Cherokee intelligencer. (Cherokee (C.H.)) 1833-1834, April 27, 1833, Image 4

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‘ What u>e should seek in the Science* is truth, and truth,
is in the facts.”—&rou.ssait.
IT is now more than six years since I first con
ceived the idea of publishing periodically t'lie
'ibo'. c work, for the following reasons, which are ob
vious and striking : There being no publication of the
kind in the States and, for ought I.know, throughout
rhe whole Southern States; we are compelled, con
sequently, to took to the North, and through her to
Europe, tor every tiling new, rare, and interesting in
the science. It would seem peculiary appropriate
just at the present time, when the most awful visita
tion is hovering over the land —the Asiatic Cholera. I
it has already swept across a great extent ft North i
America; from Montreal and Quebec to New Or
leans; visiting almost every city and town ot any im
portance in the Northern Middle and Western States.
There is left no reasonable ground to justify the con
clusion, that our highly favoured section oi country, I
Tan much I >nger escape the impending evil. Besides,
have we no disease or modification of disease, inci
dent ami peculiar to our climate, and remedies native
of our cout try ?
Medicine had its origin, in necessity : in motives of
benevolence and philanthropy—in a disposition to
mitigate the evils—to ameliorate the condition o! stit
fering human nature to buttle fell disease — the greatest i
curse inflicted on fallen man—and bestow on him j
Health, the chictest blessing, saving the atoning blood {
of osr Saviour. Our much lamented Rusli said, “while (
the world, from the progress of intellectual, moral,
and political truth, is becoming a more safe and agree
able abode for man. the votaries of Medicine should
not be idle.” The American Linnffiits, the iate ven- .
»enable Bcnj. 8. Barloti said, “he who discovers one |
valuable new Medicine, is a more important benefae- I
tor of his species than Alexander, Cesar, Bonaparte, I
or an hundred other conquerors. Even his glory. ■
in the estimation of a truly civilized age, .vill be great-;
or and more lasting, than that of these admired ravag- ,
ers of the world.”
What is the condition of our department of science
in Georgia ? Indeed and in truth, our Medical lore is
lurking far behind (comparatively speaking) the active
improvements of the day—the spirit of the times ad
monishing ns to look forward, with an unrivited gaze,
i.pon the advance of man and the “march ot mind.”
'l'here is medical talent in Georgia, and yet she is al- ,
•most without professional character; because she has
not enterprise, industry and energy. There is mani
festly but little written on medicine in our State; med
ical reading too, is not pursued with avidity, less stud
ied, properly undcistood and regarded. <
Let us turn our attention to the constant and inde
fatigable efforts of many American teacher#; but es
nccir.llv Iq the late works of our own countryman,
professor Jackson of Philadelphia. He inculcates
principles upon the unerring -guide ot genuine and in
ductive philosophy , he declaims against authority ;
and boldly asserts the non-existence ot a specific gtis
ric juice, nnd advocates Other certainties, as impor
tant to physiology and truth I
The recent splendid discoveries of Abercrombie of
Scotland, of Abernethy, Lawrence, Clutterbuck, I
Teale, &c. &c of England, are their everlasting mon- I
uments. Germany is likewise moving on But above
nil, s’rmd the sons ot France, mid of true medical phi
osophy, Andral Broussais, Baron Larry, Pinei Lacn
nec and others; these moderns ol the moderns, have
wl: d'y uprooted the old and ancient systems of rou
tine medicine they have sought, however, not so
much to overthrow former systems founded in error,
as they have to discover truth, and the real etiology of i
ait ease. They have not only succeeded >n removing |
ths rubbish, hut in establishing medicine on a surer j
and firmer foundation, and giving to it the line ot ,
match on ward to perfection.
It would be uncandid, and it is not to be denied or '
concealed, that the doctrines of the French school, I
am* particularly those of the deservedly renowned
and immortal reformer Broussais, will be held and
maintained in this Gazette We regard them (and
they are universally admitted) as containing the purest
nnd most substantial ot the great fundamental truths
«rr* physiological medicine. They are founded in data:
the dissecting knife has been made to reveal and de
velope from pathological anatomy, principles of a
.fixed character. I
Tuey will be as enduring as time, and as solid as j
adamant. Principles involved in cause and effect,'
that were heretofore considered mysteries inexplica-1
Mo, are now known and established facts. In the !
mind of Broussais, positive philosophy has sought and ,
found confessedly a regenerating and redeeming j
We come not without diffidence, presenting Ottr
bumble offering, feeble and retired as it is. to contrib- i
utc our mite al the altar *•* professional science: it we '
cun but give a Zest to the'young mind, an inclination
and direction to medical inquiry, it i» all we hope and
bxpecl; it is the. “ne plus ultra' ot our w ishes.
