Cherokee intelligencer. (Cherokee (C.H.)) 1833-1834, October 12, 1833, Image 3

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n*'<] r?Views.<J tbe Vi to M< s»<•••<•• ui . icvt us ..I apt echt's uj.titis: liir I* tik, & A’..', Loi iiiiiilii'r lit _;e por- tion no oti' in 'v> ini orci wort Hijimroi!, but til: V llioiis SIHH.S «<!;<• pH.I Ol) oide'i.s of tile it’iv ol iljo • ' ihj mtik n<? : uteri nee to the II S-:!;i: OU i f .hl? i I h M Hi'i), IS3I. <)1) a icm I miHig tlm*', f.c’s, mJ porCeivilT’ tlicif expt iidibiirs smulif ehii..c;m were >.JI i oil. 'tined, the Gi«vt! iii'i mt t) or esa few wti lis ttgo off rd n ro&id:i; am in |J., ir< | cui- Lug Id’ -i spe <1 lie aecmiul of this ■ ex. i.o dim res -x! ewinj Hie obj ■,• s to .vliicli they Ind hmm ap p. eian * ,; t<! tiers his lo w; mi the tn »npy h,j.J b 'oii p,;i I. I ins reas niibl? propusttioti was Vol*’i down. 1. h V alm <ll ■> <| ,n I't'sii]: 1 I.>i] r< sc 1 nd t n•< the Nov/'.O',er, lid ), illl: | M? :c h, ISJI. t'lms also w-is ie.e > '. \i .• uiteix wall thus refi’ittj m recall ilm ; o!”i'moir< pnwe ,or even i u req lire such tin . tu'.conit of lite <-x mmlttmu* as wool I shew! wh 'll 'I-1 lie in >ll v Ol'.h Bank hid in fact im *n 1 « >T' ’•! *'j 'lie <»bj.*c’s cutie ntplate | by those ' re !'I imtA, -as o’> toxious as limy were, die ! Bon i renewed die p >we. „|. t .-B eotiferrod ' tni.i oven enjoined' roimwerl aiteti’ion to ils ex- I, by adopting die f ;) l|o.v ing m |;eu of the 1 |:ro;ioo ions submitted by tim* Government Di teciors, v z : ‘ h.'s'; I'/’d I n’t the ' > H-'J h ivr» confidence in the 1 vi"' ""I icte’iify <»ftli . p ... :| en;l ,| ~, _ - p.h'.y > the .■■ S . utio H , Vi . ..... . ;|[| { j fill .tfii’.'h, 1811, and i'u 1 .'i’tr,jn a lull < onvut.i in of' The tK’C'o.ily of a renewed atm uioii to th? .-I’.mct of th >sc "e-»!ti i 'as. nn.l th it th • Pre i !,m( tie >-ith .rz.? j mid ,e<| tested t *c );iti:i ic tits exertions tort he firuma lion of s lid object.” Taken ui ccnnectimi wttlt the nature of ihr CXjieitd'Kires ii ■ .• >!b e n ide, is reC'-mB dis <’io .co ,j. B1 nd 11 >t only to’er ( e bo flppr tve, Illis t s I 111 ou pt! s dll! ill - ;-.3 o| 111 • I Bmk al die disp os 1m o i | lia i*i.-|o, ; f (ir t| l( . | purpose of< ord >y n . )|.. W i t ,| f . [( ,. , s ~f ( | lr ! country in de; sc-vi-o of-p |J . ,| i# tr , j ri .,. Wl ;_ ; tcrs and uewspa i» s, a id to p y otn such sums ; sis l> • pie iscs, 10 perso’is, ml lor wh it |'s he p.e ises, wi limn die respoiisibilitv | ol'icndei ii'j any specific m-i'miui. Tim Bmk . - is thus converted into 1 v isi eli ctioiieer nn> en (/iti- with means io embroil dm courn; v in de id ly feuds, an i, uud r cover of Xpi'itditures, in ! Themselves ion .<> er, extend ils corruption tiiioiioli all || H . 1 armln adotis ol'society. 5 i ni* oftbi? imms f-r wiilt accmni s hive' been 1 tijijcrcd shew die co istruclion which his bcel) yiveit to die res duiions ari l llm way 11 which llm power il confers >1 is been exer ed ’ Tile m.ii.ry has not bt’en expend. I merely m . ’ tlm puhlicalitm and di si i ibu: ion >f s>ee< ~«(»■♦, ie- i r ■ > . ports 'it coinmitmes, <>. art; , writum I>r <he 1 purpose oi'siiewiii” t,; • cori idiu ioitdily or use- < fulness <>l lae Bink. Bi pimlic moils have ; been primme.l uni ex t’miivelv circitiaie.l, con ' laiuiitj dm (.'ros.esi mvec'ivrs aj» i.ttsi tim ->tfi- . 