Cherokee intelligencer. (Cherokee (C.H.)) 1833-1834, October 19, 1833, Image 3

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| 1* ,1 F.fSiih iV is h-ffeby oat’i >.'ia-J to c.iuib • Li- pini'i! itibi Hud. such <1 >cu ivu j*s ' •) ; j p. pi h a.s any coal tutuiciitu to the people s * iiifot =n v.ion in to the nature and opeta ti<»ns of the B mk.” 1 n inri 1 , it is presumed, of these rcso ‘ Li ions, 'he iivni <>l stationery and printing w»s j itici f isedt i!in in.' ibu fi si li ilf . d iiu> year 1827, ' t • »he etnntinius sum of ( J 2 exceed- iir" thill of the pi II nj y•: ir by S2J OJJ, nil exceed io/ tit-* s'’"ii ni.t'-t tl expeudiiui c ol '* 1 829, npwirds ol S2O Odd. Tile Expend ,*! AectiittH ilsell, as in ide up in ibu book which ; w.ik submitted Io us, coin-mind very little iu f.>rui :>ioit relitjve to eic pirticul.trs of this ex- j pondituie, and we were oblig'd, inorder to ol>- i tain tliein, t<» resort to an inspection of the I vouchers. Anin’ whin sti.ns was one of; $7,301, st He I to be piid oi orders of th'.: ; Preu .leu’, ui J »r (lie res ilu i in »| Hdi Mitch i iSJI, and tin’ orders theuTselvos Were the only mmu Jvts of dm expen ii ire w he.) we on i ft a iiii ! ot the orders, to thn anipnut ofa- k ti hi' $ I .;>')•.) st >!ed t'lit die expen d;lire wis j far d’s ribtniii/ <j •ner tl S o di’s an i hL. Me -1) ilh ’s lep n s, oi l M . G’s pampal-i; bn die rest s'uii.d gr-iicr ; y ui u ii was made, j tin ier lh« res il.iii oi of l j.ii March 18JL Them w re .d.s > it imc.-ous bills mj-l receipts [ 4‘f I'Xpeu ii ii. es io i:i tivri i ,l.s, on »:ig them , :>f G 4 s and Semtot, 3 )'J f.»r distribiitiug { ■Mr. Gill'lie's pi-.n.m ■ >i’ iVuiiim F. y f.n ' It iidn.'i md T’t> i, 31.67.) 7h l>r 5,0 ) ) copies Gener 1 Sm’li’s and VL MD mi r ‘pm ts. &.*,; of Jesse il irdm4, $4 10 for Ll,O )0 extra p port, of th- A<ii"iicau 8;m ttr i $125 73 ‘o oiiutiijg. fildin;’. ptckinc an I pus i_*es on I H)0 extuis; V .loi.u Fry, 31,830 27 fl, U-.IW i'?h of 50,0)0 copies v.f he iN i ioom G iz ttn J snp; iernmi s ■ i.n i.mng addresses to l onberi ol tae S ate Legislatures, review <)f Ol soeecii, .lbs •UC i» >. U -1; ns’s article I; I>n the \ s.-i ic hi ■2 • 1, it a- VJ(!W| '* |i| It *<• i). •!) ii i' ,j’ c ,)|' 1 'J’r*'Bmm; ol Jniws Wdvm, $1 4)7/3 for 23.000 I > ties ',f the . .•p,,.n is o a|, . Ajr-, Dull] ■ m ■ >I . S n.ib, auil.l’H 2 ij> )0 cop ea of 1 t.e adtiess to m ni.<ers »t n■ Si i.e L y -.ia tures, a-ir -e il»l y to or lei and hitlers Ir on J >ba Sei .ni’, Es<|., and of Carvey and L ' 3 -.05i) fir 10,000 cop es of (jf.dla'm hi B-mkmg, ano [ •2,000 <• , H» of P.ofessor I’ucke. ’s ai ice. Duing lb' b ill year ol 1331, the item ol s ahmv> v and oriii'ing w is I rd wlii' b 3') 010 were paid on orders u| inn Pres , nd s’aiHil omT'lly o be under me ; resoltiiion ol Hih Al wen, 1831, ana o>i,-i sons 1 were pmJ to in livi hi ils, is in tiie previous ; iic.CGun s, lor piitiiing and distiibuimg dacn-■ inents. During the fi st !i;l; year of 1832, a ; item i of Stationery and Prinunj w IS $12,134 16. ol ; which ,'»(2,i50 iri's atc'd to have hmm pud on I orders ol lbo J’l midmi', utider tbn resold Imul ! 