Some ot the best talent of the State is engaged to
tissisl and to contribute in the work, and we confi
dently expect to be able to concentrate and combine
euch a land ol foreign and domestic intelligence in
our journal, as to make it acceptable, d not agreeable,
.almost any where.
Selections and Extracts will be made from the follow
ini' Periodicals ; and nil new works as they come out :
American Journal of the Medical Science.
New York Medical and Physical Journal.
’North American Medical and Surgical Journal.
Western Journal of the Medical and Physical Sci
ences. .
Transylvanian Journal of the Medicine and Asso
ciate Societies.
The Medico-CUirurgical Review.
Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal.
London Medical and Physical Journal.
London Medical and Surgical Journal.
Loudon Medical Gazette.
Archives Generates de Medicine.
Amales-de In Medicine Physioloquique.
Transactions Medicalcs.
Revue Medicale Francais ct Etrangere.
Bulletin des Sciences Medicales.
Journal General de Medicine de Chirurgio ct de
Pharmacie Francais et Etrangires, &c.
The co-operation of professional gentlemen every
where is earnestly desire J. Original communications
mid essays well written, nnd cases reported accurafck
and scientifically, in the practice of medicine, surgery
nml obstetrics, are solicited. The work will be issued
from the pi ess in Macon, in an octavo pamphlet form,
comprising some 130 pages,oncein two months, to
commence on the first of January, or as soon as asufli
cient number of subscribers are obtained to authorize
the undertaking, at four dollars per annum.
The following medical gentlemen, with several oth
ersot high standing in the profession, will be contrib
utors to t'lie work Dr. Anthony of Augusta, Dr. Gor
man of Milledgeville. Drs Baber nnd Persons of Mn
•con. Dis. Boykin, Fort and White of Milledgeville,
Dr. Philips of Powelton. Dr. Gorman <.f Forsyth, Dr.
Reese ot Monticello. Dr. Garvin of \\ aynesbaroimh.
Dr. Haynes of Sparta, Dr. Hosey ot Eatonton, Dr.
Jonesof Augusta. Dr. Jonas of Randolph.
He who undertake# t ie publication ot a Journal,
for the promotion of useful knowledge. 1 am perfectly
nware at once nssumesa high prerogative nnd heavy
responsibility. 1 anticipate and already feel the
weight of selfish opposition and the sbafU of rigid ent
cisnr these how ever are not to be dreaded ifregar
cd. when conducted in a spirit of high minded and
honorable inquiry ; with a pure intention , with an eye
fixed singly upon simple truth and virtuous candour;
is to subserve the cause ot humanity and benevo
lence. i> at least the ulterior it not the primary motive
of this’culerprise.
With this declararion. being fully convinced nnd
thoroughly persuaded ot the propriety, usefulness and
resolute necessity of such a work as the present con
tempi tied one. I no longer hesitate. I vacillate no more
r.o; waver agaiu; lift the consequences Fall with d-so-
Infton oft my head ; let my fate ha what it may., and i
discomfiture come when it will, I resolve to step for
ward to the fulfilment of my object, to' he perforin
aticeof rn / work, and the arduous duties of which it
necessarily imposes. Itrust however,with a due sense
of modesty, vea with “fear and trembling,” and yet
with the spirit of a maw—respecting nil men’s opinions
as I respect my ®wn —extending to others the same
rights and privileges that I claim and reserve to my
self. ** L G-
Gentlemen, who may feel disposed to patronise
•this enterprise, novel as it is, are desired to address
us nt Tarversviile, Twiggs county, Georgia, our place
ot residence- November ‘2!),
Transylvania University,
1 The Lectures in this Institution will commence, a
usual on the first Monday in November, and continue J
without intermission, until the first Saturday o'j
March ensuing. The courses are at follows, viz : I
Anatomy ( jjcjnnjj,, w. Dudley, D.
I Institutes of Medicine )
AND ; By Chs. Crldwcll, M. D.
Clinical Pkactici: )
Tn eot. y and Practice J
OF S By John E. Cook, M. D.
Medicine j
Obstetrics and the ? W|U n Riebard3O n, M. D.
Diseases of Women J
I Metemia Medica )
and >Charles\V. Short, M. D.
I Medical Botany, j
] Chemistry )
and > Lunsford P. Yandell, M. D.
