Miners recorder and spy in the west. (Auraria, Lumpkin County, Georgia) 18??-????, October 07, 1837, Image 2

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Tvrenty-fiSih Congress- FIRST SESSION* IN SENATE, Monday Sept. 18, 1837. IS SU E O F TREA S U R V NOT E S. The bill to authorize the Secreta ry of the Treasury to issue 'Treasu ry notes being taken up for a third reading— AHL GALHOUN rose and ad dressed the Senate. He remarked that he desired the aid of the supporters of the admira tion to carry his measure, for without it nothing could be carried. If he could see his way as clear as the light of Heaven, he would not trust the execution of a measure to unwil ling hands. With respect to relief for the coun try: H c owed money, audit must be paid, au 1 relief only would come in time, and by frugality and indus try. lie reg- rded the growing crops ol cotton m Aibama, Louisiana and Mississippi, am the rice and tobac co crops, as principally calculated to bring about reh fto the country. After a few other remarks, Mr. C. offered the following proposition: Sec. And be it/urifier enacted, 'That from ami after the first daj oi Janua ry, eighteen hundred and tmi ty- ight three fourths oft he amount due to the Government, for duties, taxes, sales of the public lands, or other debts, may be paid in the notes of sppecie paying banks; and that from and af ter the first day ot January, eighteen hundred and forty, one fourth; and from and alter the first day of Jaiiua ary, eighteen hundred and forty-one all sums due, for duties, sales oi pub- 1 lie lands, or other debts to the Gov ernment, shall be paid only in the le gal currency of tiie tailed States, or n. such notes, bills, or paper issu-; cd under the authority oi the same,! as may be directed to be received by law. MIL BENTON said he fully con curred in the object oi the amend-' incut. He then offered tiie follow ing amendment, and moved that it be ( printed, together wdii the proposi-j lion offered by Mr. Calhoun, &. laid on the table; which was agreed to. j Sv.c.And be it further emu ted, That the collection ami disbursement of the revenues shall continue to be made in the kinds of money directed by existing laws, until the of next; from ami after which time all the revenues of the United tates, and of the General Post office, ami all payments to them, shall be re ceived in gold and silver coin only, exempt in cases in whiJi Treasury' notes, or land scrip, may be leceivy able by law; ami on ail payments so made ni gold com, a discount of one per cent shall be allowed in favor of the payer. And, from and after the same day, every officer or agent en gaged in making disbursements on, account, of the United States, or of' the General Post Office, shall make all payments in gold and silver com only, or in Treasury notes when au-i thorized by law; and any receiving! or disbursing officer, or agent, who shall neglect, evade, or violate, this provision shall forfeit all coinpun satiou which may then be due him. Slc. And be it further enacted, That it shall be tin' duty of the secretary ■ of the Treasury to prescribe regula tions to enforce the speed) presenta tion of all Government drafts tor pay ment at the place where payable; in case of unreasonable dela\ in such presentation, pay oflhe draft so dt - la\ ed may be .made at oth< r place within the limits ofthe United states. MR. BENTON also oftered the. following bill, which was laid on the table and ordered t be printed: A BILE to re-estahd>h ife* cur rency ot the ( onstUu! utl fort! Federal Govennent. De it enacted by the Senate Hanse RfDr.sentaiires < f the l’nited States (if.i.ur i-i Cong i css assembled, fiiit batik nous and paper currency of every descrip tion shall cease to be received, or offered in payment, on account of the U. s., or ofthe Post Office, or in fees in the court- of the U. \, as fol lows, of less denomination than twenty dollars, none after the third iday of March, eighteen hundred & ‘thirty seven; of less denommatio.i 'than fifty dollars, none after the thiro (day of March eighteen hundred a.id :thirty eight; of fess' denomination jthan one hundred dollars, none after the third day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty nine; of less de nomination than five hm ire i foliar* (none after tiie third day of .larch, ! eighteen hu.idre I an I forty, of less i (denomination than one too isa.i.l do.