Cherokee intelligencer. (Cherokee (C.H.)) 1833-1834, October 12, 1833, Image 4

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Murray S&Jes. T FOR NOVEMBER. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in Novcinbei next, ni the house oi colonel J J Humphrie: in lairay county, the place of holding courts in said county, as directed by the Interior Court, he twee.- the lawful hours of sate, the fallowing property to^ 9 t ,. lot number one hundred und fifty-six in the tenth district ol the third section, levii d o • as the pro nerlv of James M. Laws and John «. Hoit to satis fy a ft la ir.on Richmond Superior court in favorot Hugh Taylor Ai-o. lot number one hundred and twenty tn the twent v-o>urth district of the second section, levied on as 'he property of ,viiitam S. Johnston tosatisly a ii 1a from Morgan Superior court in favor <d buffuld \ Porter. A's • fat number thirty-three in the sixth district ot the f inlh section, levied on as tne property ol VV il ]inxi t. Johnston losatist' two Ii fas from Morgan su- j pen >r court in favor ot Satfabt <V Porter. Also, lot number one hundred and sixty' in the j tw ev-s.'Veuth district ■■i,the laird section, levied oh j a- .!■ prop, rty ol James 11 Perry to satisfy aii ta trom : aj ist ,'es court in faor < t Joinings & C >ok. _ | -visa, lot lumber sixty tour in the fourteenth district j of the third section, let id on as the propetly of Tno mas Murray to satisfy a fi tn from Lincoln Superior court in favor ot IL Burnett tor the use ol Joseph AV • C >< per and other fi !>'*• Ah > lot number one hundred and eighty-nine in the nim .t listrict of the third section, .levied ou as the pro- ' p. ’’ R ,be t tolvist aito satisfy afi fa from a J'»s- I tic. , ant in Ih'.oi oi M. F. Nail &• <’o. V s • I 4, mim'mr two hundred a id ninety-eight in ■tin rei.ih lis’icl of the third section, levied on as th pt ipe/iy «t Heirv M-Doni.eil lo satisfy a fi ia in fnvot ■> Michael Prendergast. A 1 - .Lu mimber t A’o hundred and fifty-five in the tPUili di ti icf of'h- tourlh section, levied on as the T»r ■ ••rtv of lAI tliiew Knight to satisfy a fi ta from a ji.-.ii,!rso>wt i" voi of Daniel Duke A -o lot number seventy-live in the thirteenth dis triet ot thethird seed >n, I vied on as the property of Samuel Jeter to satisfy a fi fa from Lincoln Inferior court in iavoi of Peter Lamar. Also, lot num 1 er sixty-seven in the eighth district of the fourth section, levied on as the prop rty ol John Lanier to satisfy four fi fas from a justices court in fa vor of Charles Cazgill Also, fat nmnm-r three hundred and nineteen in the tenth district of the third section, levied »u as Hie pro perty oi Isaac Gray to satisfy a fi fa troi.i Gwinnett Superior court in favor ot James 11. Kidd Also, lot number two hundred and eighty-seven in the, tenth district third section, levied on as the pro perty of Renbnt ll farditi to satisfy a fi ta from a jus tices court in i vor ot John C Gibson. Also, mt lumoer turn hundred ami forty in the eleventh district of the third section, levied on as the liroperty ol William O. Dabney to satisfy a fi fa from Jgleihorpe Superior court in favor of Bamuel Apple ton. Also, lot number fitly nine in the twenty-fifth dis trict < f the second section, levied on as the property of Anslem Evans to satisfy a fi ta horn a justices court in favor of John Jordan. Al <. lot number eighty-seven in the twenty-seventh di'■ ict of th" third section, levied on as the properly of .t' dliain Dun'i to satisiy afiln fr in >i ju-t court ft,or oi samnel iiobis a, it being the place b •a-.m'L’li huhs B>yan lives. L'ii .con a*r t w-nty-six in the ninth district of the ” third s e.|, >-i, a,id lot number fifty-two in the eleventh dist <*•. 'vt ihi’ - 1-ecti >•!, l-vied on as the property of •. i am ticker. to s- list, a fi fa in favor ot John ii. 11. . .ii-' ; levied on and relumed to me bv constable \ ot mmber one hundred ami twenty in the nD 'it ii Irii'.t > t the third section, and num! :r one hir ,< d and seventv three in the ninth district .if the Ihi' I v'Ctbm levied on as the property of J Nicti ilson to o’ is’y afifa in favor ol Robt rt A Roll ; levied on and returned to ine by a constable. A s >. 'ot number two utmdred and twelve in the so . ■•nth district of thethird secion. and lot num be ivin the -ixth district of the fouilu se-.Tnm, lev e‘ is the property ot AV' satisfy a ii ii- iv >rot W B. Towns; levied on and returrn ci t<> m by a const.ode. • lot number eighteen in the sixth district ot .ii i >mlh section mid lot number one hundred and i o-tv nine in the -ixth district of the fourth sec ti- • vied mi is the property oi W. .Morgan, to sat i,.f i tit infi.V'i - 't I! t'errcil; levied on and return ee 1 t i "!»’ by a const it bin v 1 i tot number two hu i.lred and fifty-one in the eight ii district of the third section, levied on ns Stic pr ipci tvof E. I'rost. to satisiy a fi I s in favor of Th.mi ns vicks; levied on and returned to me by a const.i bo,. Ah>. lot number fifty-t w.i in the ninth district ofthe tliird secti >:i, levi • lon as the pr qierly oi A \dains, to satisfy h ft ta in lavor <’t Thomas Ricks, levied on anti r •tinued to me by a • »ustali!e. Ats I»t number one hum med and sixteen in the t'i eltih .lijit ict ol the l(.nr.!i section, I, vied on as the or i»-rty cl Julius G Darby !•< «:>tisiy afi fa in favor id' Kr-harl Butler: levied on and returned to me by a constable. .v's >. l it number one hundred and four in the eigir '» <!islii t liftin' lourth sccliou. levied on a« the pro >i ity >f ‘Viliiam M itlin- tnu J.iliu Ratlins, tosat isiv a li 11 ui t ivin a Richard Butler; levied on and retnr. ed to me by n constable, Ai,o, lot tiuniber seventy in (ho fourteenth district of the thirii srctein, h.i l lot umber eighte uin ’he fouriel'll! Ii di-tnet oi the third s ‘Ction, levieil on as th<- prupe' ly of 8 A lanis to s-ilinty a fi fa in I iv<>r ol W B Towns; levied on and returned to me by a eon Btab'e. Also, lot nitniber sixty-nine in the twelfth district of tin- lliit'ii section, levied on as the property •’! I H W . Mercer. ' . satis'y n fi fn from a jnslii - ci>n> t of Cli.i'liam con ,ty, in favor of M. Prcndergi'ast, lor the use »t John Gui martin. Also. »ot ii'mioer two htind’Td imlseventy-three in the twelfth di i let <4 the third semi on. levied on as the m ni.v'iy t'.iohol’ Herb. f< • sat i«l\ a ti fa fauna s atii'M ■. ! t’lnit'imii eou'ily in favor of William Brown, for the use oi A l*e mett iVlso, lot tin .ii nrtw •• I. •• ri the tenth district of tin’ third section h vied on >- flic or party ol J B lion et a. tn -hli’tv Hfi fa iiOllll H j'l' il ' s court ot t'hlll hii't’ c« 'in’v in favor <d M. Pt ad rgrast. Als'.i't number two hn uhed and ninety-eight •in the e ■••.omi’ iMnut et "’etiiinf s->-tion, levii d t as the j r pe y »i’Henis .Ml’ i nail, to satisfy a lit from ti e Cilmi Oyer nd Termil ■!' «>l the city of Su vamnili, in tavor ot M f’l'.'.ndergrasl J. C. BARNI TT Sept 28—33 Sheriff. FOR NOVEMBER T H.L be sold on th fi t I'tiesday in Novembei > xt, nt ihopl ic « li. i ■ (- ol J. .1. Humphries now r lace, , licuting e mil m .Murray county . as d>re t it y th'' In ca >< c >.i ' ; b» tween the usual horns >•• -ne ihe f illow. a | coi •it v t<>-wit: L't n''<ul»e* tW'> uii'ih. i aid seventy in the ele venth is'iie e| th' fi'irih < i'i. c. levied <m as the propei ivoi >'• ; ‘i- Ci’- to s,ti» yso dry fi fits in fa vor <>f John .I i.> is. ho itai on >.id ret urui i t<> me by a Ci’iistalde. Iso. lot n erfriy-iw ■> n lhe twenty-fifth district of th ■th •<! i it levied <>n as the property of VV it li. ii- 'v . j ■ '".v «ti • ' ••> lavin' of Smnuel M’Juu- hi, . ii xi. 1 'i i r« .ii eeu to tm by a constable. V.s '.loi immbei ev-'i" y-right in lh« ninth district oi ton th section, levied uas t’>e property ot VV il li in Tvimr t<> sa’isfy su idrv fi f»s in favor oi M. ( n adlert >. tin use ot > ami I) Dxt’bs. levied on at’d returg'd to me to < iinstabli At-ii. I't i. imle- fi tee iu the < igbtli district of the foirih-re-i ti. I »i I .ii as tne property ot Mark \\ il i itn» siti-t< < n «in favor ot Samuel M'Jun kic. levied on atiu ietu net' to nit by a constable. .Vis > lot iiumber o .< hundred and six in ihetwi'ifth di-’riet ,>i .he tourlti '< ii..ii, levied on asthe property of I’ileis.l p.irtiv to satisfy a ti la in tavor oi Samuel Iff P'k.’i. levieu on u dte’mmedto me bv a consta ble. V-o. lot nnnii'i'r " ■ ' iiudred and eighteen in the tvvelti>i'list•'«•> >1 (he foinili section, levied on as the properly ut James Tbumpsuu lu sufarty a fi la iu lavor ‘of Samuel M‘J - .tnliti,levied on and returned tome by 1 < constable Also, 10l number two hundred ami sixty-six in the .-leventh di'lricl of the third section, lev led on as tile property ot Pleasant R. .'lays losatisly a ii la in iavot ol Henry Joiner, levied on and returned to me by a Countable. Also, lot number ninety in the nineteenth district ot the fourth section, levied on .is the property m Wu liatn C. Knlgore to satisiy a fi la in iavor oi Hiliyer itid Robbins, levied on and returned to me try <i con stable. Also, lot number two bundled and eighty aim: m the fourteenth distil t the laud section, levied oi, as the piopcrty oi Aidridgi Bunn to satisiy a 11 ta in tavor of Jesse Joliusuii, levied on and returned tome by a ! constatiie. Also, lot number one hundred and eighty-nine ui the nuith district ot the third section, levieu on us the property of K belt Johnson to satisiy a tiiain iavoi ut Mmdieton F. Nali, ievieu on and reiurneu to me by .. ; constable. i Also, lot number seventy two in liie thirteenth dis | ten i of the third section, levied on as the piopeity of ' .'xatnu.d Jeter to satisiy a ii ta trom i.uicoin Superior I court in favor oi James Lamkin and other fi fas. J. J. HU .UP Li Ki A i, ! oct 5—34 Korsylh Shen us’ sates. i UR iXO » E.U BEK •> i’J LL tie sold at tlie Court-House, in l orsyth v v coiitity, on the first Tuesday m Nov ember ' n. x. oetw eeii tile iawtul hours oi sale the billowing I