Pharmacy, y i
During the entire term, the Professor of Anatomy |
a-nd Surgery, Lectures nine times e».ch week, mid <he |
I othenProlessors, daily, Sabbath excepted. The fee \
' of admission to the entire course, including matricula-
J lion and the use oi tlie Library, is <j> JlO 00
Graduation 20 00
1 Within the past year, large additions have been
I made to the Medical Library and Chemical Appara
tus By order of the Faculty,
C. W. SHORT, Dean.
The session of the Law Department will com
mence on the first Monday in November and continue
four months. The students will be divided into class ,
j es and each class separately lectured and examined,
daily, Sabbath excepted. Mock court held every
Saturday. Students furnished with text-books from
i the Library. There are now in the Institution stu
dents from the following states. Mississippi, Tennes
see, Kentucky, Missouri, New-York and Pennsylva
nia In all respects the ‘course will be as during the
last two years, which is now too well known to re
quire further ietails.
Matriculation airti'iiibrary Fee
Ticket to Law-Lectures 25
J Medical Jurisprudence 10
I A student may take either Ticket without the
other. D MAYES. Prof. Leg.
Arof Med. Jurisprudence.
Mercer Institute.
HSAIIE Mercer Institute, for combining study and
IL manual labour, will go into operation on the 2d
Monday in January next, under the direction ot the
j Rev. B. H. Sanders.
; The principle object of the Institution is the educa-
I tion of pious young men, who are called to the gospel
! ministry and have been licensed by the church to
j which they belong, and have a good report of them
j tbatare without—and particularly those who are indi
gent — all d such are affectionately invited to bring
1 their testimonials and avail themselves gratuitously of i
| the advantages of the Institution. Bui as we have no 1
reason to believe that this class of pupils will fill up !
the school; it will receive, in addition, as many young |
men of good moral character, as can be pro’ ided tor, (
irrespective of religious sentiments. The Committee I
| are of opinion that, from the limited state of its pres- I
[ eut-nccommodations, they will not be able to receive I
I more than 30 to board on the premises the first Term I
j —As fast, as our triends may find themselves well |
■ pleased with the experiment we may make, as to con- !
: tribute to our means, we design to enlarge our accom-
' modetions for student?, and open our doors for them.
All the branches of science, usually taught in giam
j iner schools, will be taught in this Institution. No stu-
I dent will be received for less than one year—the year
I will be divided into two terms—the first of six months,
from the 23 Monday in January, to the 2d in July— ,
the 2d <>f 5 months, from the 3d Monday in July, to '
the 3d Monday in December.
i BOARD, tor all over lf> years of age, will be S3O
■ forth’' scholastic year, and $6 for washing ; those un
-1 der lts, at 5 per month, having a reasonable deduction
I for their labour —each student furnishing his own bed
I and candles. For want of funds, board and tuition
will be required in advance, to be paid to the stew
ard. Tuiti m will be $9 for the first term, to all en- ,
gaged in reading, writing, arithmetic, grammar, ge- j
ography and history. All the higher branches of
science and the languages, will be taught tor sls the
first term —the second ih pr< portion
Each student will be required to labourthree hours
each day, five and a halfdays in the week The time
and kind of labour w ill be directed by the steward,
under the control of the Trustees; and each student
will be expected to conform strictly to the regulations
of the Institution. It will be expedient for each stu
dent to have coarse clothes to work in; and it is de
sired that the wearing apparel of all should be plain
and cheap, that there may be as little distinction as
possible, and that the principle of economy may be
fully carried intoivery department of the Institution.
As our Institution is in its infancy, and in want of ev
ery thing, any Useful book, to aid in forming a library,
and anv implement for labour, or any suitable article
of furniture, that any friend may find it conveuisnt to
contribute, will be thankfully received,
JESSE MERCER, Chairman Coin.
THO’S STOCKS, Stc'y. pro tern.
County-Line. October 15,1832. 3
P. S. As all the books in the same class must be of
the same kind. Booksand Stationary will be kept at
I the Institution, at cost, for all those who may not oth
, et'vise have supplied themselves.
; O’ All the Editors in the State, friendly to the
i cause of education, and the Editor of the “Christian
Index"arc earnestlybut respectfully requested to copy
, the above circular into their respective papers.
Military E nc&mpment.
\\ itb a view' to the prom tion of Military Science’
and the encouragement of Volunteer Corps, a system
ot annual encampments is proposed. Arrangements
are in progress, for an extensive Encampment in this
neighborhood to commence on Monday the 13th May
next ; iu which all the Volunteer Corps of Infantry
in the state arc respectfully invited to join us. The
time proposed for the continuance of the Encampment
is one week. A beautiful location has been selected,
commanding an extensive view of the town and sur
( rounding country. An arrangement has been made
for the construction of comfortable Tentsand Mar
quees, for the accommodation of as many Companies
as may come ; ami a contract has been nude with in
dividuals. who will act as sutlers nnd furnish the men
w ith good board, on the ground, at seventy-five cents
each per day. On the last day. an Encampment-Me
dal will be shot for. The first j)f ibis series of Em-amp
mentstook place nenr Macon, last spring, and was at
tended with much benefit to the Companies present
T. F. GREEN, j Committee
E E. PARK > of Ar
il G rOEHILL. | rangemen’-.