1 <‘ei sol the Gove< iim.'ii t ind dm money , Lelom's 10 tim Hlocklmiders a.i.i to dm public { ’ his been freely applied m elfirts to degrade, j in public estim uio.i, diose woo wore .supposed ( to be insirumeimd in dm w.sirns of tins jRi ispinil »ud d.ulcerous instiin io-i. As iho l*i'"stdeni of di • Bink his noi neon required i» st t’ltt Ins accn .n s, 11 . one bin himself yet knows how much more ihi 1 die .1 » meiiti iii ■<•l il >y bw-e lieeo •; qu I u lin’-'d, and for wine i . • r't'dit miy lieieal’cr be ci .:m' d in liis Her o io , (Jti e tins mos' < X'liordin n v es Hu rm. \V,iu (i. s< hi; f, bcfiiK’ ns, t ii tve bo s ir.irised n the lo I’l'tn ol üb'ise incessantly’ p mred on a ppiiis; a I >'lu an> supposed to s and n He w v of die an udiiv or mrbiiioi' ol >u ■ B >k of im United Stales J Cm we Im snip. sc.l a. die Wlidden mid unexpected • li.m u'.s of i mnoo in fayor of a.i ins iiudon whicn his mdii ns io I iv i*h and avows ns demrm i <llO > n > io sp i e i ; . in ■ ms wami they ire imce.s.sirv io iCcom;ili;h its pm poses ? T'm i il lo reirlt’.r an ic • i rr of tim iii innei in which i p art of dm itunev ex pended has been applied, tves j.isi cause tor llm suspicion that it Iris been used lor dm pu poses which it is not ilnnm -d pro lout »o exp >so .> the eyes ol'an iniellijmnt and viimous people. Thoso who act justly do not shun ilie li”li , n >■ <lo limy re fuse cxpl.iniii 'tm w.ien the p.'mrmiv of thro conduct is bioit”h into ques'io.i. With these facts before h ill. in in otli t.d ie porl from the (iovurnnmn. Directors, Um Pres ident would feed Hi H Im wis not only res’io.i cible so; all tin? ibns’s and c n rup.ions the B .uk ins committed, or miy c mimr, but dm >s m oecomplice in a c uispirucy ay.iinst dial G >v ornnmnl whieii Im his sworn to ad nii i s'or, if Im did not take every step wuhiii lii mid hi” d oowe likely mb tdli iem iii putting in end .o Ims > enormities. Il l be possible, within urn scope ol liuin m al fairs, lo liuii a reason t o t inovinij dm G iverii ir.eiii deposits and lo v; > •" Bink to ns ow. resource for the in ms ot if. injf its crimm d desi ' is, we h ivo H here. ,V is n expected when die m? ?-vs oi me Un amt Sales weiedt rr-t-1 io In' placed ti till il •x, inn they would be put utidei tie' con r- l of one in in ompowured to spend millions without rendcriii;. a ' uiirtier or specify ii” the object T Can they be considmed safe widi die evid ui e befoie u*. that lens ol thousands have been spent fm high ly improper, it not corrup purposes, and tha. »hc same motive may le d to the expemii tiro of limidi eds of thousands, mid ev • i in Ilians more? Ami can wu justify ourselves i<> r people by longer lending to it the money mi power ot the < invei nment, to be employed «ueh purposes? It has been alleged hv some as an i»!>|ocmm tn iho removal of the dcpositcs, that th > B ink h i. the | power, ami in that event will have the dt-pusinmi, to destroy thn St m< Banks employed hv the (J .v --ornment. and bring distress upon the cotmtrv It i has been he fortune of the President tn ncmmier dangers which were represented as eq :all\ al.inn ing, and he has seen them vani-h hc’nrs rose uii.m 'and energy. Pictures eq’ially 'appalling weiepaia ded before hi n when this Bank came to den and a "I new charter. But what wis the •«*»tdt ? Was it or 'i • ore prosperous sim •> that net ? I'he Ibes'de >t venlv believes the Bank has n >t the p .w --«r In produce the calamities its fuciid- th-eiten The funds ot the (.« ive.nm nt will not be .nnihi- T l ite Ihv Ix’i ig transferred. They wII inmied nelv be issued lot the be»>««til of trn le. and if the Bank ~ ol’f 'e I nit'd States curtails its loans, the (State B »t« s, *uengthene I hv the pnldtc deposiles, will ex nd theirs. What comes in through one Bank* v ill £o out though uthrts. uuj th© vquil.biuim wrH X * * I fit? prasT'rt'ul. the ’>,i:d?, ft'o t'/m rtirrs? put ; po.’