11 ii M ircli 1831. raere are also va i his in ■ dividual pivne'ii.s, of which w<a noticeu $11)6 28 Ii 11 air, J’ardiir & C tor 1,000 cop so, tile Revi« w of Mr. Ifn i oil’s speecn, $2 >0 so, copies of (he Sinn ’ty Cmnue ; to (ides & Sealon for 20.000 copies >d ’a pamphlet concerning the Bank.” mid 6 )U0 > copies of the initmrHy report relative hi lie 1> ink; ari l $ 1.800 • VI iuu‘W S. Chin Ci okel for “300 copes cl Cl iik'‘ & Udi’s bank 1 book.” j , Din'rig the I st hdf year oi 1832, the 11 tn i of'Staiioui • v i” * H inting, 1 dsn f i ,^26, 3 13,72, oi which ,53.333 me stmed io 11 iv" om a pa<d on orders (>;’ .!> • Pi -idem , mi lm I I.* resolu tion of the 11 1 March 1831. knimig Um Ppeeiii d chai;;< s we lixn v< $B2l 78 ’ > Jos per lliiduig, for p witiiig aievi' wot Hie veui; sb. f win . speei i. i'atiK l> ic.imi i) .', oi l Review <3 he Veto; $4.1,05 13 •<< W ilimn Ei V. for 63,000 opi< s f V):. \V- Uster’s, ]\]r. Id.ims* 'iiri Mr. Ale!)’Hile’s rt'po ~ and the niijoritv nel m.ti' i v ‘port; ."3235 lot 14,000 extras . ol “the Pr itec’O',” c.i i. .atilig Bi:>k i) ten men's, $2 583 30 'o Mi IL idle, for pi uilin<? and distrin .thr,!' Ileporis, All. ’lV<m Sier’s speech, & $l5O 1.2 ■" M F !| ’" r jirinliii'' the sm- • s ('Messrs. Cl iv Ib-.v ng tind Smith uid 4 . I I on’s repair, $1.5 12 75 to M Claik, for pritiiing M'. y V r’s Bpei ch ii I ari ic l< >■v•'o; and $ 2,4 ’<) 6.) o Natlinii Ii lie for 52 500 co >i< sos M .\\ -e ’s Spei rh. ’i’liei ais dso i r'.i irge ol $ >,OIO. i paid on ord'*'* of the Piesi leni, si iii l '' om •> is for expo ses in nie wiiios tor pro* ting ’lih | 1’ k, i'.'ii is' a ion on he VVestern B iiieie s. |) ring ih<» fi si hdfve p of’ 18.32. h< > ''in of s I'iotoiv md ii Hi ng wis $9 01)3 53. of whirl) $2 600 i.e stat" i to have been pai l oa (h.lhis of die I* ■ I " f , under he resolution ol > lli't M idt IS I! I’here is also ach irge of M -i s. G d 8. ,i ( |) <p’ 4809'3. for or H. ng tin ileporf oi !• Exeliiib'e C >mm ee. H vm.) m' !e this ex mim itiou ofihe L<- pcnsi Ari ini, we we < no) only s ruck wit ) . tin I O'gi sum th it h ' I 'al'lll expend’ I, under I the head of S t >i • \ m l !’ n'intn '‘m! Inn years tonim'd refni', hot dso Ilin I evident ibh'o scy l> ■.» w >s, thal ike H’Vuiints ■ should lu so sia'ed. is » :• i tbl ■ the Directois and S.ockhol I ■ *<> -H'Citm) ’lie pt' ■ Mums of mun a i.e» •!, t'u» -piiiii v Hid 'limes of the doriiiiie is ni-he I, >i id th'» • spen- ; «e» ot' dish ibn'i > i ml east i • 'Vi.'.t H'is ' nhjrct wo s ate I at th las mne ing i f the j F.x mhisp Vcf'iti i , m 1 sab 'nite I the follow*- fug lesolnl iot'S. •‘Where's it a'p-i's by the Expense \ ’- O'lltHs of the II io (’ i" r’v y'•;« 18)1 ail I 1 1832, hi! upwards of eighty (housind dd lais w i»- ex »<i :• i md rh'irm»d under the Load of St ii'oilery an.l P'iirin' di in.' 'hit period——th it a I iri.’p prontv • ion id this .vis , pul ’o the t)iti nieto's of news')oics -ind • periodical jHirnils, anl for the n'iiiting, dis ’ tribiitiuii and posta ».•• of immense immliors of nimphle’s led nowsp in rs— md th >' twenty tliousin l 3<dt >r- won' exnended. na- • Jer the res lii'ion* " r 33 h \ ivenjb'" 183'3, Uild llth M ircli I ; 3|, wi'h > i .riv iceocn: * of th’ mil)!)'" ’n wi'ch. or the oeisons to wh >m th" 'Hi’ «'ero disbursed. \e I where as it is expedient and prourr, ilnt the pir ticiil i s of i e\,.