Miners recorder and spy in the west. (Auraria, Lumpkin County, Georgia) 18??-????, May 27, 1837, Image 3

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same liazzardous policy, or suffer every dollar of their specie to be drained from their vaults FOR THE RECORDER. xs naosrs? Why not Jiff lor it ? Mr. Gath right, On looking over the daily' reports of financial distress a d Bankruptcies from New O le-ms to the State of Marne, that is now pinching not only tie Merchant but the Plan ter, Mechanic and Laborer every wheie--a Lumpkin town y man cannct but feel that there is a loop hole of retreat from penury, aye a door opm to profit Georgians in the Gold Mmes of oir county. During the l ist 18 months, men who were doing well among us by working tor Gold, have done worse by going away. Capital has been diverted into other channels, and carried io other places after having been raised here by pr >fi able dig ging, and it is probable some of those who have left us, wish they were safe ba< k again at their old trade. Is it possible that toe opinion generally prevails that our Alines are; exhausted ! it so. tne disappuin ed speculator j in Land < r N< gious, and the planter whose last ciop d ies iimi pay for me making, had better come up here atui enquire ol the dozen or two companies ol ii<u.d> now at work, how they are making out, some of these J opine, not caring 'o make a biowing-horn of their ma: era and jealous of the scrutiny of the suffering low country, will give indirect an sweia and tell diem luey m ike a pennyweight to the hand, or perhaps two bands tu me dwt., more magnanimous spin s will say that the Mines wnerever laitlifuily wurk<d arep«ymg as well as they ever did, that the nidusnous proprietor an make <>s mm h or more, by mi ning than by any utbei pursuit, and that me laborer tan get as good wages and as sure pay as he can any were else. Why do not men who have folllowed a dis appointing business in planting the last year investigate the resources of our county, obtain leases oi make purchases of some ol the valu able mines about us and put bands to work npou them, it is well known that even time mines that have been worked will pay for Winking ovei again, and there are many good lots lh.it have not been tocuchi d. My present object is to arouse from the apa thy (hat fas so long exist* d on this subject, the many enterprising men who just now du noi know what to be at in this no money crims, and wiio, if they would come among us would like us, and our Gold Mne Country. W here can thrv have t fitter iicaldi, where can they get pr >vi.sn ns chvapt r, where cau more money be made ? For my part, allho 1 Io not pre tend io be a prophii, I would hoi lor the good •I our county, exchange us rugged hills m which -ire veins of Gold, and between winch are streams whose Hinds <r< mixed with (told, fur ever so fine and well lying cotton land, loi many years io come, if 1 could CHEST \T* E.— The Charleston Courier, «>f Tuesday says; “We understand that an arrange ment has ne n made by the Execu livc ol v »eorg;i.i, through which the valuable assistance ol (icii. Bris bane, will be ailordnl to ('ol. Long, of I lie U. S. Army, in reconuoisaiice, survey and location ol the great Memphis Kail Road, in its track though that State. We are glad to be able to say, moreover, that the arrangement is ol such a nature, as not to interfere in any mannar with a discharge of tiie responsible duties of the station to which General Brisbane has been recently elected in our own Ntate.” An order wis rw rived ve rerdav. w« tin dit-i .'d (say's me Now Orte<us Bulletin <d ti.