Cherokee Sheriffs’ Sales.;
VV ill be sold on the first Tuesday in May. at the court" j
house iy Cherokee county, between the lawful hours j
° i sale, the ioliowing property, to-w it : j
Lot ot LAND number two hundred and eighty-four j
e J * xte enlh district of the fourth section, originally !
Clii’rokec now Floyd county ; levied on as the pro- j
petty of Edmunu Hicks to satisfy a ti fa from Jasper ;
superior c iurl inluvor of Garland Mattey ugainst said
jHicks. J 0
Also, Lot number three hundred and twenty-five in
the twenty-third district of the third section, originally
Cherokee now Floyd county; levied on as the property 1
ot John Raise to satisfy sundry ft las in tavor ol Wil- i
lard Boynton against said Biuse, levied on and return- ■
cd to me by a constable.
zllso, lot ot LAND number fifty in the eighteenth
! district oi the liist section, originally Cherokee now
Union county ; levied on as the property of Richard
I Blackstock to satisfy a fi fa trum Hall superior court in
favorot Andrew F. Woolley against Julru Blackstock
and Richard Blackstock and Leis Yancy,
Also, five N l:.u RUES, Fhoon, a fellow about forty
oriortv-five years ot age; Susanrh, a woman about >
twenty-nve or six years, and one four wheel Carriagt
I ivied on as the property oi Reuben Thornton to satis,■
a II ta from Greene inferior court in favoi oi Smith at
Robins against said Thornton.
Also, lot oi LAND number one hundred and seven:
eight 111 the thud district ui tiie third section, original' ,
Cherokee now Paulding county ; levied on as the pi
petty of Mary Page to satisfy one small li fa i I( favor .
John Kelly tor the use of 8. A. H. Jones against Me
Page and sundry others.
Also, lot ot LAND number one hundred and cigh
( in the fourteenth district of the first section, originn
| Cherokee now Forsyth county ; levied on as the p
. perty ol Joseph Roe to satisfy two small li fa; one
( tavor oi E. A, 11 Byne the other in favor of Abish
Scruggs for the use of the poor of Burke county.
Also, lotot LAND number three hundred and eleven 1
in the fifth district of the third section, <ir.igknal|y I
Cherokee now Cuss county ; levied on as the property !
of Samuel Forbs to satisfy one small ii fa in favor of i
John Boile against said Forbs.
Also, lot of LAND number one hundred and seventy ‘
five in die twenty fourth district of the second section,
originally 'Cherokee now Gihner county ; levied on as
the property of Henry VV. VVatersonto satisfy sundry
C fas in favor of John Boile against said Waterson.
Also,lot of LAND number nine hundred andseven
-1 ty in the second district of the second section, original
ly Cherokee now Paulding county; levied on as the
property of George D. Luster to satisfy sundry fi fas
in saver of John Boile against said Luster.
Also, lot of land number twenty two in the nine
teenth district of the second section originally Chero- I
kee now Cobb county ; levied on as the property of
James Eakin to satisfy one small fi fa in favor of Hide
& Boile and sundry others against said Eakin, all levi
ed on and returned to me by a constabl?
Also, lot number four hundred and eighty five in the
thiru 01 iue third section originally Cherokee
now’ Pauldin". levied on as the property oi XV jn. W,
Barrott to satisfy a fi fa issued from Campbell superi.
or court in favor of Joh n Boile against said Barrott.
Lotmumber six hundred ami ninety -'eight, iu
the eighteenth district of the fourth section, Mur
ray; levied on as the property of Montford Will
bight, to satisfy afi fa in favor of Henry H. Field.
Also, lot number three hundred and twenty one
in the fourth district of the fourth section, Floyd ;
levied on as the property of James Skaggs to satis
fy a fi fa in favor of Pendleton T. Bidulo.
Also, lot number thirteen hundred and seven in
the fourteenth distiiet of the firs; section, Forsyth;
levied on as the property of John \V. Glass to sa
tisfy a ii 1a in favor of !*• T. Riddle.
Also, lot number fifty-one in the twenty second
district of the second section, Cherokee; levied on
as the property of Solomon Williams to satisfy a
fi fa in favor of P. T. Biddle, levied on and return
; ed to me by a constable.
1 Also, lot number six hundred and twenty-six in
i the third district of the second section, Cherokee;
| levied on as the property of David Cockr an to sa-
I tisfy a li fa in favor of Barden & Brown pmd other
' fi fas levied 011 and returned to me by a c unstable.