<> s I i ■•, so ' >rge m d mvi- d, which cun low be asceita hnl nnlv hv the ex im u i’i'll) of num " .ms bills <>J te- shad I h-* so as to be readily t ted ic anl by the B nrd of Duc.ciors and die Stock hoi. Ims; ‘i'lieicloro, it. solved, 1a st imj Cashier l.i nish io the bait J, ut as early a diy as possible, a full and slaieiuaiii ot all these expen ditures, designiiing iii-o snnu of money paid so each person, the q i.iumy anl irisivsof the d'ocumems printed by him, and his charges for tile distribution and postage of the same, to gether with as iuil a siaicmont, as tn iy be, >4 the expenditures on orders, under the re solution of November IS3J, and llth i M oc'o 1331. v/e ascertain wuctner ; expeudHuies ol the same c'i iracler h.iva been ! m ide at any ol the oi’i :es, and, if so, pro ! cure similar siaiements thereof, with liio au ■ inoiiiy on wmcii they were nude. Tbit ; ilie said resolutions be rescinded, and no fur jihi r expenditures nude under the same.” ; I resolutions were postponed on the m >’;ou o| oiia ol the directors, tor the pur i p >se ot introducing a substrate for them, oy Uie vote ut all present, except o irseive.s . and one oliiei m .‘tuber of the board. I’ne ; resoitiiioii substituted wis as f illoivs; “R •- (solved that the board have confi (.mice m Ute i wisdom and integrity of the President, and ;hi (lie propriety ot the resolirions of ine 130 ii N ivemoer 1833, an 1 llih M ircti 1331, . ind eiiteriaiu a |.ni cnivtction oi,- i si.y ol a letiewed aucn ion ;o iii.< onjcci of <n :se resoluiiuns; an i th it the President be inttlur z d and req le.sled to c intin 10 Ins i ’.'X-'' ’ io is tor tae pi o n high of siid objects.” Viewing this as indie iting an mt tiiion, . wni h w s indeed avowed, to continue, and even i-xtend, tue sys em of I tvish expendi ture!, md to atith'jriie di-bursem-nts, the par ticulars of which could n n be cloudy as ce tai.led, e’uiier by the boarJoi tiicir consli luents. And icg u ding it also as evincing a iesi. e io cie'oo’iiot our remunstr.inces, against lite c iini ii i oi oj sucii a system, by a re- Jh, ence to tile peison d character and mo tives ol he P si i- nt of the insuiutio.i winch were n»t driwn into discussion or qi' , i.)u by nv, w oil'red. as *n amend i >uijo , in 1 to io vmg res dm tons; ‘‘Resolved lit.a wiiile tits bind NJpu* • entiie cotifi f deuce in tie iiieotiy of he Presidon, they j tespiictltdly req u-h ni to cause the pirti li'Hins ol the xpend tures, made ilider he rosi.iu: on- <4 30 h .November 1830 an l 11 n Al uca 1831, to be so stated, ill :r the s one >m iy be readily snbmoed to an f • x '.rtmed by he Bui'd of Directors and :hn Stock holders. Resolved, that the said rfsnlnoo'is ' be rescin l"d, and no further expenditures be i made under the s ian*.” This amen Imoni met Willi tlio same fa « as our previous e solutions, being rejeetml by the sime veto J and (he resolu iun offered as a substitute w i passed. j f’liese, sir, are the circumstances attend in? lite best ex imin ition we ti ivc b" ri able to make, in regatd to the mat er* ret'mif’d to us, by your let’er of ;.h" 3 1 in*' mi. S.i mi i in’y not prove sutli >-m iy m ; miu , or our rop.nt stiffl- ieiMlv '•x.ibci:, w mu* jin*'i , f on) (fie course p't sii ! ! It\ tie B -,»• i, I when our resol'tltoas woe i i n.iicd io ih in, jth it a m )!