property, to-vvn : | Also, lot number one hundred and five in the lust I disu iclof the li -i section, levied on as the property ot i James Kol i i » satisfy a fi fa trom a justices court ot Vv altuii county, in lav or ot Saintid Al’Junkin; iev«eu <m and leturucd t<j me by’ a constable. Also, lot numb-r three hundred and thirty-eight in pie fourteenth district of <he firs: sect, n, levied on as ti:>- prupe - ty oi iivin Lee. Io satisfy afi ta trom a jus tir seomi oi Walton county, in tavor ol Jame Urr; i | , ed on and returned to me by a constable. I Lot number seventy-seven in thethird.disU'ict <>i the I first section, levied on as the property of Amos Lilmii i to satisfy afi ta trom a justices court ot Rahim county I in tavor of F. A. Bro vii, for theuseof Simson D< y« r; against said Ainos EiHrdatid James Ellard, security; levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also.lot number om- hundred and sixteen in the I fourteenth district ol the first section, levied on as the ■ property of James satisfy two ii fas irom a I justices court ol Muscogee county, in tutor ot Job l Kogers; levied on and returned to me by a consla ( bl. . ' ; Also, lot number six hundred and sixty seven in the j third district ot the li st section, levied on as tin prop j erly <<f Thomas .Morgan, to satisfy a fi la trom a j -ii ! ces court of vVilkersoti county, in tavor m James II iy den ; levied on and returned to me by a const able Also lot number tourteen in (lie second distrit t of the first section, levied on as tile ; roi erty oi John Helvi rsnn to satisfy a fi fa trom Bib!) Superior court in favor of Michael Prendergrasl. j Vlso. lot number eight hundred and seventy two in the se oud district of the first section, levied on asth ■ i property ol George Sturtevant, to satisiy a fi t • trom h justices court of Chatham county, in lavorot Pierce Howard; levied on and returned to me by a consta ble. Lot number four hundred and twenty-three in the ; second district of the first section, levied on a- the ’ property of John C Blance to satisfy a fi fa tr im a justices court of Chaihan county, in tavor of O .M Lillibridge ; levied on and returned to me l>y a con stable i Als i, lot number three hundred and twenty-six in i the first distiict ot the first section levied on as the ' property of J. Johnson to satisiy a fi fa from Richmond > Superior court, in favor of I*. 11. Mantys Also, lot immher tour hundred and thirty-one in the fouiteeath listrict of the firs l section, levied on as the property of Ira Barton, to satisfy a fi fa oom i justices court of Richmond county in tavor <>f P. V.. Viantys; levied on an 1 returned to me by a imnst.ible. Also, lo’ number one thousi at and twenty-i igut in the s :nnd district of the first section, 'e »ied on as tie propeity ot lle.nry Gi Hedge, to satisfy st'iidry fi i ts from justices court ot itcKalb county iu favoi Jam.- Ki kpatrick; levied on and returned to tne by a con sta ole. Also lot ntimhei twelve hundred and sixty-three in the second district i t the first section, levied on as the property of George VV. Thomas, to satisfy a fi fa from a justices court ol Coweta county, in tavor of M’Jun kin kV Perry ; levied on and returned to me by a con stable. Also, lot number five hundred and six in the fi st district <>f the first section, levied on as the pr p rty ol Timothy Bradford, to satisfy a fi fa from a ju-tices court of Walton county, iu favor of Samuel '1 ’Jim kin ; le’ ied ou and returned to mt: by a constable. Also, lot number one hundred and forty tour in the forrteesith district of the first sectio i. levied on us th" property of Martin Kendrick to satisfy a fi fa from n justices c tin of Wilks county, in tavor oi Adams Towns; levied on and returned to me by a consta ble Also, lot number five hundred and six in the second dis net ot the first section, levied ou as the property ol Chi i lopher M’Km d to satisfy a fi la trom a justices court of Cas- county, in favor of Mary Pierce ; levied on and returned to me by constable. Also, 10l number three hundred mid seventy in the first district ot the first section, levied on ns the proper ty of Needham Smith and Fereby Evans, to satisfy two fi I s in tavor of C. Al. Roberts ; levied on and return i ' me by a constable. Also, lot number five hundred and ninety-five in the second district of the first section, levied en as the ■ ropeily oi Joint F Herb, to satisfy a fi ia irom a jus lives court <»t ’ hatiinni county, in favor of >masa Be .m il, leviedou and returned to me by a coustaole. Also, tot number forlv-t wo in the second district of (tie first section, levied on ast lie property •>( Charles R. Cosby, t i satisfy a fi in irom a justices court oi Walton county, in favor >l'Samuel M’Junkin ; levied on and returned Io me by a censtable. Also l"t iinniber three hundred an : eighty-five in ttie second district ot the first section, levied on asthe properly ot R. H. AV’eslon. Samuel M’Junkin and J. .'"fgetson, to satisfy n ti fa from a