« (idi nisi ) al Ihr U. S. Qu ir’ei Mas er’s Offi c hi ii is ••rv fi<r the immediate li nispor trtiion ollhitr lii'gmu ulw mid six coinioHiim ol .artillery from ilu I'l ntli soivceto ('.imp Sabine on the Riv« r. "«• cannot divine whu may be die obj >• is ol tins sudden inuvi in> m, nub ss lo be in some way connect, d with our ddhi'ulites with die Mexican Rcpim he. .1 T-ipri's Iddrcss tu A j Companion*. — Topers. Drunkards and Siriggere!— Hear m* 1 lot v«>ur own < he. and lav aside your glass that v«u n»y near; believe tne fur v<»nr wrllara, thm yui in iy believe, censure mo in your sober motni nla, and be saber, th >t von m<v judge. I’ there be around this table any dear lover of ardent spirits, to hitn I •ay, that Shngo's hive «l ardu.it spirits w s no lea.* than bis. If then iba> love demand why Nliugo tO'V again* ludrm spirits less, but that I I aid health in.l a sound constitution more Had vmi la'her tha. ard* nt spirits wore ruling, io die m rum knave, than that ar din> spi us acre on <>mn» d io live a slant, hsidi. hail*.''! vt>. man! \>k it ardent spirits weir pltnsHH, I tasted them; ns they wr c cxtohiaiug I sip w , ; as tti • reunited mv ! apti is, 1 ir ink them; but as they were ran ; uu», I vpurned them. Tbcte ate itbfu tor I their pleasantness, sips for (heir exilaralions, ! drams lor their recruiting powers, but banish ment and detastation for then ruinous tendon cy. Who is here so brutal as would be a drunkard? If any gulph hiccup—reel fur him have I offended. Who is here so foolish as would be a swigger? If anv, brawl—for him have I offended. td ho is hers so mud as will not mind his health? If any, let fever speak his burning rage lor him have 1 offen ded I pause for a reply. [None answer.] Then none have I offended. I have dme no more '0 ardent spirits than you should do to Sltngo. BANK REPOSITS. marine and fire insurance bank of THE STATE OF GEORGIA. Savannah, April 8 h, 1537. Sir I herewith transim' you the semt-an uual statement of the affairs of thi- Bank, with the list of stockholders as required bv law. The bad debts of this bank ere estimated at less than five thousand dollars. In the present critical state of commercial credit, I should tnink an allowance of 2 1-2 per cent, np<ii the amount of our discounted notes and exchange a proper estimate to cover all con tingencies in relation to the same. You will observe that our surplus fund is xniple fur this purpose. 1 am very respectfully, Your obedient servant, S. B. PAiIKMAN, Pres'dcnt. STATE OF GEORGIA. > City of Savannah. j Personally appeared btloie me, Joseph Felt, a justice of (he peace, m and for (tie co in y of Chatham, Samuel B. Parkmm and James Smith, being the President and Cashu r ol the Marine and Fin: Insurance Bank of the .nate ol G> orgia, whe solemnly affirm that tin- , ih . next-d list of Stockholders and “the condition •»f tne Marine and I iro Insurance Batik, Sa vannah, and branch M icon,” bearing date the 3d April 1837, contain a faithful representa- 1 ■ ion of the condition ol said bank and branch, to the best of lheir knowhdge and belief - *S. B. P IRK d A N, Pres’t. JaMEs SMI 1 H, Cashier, ((firmed before me, this 6<h April. 