•<• ex iri * r.'iiir in cm only be <>b i taim>.l, by an agent directly aa'ir.H ised b‘ dir IjX" ’ir ive. W i (ye th” b.mor to Im Wall gre t, re* >‘C’, vour obi. servts. JOII N r. SULLIVAN, II i) GiLP.N, PiITKR WAGi-.R, Hi' Hl Mi ELDCRRV. B VLD’AIN COU \ i f ELE ' HON. Inn .km, 391 C.awtoid, 347 1 I M’C.mth. 343 B >yakii>j 33'3 M.irrav, 387 J itirdan, 343 Grigg, .238 il 11, 285 No R itilicatiuu, 389 Ratilication, 350 Rai huiii— M’Comb—M nrrnv, Jourd tn. rkb'v—[,ini'.)i‘, G’oce, Crmf'rd — Potter —Brown, King. 11insfiii Marg in—L iwson, Lngram. / t itiinni~Ct ir.l m Meruw • ner, Cooper, S mlord. iF'S'ti — S iffold—C ii rie, R ‘biris-m, W irilieil LiHe>- fi-'int ilij '" 1 >'l C'-aaf)''* w Vn'iifi- Ciltiii'i, Ulif'ir.i. P'iitfei'i. Pri 'f rs' //rri/s X'c. f> fitltni it n (7iiit'i, J ins ciuntj <ia. dated SriiirA, S p.ember 16, 1533. “Dear Stit I write at die instance of a com mm fneml, who yesterday informed me Itho 'in* V:.l nious fib icalions of the •‘Federal LTti.o’i” uid Augusta Courier impeai !ihi:» my cons.s eucy mi l linti iess iiad a c’ old ! crebh iu die couuiV ot Junes, even wiiii s*ime |of my oldest and unis’ esteemed acq ’mu in i cos. ’ i 4 pho c’lumiiv prop.igtied, first by M'Whor ' lei of August i,'Hid ifterwatds by Cu liber' and j Polhill is I’uis—th i’ whtLl at tin.* hie com meucemi'iH, the N diili rs held a caucus m-1 by persuasions or ill; ea’s of opposition prev id l'd wiih’lie- *d acknowledge mv approval o| the N ill.f) iu_’p-ocee I ngs oi' Carolina contrary to 1 die opinion* lit “• hmetolrne expressed. Now s i. pern);! m * >o assure you <m (lie mast s tored pled"<s th H Hie "de of ties statement is a delib ‘oriie and wilful fdsehood. I heard ’hat there o is on the i)i?ht before <• unmeiicemont it the h m*eof Gon. II trdeii in Vhens i caucus or cousultjitow of gentlemen wiio r illed the u*elv< s Null it os ; but I wis neither H, l)‘” invited to be ai the meeting, n »r did mv comm-tni’ ition nu my subject wh ituver ■p ** between them md mvsrlf. I say n>w no ■>a ci or hods' ■•}'men up to this mameui his ev» x 3 t.» o-opuse to me ’ho terms on which I might Live their siq port, except eld i Q lien of (he ConX'Htitionnlist, and pßrlnpse 1 1 I one or two other impudent fellows who h ippen ; i just now to have, ch iri’f of papers: all (nose < j have been treated as M’ iVuorier’s insolence ’ j was, with the contemptuous silence they deserv- i | ed. The assembiv of Nu'lifinrs did, /am told, I agree to support my election un inimoasly, not i because I approve the proceedings of Carolina, • for m uiy of them had about th .' s ime objections I to it that / h id, but because betwe. n them and • myself on the general Tiieory of S ato R ghts ! , there w k known to be a perfect of huntiment. Whilst nowever lli tve ever be-* ■ licved that. Carolina h id run in an unfortunate i ( error, one in which / could not support her, it I ippeared to be absalut'' m.tdnes* in any Georgi- • ;m to censure her, or take sites against her. '' j Her cause was our cause—-sha w is struggling a jgiin*’ illegitimne and ruinous tax ition—-i Ta-i j riff on which Georgia eluring thesame sum ner, i ii id bestowed ten thousand curses—md if Car- , i "Una hid been lucky enough to hive bullied i ; Congress off the ground it took in 1828 in de- I fence of ihe Federal Constitution, we should ' have enjoyed all the benefits of die achieve- i meat. I did sincerely hupe tb it Carolina ’ ( would thus bully the Congress, bit it was rath- I ; or hope th m expectation : for I never had con- ! j silence in the experiment. ■ Perltapse I ought io apologise for troubling 1 you with this letter, but for the particular re quest of an old acquaintance and friend of you s in this county it is probable it would nut have been written. M ike of it uch use as you please, except to