justices court of VV alton county in favor ot J. mes Austin ; levied ou and returned to me |»v a co- staple POS I PON ED <ALE FOR NOVEMBER Lot nuuiiiertv o hundred and forty-one in the se cond district oi the first secti n, levied on as the pro perty ot Joseph B Avin to satjsly sundry fi tas trom a justices court in favor ot di Cannon. JOHN JOLLY sept 28—33 Shff. FOR NOVIMBEK AA ill be sold on the Tuesday in November next, at the Court-House tn the county Forsvth, be tween the'awtul hours ot sale, the following propertv, to-wit Lot number five hundred and fifteen in the third dis trict <>t Hie first section, levied n as the property of James Aiareinanto satisfy sundry fi fas from a justices coml ot Wilkes county,'in tavor of Abner AA ilborn ; levied on and returned to me by acouctaiile. Also, lot numbei four hundred and seventeen in the first district ot th- first secti n. levied on as the prop erty I Peter Trammel, to satisfy sundry fi ms from a justices court of AA ilkes and Lincoln coiintv. in favor <>f Abner AA elborn. levied on and returned to me by a contable. Also, lot number eleven hundred and ninety-one in the fourteenth district of the fir t section, levied on asthe propetly of John Deese so satisiy a n la Iroin a justices court of Jones county in favor of Jehu .Mor gan Bearden ; levied on and returned to me bv a con stable. L >t of land number twehein the second district of the first section levied on as the property of Saxton Crow to satisfy a fi fa from a justices court of Hall o.iety iii favor ot Hugh AVihon tor the use of William Blailos- ; levied on and returned to me by a consta b.e A'so, lot number two hundred and six in the first district of the first section, levied on as the property oi M J D Moore to satisfy a fi fa from a justices court of Walton county in favor of Samuel M'Junkio; levied on aud returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number nine hundred and forty-nine in the i fourteenth district of the first section, levied on as she I property of tieabom J Scroggins to satisfy sundry fi ! fas trom a justices court o; Jackson county in favor of I Elijah Oliver ; levied on and returned to me by a con stable Also, lot number one hundred and four in the third j district <4 the first section; levied on as the property I ot William G Jones to satisfy two fi ths from ajrst ices I court ot Jefferson county in favor of John 11. Newton; levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number seventy in the tourteenth district I ”1 the first section, levied on as the property ot J. J | Fisk and R N lli< kland to satisfy two fi fas from a ; justices court of Washington county in tavor ot John I 'vi< wtoii ; levied on amt returned to me by a consti- I ' blf ; • I Aiso, lot number nine hundred and seventy two in I the fourteenth district of the first section, levied on as t die. property of John Salter to satisfy a ii fa from a ■ 'justices court oi Washington county in tavor ol John > | 11. iXewton ; levied on and returned Io me by a con- j I Also, 10l number nine hurdreit and forty-four in the * ; the third district of the first section, levied on as the ! ■ propcriymf Hubert S Mullins to satisfy afi fa tr. in a (justices court m favor oi A II Palmer, bearer against : > Robert S. Mullins, principal and R Butler, indorser i ; Also, 10l number eight hundred and eighty-six in the i I third district of the first section, ’evied mt as the pro-1 ) pei ty of Thomas Dunkin to satisfy a fi fa from a jus- i j tices court in favor ot Thomas G Lyle. pt»<ITOXI D SALL. FO NOVEMBER. j A:so ioi number three hundred and eighty-two in : (lie see nd district ot the first section, levied on as th® ] property <u William Brown to satisfy a fi fa from a justices court in favor of John Cain. ; 11. BARKER. | sept 28—33 Dept. St ff 1’ ioyd Sheriffs’ Sales. t ’ X XOVExMBER. 1 I Witi be -old on tiie first Tn< sday in November next, beiweei. the It'Wiul hours of sale, at the Court it use in Ftojd county, the following property to I wi : -•...-• • Lot i umber nine in the twenty-fourth district of the third svi lion, levied on as the property ot Benjamin AV i.eacli, to satisfy afi fa from Chatham superior court in favor ot tieerge Millen. i Also, lot number aity-one in the fourteenth district of the fourth section, levied on as the properly Ste ' phen Petty to satisfy three li fas from a justices court oi DeKalb county, in tavor oi William Gilbert ; levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number tvvauty-nine in the sixteenth dis trict of the fourth section, levied on as the property of Aichee Claig and P. 11 Mae.tys security, to satisfy sundry fi fas from a justices court of Richmond county, in tavor of William White end others; levied on and returned to me by a constable. Aiso, lot number one thousand and ten in the third dish ict oft fie fourth section, levied on as the property o! William Carlisle to sandy tw>» fi fas one trom a jus tices court of Jackson cotiuly in tavor of John M’Cutclien, the