Miners recorder and spy in the west. (Auraria, Lumpkin County, Georgia) 18??-????, July 08, 1837, Image 3

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John Wiiherow, Ths 4th, of July 1776. —lt was probably j ns hot a 'lay as the 4(h of July 1837, but our fathers nude out to keep cool and cooly to declare us Independent. Sent in bv a Laoy, The cause of Texas., the cause of ciivil and religions Liberty— may its future success be attended with victories as signal in every en gagemeni, as ihe battle of tian J acinto. M. H. Gathright, The Western and Atlantic Rail Road. — The link destined by nature to bind the west anti iiie south in indissoluble chains, and the channel by which ih«* unbounded products ot a rich ferule western soil, will be conveyed into the heart of Georgia ; making her what nature h is designed In r to be, the great thorough fair of the west, and one of the greatest as well as most patriotic Stales in the Union, Samuel King, The remembrance of our departed hero and sage, General WAsmNOTON--may his deeds of valour and patriotism ever be held sacred by the American people. Samuel l atum, Lberly — Purchased with the blood of our f.»re-fathers— may its w<»rth never be for- I gotten, but held sacied and cheeished by every American patriot. J. G. Blackledge, The f armers of our country— The pro prietors of ilie soil, may lheir children defend what their fathers have secured. A. Walker, Thomas H. Benton— The Gold and Sil ver Lad y, the bone and sinue of solvency. Robert IL Tatum, To the Volunteers at New Echota.— May • the defenders oi our country be prompted by j honor and virtue, and never let temptation I conquor the brave who fight to keep our coun try born being enslaved Col. Wm. M. Varnum, The Georgia & Alabama Volunteers Their valorous deeds in P< a Kiver Swamp will place them high on the pimcal of fame. E. W. Cole, Esq. The Georgia boys.— Their gallant and heioic deeds in the Seminole and Creek Cam paigns prove them to be no cowards. Success to the Georgn Volunteers, no matter where they arc. s II Hayes, The Army of the U. States in Georgia In private lite gentlemen—in peace soldiers; sure omens that in battle they will prove warriors Henderson Poteat, We are the boys, who always did and al ways will, protect the gills and freedom too. Rolh rt Obarr, Esq. The people of America.— May they enjoy their liberties and not abuse them. John VV iiherow, The Gold diggers of Lumpkin — The bone and smew ot our county, may such good grit as tiny are made of, pan out well in the day oi final estimation of the character of man. John 1). Field, Sen. Wuh the ro lmess of our mini's, and the industry of our citizens, we will be able to vie with any part of the world. Capt. C. Hibberts, Slay freemen ever rcmcml er, and duly appreciate the blood & treasure, that it cost our fore fathers to eatubliah our free and happy institutions J amen 11. Worley, Esq. I’cat e, prosperity and liberty—may they always lie preserved by lhe American people. V\. I). Cessna, The Lumpkin Volunteers, stationed at New h.cAof<.—•<»aim cocks who keep their spurs snarpened to pierce any dung hill who may attempt to rutile the leathers ot our pullets. John Lyon, Jhe present distressed conaitwn oj our Country lhe »nly weapon we have is the ballot-box. Then let every m u sleep on Ins Diuicli l»o« ami keep his powder dry. James J Field, M.iv 'lie 4'li ‘>f July 1833 find the Chrr okeus al then new homes west id the Missis sippi, to tiri situated th hi they anticipate. L. A. McAfee, (<>f Gainsville,) Th> pressure uj the times.