.' ol p odr.ciii” .lis'iams, pnm j| S dobters mon . l e '. dv ih in snui- m f.,e-. cn , bear, the cm ;S e ( . ip. .'H'l'si nid i.'cil up?' i i self. and m the ailt’iDpif ; Ito ernbarr i?s the cmiinn, u wdl onlv bring hiss nd rum umi.n the hid lers of its own stock. Bit il tim Pmsidr’ii: liolc red dm Bank possessed ;dl the mover which 1; is been attributed io it. his del< rmiti miim w >:dd only render the more inflexible. I,'. Ii id •<' I. t iis rn,p n,iiion now holds in im Irin Is the I happiness a;ui prosperity ol die Anmrictii) p ople, !it i ■ .'ii.'/i time to take the alarm. If the despotism J he iy upon us, and our mdy safety is in <he mercy of the despot, recent de.vrdojiements in rtda ( ’ion to I, is designs and (lie moans Im rmiploy s % spew ;h?w mu essary i; is tosbake it off. '[’he ’strn?gle ) i i i never come ui h Ins? distress to llm pimple, or , u i Hr inure l.ivm dne auspices than a' thepresi ut ! mo.uer.i. | ( V- *■ ribt as t > the willingness of the Slate i ‘ii;,<s to undertake the service of ilm Government. . io the same extent, and on the same terns, as it is ; pow yrlorme I bv tb s Bank of the I iiited Slues, i'pot io rest by the r 'p. r' of iheageni rccenl'v cm i p'oyed to collect inlorni.. ion; itnd from th it wil • i im pmss. limn own sal ■ y m the ope.iation may be i mtufi lant iy mlerre j. Ivnowmg their own resour , i "s better In in they can bt known bv others, it is i not to be supposed th it they would be willing to ■ place t'lemseives in a «itt:a;i m win. h they cannot o. .ii widimit danger o| anndidaiiun i>r enibar i i .•--me n. ihe only consideration appli?s io die j s .i- t’> ol tiie pubic funds, it de.’io-si’ed in those i i- I sti’nrions. _ Au ! whan ii is s”<m th it dm dilectors '• ,id m.inv ol imm a e not only willing to pledge the ; ciid'itc^r ’tn I cap; ;d of the corporations in giving ' success to this tit’. - isure. but alsn their own prop-i-I ’v an ■ ropu - a; > V cannot doubt that mv, at i 1 as’, o’.ir'.’e he p.,'t dcposies would oc safe hi u;r irianagenien . (’be President thinks that u s' I lets an I ciicn nstances afford as strong a .'.inrantn. as can ?e ba 1 in hum tn aifiirs. forttie •alety of tlm public fund?, and t ie practicability of a n"w system ol collection and ditbttrseruent through the agency of the Ada e Bunks. ’■’rmn all these considerations tlm President ’oinks tnatthe .Slate Banks ought immediately to im employe I in the collection and disbursement ol the tribhe revenue, and the fun Is tmw (r) the Bank ol tlm ( .Stales drawn out w th ail convenient disp .fell. I’be saf dy of the public innm ys. if de po?:ie liu tue. •». .’i' , inks, must be secured be- yond ill rea m i.itde d jim s but Cm extent and n i lure of tli.i 'c.urily, m a ,-d ion o heii <• ip t;d, if any Im I "i.u. d rimm subj •: of detail •<> wiiich tim Tn-asitry i>ep artinntir will undoni>ted!v give its anxious attention. i'li- B■. ik? to be e;n pliyed mist remit tlm moneys of th' (iover ment wii tout harge, a - . t!m Hank o‘ • ie United States :oSV i-.m i ; itu 1 rcir’< ra I es" vice wn’reii that l» i’!'. now ii .!>, is: ,'ii v keep the (jravcrirn uit idvisu I ct ’ mi sdu itton ’V pi rridical returns ; in fi.-m hi a>v tr; a i gm.-"i iw th ihc S'ho Bums, dm ffwvu’ii. nrns no’, m a iy r-'spe?,, tn- placed -ui a >•.' > r -.e • ii ,g ( i.hi ;I row is. llm i’i . I ei:l is hwpv to p ;ve by the m-purt of t?ic agent, t'cn j t i * ».a i? s waicii *m gas consulted have, m general, i CO IS" ned to p< .form the service on these’' J an I iho-. • nt New-York have further i iu '' m . k e i lie p iy nicnts in f ,00. I > u wll hou t ot her ch arg e ' tiia i llm mere cost of Hie bids of ex liange. I 1 s lout I also im eitjm-md anon any Banks whmil miy Im <,"ri >:o »•? I, ih it will be expected of [ iiio.rt io I.militate do ii'.-itic exchntiges furihe bene- \ fii ot internal co n rmree; lo grant all reasonable I IH• 1!i 11 ••< f:» f ir* 11 ’» <*» »• > I ffl Z» . ... . I'lf.liiH.