Cherokee intelligencer. (Cherokee (C.H.)) 1833-1834, June 29, 1833, Image 3

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T.i' >'J, Kv. J:inr 5. I ' • “• '•»’ ng list >‘.x iib.'s il;p duailis loin , i i.t’r i, In it ii iv ■ .icciii rmi. I’ t!it> lire tkiii" i *“• <,t l * i " •’(* ‘I ’ it tins city, on Suniliiv j ”•'» toil.. i.i-t c\ . dug, ; 1S no.irris we Imve brt’ii ■ ■'■■” < ’ ;i bf i iiu ilnt n. Mmy of tin’s? h ive { • "’■•ii pii 1 ' ■»<•<! !> ’l co, jiikl we llieiefme only | give :I:<* t: mi:".. v •/„ ’ [ 1 M.«. Dur .11, f! Vi'oi’fi oe |,Lu k; 3 SI.. ( ■ Bmu < • 11; 4 < i’l, i’ \\ illinm; U n tie i* > k»’tJ ;y watcbm iti; I " f 1 'I M • (’mik u ’ar iho 11, * 'ii'"ti I'liKvii, yimsiuilh Lee Colorci]: j ' All■ 11 <• »' I . i*i ’(■ (•; ' ? s. iio;i< wiy, ! .1) '' .'• .1 111 o \ lull’l SOI! J I 1- \ ii<‘y II iif, o; I • U y > ■••a "i, < oloi eI n n Lot, •' 1 ) \.S ,X i e’> i ini, n’oij. J II 1.1 olin ti. Box el: i 1 ,G . Si itii i \\ iii,. ’, I’eier; L-' ‘i' - I’. S n,Amv; J7 M . Mov >S. U ■li;' 1"■ R • lln .11 •; 1 ’ <>n Mr. 11 ,Is. I; *<) IC. 'l'||,, .) f j( n j s . • I .i'mills Scoti, (oloicil; ~ J ' in’. Fow lei’s Elsex; i'l n k mm II _i.’ii»s trnd Rii’hardson; VI .M . B. not R I.ko ; • J Si n i , Ii ■ , | ; oe <.»| ,• oil, ’•’ ■ '•• '• - ( .. ■t, I,<o, (11 .. «•,,| i| (.. lin oi; i ~ m <'i.nls’., L’ol..’, i . 1.1 0.l liui.i r. I kieit,’ in >y be miiiic n ones’il, xvliic.h I <”lglit io In i.; die üb.ive its ; as our means I n t' iiaitiitig accurate infoitn.ufo,i. are none oi the ■ best. I Since G o’c! ><■'; list ni/!it there hive been n oij new cas ,s, Lm we u:i I. t- tarn! they yield ’■• eno; 0- tie .memi; in I mix sifelv if fi 'll, xvli i( is in I lie mot)i lis o| .dI, I,'ia l , iI t In dis •to i- ,ni t with eoiifi io,’ice at die liirosliold, ; ;m ! xvtdi mid, pr unpt, .Hid deci Io I treatmotit, ' even s'i h is m;o|]| m ordtn iiv line s he deem ed I) ! Z H dons, it e m be reaililx’ clircko’l. I ae deti'lis since (> o’clock last evenini’', as | fur as ,ve cm learn, are as folloxvs. 1 A str imrer on water st. i ikon I ist nij’iit. I ; g f.exvis (Jarrell son oi Mr. Asliimi (l i rnit. ■: 3 ■‘Mis, Jiulx' Scott, relict of die I ite G >v. i Chas. Scott, ’ iki’ti I ist night, died io- lav. ' 4, 5 &6. 'Three colored men, at Mr. S. ' Uedfs. 7 Mi x. Johnson, widow lady ?.l Gen. McC • ■ | 1 ! i’s, died this inoruiii'r. . 8 A n id I iiecro in m—-better known as Whist line Simon. Jiiflv, colored woman at W n. 11. Rainey’s, du d at 10 ii’elock, | 10 Robert Colerain, servant, Fowler. i I tie weather ‘o-d iy l> is been favorable,, tn mV , of the ci':z , ’tis have reiir? d into the connti V, md , there is mu h re t.-mi to !)■',> • that the waist ol i ■tins 'lii .'l’iti'T viiitatioi) has past. M ich de- | ‘peiids on ii'dividn d caution and co nt in md vi- with regard io diet and exposure. St. I o;n s, Miy 24 ! Me regret to ho : r that ihe (' hi Jera has in ide j :!s appearance at the Marine Settlement, in ll- j •tn " S <ibout 24 miles easi from ihi r pl ice. A t laborer in the employ o| Capt. Bl ikmnm, who i had just reooiied from this city, sickened irt'n) I died wiih the div tse on Al m ! iy. S lorily as- I fin, C i,e. Curtis Bl d<”m in m 1 his <1 a ■ yoimj i uly liioji 1 i y<> o ; o| i/e, w. re attack ed md died, ati I M ■> Bl ik"m m survived them hilt t fi’.V mrnrs. When xve last heard Imm th'! S”.dem nt, no new c iso hid occurred. I 1 io i il; imtants were without in ‘die J aid; hut I> . I’ov'V <d this ci y, left on W ’dnesdav. to ■ utteii I upon those who mi<{ht bi all ok d. We i h ive not h■nd of its appe nance in any other 4'i ii ter of ilie country. Miv 28 —No oilim cases, so far is we c m ' lea in, ha v e occ irrc i u th:’ ’1 hi Sett lenient, ■’ ti lllmois. Occasional rises .ire n iliced in j so no oilier counties of th it state; but limit is j rim I iinj like i <r< neral in dad x. <' learn bum Si. Ch irles, lh it it hid ap- ' P’ih din liiai pt ice. Five or six cases xv< re repo' iod, o| which, one h i I ter nin ited |hi d|y. , \v e he ai, now and the a, of a case o * (wo in ' this city; but they •• x< ino darm, ire e isily cured, ifpriperly attended to. It s?ems Io u> very snitrid n,th it (Im repealed as-ioitiims of) the dis ippearaoce of the pestil • ace from this rit v, should hot hive nid (he ofrestor-l ino confidence to our country friends, and of pttiting down iho mmy extggeraied