Cherokee intelligencer. (Cherokee (C.H.)) 1833-1834, June 29, 1833, Image 4

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Cobb Sheriffs' Sales. I FOR JULY. ! WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in July next ; at the Court-House in Cobb county, between Hie lawful hours of sale the following property to-' wit:— . I Lot number four hundred and two in the second ( district ofthe third section levied on us the property | of Bricy M- Owen to satisfy two ft las issued train a justices court of Dekalb county, in favor oi John ' Evans. | Also, lot number seventy three in the sixteenth dis- f trict of the second section levied on ,'s the property' of Sidney Forbs to satisfy a ii fa issued tram a justices I court of I tall county in favor oi Richard Butler. Also, lot number three hundred and twenty-six in • the seventeenth district second section, levied on as ■ the property of Owen ’l'yler to satisfy a fi ia front a . justices court oi Newton county iniavor oi I*. 1.1 Bedell. . . . ! Also, lot number five hundred and eighty-mne in , the first district oi the second section, levied on as the i property oi Ainas King to satisfy two ft fas issued iiom a justices court ot Harris county in iavor ot \» illiam M. 1). Osburn. Also, lot number two hui.dred and eight inthe twen tieth district of the second section, levied on as the property of George Jeffreys and William Jeffreys to satisfy a fi ta in iavor ot Nathaniel f ish. Also, lot number seven hundred in the seventeenth district’of the second section, 1.-vied on as the proper ty of John Webb to satisfy two fi fas from a justices court cf Chatham county in favor of Mordica Sheftall. TANDY K. MARTIN, june I—l 6 Sheriff. Vi’ill be sold on the first Tuesday in July next at th c 1 Court-House in Cobb county between the lawful ) hours of sale the following property to-wit: — Lot number seven hundred and seventy-seven j in the nineteenth district of the second section, levied ■ on as the property of William Davis to satisfy a fi fa issued from a justices court of C latham county in fa vor of Benjamin Brewton. Also, lot number six hundred and ninety-nine in the seventeenth district ofthe second -ection levied on as the property of Beniamin S. Williams to satisfy afi fa j issued from a justices court of Chatham county in fa-J vor of Benjamin Brewton. Also, 10l number nine hundred and forty-three in j the seventeenth district ofthe second section, levied on as the property ofWilliam DanitlA James Waba and J R. Daniel security on stay of execution, issued from a justices court of Emanuel county in favor of William Moor. Also,lot number one hundred and two in the seven teeuth district second section, levied on as the prop erly of James Patridge to satisfy a ii fa issued from a justices court of Upson county in favorof Kelly & Co. | Also, iot number seven hundred and eighty in the ( seventeenth district ofthe second section, levied on as j the property of E. Bing to satisfy a ii fa issued from a ' justices court of Franklin county in favor cf J. Mor j Fell. \V WINTERS. June I—l 6 Dept. Sheriff. -FOR AUGUST. WILL be sold at th” place of holding courts i in the county of Cold), on thc first 'Foes- I day in A iigust next, between the usual hours of! sale, the following property, t.» wff. Lut number four hundred and five, in the second district ofthe.third section, levied on as the property of Richard Garner, to satisfy sundry fi fas from a Jus tices court in Walton county in favor of Smith & M’Jutikiu A Smith vs said Garner. Levied on and returned Io me by a Constable. Also, 10l nuinberonv hundredand thirty-seven in the seventeenth district of thc second section, levied on as the property of John Coker, tosatisfy a fi fa. from a Justices court in Walton county in favour of S. M', levied on and returned to meby a Con stable. Also, 10l number four hundred and eighty-five in the third dis. ofthe 3d section levied on ns (ii proper ty <1 Win W Bar. >t, to satisfy a fi fa from Coweta Superior court, in favour of .Satfold A Porter, vs.said \ Bai rot, also aliothe Ii fa from said court, in favour ol | William Porter vs. said Barrot. A’so. .ot number eight hundredand eight in the [ sixteenth district of (he second levied on as the p -'perty of Thom is James, to satisfy sundry fi-i fas (ruin a justices co irl in I IbiTt county in favour! ol Haynes, < hii-tian o’ others vs. said James, levied ! on and ri turned to me by a Constable. Also, lot numbi r seven hundred and fifty-nine in j the first dis.ri< iof tin 1 second section, levied on as I the | >ii,,pci lyol Wm fl T. Fitts, to satisfy sundry fills from' s court in I 'licit county, in fa vour oi ChristliT 11 ggintioltom A Co. vs said Eitis. levied on ai d i etui ned to me by a Constable. Also, lot numbirtwo hundredand seventy-seven in lilt' iiini'li enth (listlict ol th” second section, levied <>n is the propel ty ot id ward Johnston. to satisfy a fi ta. fi oin a Justices court in Walton county in fa vour ot S AT.'uiikin, levied on and