** I.U? P'T,f!|’S ill IflC OXCFCISC J the nt no u lia'-r ditv Is I'm oth 'r Suite ifmks; . •ind -to nothing uselessly to emb irrass the Bank of ! the Untied Slales. ; \s one of tlic most sen ms oij no as to the B 1:1.4 ' of the Unite. I .Si nos, h i.m gniwe* wum>m 0 •rites, care niusi Oo i . c -n j,, ;i >H;og mimr ag-nts for the servi •? of m , ~n- not i > raise up m 1 other piiwr quail-, for ind. mm. Xltiiougii it w nd! or Dmlv .m imp issi'de to pioiluce sm Ii < res iH J lyany ir miz ,;c>.i o; t.m .Sia .• B.i.iks wir.i could O ' I vi ce,—yet it is ijesnaine t , ;v ,. ( tn • iijipe ir mce. i’o Hus end H .vi, ii 4 xp? n ’’Utio .mmr ii • ,i 1 more pow lov .• them. , ( r sere no nore in their a.’f urs ,' ia . .iig.o or-abs u.i.c Iy ne -essary to die s--' vu,m ■ putrit >.,si;.- I id the faitnftilp-rto- net..' e ol tu n Untie-, as i,rm‘s ” ll, ‘ I 1 e.i't’ii'y. V>> , r .ire ny iimm .>> 1 .> iii’.e il c.iaresis 4 tue count, wii.'i a vm.. nn • tl m-h'o .vie*:i 10ns, ouglit, in t , op;titon ol the i - ’,.?-. • •ii to )■* followed by an ita.mliiii' du- iHg-' 1 trmn public s rvice. Il IS t.m desire of the Ihe : Icui that tim conirol , •’t *'i' !».mks arid tiie currency shall as tar as pus 1 be cut 11 til s"pai a led tro >1 Ihe p diticai pow 1 ' 1.1 tiie country, as w..ii as wrested trom ai. . . Uitti- - ion wluc:i has already al tempted i.> yti j-ut tlm go- 1 ver nn >ll to I'.s ivdl. in Ih.s <ipmH>n die a -lot. ol 1 t h g ■■ if al goveriiuieai. uu i; ( ,a subject, tiugir not j 1 im .'X. ad' 1 beyond (ho grant 1:1 the Coastitu-1 ■ >. eiiiclionly aitlhonses cougress •• to cum mo- ' H'V a ,d regulate (lie value tlmi<-.»l tdi else be- ' 1 mgs lo the states and me p-oj>le, ami must bot" j gulamd by pu die opimun arid tiie mieresls cl ’ trade. ’ Zie me 1 .is ■ >ll, dm pie-ndcm must be permit- ! "i 10 h.'iii k Kat lie looks upon tiie pending q lesiioii .is ot liiglicr coosintnaiioo than the j iH’rc ii tii'dei <>f > sum ol money tiom one bunk .<• anotiiei. iis decision in <y alicci the char- 1 K lei ol mi govern’ih'iit Im age, io co ue.— Should ilie bank be sidltued ieoger 10 use the public m uieys, 111 the uc> onipiisliincn. <>f it, pm poses, with tiie prools m 11s failhlemicss iiu.i loinipiioii befoie oui eyes, die patimti among >ur cilia 'iis will de,p m of ,ucc 'ss in striimvltng ig linst its power ; md wt> sh ill be respous bio lor ent ultug it upon am country forevei. View mg it us .1 q lestion of iiansceti.l hi impm muce, boih tn lhe p iuciples .mil coiiscquenci s h in volves, the president could urn, m jusuce ’o tue responsib.liiy which he owes to the count: v, reiiain In in p essiug upon the st'creia v *4’tlm > treasury his ve. wol tiie c<msiue» i[ . hnpel 10 iinnit'd aie action. Upon him Inis oven —' I a*./vs M devolved by the constitution and the suil< ages ot toe \meric m people, the duty of superintend ing die npcraii m of die executive departments of me govei nment. and seeing that the law - me faithfully executed. In die perform nice ot tins ! high rust, it is ins n u!<» tiled right to express to flios < wboin ’he laws mJ iitsoa .i choice have I made his issuci ties m du* administration of tin* covetnnit'U!, his opinion of theii bum s under circutns .met .s ns they atise. I is this light which he now exercises. Fat be it from mm io expect or require, that anv mcinbei ot he cab net shov’d, at hi. hqm O1 order, or d.c --t itioa, do .my act wine., ii" believes unlawful, o> in tils r'lii.s * u■ a<' cu.i..emus. I com them and bom Ins fell ow-citiz ns m genet ..I, he ile sites only hat aid md support which then te i son approves nil their conscience s inctions. In iberemukshe has mole on this all im , purl in: question, be