stories in j relation to ii, Tims: who circulated them' must be very credulous, or bft governed by a Ciipmilyas baleful as (he disea » itself. In ei- ! tlier ease, ilicy p[| orant falsehoods, winch should he disregarded by all inelligcnt people. | Missouri i(<p. N.v ri’iirz. J,me 1. • he (.holer i is still gaining! cround in its fa- i fal lavaurs throughout the whole state; wo Ii ive heard from sever d remote counties, wheie it -is repine xviih great severity, its victims princi- i pally slaves. Floyd Sheriffs' Sales, FOII AUGUST. be sold on the hot Tuesday m Aucn’t V w next, within the legal hours of sale, nt the hotisf ol June • Cmniigh.un, the usual place of holding ' ourt in I loyd county, the tollowing properly, to n it: l.ot nnm!>cr one hundred and fifty-seven in the •fitteen h district ol the fourth section, levied on a; the propertv el John Hill to sati-tv a fi. fa. in favor of Kichanl Sale. A. II JOHNSTON. June 29—•?<I Shtf (•Jeorgia—t tins count v. Henry Smith, ol the eight hundred and fwen y se cmad distiict ti M t his betiic me a dark B\Y 31 \ I betwi'en fitteen and twenty years of na»‘, bi t, k tn nn and tail, four feet t nrinrhes hich. with a tin ill Id.u:e m her lorehead, her hat hind foot while up tu the toot lock <>ne mark on the ri<ht lop Ap praised to five dollars by Wd'iam Dameron and Gri env die Pullin, this ,“>th June IS3J. \ -<>. Ph, Petit, of the eight hundred nnd twenty second district G M tolls before me a dark P>\\ I OK-I', about sixteen years old about fixe fe< t both hind feet white, branded with the let ter B on the letl shoulder, a knot nn his belly and a vma ' w lute in his forehead. \ppr tised tn ten dollar, bx i’h >in is Unison.nick and Nealy Goodwin,the -lh June|S33 n win ii utGis. j. r I'rtract o-igi’itk tfti • 11.'*i J:ine, IS’3. Lt \ riii ,'J K \MvIN c 1 c June 20—20 I ==:. : — : ~ • ’< -pi fg h £4. SLi IL, S vrritbAY, June 29, 1833. I i ■ ■■■ z : ; i , , I L.Jract Jri»n flic RccorJcr and a\ linin')'r of other piiitcrs. FOR GOVERNOR, j I “A ..XJOK jot'.l, ( KAWroKD.” i■. ! Jroin the Stand.ird of Union. | (xi'Vr.itTtsr jikxt.) Republic n, Sime Kit’lits ami Tioup Ticket,! to i epi i-st u' tin.’ c. muty of 11 tiiciM-k, in ilie next Lenisia.u.e. j I (I.,■ ■’ .■! ajor Jirl ( rr >!:;> [ iud others.J Me ptibbsti in to-dav's [ntelligencf’r. a letter, | ‘ laiely, urnten by Air. William 1 . Ur iwford. m a. -w- r to one wrifen to him, bv the E h’or of tin I Republican, enquirin'; of him. his opin-' ions with regaid to parties in Geon.-1 >. We ran-1 not ’jiit be surprised at tlie selection the ReptiD-j made, in prosecuting its enquiries; of this I however, we h right to. am! do not object. ; bi.t, just rem irk. that the Republican is mistaken ’it it lit Lews th it the opinions of .',] r Willi.mi tl. ' ('rawford ran have any influence m as they tn iy b ,L intend‘d to operate out of the state, where his situatiim is not as we|| known, we shall pro e■ ' to exa ui 10 his opinions, in the letter re if rrt d to, v i’ll mat candour am! moderation that siioul I nnik lhe acts ol’-//Z Joiirnalisis, notwi: -i indiii" lh<* icri /iony id lin’ letter-writer, when tie speaks ol the party ot which’.ve xverc an hunjol ■ 1 member. , i \\ Uh respect to t iis Mr Crawford, no one will (deny that Ipi Wts. lias bc-n. a man of powerful in tellect; tual tie tis h< t'.ti worth\ of the several high si ilions i int he ins occupied and th it in of/tci d ivs, he has pet ormej | I!S part wUI; bul it is c quallv .'rue, that nmv. a Ivariced to dotage, all rhat peevishness, wnicli i . its companion, i n'xin him; disappointment and disease have alike preyed up- ' i o i his system: wail? th ■ (i s lias soured his dis- | position towards his political opponents, the latter , lias unstrung his physical taculues; mii’ed, they . leave him but the shadow of uhathe once was. , Like the elfulgeuee of a brilliant planer, he once illiiimiued .ill tin: sa'-Hites tli«t approached his path-wav; like the last flickcrings ol an exhausted lamp, henoin shows btii an mieertain flare of light; burning loxv, in j;. socket, now and then, its ra diance shows what it hag been. It should be remembered that between Nr. Craw ford md G-’m-rd Car!'., in th ' d.i . s of their best manhood, there were many di/Tiet.hies, wh’u h re- ' suited m per 'mid combat and which appears to hive settled between these two men. an implaca ble hati' il for eac'u o:!