Miners recorder and spy in the west. (Auraria, Lumpkin County, Georgia) 18??-????, September 30, 1837, Image 1

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MINERS RECORDER AIVD SF¥ IN THE WEST. . V. <JL* U■> 1 •Vi I i ide it Republican Ni-.vsptipcr, i'ubh.'hed at Dati'.oh <qia uu iipi.i.i Cuitnty, u ;•>■■ j«, devof »■ t<« the r>. jt-ervation of the Union, ami .xmekeignty o ’ the •» irss. i'ic syco i.iaiit >f .mi Bait} —thesi moerer | Ol uo l idi/iduai—thefiiemi ut Jackson. PUBLISHED EVERY SAiUaDAi JOHMNG, , By al. al. i f, PIU i LI) Te”.ms -I'n.m Doii irs per antiiiiii xv hen paid in ad I vance »r four dollars, if not paid until the end ot the year. No paper will be discontinued, hut al the option of , the v’ litor.to any subscriber in arrears. Vivcrtise neats and Job Work will be executed at the ctistoinary prices (’o n nu ncatio.is t o the E Jitor.i must be post paid to I i ntitle them to attention. No subscription received sot ’ess Ilian a year. EX EC U I’OHS NNL) A D MIN IST R AT<»T S’D UT Y Notice to Debtorsand Creditors to be published: six weeks. Prince’s Digest, page 137. Ad intended Sales ol goods and chattels belonging ; to testators or intestates goods and chattels, shall be I published in two or tnore public places in the parish) | county] where such effects are to tie sold and in the j gazelle, at east fort v days before the day oi such in tended side.— ibid 101. AHsalesto tie between the hours of ten and four o’clock, and if continued from day to day. notice to be given thereof on the first day of sale — ibid 167. Sales of real property to be on the first Tuesday in the month, at the place of public sales,after sixty days publication.— ibid I7L Ao.iiic ition for Letters of Dismission published six! months. — ibid 168. ESTR \YS. To be advertised by the Clerk of the Inferior Court 1 .. ... 1 Laiv Notice. i OUll Copoil.ii i nip I- inis ay, by , odual con acnt, JrXi 'J’juiJi. A B. 1101/r. A J .iANsLLL. Auoriieya at law. Dalilohnega, 15th Oct. 1836. J snail continue lie pracli ein the Cherokee, and ( Lite adjacent i ot the IV <.-sti rn Circuit.— ( Address, DAHLUHnEGA. L iinpkin County, Ga. AUD iV. J. 11 iN ,ELL. O«t. 1 j, 1836.- 23tf. The K« public in .Savannah Recordei Milledgeville, Senti iel August i, nil give the above three inout dy nsertio ns und tor ward accounts. A. J. IL • CuM ll)BXt>ifxiWS VX'JE'AUuU. Hicvr raCiioja, «4<*i>zgia. Julv 15u>, 1837. ALL persons having claims against individual persons ol the h r .km \a ion, (w no rave not e.i igiated we-t) tor d- bls tonlr.ictid previous lo .he 23 day of May 1'36, ar.' tie eby notified, Unit it h y ar.; not picseeted a: u.is oilice on < r bet-d'e tiie Ist ! day of Oct her next, e ch claims -till not the; natter I be received by Inc C> mini mi)ih r« tor a judication. zVud .dl persons eiiti. le .o> Native rig is as ('h r.>- kees. ti>» have chum <4 aay disc i ton., pro' tded tor by th < lt< rokee I reaty oi Decemli i I J.i espe. i itly ! lor spoila ions »nd R. servn.tons are li du eari.estL requested to preseiii tin ii ci.urn-* wit u lurtner delay . GI. SON I' M. KIN, JOHN Ki.N 0..»V, Commissioners. July 29. —sl ’till Is Ot I. PHU PECTUS I OF THE SCjeUiY S jOK. 'PHI lil) t i/LIt.KL, ( \ew iSeries.) Uemled to i'oiil Literature sum a< i .\iurtil and Sentimental lata itumoious and amusing .Misechauu, I‘oelry, Ulc. N.c Oi Maturdny the 7tli of November. 