1837. JOSEPH FELT, j. p. Stockholders as the .VI trine and Fire Insur ant e Bank, Jpril 3d, 1837. NAMES. SHARES. J aue S. Aldrich, 53 S M Anderson, 13 Mary Adams, 2 Chaliiam Academy, 107 Margaret Biai k, 22 John Cumming, 255 A Champion 250 I It mas Clai k, 150 Robert Campbell, 150 Do. trustee, 85 R ibert Clark, 31 II i r eii < ampbell, 50 Maiy Cleland, 20 Toomas S Clay 4 /Vmi (Jamming 4 Mary Aim Cowper 39 Henry Castolf, 50 Michael Dillon, 34 S. C Dunning, trustece, 6 do do 4 Margaret B Echols, 17 Sophia Ann Edwards, 100 Helen Fleming, 5 James Fraser, 100 Samuel H. Fay, 90 Gordon and Parkman trustees, 4H Wilburn Godkey, 314 J B 1 lerbert, esl. 120 J 11 opt, guardi in, 3 R II ibersh itn, trustee 17 J I* Henry, 303 Geoige Hall, 400 Pri*. Ilouston, 47 P Houston, 46 “ executor, G P Houston, executor, 34 do trustee, 51 Henderson & Vnderson trusie< s 4 do do 4 CatharineS llals,y, 30 Lucy Isaac, 82 E Jackson, adm’r. ]OO B R Johnston, 76 P A. Johnston, 25 Louisa C Johnston, 75 E II Johnston, 70 J P lohnston, 43 (( P Johnston, 108 M II Johnston, 9 George Jones, 50 Joseph Jones, 80 M F Knollock, 38 i * George J Knollock, 30 Mary K< r, 105 Mmiv M Ker, 25 P M Kollock, 2 J imes Lamb, 150 Mary Lavender, 15 R Mackay, est. 39 A G Mill”, r, 100 A T Miller, 10 B M irshall, 50 A Nn hols, est. 5 S B Parkman, 201 E Piidelfwrd, 400 A Porter, 250 John Potter, 400 () EQ i in, est 21 ill.iiu Rahn, 50 Elias Reid, 100 do trustee, 150 W.lham Robertson, 72 Scarborough, Taylor & (V all ice Executors, 160 1 u< v Spalding, 40 C F S.vmour, 82 \ C Sides, est. 4 James Smith, 30 J Stone, 133,. do guardian, 38 W J Scot, est. 396 II Taylor, 20 Mary Telfair 65 M C Telfair, 65 George Thomas, 44 VV H Thompson, 100 F A Tupper, 40 Turner and Coles, trustees, 30 C L S Verstil), 26 Robert Watson, 38 E L VValduurg, 9 G M Waldb irg, 2 P 11 Wilkins, 50 John VV ilkmson, 400 HOW ypr, 100 Wall ace & Andi rson trustees of Mrs. Hutchison 100 Total shares 8,000 Statement of the condition of the Marine and tire Insurance. Bank, Savannah, and Branch Macon un Monday April 3d, 1837. DR. To capital stock 400,000 Aoies in circulation Principal 462,750 Blanch 24,020 Amount of individual deposits, 188,431 95 Dividends, 942 Amount due to banks, Savannah, 1.937 88 Augusta . 13 642 53 N. York & Boston, 27 459 94 Amount deposited by Commissioners In surance and trust comp.ny, Savannah, 35,000 Am 'uni reserved fund 49,691 93 Discounts since Glh December, 38,939 76 Balance on open account with branch 6,582 31 B l, 249 398 30 | CR. Bv specie, in gold coin, 102,518 95 “ silver “ 58 997 77 “ Notes of specie paving banks, 61,486 “ Am Hint due from banks, Savannah 66,767 99 Augusta, 6,676 70 Hawkinsville & D inen, 2,587 10 Cl.arleMon, 13 470 75 Baltimore, 773 88 “ Bills of Exchange run- ning to maturity, 508.008 56 “ Discounted nmes running to maturity, 412,647 01 “ Stock of < tty of Savan- nah, nnd Union Road, 4.252 75 “ Buis reseivnble, 3,208 01 “ Notes prates*, and judgment, 1,960 89 “ Expt uses since 6th December 6,040 95 $1,249,398 30 Savannnah, April sth, 1837- STEPHEN A. PATOT, Book-Keeper. MONROE RAIL ROAD AND BANKING COMPANY. Macon, April 3d, 1837. Sii I present your Excellency in compli anbe with f e law, a mmu e sta.ement of the stariilmg at d management of this bank, pre piiuii Irmn Us books on Monday, April 3d, 1837. 1 have the honor to be, very respect- fully, your obedtem servant, L. L. GRIFFIN, Pres’t. To Ins Excellency Ihiliam Schley, Goveiuot of Georgia. Nos. Names. I No. of I Am’l. I shares | p’d. in 1 L I. Griffin, 500 25,(1(10 2 Alfred Brooks. 200 10,000 3 Henry Solomon. 