Cherokee intelligencer. (Cherokee (C.H.)) 1833-1834, May 04, 1833, Image 1

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'The Truth — The whole Truth.
J»«l. I. I ■ l '.. .
Is published once a week by Howell Cobb, at three
dollars a year, to subscribers, when paid in advance
oral four dollars, if not paid until the end otlhc year.
No paper will be discontinued, but at the option of
the Editor, to any subscriber in arrears.
Advertisements and Job Work will be executed at
I lie customary prices.
Communication to the Editor must be post paid to
entitle them to attention.
The following gentlemen are requested and au- I
thorised to act as our agents in their respective
counties, to wit :
In Un* county Baldwin—Captain J. A. Cuthbert.
Bryan—C. IL Starr, esq.
Bullock—Peter Cone, esq.
Bibb —Luke Ross, esq
Butts —John Cargile, esq.
Columbia—Col. Z Williams.
Crawford—John Blackstone, esq,
Camden —Hugh Brown, esq.
Coweta—S. D. Echols, esq.
Campbell—l P. 11. Campbell, esq.
Carroll —Christopher Bowen, esq. and
Dr. James Rodgers.
Chatham—R. IL Cuyler, esq,
Clark—Col. J. A- Cobb.
Cass—Chester Hawks, esq.
Cobh—William Morris, esq.
Doolv —Thomas II Key,esq.
DeKalb—Maj nJ. F. Cleveland.
Decatur— St iri tig Scarborough, esq.
Early—Capt. S V. Wilson.
Emanuel—Stepnen Swain, esq.
Fayette—F. G. Steward, esq.
Fianklin—Dr. Freeman.
Floj d—Edwin G. Rodgers, esq,
Forsyth—Hubbard Barker, esq.
Gilmer—Montgomery Bell, esq.
Glynn—Col. I). M. Steward
Elisha Betts,esq. nnd J. G. Parks,esq.
Green —Major Thomas Stocks and col.
Y P- King.
Habersham—Gen. W B. Wofford, T.
J. Rusk and W. Steelman eiqs.
Hall—Gen. John Bites, and 11. L.
Henry—T. D Johnson,esq,col. O W.
Cox and A. T Hardin, esq.
Houston —John Chain esq. and Col.
J. B M’Carter.
Harris—Gen. Wm. IL LoxVe, and C.
Blanford, esq.
Heard—Winston Wood, esq.
f Hancock —Standard oi Union.
Irwin—James Wilcox, esq.
Jones—Joseph Day, esq. and Major
, jfixuea rfmiUi.
Jackson—Dr. Singleton.
Jasper—Col. J- W. Burney.
Lumpkin—Young Johnson, esq.
Lowndes—William Blair, esq.
Laurens —Gen. Eli Warren.
Liberty—C. Hines, esq.
—J B. Coleman, esq.
M’liitosh-—Major Jacob Wood.
Morgan—-J. Burney, esq.
Madison--Samuel Groves, esq.
Monroe—John Watson, esq. and col.
L. L Griffin.
Murray- William Hardin, esq.
Muscogee—J. T Camp, esq
Oglethorpe—James Wellborn, esq.
Paulding -Woodson Hubbard, esq.
Putnam—L Hudson, esq.
Pike—Allen B Prior, esq.
Pulaski—Nelson Clayton, esq.
Richmond—-Absalom Rhodes. e<=q
Randolph—-Gen. Wm illboru.
Rabun—Samuel Faris, esq.
Steward -Jarad Irwin, esq.
Scriven—Jacob Bryan, esq.
Sumpter—L. B. Smith, esq.
Telfair- -Gen. John Coffee.
Twiggs—D. W. Shine, esq.
Talbot—Col. G W. Towns.
Thomas—Col. Isaac P. Brooks
Troup—Leroy M‘Coy, esq.
Union—lsaac N. Green, esq.
Upson—Joseph Sturges, esq.
Wdkitison —I) M H>dl.e-q.
Washington— Col. Wm. '1 ennille.
Ware—James Fillwood. esq.
Wilkes—Col. James Willis.
Warren—D. L. Ryan, esq.
Walton—Col. R. M. Echols and
Judge Harris.
Persons holding our prospectus will please remit
us by the earliest mail, a list oi such names as the)
may have procured. We request such ot our friends,
as feel willing, to hand to tue above named gentle
man nearest them, the amount of their subscription.