1835. it.ll be I issued tiie first n nub. r ot tin third Volume ot the i Scrup Book, ot tin: new series Ou issuing proposals tor Hie Third V olume of the Scrap Book, Hie puiifishtT lenders t,is most since.e thanks to his num. i..us patrons tin the very ,ib rai i support they h.iv < , thus lan, give i inn. l i Hie pub.ic - lion ol ills pap. r, and tu p. s that tils c.mstam ,o.d Untiring ellurts to plcusi may lOutmue to him that patr uag. lot wiin.n lie is truly dia ktid. .\n> nea assurance o < lilt pint I til' pninisli. i that h< in rms improving i.is p.ipi r, he co islilc-rs as < tin ly ns. less the public bring net. aware that his sou mm t? to please, and 1., phase, m ust con iiiii. io imp.tive. L'O.N Ml HON S- i lie iciap Book will fie p. b.ished ever. Sauu.iay o I a til. quality < t pa, er. n th. <|,aito ioi'in and w ill coillaui llily tw u llulilbt i s wt right paj.es each wHh a title page uml md x to the v..iu ~c L will br pruned in ..a .tis >mt sty t<, and ml make at the do, th.- year a m au.ilui volume, couiati.itig mint, t vq tit t<> tiro thcHs u.a duoifn i o p„g< s i'l'.h M’s. i'he terms .1l ie Snap B-ok wdt .><• a- ' hereiolori, Mur flotuii p> i annum. ( ..y«o. n. adt..,,ce. —-liosubs.i lplioiiretfl.eut.il » 11 n t>..< y , a., aim DO . a|Hsl s 10l wad cd uni ll th. m «-y is r. <..v <d. Na .w* ot » bscilbc swn i tl.e aim. .n> ..I s .b>c ip tiuns to be sent by ti> 7m <>t Novemi. r, oi as so n •tier as p..»Mbtc to toe pubhshei. G. VV KAITLL Hartford, Conn. 183.‘». N. IL— As n Wil. be quite an *cc ir.<>. alii n to l.ave tt e subsr Fibers nam s e riy , the pubiism i wid give t thoae wb > subst ribe b< |. n the t omii.enc. tin nt ol the Ttuid volume all *b. num ers ol Hie s. cOod volume winch may be pubiisti. d aiti r the .tceipt ot ttie sub scription money. |L. J* > /*est .dasttrs art rtqurslcd to act as ./grids. NO 11< E, I'*BT or MISI VID a certain pr tnisorv N >t< J "vi 1 ■ bv Kow l.iml Beant. u ami pavaf» eto Jo T K - > > Jr and <• do-sr.; by said Ralston t.. the sub-, r.tn r, tor thirty dollars, bearing datr the 19tn day ol .Match 1836, nud dm ti e 4tu dav ot Julv j thereafter. T public a<■i«r. by « i t tod ar nst tradt g for said N te, and th makei horn p.ving r to any >no exceptoinysdy . as I am he I. sal uwn» ro ; the same. JAMES 11. WORLEY. i Dec. 24th, 1836.-W. “let there be harmony inth in g s essenr ial —l ibera li r y in th in g s not essential —c ha r: t y in all,” DaHLOdNEGA, LU-hVKuV C LWVY, GLOIiGGA, SEPT SO, 18S7 t.nd owicelor at Law, ’ Ai \8 locnied bimseil a Spring Plate M..r ay ® Co nty, and will putic daily n t. nd to any bn io ss e trussed <» his care, in his profession, in on Chtl'ukr e ( '.l< till. Be,,t. 9h, 1837. otf. Executor’s sale. GRI-’LABLL t■an o ( er <.f h Honorable th ZM. Inferior Court f Gilm r County, there v.ill ')■ soln on Thursday the i9:h of Member next, at the r sidi n< eof Robert Ki ai .-, all th persona, pioj' rty ot J imes Ki'o ai i, lam of said count, d. t ease. c > .sisiinj) <>t Wagg ins, Horst s < attle, Household A Krehen Enrritture. Sale to tonunoe fr m day to d y ii ti! a.I are s< !d. Sold for tiie b Refit of the li»ir a d « reditor- of said deceas d. ‘ erms u.ade known <>u tue dav of sale VVI LIAM KI ZEY, ) r ROBI.i.T KiN’CAli), j ExeclltL ‘ TS • Sept 9, 1837 —5.