— Although it has lirouglu si iiviilien <u<l dismay io he doors ol tlimis itnls of our fellow citizens tn other par’s oi Georgia, yet, from the chert 4 comi tenouces and bum nt spirits around us, and this rich t« past piep r» d by a master hand, **e opme ns baneful < tf< < s ure not pressingly lelt b* tins no < o ion glowing people. Sent b> John H Wood, a Volunteer, Hall and Lumpkin Volunteers. They who hi»ve h fi the hie suG of lheir parents and tskeu up arms in Ilie defence o| lheir counuy, in iv their lam< shine as buglit as any ether atare <d the south- 'l. (I’O'dlUlM, 'I in* Lumpkin County Volunteers will tnntin<s<’an unity rutliei than suirender the elcctae franchise. Captain I'.. Roberts, of Hill county, Fn’ttz< d be he head, palsied be .the hard that <iitt nipts to destroy the Union. Jonn D McUruskey, A well organized Militia, our national defence ; with •«, we can quirky run the savage foe and Muirell Clan into tbtir dens. John L. Cox, May all god fellows live well untill gold digging etuis. N- thanu '< 11. Hawkms, !'•» the Volunteers of the Cherokee country. blsy they rvci succeed in all then desires, and after tin ir long absence and serious afflic tion reai li their native homes, wnh deserved honor and glory tu their country. A. Tankesley, I know, from long experience, a little learning is a good thing, for I just know my A B C’s, and yet I can get a good living bv THEM. BANK REPORTS?” OFFICE GEORGIA RAIL ROAD & BANKING COMPANY. April 13, 1837. His Excellency Win. Schley : Dear Sir—You have herewith the semi annual return of this Bank,,made up to the Ist instant, and a list Stockholders. Yours, very respectfully, WM. DE A/2IN G, President. General Statement Georgia Rail Road and Banking Company, April 1, 1837. DR. Stock, 1,196,305 Profit and loss, discount, inter- est and exchange, 28,469 14 Dividends, No’s. 1 and 2, un- claimed, 16,087 55 Due to contractors, 6 19 Deposits by Individuals, 67.678 01 Due to other Banks, 9 555,87 William Dearing, President, 4,000 Georgia Rail Road & Banking Co. and branch al Augusta, 4,067 51 Notes issued 1.353 500 On hand, 657,250 $2,022,419 27 CR. Disbursmenfs on account of rati road, 543,921 27 Contingent Expenses of Bank, 1,814 10 B mking house & lot in Augusta, 12,229 Bills receivable hear- ing interest, of which there is doubtful $26, 45,653 46 Bills <»l Exchange, and business pa per running to maturity—of the bills there is doubt ful, $15,000 643,580 71 Notes discounted — of which there is undei proti st, but good, $1,554 45 372,061 85-1,061,304 05 Due by other Banks in Geor- gia and Alabama, 54,921 19 Due by agent, 29,143 47 Notes of oilier banks in good credit 80,059 Specie lund : to wit, Gold & silver com in vaults, 164,597 21 Gold Bullion, 2,060 09 Notes U. S. Bank, 9,300 N. Lord, Agent, New York, 15,000 Due by banks in N. York, Philadel phia &, Charles ton, 20,650 16—211,607 46 Protest account, 3 CieO. IVIII lioatl l3v Dniihiug Cv. and blanch at Augusta, 27,416 73 $2,022,419 27 WM. DEARING, President. JAMES CAM AK, Cashier. GEORGIA—CIak County. William Dearing, President, and James 1 Camak, Cashier of the Georgia Rail Road and Banking Company of Georgia, come per sonally, before me and say, on oath, that the gaaeial statement hereunto annex'd, is, to the I best of their belief, a true exhibit of