• Also, lot number one hundred and thirty-two
1 in the second district of the second section, Cher
; okee , levied on as the property of P. T. Biddle to
satisfy a fi fa in favor of Sheldaa Smith and Wil
liam Wright.
Also, lot number one hundred and sixty-seven in
the sixth district of the third section ; leyied tin
as the property of p. T. Biddie to satisfy a fi fa in
favor of James M. Carter
1 Also, lot number five hundred and eighty-seven
in the first district of the second section, Cobb ;
levied on as tiie property of Amos King to satisfy
a fi fa in favor of William C. Osborn, levied on
and returned to me by a constable.
Also, lot number eight hundred and twenty-six
1 in the fourth district of the fourth section, Floyd ;
I levied on as the property of James Atwell io satis
-1 fy afi fa in favor of William C. Osborn, livied on
j and returned to me by a constable.
Also, let number two hundred and twenty-nine
in the eighth district of the second section, Gil
tner ; levied on as the property of John Griffith to
satisfy a fi fa in favor of William C. Osborn, levied
on and returned to me by a constable
Also, lot number five hundred and fifty-six in
the seventeenth district, of the third section, Cass ;
levied on as the property cf Wiley Mitchell to sa
tisfy a Ii fa in favor Os William C. Osborn, levied
on and returned to me by a constable.
Also, lot number two hundred and fifty-nine in
the thirteenth district of the second section, Cher
okee ; levied on as the property of Moses D. White
to satisfy a fi fa in favor of William C. Osborn,
levied on and returned to nie by a constable. '
Also, lot number three hundred and ten in the
eighth district of the second section, Cobb ; levied
on as the property ofC.wlos F. M’Kinzie to)satisfy a
fi fa in favor of John Fife, levied on and returned
to me by a constable.
Also, lot number two hundred and twenty-eight
in the twenty-fourth district of the second section,
levied on as the property of Kiley Co.'lins to satis
fy a fi fa in favor of John Fife and other fi fas levied
1 on and returned to tne by a constable,
j Also, lot number four hundred and eighty-seven
jin the third district of the first section, Forsyth;
I levied on as the property of Klzy B. Reynolds to
' satisfy a fifa from De Kalb superior court in favor of
‘ John H. &. Wm. 11. Pope against said Reynolds,
j Also, lot number forty in the twenty-second dis
trict second section, Cherokee; levied on as the
1 property of William Hubbard to satisfy sundry fi fas ,
ironr a justices court of Hall county in favor of F.
C. Andoe against said Hubbard, levied on and re
turned to ine by a constable.
Also, lot number two hundred and twenty-nine
(229) in the twenty-sixth (26) district,second section
evied on as the property of Eli Wood to satisfy a fi.
fa. issued from the Superior court of Franklrr. county,
in favor of Robert T. Banks ag*inst Eli Wood ami
James Edmerson, property pointed out by plaintitFs
.Also lot number two hundred and seventy-five
in the fifteenth district of the second section. Chero
kee : levied on as rhe property of Thomas Lovelady
to satisfy a fi fa from Rabun superior court in favor
of Andrew Miller and sundry others against said
Also lot number two hundred and five in the
twenty-seventh district of the third section, levied
on as the property of Samuel Peppers to satisfy
; a ft ta in favor of E. P. Goodrich, levied On and ro- ,
“lined io me bv -1 constable.
I.;;t ci hmd numbex g hundred ar.d three in tho
sixih district of the loncth section Union; levied on’
I as t'lie property of Robert R. Atkinson, to satisfy a !i
Isa from Burk superior court in saver of John M’Neii.
j Alsu, lot number otve thousand and ninety-nine in
; the nineteenth district of the second section. Cbero
| kee ; levied on as the property oi Reuben Wilkinson
I to satisfy a ii fa from Iltinis inferior court in favor of |
I J. W. Wortham and sundry others againstsaid Wil- (
I kinson.
Also, lot number one hundred and thirtv-seven in ;
the eighth distaict of the second section Giltner; levi
ed on as the property of Thomas Pierce to satisfy an
execution from a justices court in favor of James Rus
sell, levied on and returned to me by a vonstahle.
j Also, lot number one thousand and sixty-oust in the
; seventeenth district of the third section Cass; levied
' on as the property of Joseph Roe to satisfy a fi fa in ;
! favor of Hastings Warren and others.
April C- 8 Sheriff. [
' l’ B S °M at Court-llotise in Cherokee
V V County, on the first Tuesday in May next, be
tween the lawful hours of sale.