>“r; Hus may, in i; art, ac couut for that bi'lprm'.s that aeeompatii ’s Hie re- | m'.(■;.s m ule by Mr Ci oyford r.'ati.ig to Genera! | Clark; Air Crawford is heartily wi leotne to the ' I < harai t”r of au uiireleii!i.ig .metav. if that is what I lie seeks, m speaking <d fr’ener.d •, lai h’s want oi ' resile. !.d.':t’,. '.Ac shall not attempt the viiidica . lion ol General Ulu s's charact'-r, on thi, occasion, I llltll vvouid be atiaching too nmc.i cons ••qmmce to 1 the opiUous o| the man whose letter w have sc! 1 down to examine: wesfi ’.nlil have siwposed (h it th'J mui'.lc ol d 'lih would have saved ('eiUTil J Clink’s mcinorv from insult; we dare, s.y if, font • .every considerate Trimp mari. with the ex't ption 1 ul \A illia n 11. I 'ra.vtor I, from Governor 'I rotip, i hims'dt, down to the humblest member of ton! par- ! ty. will stay his opposition, vv.ii reiiurjuish the con- ) '■st, when death r 'moves the object ol his opposi- ; [ non. i’lio grave has a sanctity about it that for ! bids the indulgence of nnchai liable feelings lo ■.vaidsits iidi dmant, and bills lhe intruder stop; ; whatever degree of acrimonv may have mixed it -ell with our acts towards a rival or opponent while j m lib’, tleaih cools it down, all our energies tiro ' i stopped, all did expressions, hushed, bv it. AVv l speak tie-e ot what is common, of wh ii is natural iwe can mt but he surprist tl at a cotprary r oursemid I look upon it ns tine-mimon, initialiir.d; to lhe ex- I centric character and position, Mr i'rawford is ■ i heartily welcome, which results from the course j tic has pursue I, with regard lo t ie re-pecJabdity <>! ( Geiieril < 'lark's name. The grave has no sancti i ty for him, charity has no pla°e in ids disposition, ' i he violates their h dioivcd limits m attempting lo J affix oblotj iy upon Hu Head. “ I' ilie ('lark paity sho - jl i bo-soljci’ous to ! 1 merge ili. ir generic, poluica! name, into one more ! j res pee! aid a, is no ni.u ter o (surprise to au v one who iis acquit inted with lie moral and political clu.ric- I | ter ol that party.” Every Georgian knows how itli' daik and I'lonp parties otdeorgia, adopted ilieir n.iUH’s. General maimained a high ehataeter in Georgi i and step after step arrived at , ’he highest offi ■■■ >n the state. < 'olonel Troup nianit lined a hi h cbaraet’r in Georgia, ftom a t{ “present alive m her Legislature he pas .etl into the i < ougres, e| the I nit” I States, anti llien, came in 'opposition to (J eneral l’ I tri, tor the r 1 hi'l mag ist ra !cy ol tlu’ st Hi’; those that snuported General i jUlatk were calle I ('lark-men. those that supported l Uolonel I'rotip w. re t illed Troup men. th” con j test between these rivals was long anil hoi—hence Ime names ot Hu p trues in (-etirgi i It is. plainly, said, in Hie tbove q iiuation. that the ('lark party j | are desirous oi a lopting a iruiv.’ mor? rcsj-cc’ithie; ' we nee I not Irnv ihat isscrti mor say any thing | about it, but Htia, that new names are. about to be I assumed by the puiies, and instead n! being the .n i nes o| riv al i i<li‘ idti il i, principle will character- ‘ iz” Hie parties and m irk out the name Hu-y will j I assume; whether the party are solicitous, or ' ihe I'toup party either, to retain or change their I names the circumstances under which the new I parties will be orgamzed, will make that necessa ry; however dearly, some may cherish ei:herof I these names, ibis result is inevitable. We are not Iso bullish as to say that the old ('lark party- will tmin the Union party ortho oil Troup pariy lhe I ' Nul’ilvmg partv, but biuh these new parties will jbe toi'me I, sp ntaneouslv. from the ('lark and I roup p uiios. be uang in mind that the (Nark par ty' will tun liani-.h is ninny members to the Ntilli- ■ tying party as the Troup p irtv, and that Hie Troup (party (urmshes manv worthy and honorable mem bers to the I mon par’y. I'he causes ol adopting the names ( lark and I roup, being transitory and temp 11 ii v, will pa*s oil when causes moi ep,iin a- - nent, like the present, appear, and vvli never efforts are made to divert the present stale ol' , things mm other rhannels, wdl he mule ami un i i vailing, parties iiw tvs advance, ihev never re ede. It miivt oe borne in mind, during the perm dot’ j ' Air. Ur.wford's letter, tint he was lhe deflated e.inditaie fur the Presidency of the l.m* Uonven- I lio::; we think he was amimijus f that -m at. .nd k however, badly ho may think of t' e party, he • proceeded upon the fact of hts being a Union ■ mm. to solicit their support tor the but the • score of hi' 'lienees tgainst the. old Clark partv are not to ’ <• forgotten under i new name.