It will be very acceptable nt this time.
In order that the intelligencer may appear and
be seen in each county ot this state, in the counties
where we have no subscribers, which du not exceed
halt a dozen, we direct it to the Clerk oi the Supe
rior Court who ru»|>ie«ted to preserve it fur the in
i“lhisJ'','ci|l EROKCE Jl'uyrv.
Al the Court-House—" m - Grisham, P. m.
Harnageville—lL T. Simmons, r. m.
llickory-Flat-Eli M’CoimeU. r ' N ’
At the Court-House.
Two Runs—Chester Hawks, r. M.
Adairsville—Barnet S. Hardeman. P. M.
Sandfordville—John Dawson, P M
Pmc-Log—l ones A-'l'l>om|ison, r. M.
At the Court-House.
Head of Coosa-G. HL Lavender. P. M.
Van’s Vallv—James Hemphill. P. M
Ai the Court-House.
Hightower—J. M. Scudder. P. M
At the Court House.
Talking-Roek- C. H Nelson, F. M.
At the Couit-Housc.
New Bridge—Robert l.egen. F. M.
Harben’s Store—N. B. r M ’
New-Echota—William Tarvin, r M..
N. Bishop . r. M-
At 'he Court I louse.
At the Court-House.
Vol. I—No. 12.
The subscriber has located himself at Hickory Flat
Post-Office, near the centre of Cherokee county, and
intends practicing ILAAV in the various counties
. of the Cherokee Circuit : he pledges himself,
I promptly and faithfully, to discharge any business in I
I his Professional Line that may be submitted to his I
I care ; to attend to the collection of money due on
I executions. in any part of the circuit, for a very rea
! sortable compensation, and should any person wish to
return Land, as fraudulently drawn, to ascertain, ini
( mediate y, whether the Land is worth returning or
i not, and notify the informer accordingly. Commit- I
! mentions may be sent, by mail, either to the Post-
I Office at which lie resides or to Cherokee court-house, i
feb 16—3 m—J ■
Cherokee Court House, Georgia, i |
Is now prepared to attend to any professional bu- '
siness entrusted to him. He tenders his thanks to
I those persons that have, so liberally patronized him in |
I the Courts where he has practiced. Communications
to ensure attention, must come post-paid
feb 20—I
rI chardm holzE
Having located at Cherokee Court-House, will
practice in the various branches of the profession, in
the several counties of Cherokee circuit. He promis
es diligence in the adjustment of all business submitt
ed to his cate and attention.
feb 20—1
piw Notice.
The undeisigned has located himself in Cass
countv, and will practice LAW inthe several counties I
ot Ihe’C/irmAee Circuit. All Letters addressed to bun
at Two-Runs, will be promptly attended to.
| march 16 —m —s
Sheriff’s sales
Land Agency.
Formerly ot M’Donough, Henry county, has locate
himself in the Cherokee Territory
Where bn proposes to attend the Sheriff s sales
in the adjoining counties, and superintend the
examining ami having endorsed by Justices ot the
Peace, all small Executions, that may he directed to
him, from other counties, for collection ; also, all
large Executions that may be submitted to his manage
ment ; he promises all his assiduity and care in this
business He will, strictly, pursue such directions as
may be given him. Discharges will, in all cases, tie
moderate. ..... o i
'f lic Georgia Journal. Federal Union, Savannah
Georgian, Augusta Constitutionalist and Courier, Ma
con Telegraph and Columbus Enquirer, will give the
above two insertions and send me their accounts toi
feb 20—1
I have now in the bauds ot the Engraver, which
will be c mipleted by the first oi November next, a
general and accurate MAP ot the Cherokee country,
drawn horn the returns of the District surveyors -
Owing to the great number of Lots into winch the
country has been divided, particularly the (.old Re
gion mid the large dimensions of the sheet it will re
quire- to have all those numbers distinctly and accu
rately laid down, i have thought it advisable to form
the Map into separate and distinct sections ; which 1
desi-ninte e.s Gold Map and Land Map.
AH the Land districts in the territory are laid down
on one sheet, and constitute a distinct and separate
Map by themselves.
The districts reserved nnd surveyed as Gold dis
tricts, are divided into three sheets or .Maps. Districts
Nos. 1. 2. 3.4, 5, 11. 12, 13, 11 and 15. ot the first
section, form the first Map.
