Cherokee intelligencer. (Cherokee (C.H.)) 1833-1834, March 02, 1833, Image 1

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CHEROKEE CONDUCTED BY HOWELL COBB. THE INTELLIGENCER Is published once a week by Howell Cobb, at three dollars a year, to subscribers, when paid in advance prat four dollars, if not paid until the end ofthe year. No paper will be discontinued, but at the option of tjie Editor, to any subscriber in arrears. Advertisements and Job Work will be executed at the customary prices. Communication to the Editor must be post paid to entitle them to attention. The following gentlemen are requested and au thorised to act as our agents in their respective counties, to wit : In the county Baldwin—Captain J. A. Cuthbert. Bryan—C. 11. Starr, esq. Bullock—Peter Cone, Bibb—l.uke Ross, esq. Butts—John Cargile, esq. Columbia —Col. Z Williams. Crawford—John Blackstone, esq, Camden—Hugh Brown, esq. Coweta—S. D. Echols, esq. Campbell—J. P. 11. Campbell, esq. Carroll—Christopher Bowen, esq. and Dr. James Rodgers. Chatham—R. R. Cuyler, esq, Clark—Col. J. A. Cobb. Cass—Chester Hawks, esq. Cobb- William Morris, esq, Dooly—Thomas 11. Key, esq. DeKalb—Major J. F. Cleveland. Decatur—Stiring Scarborough, esq. Early—Capt. S. V. Wilson. Emanuel—Stephen Swain, esq. Fayette—F. G. Steward, esq. Franklin—Dr. Freeman. Floyd -Edwin G. Rodgers, esq, Forsyth—Hubbard Barker, esq. Gilmer—Montgomery Bell, esq. Glynn—Col. D M. Steward G winnette—Wm. Greene,esq, Elisha Betts,esq. and J G. Parks,esq. Green —Major Thomas Stocks and col. Y. P. King. Habersham —Gen. W B. Wofford, T. I | J. Rusk and W Steelman, eiqs. ! ( Hall—Gen. John Bites, and 11. L. ! s Simms, esq. « jlen"y—T. D Johnson,esq. col. O. W. r Cox and A. T Hardin, esq. i Houston —John Chain esq. and Col. ( J B M’Carter. t Harris—Gen. Wm. 11. Lowe, and C. < Blanford, esq. , Heard —Winston Wood, esq. < Hancock —Standard of Union. , Irwin —James Wilcox, esq. i Jones —Joseph Day, esq, and Major James Smith. Jackson —Dr. Singleton. Jasper—Col. J. W. Burney. Lumpkin—Young Johnson, esq. Lowndes —William Blair, esq. Laurens —Gen Eli Warren. Liberty—C. Hines, esq. Lee —J 13. Coleman, esq. M’lntosh- —Major Jacob Wood. Morgan—-J. Burney, e.sq. Madison—-Samuel Groves, esq. Jtf()Broe** Watson, esq. and col. L. L. Griffin. Murray— William Hardin, esq. Muscogee—J. T Camp, esq Oglethorpe—James Wellborn, esq. Paulding -Woodson Hubbard, esq. Putnam—-I. Hudson, esq. Pike—-Allen B Prior, esq. Pulaski—Nelson Clayton, esq. Richmond-—Absalom Rhodes, esq. Randolph—Gen. Win Wellborn. Rabun—*Samuel Faris, esq. Steward— Jarad Irwin, esq. gcriven—Jacob Bryan, esq. Sumpter—L. B. Smith, esq. Telfair- -Gen John Coffee. Twiggs— D. W Shine, esq. Talbot—Col. G W. Towns. Thomas —Col. Isaac P Brooks. Troup—Gen. W. Sledge. Union—lsaac N. Green, esq. Upson—Joseph Sturges, esq Wilkinson—D M. Hall.e-q. Washington—Col Win Tennille. Ware- -James Fulwood, esq. Wilkes—Col. James Willis. Warren—D. L. Ryan. esq. Walton—Col. R. M. Echols and i Judge Harris. persons holding our prospectus will please remit us, by the earliest mail, a list oi such names as thev > may have procured. We request such of our friends, I as feel willing, to hand to t e above named gentle man nearest them, the amount of their subscription. I It will be very acceptable at this time. In order that the Intelligencer may appear and tie seen in each county of this state, in the counties where we have no subscribers, which do not exceed i half a dozen, we direct it to the Clerk ofthe Supe rior Court, who is requested to it for the in spection ot any person interested 1, AW r LAW 1 LAWI The subscriber has located himself at Hickory Fiat Post-Office, near the centre of Cherokee county, and intends practicing LSW in the various counties oi the Cherokee Circuit : he pledges himselt, Croinptly and faithfully, to discharge any business in is Professional Line that may be submitted to his care; to attend to the collection of money due on executions. in any part of the circuit, for a very rea sonable compensation Should any person wish to- Feturn Land, ns fraudulently drawn, to ascertain, irn mediately, whether l and is