- dars, none after the thir iday of dan h I eighteen hundred and forty one; a.c.l I |none of any denomination from and: i after third day of larch, eighteen ;hundred and forty two. j Sec 2. ind be it furltiei enacted. Th i ; ,)any person holding map oi.it neat under the laws of tne United . itatt s, and any bank employed to Keep pub lic moneys, which person or banks ' employed to keep public moneys, [which person or bank snail neglect, leva ie, violate, contravene, or in any p'way elude, the prows; ms of this act I shall be guilty o. an oiicticu agai rd the laws: a*i 1 the per*o = s > oife.id. ig j shall be liasde to oe limi sse! Iro n •the service, and the bank so often I- ‘ ing shall, on satisfactory i liomnation be discontiued as a depository ol public moneys. '' After some further proceedings, ■ the questio i was taken on the en : groosedmcnt oi the oil! bv yeas mid ' nays, and decided as follows: YEAS—Messrs. Allen, Bayard, Benton, Black, Brown, Buchanan, < alhoun, Clay of Ala , Clayton, Ful ton, Grundy, Hubbard, Kent, King; lof Alabama, King of Geo., K night,! Lyon, McKean, Morris, sichols, | j Niles, Norwell, Fierce, Rieves, : Roane, Robbins, Ruggles, Seveir, ( Smith of Connecticut, smith of I idi aua, strange, *• wist, Tall n edge. Tip ton, W alker, Wall, Webster, W.ulc,' j Williams, Wright and V > nig—l3. NAY desses. ( id*, oi Ken-; tucky, Critenden, Freston, southard and Spence—s. Ou motion of Mr. WRIGH T, the; the senate adjourned. I i IN>E.X\ E. lui : a 19- I ?.|R. CLAY, of AU nma, laid on the table a resolution < a li ig on the 1 secretary of the Treasur. ibr certain information concerning the sales ol the Public Lauds. The following bills were rea 1 a third time and passed. A bill to mthorisc the issuing Treasury Notos. A bill to exo nJ the time for tiie payment ol Rex earn* loads A bill to adj >t tne remaining claims on the Heoosite Banks. . L_ IN SENATE. V EDSES n AY ‘V ' pt <■ rulipi 20. Several memorial* were presided remon>trating agam*t the umexation ol 'Texas to the Lhm d talcs, b\ .Mr. swift, Mr. Niles an I Ur. Wall, all of which w'ere laid on the table. Mr. WRI HIT, from the c unmit tee on finance, to whom the subject was referred a bill to remit the dil lties on certain goods de>tr)ved bv the fire in New 1 ork, which was read and ordered to a second read ing.* A resolution offered vesterdav bv ‘ Mr. WAI.KER, ref erring it to the ( Coniittee on Commerce to inquire into the expediency of establishing ports of entry at \ icksbug &, Grand «ulf, was taken up and on motion I of .Mr. IIGBBAIU) ua- laid cu the table' with the understanding that there would be no a lion o i gener al subjects during this extra session. The resolution oftered yesterday; by r CL\Y, of \la. calling for information ou the subject ot public lands. as taken up and agreed to. SUB n<E\<UKY sYsrr.M The bill imposing ad htional du ti 'as depositaries o; t < • ouonc mo ne\ in certain otficci.* was taken up and read a second tunc. Mr. < YLHOL N then moved to amend the bill by iutrodn-i.ig a new section. .Mr. WRIGHT suggested a mod ification; w Inch w as accepted by Mr. Calhoun, and the aimuidmeut was of fered i:. the follow ing from.— —.And be further enacted,! that from and alter tiie Ist day of January, 1838, three-fourths of the unount due to gover nnetr , lor du ties, taxes, safes oi punlic lands, or other debts, may be recivu I m the notes of specie paving banks; and that from and after the Ist day of Jan uary f S39, one half may be so re ceived; and from and after die Ist day of January, 1819, one fourth; & fro n and after the Ist day ofJauua y, 181*2, all sums due for duties, i s ties of public lands, or other debts ofthe governnfent, an i all ‘ayme.it< to di : General Post Office, sh.dl be (pail in rohl a id silver coin only, or lin such riotes, bills, or pap r, ssued (under the authority ofthe U. S., as i may be directed to be received by [’•aw. And from aid after the Ist January, 1841, all, officers or distur bing agents engaged m uaki ig dis bursement-, on account ofthe (J. or General PostGffi.ee, shall malic ail their payments in gold and silver only, or in such notes, bills or paper asshall be authorzed by law. iny receiver or disbursing oilfeer who shall neglect so to (io, shall 1) dis misse from service and for e;t ah considerations then due to i n.’ Mr. C GJiOUN call d for the yeas and nays on his amend lent, Al , they were ordered. i Air. NILES then gave at legth his views of the sub-treasury system. ( Mr. SMITH, of Indiana, then i rose to reply and tiie senate adjourn ed. HOUSE OF REPRESENT \ I IVES, i'uesd.iv. ’ 19. Mr. IDA Ms asked leave to oftei j a r{i*oiulioij, w’hich was read, as .ol- I* low's: “ Resolved, That the power of an nexing the People o any in I. pen dent foreign state to thi> Union is a power not dalegated by the C »n --:s’itutio:i ofthe United “tat s to their (Congress, or to any D *p irtnent of their Government, but reserved to (the People. I Objections being made, Mr. A. 'moved the suspension of the rule, , which was refused, an I the motion to suspend was rejected. Many petitio is in lelation to tax e> and the urr nev cr.- .resented. !m*eque t itiy, the M t s having been calico lor r >bmo .s, Vlr. A.)- \ 1$ oiiered tne a >ov ■ re -oluiio;i, and it was on his iimeoa iai I on the table. Mr. T\ IAE .!!!{;> offered a r soln i >.i caliiug to ■ i.i ,: n itmn a> to lhe qua uii\ o: di r’-re it Kinds o! (irai ; i nporie I during Hr* Inst mi i presi.it xears, vhicli was tgree i to. i Mr. i’A TiON oilmen a resolu tion calling on the Presid nt for all the correspondent e relihve to tne w'iihdrawal ot ion. Scott from his co nriand :u Florida, and tiie subse quent court -naiiial, 6cc.—Lies one (lay. Mr. M oftered a resolution for thr appointment of a select com mittee, by ballot, with po v. rtoscml for persons and papers, to investi gate the cause of the disasters A' ex penses ofthe Floridawar. After some debate, Mr \V’. modi fied lhe resolution <o as to embrace an inquiry into the course ofthe war and to enable the committee to sit during to recces. 'The house without taking the question on the resolution, passed to the order* of the day. The bill to postpone the fmrth in stalment ol the Depositcs was taken np,and Mr. BELL spoke in opposition to it for two hours. HOUSE <>F IIEPKI SEN f ATIVES. W ♦ ds, S e;.’ > 20 After the presentation ol memori als against the annex.ttio.i of Texas. Mr. C \MBR ELiiN (i, from the Committee on Wax s and .Means, reported the .Senate bill lor the issue of I reasurx notes, xvith an a nerid ment, increasing the amount to ten 'bilious and a naif. —Comrmtt. d. .Mr. C. also reported the senate bills to p >tpone the duty bonds for nine moth*; and to a ljust the claims ot the Government upon die late Deposit./ B mk>, w ithout amendment and they xvere coininittud. B \NKRUPT \C T. Mr. Bl:hd*il put an interroga jtory to the (.'hairman of the Commit tee of the Judiciary. Did that Com- ■ H mittee intend to report a Bankrupt ■jßill atthis session?—4'*, if so, would ’[the bill be reported conflict with the jopi.non of tiie present Executive, ; who when a senator said that it was i unconstitutional to pass a bankrupt law extending to persons other than 1 merchants an I bankers. Ms-. THO’H is, ia reply, said that tie committee had postponed theii j determination whether to report a, i bill at tiiis session or not, until it ap-; i o; aivd whether the session was to ’ I 'c ) itimie. Tne committee would ' meet to morrow and determine up- ( Ton this subject, but he would not! > predict what their opinion would be' das to the details ofthe bill, should i they report one. ■j FLORID \ W YR Tiie House resumed the consi ler • aiio.i of the resolution yesterday of ‘ sere I by 4r. Wish, for the appoint ' [m nt ofa select Committee to inves '' ligate the causes of die delays and ’ i failures of the Florida war, and, after ; some debate in which ue-srs. Hal , > y, Cushing, and Wise took part 1 > conclusion xvas arrived at, when Hhe hour for tne consideration of rcs - 3; oi itions expired. deposit The House went into Committee s ofthe Whole, ( tr. Hxynes in the hair) and resumed die cousidera -1 ti .• .• >f the bill ibr the pospo lenient -1 ofthe fourth instalment. Messrs. Cambkelkng, U.xdkr xvood, Duncan, Garland, of Penn svlva, and Biddle spoke on the j. i .s 11 bj ec t. - ’ xtr. Pickens moved to amend the bill so as to postpone the instalment ff (ill the Ist of January. 