of a hunter for me. AAe plough the deep, orclimb the steep, Au ith a heart and a hand as brave As those who steer their bold career Far o’er the foaming wave. There is that in the sound of horn and hound Vlihich leaves all care behind. And the huntsman’s cheer delights the ear, Borne merrily on the w ind. Oh! give me a place in the stirring chance, A dull sky and a southern breeze, You may rove in vain o’er the mighty main, Ere you find any joys like these. TO AN OLD PLEASURE BOAT. Converled into a seat in Shirley Park. by tuomas hatnes bayley. OH boat 1 I wish a lot were mine, In youth and age resembling thine • When young and stro- g like thee to glide. Over a calm and sunny tide; For innocent enjoyment framed, Pleasure named with me when I’m named! In age, when too infirm to move Amid the scenes I used to love, A cheerful aspect still I’d wear, Sought by the youthful and the lair, And offering to every guest, A Shelter and a place of rest, Shirley Park July, 1836. A Hurricane Chasing a Gohl Aline. A furious hurricane took place on the l>th Now in Rutherford county Aorth Carolina. It unroofed the houses, blew down the fences, and c rried oft’ the fodder stacks of sev eral planters near Rutherfordton, besides levelling forests tothc ground and blocking up the roads with their huge trunks. Its length was ten miles, and its breadth a quarter of a mile. Among other freaks it took up a chicken house, and filled the air with a Hock of fowls, turkeys and ducks. About five miles north of Rutherfordton, a vein of gold has been traced at least three miles, and a large company has commenc ed operating upon a portion of it, with every prospect of realizing a large profit on their investment. The gale encountered this vein at 1 one end, pursued it for the Avhole three miles, with as much exactness as the most skillful mineralogist would trace its various windings literally sweeping every thing be fore it. Starling children in the world. 31 any an unwise parent labors hard and Ha es sparingly all his life I for the purpose of leaving enough to I give his children a start in the \vorld as it is i ailed. Getting a young man all at witli money left him by nis re latives, is like t a ing bladders under the arm of one who cannot swim—— ten chances to one he wiil loose his bladders & go to the bottom. 'Peach him to swim and then he will never need the bladders. Give your child a sound education, & j ou iiavc done enough for him. See to it that his morais arc pure, his mind cultivated and his w hole nature made subserv ient to the laws which govern man, and you have given him what will be oi more value than the wealth of the Indies. \ou have given him a start’ which no misfol tune can deprive him of. 'I he earlier sou teach him to depend upon his own resources the better. The principal of reading is, (o 'Ct people to thitikiiiy, as a bucket oi water t oijft d into a dry pump, breaks up the exhaust ießs fountain. Poston Herald. ’Twixt woman Bild WINE, Man’s lot is to smart, For wine m.'.kes liis lr ad 'm.ba Aud hts I.eat’! NO. 32.