the afTnrs of ihe said company <>n the Ist day ot this month—lhe chancier of the Notes and Bills of Exchange being affirmed on the reports ol commit lees of ihe Boards ot Directors al Ath ens and Augusta. VV M. DEARING, President. J \MEb CAM \K, Cashier. Sworn to, and subscribed, before me, .April 13, 1537 WM. M MORTON, Not. Pub. List of Stockholders of the Georgia Rail Road and Banking Company, April 1, 1837. NAMtH. NO. of SHARES. Allen, Welcome 5 Allen, Nathaniel 40 Allen, Beverly 25 .Anderson, VV Q 10 I Adams, Alexander L 100 Anthony, Milton 100 Armour, William 10 Arnold, Park, E 12 Appleby, John 10 Bunk of Augusta, 1.030 Bunts, John and Sam 20 Do John, guardian of O K W 10 Du do do ol A E W 30 Bunt* s, J ohn 10 Bowdre, Haya *220 Bowdre, Thomas 120 Bryan, Isaac 35 Butler, T W 20 ’ Battle, L tz W 10 Billmgsle.i, F B 5 Branch, John 20 Bryan, Felix 40 Brown, J ft & Co 100 Brittain, Henry 5 Bugg, William 10 Beil, Jesse 10 Brown, William 10 Brown William (Clark) 50 Beall, Thomas E 10 B< all, Edgberl B 50 Battle & Dickinson, 10 Bird, IV ilhamson 4 Batne’i, Samuel 50 Binders, John 50 Buxnn, Edward 240 Barney, JubS 70 Boisclair, LA 5 Boisclair. VW 5 Boggs, A 37 Baxter, Thomas \V 100 Boisclair, P F 25 Burnett, Nathan C 20 Campbell, Robert 40 Clark, Samuel 5 Clark, S & King J P guardians of minors H N 10 Clark, Samuel, guardian TN 10 Cumming, William 70 Cumming, Mrs. Sarah, trustee of 20 Cumming, Alfred 10 Cumming, FI H 25 Carmtcael, John T 10 Crump, Philip 5 Chew, Benjamin F 110 Co a drey, W D 15 Crutin, S J B 5 Cunningham, Thomas 70 Cunningham, John 85 Cunningham, Jon, guardian of A J E 50 Cunnibgham, T & J 10 Cunningham. Wm R 130 Champion, Jesse 10 Campbell, C & Co 20 Church, A 40 Carr, VVdliam A 50 Cobb, Juhn A 118 Camak, James 100 Clayton, Augustine S 150 Chffiin, Thomas 5 Cleveland, Robert M 10 Crawford, Geo VV 20 Crawford, Nathan 95 Casey, Thomas G 40 Cress, Louis i 5 Craig, William 20 Cobb, Howell 50 Clark, Francis 20 C'liinally, Geo A 10 Cawlhorn, Thomas and John 50 City Council of Augusta, 1,000 Chatham. J. J. 10 Cooper, J M & Son 10 Carter, Charles 50 Catlin, Willis 28 Cowling, J V 40 Cook, 1) E 50 Clayton, A S trustee, &c. 100 Davis, James VV 55 Davis, Abner 100 Davis, Samuel 15 Davis w illiain C 10 Daniel, J K 100 Daniel, John T 20 D’Antignac, Wm. M 50 Durden, Stephen 10 Dearing, William 370 Dearing, W., agent Theo. Scm. 25 Dicken; William 10 Dobbins, Moses W 10 Duke, Green R 40 Dickson, David 20 Dearmont, W P 10 Dugas, L A 50 Dugas, L F E 10 Dougherty, Charles 11 Deleagle, Nick 50 ■ Dudley, Geo. M 25 Dye, vi M 50 t Dye, M M & Co 50 Dyer, Sarah 2 Dyer, Mariah , I Daniel, Josiah 10 Dewar, W S 50 Ely, Bennett II 10 Evans, Charles 350 Edwards, Mordecai 5 I Epps, v\ illiam 15 Frazer, James 50 Frederick, Martin 5 Fox,John 25 Freeman Robert 20 Freeman; Henry 10 Fears, James 20 Fowler, \\ illiam 5 , Fitsimmons, Paul, 100 ( Felton, John 10 I Fauntleroy, George L 55 Gardner, James 10 Gardner, James Jr. 10 Guedron, Jno it 2 Griffin, Martha 20 I Gresham, Arch. 5 Greene, Augustin 10 : Grant and Hall, 50 I Grant, John T 10 I Grant; Augustin L 10 I Gideon, Francis, 90 , Gerardinc, John, 20 Graves, John W 30 ! Geer, William 10 Gunby, George 40 I Gunby, Gorge guardian of L M II 10 Gatlin, Garrett 5 Guieu, John B. 100 Griffin, J agaent of L Mabry 25 Grimes, Thom,is C 30 Gamble, Roger L. 50 ■ Greiner, Fed P. 100 Gibson, Robert C 25 j Gibson, Lewis, 10 1 Houghton, J W 5 Hiilyer, Jhohn F. 