returned to me by ii Constable. Also, lot number four hundred and ninety four in / the nineteenth district ol the second section, levied on as the property of James Blankenship, to satisfy sundry fi las from a Ju tiers court in Talbot county. I in favour ol Cation A Biichaimon, levi-d on and re- : turned Io ine by a Constable. ns the property of 1 eonard ('agios, to satisfy a fi fa. from a Justices court in Henry county, in favour of Thomas Smith, levied on and returned to me by a C unstable. Also, lot number three hundred and thirty-one in th” iiineieeiitli district oi the second sc. lion, levied on as the property oi J P riteedly, to satisfy a fi ia. from a Justices court in Elbert county in favour oi C W. Christiau, levied on and returned to me by a Co ■ ■ de. Also, |<>t number nine hundred and two in the first district ol the second section, levied on as the prop erty <>t \\ m. Roughton, to satisfy sundry fi tas from ft J i»tices court ot Washington county in favour of lin'd with and A alden, levied on and returned to lUe by a < unstable. Also, lot number eight hundredand sixty-one inthe nineteenth district of the second section, levied on as Ihe property of Alex. Smith, to salisi) aft la. trom a Justices court oi Hall county, in favour ol Kallogg and Suulord levied on and returned to me by a Con stable. Also, lot number seven hundred and sixty-one in lb” first district ofthe second section, levied on as <lie property ot Alexander Smith, to satisfy a fi ia. fr om a Justices court ol Hall county, in favour of ]£ Hogg and Sanford, levied on and returned to me 1 by n Constable Also, lot number four hundred and thirty-three in the sixteenth district ol the second -ec tion. lev ted on as the properly ot Isaac Goiden to satisfy a fi ta. trom c Justices court of Baldwin county in favour oi Win. D Scroggins, levied on A returned to me by a Con stable. Also, lot number seventy-seven in the twentieth [ district of the second section, levied on ns the proper- I ty ol Lewis M. Matthews, to satisfy sundry fi las I from a Justices court of New ton county’, in favour I ot R. Ry mis, Richard Burns A Co. levied on and re turned to me by a Constable. V •>, lot mi über two hundred and thirty-eight in ’ the seventeenth district ot ihe second section, levied on as the property of J. L and J Hudson, to sati- y a fi fa. from a Justices court of Richmond county in favour of .1. W. Houghton, levied on and returned to in” by a Constable Also, lot number seventy-two in the seventeenth district ofthe second section, levied on as the prop erty of Win Hagevvood to satisfy afi fa trom a Jus tices court oi Habersham county in tavour ot P. J Murry, levied on and returned to me by a Consta ble, Also, lot number twelve hundred and sixtv-onein the nineteenth district ot the second section, levied , on as the property of Benjamin Higgins to satisfy a fi fa. from a Justices court of Gwinnett county in fa- ! Vuiirot P. .• Murry, levied on and returned to me Iy a Coastal)! ■ , \iso loi imber nine hundred and sixty-twoin thc eighteenth disrtict ot the second section, levied en as the property ol Wyatt V vs* to satisfy afi ta from a Justices 1 ourt ot il II county, in tavour ot P J Mur ry, loviod on aud returned to tue by a Constable. . I Also, lot number one hundred and fifty-nine in the I sixteenth district of the second section, levied on as (Improperly of Ellis Treadavvay, to satisfy a 11 fa from a Justices court oi Habersham county in favour ol P. J. Murry, levied on and returned to me by a Consta ble. i Also, lot number three hundred and tvventy-tiine in the twentieth district ot the second section, levied on i as the property of George Hinkle to satisfy a ii fa. from a Justices court ot 1 fail comity, in favour of P. ! J. Murry, levied on and returned to me by a Consta- ! bie. i Also, lot number one thousand and six in the eigh i teenlh district ot the second section, levied on as the I property ot John Cocks to satisfy aii fa. trom a Jus tices court of Hall county, in favour of P. J. Murry, ; levied on and returned to meby a Constable. Also, lot number two hundred and four in the i eighteenth district of the second section, levied on as j the property of Robert >mith, to satisfy a fi fa. trom a j Justices court in Hal! county, in favour oi P. J. Afur- j i ry. levied on and returned to me by a Constable. | I Also, lot number forty-eight in the seventeenth dis-1 > trict ofthe second section, levied on as the property ! ' of George Wilson to satisfy a fi th. from a Justices! court in il ill county in favour of P. J. Murry, levied on and returned to me by a Constable. Also, lot number seven hundred and thirty-six in the first district of the second section, levied on as the property of Jacob Sanders, to satisfy a Ii fa trom a i justices court in Hall county tn lavor of P. J. Murry; levied on and returned to me by’ a constable. Also, iot number one thousand &. ninety six, in the sixteenth district ofthe second section, levied on as the property of Wiley Prince