Lot number two hundred and ninetyifive in the
ineteenth district second section levied on as the
operty of William Bradley to satisfy a fi fa from
jail inferior court in favor of Daniel Byrd.
Also, lot number sixty-seven in the seventeenth dis
ci first section Cherokee; levied on by virtue of a
a from a justices of Hall county in favor of F. C.
• i Joe against Aimer Bishop principal and Edward
• nie! security to reimburse said security; levied on
■ J returned to me bv a constabl.
AprlG—B Sheriff.
I Will be sold, at the Court-House in Cherokee county :
j on the first Tuesday in May next, between the law-)
i ful hours of sale, the following property, to-wit:— ■
One negro GIRL by the name of Elizer, fourteen or '
j fifteen years of age ; levied on as the property of Jo
( seph Waters, to satisfy a fi fa issued from a justice’s ■
; court in favor of Winchester Dumas against Joseph i
Waters ; levied on.and returned to tne by a consta
ble. '
one ROAD WAGGON and one yoke of
OXEN and LUMBER in a state of preparation for a
flat or terry-boat ; levied on as the property of Jesse
1 Day to satisfy a fi ta founded on an attachment in
favor ol Barren Irwin against Jesse Dav ; levied on j
and returned to me by a constable.
Also, one hundred and sixty acre# of LAND, more
; or less, known as number three hundred and seven in
the eleventh district of the fourth section, originally
of Cherokee now Murray county ; levied on as the
property of Drury Strickland to satisfy a fi fa issued
from Henry superior court in favor of John Boyle
against Drury Strickland, property pointed out by the
Also, one hundred and sixty acres of LAND, more
or less, known as number two hundred and fifty-seven
in the twenty-eighth district of the third section and
lot number one hundred and two in the eighth district
and.fourth section; both levied on as the property of
Elijah Nash to satisfy a fi fa issued from Jackson su
perior court in favor of Boyle & Webb against Elijah
' N“ a h, property pointed cut by plaintiff.
A'so. one RIFLE-GUN ; levied on as the property
of Thomas York to satisfy a ii fa issued from Carrol
superior court in favor of John Boston agaimit Thomas
York. A. 11. JOHNSON,
march 23-—G dep. shff.
Cherokee Sheriffs’ Sales.
he sold at the Court-House in Cherokee
ly T county, on the hrs* Tuesday in May, the fol
lowing property to-wit.
Lot number one hundred and seven in the fourteenth
district second section levied on as the property of
Wiliam W. Nash to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Michael
Also, lot number three hundred and twenty-one in
the second district second section to satisfy a fi fa hi
favor of Michael Pendergast vs. Frederick. Cullins,
Myles D. Cullins and William F. Cullins.
Also, lot number two hundred and ninety-two thir
teenth district second section levied or; as the proper
ty of Patrick Gray to satisfy afi fa in favor of Michael '
Pendergast, levied on and returned to me by a con
Also, lot number two hundred and sixty in the four
teenth district of the second section levied on as the
property of Henry Carter to satisly a ft fa in favor of;
Ralston & Jones, levied on and returned to me by a 1
1 constable. '
I Also, lot number four hundred and five in the sis- !
I teenth district of the second section levied on as the
[ property of Valentine Nix to satisfy a fi fa in favor of
I Winn & Clayton, levied on and returned to me by a
| constable.
Also, lot number two hundred and ninety one in !
i the fourteenth district second section levied on as the
j property of Wiley Alford to satisfy a fi fa in favor of
j Absalou Baugh, levied on and returned to me by a I
' constable
Also, lot number two hundred and three in the four-'
; teenth district of the second section levied on as the
1 property of Sherwood Stroud to satisfy a li th in fa- 1
1 vor bf John P. Winn, levied on and returned to iue 1
I by a constable. j
Also, lot number fifty-five in the twenty-second dis- 1
trict of the second section levied on as the property ,
of John Wallis to satisfy a fi fa in|favorofF. C Andoe |
for the use of P. J. Murray, levied on and returned to I
1 me by a constable.
Also, lot number five hundred and fifty-seven in
the third district of the second section levied on as the
1 property of Edward inaddox to satisfy a fi fa in favor
of P. J. Murray, levied on and returned to me by a
. cinstable.
: Also, lot number one Inthetlnrd district second sec- ,
) tion levied on a» the. property of James 11. Fielder
to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Ruben Watson for P. J.
Murray, one other in favor of P. J. Murray vs. said i
, Fielder levied on and returned to mu by a constable. (
.Also, lot number one thouSanu and fifty-eight in the
fifteenth district of the second section levied on as the
property of Ifvzekiah Brown to satisfy two fi fas one in
favor of John Brown for the use of P. J, Murray,
one in favor of P. J. Murray vs. said Brown, levied
on and returned to me by a consstable.