Districts Nos. I, 2. 3, 14 15, 16, 1/, IS, 19,20, 21
and 22, of the second section, torm the second Map. |
Districts Nos. 1.2, 3. 4, 17, IS, 19,20, 21 and 22 of .
' jhe third section, and districts Nos. 1,2. 3. Biand L
’ ot the fourth section, torm the third Map. On these
■ Maps will be found each district in the te ritory. with
every square lot of Land and Fraction distinctly laid
' dow n and numbered —all Mountains Rivers, Creeks, i
‘■Branches, Roads. Ferries, ic. are correctly and j
1 | faithfully delineated |
’ j The Map will be handsomely engraved, printed on
■ Strong silk paper, colored and put up in Morroco
! mvTbHuw ing prices, viz
1 Lano ' $5 0( )
Gold Maps s■» Avr . <] irpp nn
Gold, ami Land Maps, cuni|f»»-
the whole Territory 1; » '■
Persons desirous of obtaining tins valuable Map,
Will do well to inform the publisher soon, as but a h
mited number can be obtained during the draw ingot
‘ h AHi-ommtinicalioi.s addressed to the subscriber, in
Milledgeville, Ga. postage paid ot course, will meet prompt attention. QRANGE GKEEN .
aug23- -1832
Gold and Land 3laps.
Owing to the delay of some ot 'he sniveyors. m
making Their returns, and the consequent dela) that
Ims m avoidable attended the pubbcation ot t ie Gold
x .. f ( herok. e, I have concluded to reduce the
n J’ .‘ -l-' S
'•,HM ii> is divided into three parts, and the price ot
he Iwefl comprisiuE all th- Gold Districts, with the
e .. ,1 the eleventh in the fust section, which
has not vet be« n returned, will hereafter b? six dollars
or two dollars fitly cents each I have also now pre
which will be S of h-3
CH \RT representing all ’he QI AI.l I • ot h. t.
fMPHOVFMENTSon every Lot on n y Land Map.
;v . '.‘e'.eßvO,a,. X1.;,. will forFin
' nil \RS \H persons who have purcliyed. and
; receive a List of the Qualities, gratis, so soon o com
Ip |etcd • OILSNGr GREEN.
I lcb 5 ’?33
Cherokee, [C. ll.] Saturday, May 4, 1833.
Established in 1813.
THE Subscriber has completed a new edition of
his book of specimen, with w hich his customers,and
other Printers disposed to buy trom lltm, may be
supplied on application at his foundry, Nos. found
20, Augusta street, behind the City Hail. He would
remaik, tor the information ot those who have not
been in the habit of dealing with him, and because a
different practice has been extensively introduced,
that his Book 'contains nothing but the actual produc
tions 01 bis own Foundry, and presents a.true speci
men of what will be furnished to orders. The as
sortment is very complete, has been deliberately and 1
caretully, in twenty years, brought, to its present.
state of perfection, and embraces a variety of I
styles adopted to ditfrerent tastes, and to the various
departments of Printing, Newspaper Book and Job,
highly finished, and cast of the most serviceable me- 1
tai. Not to notice the varieties which are distin
guished by their numbers in the Book, it contains
ROMAN & ITALIC 27 sizes, from Twelve-lme
Pica jto Pearl.
TvV’O-LINE and TITLE, 15 sizes. Two Line
Columbian to Agate.
SHADED, 13 sizes, Ten-line Pica, to Long
Pi itner.
ITALIAN, 7 sizes, Seven-line Pica to Long
ANTIQUE, 17 sizes, Ten-line Pica to Nonpariel.
BLACK. 12 sizes, Four-’iue Pica to Minion.
OPEN BLACK, 5 sizes. Four-line Pica to Great I
SCRIPT, 2 sizes, Double Small Pica, and Great j
Besides Music, Back Slope, Ornamental Letters, ,
Lottery Figures, Piece Fractio. s, Superior Astrono
mical, and other Signs, Space Rules, wass Rules,
• Ornamental Dashes, Long Braces, more than 200
I kinds of Flow ers, and 1000 (,'uts and ornaments for
I Books. Newpapers and Scientific works.