and Isham Griffin, to satisfy a fi ta from a justices court of Hall county in ■ favorof P J. Murry, levied on and returned to me by a constable; also one other fi fa levied on the same ! lot in favor of P. J. Murry vs. Isham Griffin. j Also, lot number three hundred and eighty four in ; (lie -eventeenth district of the second section, levied ' on as the property of John Wilson, to satisfy sundry fi fas from a justices court in Hall county in iavor ot I*. J. Murry; levied on and returned to me by a constable. .Also, lot number one hundred and sixty-six in the nineteenth district of the sect nd seciion, levied on las the property of Rolen Btrden to satisfy sundry fi j fas from Habersham county in favor ol P. J. Murry, i levied on and returned tome by a constable, ! Also, lot number one hundred and twenty one in the third district ofthe third section, levied on as the property of Allen Thurmond to satisfy a fi fa from a justices court in Hall county, in favorof P. J. Murry; levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number two hundred and ninety-four in the twentieth district ofthe second section., levied on as the property of Hiram Proctor, to satisfy a fi fa [from a justices* court of Hal! county, in favour of P. ( J. Murry, levied on and returned to me by a consta ' ble. I Also, lot number twelve hundred and thirty in the ! sixteenth distric* of the second section, levied on as ! tiie property of Lewis Thomas to satisfy a fi fa frem a justices court of 1 lull county, in favorof P. J. .Murry, levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, iot number nine hundred and twenly-three ; in ’he first district of the second section, levied on as i | the property of Caleb Clark, to satisfy a fi fa Horn I I Hall Superior court in favor of P. J. Murry. Also, lot number eight hundred and nineteen in the I third district ofthe third section, levied on as the pro- . perty of Barnet Parker to satisfy a ti ia from a Jus- . tices com) of Hall county, in iavor of P. J. Murry; levied op by a constable and returned to me. Also, lot number six hundred and ninety-five in I the sixteenth district ot the second seclion, levied on ! as the property of Alexander Cavin to satisfy a ii ' ia from a justices court of H ill county in favor ot P. J. ! Murry; levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number nine hundred and ninety-three in the seventeenth district of the second section, levied on as ihe property of of Samuel Howel, to sat isfy a fi fa in favor ol R. V. C. 5,’ W.W Ruffin trom Houston county justices court ; levied on and return- i ed to inc by a constable. Also, iot number six hundred and seventeen in thc I j nineteenth district ofthe second section, levied on as | the property of Plesant Meredith to satisfy a fi ta trom I a justices court of Houston county, in lavor of R. V. [ C A’ W. W Rufiiii; levied on and returned to me by I <> constable. • Also, lot number eight hundred and ninety-six in the first district of the 2d section, levied on as the pro j perty of Gilford Tritehe:, to satisfy three ti fas from a j justices court of ourke county in iavor oi Thomas j liraj’ for (lie use of Howell Cobb, levied ou and re turned to me by it constable. Aho, lot number nine hundred and thirty in thc eighteenth district of the second section, levied on as the property ofWilliam C. Dillon to satisfy a fi fa from Richmond superior court in favor of James Young; levied on by me. Also, lot number one thousand and ninety-nice in (he nineteenth district ot the second section, levied on as the properly ot Reuben Wilkinson to satisfy a fi ia from the Superior Court of Harris county, in favor ot ,1. W. Wortham; levied on by me, also one fi ia /from a Justices court of Harris county, in favor cl I James i’oz y; levied on thc same lot. Also, lot number three hundred and forty four in I the nineteenth district of the second section, let ied lon as the property of Alexander Prior, to satisfy a ii ia from a justices court of Harris county in favor of I i.uiowA- 11 uu anti returnca me i>v « con stable. TA xin K. MARTIN. june 22—19 Sheriff GVitnev SherVAs’ Sakes. FOR JULY. I be sold on the first Tuesday in July next, [ » w at the Court-House in Gilmer county, within ; the u-iial hours of sale the following property to w it : ' Lot number two handled and fifty-eight, m the ; tenth district ofthe second section, originally (.'hej'-o . k”e now Gilmer county, levied on as the properly of [.Sterling P. Smith, to satisfy two fi fas issued from a Justice’s court of Hancock c anity, at the instance of Jacob 1’ Turner A Co. and transferred to N. ( hil ders. Levy made and returned to me by a Consta ble. ' LEVIW. HLFFSTI TLER may 2 s —l7 Sheriff ’ILL be sold on the fir«t I imsday in July next Vt at the Court-House in Gilmer county .Within the usual hours ol sale the followiug property, to wit: l Li>t number one hundred and ninety, in the sixth I district of ihe second section, containing one hundred [and sixty acres, more or less; levied on as the proper |tyot James Sturdi van. tosatisfy a ft fa issued from a ; Justice’s court of Jones county, in favorof Mark Wo ; mack vs. said Sturdivan. B. B QUILLIAN may 2^—l7 D<pt. Shff.' Sheriff’s £>ales AND Land Agency. .WILLIAM HARiHX rormcriy ot M l>onough, Henry rotintv. has located himself in the Cherokee Territory NEAR Nt W IClIt)T Where ho proposes to attend the Sheriff's sales in the at joining counties, and superintend the I examining and having tndorsed bv Justices ofthe Peace, all small Executions, that may >e directed to i:iin, from ether counties, for collection ; also, all large I'x.