-403. f.E'.EGIV, HALL COUNTY. a«,/i ll :ras henry edvvards applies i,. V V me tor Leiters of Adminis ration, on the E 'aie oi J .Im Byrd sen. late of said county deceas d I 'his is to cit and admo.ii-.il all and sii gular the kindred and c.edi.ois • f said de eased, to be ami appt ar at my ofiii ew it bin th. tine prescribed bv law, to sln-v Kus if any exist, why s.itd Lett, is should not be g, ~n led Given unuer my hand, this Ctb day of June, 1837. E. M, JOHNSON, C. C. O, Sept. 9 1837 —s—3od. Adniitiistrator’s Sa!e. be sold .i ii>e C ,ii t-ll 11S (. in Lumpkin I r c ointy o.t te first Tuesday i Det ruber mxt by ord, rof tie Conit o! Ordinary of la< ksou conn ty. a foity acie Lot N > 216, in the 13t i District and Ist Section of Cmrok" , now i urnpki.. county. Sold i in or..e f i .i d,vision the E 'ate of the kite John tfo!icrs..n oi Jacckson i .uuty d censed. Teini'Ca-h. Juli\ R LoVVIiY, tlm’r. with tiie VViil annexed. Si pi 2d, 1857. 3.. (Is. MONTHS after date, applicn* ion wil fie ma te to th.' lufenor C nit of l.tinip'iin con ,tv when silling lor ordinal v pu p .ses for leave lo ft li a l me R ai Estate <4 El.zabeth Smith, late of Lumpkin county, tleceasi-d. BOLEY VV. FIELD, Adm’r. July Bih 1837.—48—4 m. New iStajre trout Greenville, by Pickens court house and Clarksvill , to (Ja. t ■ - I’T.rH* * * .3* * subscriber informs t'ic public, that he his i ■ just lurnish. d his lin (wlii I, his .mlv be. n O emtio 1 a few m< nths) w th a splemfid ITnVZ which, opeto. r with good ll ts s at.d ..til titive Driver, p .is ii n w tn complete ordi r I r I’ravell'Ts F r econ tnv, noveli v, io <1 am ommo ia ti •., tins route cannot be excelled J'.rr j() distance | 120 mites through in less than TWO DiYS, icilhoid i traveling at night lean Gieenvillc every Monday at one n’clot k I*. M ami arrive at Dahloiuiega the m x Wednesday at 12, M. Leave Dalilohnega evry Wed i stlny ut 1 <•’, I ck P. M a id arrive at Greenville tin- next Friday at 12, vi. No pains or expen e will be spated to ren I r tho-e ! comiortable who truv I tins I. . LION VRD CAIT.HL ART, Contractor Pickens C. II S. C. ) Aug 5, 1'37. y 1 —St. I W ALKER sT PERI R CO IR F. Hute loi. Dav id M. C oituin, ] i'S- | />/// for \\ illiaiu B And spe ijic 1 hoinpson Gardeuhire f petfor- Dodge Rabun f mance. Robert ' tephens. I T appearing to ihe C-mst that the defendan s . Thom, son Gan* nhlu VV ilha. Bond arid iiob. i Si< ph ti-nave no D' < nse>ve. by the Si .-nt uh copy id thi above Bil ano Illa tl.e « id B d uar di lltiil'e and >i. j. r , (l j ~ ~ x i me said den nd .nis Burnt and ' e f.e s i- ab . ' i <.m ti.i- Ma e.r <a not m loom! (her in Mri mtm n I- oideted tha, the -an! uelmma t-. VV i.a.im E i d I . ■ ;■ ■ (, a , . :|, * ll A "ex' term t hi.-C mt, m c i, ,t s. rvi< e -I -.mt lull be pertet te.t bv a pidiioa. | ti is Hme tin.f VLmths i , tm. ot in ; ,b ~ ,\, H . [hts ol thia Slate, previoit to that ti ~ . JAMES Ul<> ISON. Sol. pio. cotnpt. W alkcr countv. D alker /Superun ('ourl, VI.( H i»nii 1837. I John Caklwell. Cl tk <! he >i|. nor Co .it . i Mil Itm ty d . tei try that th \~b vt o .< r is a . opv from ttic Minute-<>t thefomt. t is 1 t d. v ot Apiil 1837 JOHN CALDW ELL, Ci'k. 4! —3m job iPsU v: av;.,. Executed v itli no. tuess N. despatch * 1 VT Til!* OFFiCF. GO 'ili'i e <■;; s after tlaf I promise'o pay John j B. Cliast.i i or bea er, one hnnbred Dollars', for value I n ceceived. Dec; mber >836. his JOHN X SATERFIELD, s ' itn-ss mark. SAMEEL LOUDERMILK. GEORGIA. 