worth returning or not and notify the informer accordingly Commu nication* ,n . rt y by mail, either to the Post* Office at which he ic«'ulesorto Cherokee court-house. .MARSHAL UOVGLAS. fab 16—Jo—1 Vol. I—No. 3. RICHARD M- HOLT, I ATTORNEY AT LAW, Having located at Cherokee Court-House, will ’ practice in the various branches of the profession, in the several counties of Cherokee circuit. He promis es diligence in the adjustment of all business submitt ed to hiscaieand attention. feb 20—1 HO VV ELITCOBB, ATTORNEY IT LAW Cherokee Court House, Georgia. Is now prepared to attend to any professional bu siness entrusted to him. He tenders his thanks to those persons that have, so liberally patronized him in ' the Courts where he has practiced. Communications to ensure attention, must come post-paid feb 20—1 Sheriff’s Sales AND Land Agency. r 1 WILLIAM HARDIN- formerly of ill Donough, Henry county, has located himselfin the Cherokee Territory NEAR NEW ECHOTA, Where he proposes to attend the Sheriff’s sales in the adjoining counties, and superintend the examining and having endorsed by’ Justices of the Peace, all small Executions, that may be directed to him, from other counties, for collection ; also, all ; large Executions that may be submitted to his manage- j ment ; he promises all his assiduity and care in this ! business He will, strictly, pursue such directions as may be given him. Discharges will, in all cases, be j moderate. The Georgia Journal. Federal Union, Savannah Georgian, Augusta Constitutionalist and Courier, Ma- i con Telegraph and Columbus Enquirer, will give the above two insertions and send me their accounts for payment. w H feb 20—1 BIiUCE’S NEW YORK TYPE FOUNDRY. Established in 1813. THE Subscriber has completed a new edition of his book of specimen, with which his customers,and other Printers disposed to buy from him, may be supplied on application at his foundry, Nos. 18 and 20, Augusta street, behind the City Hall. He would remark, tor the information of those who have not been in the habit of dealing with him, and because a dilli rent practice has been extensively introduced, that his Book contains nothing but the actual produc tions of his own Foundry, and presents a trim speci men of what will be furnished to orders. Tne as- ~ sortment is very complete, has been deliberately and carefully, in twenty years, brought, to its present high state of perfection, and embraces a variety of styles adopted to diffrerent tastes, and to the various departments of Printing, Newspaper Book and Job, highly finished, and cast of the most serviceable me tal. Not to notice the varieties which are distin guished by their numbers in the Book, it contains of. ROMAN & ITALIC 27 sizes, from Twelve-line Pica to Pearl. TWO-LINE and TITLE, 15 sizes, Two Line Columbian to Agate. SHADED, 13 sizes, Ten-line Pica, to Long I Pi imer. ITALIAN, 7 sizes, Seven-line Pica to Long Primor ANTIQUE, 17 sizes. Ten-line Pica to Nonpariel. BLACK. 12 sizes, Four-line Pica to Minion. OPEN BLACK, 5 sizes. Four-line Pica to Great Primer. SCRIPT, 2 sizes, Double Small Pica, and Great Primer. Besides Music, Baek Slope, Ornamental Letters, j Lottery Figures. Piece Fractions. Superior Astrono mical, and other Signs, Space Rules, Brass Rules, j Ornamental Dashes. Long Braces, more than 200 j kinds of Flowers, mid I"00 Cuts and ornaments for i Books. Newpapers and scientific works. Orders tor any ot these and also for Presses, Chas-I es, Composing Sticks. Cases, Furniture, Printing ! Ink, or any thing required in the Printing business, will be executed on the most favorable terms, * with the utmost promptitude, a large s.ackofthe Foundry articles bei.g always on nand. GEORGE BRUCE. New-York. Jan. 28, 1832. WARSAW TOWN LOTS FOR SA kF. ON the 1 Ith dayot March next,l will offer for sale, 1 to the highest bidder,® number of HALFACRE I LOTS of LAND at this place, on accommodating I i leinu, which will be made known on the day WARSAW is situated on the east bank of the I Chatahoochee river, on the direct route from Law- ' I renceville to Cherokee Court House, New Echota, j I and soon, and twelve miles west or