200 10,000 •1 XX illinm Solomon, 200 10,000 5 I’eicr Solomon, 200 lO.OUO G Peter G Tho upson, 200 10 OuO 7 C Y • al well, 105 5.250 8 Laikio Gritfip, 5,000 9 James D< an, 100 5 000 10 John Vlaitin, 100 S,OUu 11 Kelly Glover, 100 5,000 12 John Glover, 100 5.00 U 13 l.»wp iicv Joyner, 100 5,000 14 J bn G. Hill, 100 5,000 l.> Mathew Mims, 100 5,000 16 1. \\ Ward, 100 5.000 17 Reuben A Nash, lUO 5,000 18 T M N Phillips, 108 5,000 19 Burwell andJ rdan, 100 5,000 20 H ano J Laud, 100 5 000 21 E W Jones, 100 5,000 22 Rob< rt B. dingfield, 100 5.000 23 J bn Daily.jam 100 5,00 n 21 Amos Bfciit >u, 50 2,500 25 Du.m and Martin, I><J 2,500 26 Hardy Du ham, 50 2.500 17 Th.idd' us G Holt, 10 2,5001 28 John Jo.,es, 50 2 500 28 Benjamin F Harris, 50 2,500 30 A us Harns, 50 2.5 0 31 H il Lumpkin, 50 2,s<K> 32 Abiaham Lake, 50 2, >OO 33 Jordan \V Lee; 50 2.500 34 John x e I, 50 2,500 ! 35 Timiras J. Perryman, 50 2,5001 36 Peter Ramile, 50 2.50 u 37 John Rrntdifig, 50 2,500 38 Junies Suluiiiuii, 50 2.500 50 Jami s v\ Tinsley, 50 2 5 'u 40 Igdohau Go d. 50 2 500 41 Thomas D. Walker, 5‘J 2.500 42 IGmiley Varnir. 50 2 500 43 Amh.my Ci zart, 40 2.0u0 44 vv U iatn Darden, 40 2.000 4j Samuel C Dally, IO 2,000 46 it.lam Jo-ms un, 32 1.600 ■l7 Da lel M Kmv, 31 1 550 45 Asa Cox, 30 1.500 (!) O W t ex !.5 n I 50 Joseph Day, 30 1,500 51 Samuel Maddox, 30 1,500 52 'limoihy Mathews, 30 1,500 53 Samuel Patton, 30 1,500 54 A R Ralston, 30 1,500 55 George D. Sharp, 30 1,500 56 E B Thompson, 30 1,500 57 Myron Bartlett, 25 1,250 58 William E Nall, 25 1,250 59 A. M. ivall, 25 1,250 I CO Thomas W. Oneal 25 1,250 61 William 11. Prichard, 25 1,250 62 Isaac Winship, 25 1,250 63 James Anthony, 20 1,000 64 Benjamin Brantly, 20 1,000 65 Cuthbert Collier, 20 1,000 66 A. H Chappell, 20 1,000 67 Thomas Dyson, 20 1.000 C 8 Jolm J. Groves, . 20 1,000 69 VVi'liam M Kenney, 20 1,000 70 Rea H.rlton, 20 1,000 71 William Simms, 20 1.000 72 Thomas P. Stubbs, 20 1,000 73 James H. Stark, 20 1,000 74 Daniel Sanfjrd, 20 1.000 75 Eliab W. Wells, 20 1.000 76 Drury M Cox, 15 750 77 Frederick 11. Sanford, 15 750 78 J. and G *v . Johnston, 12 600 79 James Whalley, 12 600 j 80 Robert Allen, 10 500 81 Marshal Blount, 10 500 82 S. VV. Burnev, 10 500 83 Elbrigi- G Cabaniss, 10 500 84 Hardaway Collier, 10 500} 85 David Dailv. 10 500 1 86 Benj. : topkins, trust 10 * 500 87 Dread R Hill, 10 500 88 Wayne W. Islands, 10 SCO 89 Henry G Lamar, 10 500 90 Jeremiah leak, 10 500 91 Uillis J. Miller, 10 500 92 Titt S. MGi.er, so 500 93 James A. Nesbit, 10 500 94 John Pittman, 10 500 95 John T. Rowland, 10 500 96 John Strother, 10 500 97 Jonas Shivers, 10 500 98 Aaron Talmage, 10 500 99 James Johnson. 7 350 100 M.T. Cadwell 6 300 101 Davis, 6 300 102 James Dixon, 6 300 103 A. Johnston, G 300 104 Able Barge, 5 250 •05 Rob> rt Finley, 5 250 106 George W. Hansford, 5 250 107 John Marshall, 5 250 108 Jh Neal, 5 250 109 William L Wilson, 5 250 1 110 David Johnston, 4 2()0; 111 Thomas H arrnp, 3 150 112 Joseph Hid, 3 150 113 James Hancock, 3 150 114 William Maddox, 3 150 115 Benjamin Maddox, 3 160 i 116 Charles Whitlock, 2 100 117 Loculin Johnson, 1 50 j 118 Daniel Johnson, 1 50 5,366 267,300 Monroe Rail Road a >d Banking Company, April 3d, 1837. ! JAS. LAND. Cashier. | i Statement of the Monroe Hail Road and Bank ing Company, on Monday morning, dpril 3d, 1807. L UR - lo capital stock paid in 267,300 “ One half for Rail Road purposes, 133’650 133,650 “ Bank notes issued 173,000 “ “ “ on hand, and in hand of Agents 30 995 “ In circulation, 147,005 147,005 “ Discount account, 8,240 20 “ Due Planters’ bank Savannah. 