trusts me seciv a.v cd the I treasury will set* only be ft mk and respectful » declarations ot ilie opinions which the president i has hniuvd on <» mvasuic u.tiicnial intei- t- ’ t'\’, tlerpfy cßm-fni" Um cFnr.ic'or tip.? rwef jt L c . ness ol ins adininisiraiioii ; and mu a '-p'-rj' ( p '■ j dictation, w hie h tlm pi e.cdetn won.; 1,, s : ini to avoid .is teady (O lesib . il.pj.y uiij i !e 1 ; be, if’ tlm f o is now disclosed p < d.i e undo; no _ ■ of opinion and unity <d acltim among tin. ; members of th ■ adintnisltaiioti. ■_ i Tiie pnsident again repeats that he bops his 2 1 cabiiiei to consider the proposed measure s h < , 'own, in the support of winch he sirdi i.ip.i;, 1, no one of dimn 10 tn ike a sacrifice of 01. m oi; 11 c.r piinciple. 1/s responsibility Ii is been as smni"!, liter ilie m <si ni.i.ure delilmratmn mid rill ctiou, as imees-.i.y .0 p t-ei x o she tiioi.,l, ol >e people, flic I« : of he pn?.s nd . ' pin i;y of the elective fr uichise, withon which I nil will itniit: iii saying that the blouri mid tie-i- . I sure cxpi mled by our sores itheis in lie est.,b , | It.shn'ient of our happy sys'ern ol t overnmem ;ju di have been v.iin and f. tiiilm-s. Under hese . j ct.H viciions, tic Ictus .iiat a iimtisuie so import- - ' : mii 10 die Ameiican people cmitm be coih j tneiw ,] too soon ; and be tin 1 < fo;it imt s ’he ' ilirs’d.y of October nex. as a* pm iod proper ' ! lor tue change ol .lie deposites, or sooner pm- * ,' vid"d he imcessaty a. rmigeni?n;s with the stale ' • banks can be ni.i-Je. Andrew J icsson. I I j nullification. j riierc seems <j Lo a s itl pause in lite pro- ' . 2re>3 <4 Nidi fj.',. 0r... Om by one the dupes ' ‘ol tiiis gio,t p..di.ii ,1 ch< .l art! shnkitt” away : wi 1 s 1 xcuse—that tli. y never thought it t w• 1 ro n > I'Oi'cible res siauce, and titai timy «< cl. ■ » :i LI JH I I lIC triril* H S«J(1 t>\V ill 1 Jh* Uie conipromis? ud:n;ts r is (jure to'eiablo, mu f,. ten long its enduram-e is inile 1 isdiiiunph—m\y tb it the foriy-b ile theorv s n admitted hmubu;', the con-cienticu, Nu.l ii.- s begin to talk of tlm era ol\ooiJ ie> !- ings. Bm ijmro is a liege class not so o.tstlv oi posed of. file desperate, to whom all < h dtge u Id om liojie .if bet er, to dime who lookcu for bread in dm better oeaplovinc'it whit ii civii broil might dFord, to those tvhos hope of preft-rment rested upon diet; supplying ■ m’w in! o! 1 dent-mil industry W nbund n ze d i o dim; v—:h;s cli ll ag compromise op e. a’.'s as : .; V . Al e Iv thei: Idim cock a.l. s are issuming dm y-d ! >w ~ue of despair. T‘ lV! bi ’toei wme be ~k n imu he' pay : ,4 ; ' H 'O -In-bildrmn preseid e.t I sumw mi nm) we,e ..p. , > ■h •• S imcm-es ei i h f, 4 |. u | e Imjoei. L1 iy , d.ViS'.in of de I .nd m>u o might have •" 1 ■' !K > b ;s ca: off. Sllt il . d'lg-, dI) Wi? l| led, fjl , a cn>w | ami bm- h ■ v,- ; y m s,. ,« .... w !mm 1 . f;wn j*’ 1 md'. wh:l dm! was fh]!. Ail , 'hi' i ftj in m Gih 1 J Govtu m.imnf am ! m > a ty c ‘illideti .a ,ioaP who iiin d .'out'd ( Umofi ,H its mm; ofpmj. Cui vlff-om >-,m ; pmhy or ii-spec ., ;<n I disc ive f -d : !1( - I 'lm>l ' Urn dec ~f \ (j. , ~.n !I.’•HJ:i!) rd W■ V . T.'r UI'IS I ,>. k" 5... ' ollie. . leni < .ous. n.t : i’tim y ,‘tm u s lib' U.i- • OiJ. iij :H<» |\S .Ti'ff ’; • 11 • w .if ’>nvt.T I <• ! ‘ jil> 01 I-*’ ! nu:l fie Hion so .1 . s o wbat/way o ' ->■ ifietmtm b ■ .• if ma y. ars, w thou' I. gin j "veti of co npl t ,m . oid ;b . f) v |Q £, , ■' ‘b l,l ’oig> . in IA 's err. V m-;, rye. nd :* ’ > .I• 0, I ■[\ <i. ;ii leg promedon io I V’ll’ l It' I'l SIJ I I I <•<»: i.D’Hlefr.'r'tnipQr- j■lim of CO • I ti om I' \ s ini So mil Amuic . : <v " , z S.m’ii. I<s,inmu ye us : Uni .1 Hid dm ?eum:m spi> : t of American ■• • m W i ' ■ ?