1839, instead . of postponing it indefinitely. T Without comingto any conclusion, . the House adjourned. G HOUSE OF REPIIEsENFATIVES. i ; I'litirsday. September 21. ) BANKRUPT LAW. Mr. Thomas, from the committee , on the Judiciary, reported a resolu tion which was this morning adopted i by that committee, viz. Resolved that it is inexpedient for this commit . tee to report a bill for a b»n<rti )t law at the special ses-io.i of Con gress. :r FLORID \ WAR. The House resum d tiie consid . oration of the resolution heretofore oft*, rod by Mr. Wise, for lhe ap ( ;»oi itrmmt of a select Committee Ay b i tot, to enquire imo the iimormo'ts expenditures of the Florida War, <Scc. Hr. Glasscock moved a subs, it nt e ! -.liking out the xvords “by ballot.” Jy the works auth it ising lhe committee i to sit during the recess. \;r. Hoxvard, of Md. moved to; amend the amendments so as to substitute tiie standing committee.' on 'I i itary A fairs for a select commit tee which motion lie advocated at some legth. After some further conversation,! without coming to any conciiiM » i, the House went to the orders ofthe d iy. The bill postponing the Fourth In stalment was taken up in committee of the xvhole, mid Loomis, ol Ohio, Jones, of V a. \ i’hfrton of \ a. and others spoke on the subject but no question was taken. 11l PORT OF THE POST M\STER GENEKAE. I’oiT Office Department, I September 4, 1837. j Su lmmediately after the suspension o specie paytnen's liv 'I • ba. ks nt New Ymk, in .May lasi, a circular was sent out, dire< utig ail postmasters wh<» had li en instructed io <i( p.»site lhe pioceeds ol their offices tn bniks, tu letatn them in specie to meet the diafis of the department. l .i those who had been in-bincied to pay directly to conlraetwrs, another circular w is ’ s nt, reminding tn» m of their duties and lia bilities in reference to ihe moneys to be re ceived and paid bv tjn tn un ler existing laws. Instructions have recently been prepared J.reeling ihe tn inner in winch returns of cash ..ii hand are 10-reaf • r to be made to die depart tnent, and fuitndding the loaning or use of Hie moneys bei ngtug to lhe public for any pur pose wiiatsoever. In relation upward, of ten thousand ol die post <.fii es, these regulations make no change. lhe only change effe.-ted by them ~ that about elev<m ii iu lr<-d porsiin i-'ers who I 'iiD'‘rly deposited meir .i.co m batiks.' weekly, mon hiy «»r quarterly, accordti'g to ; i -> am ion!, now r- am the money m ihen own t bands till diiwtt Torby the department. io about nine-tet>ttis of torse, the new system is j tnoie convenient 'han .he old r, saves 'diem i . tne trouble of going or sen.!mg to the batik, i jaud procuring ceiuticaics of depositary ; it is equally safe, as their entire balances will bo draxvu for as often they a»e deposit’d ; onj it is more < lli' i. nt, bec-mso some post masters w!>o might m gteet to depoaite will not venture to dishonor a dealt. j' The ims'in.inters who will not close thmi*' accounts quarterly, will not, probably, exceed one hutnlretl ; -md the balances in their hands, from quai ler to quarter, are not likely under a proper .tdinm stratum of the department to j exceed m or lui oy limes, one or two hundred ! tho isand doll irs As they are requ.'d io have ( heir bil .rices always readv in gold and silver, the iiepar'ment will alw >ys have the means of I rrieetmt! its eng igr’menis ; and if a default m I an individual ease should o c isionall/ happen, ' no hmg like a gener il refusal to pay as in the case of ihe lute deposits banks, is ever to be iapprehended. it will ever be ihe true policy of the depart ment mu to nave a large surplus, and, conse iqiien'ly, there will be little to entrust to the I custody oi posttnas ets r»r others. Moreover, I the number of post offices now instructed to lif tun their f in.is, a all be largely reduced upon |an adjusimem ol I he collection system to the ; mad service is arranged within lue last twelve ; il! Hi iiS. i'hough in some places convenient, banks I -ire not necessary to the collection and dis -1 .nr- meat of lite funds ».f this department In roi’-ience to mere than ten tho isand post ■ ; th ■ s, the collection and disbursements ary I tfe ted more expeditiously and more cmiven i u ,;I 'V with.nn the interposition of bank's, than J '* y could be with it. The contractors who j >re i-rethiors ol the department ; are its col jleciors from postmasters, and the collection j and disbars, meiit