•cations that may be submitted to his manage - ment ; he promises all his a-siduitv and care in ifiis business He will, strictly. pursue such directions as may be given him. Hischaiges all cases, be moderate. The Georgia Journal Federal Union. Sa'annah Georgian. Augusta Constitu’.i.’i abst and Courier, Ma con Telegraph and Columbus Fmpiirer, will give the above two insertions and send me their accounts for payment. \v H Jc 1.20—1 ~ ’ HO Will J. ( (Tbb. AT rOBXE' AT I. IW Cherovre Court House. Georgia. Is now prepared to attend to any professional bu siness entrusted to him He tenders hi« thanks to those person'that have, so liberally patronized him in the Courts where he has pr o ticed." Communications j to ensure attention, must come post-paid Forsyth Sheriffs’ Sales. 1 FOR JU LY. be sold on the, first 'Tuesday in July next w v between th< liw ful hours ol sale, at the house ot William Hammond, the following property to wit:— Lot number four hundred and tw’enty-lbree in the third district ofthe first section, levied on as ihe property of Robert Smith senr. to satisfy two small fi i s from a justices court in favorof Gustavus Hen drick. Also, |r>; number four hundred and forty-six in the second district of the first section and six hundred and twenty-two in the third district of the first section, | levied on as the property of Howell Wliitemore to satisfy three fi fas in favor of F. C. Andoc. Also, l<>t number three hundred and forty-fiye in the first district of the first section, levied on as the ! property of John Hubbard io satisfy one small fi la I in favor of C. J. Atkins. j Also, lot number eleven hundred and four in the I third district of the first section, levied on as the prop ! erty of David Collins to satisfy a fi fa issued from a | justices court of Richmond county tn favor of J. W. Houghton vs said Collins, all levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number eight hundred and sixty-one in ; the third district of the first section, levied on es the i property of James Drummonds to satisfy a fi fa from I Morgan superior court in favor of Thomas Smith bear er. Also, lot number seven hundred and twenty-seven in the third district of the first section, levied on as the property of Howell Jones to satisfy a fi fa in favor of F. Cullins J*’ Sons. Also, iot number seven hundred and sixty-five in ! the fourteenth district of the first section, levied on as the property ot James Carrell to satisfy a fi fa in favor 1 ot B Tarver for the use of Clay, levied on and return ed to me by a const able. Also, lot number lour hundred and eighty-three in tl hrfrst district of the first section, levied on as the property of Abel Cain tosatisfy a fi fa in favor of S. , Rembert, levied on and returned to me by a consta ble. Also, lot number three hundred and forty-five n: the first district of the first section, levied on as the prop-I erty ol John Hubbart to satisfy sundry fifas in favorof ( hapman fir Adkins, levied on and returned to me by a I constable. ' Also, lot number eleven hundred & seventeen inthe ! third district of the first section, levied on as the prop- 1 erty of William P. Glover to satisfy a fi fa from a jus tices court of Bibb county in favor of .Murdock Chis- 1 holm, levied on and returned to me liy a constable [ JOHN JOLLY june I—l 6 Sheriff. | POSTPONED SALES, FOR JULY. W7TLL be sold, on the first Tuesday in July next between the lawtul hours or sale, at the house ofWilliam Hammond, the following prop erty, to-wit : Lot ol land number one hundred and thirty seven I in the fourteenth district ofthe fust section, Forsyth; I levied on a-th«. property of John W. Glass to satisfy a fi fa in favor of P. T. Biddle. I Also, (wo mg,oc-s Pboan a fellow about forty or ' forty five years cf age; Susannah a woman about j twenty five or twenty six years of age and one four- I wheel carriage ; levied on as the property of Keu'ieu I Thornton to satisfy a fi fa frem Green inferior court I ; in favor of Smith A. Robins. ■ Also, lot iminber one hundred and eighty in the four- 1 i teeuth district of the first section, Forsyth ; levied on > as the property of Joseph Roe to satisfy sundry li tas I one in favor of E. & 11. Byne, one in favor of Abise j Scruggs and others for the use of the poor in Burke [ county. Also, lot number four hundred and eighty seven in I the second district ofthe first section, Forsyth, levied ' on