<• I, U• e sS< •ii■ i> | :., (Ver Vex i .-'ienre ot .• s I I'd, fid,a Null fmr will he u- j '\ s ‘ ■ "d as a mo.isim — Ui'iarl'^.nn, ‘ »S. C’. Unionist. 0 ' A Pl riI!'}ACTION. 1 B n S’, atii a die,! ot apoplexy a’ Sfeuben, ’ ; './'H-. tI.CI. N. Y. in November, 1795- A- ’ Igi' mihfv d) his, 1|.3 rem mis w- wrap- j ; . ;i< !l '‘' s <*l'>ak, e'lcloscil in 1 plain colii’i. ind i ; ' ,r p’Vp’-d Hl a grave wiiaojt 1 s one. M tny i •-•as 'im:, we le o n by a hh imm in tire N. \ . 1 Com. Adyer.iscr, Ids body v, is .iisiutmn <•<! for ; 1 purpose ol bm I,] m hi OHI t j>l '<•<', and it was ' found .0 have passed into ; state of complete pc- 1 ■ lel.tclioi), and is believed to rem ho in th d ■ ' of pfrsei yatiou 10 tilts day. 'llm features' <H iii.- lace were as unchanged as on the day ol i i i> s inter men!. ' i I 1 l.e Now Yo'k C j’U.o.u-rial Advertiser, of; 1 tue Udi nist. relates au ms ih< e ol’peculiar .good iortmie lor mi Lull m. We proceed to Copy dm si.list.nice ot tm< storv. ‘‘About two years igo, an (mil .n of tlio i Chippewriy 11 nion—l m«)]y sn l to nave ! been a min ol some rmb m Ips . die, bm now • 1 Missionary of dm Me.ho.m Cam< h, among ! iiis red b.etmen—-w.,s sen: > L J .mi, o ol? ' . u.i pecuniary aid so. hi.- Imbmi mt-3.<>o cause m Upper Canada. V, >, v nomen,—wheiher i W !S tlm-•;( J LigtillJing,” 01 .ie‘'s o:in Ol '• W ik-.t; A i.u,” we know u , , but hi pl ria E.iglis 1, he is > known as Air. Pcmr J nes, ‘Air. Peter Junes was not only a 34 -siona i\ tim wilderness,— .11 1, .;s ve doubt '.tot, a pious and useful in .n among his -.wu people, bm he wis .1 boon fi-te I ndi in— mlimu as m course made a liun of in London, lie w.m k'as’ed by the ticii ad the gre.ii. “ \llH>n r nil,, ~ ~ t. 1 . »mong oiiit is wno peichancu in iv have Hiuugui ot “kings, baibiric, pearls ami gold,” w.s me ciiuinuig <1 iiigirei ot gen.k tii.iii of Lmibelb, ot wed ill and respect ability. Peter wooed the young i oly, and prevailed • in die end; to make a long s:m v she /, a inr t iffg Was agreed upon, so fake preseuf sejs.i.i in /his c;/y, wi/h a view ol min i .?«, “Ou I m sday morning of las/ week, < be.iu idui young lady, w>/iiliii form—‘g ace :n her sf. p, ami heaven in !i * eve’—•./■;■/ on shine from fiia degau/ packef ><rip Un.fcd S/afcs. u is m'/ended by .’wo clerical iiiends'd hi ,u respect.l d;ty—who, by /he w .y, were t o h ends of !ier i o,nau/ic et:/. rp; sc. Sh* wai/ed wit.i impatience tar her princely love; Zo Zue end cd Ziie week bn/ he came no/. S/dl she miuii/ed no/ his t, and .flic resul/ proved, sue h• i m> need /,> daub/, For, on Sunday morning Pe/er Jones imived, and p;eseu/ed limist U as Zhu side of m sfross! i'iie merfin7 w t> ••flecfion i/e, Z.i.iu. ii becoming. “Imnit d /<> luarriige vi is resolved on. On Sunday evening, wg r, ia.u Joint Sf. et/ - and /?nin'? ihe vjT(Trj'i«» r m'*n'* en. 4 3/ c<'i;/' s/ Was- rm> > r seen. She >!| in -m' l' /■', "ml ad •• ir d wi/h dm Mi-" s.|, I /v. ■pier is wbi/e as she (doves -ini dress she I wore—l ein'erinir |mr elm!)-/esses, pl r d ‘ «11 t’adoma <m her for fm, <f|t k- !'.)•. IJc in r ./lrm rommon a/dre— / tl. ‘-.k, ■ Irdi She, ,< li//!,. d' l <•;./• Eu r .pemi I d;.. IL , ali. dV i otidr'timd sop (i f /ii" foes/. " Pirn swep/ crea/mo is tmw on way /o s ot Upper Can id.. —/he L;di-n’s B'hie > ; * The <lio rs now < ;is/. and /lie l ./e comely land accoiwdisbed Miss E * of London is now /he wife of All'. Pe/ei Jmms, of Zh' Chiri- 1 ppw i’s. I’;!/ /n r/ sh" deluded, atid knows Hofbuig of dm life she is /o euctrnr:/"’, /here chi Ii" t o doirl.'t. As evidemrn of/b s site Ims , bj'ou”!)