- the re- 1 suit ot the eb’eltot) between himsvif audJudge W iviie. exrited all Ins angry fe. t’mg agiinst the Cl.nk pi::v, and m that 'tale oi feeling he wri'es die letter wo are now revi wmg We beb- ve •here i- scarcely an i?. l.vidu.’l, will believe that had Mr. Craw Cm’ boon made the T’res : .u;:r,t of'lm Convention, that he would have used the language he does use in his letter, respecting the Couven lion Ii is given as it'i cvidonoe of the existence of the old Troup party,‘‘that Major Joel Crawford, was, unanimously, nominated a candidate for Gov > ernor,” will" anyone believe that that party exists if I this is the strongest proof ofits existence? on the ; contrary, does not every body know that if ihi.s is < the strongest point of pro >f that can be. ad | dticed to prove this important fact, that it is - miu li s'ronger proof to confirm the fears of the Editor of the Republican. This letterwaiter | says that “(he nomination of Major Crawford will ( be the rallying point of the Tmup party, that he i will receive the undivided support of the Republi ! can parly, tiuliiliers and all.” If thC-se expres ! sions were made with a view of saying a word for I a friend, a relative, we have no manner of objec tion, but when we see that they are answers made to questions propounded by one feeling a I lively interest in the answers, from lhe best of ; our judgement they form an effort to counter act a insult the writer will, ere long, be compeil (ed to lament. Major Crawford, however virtu j e-us in private life, however well he may sustain 'he relations there, is not calculated to head, ' lead or direct a party; one of the parties of Geor ' i.ia may have been knovtn. as the Crawford party, at some era of her political history, but that time has passed away and will never, no never, return. The result ot’ the Inst Congressional election is alluded to in this letter, ami how that result might have been diff'i rent is pointed out; it is, uni versally, the privilege of the defeated to show , anti point out a c uieiirrence of circumstances by whit h they might have ■.ucceedcd, this is to Ije indulged, it drives away despondency; but sue t ess might have, and we presume would hav appeared on the other side, had not some candidates embraced the very strange do-trines of NuHifi-a'ioD, cn the eve of the cleciion, by whieh they, with the prospects of others, had to be given up, this is useless speculation, how oxer, ami we hope we shall be pardoned for Hie digression, by our patrons when they under stand iiow we have been drawn into it. Mr Crawford remarks, “it is believed that we have the ascemlatiey in intelligence and respecta- ' bility,” by whom is this believed? by the writer, or does he mean to say the old Troup party or lhe Nullifieation party as now organized? From the tenor ol tins letter the writer may be, fairly, set down as a member of the latter party, for we see Im wdl not associate or identify himself with the old (.lark party, now members of the ! nion par ty. Allhough some individuals may bold on, with much pertinacity, to the old mimes of Troup ami Clark, these names do not suit present af tairs and will be foot in th? new names Union and Nii!h:'’eat:.ui; then, from what. Mr. Crawford says, ho xvd.l be amongst (he Nullifuirs; the good grace xvidi which he speaks of them, now. points to that result, if we at- correct in this, the intel ligence and respectability is to be amongst the ?siilkii ts’ w? need : ~t siy that tile intelligence •md respectability of the Union has s ,u!e(i that question against his opinion; and hsru we must make this oth-r rem.nit, that I;.id it not been for the m:-mud ‘rsta'idmg exis'ing octween Hie late V ice-Pr .sident .md tiieiale Secretary oi the Trea sury, xve believe the latter would never have j claimed to be a I nun man; these discordant ' m iterials may yet be ma le to harmonize, though 1 we know n it and care not. how. 