7 Lumpkin County S SUPERIOR COURT OF SAID COUNTY, i September Term. 1837. "S’ T annering to the Court that the original N-it*, of ( v fit ti the above is a true copy, has In • n Ins'. i II >h refore ord ■’•rd that said copy be estabiis e i in lieu of said original N< te, at the next t< rm of t.h»« Co.rt unit cause be show nto t econtrir an' i.at a c py f thi- rule be puhli-hed in the Miner’s <co - d'r once a month, f'>r three months pr or to sun Court. A true c pv ‘ror.i the minutes of this Court, 8;h ■- •teer, 1837. M. P. QUILLIAN, Cl’k. Sept. 23, 1337. —7- -3m. .Pocket Book Lustj i qjl HE subscriber lost a large Calf s kttt ffi- Pocket Book, at (be Cherokee Count ii held at Red Clay, on lii.* 5 ii instant, contain ng Fifteen Dollars in B >nk Notes, one on 'bt Rail Road Bank for ten dollars, and one or live dollar' on site Brawn Bank of Darien payable at D ddolieega together web the !■ Slowing notes and papets; Two notes of it irnJ on Ephraim T. Bht Hon, tine loi S2OO ■ •'te the 25 h December next, and one for witii a credit <>l $l7O ; one on B. B Q iilltan for S2OO, m Oe payafde to I. C Ciossley. tine me 25 n <»l D' ceinht r I ist ; one .rn I C Ki g, in de ■ avaiile in A. J. B lues, with a halnm e of $l2O due on it ; < ne on .‘I C la'um I i Sii 2, given in M arch la si •nd due three m<m us ulier dti'e ; one on J. Iv VV ill,..Hi' for $59, due the 25 hos Decern Her next ; out- on James Moielatid I r $lB .md 50 ecu -, with a cr. d.t of $lO. AU pei- ons are hereby cautioned agmst trading for nv "I s'id m> es and the itrnkcr., from prying uem to tiny person ex-ept tm if. IE K. QUILLIAN. Sept 15 ii, 1537 6f. ]\<>l ice. Fill IE public are her. by cautioned against it 'dmg fur thtee promisory notes, or either of them, drawn payable to Abraham Seaboh, of Lumpkin countv, Ga., one t>>r tier v dollars, wtifi n cn dit of twenty two d"l --l.its, due the first <d tl is instant ; one. for seventy d ill its, due 'he 25tli of D ceinhwr nex ; the othei r one hundred and til v d.d lars. due tiie 2 > h ol Dei en.b-r 1838, all d i ed the I'2 n of 'anti try last, ami .-igned by ■/>e 'libs'rifi« r. A' tie cimsidei iti<m lor which said nmes w« i given has entirely filled, I hid deteinimtd u< l io nay them, or any pari I ilietcol unit s' cotnpelu d t.y I w JOSEPH ETUIS. Sept. 16, 1837 —6 3 GEG GIA, ( HEROKEE COL N1 Y FgWLLi.D before me, tiy J Im buiiv m, a hay Dorse, taken up .is a stray, tour feet n mi In » Ing li, » i, bl ymu s ol , w , I) si,oi s on his bTi let.i, a praised lo seven y five d"|lats Also, a i.ark brown horse, i-mr lee eh ven lli« . e- high, five years old, with a b| ze face, wi Ii a wtiiii tti.ok <>u bmn 'ides ol ms nerlv s itir 'mliiie i.i r.vs ot, ins li i. k, >oth hmd teei , wilt ■ , wi ll bla. k spots i.i the wine, right lore io. wof e, .i,q»i .I'- il o eigti y f;vt; iinllars, by l« I . Duuit I a d V\ tltei Hand >x, 9 i .t. T. Wm. Hl iaKe h JP. Gi.OßfilA, | \ line txtia.f fr m < i.' i tvee Con iy I li*. re. . rd of Esiiaxs m 'ni < onni v, ih s t ,a- ILn day el Bepit inner, 1837 6 3(Jd. VV I > I.i v VI GmI.SH AAI, I). Cl’k. LI VlvDi VN’S SALE. 1\ puisu .meoi .in orm rol ih. Hmioiable ie Cour ni Ordtii'iiy ut 1 iui knit < omity, int- will tie sm<j at the Cmiit House d"oi it. tue twou ol til irsvthe, L'mon co m y Ga., UiUiiii hu us.<ii ui -(i , Hi) tiie L’r>. 1 ovso yni IJ. « r mi, rm X , L No. 149, tn "o 10 , d.'.r.ci .Hid Ist -< l oo Sold for no I iiriirlu >f te- m ir- and < r uit< is m ,1 one, Vlt l.Un idr Ce-vst'd. leims iliade known on lilt day oi sale. HENRY P VRKS, Guard in. Bepi 16 6 -60 L ; : Corosirr’is B»aJe. VV b ‘ °n *he first Ttie'Jav n 1> C" U'lfl .