as the property of Elzy B Reynolds to satisfy a fi ; fa from De Kalb superior court in favor of John 11. j A. W. 11. P( pe. 1 JOHN JOLLY I may 11—13 Sheriff ' Will he sold, on Ihe first Tuesday in July next, be* Iwe.en the lawful hours of sale, at the house oi William Hammond, the following property, to-w it: Lot number thirteen hundred and thirty-live in the | fourteenth district of the first section, levied on as the 1 property ol Henry Huff to satisfy a ii fa from a justices court of Hill county in favor ol P. J. Murray vs. said Henry Huff. • Also, iotniimber four hundred and twenty-seven in 1 the foiiriemlh district ofthe first section, levied on as ; | the propeity ot James W. Wifson to satisfy five fi fas [ ; from a justices court of Jasper county in far or of L. W. j Flemistervs. said Wilson. ; Also, Id number twelve hundred and twenty-one i jin the fou'teentii district and fii- b f section, levied on | 1 as the property of Vi illiam Patrick to s ti. fy a li fa [ j from ajrHices court ot J..ckson county in favor of! , ISyfvanusßipley vs said Patrick. Also, hi number nine hundred and fifty-nine in the t ; third district and first section, levied on as the prop- ! [erty ofAlen West to satisfy a fi fa from a justices court of U are county in favor of Thomas Hargrove I vs. said Vest. i ' Also, kA number three hundred and three in the i fourteenth 6>strict of the first section, levied on as the properly ot John Brannon to satisfy a fi fa from a justices court of \V ilkinson county in favor of John [ Gillet for the use of Kellog A Sandford. Also, lot number nine hundred and eleven in the i ! third district of he first section, levied on as the prop- ! j erty of John M’kinsey to satisfy a fi ta from a justices i , 1 court ot flail cotnty in favor ol Kellog A Sandford ‘s | i said M’Kinsey, iff levied on and returned to me by a [ - 1 constable. ’ ! Also, lot nuirtrertlve hundred and sixty-one in the I • I second district of the first section, levied on us the i t property of Wiliam Elrod to satisfy ali fa issued | i from a justices court of Hall county, in favor oil’. J. f ■ .Murray, propery pointed out by the plaintii’f Also, lot nunb ;r twelve hundred and forty in the [ - , third district of the first section levied or. as the pro- > I perty of Pleasart Chitwood to satisfy a fi ia from a : I justices court in Hall county, in favor ot I'. J. Mur- . ! ray, projierty punted out by ‘he plaintiff . I Also, lot number sis hundred and ninety-nine in the [ '[fourteenth distiict and first section, levied on as the | ! property of Fielding Thurmond to sati-ty a ti la from , i ! a justices court in Hall county in favor of I*. J. Mur-, Uray, property pointed out by the plaintiff, levied on i and returned to tne by a constable. i I Also, lot i.umber five hundred and ninety-seven in I the second district first section, levied on as the pro-1 [ perty of Isaac Lindsey to satisfy a fi fi from Hall su- ■ perior court in favor of P. J. .Murray, property point- I ’ ed out by the plaintiff i Also, lot number nine hundred and sixty-six in the I second district of the first section, levied on as the propertv oi V> iley Pieice by virtue ot a fi fa frem Hall superior court in favorof P. J. Murray. property j ointed out by the plaintiff. [ Also, lot number six hundredand ninety-three in the tornteeuth district ot the first section, levied on as ! the propeity of John Priest to satisfy a ti fa in favor of P. J Murray, fr >m a justices conn oi Hall county lev ied on and returned to me by a constable. Also,lot oumberthree hundred andthirty fonri- the first district of the first section, levied on as the prop erty ..f Thoma« L. Martin to satisfy a fi fa from a jus tices court <>f il; li county in favor of P. J. Munay. levied on and returned to me by a constable Also, lot number one hundred and forty in the first district of the first section, levied on as the property' of Solomon Kilgare to satisfy three fi fas from a justices court of Gwinnett county in favor ot M'Junkin A Smith vV Co levied on and returned to me by a con stable. Also, lot number nine hundred and forty-eight in ihe fourteenth disfrict ‘ fthe first section, levied on ;> = the property of Charle' Sledge to satisfy two fi fas trom aju-tices court of Clark county in favor of James King levied on and returned to me by a con-table. i HUBBARD BARKER. | june I—l 6 Dept. Sheriff. i FOR AUGUST Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in August next, at the Court-House in Forsyth county, the following i propertv to wit:— Lot number seven hundred and seventy-three in the third district ©f the first section, levied on as | Hi” propertyof vVdliam A. Young to satisfy, two small ii fas from a justices court of Meriwether countv in favor oi Collin G. Duchnan; levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number one thousand and ninety-six in the third district of the first section, levied on as the property of James D. Hewelt to satisfy one small fi ia from a justices court of Clark