Cherokee intelligencer. (Cherokee (C.H.)) 1833-1834, August 17, 1833, Image 1

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CHEROKEE INTELLIGENCER. J’ .... = ‘ • THE INTELLIGENCER ' Is published bnce a week by Howell Cobd, at three dollars a year, to subscribers, when paid in advance four dollars, if not paid until the end of the year. No paper will be discontinued, but at the option of (he Editor, to any subscriber in arrears. • Advertisements and Job Work will be executed at Iho customary pricey. Communication to the Editor must be post paid to 'entitle them to attention. No subscription oc<y ved for less than A year. T7XKUUTTVE DETARTMENT, GEORGIA. , . ' MU.LF.DOEVILLE, 17th May, 1833. lUI7TIEREA3, by an act of the General Assent* ' bty of this State, passed the 24th day De cember, 1832, entitled “an Act to provide for the ■MH of a Convention to reduce the number of the General Assembly of tire State of Georgia, and for other purposes therein named,” it is provided ••That it shall be the duty of His Excellency the Governor to give publicity to the alterations and amendments made in the Constitution in reference jo the reduction of the number of members com dosing the General Assembly--and the first Mon day ia October next, after the rising of said Con tention, he shall fix on for the ratification, by the people, of such amendments, alterations or new arti cles as they may make for the objects of reduction & equalization of iheGcneral Assembly only: and if ratified by a majority of the voters who vote on the question of “Ratification” or “No Ratification” -—then, in that event, the alteration so by them made and ratified, shall be binding upon (he peo ple of this State, and not otherwise.” And, where as, the Delegates of the people of this State, as sembled in Convention under the provisions of the 'before recited net, have agreed to, and declared the following to be alterations and amendments of the Constiution of this State, touching the repre sentation of the people in the General Assembly therfco, to wit: ••Whereas, the third section of the first article of the Constitution of the Stale of Georgia is in the following words, to wit: “The Senate shall be elect ed annually on the first Monday in November, un til such day of election be altered by law, and shall be composed of one member from each coun ty, to be chosen by the electors thereof.” And whereas a part of the seventh section of the first article of the Constitution of the State of Georgia is in the following words, to wit: “The House of Representatives shall be composed of members from all the counties which now are or hereafter may be included within the State, according to their respective numbers of free white persons and including three-fifths of nW the perrpleof colour:” And in tho same section, the following, to wit: “each county containing three thousand persons agreeably to the foregoing plan of enumeration, shall be entitled to two members, seven thousand to three member, and twelve thousand to four members, but each county shall have aj least one and not more than four members.” And whereas the aforesaid third section, and the said parts of the seventh section of the said 'first article of the Constitution, touching tho re- Cresentation of the General Assembly of the State, as been found, by experience, to be defective, on uccount of the great numbers in the Legislature and the enormous expense on account thereof—we *»he Delegates of tho people of the State of Geor gia, in General Convention assembled, chosen and aathorised by them to revise, altej and amend the , said two sections and other parts, if any, touching the representation of the people of Georgia in the General Assembly, have, after mature reflection mid deliberation, declared the following to be nmendments in lie’h of the aforesaid third section, and parts of tho seventh section, which, when ratified by the people o[ the Slate, shall be taken, held and conai<l*red as parts of the Consti tution of the