northwest ofLaw- i I renceville. It is a healthy and handsome situation, j wartcred by several springs ot as good water as any that Georgia affords Its locality is such that Law- | ccnceville will be several miles nearer to it than any other Court House: it will therefore enjoy a very ! large opening for any kind of business commonly car ' ried on in villages. I respectfully request all persons, that may feel an inclination to purchase, to call and view the premises, before the day of sale A good I Ferry-Boat is kept here andentertainment can be had j on reasonable terms. The puluic hands are now at work on the road from Lawrenceville to this place: end I am informed, that it is the Government’s in tention to open the road onto Cherokee Court House New Echota. and thence to the Tennesse line. ELISHA BETTS, feb 16-1 hhr.ime. I ■ -j Information wanted ' ANY Information respecting GF.ORG F. J CONN, J Jw who left Augusta. Geo., sometime in the year ! i 18260 r 1827. tor New Orleans, and has not been heard r of since, will be thankfully received. by his disconso late mother. Information can be given, b*’ addressing A Z Augusta Georgia teb lt>— 1 (JZTF.ditors of Newspapers in Louisiana and Ala bama. and the adjoining States, will center a favor on j the parents and friends ot said G. J. CONN, by giv t ingthe above e lew insertions CShcrokee, [C. ll.] Saturday, March 2, 1833. The Truth—The whole Truth* Cherokee Sheriffs’ Sales. Will be sold, at the court house in Cherokee coun ty, on the first Tuesday in March next, between the usual hours ofsale A tract of Land, containing one hundred anti sixty acres more or less, being lot number seventy six, in the sixth district of the fourth sectieu of Cherokee county, levied on as the propely of Gerling Caldwell to satisfy a fi fa issued fron the justices court of the two hundred and sixty eighth district of Georgia militia in favor of John Barton against said Caldwell, levied and returned tome by [ a constable. One tract of Land containing forty acres nore or I less, being known as lot number two hundred and eighty two in the second district of the second sec tion of Cherokee county, levied on as the property of Edward M'Dermont to satisfy a fi fa issued from the superior court of Wilkes county in favor of Thomas Semmes against said M'Dermont. One tract of Land containing forty acres more or less, being lot number three hundred and seventy five in the first district ofthe first section Cherokee county, levied on as the property of Edward M‘Der mont to satisfy a fi fa issued from Wilkes superior court in favor of Thomas Semmes. A bay stud Horse, levied on as the property of Richard Blackstock to satisfy a fi fa issued from ( the superior court of Hall county in favor of Andrew F. Wooley executor. &c. against John Blackstock ! Richard Blackstock and Lewis Yancy; property pqjj»ir»d*Dut by Lewis Yancy one of the defendants, j One tract of Land, lot number one hundred and > twenty nine in the third district of the first section originally of said county, containing forty acres more or less, levied on as the property of John Bird to satisfy a fi fa issued from the justices court of four hundred and eleventh district of Georgia* militia, in Hall county, in favor of John Clayton jun. One tract of Land, lot number seven hundred and eighty eight in the nineteenth district of the third section of originally Cherokee, containing i forty acres of Land more or less, levied on as the property of Collins IL Belcher to satisfy a fi fa issued from the justices court of Richmond county in favor of Thomas Wilkins against said Collins ! H. Belcher, levied on and returned by a constable. JOHN JOLLY, Jan 23 Sheriff. Also, will be sold at the above time and place. I wo hundred barrels of Corn, levied nans the; -Property of John Cl-V***** wullSiy a h lain favor ( of Kers a in iiam. One lot of I.and, number one hundred and thirty j four in the sixth district ofthe first section of ori-j ginally Cherokee, levied on as the property of I Jacob Bearding tn favor of John M‘Mullin. Lot number eight hundred and seventy two in the third district ofthe second section of originally , Cherokee county, levied on as the property of Richard White to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Thomas Shcwell. Lot number three hundred and eighty one tn the first district of the second section of originally Cherokee county, levied on as the property of John .Moss to satisfy afifa in favor of White & Mann. Lot number six hundred and thirty six in the twenty first district of the second section ori ginally Cherokee county, levied on as the property of Joab alias Joseph Thompson, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of John Galington. Lot number three hundred and seventy four in ! the fifteenth district ofthe first section of originally : Cherokee county, levied on as the property of 11. Huff, to satisfy aftfa in favor of William Bishop. I Lot number eighty one in the fifth district and lot number twenty six in the twenty second district' both ofthe second section of originally Cherokee county, levied on as the property of Abraham I Leathers, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Caleb Field for the use of Spencer Brown. ISAAC WHORTON. feb 23 Dep. Shff. ■WTffrH.L be sold, on the fust Tuesday In April next I » V between the lawful hours of sale, at the i Court-House in the County of Cherokee,the follow- ; ing property, to-wit : Lot of Land number one hundred and seventeen ' ' (117) in the tenth (10) district third section—levied on I as the property of Mikel Buff, to satisfy one small fi. I I fa. in favor of James Lang. i Also, lot number nine hundred and thirty-two (932), I in the fourth (4) district, first section—levied on as the property of Jackson Hewett, to satisfy two small fi. las. one in favor of Billups & Shackleford, the other i in favor of Robert Groves. Also, lot number nine hundred and thirty-eight I 1 (938)in the fourth (4) district third section—levied on r jas the property of William Grimes, to satisfy one! 1 small fi. la in favor of Robert Groves. Also lot number sixty-two (62) in the twenty-fourth ' (24) district, third section —levied on as the property I ! of John M. Dowdy, to satisfy one small fi. fa. in favor of Thomas S. Tate, levied and returned to me by a Constable. Also, lot number two hundred and fifty-two (252) in the twenty-eight district, third section—levied on as the property of Jacob Farmer and William Far mer. to satisfy a fi.fa. issued from the Inferior Court of Hall county, in favor of Thomas S. Tate against I Jacob Farmer and William Farmer. Also, lot number two hundred and four inthe third (3) district, first section—levied on as the property of Joseph Nalley and William Farmer, to satisfy a fi fa. ' issued troiv the Inferior court of Hall county in favor ! ot Thomas S. Tate against Joseph Nalley and William • , 1 1 armer. property pointed out by plaintiff. j Also, lot number two hundred and twenty-nine i I (2'29'i in the twenty-third (23' district,second section-- I levied on as the property ot Eli Wood to satisfy a fi. 1 ; <a. issued from the Superior court of Franklin countv. | in favor ot Robert T. Banks against Eli Wood and - lame* Edmerson, properly pointed out by plaintiffs t 1 attorney. JOHN JOT T V feb 16— ’ Sheriff. Cherokee Sheriffs’ Sales. WILL be sold at the Court-House in Cherokee County, on the first Tuesday in April next,;be twoen the lawful hours of sale. Lot number two hundred and ninety-six (296) in the third (3) district third (3) section—levied on as the property of Enoch Slatten to satisfy two fi. fas. one in favor ot Edmond Slatlen, the other in favor of Ro bert Mitchell. Also, Lot number three hundred and thirty-three (333) in the third (3) district of the third (3) section —levied on as the property of Alsey Wright to satisfy ! I a fl. fa from Hall superior court, in favor of Robert; j Mitchell. I ! /Also, Lot number two hundred and eight (208) in 1 the ninth (9) district third (3) section—levied on as property ot James R. Russell to satisfya fi. fa. issued the from Hall superior Court in favor of Wm Thurmond. Also Lot number three hundred and twenty-two (322) in the tenth (10) district, second (2) section — levied on as the property of James Hammett