other in favor of Kellogg & Sandlord; levied on and returned to me by a const ble Also, lot number one hundred and forty-six in the- third district ot the fourth section, levied on as the property of Richard H CAI dwell, to satisfy sundry fi iasiiom a justices court of Monroe county, in favorot William 1 short, ano L. tiahagan and others; levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number three hundred and twenty-eight in the sixteenth district of the fourth section, levied on as the property of Thomas ii. Shaw, to satisfy a fi fa from the city of Savannah ui favor of William A Carr. Also, lot number sixty-nine in the twenty-fourth dis- ' trii f >t the third section levied on as the property ot Thomas Pope, to satisfy a fi fa from a justices court ot I Pulaski county, in favor ot Rawls iA Jeiks ; levied on i and returned to me by a constable. , | Also, lot nutnoer 'wo hundred and fifty-nine in the thud di.itricl >t the fourth section, levied on as the ’ property ol Jaines W. Howard and John R. Howard ’ security to satisfy afi fa tri in a justices court ot ’ Wa c hiugt >n cniintv. in favor ot John VV icker; levied ! on and re’urtted to me by a constable Also, l<>’ t.umhi i’ two hiindit d and ninety-four in the hub lis.r < t "fttie fourth s clion, levied on as the pi >t>eii\ ■>fNi'Wi"ii Situs to sa tsfy afi fa from a justi ces . <>ui t >f Wattoil comity in favorot John P. Winn; h vie I on iiri'l returned tn m. by a c< nstal>le. i A'se, <>• nnmtier four hundred and fifty-five in the i third district ot the fourth sec'iou. levied on asthe pro- i party of B- nj-tinin B;< werai d Thomas Jones to sa -1 1 tistv three ti fas issued from a justices court one ■ in favorot Robert Hammond one Charles Gates and ♦he otfie'.’in tavor of Leonard Winters Also, lot no.uber one hundred and thirteen in the fourteenth district of 'he fourth section, levied on as } the propertv >f John lluinmond to satitty a fi faftum h justices court in favor <>i Samuel Tate. ; Abo. lot nuii’her eighty-nine in the twenty-third , district of the third section, levied on as the property 'of! limn: Mai atty to satisfy a fi fa from a justices ( cotJit iu favorot San ord Ki gsberry l Also, lot number two hundred and seventeen in the twenty-second district oi the third section, levied on I as the property of John L. Simsand Richard 11. Les- I ' ter to satis y t .vo fi tas from a justices court in favor of I J Wardlaw for the use ol Samuel J. Hammond. i Also, lot num >• r twenty-nine in the sixteenth dis- I : tricl <>f the fourth section, levied on as the property of Archee Claig to s itisfy two fi fas from a justices court one in favor <»t John B. Barke and the oilier in favor of William Whitt , Also, lot number one hundred and thirteen in the fourteenth district of the fourth section, levied on as the property of John IJsrmon to satisfy a fi fa from 5 11 ert Inferior court iu favor of Thomas Oliver et al administrator of William F. Cook, dec A. II JOHNSON, ( sept 21 —32 Shff. f Dollars Steward. SJW AXA WAY from, the subscriber in y JOk< Harris county, about the first of Maj iast. a Ne?r<, M n. i about 30 years of age. yell w complexion, 5 feet five I i inches high, thin visage, a course Shoe maker, and ; B'nck'rnitli l:y trade; had on w!:en he went off, a j wliic- tur hat w ith < r<»; e on it, n blue cast net cuet, blue i cloth pantaloons, and Ii id w ith him a pair <>f fair top • I boots. I have good reason t«» believe that he ha r been I induced to this course by some white man. as he is a keen artful rascal, and would not risk it without a pro j teeter. He carried off with him three of my other j Negroes, which were apprehended in a few days— | They state they were on their way to Jasper county, i j to one Robertson who had proposed to Isham to ts ke i ! them on to a free State this fall, and have since learn- i ed that Robertson has left Jasper w ithin a few days ■ , j for the gold region. 1 will give One Hundred and i I Fifty Dollarsfortlie apprehension of Isham A- the whi e : man his protector, with sufficient proof to convict him of the theft, or Fifty Dollars tor Isham alone, if deliv ( j ered to me in Harris county, or Twenty Five Dollars if lodged in anv Jail, so that I get him LEWIS DOWDELL, •ept. 14—p—31 Georgia Almanac. i HF. publication of the GEORt, I A ALMANAC, i P which is regularly printed in this office, hut fail ed for tw <» years, ow ing to circumstances which could • not he controlled by the former editor, w ill hereafter ibe continued every year, with the calculations of 1 Robert Grier, esq. The Almanac for 1834 will be 1 printed on new type and new Zodiacal and Astrono mical signs, on good paper, and carefully superintend ed Persons wishing to purchase by the Groce are requested to make early application : the price will be as low as can be afforded, to save expense and a small profit — < oniltiutionallixt. aug. I>> -26 I Vanted At this Office, as an APPRENTICE, a lad. four teen or fifteen years of age. of good