Orders tor any of these, and also tor Presses, Chas
es, Composing Sticks. Cases. Furniture. Printing
Ink, or any thing required in the Printing business,
will be executed "n the most favorable terms, A w ith
the utmost promptitude, a large s.ackot the Foundry
articles bei .g always on nand.
1 New-York, Jan- 28. 1832.
A Sporting Paper, on the plan of
Enlarged to the largest class imperial, the only simi
lar publication in the United States.
Devoted to the TURF, the ANGLER, ’he
HUNTER; Foreign and Domestic News, Literature,
Fashion, Taste. The Drama, Police Reports and
Scenes of Real Life.
Price three dollars, payable in advance, four dollars
if not paid within six months or live dollarsii not paid
within the year.
Address, post-paid or left in the post-< ffice.
Chatham square. New-York.
Huntsville. P. T. Posey.
Mobile, T- Sanford, esq
Agents or others aw allow ed one paper gratis for
five responsible subscribers; they may retain a com
mission of twelve per cent, when the money is re
mitted in advance. Agents, on these terms, will be
held responsible for ever) one tor w hom they may
order our paper.
Address, post paid or left at the post-office.
No. 58 Wail street, New-York.
A Family New paper, of the la g st class.
At only tw o dollars per annum, payable in advance
Enlargement and Iniprovetnent.
The publisheis of lhe Saturday Courier gratefull)
acxiiow ledge tin- extensive and unexampled patronage
which they have received Scarcely eighteen month
have passed since (he commencement ot their papei
and the list «»t siii>scribers now exceeds ilev.n thousand
a fact w hich sufficiently attests the high standing w hich
the COURIER enjoys in public estimation.
The plan nt the Saturday Courier is so comprehen-
■ sive as to embrace every variety of topics which can
be introduced into a public juuriui Literature—
Science —the Arts —Foreign and Domestic News—
Police Reports —Sporting Intelligem e—a Register ot
Passing I .vents —Commentaries on New Publications
Dramatic Criticisms, and other subjects, receive
' const nt and sedulous att< ntion ; and the publishers
I do not hesitate to assert that in the interest, novelty.
1 appropriateness, diversity and general excellence of
its contents, the Comie«-*»’«4y chiim precedence
■ over any similar publication.
The Literary Department of find mONr' 1
j whether at homem calculated to amuse, in-
terest or instruct, provided it be suu.,ui. is procured
. and published, without reference to expense or
I trouble. ,
In furnishing News, foreign or domestic, the pub
lishers of the Saturday Courier have very great ad
vantages, and they confidently appeal to the past ex
perience of their patrons to sustain them in saving tiia
they have, generally, this respect, in advance
of their weekly contemporaries.
The 8 \TI ill) \Y COURIER is the larged Paper
unconnected with politics, published in the Un ted >tates
' It has always been printed on a sheet ot greatei size
and contaified. by actual admeasurement, a larger
H amount <>t reading matter than any otaer weeklv
' journal of a | urely miscellaneous cluuacter. Not
’ 1 w ithstanding, this superiority, the publis 'er-, anxious
1 1 not merely to merit, but to insure a continuance and
’ . extension of their great patrot age. determined to in
-1 ■ crease lhe size and otl erwise impre' e the Courier so
’ ' as to make it bevond all question, the largest, cheap
. est end most desirable weekly paper In this couiitr)
’ mar 9—4
The intelligencer
zs run Lisi mi)
Cherokee county.
The subscriber, thankful for the liberal support he
has already received, notifies his friends and all per
sons visiting this country, that lie now keeps and wdl
continue to keep, at the above place a
He will, without regard to trouble and expense, pro
vide every thing that will conduce to the comfort,
pleasure and convenience of those that may call upon
him. He has commodious and well supplied
To which the attention of an experienced Hostler
will be, unremittingly devoted.
march 3(1 7
The subscriber respectfully informs all who may
draw LAND in the Gold or Land
That he has made arrangements for the
Os such as may favor him with a Cd L ti
tle will give any information in his power, to persons
exploring the country, especially the
; As his Stand is within a few miles of said Mines and
on the Road from Warsaw to Cherokee court-house.
He would, also observe, that he expects in a short
time, to be furnished with a
General MAP of this COUNTRY.
There is a Post-Office kept at his House
W here the MA IL
Arrives every Saturday by 1 I o’clock a. m.