'The most indiscreet part of this lottfir Is ihr.t 1 part ot it that rel lies so tiio 1 3oll , ‘g“; ii any one i thinks we are mista' co with regard to our opin- ■ ion of ’dr, CrnivUMil, expressed in the foregoing ; part of this aiticl”, upon his perceiving the man- j ner in w hit Ii the College is alluded to, he will a-j agree we are right; were the opinions of this man calctdaled to do hi rm in Georgia, ili,«t institution ’ would have received a more fatal stall, by this j in discretion, than years would repair; in this re in irk, we are confident we shall be supported t>v every, ri tiuctiiig, tricml of lhe College. 'Phus we have scanned the letter »f William . II Griw!’;)il to the Editor of the Savannah Re publi an. we have not been prompod io sax one word, to ut’er one sentence firm malevo lence. We wish we had been spued tlu t’ouble, ami that Air. Cr.iwlord wont, consent, now in ihe evening ol hts life, to let votmger and moie temperate politicians, deal in these lirery cleinei.r .; if Ii” vx Hi not d > that however, lie cannot object t > having liis opinions exam ined, by all, amt condemned, by tlose, that i cannot embrace them. / From tic Sav ninah Ripublican. We submit to the readers of the Rtpu')li;- in, tile following conespundence, bei’-t’eii the Ed- ; nor ami J mlge ( r xv.toiw. i;e fust lettci xvill fully explain the object of rhe Editor in i addressing the Republican Patriarch ot Gior gi. >; and ins reply, beams lull and graielul evi deuce, tiiat the p iuciples of Republicanism—‘ ; for the support ot'w hich the Sic annnh Ripnb- ! Uc<i n was established—as still m untamed in' ' Georgia, as Itereiofote. As thivugli times past, so through limes lo come, this paper xv ill ren der its cordial ami zealous support of lhe Re publican party, whether under he name of a : Ckawforp or a ’Troup. We m ide our ap ; pe d to J udge Crawford w ith the more con- ! silence and pleasme, because of his known I nion feelings and his cordial support of Ax drew Jackson. f' ir i'.'i 'iiblican, ) Savannah, .Mix 27. it, 1833. | AVir.i.twi 11. Cit xwford, esq. Dear Sir—T’iie relation which you have long held, and now maintain, to the Politics of Georgia, xv ill, I trust, sufficiently excuse the trespass upon you. From its establishment, the Savannah ~ publican Ins, uniformly, advocated nd miin t lined lhe doctrines which biou.lit Jefferson mvl the Ri'pubiiean Pany into pox’er. These docti mes have been m i;i:t >ine I m Gt org’i i t bx J unes J ickson, A Baldwin, John M:l --ledge, W. W. B bb, yomseif, George M. Troup, and the rest ot the Republicaii p rix. To them, I am disposed that the li.'publican su ill st ill adheto. In letteis which I have recently tcceived trom Al Hedgevdle, it It •< be< u alhiincd, that die Tump Party is ex met in Georgi I. ami t'u- out es luiw existing, are the ( nion and all fii tg. Ou the otlu rhi nd, respmiM • ble membeis ot the 'Troup P rty I .ve deni« I tins statement, an.l have assci ted, tb it the par ities ni’xx existing in this S ate, are es«enti.dl\- the s tme as they h ive existed f"t m inx years p ist, natnelx; the Tiottp atu! tlm k. par tit s. As ymi are a (i’<tingtii«'m'd member of the I Ni '.x Partv, 1 lake leave to :>k dial you w .1 do me the favor tc inform mo ot t io ii-ia.d con dition ot pr’ 'jig Georg i, at:d * ••.Ater •on ■» | recognize the old party distinctions of onr ’ ■ state as siill existing, or v. liether they have been I merged in a Union and a Nullification Par ty. Ii you shall oblige me by an ansiver, I must ask for permission to publish your letter ’ in lhe t\s an atiihoi by which none p will dispute in the setliemen’ of a question of , ; deep interest to patrons. ; i I am, sir, very respectfully, . I Your obedient servant. 1 E. De La Motta. Editor of the Savannah Republican, Wood-Lawn, 3d June, 1833. II ’ * Mil Dear Sir— Your leitter ol the 271 b uit. I was leceived by this day’s mail in due course. J You inform me in il that letters received from Milledgeville affirm, that Hie T:oup 1’ iriy is ' extinct in the state’. On lhe other nand you ! I say, that respectable members' of the Troup : i Party, assert that the parties now ex sling in ' I the state are essentially the same as have exist- I od tor years. So far as my testimony can beef any service loyott, it is wholly in alli.iuance of ; lie: Inter assertion. That the Clark Paityl should be solitons to merge their generic noli- 1 Heal name into one more respectable, is no ; matter of surprize to any one who is acquainted with the moral and political char icter of that i party, bn they should have aid and as- ■ tn (fleeting their political metamor-; | ihosis from gentlemen afFecting to belong to I ■o the Republican oi Troup Partv, is truly as- ' tonishing. The fact only proves that we have 'ad wolves in sheep’s cloathing in our ranks, f’iie late Convention at IMilledgeville proves I mis t.