habits, that can read and write. He will expect to make one of the • ! Editors family. ang 31—20 • Cass Sheriffs’ Sales. FOR XOVI.MBER. WILL be sold on the Inst Tuesday in November next, al the court-house n< Cass county w ithin u tiie usual hours oi sale. Ihe loilowiug prop> rty to-wit; Lot number two hundred and fiity-uiiii in the sixth district ot the third section, and 10l iritnber one hun dred and thiitj-live in Hit fifth district ot tne third section, levied on as the property oi Jethro Nur.'is, to satisiy two fi u>s in tavor ot Richard Butler; levy made ami teturiiid by a constable. Aiso, lot number one thousand and thirteen m the J | twenty-first district ot the second ssctioii, levied on i as the. pr qicrly of Samuel Williams, to satisiy a fi La from Harris Superior court in iavoi oi Hugh Love. ■ Also, lot number one hundred and sixiy-eigin in he i lout til district ot the third section, levied on asthe I property ol Wm. Al. Craig to satisiy a ii ta trom a Jus j tices court ol Chatham county in lavour ol Y. S. I Pickard; levy made and returned to me iy a consla ' bie. I Also, lot number six hen dred & fifteen in thetourth i district of the third section, levied on as ilie proper i ty ot John Hillis to satisiy a ii fn from a court* !ot Burke cot nty, in favorot A. 8. Jones, levy made: ; and returned to me by a constable. ; Aiso, lot number five Hundred and eighty-two in the j fourth district of the third section, levied ou as Hie I property of Alfred Nicholson to satisfy a fi iu from a j Justices court of Hall county in tavor of Henry L. j Sims for the use of J. VV. Jours; levy made and re i turned to me by a constable. | Also, lot number twelve hundred and seventy three : in the seventeenth district of the tliird section levied on as the property of Alathew Parr, to satisfy a fi ta ' from a Justices court oi Franklin county, in tavor of I John R Stanford; levy made and returned to me by a j constable. 1 Also, lot number eleven hundred and seventy three I in the seventeenth district of the third section; levied ; on as the property of Isaac Barrington to satisiy a fi la ’from a Justices court oi Jefferson county in tavor ol Hardwick and Webster, levy made and return ed to me by a constable. " Also, lot number seven hundred and nine in the fourth district of the third section, levied on as the property of William Kirkpatrick to satisfy a fi fa from a Justices court of Henry county in tavor ot James Lindley, levy made and returned tome by a constable. i Also, lot number eight hundred & seventy-two in the seventeenth district of thethird section, levied on as the property ot John Kelly to satisfy a fi la from a Jus slices court ot Han is county in favor at John 11. New ton. levy made and returned to me by a constable, j Also, lot number one hundred and two iu the ' twenty-second district of the second section, levied I on as the property of Caleb Stephens to satisfy a fi fa ; from a Justices court of Jefferson county in tavor ol John 11. Newton, levy made and returned to me by a I constable Also, lot number one hundred and eight in the fourth district of the third section, levied on as the property of Abram Cruse to satisfy a fi fa irom a Jus tices couitof Habersham county in favor fit John B. . Jones; levy made and returned to me by a constable Also, lot number seventy one in the sixteenth dis trict of the third section, levied or. as the propetly of Harris Tomlinson to satisfy a fi fa ir<>in a Justices ■ court of Washington county in lavor of AV m. 1 Hard wick; levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number three hundred and thirty-seven in tin fourth district of the third section, levied on as the property of Samuel Cook; to satisiy a fi th irom a Justices court of Washington county in lavorot James Il Tarrand; levy made and returned to me by a con ’ stable. Also, lot number thirty-nine in the sixth district of the tliird section; levied on as the property ot Thus. M’C’eskey to satisfy afi ta from the Superior court , of Green county in favor of Chloe C Colli s Aiso, Ict number one hundred and fifty three in the sixth district ofthe third section, levied on as the pro- ; petty of Harriet T. Eubank to satisiy a fi fa from Lin-1 coin county in favor of W in. C. Avery, levy made: and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number six hundred and ninety-seven tn j the fourth district of the third section, levied on as ' Ihe property of Samuel Joseph to satisiy a li fa from a | ; Justices court ol Wilkes county in favor of Joshu. R. 1 Crane: h’vy macle and returned to me by a constable, j OneNFGKO WOMAN by the name of Rachel. | twenty-i wo or twenty -three years old, levied on as the property of Joseph S. Loving, to satisfy a mort , gage fi in from Coweta county in favor ol Peter La i mar—property pointed out in the mortgage fi ia. B. T. ADAIR, sept 28 33 Stiff. • FOR NOVEMBER. i be sold on the fii-ot Tuesday in November I » v next at the Court House in Cass county, be-I . | tween the