| Vt . I I t .1- tnv i ; Mi., ... . i -a lU'n.:il C ...' v.. ,t , .1 C.l s Idi m, l, I- , : r.. n ( | I 'll.eV Illg plopt IV,to wit ; Ail be tig, t. title, in.J eqmt i I- m re which Batnm K g md Lois t ■‘u. I 80. i.d 11'55, in>,;i in he 12 :i d'-' •nd 1-1 see>tom . t -< d rout;' v. lev; R .., t . ns | rope, y, to s ■ts y a tn <•. ig ‘ ii. f«. i Ma vol ol »V 11 .s J . .V] 1 ,er. vs. x m K John du.nal.'O.v, •. - .c. , —— - : zz z—zzzzz zzzzz t : [Fi mn ihe Providence Mmniiig Courier.] THE TEST of Pai JHDENCE. I A SHORT AND TRUE STORY, i I “The hand that wiped awav the tear of want, ! i T he heart th it melted at anotber’s w >e, i Were his, and blessings followed h tn.” j David Wentworth had the kind-' 1 cst of hearts. 1 here was neither, mete nor bound to his benevolence, I except inabiiiiv. And happy was. any man who had a tythe of the' prayers thai were odeied tip for the j wei.are cd my ktcd i, by the unfor-1 tunate and wretched w hom his hand relieved. I I speak of prayers—for it was the; only reward he sought, and of course the only reward he obtained; 1 mean here—but I forget. David was paying attention to an excellent young lady of his native ci ty. She was wealthy, beautiful, ac complished, and consequently had many suitors. Among them were | richer and nobler (in extraction I mean) and handsomer than David, but n’impoite there was a kind of frank hearted, straight, forwardness' about my friend, and could not fail to carry him somewhere near the heart of discerning mistress, even if an emperor had been his rival. 'idle young lady in question, hit upon a project to put. tiie characters of her lovers to a test, she had come across a poor widow with a family in distress in one of her be nevolent excursions, and ihe idea oc t tired to her that it would be a good opportunity to ascertain the stuff her lovers' heart was made of. Letters forthwith indited, setting forth the good woman’s tale, and forwarded to the different gentlemen in the w idow ’s name, requesting an answer assistance. I he first reply was a lecture on idlem ss and begging, and concluded with the information that the w riter w as not ac customed to give to those lie did not know. This was from SIO,OOO a year! Idle second ad is ed her to apply to some of the be nevolent societies whose dutv it was to relieve those who were trulv in want. fhi' was from one who hid a great reputation for beuev deiire vv ho had taken a L ading part in sev eral chaiitalde associations; mid whose pharasaical liberally had been blazoned in the Gazette. The lady! thought that interested, as he was, ’ in the success ol these institutions,] he displayed a very coinmciidilde re lii< tan e about taking the business' out Oi their hands. A third from a good hearted and g ner >us kind of a iediow enclosed a$ 3 bill w ith his compliments. ev< ral took no notice oi die good woman's pi t tion. But there was another answer w hi'di (lie lady read vv lilt (liffurent feelings, ft was from Lav id from SsOD a year —ami 1 need not sax, line him sch kind consoling. It spoke of tiie, writer’s narro.» mea:.s, and also ol the principles lie has a<io ;<*■!, of lie v er giving, unless per. ua<h d oft he objec t, and concluded bv r (’nesting an mien lew . “if,'said h , “Hind u.j sell otherwise imaltie to afford the assistance von require, • tru-t , i mav be ot scivice in mtcresting others ii: sour behalf.’ Aor was this mere profession. Eor ii was but a few weeks before Hu wi low foi. nd he rself comfortably io atccl and engaged in a th icing mile b.i-.Lit""., c .