Bringing Milledgeville papers up to Thursday,
He has nowon hand, and intends keeping a
Generally used in
Gold Mines,
Where persons can, at al) times, be supplied
with an assortment oi
AU of which are otfared on lhe most liberal terms.
Hickory Flat, Cherokee county— feb 16—1
The subscriberhits opened a
At the village ot New-Echota in Murray county,
where he flatters himself from the unremitted attention
oi himself and brother, to be able to give general satis
faction to all his friends win may favor him w ith their
patronage. His Table will be furnished with the best
the country can aft’ord. His Stables will be w ell sup
plied with Provender and underthe care of an atten
tive. Ostler. No pains will be spared or expense
avoided that will conduce to (he convenience of those
that may visit his House; and his charges will be ac
commodated to the times. A few constant Borders
will tie taken. This Establishment is airy and pleas
ant. The subscriber trill, also, be able Io give LAM.)
examiners, in the Cherokee territory, intoi mation in
relation to value and quality, in the most valuable
parts of the territory as w i ll as directions to them.
From the situation ot licliota, being immediately on
'lie road from the west«-rn parts of Georgia to Fast and
West Tennessee, situated at the head of Oostonoila
River and junction of Coosa wafti-e and (,'cnnasauga
Rivers, at which place there i- the only ferry on said I
rivers this must be lhe crossing place for all travellers
to the westward. His House is the first on the Road
south of M’Coy’s Ferry.
Archibald Slone,
feb 16—1
EAS here is gieat dissatisfaction pre 1
’ ’ vailing amongst a large majority of the good
citizens of lhe County of Chetokee relative tothe
selection of lot number two hundred and tvventv
tunc, tn the fourteenth district of the second sec
turn, for the county site ot the said county of
Cherokee; and w hereas I myself have just c ause
ro be dissatisfied with said selection; and do con
sider it necessary for the good of the
county, that some other, and more suitable place,
should vet be selected; I Randol McDonald, one
of the Jtidtres of lhe Inferior Court for the countv ■
seem to be placed, or may have beeu placet! ov
me; either by word, w i iting, assent, or any other
manner whatsoever tn a tn ijority . or any pan of tin-
It.ferior Court of'he com.ty ot Cherokee, for the
purpose of selecting s i’d lot: and do hereby entm
my protest against lhe st lection ot' said lot: and do (
declare null and void any act or acts, thing 01
tilings heretofore done by me, or by my assent,
either bv word, writing, or in any other manner
i whatsoever, in ami towards Ihe selection of said
I ]ot no. £29-14-2. as, ami tor, the county site of he
said countv of
' Done in Cherokee County the 4th day cf
April 1833.
randol McDonald j. i. c. l a.
•wwrp. Elias Put man. am 1.1 uho McCm nell. two
. ▼▼ o f the Judges of the luferiur Court (01 the
t countv of Cherokee and State of Georgia, do
I likewise dissent liom. ami enter our protest against,
‘ the selecction <>f lot of land number two hundred ami
’ twentv tune in the ot lhe second
section of the Cherokee territory, as. and tor toe
countv site of said county ol Cherokee; lor the
reasons set forth in the above protest by Randol
M< I)maid, one of the Jti !_es of said court and
because v»e cansub r the said 10l as whol y mi-
Sttitable for tl e purpose afoirv.mL
Done in Cherukte County the 4th day April
ELIAS I lITMAN J I. <’. 1. s.
JOHN Ab CONNELL J- 1- C j. a
Whole Ao. 12,
Beware of the Impostor.
loOis m»r ,,t t lelk ’ W , ca,lin « biinself Mr. Gordon, came
aFi -e I'm dU “i“ S ,e past wePk ’ in tiie ‘ haracter o.
melitnf i"" Saturday morning the 2d inst.
gave kg-batl for his printer’s bill, the washer-woman’s
bill and a part <>f his tavern-bill
he?vv'bum"- | fivC feet ‘ 1 t,r seven high no
js rii-1 ; “7 --nsh."
jacket, tlnee slp.-ts and a black hat a lit.le ruAy from
He is an impostor and swindler, mid vve hcrel.v
support' 6 And’ 1 ' 6 Hgui, ' St giV ‘" S l,im €O, ’ n ’ e, 'an‘:e and
1 United d e ‘"" cstl y llO P't every newspaper in the
the eil? n* S re » ,ub , l,sh , tliis >'• order that
. j . “ lu y be further imposed upon by such a
I 1 . 11 ' Sparta, March 9, J 833.