j pri ll :t. lii ivc a sort ofh >• ror of primers mil nroi'ers* devils, anl wish tnemiugei hold of i . Ii: I<>f my writing as possible. Very respectfully, yam obedient servant J. CRAWFORD. FORIUG.V. Fil rd tINGLXND. By the Britannia. Uapt. Sketcriley, the editor of; the New York G izetle Slave ieceived Cneir Loa- ; don p ipers to (he 15'h, and Livorpool pap «rs to tap ( 17th ult two days ia er than former advues, but I they contain very little of interest. The Petersburg G izette contains a leitet fmin ! Count Orloff io the Reis Ell'i ndi, and die answer of the latter respecting the debarfure of the Russian Auxiliary I >r'as i’rmn the Bosphorus. i'he, - are only interesting as an official eonfirmation of the previous areouiHs of the gm>4 understanding be tween the iwo powers A letter, s iys a London paper, h is peen rereive i from Gen. Sal ianiia. stating that tw ■ French in*’uts hid refused to fignt in the attack upon ()• > pi rn, assigning for c mse tha' tn-'v na-l De-m ill 'treated after the department uf'J.ti. -mlignae. ; A Deputation from die '.Vest In iia In crest, in- ! j elu ting Vlr. B irge tue agent lot J un ii'-a, .8:i \iex- i ian i Grant. Vto'srs. itrigiii an l I’n.lp ,i s, had '. an interview wiiii ilr. S-. i< taiy Stanley .mme 13th i inst. at ttie ’ ?..l >rii il O fine. dr. .St int;-) w<s ac ( compantß'l liy iw-> oi ais colleagues, me Duke of )*!'hmoiid and the Earl of Ripon. i lie cuufer- i ence l isted upwards of two inurs. lii * si.lit' oi lrela:i l continues to present a hap py cmiirasi c> its condiiion six months ago. I'iiat ! country is m fact so trinqml that die Lord Lieute- ; anl ti is declared that in ease of neceasitv he •‘!i i Hd no. be afraid to dispense with a cuusidera bi ■ portion oi Hie troop ther . Falmuvih, Aug. 13, 1833. tii ■ t 'orsair yaclit atrivod tu re .his morning, Iron; Liv.'hhi whivn she left on the Ist inst. — : 1 lie Ipllowi.ig news will be impresting. and will ; *ho«v lie state ol the pulibc mind in the city. Don ; was p inlicly walking about with the great est conli'lence, uuarmed ami unguarded, ana wa» i greeted with (tie warm ‘st ccl.i'ii.itions. j The Corsaicr called off Oporto on the sth, but t ‘ no'.hnig of importance had occurred since our last ' ’a I vices. i tie Migueiites, iioiv< ver, continue to j hairass tiic city by contniuahy tiring on the town j and at ail the boats winch come wit iiu tiic range o? their guns. Al Oporto they were anxiously ' i expccibig that the lities ol Don Atiguol would bt ■ ' iirok' iby troops from Lisbon No m"vmuent bad i taken piace at l.isiion for dial purpose, and, in the j present state ot aif.uis, it does mH appea. likely j ! a sufficient force could be collected by Don j Pedro. The contending forces al (Jporip must i (herctiire fight it out. Frum tic ColbisfratoT'. JOLKA EIH EN I’IUM'ERS. i Tiic to:iuw.u 0 jus; nibuic .a tim.irtP ii genre and worih of jo'ii itoym :i p: inicis r is fiorn tiic* rem irk* ul Al i. iew L. Divis, esq. spoken lie lore die New-Y o> k I’vpo.j soviet) , ul ffteir inntveisiiy on itie Hui ult. and the oc casion of nts bt nig toasted tiy one of the mcin bers. W’e > ecoinuieiitl,it to our leaders tn gen eral, and tn<>ie pnocitl trly to those who are un .