‘mint itcc'd by th; .ecu ..men ’atioti, and carried oh by tiie aid ut ais ictul. .\ lt i ail this was lone it genuine sermture stele. I here was ii») sounding ot trump ts. a» ’ ; Ji right band knew not tin? do- ings of the left. But his lady love was a silent observer cf his conduct, and he received many a kind glance from that quarter, of which he little j suspected the cause. She began to think that a homage of spirit likc’his : was a thing not to be despised; and she felt something very much like a palpitation of the heart, as she ques tioned herself respecting his inten tions. i She was in a train of thought which was one evening, as is often i thee case, i iterupted by a call from the very person who had been its i cause. Hour after hour passed by that night, aud still David lingered. |He colud not tear himself awav. ] “She is a most fascinating creature,’ thought he. ‘and good as she is beau tiful. ( ’an she ever be mine?’ A (cloud came over his features and ho ’ sat for a moment in silence. ‘This 1 suspense must be ended,’ he at legth thought. He started as the clock told eleven. ! ‘Vou will ccitainly think me in sufferably tedious, said he, with a 1 feint smile, ‘but I have been so picas a- tiy engaged as to think no more of time. And the sin of this tres pass upon the rules of good breeding must lie at your door. Besides I ■ have lengthened this visit,’ he con ' tinned after a pause, Tinder tiie ap prehension that as it has been ihe happiest, it might also be the last, it shall ever be my good fortune to en joy with Miss H.” The lady looked at him with some 1 surprise. ‘ Nay, ’ said he, “the matter rests ■ with yourself. Will you forgive my ; presumption? J know that others, perhaps more worthy of you, at least nobler ami wealthier and higher in the world's esteem, are striving for the honor of your hand. .And yet I cannot restrain myself from making an avowal, which though it may l;c futile, it is yet but a deserved tribute to your worth.’ And he popped lite question. 'i he lady did not swoon nor turn pale. But a flash of gratification passed over her face, aud lightened her eyes for a moment. Aht.‘ frankly gave him her hand & looked up archly in his face. ‘The friend oi the fatherless and widow,’ said she. ( David blushed) ‘cannot fail to make a constant lover and a worthy husband.’ From the Aurora Standard HORRID TRAGEDY, Confession of a .Murderer. On the Idth ult. in the town of Hamburg, Erie countv, a murder was committed which exhibits a de gree oi depra ity that could scarcely be looked lor in beings vv ho wear the i >rin oi humanitv, and live undi r tin iiillucncc of civilation. The deed was perpetrated i; on a man named Rapp, a uative of Sv,itzerland, bv li:> own wi m } an i her paramour, a youi. ; A v. b s, name not known. i he paitn tdar- oi this tragical as uur are oi the most revoking and iiarbaro ,s cliar<i. t« r, as taken from the co.essioL o Lie young man, by which it appearsthat it was a mat t r oi cool dehber uon for nearly a vcur pt evious to , final consumma tion. Ihe ap g mail was paying his ad ircssu > Rapp’s daugter with the intent ato marry her, when her mother '..formed him that she liked ru n more than h r daughter did, A it he would ass..it ht rin disposing of L.u'husband she would marry him, and lie cot.ld share in the propertv. i o this he accecdeth ntttl th* y conjointly proceed to the exe cution oi th. ! ir diabolical purpose. 'i: ir first id .u was- t j ' hr» ;<o. s.