county in favor of , James J. Moore; levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number nine hundred and sevenly-four in the second disti ict of the first section, levied on as the property ot Isaac Daily tosatisfy one fi fa from Jasper Superior Court in favor of Luke Reid against said Bailey. j Also, lot number seven hundred and forty-one in the third district of Ihe first section, levied on as the [property oi Jacob Ramey to satisfy one fl fa from a [ justices court in favor of M’Connel A Dickason a gaiust said Ramey; levied on and returned to me by a constable, Also, lot number one hundred and ninety-three in the lour.eenth district ofthe. first section, levied on a the property oi Benjamin Fleming to satisfy two sm. li fas from a justices court of Eibeit county, one . lavor of Z tkariah Smith, the other in favor oi Be jamin Smith, levied on and returned to me by’ a «0n stable. JOHN JO;.LEY, june 22—19 Stiff Floyd rills’ > ales. FOR JULY. ILL be soi lon the first Tuesday in July v v next, at tiie house of James tiunningliam, the usual place of holding court in Floyd county the i following property to wrt: ! Lot number one hundred and seventy-nine in the 'third district oi the fourth section, levied on as the propei ty of John Sands te satisfy a ii la from Tattnall Superior court in favor oflsbel Askew. Also, lot number eighty-seven in the twenty-third district of the third section and lot number eight hun dred and three in the third district of the fourth sec tion, levied on as the property ot Elisha Wy liy to satisfy a ti fa from Chatham interior court in favor <,f , Nathan Brewton. ! Also, lot number two hundred and eighty-four in the sixteenth district of the fourth section levied on as the property of Edward Hicks to satisfy a ii fa in favor issu>. d from Jasper Superior court in favor oi Garland Maxey A Co. Also, lot number sixty-nine in the twenty-third district of the third section levied ou as the proper ! ty ol Joseph Bailey to satisfy a li fa issued from Frank ! lin superior court in favor of Robert T Banks. Also, lot number three hundred and t .venty-one in ! the fourth district oi the fourth section, levied on as [ the property of James Skaggs to satisfy a fi t • issued [ from Newton superior court in favor oi Augustus F. , Durkee for the use of David Chesnut Also, iot number three hunhed and seventy-four in the sixteenth district of the fourth section, levied on as the property of James Travice to sat sty tw’o ft fas is sued from Morgan superior court one in favor of Cal vin C. Joliiist.>n the other in favorof Saffoid A Porter against James Travice. Aiso. lot number thirty-eight in the fifth distiict of tiie fourth seclion, levied on as the property oi Joseph Wnts.m to satisfy a ti fa issued from a justices court in favor of kliza M’Crary for the use of Benjamin W atson vs. Joseph Watson, levy made and returned to me by a constable. I Also, lot number seven liiindred and ninety three in the third district ofthe fourth section, levied on as the 1 property ofWilliam Cheek to satisfy a ii ta from a jus tices court in favorof Aaron Tinmen, evied on and re turned to me by a constable. ! Also, lot number two hundred and two in the four j teeuth district ofthe tour'll section, levied on as the I property of Hardymine Holms to satisfy sundry fifas 1 issued from a justices court in favor of William Alex ' under. Richard Winn and others levy made andre turned to me by a c instable Also, lot number one hundred and nine in the twenty fourth district ofthe third section, levied on as the property iff William Johnston tosatisfy a fi fa issu ed from a justices court in favour of C. B. Cole vs. William Johnston levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number two hundred and ninety-five, in the twenty-fourth district of the third section, levied on as the property of William J. Weightmanto satisfy a fi fa in favor of Thomas Glascock. 11. JOHNSTON, june 1-16 Sheriff. FOR AUGUST. ; be sold on the first Tuesday in August [ w v next, within tin: legal hours ot sale, al the I house of James Cuningham, the usual place of holding [Court in Floyd county, the following property, to ' , w it:— 1 Lot of land number seventy-eight in the fourth dis- ! trict of the fourth section, Floyd, levied otr as the ! I property of L. 51. Braidly and James Parks to satis-1 ; fy a li fa issued from a justices court of Madison | ’ county in favor of A. .Moore vs. L. M. Btairtly and I Jami s Parks; levy made and returned to me by a I constable. Also, lot number three hundred and fifty-eight in j the twenty-third district of the third section, Floyd, levied on as the properly oi Joseph Nix to satisfy a ii ! ta issued from a justices court ol Harris county tn ta- { vor ol John Hail vs. Joseph Nix; levy made mid re- i j turned to me by a constable. | Also, lot number twenty-nine in tiie sixteenth dis-1 ) trict ol thc fourth section, Fioyd, levied on as thc pro J ! perty of Archee Claig and William Shannon to satis- i !iy afi ta