to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Franktin superior court in favor oi Page Rork. Also, Lot number sixty-nine [69] in the seventh [7] district second [2] section —levied on as the property of Sanford Higgins, to satisfy a fi. fa. from a justices court in favor of John M’Mullin. Also, Lot number two hundred and ninety three [293] in the twentieth [2o] district, second [2] sec tion—levied on as the property of Elijah Hogan to satisfy a fi. fa from a justices court in favor of Robert I Mitchell. I Also. Lot number seventy-four [74] in the sixteenth [l6l district, second [2] section—levied on as the j property of A. Littlejohn to satisfy afi, fa. from a jus ! tices court in favor of William Hudson, levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also. Lot number eight hundred and twenty-three FB23] in the third [3] district, second [2] section levied on as the property of John Bird to satisfy a fi. fa. from a justices court in favor of John Clayton and sundry others Also, Lot number nineteen [l9] in the seventh [7] district, third [3] seclion—levied on as the property of Abraham B. Haggins to satisfy three small fi. fas. in favor of Thomas Glasscock. Also, Lot number two hundred and forty-three (243) in tenth (10) district, third (3) section—le vied on as the property of Thomas M. Berrien to satis fy two fi. fas. from Jefferson superior court one in fa vor of David Clark, the other in favor of Robert Rus sell. Also, Lot number one hundred and forty (140) in the sixth (6) district second (2) section—levied on as the property of Sidney Forbs to satisfy one small fi. fa. in favor of Edward Daniel and sundry others a- I gainst said Forbs, levied on and returned to me by a j constable. I bherif . i ! HEAD QUARTERS, Milledgeville. January 5, 1833. Ordered, that William Hardin, ofthe first brigade of the seventh division, Georgia Militia, be, and he is ! hereby appointed Aid-de-Camp to the Commander-in ' Chief, with the rank of Colonel, and that he be obey ed and respected accordingly. By order of the Commander-in-Chief, W. J. W. WELLBORN, See. Ex. Dep. Transy I vania Uni versi ty e MEDICAL DEPARTMF.NT. The Lectures in this Institution will commence, as usual on the first .Monday in November, and continue * without intermission, until the first Saturday of j March ensuing. The courses are at follows, viz: ! Anatomy j W . Dudley, M. D. ! SURGERY S J i Institutes of Medicine ) and --ByChs Celdwell, M D. j Clinical Practice ~ ) I Theory and Practice ) of s By John E. Cook, M. D. Medicine ) Obstetrics and the } Wm H Ricliar(]son M D I Diseases of \t omen j ! Meteria Medica i and >Charles W. Short, M. D. Metrical Botany, j Chemistry ) and >Lunsford P. Yandell, M. D. Pharmacy. ) During the entire term, the Professor of Anatomy and Surgery, Lectures nine times each week, and tlu? other Professors, daily, Sabbath excepted. The fee of admission to the entire course, including matricula tion and the use ofthe Library, is sllO 00 I Graduation 20 00 Within the past year, large additions have been made to the Medical Library and Chemical Appara tus Bv order ofthe Faculty, C W. SHORT, Dean. LAW DEPARTMENT. The session of the Law Department will com mence on the first Monday in November and continue i four months. The students will be divided into class- ( es and each class separately lectured and examined, daily. Sabbath excepted. Mock court held every ! Saturday. Students furnished v. ith text-books from the Library. There are now in the Institution stu dents from the following states. Mississippi, Tennes see, Kentucky, Missouri, New-York and Pennsylva nia In all respects the "course will be as during the j last two years, which too well known to re- ■ quire further details. j Matriculation and Library Fee s•"> Ticket to Law-l ectures 25 1 Medical Jin isprudence 10 A student may lake ei’her Ticket wiih®ut the i other. ’ D. MAYES. Prof. Leg. C. CALDWELL, M D. j Arof Med. Jurisprudence. Clerk’s Office. 1 Any business, of mv Office, sent to Cherokee, . C II will be punctually attended to, by mvself or William Grisham, my depntv; directed to either of uc . OLIVIA STRICKLAND. , feb 16 —I—X f.'r’.