State of Georgia in lieu of the afore said. “The Senate shall be elected annually on the first Monday in October, until such das of elec tion shall be altered by law, and shall be composed of one member from each senatorial district to be chosen by the electors thereof, which said senate •tai districts ahull be formed by adding two conti guous counties together throughout the State, without regard to population, as is hereinafter spe cified and defined, the county of Murray excepted, which shall constitute, together with such county or counties as may be hereafter formed out nf the territory now composing said county of Murray, one senatorial district, the whole number of dis tricts shall be forty-fiye and no more, and in the event of the formation of any new county or coun ties, the legislature, at the time of such formation, shall attach the same to some contiguous scnaio -1 rial district. Each senator shall be a resident of the district for which he may be elected, as is required by the present Constitution, of residence in the county. The fallowing shall be the senatorial districts: The county of Murray shall constitute the first district.* The second district shall be composed ■of the counties of Gilmer and Union: The third 1 J of the counties of Rabun and Habersham: The ' fourth, of the counties of Lumpkin and Chero kee.* The fifth, of the counties of Cass and Floyd: ' The sixth, ol lhe counties of Jackson and Hall: The seventh, of the counties of Franklin and Bl sdison* The eighth, of the counties of Gwinnett and Forsyth; The ninth, of the counties of Paulding and Cobb: The tenth, of the counties ©f Fayette and DeKalb: The eleventh, of the couutlee of Campbell and Carroll.* The twelfth, of the counties of Cowctn and Merriwetber.* Tho thirteenth, of the counties of Troup and Heard.* The fourteenth, of the counties of Henry and Newton: The fifteenth, of the counties of Walton and Clark.* The sixteenth, of iho coun ties of Oglethorpe and Elberi: The seventeenth, '' r of the counties of Greene and Talliaferro.- The eighteenth, of the cointies ol Wilkes and Lincoln: The nineteenth, of the counties of Putman and Morgan: The twentieth, of the counties of Runs and Jasper: The twenty first, us :he counties of Pike and U|Mon: The twenty-second, of the coun -1 ties of lliirrit and Talbot: The twenty-third, of the constiee of Crawford and Monroe: The tireoty-feurth. of the ooumieaof ns 2 Hess- Vol. I—No. 27. ton: The twenty-fifth, of the counties of Jones and Baldwin: The twenty-sixth, of the counties of Twiggs and Wilkinson: The twenty-seventh, of the counties of Warren and Hancock. The twenty-eighth, of the counties of Columbia and Richmond: The twenty-ninth, of the counties of Burke and Scriven: The thirtieth, of the coun ties of Washington and Jefferson: The thirty first, of the counties of Bullock and Emanuel: The thirty-second, of the counties of Laurens and Montgomery. The thirty-third, of the counties of Dooly & Pulaski: The thirty-fourth, of the coun ties of Marion and Muscogee: The thirty-fifth, of the counties of Randolph and Early. The thirty sixth, of the counties of Scempter and Stewart: The thirty-seventh, of the counties of Baker and Lee: The thirty-eighth, of the counties of Irwin and Telfair. The thirty-ninth, es the counties of Appling and Tattnall. The fortieth, of the coun ties of Chatham and Effingham. The forty-first, ol the counties of Bryan and Liberty. The forty second, of the counties of M’lntosh and Glynn. The forty-third, of the counties of Wayne and Camden. The forty-fourth, of the counties of Ware and Lowndes. The forty-fifth, of the coun ties of Decatur and Thomas. The House of Re presentatives shall be composed of members from all the counties which now are, or may be, includ ed within the State, according to their respective numbers offree while persons. The whole number of members in the House of Representatives shall be one hundred and forty four and no more, except in the case of a newly created county or counties; such