Also, lot number one hundred and eighty-two in
the second district of the second section levied on as
the property of Charles Haynes to satisfy a fi fa issued
from Hall superior court in favor of P. J. Murray.
Also, lot number eleven hundred and nine in the
fifteenth district of the second section levied on as the
I property of John Crosier to satisfy three li fas in fa
vor es Jamesßussel, levied on and returned tome
by a constable.
Also, lot number twelve hundred and fifty eight in
I the fifteer th district ot the second section levied on as
the property of William Metcalf to satisfy 3 li fas in
favor of Stephen Corker, Administrator, leyied 011
amt returned to me by a constable.
Al c «. lot number seventy-three in the fourth district
of the second section levied on as ;he property ol
Willis Mayner to satisfy two fi las in favor of Rod
dick Rutland vs. Willis Mayner and Edward Hughs,
Indorsers, levied on and returned to me by a constable.
Al-o. 10l number two i’.unrtred and seventy-nine ii*
the fourteenth district secotrd section levied on as
the property of Samuel Spiilard to satisfy Ine fi las is
sued from a jiirtices court in Hancock countj in .tssor
of A. R F. Hunter levied on and returned to uro by a
constable. . , r
ANo, lot of LAND number seventy-four in the four
teenth district of the second section levied on as the
property of Reuben Wilkinson to satisfy a h la from
Harris inferior court in lavnr of J. V. \\ oitham an J
sundry others against si-.: V. : i-.:n3'>i!.
J.P biuh»ks. .
VU! C—? fe"'.;.
Forsyth Sheriffs/ Sales.
9 °ld, on the first Tuesday in May next
V ” between the lawful iiburs of sale, at the
house oi WiHiurn Hammond,' the following prop
erty, to-wit:— 13
I L‘d> I'umher five hundred and sixty-one in the sc
! corn! ms’rjiit oi the first section, levied on As the prob
. city oi Wiham Elrod to satisfy afi fa issued from u
justices court of Hal! county, in tavor of P. J. Murray
property pointed out by the plautiil) ‘
Al,o, lot number twelve hundred and forty in the
third uistnct ol the first section levied <». o
property of Pleasant Chit wood to satisfy fi
justices court in Hall county, in favor of p J v/ • v
property pointed out by the plantin' ’
| Also, lot number one thousand and thirtv-fivc in the
| fourteenth district of the first section lovimi on as the
properly o lO.ry llufflo ,„ lif fy,, fl f „ r „, , «
ces court ot Hall comity, in favor of P J Murray
properly pointed out by the plaint,i.'F. * " ’
Also lot number six hundred and ninety-nine jn tho
fourteenth district and Inst section, levied on
property ct 1 aiding J hurmond to satisfy a fi fa from ••
justices court :n Hall county in favor of P J Murray
property pomted out by (he plantilF, levied on and ro’
turned to me by a constable.
Also, lot number five hundred and ninety-seven in
d.stnet first section, levied on Jthe pro,.
city oi Isaac Lindsey to satisfy afi f, f n , ln Ha{ |
' A ’ Um ‘ y ’ P ro !«”'y Points
Also, lot number nine hundred and sixfy-six in the
second district ot the first section, levied on as the
property of Wiley Pierce by virtue of u fifa Rom
Ha.l superior court 11. tavor of I’. J Murray nror.ert-r
pointed out by the plaintiff. ’ prc ' pei
Also, two hundred barrels of corn more or less with
twenty ncad of cattle more or less levied on as the.
/ property ct Larkin Cleveland to satisfy a fi fa from
Ha l superior court in tavor of Thomas Barret A- Co
: am. sum.ry othci li fas, property pojntqd out by Du-
I vid C. Neal, phintitf. ' t j
j Also, lot number fifteen in the third district first sec
tion levied on as the property of .A J. Johnston to
satisly a fi f.i from a justices court in Jackson county
>n favor of Willnrn J*ve for the use of L W Shack
i jcford, property pointed out by L. W. Shackleford?
levied on and returned to me bv a constable.
Also, lot number four hundred and seventy-five in
the first district of the iirst section levied on as the
property of Charles Mason to satisfy a fi fa from a jus
tices court of Jackson county in favor of Loyd W
Shackleford property pointed out by the planlitf. levi-.
I cd on and returned to me by h constable.
pril 6—3 Dept. Shff.
Lu mpki n She riffs’ Sales.
for may.
WILL be sold at the regular place of holding
court in Lumpkin county, on the first Tuts
day in May, the following properly to-wit.
Lot number five hundred and eighty-four in the
fourth district ot the first section Lumpkin ; levied oh
as the property of Vincent Hulsey to satisfy a ii ta from
a justices court oi Hall county in favor of P J. Murray.