«< q'i inied wnti til- v is« l ibotii .md nne win. u is’tqi •") iu nk"a fi itshed wo: km in. The jo'iiiieytneii printers iliiongiicut the (’mod Slates .lie deeply imlepted to Mr. D ,vtx fwi tins well rnerib d compliment; “Al . Davis said, litis cmnpliinem was as mi' xpocied as n was gr liitymg in Ins frmlin"-*. He ti l l cliee.i luily ..ccepted their invitation, bee tuso it always atiaided him pleasure to com iiingle with men whose present pursuits wete those oi les early life. Tim scenes of tins (light recalled to his memory the events of olden times, md revived lecollectiens which were sacred to friendship, On his right hand w is a vener able friend, Mr, Hopkins, bj the side ot whom, in the same printing office, more thin forty years ago he bad worked. Mr. Davis sod he and his friend had just been speak reg of the progress of mind, and that tiiev It ul concur;ie<| in the opinion, that there wis more practical knowledge among the Journeymen piinteis, than was to be found in any other profession, or class of sWcietv in the United St ites.—That profession, lead mg them to a con-tan* perusal of books and periodical works, they from necessity, in (')•• r daily hibits, increase their intercourse in life. Knowing these firts from long ex experience and tnucli observation—knowing in geuer d th it the printers were self taught, self educated—md he intis: repeat liighlv in telligent, how could he feel otherwise than gratified in exch mgiiig courtesies a’ 'he fes tive boird, with such men as those by whom he was suiruimded.” VAGRXNT IM ’OSTORS. Under this he>id, the Westchester Herald gives the toll iwmg fir’s; ‘•There are a mu: her of mnidle »rcd w ’’ inwho traverse t:i© Uu I .■<! S. ♦ . * tbroagh, r.n*l impnu on tfu? wonerpspv of d )e I public. i hey have printed pennons masltcd' on muslin, which side, that tUey* h, lVe been wrecked and lust their ali, on a voyage from Europe to this country, others, that fciey have been wrecked among the <ind their families at this iini e held in slave, v, ! and their wish tf> raise funds to purchase their liberty. They generally h ive the namooftho; Captain With whom they were wrecked, sign ed to the petition, and sometimes certified oy a notary public to be tine. They usual ly pretend to be ignorant of our language, al i though ihey will to some speak it well. 1 neso petitions are to be procured in .New Yoik, at 50 cents each! They have been practising this imposition about thirty i years, and it must be unquestionably the da ily of every ci izen lo expose the impostors ;io the public, that we may guard against | them.” to — I THPLENDID thpeaker. I Die Ednor of the Witness, published in Mid ’ dletown, Conn, ilinaiuredly publishes at full length ) tut. only speech ol an aspiring member of the le * gislatuie, during three years. He says the reader I mast ‘imagine the tall and imposing figure of the j or tor .reduced to an angle of forty five degrees— I -ns legs, cr<>,.k-am-his arm-, ramp ant —bis hands, -raa-ani —'ns ev .. s sqint am—Uie scintillations of i«,i..n tiisbicig fiorn the latter io such quick suc ces-,'wn ho t |,. v f )>nn , s | ja | o oj g| ur y splendid head and expressive face. ' Here is ihe speech: I “ U'lhet Thpeaker—Anti) 1 had the honor to I mtrodutb thith bill. 1 th- ir ought to path.” DI t ' U hat’s the meaning of ditto, father.” enquired a sick green horn, as he was hoeing cabbages one bitie Monday. “ Ditto—ditto,” muttered tin md man "why booby, here's one cabbage head '•’J 'He’s another. Flrat’s htto !” ' I’o .T J,:*, ‘ '>y ho. ■ dad. the,, lam done wh Sal; a;, i squeezed her hand fortlie last time, about day ! morning, a id mureH. n> pr«uy i L’lghsh. that I should like to get married she | signed d i-t-t-o!!” Greenhorn's ‘'tender I passion ’ was now t urned to sour erout. CONUNDRUMS »»hy is a crossed eyed man not entitled to a vote? Because >!