/ ajt /im fu ni/m'c for an eb'gynt iiousn- ■ hold ’•&/ .'ar--hiui ht— rich china vases f>r an Imltrni lodge, and 'f ie key cat pe/s, dr spread upO'i /iio morasses of /be (mnadim; fo■ es/s ’ los/o-.d of;- m.icsion, she will find a w -u -m, ‘ ’ and /he m .loifuture of b coms a rd b.;skc/s, •■» ! s/ead of embroidery ” I ■ I TIIE ALMS-HOUSE BOY. | A youth V.ho was brought up <t the alms ; house was lately taken i to the family of A.’is.. in Petiil slice!, to tut, of errands. The , firs d..v im Imcmiie mi inmate of her liouse, tin ; fouowmm dialogue passed between ’hem : ‘’A.e ; ; yon no. so’ -v, my dem,” said M’s. “a, ■]";ve hnm ■ V “ Nd,” ansu 'red hi-, "1 dou’: cmt.” ‘'l? :imre m>’. ‘"ue body nt honm whom you ire so. ’v to leave 1” resumed she. “No,” repli'd dm boy, “ / am mn sorry to leave nv body.” “ \\ hut, not those who are good to von ?” ’ joined she. ‘ Nolmdv ever was good to me,” -nd dm boy. Mrs. was tom bed wi'h ’he c!aids .histit, which s.iongly pointed h's ho.'ple«s lot, and the cold ind’fretmmm of the rt">;ld ; (Im tear stood in her e\ e. “ My poor li tb- f> How,” said she aftei a “hurt p mse, “ was nobody ever good’ to ymt, !i ivo you no 1. iend, mv dear {” “ No, for old dusky Boh, the n>g- man, di"d • L.s? week.” “ And was he your friend ?” “Yes, ii i! he wa-',” replied die boy,” “ !>e outm g .ve me a piece of gingerbread.”- V. Y. n-inrd. ! DISCOVERY OF INDIAN CORN. Ph vmtis to t ie s-’tilernent of dm Puritans in New England, tle y formed parties for the purpose of exploring dm country. Ua;>i;iin Ali'cs Stand- '■ isb. vv .o may ue ." died the "lli-ro of New !'mg-i laud,” conimand'-d one of them, consisting of six teen ni-u hi their progress ibey met with sev i-- al small hillocks, supposed by them to tie burial fiiri’ie lii'lians; tint as itmv .irtvarme i. find- j mg many mom. they closely ex.r a>ri"d liigm. anti discovered that die. com liimd Indian Corn. Be- ; mg buried in tin ear, 11 excited their < tinositv, and . by some of the party it was thought a valuai k* ac-j quisision; while others, wire ate in ■■■ row s aoa lid ; not relish it, and thought it worth hide or rmf'ii.ig- Thea seemed, however, some f.,r seed in ineen suing spring. S'p ui'". 4ritm Jlv l:i.!::r» , in- , strueted them in the culture ol' it. and it was,pro bably die means ui saving diem tioui linniue. j CHEROKEE ELECTION. | F rR Ce V3R.XI B / i < CraWF RD 92 Lumpkin BS—4 | t<ES'ATE. i ; M’< NNEI.I. —7O King 62—8 j II CSE "F RttPRESENTATIVJS; Leonard -70 ! I’a rr: —l3 LIND ME NTS. / Ratification 88 I No Ratifiuation—Bß -i HALL COUNTS. j L-nnykirt 78 2 ( ’rnnjufil— 6 ]6 — :06 i ; fuixxri:. Dim —713 ; Al-’du’.l 65 3—-35 I iIO U-■ :Oi it 1: i'ii L 3 E.V TA T1 177.5'. ; i .1/’ ;/7m-752 /;„■/. x—7Bl ! IU. W r7--7G3 O'trrism— 7ol I Ii; -rl— 6?B U u ifiinto'i —6f»7 -t Z ’/o;/./ —63 I ‘t ! AJ'Lnskie.— ss3 iiuti firntion f?‘Cr j Au RatijicG'Tn—l 17 — FO/'.’S YTU (AOUNTt’. Tutmuki» ! 82 Crairfurti— 1 ! 6 -66 i SL’VI/E. ( ILnmmnnd— 192 IT 'ifler Slta 98-04 oi' ItEPRTSENTATIVES. // nvim til— 97 Onus— 90 II7)„,-/„.,_S4 Hat 1 fixation 1 Cfy j A > IO:'> fi titin.i '3l —35 SECOND SALE 1 Or’ CllriiOKl i. i' lots. Will b<» sold, on Thur- lav. ’ae -ev.-nth dav of X'<> vetnber next, ti.o TOW N LO PS, at lb nine,. ei le oi < her'kee coiiatv. upon 10l <.( land uu.'doT one hundred and <xtv s. veu. in the fourteenth dbfrict of the Second »e< t! .f it t l ei::g ■( the ;'ace, g. iiei- lly. known asJuk Wright’s old ptacr : the safe to «on t’.me ti-mn day to day. Terms made known on the day u! sale. ALSO, .1/ L’/c sar.u tunc mul idact, The buildiiijofthe COURT HOUSE AXD Wil! bei.- ■/. J\Al i. > IL ■’ X. ». ic. ( H vMBERS, j.i. g. WILLIAM JJ. ALl’ ji c. 1 ■ - : urr- - ~. I'rom 'im Dftroil ('<>u irfy. T’lb’ - ’”HR'.! \V ANDI ’ 10. Now fiercely howls ’heNmd.erti blast, f 'm! lon' l lhe fornpesrs roar, r riic rain and sleet are lieatmg fast , \ mmst the cottage doer. Th" r'.gg' I ro/ 1 s the surges lash In their res.