Among the numerous cheap publications of the day
none has been offered to that numerous class of society
who most need instruction and amusement ; and. with
“ E a " d assis,f, " c *b ’be publisher of the
? Edcrary Gazette,” proposes to furnish a
?umes. dHlg at “ e o, dinary cost of two small vo
lt is well known, that even among the wealthy,
many parents hesilata to lay out a dollar, seventy-five
even titty cents, for a volume that is exhausted in au
evening; while a Stillmore numerous class are en
•ir d ,j y the price from purchasing useful
and books tor their chddren.
impr«<m i t Ze ’ t^ W, “ con,ai ‘' as ‘nueh good, useful and
s x " ,at e r’ " S f '"'" '«elve of the usual
s zed volumes for children. The articles w ill be
A? d < °. a * l es /rom five to fifteen years It will
hus pass from hand to hand in the fainil) circle and
the motner will find amusement in what she is called
upmi to explain to her children.
To instruct and entertain, to create a desire for in
-I,ll'l'l ion,,ind lead youlhtiil mind to a fondness for
be devoted
1 I ravels and Voyages
4/ I amiliar 1 ales and Naratives
3 Dialogues on Scientific subjects
4 Biography and Nature! Ilistoiy
o Notices of all new Works for Children
b Interesting Historical Anecdotes
' Conundrmnsand Puzzles
lhe assistance of most of the writers for children is
promised ; each number will contain one two or three
, woodcuts i lustrative of ditferent subjects; and ever-/
exertion w ill tie made to make the work interestimr "
Pndaddphia, 1833. °*
Os letters remaining in the Post Office at Cherokee
, f. "-- yn cfiirty-ftrsi tl ni/ () y March
jr/m-A .snot taken out in three months will be forwarded
to lhe General I ost Os ice, as dead letters.
John W. Barton,
Stephen W. Blount,
Stephen F. Collinfl,
Samuel U. Candler,
Gen. John Coffee,
Howel Cobb esu, 5
David Delk esq.
James Gilbert,
James A. Groves
Stephen Harvey,
Fielding Hill, 2
<'"l \\m Hardin,
Z. ii. Hargrove,
S. B. Hargrove esq.
Nathan B. Hyatt,
lloil John \V Hooper,
William D. Jones,
Oliver Jeter,
J. Murphey esq.
John M ’Bi ide esq.
illiam A. Ray i sq.
Sheriff of Cherokee county,
John <mith,
C. D. Terhune, »
Ilarberd Upchurch,
Albert \ Wynn,
Join P. Wvnn, 2
“lost child
•s•s6o Reward !
A- LIT! LE GIRLS years old, fair skin, blue eves.
who can read very well, was lost on the lhe JGth nit.
six miles east of Courtland near ti e road, leading to
Decalnre. Hundreds of men have searched in everv
d irection throughout the net'hbnrhood. and no trace
i<4 her can be found. The above reward will be giv
, en lor her delivery, and any information respecting her
i w hether dead or alive, thankluliv received.
D."j“ Diligent search has been made and as no trace
of lhe above child can be found, the dislre-sed par-
I ents have Loon indused to believe that she lias been
. (stolen. Ail editors will confer a favor on the deeply
; distressed, by giving the above an insertion in (heir re
; spi-ctive papers.
Milledgerille. January 5.
Ordered, that V illiam Hardin, of the first brigade
• of the seventh division, Georgia Militia, hr- and tie is
heiebv appointed Aid de Camp to tin Con:maridr-r-jf).
j C iiief, with I lie rank of t .'o lone I, and that Lt* be obey
j e.d and r. spei te.d m-cordit gly.
Bu order ot lhe Comninin!er-in- ( 'hi>f.
\\ . J W. Wf ID.BORN.
• I ssr I t Oca,
I GEORGIA ’ I Tolled before Lewis R.
1 “ Cem.-v. S Powell JP. I.y Dav id
riiiniton of Cap’ Tiopen’s district a ‘mall ’ lack mate
M l>out fourteen or fiftei <i years old. about four and u
• halt feet I>ti"4 in the right eve. no brands per
cer able X true extract turn tie e‘tl:*v Irek
April t--8