• is not naturalized. "by is Black Hawk like a miller’s bag? Be cause he H S ac . hy is the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland like a ' man inquiring wha’ o'- lock it is? Because he is ; as King for the time. A; iv is a peach *ti-.e like an a'tiiy? Because , it c.Hi’.iins a kernel, l.’olnnel. . A liy i.s a printer like a cook? Because he has I a finger nt dje pie. Wiiv is a dry liliei'er in Newgate, like a traveller who his caught a rhemnaiism ala bad Inn? Be cause he suff-rs lor lymg in damp sheets- A iady w o had been just three davs married, perceiving her husband enter, stole secretly behind j h’m and aave him • kiss, the husband was angry, and said she off'-nded against decency, Paidon j me. exclaimed she, J did not know it was you! MARRIED In A'lraria. Lumpkin County ori Gears at evening AI. ult. By James Proier esq. Danvej. (1. Candler, esq. to Miss Nancy C. Mathis, daugh ter .Allen Mathis esq. formerly of JefTersou, Jack son COUIHV. GRIEVE NOT FOR ME- There is a sorrow in my hear Th'*- wir’d may never know, A I'3'ig th t never will depart Till Oe.itii •'ihll lay me l->w, Yet in mv features vt bo can trace The inw u'd agony I Tu all I wear n cheerltil face That none in.iy grieve for me» I dare not (ell iny nearest friend The anguish that I feel ; It would her failli til bosom i*en<l. And mine it could not heal. I would no eye for me should weep, N > heart forego it-glee. And hence my woes I secret keep Th it non'' may weep tor me. My stif’rings soon must have an end, For life is on its ebb ; The Autumn leaves tlmt first descend Will find me with the dead I wi-U mv ! ill might be ’ike theirs. From lamentations free 5 I ask no uni:vailing tears. No friend to grieve fur me. A b ind there is in yonder sphere That beckons me on li’mb, A still srna’l voice is on my ear That v hhpers I must die. .And what is death ? a door toblfes inliiiite in degree, And if my friends remember this How can they grieve for me » O if thej* knew my hearts' despair; The ruin of my peace ; I 'tliey could view the vultnm there Whose, ‘eastings never cease. They would not clinin me to my woes But freely let rie flee: N.>r break their own pure hearts repose, By grieving after me. Grieve for themvlves that they are left A thorny world to trend. But not for those who go to rest Among the rpriet dead. No tiightful dreams disturb the mind Tlio’ dark ilie mansion hr. And if I thither sink resigned ? Why should they grieve forme. Aronn I mv bed no brothers bow No sisters, vig Is keep. N > mother bathes mv aching brow t)- fan* tn*- while I sleep. Ala«. their care would al! he vatu To stay the de«th-d< rr< e : Th.'ir presence would but give me pain To see them grieve for me. B :t there are those T dearlv love Wl.n«e pilgrimage is o'er. C» f ! -dto the regimes of light and love her,- sorrow is no more I IriniMr liop.> C) God to find A ’’ ■>•))■• with th"m and thee; A ' ! I ’-op.r)l|,.