50 Hillyer, S G 43 Hiilyer, Junius 22 Hurl. Joel 10 Harris, William 25 Harris, Thomas VV 30 Harris, Jcptha V 75 Harris Juiiab 29 Harns, barah II 20 Hopkins, Lambeth 10 Hull, Asbury 75 Hutt, Henry 30 i Hamilton, 1* N 100 I Do do Corn, as A Napier 50 ; Hunter; Nathan 5 Hi t <& Dill, 50 Henry, Isaac 20 i Hope, James 25 Hamilton, James F 100 i Hunt, William 50 I Hampton, James 30 ’ Haines, William,jr. 5 I Holcombe, Peck, is. Co 50 I Hiilyer, Rebecca 3 ' Irwin, Jane 5 . Inglis, Daniel 20 Jenkins, Ch'Tlea J 60 Janes, Absalom 50 Jam i, *,itneon R 4 Janes, Edward 25 ■ Janes, Thomas G 60 Janes, David H t't) Inferior Court. Morgan BO j Jackson, Albert R 3 1 Jacksun, David 10 j Jones, Elijah E 135 [ Johnston, William 112 i lohnston, lutuncclot 110 Jarrett, Nathan C 5 I Jennings. James 50 Jewett, IVilliam 10 , Jessup, George R 50 i Johnson & Ri baun 60 j Jones, VV illtnm 10 ' Kerr, Andrew 10 ' King, John P 50 ! Kirkpatrick, D St Co 5 ! Kerr, John 25 Little, W ilhsm 2 I Lawrence, H H SO Lane, William 10 Love David, 30 Lumpkin, Joseph Henry 50 • Lumpkin, Georoe 40 Langston, David 20 Lysle, David J 5 Lyale, Dilmua 60 Linton, Alexanderß 100 Lockwood, Eleazer 100 Lumpkin, Wm. M. 100 Kist of Kettea’s REMAINING in the Post Office at Dah lolinega, Lumpkin County, Ga. on ihe Ist day of July, 1837, and if not taken out before ihe Ist day of October next, will be sent to Ihe General Post Office as dead Letters : A L Joseph M Ashursl 2 Mr. Davache Abner Aiken M B Reuben M oss 2 Miss M M Bugg Aaron Mincy James Boughan John Martin Lewis Biady R D Mathews James A Beard Wm Meers Reuben Barrett Kendal McTeer John Bowman Archibald McCollum Mason Bush James McMorrison C Bla.xton McDaniel David Cody N John K Cochran 2 Thomas Noblett Henry M (Jlay P D Wm A Powel or Elias Davis Welr h' r Shade Denrerd John L Parker E W II P >rk Samel Eaton J me., \ P axton Thomas Eubanks Seth P Pool F RS Persse B VV Field R John D Field, sen. Il W Riley G Ansel Bice B 1. Goodman James Reese N H Guess Wm. Reeves II Wm. Rider Hines Holt S A B & H Holt Jesse Smith John Hills Joshua Siew.irt Samuel Q ILx Win. Smith, 2 Caleb Hplcombe Stephen Smith, 2 James Howard Littleton M Smith VV J Harben Colhns Smith Eli T Hanes Moses Smith Isaac Hiil Duct. II Shelton Andrew S Hamilton T George Hall C J Thompson John Hasleite Absalom Thompson A J Hansell, 27 Samuel Teal J Lewis Tumes Samuel Jones VV John C Jones Robert VVa'.son Asa Johnson Win. Woods K Lott i Mrs. Ann Kelough John WertJ WM. A. STATON, P. M. i ' GEORGIA, LUMPKIN COUNTY. i > « ril.l. be sold on Monday the 21st day of August I V ▼ next, at the late residence of Elizabeth Stni'b deceased, all the personal property ot' said deceased. Among which are House-hold and Kitchen turni'ure, and stock of various kinds—to wit : Horses, I'attle, Sheep and Hogs, &c. Sale to continue from day to d.iy until all are sold Terms made known on 'he day BOLEY W. FIELD, Administrator. July Sth, 1937 —4B td s. 15XOUR MONTHS after date, applical ion will be . made to the Inferior Court of' Lumpkin county when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the Rial Estate of Elizabeth Smith, late ot Lumpkin county, deceased. BOLEY W. FIELD Adm’r. July Bth 1337.—48-4 m. Administrators Sale. A GREEABLE to an oreder of the Inferior court ' of Habersham county, when setting for ordinary ; purposes, will be sold at the Court House door in the i town of Clarksville, on the first Tuesday in August next, one halt” of Lot No. 110, in the 11th district of Habersham county. Sold as the property of John Mclntire deceased. Terms cash. ELIJAH SISK, Adm’r. May 13th, 1837.