>ct, if other evidence xvas warning. It I ■vis during this same Convention, that the' Cl u k Pat ty firs’ m ide an effort to assume the character ot tht Union Administration Partv. Bui the conduct ol lhe self-styled Union Party, during the session ol the Convention, proved sufficiently the identity ol the Clrik Party. I hat party has never possessed political pow er without tibusing il! It has never abused it more 1! igiantly, than in the late Convention.— i he abuse of power in the Legislatuie pros trated th it party in 1825. If the abuse, of power in the legislature destioyed the ascenden cy of the Clark P irty in 1825, now much more effectually ought an abuse of power to destroy it, when ih it abase h is been m inif’esied in the revision of’Hie Constitution. That the slf sty led I nion Parly, is essemially the Clark Par ly, no man can ilmibt, who has witnessed the proceedings oi •he l ite Convention. Can the | Ethyopiau change I,is skin? Can the Leopard i li.mgc ms spits? When either of these events shall liapptm, then it may be possible for ihe C! itk pai ty to di >.nge its- mural and political cliar icier. I’tie Union Eirtu may, probably wul, endeavor to assume lhe character of the i ; late I' ; dural Pally. Its le.ulers may possibly i endeavor tc. “It -ct this revolution, bat ii will be ' extrem Iy ij.fii mlt. The ma.e; i tls they have', to oixH’.ite with, are very discordant. Tit it . the i ;■ mip p irty is not t xtinct, the unanimous 1 ilomiu nion of/Major Joel Crawford for Gov ternm, the evening before the Convention ad* ( jmnned, by a large meeting of pmtv, not: , only of the members unltM party it; Milledge- . 1 ; ville and its vicinity; but from o her parts of lhe state, sufficiently prove. Nullification it is true 1 has dune us so ne mischief, but ilia! is passing a xvay, and the most violent nullifiers in Georgia, ' probably never indulged a desire of making a ! pet tn inent schism in the Republican ranks.! I From present appearances, I am inclined to I 1 bel.eve, that the liomma ion ot M ijor Crawford j will be the ially lug-point of the republican j i parly. ihe ,M 'jor, tiioti ji no ntillili r, i ’ n ceivh the undivided support oi the Republic- I an party, millibars and all. The result of th? ' last ( ongressioital election, fiiimsh evidence ol 1 t republican success—we elected 7 out ol 9 can- A t did Hus, .\l we I) n! snpermtmi’r irv catidi- 1 ' title, ulu» received more than 15.0()0 voles, i * winch divided am mg our 9 e indid ites in cqua t pi iportion, would i>.ive < b cted all of diem, i Bu’ imllificatioti has also inl' Ctcd the ranks of. * •he Claik p irty. P(•ml'erlim tit; i N 'Wiia:i, md i..liars o| loss non', might be enum t.iied. ; II is possible that they 100, m tv not be dispos- j cd to make a perm men: b: each in their ranks. = Biit xv het her thev’ai ti so d isposed oi .to!, is a ; to the R.’publ ca.i ’ party. It is bel'ov ?! that we ii tve the ascett ‘ . i dattcy in mlelligence and respectability, am* , supported l»v ilium il cannot tol ol yliimate su< - j <-<‘>s. A low more y; ais ami wdl s Htl” ’ ' 'own on a propet basis. () i.- College is doing j ' much for tlu? cause of civihz "ion, an I co: reel I ' principles in politics, moi iL and reii;’ou. L'-i ' die pt (iple be etiligbicni d, ami xv' sh ill li.tvt ; i good Republican government irmly estab- , iished among us. I am, sjf, with respect, your friend .mu ’ most ob’l humble set x’t. W XT. 11. Cr XXTt'ORD. D T.a M tfa, li litor Sa. annch R>p.i’> Ucon. • — . _ __ . _ t’iicrok(‘uS uj>er i o r f> ur 1. brio i i/ !'. fin 1833. Oa motion, ordered th it all eases now pending in 111 i> con ! and max be pendint' at tin- or'aiz t ! ion oi i !i” <; >ii nties, of v'hei-'ikee Uireuit ■•■■ ’ rausfered io the ri.-'.pi’etix c i <i.nit i.-s to \x idea th”X' ;>;■ ■ jerly He - - t i«s the s. i i I; Anti that the Clerk di-livei over nt '■■; s i-el.itnig t. them tathe clerks ot the respective counties, ... soon ns , 'i■ ?. shall bo elec ■ ‘ m and all per , sons tii .y have noti.