|i the f iends G hj, d T'huinuse may rri?v.e MARY DOW. Come in littlu stranger, I said, As she tapped at my hale open dootg hilu toe blanket pinned over her Just reached to the basket she jaore*. A look full of innocence full >* rom her modest and pretty blue eye And she said, I have matches to sell, And hope you are willing to buy, A penny a bunch is the price ; 1 think you’ll no» find it too niucly They’re tied up set even agid nice, AnJ, ready to light with a touch. I asked, what’s your name little gid? ’Tis Mary, she said, “Mary Dow,” And carless'y loosed off a curl That played o’er her delicate brotv- My father was lost in the deep The ship never got to the shore— I he mother is sad, and will weep, When she hears the wind blow and soaroar— She sits there at home witout food, Beside our poor sick Willie’s bed-; She paid all her money for wood. And so I sell matchess for bread. For every time that she tries, Some things she’d be paid for, to make? And lavs down the baby, it cries. And t ia* makes my sick brother wake. I'd go ro the yard and get chips, But tt,«n it will make me so sad; To see men there building 9 hips, ’• And thia . th y had made one so baU. I've one other gown, and with care, We think it may decently pass. With my bonnett that’s put up t o wear To Meeting and Sunday-School daw. I love to go there, where I ant taught Os One, who's so wise and so gootf; He knows every action and And gives e’en the raven his food. For He, Jam sure who can take *Sncn fatherly care of a bird, V) >ll never forget nor forsake The children who trust in his worl. And now if I only can sell I he watches I brought out to-day, I think I shall Ho very well. And mother’ll rejoice at the pay. Fly home little bird, then I thought, “Fly home with joy to your nest.” For 1 took ail the matches she brought— And Maty may tell you the rest. SIXES GOES) ~ , MINE FOR SALE. 1 . y,2 ~ i;> ~ 2 ' k "*' w » as the. SIXEB GtrLp . .YILNi., is for sale. Ii ii minecessnry t<> describe the Lot, a» its mining rpniliiies are already generally known to tait»ei», a« one of the most vahmble Gold .Mines in Georgia A creek runs through the lot s uf ficient for t wen :y rockers. amt good bouses are built ready to commence working. Letters, post paid, Nt [ reeled to me at I'altahassee, Florida, will be answered, a liberal credit will L»e given for the purchase money.’ THOMAS G. fIOn»UN. oot s—p M if you have the (CASH. 1w H s il at, w GOLD LOIS ind J.AvD | I.Ol’S on good term*, socli a« No. 442—12—]• 'o 137—13—1 ; No. -15—2 ; No. 771—17—2 ; ? o’. .(jp-.-oj—3. LAND LOTS. No. 205—15—3; '•«». | ' Amy person wishing to purchase any of j the above < nuied LOTS, can make application to tke »subscriber LEASTON SNEED. Bark ('amp. Burke county. sept 21 k 32 VALUABLE ~ GOLD \N*D LAM) LO'I’S FOR SAI.E The subscribercffeis the following LOTS for sale : Number District Section 753 3 2 132? If) 2 LIB 3 4 l?l 3 3 3M til H 273 S » 4'5 «2 9 Any person in the np-country or elsewhere, wishing Ito purchase <itl;er of the above Lots, will find the i owner in Milledgeville, about the. tenth and fifteenth j December next, at .Mr. Buffington's board ig hoii«e. DAVID.) MILLER. Ware county, oct 1?—0—25 ~GOL. 5> --ITTA I> ! AT DIIVATE .-AU'.. PORTALE The following Gold and Land LOTS vir f GOLD LAND No. 153 SD. 1 S. No 7 7D. IS. 317 !» 3 J 2 5 2 J 1<»21 21 3 1f,2 12 3 1134 B 8 64 If) 4 126* It 1 54 8 2 419 13 1 76 12 4 SH3 K 6 155 8 2 1291 14 1 175 !0 1 1235 Ift R COP 5 4 336 3 t Apply, ia S vannah, so Dr.Gf.ORGI> MILLTN, or M. MYERS. oct 0—0—34 BLANKS. CLF.UK’S SUBPOENAS.’ Juror’s S •imnmnso\ ziro A7.I R RrA GPL IG F VSE'A. For eak <rt tkh