issued from a justices court ot Richmond > | county in iavor of John W Houghton \s Archee! ■ Claig and William Shannon; levy made and re- I turned to me by a constable. I ! Also, lot iiumberoni: hundred and ninety-eight in I [the sixteenth district ot the fourth section, Fioyd, j levied on as the propeity ol Owen Jay to satisfy a fi fa issued from a justices court of W asbington county iu- ; iavor of F. Cullins and sons, levy made and re- [ ' turned to me by a constable. Also, lot number six hundred and fix in the third : district oi the fourth section, Fioyd, levied on as the property of James Bentiy to satisfy two fi las issued , I f rom a justices court of I Ibei t county one in lavor ol , James Darwnerson the other in tavor of James Brew- ; t ner vs. James Bentley; levy made and returned to j ' me by a constable Also, Lot number one hundred and ninety six in the sixteenth district oi the fourth section, Floyd, lev- ' [ icd on as thc properly ot B. Fitzpatrick and 11am ner Fitzpatrick to satisfy a fi ia issued trom aju tices i court of Morgan county in favor otJ.W Pearman ' !’■ >r the use of Robert Douglass vs. B. Fitzpatrick and I ; Hamner 1 itzpatrick; levy made and returned to me I by a constable. ' Also, lot number thirty six inthe twenty-second distiict of ‘he third section, Floyd, levied on as the property of Benjamin. Moore to satisfy two ii fas is sued trom Baldwin superior court, one in favor ot ! I Sarah'Turk the other in iavor of George L Dearing vs. said Betijrinin Moore, also three other fi fas issued ' from a justices court ot Baldwin county one in favor Joi Joseph B. Green one in fax or of George L. Deming and the other in tavor ot Nichols and Dearim; vs. Benjamin Moore, levy made and returned to me by a ! con .table. 1 Also, lot number six hundred and thirty six in tiie third district of tiie fourth seetion, Floyd, lex ied on ,’lie property of Peter B. M’Crady to satisty three fi i fas i.- 'i d from a justices court ol L.hb comity in fa vorof Bet. jamin Alien for t i e use ot .Marshal M Run nels vs. I‘cter B M'Crady; levy made and returned to meby a eoiHtable A.. H.JUHN&TON, june 22 —19 - Sheriff. The subscriber W ill attend the Superior Uouris ofthe following counties of th” Cheroke ( ircuit, viz ; Cherokee, Murray. Forsyth. Fioyd, Cass, Paulding, Cobb and Lumpkin. ri. ROCKWELL, june I—p—lo I he intelligencer IS PUHLISHEI) EVERY SATURDAY MORNING Cass Sheriffs’ Sales- FOR JULY. W 'ILL be sold on the first Tuesday, in July next, at the usual place of holding court iu Cass county, the following property to wit. Lot number four hundred and thirty-four in thc twenty-fust district of the second section, levied on as the property of Gustavus A. Parker tosatisfy a fi fa from a justices court of Richmond county, in favor of Leeds L. Lynes property pointed out by J. J. Hutchinson plaintiff’s attorney, levied on and return ed to me by a constable. Also, lot number six hundred and thirty-one in ’he seventeenth district of the third section, levied on as the property of Benjamin Brantley to satisfy sundry fi fas from a justices court of Washington county in favor of F. Cullins A Sons, property pointed out by E. W. Cullins. Also, lot number eight hundred and five in the twenty-first district ofthe second section, levied on as the property Robert Love to satisfy sundry fi fas from i justices court of Washington county, in favor oi l'. Cullins & Sons property pointed out by E. W. CuL (ins levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number two hundred and seventy-five in the sixth district ot the third seclion, levied on as the property of William Gregory to satisfy a fi fa from a justices court oi Washington county, in favorof F. Cullins A Sons, property pointed out by E. W. Cul -1 lins levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number live hundred and thirty-four in the fourth district of the third section, levied on as the ■ property of John Turner to satisfy afi la from a jus ' tices court of Ogletborp county 237 district, in favor of Blanton F. Thornton, levied on and returned to : me by a constable. Also, lot number nineteen in the seventeenth dis- I trict ofthe third section, levied on as the property of A. B. Huggins tosatisfy a fi fa from a justices court of ! Richmond county in the 122 district, in favor of James Johnson, levied on and returned to me by a consta ■ ble. -Also, lot of land number twelve hundred and forty in the twenty-first District of the second section, lev ied on as ‘die pioperty of Arnold Johnston to satisfy a li ia from Jones inferior court in favor of Ebenezur Ormslcy. Also, lot of land number four hundred and forty seven in the fourth district and third seclion, levied on as the property of Henry Fullingin to satisfy a fi fa from Newton superior court in favor of M illiam Por ter Also, lot number eleven hundred and forty-nine in 1 the twenty-first district ofthe second section, levied on asthe property of John Coots to satisfy sundry fi fas > from a justices court in