-e <.f the ti-an-li-r aa'ito enable , th tin to prepare tor trial at Ila i x ! le. ,a u. the Su- I > rior court >--,.■> .■< ■ ctive < ■ . • ■ ■ . ' Clierokee • iicuit. U i,. t'urther, <>; fr,- t tli.U t:. - ... Oer i»e pub ii-:.ed in the GeOi-gia Join nal mid t. I.emkec- iulelli t:<’: cer. .iiri" r i.‘flirt frr-.m 'ii“ M < :i \XD. Cik. i-ine 29 m —go \ u v:. AVhereas my w? •. t itzcha« ],■:< me without anx ( just came or pi iv.n omn end ii n in’fxxiHi J >hu Wear. 1 het »j torn al! | • ns uu trading xv ith tier, on tnv ■e mit a- I ;n:i dete. mine;| n..t lo pay any d l.t- i.t !;• r » 'Ulracting. 'i:..'!v County <• .1 .Max 27tL U 3 Ji’.S.SC I'. BEAN. on , -.9—vt—2 > Achilles D. Shackleford, ATTORNEY AT I \\V. fJ’Tf \S per-nanen: ?.' si-:t ■-iif . • i-i (- - rniintv. at th. pl ■< -.-’.wt. if ;-:h . :,'.■. S- . il xx u i attend p metually to all i ;> ■ it.trusted to . i.* c r” tn *!i” Cherokee Cir. uit. (’ unnmiiei.tions i: >y be addres'ed to Two Runs P -t < Ui.-e. <' -.-= county. ' June u?— m—V'J Porsylll Sheri Os’ Sales. FOR AUGUST. AVi'l be sold, on the first Tuesday in Aliens! next, ; at the C 'lirt i louse in Forsyth county, lhe following 1 property to w it:— Lot number (xvo hundred and fifty-six in the third dis trict of the first section, levied on as the property of (V tlliam Lewis to satisfy a It. fa from Gwiiuie't "Su perior court in favor of John H Harrison for the use ofjiihn 11. Hammond against said Lewis, Also, lot number one thousand and twenty five in the second district of the first section, levied on as • the property of Spencer Roach to satisfy sundry ti. j b' o, u a justices court of Houston cmuily in favor 1 ot Watson and Warren; levied on and returned to j me by a constable. '■ .Aiso, lot number thirty-three in the third (list, of the ! first section, levied on as the property of David Roach to satisfy a fi. fa from a justices court of Pulaski . county in favor of James il Warren against said 1 Roach, levy made and returned to me by a consta ble. J .Also, lot number three hundred nnd thirtv-sevrn in I the first district of the first section, levied on as the property of Thomas Crosby to satisfy two small ft fas in tavor oi J. W Stanford; levy made and returned j to me by a constable. I Also, lot number seven hundred and forty-five in : the third district of the first section, levied on as the ' property ot William W. Hays to satisfy three small ; fi fas in tavor of Samuel Al Jutikin; levy made and re l turned to me by a constable. j Also, lot number nine hundred and ten, in the se : cond district of the first section, levied on as the pro i perty oi Ann Baker lo satisfy five small fi fas. two in • f ivor oi Samuel AT’Junkin, the others in favor of i. ohuson & Gunn; levy made and returned tome by a constable Also, lot number six hundred and twentv-one in thetnird ot the first section, levied on ns the i property of William idliottto satisfy twostnall fi. fas. | in favor 0: >am:iel M’Junkin, levied on and returned I to me by a constable. 1 . _ JOHN JOLLY. June g-9-2 ) SheritT. JJii r ray ** her if fs’ ase s. FOR AUGUST. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Ausrust next at the place where Col. J. J Humphries now lives, the place of holding the courts for said count}'as directed liytlie Inferior court, between the usual hours of sale, the following propertv to wit Lot of land number eighty, in the thirteenth dis tiict of the fourth section, levied on as the property of Abraham .Smith to safufy a fi. fa. in favor of Joel r ■ Cash for the use of T. E. Hardaway; lew made &. returned to me by a constable. Also, lot of land number one hundred and sixtj'- seven in the tenth district of the third section, levied on as the property oi Jacob Oxford to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John Brooks and sntidrv other fi frs a gainst said Oxford; levy made and returned to me by a constable. POSTPONED s ale. i> ill be sold a' the same time and plate Lot numberforty-six in the twi’nty-fi'th district of the third section, levied 0:1 the property of John N» Kile in favor of P. .1 AJurry, levy made and returned to me. by a constable. Also, lot number one hundred nnd f wentv three in the t’.venty-sixtli district of the third section levied on as tn? property >f Burrell Thompson to satisfy sun dry fi. tas. in favor of