—41 t<l a. Administrators Sale. 4GR EEABLE to a i order of lhe Inferior Court of Hab< rsham county, .*hen setting for ordinary purposes, w ill be sold at pring Place, Murray county, on the first Tuesday in August next, Lot No. 310. in the 13th district and 3d section, formerly Chorokee i now Murray county, .'•old as the property of John ' Mclntire deceased. Terms cash. ELIJAH SISK, Adm’r. May 15, 1837.—11 td s. Administrators Sale. kGREEABLY to an order of the Inferior Court of Murray county, when sitting for ordinary ptir : poses, w ill be sold on the 15tli day of May next, within ! the usual hours of sale, at the late residence of ! Samuel Blair deceused, ail the perishable property of ' said deceased, consisting of one Still, two Waggons, i one Horse, Cat le. Hogs, Household ami Kitchen I Furniture, a parcel of Farming Too s, together with , some Bacon and •.the ra ticles too tedious to mention. ! Sale to continue from day to day until) all are sold. : Terms made known on the dav. ROBERT REID, ) , , . , A. B. V\EIR, j Admin ors. I March 25, 1837 37 lOd. 000 llniaril. WHEREAS lhe body of JOHN E. GRAY, was found near the vtllngj of on ihe 6ih msi , under such cir cumstances as induces the Jury of inquest to decide that tlie said John E. Gray was mur dered by some person or persons unknown, about one nion-h or six weeks previous to that into : Now, notice i«, g ven, that lhe citizens of j I alhutloii, and ihe vicinity thereof, have made ■ up, by subscription, the sum of one thousand \ dollars, which will be paid as a rewind io any tpeisonor persons, who will apprehend and i prosecute to conviction, the murderer er mur- I derers of the said John E. Gray. Talboitun, Jan. 16, 1537. —35 Blank Deeds KEPT FOR B.ILE AT THIS OITICr SHERIFF’S Lumpkin Sheriff's Sales. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in August next, before the Court House door in the Town of Dahlchnega, Lumpkin county, witbin the usual hours of sale, the following property to wit: Lot No. 245, 4th district Ist section, levied on as the property of Asa Coker to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a justices Court of Elbert county, in favor ol Thomas Havos, vs. Wm. B. Dudly, Malikiab Coker and Asa Coker. Lot No 1172, 4th district Ist section, le vied on as the property of David Sumner, to setisty a fi fa issued from a justices' Court of Junes county, in favor Robert Beasly, vs. said Sumner. Levy made .ind returned tu me by C. Hibberts, L C. Fraction No, 39, 4th District Ist Section Icvid on.as tiie property of James Brumbalo to satisfy a fi fa issued from a justeces court of Campbell county io favour of Thomas Dothard, vs said Brumbalo. Levy made aid returned Io by G. VV. Hendrick L. C. JOHN D. FIELDS, Sh’ff. Coroner’s Sale. ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in August next, in the town of Dahlohnega, Lumpkin county, within the usual hours ofeale, the following property, to wit: All the right, title, and equitable interest which Samuel King has in and to Lots num ber 1055, 1056, 1080, and one undivided half of 1029, all in the 12th district and Ist section, levied on as the property of Samuel King, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. from Lumpkin Superior Court, one in faqor of John H Jones, vs. Samuel King and Adam Pitner, one in favor of William White, one in favor of Presly Norwood for the use of Mathias Long, one in favor of John N. Whisenhunt, ona in favor of Wm. Lockaby vs. Samuel King, and sundry other ft. fas. issued from a justicaa Court of Lumpkin county, nine in favor of James Can trell, four in favor of John Hills, transferred Io John D. Fields, jr. two in favor of R. S. Persse, and sundry other fi. fas. vs. said King. JOHN DONALSON, Coroner. Gilmer Sheriffs Sales. ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in " " August next, at Efijay, in Gilmer coun ty, within the usual hours of sale, the follow ing property, to wit; Postponed sales. Lot No 283, 12ih district 2d section, levied on as the property of Benjamin H. Booth to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a justices Court of Clarke county, in favor L. R. Brurer vs. said Booth. Leve made and returned to me bv a ; • I Constable. . One blind claybank Horse saddle and bridle levied on as the property of James Beard, to satisfy -a fi. fa issued from the Inferior Court of Habersham county, in favor of Wm. H. Steelman, vs. James A. Board maker, and James Beard security. ■ JOHN T. DAILY. Sh’ff. Cherokee Sheriffs Sales* WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in August next, before the Court House door in the Town of Canton, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: All of William Whitakers interest in two twun lots in lhe town of Canton, well improved 1 levied on as the property of said Whitaker, Io satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court, iti favor cf Lewis Cress, & Co. vs. said Wm. Whitaker. RANDAL MCDONALD, Sh’ffi i Also, at the same time and place. I Lot No 1190, 2d district 2d section, levied Jonas the property of .Alvo Wilson, Io satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a justices Court of Piko county, in favor of James Leach, vs. said Alvo Wilson. Levy made and returned to me by H. W. Blalock, L. C. One bay Mare, levied on ns the properly of William Bradly, to satisfy n fi. fa. issued from the Inferior Court of Hall county, m fa vor of Tipton W. Calten for the use of Daniel 11. Byrd. vs. William Bradly. Property poin ' t< d out by J. P. Brook®. JOHN B. GARRISON, D. Sh’ff. I T _ Forsyth Sheriffs Sales. j be sold on the first Tuesday in Augun j VV next, before the coart-house door, in the town 'of Cumming, between the usual hours of sale, the following property to wit: Lot No 394, 14th district Ist section, levied on as the property of Joseph Martin, to satisfy i a fi fa issued Irom a justices Court of Forsyth i county, in favor of George Steaue vs. said ' Mnttin. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. i Lot No 1289, 3d district Ist section, levied on as the property of John S Bell, (by attach ' ment) to satisfy a fi fa issued from a justices Court of I'orsyth county, in favor of Aaron Hi.rlin, vs. said Bell. Levy made and return ed to me by a Constable. ! Fraction No 57, Ist district Ist section, (levied on as lhe property of Joseph Tanacf to satisfy a fi fa issued from a justices Court ■of Washington county, in favor of F Cullins and Sons, vs. said Tanner. I.e/y made and 'returned to me by a Constable. ■ Lot No 461, 3d district Ist section, levied on as the firoperty of Elijah Miles, to sulisty >a fi fa issued from Harris Superior Court, ir* laser of Henry Lee, vs. said Miles- ARTHUR ERWIN, SL’iL