-aless might ; And o’! lhe vivi■! lightnings dash Terrifn-dL bri"ht. Tlm wind-—a perfect h rricane, Flows wiih rrciner,.'mrs -,om>'.k ! An i rap’d!) the drops o! rain puttering to tlm, ground. Y et on this ntght, so dark -ind deaf, 'mid tlrf- s om,’3 harsh mcnm, . Amm t m.;' fix !.'.:r, i A maiden and a!; nr.— I ■ .-o f m I.•ns'y land and sea, Rages th" dreabiti! storm Les. .I'.silm ri' i.,.; tm r . seems to be No otner living form. .1 im sis herman has left rhe main, , Am! hastens from t’.e s ■■mt-. 1 im shepni rd? go imt fourth again L'tui! itm stmtii im re. On s ci, a nigh: as t sto 10.1 m, I* >V p' Oj 1" . h;; v •■> • ~ •Then whi'ret .‘i'l-1 .ns ;w iv iron. Cues the tun Josephine ? To cheer rhe inar'leu’s onward way. No star its radience ends— Blue iig!> nmgs round her figure p lav, And yet she oriwar- wends. Around the ro< ks. where deep and hoarse, t he waves their vo’tci s I'ft, i lie dauntless maide i bends tier course', Ntdl fearlessly a. d swift. And now she's at the large rock, where file pirate found his gi rvr— , Vi ith catniotis steps ?he climbs the stair, Aad passes through me cave. She trembles not with c. Id or fear, But rapidly moves tbrough, : Nor pauses, ’tdl alone .m 1 drear, A cottage in. et tier view. I And now. alas ! it grieves mv soul, i o t< ll what she did then ! | The in’enming < amsel stole— T'uo chickens a id a .' ! ' ' From the Philndelahia Commercial UCraLd. G T- i U.JGA I view flu <4 y ;>e fl wel -. r.ial D'Ooiiis so bright m cv’ry ve ' *■ Am; Se. kin joy, fi;in,’ lii !<■ |? r . i he ;•> i wiid rose, imd idly ; j Au, 1 A t.d:* tim gi<t .mg tl'.. is .trip Ou (»..<} anu leal pas. n . ~ 7 Thin" r-'.-. e: 1.1 ev', j fb;,,. A .d prove tue niiua oi G ur i? ilmrcr. | And in tin- siieut r. on of nig;.i j iViien cv’i-y living tnii.g is stifi, Bat <l Jo martu’ri g waters g! ■ ... ; hrNhp-. I';ie rnomniui music ( tl , (i p . M lieu not asi.; Ip l e( u j s N w lives a v. ind'ring breath of ;,i r ; At • m this still I, -j. ( j • *' hteh ’ it , th" heart tha' Gm‘ o thr-rc. I Yon wo! | m s idi j y II iw wmide;...; || Cl | l.nlght arr..\-• j The rising m 11/n _ i. n b ’.., n 3, Upon the ini.-.y A , i( , s . i Tli.- mind may ■ lun y lak . jts fl bar as the s. tl , lliaij ~a il , I Through worms ... aulus tU u . And sunn min. ; tts .Maker then . ! XV) j a he,. from the Wcsf seme mighty cimid | Gomes on auh u mpest darkn’d plume', j Jho su.mvams p( H y neaih (Im sbr nd. A.m is wrapp'd in gath’ring g.umnt lae t.iundr s peai, the tempest fray ; 1 3 lie vivid flesh and meteor glare, Are only heialmcg His way, And prove the Aimig.ity pic . llC e th cre ! | Unloose w ild fh t mgl)t--o’er ca.dt and Ben, j buna .' scope to ch unless .Mind 1 n is soon ~ solved each 11. y ,te>-y ; j •- ’Oii'e Divine lor all tmugs find > I s KU ! hug rs . | llt _ s||r med nieiit ; -l ' ilie n, —in,. liir( , ' 101 :t upward to yon 1, a j ln , |^ Andli'ileachhea:! itiat Goo iAbu'e! VALUABEE I <’ "?■' 3U-.A The-unseat). ; ofier a ||j • | t)'j’ s lo| . . Disi'ml b( .c,i.m * « t 9 io S? 2 :;777N'N:- . « '.-cvi'i.-. «■.... ,i„. D ’ Mr.BcfS.ig.'' ■’ : rv MILL! •{. . are county, oct 12—o— SEXES • INi! I'OR Ai.E. mj T -C' Xo ’.’ !ls T’'T 2 - k '"'" ri 1,4 ,h 'Lxe Go’.n 3. I V 1.. I- tor -ale. I) 1, , v fi ift Lot, as i s mi:ii,,« u .»!j, > ;tr.- ! >dv ■ v A'loWr: tn miners as ;e m rl;.. n> ■»' \ .-l.r ? , oj A.mes m Ge.Tgia A <,reek runs th a.- . . u s. ; fi' ". t for tw o; y rocker* and g... 1( t . ... ;.'t r-auy 1., comnmm-e working. | <■•>, rv . ... I rc’i-.. to m, at fallahas.-ee, I'toi'id.. •. 31 >,<■ ;m-w <- libi lal'crcdit will be given for i.h- jnnc’ia.-e mooer.' THOMAS 9. I ootv—r—3l