6,245 “ Rail Rond Deposits 47.360 82 “ individual du 15 006 42 $357,537 44 l CR. By notes discounted, and running io ma turity, all good, 157,519 92 “ B ills of exchange, runing to maturity ; on N Yoik. Chailes- ton, and Savannah, all good, 152 765 “ Bank of N. York Diy Dock Company, 13,881 12 : “ Bank of Augusta, 9 32 ! “ Premium account, 187 03 •“ Incidental Expenses, 1,097 63 “ Cash in specie, 25,467 42 “ “ “ b tik notes on spi cie paving banks in Georgia, 6 610 $357,537 44 I Georgia, BiLb county. Personally appeared before Peter Solomoi i Notary Public, L, L. Grdlin, Piesideut, •Janies Land, Cashier, who bring sen r illy j sworn, say that they believe the return to I which this <ffi lavi is annexed, » xtub s a true st .lenient from the brinks of the Bank ol the Monroe Rail Road amt Broking Company, on Monday morning 3d day ol April. 1837. L. L GRIFFIN, i JAMES Lv\i). Subscribed and «w<>rn to, before me, the thud dav <>f Apr.l, 1837. PE 1 ER SOLOMON, Not- Pub. PLANTER-' BANK. saxass*h. April 4, 1837. His Excellency H illiam SchLy Guvernoi. Dear Sir —l have the honor o hand von a list of tl>e Suu kholders of this Bank with a a ateinent of its condition to 3d tr.st.mt, inclu sive. The running accounts and the debts tn jugment and Iving over under mor gage, were’ examined by the Direcors at their last mee ting. and as the result of their examination, 1 ■nn directed to report thai tne former are all considered g » id ; of me latter, the sum ot se ct n thousand iioee hundred and ninety dollirs is considered doubtful. Ail d< bts k >o.vn or I believed to be b-<d have been charged tv» the reserv’d fund. I im very resperc'iilly. You <>■ ed :t iti ait, GEO. AND3RS<»N, Pres den‘ 3 Statement of the condition, liabilities, aud re ’ source* of the Planters' Bank, of the State ) of Georgia, Savannah, Ga., .April 3, 1837. > DR. ’ Capital received, 535,400 Notes of this bank in circulation, old . issue, 22,210 “ " “ new do 332,403 354,613 [ Due to City Banks 45,260 28 Due to interior and other Banks ( for collection 91,247 27 , “ “io Treasurer of the U. States 270,894 92 “ “ Government officers 148 552 76 419.447 68 Profits and reserved funds, 133,321 77 Due to individual Depositors, *294,489 57 Due for unclaimed dividends, 7,552 79 * Os this amount, the sum of 31,994 12 100 is at special credit of Individuals, being partial pay ments on judgment debts. $1,381,852 36 CR. Silver and gold in the vault 347,710 66 I Notes of other Banks 64,500 Due by City Banks 218,216 39 Due by Northern Banks, 130,029 22 Northern Exchange, 142,893 94 ! Amount of specie and its equivalent 903,380 21 Due by other Banks 40,569 99 Domestic Exchange 63,455 94 City stocks 2,947 26 Real estate, 11,000 Current expenses 4,103 46 Notes discounted running, all good, 730,028 53 “ in judgment and secured by mortgage, 126,366 97 Os the Notes in judgment and secured by mortgage, an amount of '57,390 is consid ered doubtful. $1,881,852 36 GEO. W. ANDERSON, President. J. MARSHALL, Cashier. Personally appeared before me, this sth of Ap'il, 1837, Ge», W. Anderson, President, . nd Cashier, of the Planters’ B oik, whn say, on oath, that the above alate merit is just and true- The amount as above I considered doubtful having been determined . by the Directors. Sworn to before me, this sth April, 1837. JNO-CUMMING, j. i. c. c. c. (Concluded in our next.) 850 Reward. LOST by the subscriber, in Canton, Cherokee county, on the 11th instant, a JBEAUEO ; J®Ux*.Sis3, containing one hundred and eighty-fivo i Dollars in cash, and some Notes and Orders not re j collected. The above reward will be paid for the recovery of the money, by me on demand at Auraria, Lumpkin county. G. W. STEAGALL. May 24th, 1337.