new county or counties shall have one member for each county, until the taking of the next census thereafter, and the wholo number shall be apportioned in the following manner, viz; the fifteen counties having the highest number of free white persons shall be entitled to three members each, the twenty-five counties having the next highest number offree white persons shall have two members each, and the remaining forty-niue counties shall have one member each. Whenever, from the creation of a new county or counties, the whole number ol members in the House of Representatives shall exceed the num ber of one hundred and forty four, it shall be the duty of the Legislature, al its first session after the taking of the first census after the creation of such new county or counties, in apportioning the members, to take one member from one of the counties having three members, to supply such newly created county, always beginning with the county that has the smallest number of free white persons that may be entitled to three members. The census shall be taken, as heretofore, once in eeven.years, and the Legislature shall, at its first session after the taking of ea«*h census, apportion the members among the several counties of this State, as is hereto foie provided*, provided each county shall have one member. JAMES M. WAYNE, President of th* Convention. Blay 15, 1833. Attest, Wilkins Hunt, ) c. . • Hamilton B. Gaither, J ecrr arics ’ I, therefore, in conformity with the provisions of the before recited act, do hereby give publicity to the same, and enjoin the voters for members of the General Assembly of this State, on the day there in specified. to wit, on the FIRST MONDAY in OCTOBER NEXT, to give their vote of “RA TIFICATION” or “NO RATIFICATION.” as provided in said act, and that the presiding offi cgis. certify the same to this Department accord ingly. Given under my hand, and the seal of the Ex ecutive Department, at Milledgeville, this the day and year first above written. By the Governor, . WILSON LUMPKIN. Rhodom Av Greene, Secretary. 16 THE undersigned bare entered into copartner ship in the practice of Law*, and hope by strict attention to business confided to their care, and the assistance of Judge Underwood, to merit a chare of public patronage. They will practice in all the counties of the Chero kee Circuit, and the adjoining counties of the West ern and Cliatahooche Circuits. Their Office is at the Court House, in Lumpkin County. EZEKIEL W. CUI.LINS GASTON M. UNDERWOOD, july 20—23—1. For sale. Lot naniberTWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY THREE in the fifteenth district of the third section. For terms apply to my agent J. M. Allen, in Perry, i Houston county, or to myself, seven miles west of; Perry. may2s— ca—ls WILLIAM BALL. Doctor M. Montgomery. Having settled himself permanently in Floyd coun ty Ga. res|»ectfully tenders his services to the public in the practice of MED\C\NE SURGERY, &c. He will attend to all calls, in nny branch of med icine. and may. always, be found at the residence of Jame« Hemphill, esq. Vann's Vally, until the county cite be established. july 13—22 BLANKi SHERIFF’S DEEDS. CLERK’S SUBPOENAS. . .. v* Jui’or’s Summonses, MARRIAGE LICENSES. For sals at this Office. The Intelligencer JS PUBLISH ED riXY SATURDAY MORNING. The Truth- —The Cherokee, [C. ll.] Saturday, August 17, 1833. ! A N act to alter and amend the ninth section of ijLthe third article of the Constitution relative to divorces. Whereas the said section and article of the Con stitution of the State of Georgia, requires alteration, Be it therefore enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in Gen eral Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That so soon as the fol lowing amendment shall be passed agreeable to the fifteenth section of the fourth article of ttic consti- i tution, it shall be received in lieu of ninth section : of the third article to wit, “Thai the superior courts of the sewyal counties in