are but one operation. It is generally eff eted in a few da.s after the ! close ol each quartet lhe operation is <ho same where the positnas ers pay to contractors upon tne drafts ol tin department, though it is m >re lardy. I'ln few ffi. es m reference to vvoicli banks are a convenience ire not likelv . to ue absorbed Ir ‘in qu .rier to quarter bv the _ d alts ..I the departmenl. They have gener ally non clients or safes where the specie is Kepi and wtih a stm t supervision and careful ajcntioii to tiieir bmids they will seldom if > v< r be found in def u|t. 1 he necessary transfer of funds are effected oy in- depa.im -nt without inconvenience or loss. On the interim mail routes, the expen ditures is generally greater than the income; so that ifit r Hie con ractors have received the I entire revenue of ti>e tfi es supplied by tnem, i balances .ire still due. I'hese balances are !as r.iptdly pai.l ff ,»y o'r.J’is on the postmasters : in tiie t itles v|i> re 'he surplus arises as they .itiiij tie done by checks on banks in the same . p' l.e ilm process is rendered th'- more emy tioni die f .cl, (hat the beavi jst surplus iccriK sai those points where funds Te ths , mosi avail bl< , particularly at New York so ttiai me dr.its of ihe Department to pav bul- I ances in the most distant parts of ihe Union are generally better than cash, being available ;l .i i.mrcan'ile le nittan. es. I'hus, 'hr oeces- | -ary rmsteis < f ihe Department are reidilv j' ed ; md a., tin, Siam of things is not I'iv iy to cbmge, it would si Idmi?; if ever, , m et me i>» I r the Drpai uneid m trans- P"i s ecu' timu one point to atiwiher, if tncro ; .v is imt a batik in existauce. ( Up m th« suspension of die banks, efforts j weie ;. ;ii m s one q i triers io compel the Dcpar.tnimi to receive irredeemable iiu.i de inc. iii. d pipr Im p. s ages. I.a.v, justice, mu publii poll, v, req ■ ie,( an i H xtbh- resis ! lance of these iff.ri,. Gmd a.d silver are Hie mil, ronsiitniional and leg d euirem'l of Hie Uiined Stales, and mi lling, hut that e"f- ;r> n< y , or us < quiv alem, c>n t>e leg illy <df ed 'to dm p.ibhc rr diiors m p ivment. All mx -s a.id pusiage- are imposed in this current ! ml I ill couir.icis are made upon ns ba-.is, Lhe piddle lal.'li c<>uld In kept, and (he public bu s nos successfully carried mi, only bj a s net adherence to the plain letter, us well as obvi ous spirit ot the law. 1 ue nmleisigned i, happy to state, that all aitempts to force dm department lo receive di j.r ciand piper wen* soon abandoned; that bide Jiiiu ni y has b r:n experienced in '-idh r. •inn postages m specie, and norm where llm , circulating of change tickets has been suc ’■♦■•..-fully lesisted ; and that the ciedit of ihc -department has been p- 'Serve I unimpaired '‘or is any difficulty apprehended, so long as postages aie collected in the constuution.il currency of the Untied States. But should the dep. r hi nt be compelled to receive, and •dim io its rreditms, the depie< i,iied notes issued by hundn ds of etnban a>en, faithless, or b t >kr»pt corporations of individuals, no sun- calculation c hi l»e in ide as to the future; I and tin re is reason I* apprehend t’neral dis content, extensive failuies. and deplorable disorganization throughout the mail « rvtce. >'.in what .ace could the depar m<*nt insist •n, and compel a strict performance of con ■ract obligations by contra* tors, when stupp* J of the power topeiform the most vital part of the coll ra< is (st* far as (he inleieSl of Iho conltacioris concerned) on ns own part. J .s i< e and sound policy .dike d -manti a ft m adat rarne, in the mail service, to the shin* u >rd <»f v.ii ie, and the basis of contracts* prescribed by the Cousliiulion, arid hide no H ricily mam.aioed, ( •xecpt for a saort period) a niti't the calumnies ot war. j Ou liie whole, no |< gislalum is necessarv t» maiii'uin tbe credi of this department ; ot en* uh|c ii io manage its fiscal concerns • llie ex* Idling laws being deemed ample for those purposes. I have the honor to be, your obedient sei van , AMOS KENDKLU l u the President of inc United States. The following is a synop&is of the report t,f the *ecreoiry ol the 1 reasury liken Iron* . die New York Journal of Commerce. According to tt>e Treasurer’s running ac count the whole amount of of uvmlabiu money