lawful hours of sale the following property ; j to-wit : Lot number sixty-n ine in the twenty-second district i . of the second section, levied on as the property of! James Peavy ,to satisfy afi fa from* Justices court of . Warren county, in favor of Bird &B. ker; levied on f and returned to me by a constable Also, lot number five hundred and thirty-f >nr in the . twenty-first district of the second section, levied on as the properly of Ford Butler to satisiy a fi fa from Cow ; ' eta Superior court in favor of John' Selle LEWIS TUMI IN sept 28—33 Dept. Shtf i FOR NONFMRER. be sold, on the fiist Tuesday in November' next, at the court-house of Cass county, in the usual hours ot sale, the following property’, to-wit:— i Lot number fiity-one in the sixth district of the third : section, levied on as the property of T. W. Dotry, to i satisfy sundry ti fas from a justices court of Henry ' county in favorot Wm. Al’Cormel ; levied on and re- j turned to me by a constable. , j ANDREW AF DONAI I). sept 28—33 Dept. Slift’. | FLOY. COUNTY TOWN LOTS. Will be sold on the fourteenth day of October next, j The Lots in the Town of the county of Floyd; Situ- I aled on the Coosa River. This Town issituated, immediately below the Head I ot Stearu-lJoat Navigation, on said River, in an eleva ted and healthy section of country, and from its local ity. presents advantages possessed by none or few in the state The sale will continue fro*m day today un til ail the lots are sold. Itrns made, known on the day of sale. JAMES HEMPHILL, j. x o. JAMES ELI IS, j. i. c. EPHRAIM MABRY, j. i. c. JOH V ELLIS j t. c JAMES COLD WEI L. j i. •. iLT" The Federal Union, Georgia Journal. Macon Telegraph, and Augusta Constitutionalist, are request ed to give the above two insertionsand forward their accounts to the court for pay in j sept 28 » a’listT Os letters remaining in the Post Office at Cherokee Court-House. on the thirtieth day of September 1833, which if not taken out in three months will be forwarded to the General Post Office, as dead tetters. B—James Bell C—Anins Chaffin I-—J O. O. Ecolds I!—George W. Hines, esq. Henry Hagan, esq James Harbourn J—Wil liam J Jarvis L—George W. Lumpkin M —Green Murseiwhite N—Capt P. Nix P—Robert S. Pat ton, Thomas Priest R—Richard V C Ruffin. 3; Ragsdale or M Ecolds S- Luke Sharpton T—James M.Towns W—John Wiley. W. G. Watkins, Wil liam W. Walker, esq. Albert A. Wynn, Thomas K. Williams, P. M. 34 WILLIAM GRISHAM. P. M. The Intelligencer /S’ PUBLISHED EVERfc JSAJT.RDAY Cobb SheviKs’ Sa\es. FOR NOVEMBER. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in November next, ai the Court-House in Cobb county, between the lawful hours ot sale the following property to-wit: Lot number twenty.fouriu the eighteenth district of the second section, levied on as the property ot Thom as Askem. to satisiy three fi tas trom the Court of corn mou pleas oi thet ity ot Sjkxannali, in fayor ot George Milieu, and others. Jmk' ) Also, lot number two hundred and seventy-seven I in the seventeenth district oi the second section, levied on as the property of Edward Johnson, to satisfy a fi ( fa in lavor S. M’Junkin. Also, 10l number on. hundred and thirty in the fijst disliict of the second section, levied on as the prop erty ot Samuel Thompson, to satisfy a fi fa in tavor of 8. Al’Junk m. Also, lot number three hundred and ninety-eight in the first district oi the second section, levied on as the properly oi Thomas Wells to satisfy a fi fa in favor of iliilyci Zabbins. A4so, lot number two huedred and eighteen in the t}veutieth uisirjet bt the second section, levied on as the property of Eredrick Hering, to satisfy a fi fa lavor oi, Al’JiftikOi &. ■Smith. Al?o, lot nutjflier one hundred and sixteen in the ’ district of the second section,levied on as the property ot Wm. Oneal, to satisfy a fi fa in favor ot 8. M’Junkin. /Also, lot number six hundred and forty-six in the second district ot the third section, levied on as the property of Benjamin Heart, to satisfy afi fain favor ot W rn. ( line. Also, lot number three hundred and sixty-seven in the nineteenth district oi the second section, levied on 1 as the property ot Benjamin Few to satisfy a fi fa in favor of b.M Junkiti. Also, lot number one hundred and seventy-five in I the sixteenth district ot the second section, levied on 1 • asthe prop.rty of Wm. Haynes to satisfy afi fa in. favor oi Al’Juiikiii Perry. Also, lot number eight hundred and fifteen in the tbitd district of the third section, levied on as the 1 property of Samuel Espy, to satisfy afi fa in favor of > 8. Al’Junkin. 