Jasp,er county in the 363 dis i trict G. M. in favor i f Thomos M. Darnall, levied on ! and returned to me by a constable. [ Also, lot number six hundred and forty-two in the ! twenty-first district of the second section, levied on ■as the property of Jefferson Lanear to satisfy afi fa from Morgan superior court in favor ol Irwin A Bryan. Also, lot number eleven hundred and forty-six in [ the twenty-first district of the second section, levied on as the property of William Strange to satisfy afi fa from a justices court oi Franklin county in favorof ; Lewis Jones A Co. levied on and returned to me by [ a constable. Also, lot number eight hundred and sixty-eight in j the tv. er.ty-lirst district ot the second section, levied ; on as th: property of Aaron Hightower tosatisfy a fi fit from a justices court of D’Kalb county 531 district [ in favoi oiNatbaniel Slay, levied on and returned to I me by a constable. B. F. ADAIR, j june 1-16 Sheriff. ! Will be sold on thc first Tuesday in July next, at the i Court House in ('ass county within the usual houra , ! oi sale the following propertv tn wit:— 1 Lot number one hundred and fifty-five, in the fifth I district of the third section, levied on as the property of George W. Wood to satisfy two fi fas in favor of ! Andrew M’Btide, levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number twelve hundredand forty in the twenty first distiict oi the second section, levied on as thc property oi Arnold Johnston to satisfy one fi fa in favorof Kimberly A Chisholm, levied on and te turnad to me by a constable. Also, lot nutrber eleven hundred and seventy-four in the seventeenth district and third section levied on as the property of Joseph Bodker pointed out by Jo seph Howell, levied on and returned to me by a con stable. zXIso. lot number nine hundred and forty-two in the [ twenty-first district of the second section levied on as | the property of Mereman A. Franks and Richard F. j Chapleer'o satisfy afifa in favor of Augustus ri. Clav [ ton for the use of A. 1,. M bitten levied on and re ( turned to me by a constable. ANDREW M’DONALD. j juii”l--.16 Dept. She;iff ■ ’A ill be sold, at the Court-House in Cass county on tl’.e first Tuesday in July next, between the law | ful hours of sale, thc following property, to-’,vit : Lot number eight hundred and seven'y-six in the I twenty first distrii t of thc second section, levied on as ’ the pn perty of Stephen I’otfs to satisfy two fi fas | in favor of Nathan Legg, levied on and returned to me i by a constable. ! Also, lot numbertlirce hundred and twelve in thc i fourth district of th<- third section, levied on as thc ! property of i’ayton Clemen's to satisfy sundry fi in favorof Hall A Kendrick, levy made and returned tome by a constable. LEWIS TUMLIN. june I—l 6 Dept. Sheriff. j' “noticeT F undersigned, Attornies of the Bank of the Ja, State of Georgia, acting under a power of At torney dniv e ecuted, offer a reward of ONE TIIOUS\ND DOLLARS, ! To be paid by th-.said Bank, on the apprehension and delivery to the Sheriff of the county of Greene, at Greensborougli. Georgia, of JAMES S. PARK. Late ca'lcer ol the Branch of the said Bank estab ; lished in that town, cnarged with einbi zz'ement to a ; very large amount, of the funds entrust’d to bis care. I I he said James ri. Park is thirty-three years oj' tige, five feet eight inches in height, has blac.k hair, black eyes, I fair complexion, and is thin in stature and of smooth 1 speech, fir li ft the county of Green, in which be u ; i' born and raised, about the end of May last, and i- ludieved to have gone to the Gold Region, to Fiori j da, or to Alabama. JOSEPH W.JACKSON, A. FOR TER, Ationtie'- io r ,r U inl: of Slule of Georgia. june 22 — m —l 9 Thirty do!! ars reward, It 1.1 be given for the apprehension of THREE N[l.ti!U > Nil. '< & the delivery of them to Pinkney (, aidw’e!|, at .Niickh sville, in Lumpkin county. The said NEGROES lep tiie Loud Mine, on the 9th inst. and it is believed will make attempts to get into ‘the Nation. One of said negroes is a MULATTO, five feet eight or ten inches high, about twenty-one or twenty-! wo years ofage. One of them is BLACK and slender built about ’he same age and hi<drt. One oi them is amurt thiity-livt years iff age, stout built, thick lip-; ami large eyes. Tiie firs’ mentioned l”'_V is n.i:ned Pl.:> RY , tlie S' coiid LEtV IS and thc tile d I" VAC. It is feared that some person has or will torge a pass iortliem or attempt to pass them off ii- ms negroes, 'j j.?, dollars will be given for the deliver) ot either of them. A. F CAI DWELL A Co. june 22 —p- 19 Georgia—sl array county Tolled before Roger Harkins j. p. by A> chibald ’ Sloane, <ff ! r; Draues district, a small BAY HORSE i about five feei nigh, six orseven years old blind in th® ligfiv eye. his Lind feet white and a small star in his forehead an I a small lump under his left side, no brands percei veable. apraised to thirty dollars. Extract fron the if.iuutzj. XI _ J- SLOAN, a i.c. May 2o—1:»