Also, lot number seventy-one in the fifteenth dis
trict of the first section Lumpkin; levied on as the
pioperty of James G. Davis to sat isfy a fi f a from
tices court of Hall county in favorot P. J. Murray
Also, lot number three hundred mid forty in the fit
teenth district of the first section Lumpkin ; levied on
; as the property of Elijah Hulsey to satisfy a fi f a from
ajustices court of Hall comity in favor of P. J Murray
Also, lot number one hundred and fifty-two in tit'
fourth district ot the first section Lumpkin ; levied ou
ns the property of Byrd Pruit to satisfy a fi fi, f roin
justices court in Hall comity in favorot’ I*. J Mutrav
Also, lot number one hundred mid forty-fivein th.*
twelfth district of the first section Lnmpkin • levied
on as the property oi Thomas Carver to satisfy tl fi
from a justices court of Hail county in favor of I* j
Also, lot number six hundred and eighty eight th ß
fifth district first section Lumpkin; levied on ns the
property of Nehemiah Payne to satisfy a fifa from a
justices court in Hall county in favor of P. J. Murray..
Also, lot number one thousand and fifty-one in the
fifth district of the first section Lumpkin ; levied on as
the property of James Watters to satisfy a fi fa from a
justices court of Halt county in favor of P. J. Murray
Also, lot number two hundred and seventy four in
the fiith district of the first section Lumpkin ’ levied
on as the property of Lewis Whitehead to satisfy a fi
la issued from a justices court al 5Ia!l county in fa
vor ot P. J. Murray 7
.1 l ?. t n, .’ mher ,lirep hundred and eighty-fivc its
Hie fifth district of the first section Lumpkin; levied
on as the property of Basil Going to satisfy a fi fa from
; a justices court oi Hall county si» favor of P. J. Mur-
! Also, lot number eight hundred and sixty-four in the
, eleventh district of the first section Lumpkin ; levied
on as the property of Isaac Chapman to satisfy a fi fit
noni a justices court of Hall comity in fi.vor of I\ J
Also, lot number throe hundred and ninety-two iu
t the fifth district of the first section Lumpkin ; levied
on as the property of Fielding Thurmond to satisfy u
II fa tiom a justices court of Hall county in favor of
; I’. J. Murray.
I Also, lot number one hundred n-nd twenty-seven in
, sixth district of the first section Lumpkin ; levied on
as the property of James Kegkiadail to satisfy a fi fir.
from a justises court of Hull county in favor of P J
Also lot number one thousand and eighty-two in
tiie twelfth district of (he first section Lumpkin; lev
-1 md on as the property of Edwin Pettigrue to satisfy
I a 11 fa from a justice# court in Hall county fit fe.i or of
P. J. Murray.
April 6—B ShciiAl
1 nformaiioii wanted
ANY Information respecting GEORGE J. CONN,
who left Augusta, Geo., sometime in the year
' 18260 r 1827, tor New Orleans, and has not been heard
ol since, will be thankfully receivad, by his disconso
i late mother, Information can be given, b” addressing
\ A. Z. Augusta Georgia. fcbld-J
I (EFEditors of Newspapers in Louisiana and Ala
bama. and the. adjoining States, will confer a favor on
the parents and friensis of said G. J. UONN, by giv
ingthe above a few Insertions.
Law Reports.
THE subscriber has obtained from some ofthry
Judge’s, find others a number of Decisions inmJe
in important law cases. lie expech to enlarge hiw
Collection ; and so soon ns the subscription will au
thorize, to publish them in a plain, cheap style, ii*
pamphlet form.
’Elie object of this undertaking is to awtikcn amoti'*
the people a sense of the importance of a
cot’itT son tiu: coFrturcTiny <>r Eaiiou.i.
The Judges, Solicitors, and Members of the. Bar.
♦hroughout the state, are respecttully requested to fur
bish authentic reports. 'Io those who may do so,
a reasonable allowance iu the price of the work wilt
be made.
Utility alone, nnd not profit. is the object of the un
dertaking. And with this vic a- he sailiciis warmly the
cooperation of Itie Bar and Bet ch. His situation »•#
an editor wid enable hint to print the work moro
cheaply than other persons. JOHN G. POLHIL.
■march 9 I
/, U J/ /’A /A, Court-
A. 15. A: H. Hoit have removed to this pheo
and wj,| practice LAW in co partnership iu till ih.e
counties id the Cherokee circuit at.'! j;, the adjoin
itig counties ofthc Western and Cbi'mboeii''- c;-.
tuits. ALFRED!’ HOLT.
march 50 r——7