1 Also, lot number one thousand and ninety-one iu 1 the seventeenth district of the second section levied on 1 as tiie property of George Kn<-tts, to satisfy afi fa iu i favor ol S M’Junkin. ' 1 Aiso, lot number three hundred and thirty-two levied > ! on as the property ot John Alayhar to satistj a fi fa in ■ | favor of 8. M’Junkin. Aiso, lot number a thousand and twenty-five in the • sixteenth district ot the second section, levied on as the ! property of Bryant Callahand, to satisfy afifa in favof , of James Everett. ' Also, lot number five hundred and fifty-seven in the 1 sixteenth district of the second section, levied on as 1 the property of Joseph Callahand, to satisfy afifa in favor of James F. Smith. Also, lot number three hundred and fifty in the first ; district ofthe third section, levied ou as the. property ■ of Fletcher and Fitzimons to satisfy afifa in favor of • Gandry & Legrail. Also, lot number twelve hundred and forty-four in the second d strict ot the third section, levied on as the property of Isaac Russell to satisfy afi fain favor ot Michael Cunningham. Also, lot number fifty-two in the nineteenth district ofthe second section, levied on as the property of Solomon Nobles to satisiy a ti fa in favor of James Hayden. TANDY K. MARTIN, sept 28—33 SheriK POSTPONED SALES. IFi// be sold at the same time and place. Lot number seven hundred and eight in the first dis trict ot the second section, levied on as the propertv ot Thomas Lyon, to satisfy a ii la in favor of John Lof tin Also, lot number six hundred and eighty-five in the third district of third section, levied on as the property of Elijah Nash, to satisiy a ti ia in favor of Boyle Webb. Also, lot number two hundred and eighty one in the , twentieth district ot the second section, levied on 'as the property of Abel Brooks to satisiy a ii fain favor ot John Boyte- I Also, lot number one hundred and eighty nine in i the twentieth district ofthe second section, levied I asthe properly <>i llyraui L >nd. to satisfy a fi fa in ftnr | vor of Alien CastleLery. Also, lot num er two hundred and eighty-one in the sixteenth district >f the second section, levied on as the properly of William Carnes, to satisfy a ii fa in fa vor of John Boyle. Also, lot number five hundred and ninety-six in the ’ seventeenth district ofthe secom 1 section, levied ojt ! asthe property of Merit Chandlers, to satisfy afi fa in . favor of John Boyle. | TANDY K. MARTIN, I sept 28—33 bberiff. FOR NOVEMBER. WILL be sold at the plate of holding courts in the county oi Cobb, on the first Tues day in November n< xt, between the usual hours of sale, the following pioperty, to wit. L"t number seven hundred and sixty two in the seventeenth district oi the second section, levied on as the property ot Burns Crow to satisiy a fifa from a Justices court in favor ot Thos. L. ’Fanner. Also; lot number five hundred and eighty seven in the seventeenth district of the. second section, levied on as the property of William Bryant jun. to satisfy a , fi ta from a Justices court of De Kalb county tosatisly a fi fa in favor ot John AA 7 ilson. Also, lot number eleveu hundred and sixteen intbe niiicteenlh district oi the second section, levied on as the property ot Jesse Duberry to satisfy afifa in fa l''r(>i vt m & D. Watson from a Justices court of ' Monroe county. Also, lot number three hundred and six in the nine teenth district ol the second section levied on as the property ot W. 1,. Southall in favor nl Towns Leby fiom a Justices court ot Bibb county. # Also Jot number fivu hundred and twelve in ’he nineteenth district ot the second section, levied on a* the property of Lewis Cravy to satisfy h ft la in favor i us IV. W. Walker from a justices court of Harris ) county. Also, lot number three hundred and ninety in th* sixteenth district ofthesecoud section, levird <-»mis the i property ot Reuben By num, to satisfy alif uin favur<4-’ ; John Gainer; from a justices court. ! Also, lot number one thousand and eight in the ' eighteenth district of the second section, levied on aa the property ot Samuel G lading to satisfy afi fa in fa vor of Crayton Smith from a justices court Also, lot number three hundred and thirty-nine iu the nineteenth district of the second section, levied ota as the property ot John B- Barke to satisfy a ft fa in I favor of Oliver Reid GEORGE W. WINTERS, sep. 28—33 Dept. Sheriff. FKANKeIn’ liOTEE, lH‘‘: j* MILLEDGEVILLE GA. Till undersigned continues to keep open the a hove well know tavern, and is prepared to en tertain boarders and travellers, individuals and lama lies, as comfortably as at any other establishment in the up country, and on terms more moderate than at any other in .Milledgeville. Ho calls the attention of the members of the Legislature, in particular Du ring the sitting of the late Convention, while the otln r taverns were exacting two dollars a day for a man and horse, he was charging only one dollar and fiily cents ; and it is not his intention to alter his rates— His rooms are numerous, large and convenient—lsis table is furnished with the best provisions afforded by the market—his bar is stocked with choice liquors—• bis stables are large, in good order, and wi ll prov endered —and his servants and ostlers active and ex perienced By strict attention to business, he hopes to merit and receive a share of public patronage. AARON .-EAIiUF. sept. 11——M.- —Bl