P. J. Alurry; levy made and re turned to me bv a constable Also, lot number two hundred and sistv in the eight district of the third section, levied on as th'- pro perty of Henry Huff to satisfy su idrv fi. fas. in favor of’P. J Murry, levy made and returned to me by a con-fable Also, lot of lar.d number seventv fire in the thir teenth district ot lhe Third section, levied on 1- the propertv of James Higgins in favor of’P. J Murry, levy made and returned tn me by a constable JAAIE’S C. BARN’ TT june 29—20 Sheriff. Cass Sheriffs’ Sales. FOR AUGUST. VUSTIEL sold on (lie first Tuesday in August V next at Hie Court House in Cass count v be tween the lawful hours of sale the following property to wit; Lot of hind number me hundred mid twenty-two in the sixteenth ditsrict of the Ihi rd section .levied on as (be property of Abe! Barnes (o satisfy a ti. fa from Putnam superior court in favor of John C Mason A-. Co. Also. lot mmber 'hree hundred and txx'onfy-five in the f.mrlh dis'rii-' of the third section, levied on as the property of Jmu 's Tones to safish-a fi. f n from Put nrnn superior court in favor of John C. As s<ii &, Co- A'sn. 'nt number ore hum!rm! and fiftv in the fvcen tv-t hi rd di-trl * o; t!u> seco u I section, le vied on is Hm nroi>er'v of B dcu R-ids n-d to satisfy sued vfi f aR . from a fustice-erm-t of Twiggs comifv' in foxmi- of AV-llimn r . Barrin; levy made and retm’ned tome by a constable. B. r. AD AH?, iunc 29—21) S'h”r ; fT. 'Vy#*’! 3. be sob! nn fh* fi’-.t Tuesdax’ in Auf-nct ? ? next, at the cnni-t-’’’nuse of Cassrounfy. in the I’.-'I ’’ hn’irs o' *■:>!(• the r '’’’ u i”r uropert v. to-xx it! i.x-.''n’t•.’ cLht ?'• nailv Cher-A-”e iiow Cass conntx' levied on as the proper'v of Alexander W’driim. to caHMv sundrv fi. Hi from •! !u 1 ' ’b'-'fer-'uilx'. in fav.n if (\ '4 deer levii-d on and returned me hr -i <• •>..'■■ >ije. I,E>A’l< Tt'MTJV iunr-oq—o? Dept. SlicritT. r Im - 'ld. on Hi” first Tuesday- in Am'tist. r '? ii”' *. at t’ e<- "i-t-!umse in Cass connfv wi'bin th” usual lion s -f--.t’e. the fol! xving propert v to-xvit;- I. * number e . hl hn'idrio! and eicl tv-three uitbr. ‘ fourth d'-tri’-t ' I the third s.-cti >n levied op as die Ia- U>e,-! v <>f 'dat th ewes William -1 n Sl'l i- -fx- f. .’I- fi sos. from a i■;■ ti i-< emu-t of •’■■itn im countx- in favor <>f (fie I n ■ u-i'nys o( Mi tin P'lil’ips. deceased, levied m ' : I i-i lai n”d 1 o me bv a c >n -table. A. 1 • I.'ot rii’inlier ix hundred rind fifty-six in Hie s”V”uf rntli (listrief ot Hiefl-.ird section, levied n ns the property of Catlet Kingto satisfy one fi. fn. (mm n justices C'm’l of Jas|>er county in favor of Jrdin C. Alasnti A Co. Also, 10l tiiimher three hundred and six in the sr-v CDteentll ili -t -let of the third section, levied on as ’he property of Willi rn P Echols to satisfy one fi fa. from ai'is’ices court of Coweta county in favor of Ma on and Wilkin l ; levied on and returned to me by a con table. Also let number eight hundred and fortv-eigiit in the t wentv-fir-t distr’et of the -econd section, le.' ird oil a. the property of Lewis P.rcwn to satisfy four fi. fas. from . ; 1 ’I -os court m Gwinnett conntx’ in favr.r of A’inn A’ldkinebiirgli nnd Haw ks against Aaron. Brown and Lewi- Brown, security: levy made and returned t > me by a constalile. Al o. lot n im'ner <'.velve hmuired nnd twenty in the fourth disti i t of the tliird section, levied on as the property of Cnsby Dickerson by virlne of an ex e< ition rec- ei cd l>v Clem Cox in the stmerfor c art i thee .'ditty us Richmond agiinst said Cosby Dick- ANDREW U'DONAr.D. Dept .'Sherilf POSTPONEDS ALT S FOR AUGUST. Lot immbor two liiindrt-d and twenty- me in'he 'w- 't.-lir~t district of the second section, b v ied »n ■ p ..petty of Arthur Wnrten *0 sa’i iv a ti. fa tr.n) H<l- -n-rrior court apain-t Ai'hnr AAar'-rn; If. .: rn Warren. I h; h Robert’and .Aaron B. liar die. seenrit v: in lev >r of P f. Murry. \ 1 • . c-iber' iclit hue !: ••'! and twen*v e ev an I, (■ nt ,i -ti .< ’■ f the -Ilin! ser.'ion levied on as •,. Ity, ,f Davi 1 A 'mo’ tn ?•< ti-fy sundry fi. fas. ti*o 11 Hall county 111 t wor < t P J. Murrv. \;. it ■ urn m; t vo h im’red and ninr-1 v-fbrer- io the :• ■!'th < i ir* nt the ’liir I -rt ti >n, levied <m a- the . ; .p< y o *• u Garner to satisfy three’ fi fas. in t:v >roi 1’ J .‘lurry. ANDREAV M DANCED, june .9-20 Dent. sLe;.i.