-Sur .'a,'. Whole No. 3. nz . , A LIST s' >k\! tcrs remau, ing the Office al New-EchoTa, (jci. this ist of January, 1833, which if not taken out in three months will be sent to the General Post-Office as dead letters, viz:— Mrs. Ann Muredy, 1 James Cogburn, 1 Eliza Becket, 1 Sylvanos Walker, 1 James Ml Davis, 1 Hugh Price, 1 WILLIAM J. TARVIN, P M. I A LIST. I Os letters remaining in the Post Office at Cherokee j Court-House, on the first day of January 1833, which I if not taken out in three months will be forwarded to the General Post Office, as dead letters. Joseph C. Hunter, 1 John Martin. 1 Mr Petit, for John Doyle 1 Harbard Upchurch, 1 WILLIAM GRISHAM P. M. To Post-Masters in the line from Homage's Cherokei to Milledgeville. A package, oftwo sheets,! think, about the 23d of Nov. last, was placed in the mail at Harnagevill, I directed to the subscriberat Milledgeville, the indi vidual, Post-Master, who either, through negligence or design, has delayed its transportation, is informed that unless either the original or a copy, is shortly transmitted to me, a scrutiny wilt be attempted; if eith er is received no questions will be asked from what office it came. YOUNG JOHNSTON. feb.. 16—c—1 Medical College OF OHIO, SITUATED AT CINCINATTf. i Phe Lectures in this Institution will commence I on the last Monday in October and continue until the last week in February. The addition to the Col ledge Edifice will be completed by the middle of Oc tober, and the whole structure will be found to afford the most ample accommodation that can be desired in such an establishment. The Faculty consists of the following persons : Jedediah Cobb, M. D. Professor of Anatomy and • Physiology. Thomas D.Mitchell, M. D. Professor of Chymistry and Pharmacy. James M. Staughton, M. D. Professor ai Surgery.- Charies E. Pierson, M. D. Professor of Materia j Medica. John Morehead, M. D, Professor of Obstetrics anff I Diseases of Women and Children. 1 John Eberle, M. D. Professor ofthe Theory and rrn’-ticc of Mediciu-. J i th. l h | e ib.°m t , < H ,tire COUrse incl "ding the use of the L b ary, and tl pnvi|ege of a( (he Hospital twice a week is ninety-three THOMAS D. MITCHELL, „ Dean oi the Faculty. Cincinnati, Sept. 25, 1832. SPIRIT OF THiTtiMEs" AND LIFE IN NEW-YORK. A Sporting Paper, on the plan of BELL’S LIFE IN LONDON. Enlarged to the largest class imperial, the only simi lar publication in the United States ltr x D Trp Cd r tO the 3 n ßl ’’ " ,c AAG LF.R, the ID N 11. R ; Foreign and Domestic News. Literature fashion, 1 aste The Drama, Police Reports and Scenes of Real Life. 1 w Price three dollars, payable in advance, four dollars if not paid withui six months or five dollars if notnaid within the year. 1 Address, post-paid or left in the post-office. WILLIAM T PORTER* Co. Chatham square. New-York AGENTS IN ALABAMA, Huntsville, P. T. Posey. -Mobile, T. Sanford, esq. Agents or others are allowed one paper gratis for five responsible subscribers; they may retain a com* mission of twelve per cent, when the money is re mitted in advance. Agents, on these terms, will be held responsible for every one for whom they may order our paper. J J Address, post paid or left at the pnsf-office W T. PORTER & Co. Wall street. New-York. The following is a list of Post Offices established in this Judicial Circuit, to wit : CHE ROKEE COUNTY. At the Court-House—Wm. Grisham, p. llarnageville—lL ’l’. Simmons, p. m. Hickory-Flat—Eli M’Connell, p. m. CASS COUNTY. At the Court-House. Two Runs—Chester Ha wks, p. M. Adairsville—Barnet S. Hardeman, p. xr. Sandfordville—John Dawson, p. m. Pine-Log—James A. ’Thompson, p. m. FLOYD COUNTY. ( At the Court-House. Head of Coosa—G. M. Lavender, p. m. Ann’s A’ally—James Hemphill, p. m. FORSYTH COUNTY. At the Court-House. Hightower—J. M. Scudder, p. Mv GILMER COUNTY. At the Court-House. ( Talking-Rock -C. H. Nelson, p. M. LUMPKIN COUNTY. At the Court-House. New Bridge—Robert Leg’-n. p. M. Ilarben's Store—N. B. Ilarben. p. M» MURRAY COUNTY. New-Echota—William Tart-in. p. M. Spring-Place-—Henry Clawdcr, p. m. PAULDING CO! NTY. * At the Court-House. G UNION COUNTY 7 . V the Court-House'.' I