this Slate shall have full power, toAlecile on the last resort in all cases of divorces, in tho follow ing manner, to wit : The parties concerned shall bring their case before a petit jury, as a common issue at law, and as such the proceedings shall be had thereon: That in the verdict is in favor of a divorce, the said cause shall be put on the appeal docket and be tried by a special jury, and if the special jury confirms the verdict of trie petit jury and the next succeeding grand jury shall, by their recommendation confirm the verdicts of the a foresaid juries, the said divorce between the parties shali be final: and it shall be the duty of the Judge > of the superior court to have all the evidence and proceeding on said divorce, down to the last de cision as heretofore directed, entered on the mine tites of said court, and from this proceeding ther shall be no appcal--but the divorce shall be final and complete a vinculo matrimonii.” Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That this act having passed both branches of the legislature, and having been advertised six months and all the requisites of the constitution complied with, shall thereafter be the law of the land in the case el di vorces. ASBURY HULL, Speaker of the House of Repiesentatives: THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senate: may 4—12 Dec. 24, 1832. AN act to alter tho third section oiThe fourth article ol the Constitution of this State, so far as to authorise the people to elect the general officers of the Millitiaof this State. Be it enacted by the Senate and Ha:»w»-of Rep resentatives of the Slate of Georgia in Gnerai as sembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the au thority ol the same, That from and immediately after this act shall lave pass’ed, in conformity with the Constitution of this State, it shall and mav be lawful for all Major Generals, to be elected by the people ol the respective Divisions or Brigades, aud all persons subject to lo millitary duty shall be entitled to vote for the same only. And be it tufejyr enacted by the authority a foresaiiL TilllMiWeafier vacancy of a Major General or Brigadier General, shall happen in any Division or Brigade in this shall be the duty of his Excellency the Governor, to give notice of such vacancy to the millitary officer high est in command in each county, composing the di vision or brigade m which such vacancy has hap pened, and it shall be the duty of the Colonel or other Military officer highest in command in each county, to give notice by advertisement at three of the most public places in the county, at least twenty days before the election, that an election will be held on the first Monday in October next ensuing, at all the. places ofholding election, in said coudty, to fill such vacancy, and it shall be the duty of the managers of elections, to receive the votes so given in for such military officers, and to transmit immediately after the close of the elec tion a correct statement oftlie polls to hisEcellen cy the Governor, and it shall be the duty of his Excellency the Governor, to cause the votes so given in for each canditate to be counted, and to issue a commission to the person having the high est number of votes so given in. And be it further enacted by the authority afore said, That ali laws and parts of laws militating a gainst this act, be and the same ate hereby re pealed. ASBURY HULL, Sneaker of the House ol Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senate. Assented to, Dec, 24. 