—42tf. Administrators Sale. AGREEABLE to an oreder of the Inferior court of Habersham county, when setting for ordinary purposes, will be sold at the Court House door in tho town of Clarksville, on the first Tuesday in August next, one half of Lot No. 140, in the 11th district of Habersham county. Sold as the property of John Mclntire deceased. Terms cash. ELIJAH SISK, Adm’r. ( May 15th, 1337.—41 td s. Administrators Sale. AGREEABLE to an order of the Inferior Court of Habersham county, when setting for ordinary i purposes, w ill be sold at Spring Place, Bliirrayjcounty, ; on the first Tuesday in August next, Lot No. 310, in • the 13tli district and 3J section, formerly Chorokee now Murray county. Sold as the property of John Mclntiic deceased. Terms cash. ELIJAH SISK, Adrn'r. May 15, 1837. —4l t d s. (GEORGIA, Lumpkin County. HEREAS, \\ illiam Thompson, applies to me v for Letters of Administration, on the Estate of Fran' is Clements, late of said County deceased. These are, thesefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and cre btorsof said deceased, to be and appear at my office w ithin the time prescribed by law, toshew cause, if any they have, why said iet- I tors should not be granted. !l Given under my hand, this 18 day of January, 1837. J M. I’. QUILLIAN, C. C. O. ' i 32—30 d. GEORGIA, I county. i WMZfjEREAS Alfred 11. Witlierow applies to rue I » y fur Leiters of Administration on the'Estate <-f I William J. Witherow late of said county deceased.— i I hese are therefoie to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and crediiors of said deceased to be ■ and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they have why said Letters ; should not be granted. Given under my hand this 21st day of April 1837. M- P. QUILLIAN, C. C. O, 38-nod. NOTICE. ''MIIIE public are her< by cautioned against trading : K tor a promisory note, made by the subscriber ’ some ime in the spring IB3G, fur twenty dollars, due I the Ist of N ovember thereafter, payable to Mathew j Marable. As the consideration for which said note was <.iven, has entirely failed, I ntn determined not to pay it unless compelled bv law . JOSHUA J. NEWBERRY. I April 29, 1837. 38—3 t, NOTICE, LOST <>r MISLAID, a certain promisory Note, made by Rowland Bearden, and payable to John jT. Ralston. Jr. and endorsed by said Ralston to tho I sub.-rnbr r, for thirty dollars, bearing date the 19ln ■ day of March 1836, aud due the 4th day of July : t reafter. The public are hereby cautioned agnirut | tradi g for said N te, and the maker from paying t j to any one exceptomysely, as I am the legal owner < f the same. JAMES 11. WORLEY. D< c. 24ih. 1836.—28tf. Notice. WISL r HERE.AS James A. Paxton did on th- sth o V ▼ January 1837, by improper means obtain from Adttlphus .Marable a Note ot hand due five months att-- date, for one hundred and thirteen dollars and sixtv two and a half cents, purporting to be signed by Mathew Marable; now as said note was never matte or signed or recognized by me, hut was frau du.entiy obiamtd from said Adolphns, I hen by notify ah petsoos not to trade fur said note, as ! am deter i mmed not to pay the same unless compelled by law. MATHEW MARABLE Mart’ IL 1837 -37:f