1832: WILSON LUMPKIN, may 4—12 Governor. HOWLLL COBB, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Cherokee Court House, Georgia, Is now prepared to attend to any professional bu siness entrusted to him. He tenders hrs thanks to those persons who have, so liberally patronized him in the Courts where he has practiced. Communications to ensure attention, must come post-paid Look at this. Lot of LAND No. 18—14—4 is offered for sale. Any person wishing to purchase said lot will ap ply to the subscriber at his residence near Gollo detisville, Mouroe countv, Ga. T.L. S ATTERWHITE. aug 3—p—2s For sale. The following GOLD and LAND LOTS are<offered for sale, viz : No. Dis. Sec. No. Dis. Sec. No. Dis. Sec. 185 2 1 24 9 2 158 15 3 379 2 1 230 9 2 260 16 3 423 2 J 100 12 2 668 19 3 842 3 1 292 13 2 547 20 3 254 4 1 102 15 2 1162 21 3 152 6 1 431 16 2 .35 23 3 105 8 1 712 16 2 98 23 3 195 8 1 309 J7 2 94 27 3 346 12 1 423 17 2 197 27 3 1214 12 1 624 17 2 350 1 4 642 14 1 597 J 9 2 372 9 4 1267 14 1 197 27 2 520 3 4 211 1 2 573 3 3 08 5 4 364 1 2 396 4 3 39 8 4 537 1 2 44 5 3 19 H 4 835 2 2 205 6 3 42 13 4 177 3 2 256 8 3 20l 14 4 149 4 2 283 10 3 4i’4 16 4 274 42 107 12 3 For particulars, apply to either of the subscribers, JAMES EPPINGER. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, julv 20—p—2? Floyd Sheriffs’ r ales. FOR SEPTEMBER. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in September next, between the lawful hours of sale, at the house of Jaines Cunningham, the usual place of holding court in Floyd county, the following property to wit:— Lot of land number two hundred and thirty-five in the twenty-fourth district of the third section, levied on as the property of Willian G. Jones, to satisfy a fi fa issued from a justices court of Jefferson county in ! favor of John H. Newton, levied on and returned to me by a constable. Aho, lot number one hundred and ninety-six in the fifth district of the fourth section, levied on as the property of Wiley Hutchens to satisfy two fi fas from K slices court of Jackson county in favor of Samuel unkin ; levied on and returned to me by a consta- Also, lot number fiffjen in the third district of the ' fourth section, levied on as the property of William C. Cambell and Richard Butler, security, to satisfy two fi fas from a justices court of Walton county in favor of Charles M’l nt ire If Co.; levied on and re turned to me by a constable. Also, lot number seventy-two in the twenty-third district of the third section, levied on as the property of William Ezzell t-o satisfy a fi fa trom a justices court of Gwinnett county in favor of Joseph Bmitfi ; levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot nuinbei three hundred and three in the fourth district of the fourth section, levied on as the property of John Hamilton to satisfy a fi fa from a justices court of Walton county in favor of M’Junkin & Smith ; levied on and returned to me by a consta ble. Also, lot number one hundred and forty-five in the twenty-second district of the third section, levied on as the property of Peter Yong to satisfy four fi las from a justices court of Gwinnett county, one in favor of Bark Camp and the otherthreein favor of M’Junkin; levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number twelve hundred mid twelve in the third district of the fourth section, levied on as the property of George W. Yong to satisfy a fi fa irom Richmond superior court in favor of Samuel Hale Also, lot number one hundred and forty-five in the sixteenth district of the fourth section, levied on as the property of Peter E. Posey to satisfy a fi fa from a justices court of Hail county in favor ol Henry Peo ples; levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number six in the fourteenth district of tlie fourth section, levied on as the properly of Buckner Abanathy to satisfy a 11 fa from >• justices court of Habersham county in favor of H. Peoples; levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number fifty-five in the fourteenth district of the fourth section, levied on us the property of Hiram Halstan to satisfy a fi la from a justices court ofMeriwetlier county in favor of John 11. Jones; le vied on and returned to me by a constable. Also lot number eighty-eight in the twenty-fourth district of the third section, levied on as the property of Thomas Carrel to satisfy a fi fa from a justices court of Wilkinson county in favor of William Stubbs; levied on and returned to me by a constable. - - ’ Also, lot number one thousand and ten in lire third district oftlie •fourth section, levied on as Hie property of William Carlisle to satisfy a fi fa from n justices court of Jackson county in favor of John M'Cutclien ; levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number two hundred and forty-five in the fourteenth district of the fourth section, levied on as the property of Ignatious A. Scott to satisfy a fi fa fronj a just ices court of Warren county in favor of Joshua Morgan, adm’r. of John Scott, dec.; levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number one thousand and forty-six in the third district of the font th section, levied on as the property of R. 11. Colwell to satisfy two fi fas from a justices court of Monroe county in favor of L- Gahu gan ; levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number one hundred and ninety in the twenty third district of the third section, levied on as the property of William Morris tmd Jaines Morris to satisfy two li fas from a justices court of Fayette county in favor of William Bennett; levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number five hundred and six in the teenth district us the fourth section, levied on as the ' property of Pa trick M Thomas to satisfy a fi fa in favor of John Upton, udrnr. of Century Row and sundry other fi fas. A. H JOHNSON, july 20—23 Stiff. Notice. The undersigned, Sheriff of the county of Floyd, hereby acquaints ail persons who may forward executions to him, either by private conveyance or by mail, that he will, in all cases, demand the plat and grant or a proper certificate of its having issu ed, before he will proceed to sell. A. 11. JOHNSTON. ■ aug 3 25 Georgia Almanac. FRI HP. publication of the GE< >RGIA ALMANAC. ; JL which is regularly printed in this office, but fail ed for two years, o« ing to circumstances which could not be controlled by the former editor, will hereafter be continued every year, with the calculations ot Robert Grier, e'-q. The Almanac for 1834 will I, printed on new type and new Zodiacal and Astrono mical signs, on good paper, and carefully superintend, cd. Persons wishing to purchase by the Groce are requested to make early application : the price will be as low as can be afforded, to save expense and a small profit.— ConslitulionalM. > aug. JO --—26 l $25 REWARD. 1 . St raved or Stolen, i ■ IT! ROM the subscriber about tfie third of 'Lis month a bright SOKELL MAKE, dis mane and tail, • about five years* id, five net high, witli some snddle spots on her back, c> tisidcraldy wind-galled below ( the hocks of the hind legs, ami newly shud all round ■ The above reward v. ill be given for the thief erd suf- i ficicnt evidence to convict iiim ; or five dollars for the mare alone. It .-tclen the thief itas made his way to- • wurJs Tennessee. The supp. «ed thief is about thirty ' or thii ty-five years old, s?.ndy bmr. blue eyes. 5 f.-et 6 <>r 8 inches high, recc.-it y fruiu M’Miun cucuty, Ten- •. hcssue. MILTON SANDERS. ’ arg 17—a—2? Whole Ao. 27. Cherokee Sheriffs’ Sales. FOR SEPTEMBER KVTill be sold on the first Tuesday in Septi mber, eV at the Court-house in Cherokee county, u ith in the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit. Lot. Dis. See, A* property of To salify. 699 2 2 T. L. Hicks George Newhall 1247 21 2 Wm. FergensonJ. 8 Wilson 651 15 2 Daniel Parker William Kibbe 1271 3 2 T. Coleman John Rees 986 2] 2 Henry Keller Henry Field 895 3 2 Robert Fraser Je wett Able Ar. co 453 2 2 Zanies H- Perry Richard Butler 444 3 2 John M’Michaei Z- Bronson 141 14 2 James Smith J L. Abrahams 164 4 2 John Dean J. L Abrahams 182 3 2 John Robertson Abrahams &Co 937 2 2 C. Knight J. L. Abrahams 825 J 5 2 Porter Faulk J. Upton 292 13 2 Patrick Gray S J Bryan 957 21 2 Janies Sr.ellei's J. Butt 382 21 2 Z. K. Hamilton Satnuei &, J L. Colham 795 15 2 William Owen .fbnes Simons 958 3 2 M. A. Franks Samuel Knox 1220 15' , 2 Jaines Gosset Jones A: Simons 807 ]5 2 F. Thurmans H» Richardson 762 15 2 W. E. Chap|iel Richard Butler 510 3 2 William Hewit Richard Butler 897 2 2 J. II Perry Richard Butler 660 21 2 Peter Herrin Wm. Hitchcock 804 15 2 William Sneed J. R. Stantord 403 2 2 T. Holcomb Henry Peoples 301 14 2 Silas Shrefc VVilbam Fish 613 15 2 Sarah Tanner T. Walthall 251 2 2 John Stewart Joel Daily ■4OB 3 2 _ G. H. Owens T. J. Reed 229 2 2 E. Harp J. Guyton 11 13 2 Axiom Alford Ransom R Leo J. P. BROOKE. aog 17-2 f Sh’ff Lumpkin Sheriffs’ Sales. FOR SEPTEMBER. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in September, at the Court-hoMse in Auraria Lumpkin coun ty, within the lawful-hours of Sale the following prop erty 10-wits Lot. Dis. Sec. property of to Satisfy 657 12 1 John M’Michaei Zeanos Bronson 304 12 1 J. D. Holbrook 419 13 1 Felix Luncy Jesse Sanderliu i 235 >3 1 T. Lewis R. A. Watkins 1223 11 1 John Bull J. Sundeilin 35 13 1 J. C. Willingham G. T. Symces 896 4 1 S. Whitaker J. R. Stanford 3] | 13 I Jesse Dupree Hugh Wiggins *923 12 1 J. Baugh Peter Chaney 825 12 1 T. J. Powell T. B. Cooper 320 13 1 Gilbert Fry Hartnett & Clark. 434 15 1 William Griffin John Wicker 834 12 1 Leonard Peck M. Bareli' id IG3 13 1 M. Bullock James Huff 482 13 I Bryan Oncal Cook &JinningS 300 12 1 Wdham Dunn J. Jones & Johnson. 174 II 1 J. Powell C W Brock 962 5 I B. Houghton Jeffery Pitman 628 12 1 Elijah Calhoun Shaw &■ Banks 761 12 1 Wm. Roberts Peacock One Negro man, by the name of Moses, levied on as the property of J Madin, to satisfy a fi fa issut d from the Court of Common Pleeas, of the Ci;y ol Au . ista, in favor of Webster Parniehe, Ar Co. SAMUEL JONES, aug 17—— 26 Sheriff. Union Sheriffs’ Sales. FOR SEPTEMBER Will be sold on the first Tuesday in next ; at the house of Jack Butts, the place of holding courts, ill Union county, between the lawful hours of sale the following property to-w it: Lot. Dis. Sec. Property of to satisfy 322 10 1 R. S. Hatcher Thomas James 158 8 1 Jubal E Watts Edwin Paye 19 10 1 Wm. L. Burke Thomas Grant 296 1 0 ] John GlCnn Wm Gilbert 256 10 1 John Love 6. M’Junkin 252 16 1 Janies Hell S. M’Junkin 268 9 I N. E. Docker Watson & Warcn 165 8 1 T. Hili Edward Garlick 27 8 1 J 8. Raiford Henry 8. Jo nets 266 11 1 William Holton Daniel M’Rea 264 8 1 James Crow Kellogg Sanford JAMES CROW. ang 17—27 S h ££'ff* GUmev Sheriffs’ Safes. FOR SEPTEMBER. Will be sold on the lir,l Tuesday in September, at the Court-House in Gilmer county. within the usual hours of sale the following property to wit:— Lot. Dis. Set. Property of to Satisfy 288 10 2 John Smith M’Junkin Sf Perry 102 9 2 Turner Drake James Long 269 6 2 Wm. Raughlun J. If Newton 211 27 2 W. Joines J. H. Newtoa 177 8 2 S. Titsha.v S. M’Junkin 97 9 2 Sandi Bacheler S. M’Junkin 16 9 2 P. Vines S. M’Junkin 51 12 2 K. Williams James Long 238 0 2 L. Baggett J. L A D. Abrahu-tus 111 1! 2 J Wiggins J. L. Abrahams 262 11 2 T. M. Harris J. L. Abraham 152 25 2 James Wilson Wm. Smith four head us Horses, and still and stand-', a;' k'n as the property of Harry Downin, to satisfy a f. .‘a io favor of P. J. .Murray. LEVI W. HUFFSTL’TI.EP, aug 17—27 , St If. Vauidmg; Sheriffs’ Safes. FOR SEPTEMBER. bo sold on the first 'luesday in September, W at the place of holding cnifrt in said cm my, within the usual Louis of sale, the folic wing prop erty, to-wit: I.ot Dis. Sec. property of to satisfy ' 852 19 3 Jaines Mailit Jesse Mallit 845 2 4 Abner Jordan 1). 51. Jones 713 19 3 R Speake JR. Cnrgile , 495 1 4 Walker fills John R Cargile 1022 2 3 John J Smith John R. Gargilu 1034 20 3 R. Kilcrease Richard Bailey 1139 19 3 R. Kilcrettse for the officers ul Butts Superior court. 1208 18 3 J. Florence Peter Lamar 191 2 3 11. Keeliitg Peter Lamdr 854 18 3 Edward Lums A. M’Brayer &. Eubanks. 759 21 3 S. Portwood O. 923 2 4 J. M. Smith T. A. Latham . r *M 3 3 J. Buffington Gilbert'Coffey H’3 20 3 A. M’Grndy Wm. Ma runny l“3 1 4 Samuel Heald Richaid Butler 7*~2 20 3 John Kelly- J. H Newton 811 }'.i 3 Harris Gilliane John R. Cargile i 148 3 3 Pittmon John K C« r gile. JACOB PARLIER, -17— D. bt ff.