Cherokee intelligencer. (Cherokee (C.H.)) 1833-1834, October 19, 1833, Image 4

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Murray Slieri ft’s’ 52 ales. FOR. NOVEAIiJE%± WILL be sold, uh the first TueX win November next, at the house of colonelX^J. Humphries In .Minay county, the place of holding courts "in sa,d county, as directed by tiie Inferior Courlj ta: tween the lawful hours of sale, Rie following property, '°AJsa. loL number one hundred and fifty-six in the. tenth distfri<;Oß the third section, levied on as the pro perly of ZiW* Al. Laws and John S. 11 >ll to satis fy a fi fa from Richmond Superior court in favor ot * - Jiogli Taylor. . Als'jAut number one hundred and twenty m the tW'yMWurth district of the second section, le vied on ' hi PGd'Bfoperty of William S. Johnston tosatisfy a fi fa from Morgan Superior court in favor of Saffjld .Y Porter. , , -< Als i, lot number thirty-three in theßixfn district ot. the fourth section, levied on as the property of Wil Mam 8. Johnston tosatisfy two fi fas from Morgan su perior court in favor ot Billfold A Porter.. Also, lot number one hundred and sixty in the twenty-seventh district of the third section, levied on as the property of James II I’erry to satisfy ali la from ® justices court in la. or ot Cook. Also, lot number sixty-four in the’lourteenth district •f the third section; levied on as the property oi Tho lu is Murray to satisfy a ft fa from Lincoln Superior court in favor of 11. Burnett for tiie use of Joseph W. Cooper and other li fas. e ... Aho, lot number one hundred and eighty-nine in the ninth district of the third section, levied on as the pro perty of Robe# Johnston to satisfy a fi fa from a jus tices court in favor of Al. F. Nall &. Co. A so, lot number two hundred and ninety-eight in the eleventh district of the third section, levied onas the property of Henry M’Donuell to satisfy a ti fa in favor of Michael Prendergast. Also, lot number two hundr id and fifty-five in the tenth district of the fourth section, levied on asthe properly of Matthew Knight to satisfy a ft fa from a Justices court intavorof Daniel Duke. Also, lot number seventy-five, in the thirteenth dis trict ot the third section, levied on as the property of Samuel satisfy a ti fa from Lincoln Inferior Court in favor of Peter Lamar. Also, lot number sixty-seven in the eighth district of the fourth section, levied on as the property of John L’tnier to satisfy four fi fas from a justices court in fa vor of Charles Cazgill. Also,l it number three hundred and nineteen in the tenth district of the third section, levied on as the pro perty of Isaac Gray to satisfy a fi fa from Gwinnett Superior court in favor of James H. Kidd. Also, lot number two hundred and eighty-seven in the tenth district third section, levied on as the pro perty of Reubin R Dardin to satisfy a fi fa from a jus tices court in f .vor oi John C Gibson. A ! so, lot number two hundred and forty in the «!e ' lith district of the third section, levied on as the p 0,. - tv of William O. Dabney to satisfy a fi fa from Oglethorpe Superior court in favor of Samuel Apple ton. Also", lot number filly nine in the twenty-fifth dis trict < i the second section, levied on as the property of j A 'stern Evans to satisfy a 11 fa from a justices court in , favor of John Jordan. Also, lot number eighty-seven in the twenty-seventh ! di rict of the third section, levied on asthe property i ot W dliani Dunn to satisfy a fi fa from a justices court ju fa or of oim'iel <l. Robison, it being the place i whereon Thomas Bryan lives. I Lot number tw.mty-six in the ninth district of the | third s'ctiou.aad lot number fifty-1 wo in the eleventh ; dislric md third section, levied oil as the property j of Ila n Coker, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of John 11 ■ liar die ; levied on and returned to me by constable j Also, lot number one hundred and twenty in the I Jlinlh di Irict of the third section, and number one hundred and seventy three in the ninth district of the f third section, levied on asthe property of J Nicholson ; to satisfy n fi fa in favor ot Robert A. Rolle; levied ] on and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number two hundred mid twelve in the foil item th district of the thud section, and lot num- i her fori v in the sixth district of the fourth section, 1 levied on ns the properly of W satisfy a : 1 fi tn in lav >rof W B. Towns ; levied on and returned | I to me by a constable. . P \i -,i. lot number eighteen in the sixth district j or •'* t >u"ttr —'-rrvtv»r> »•»<! number one hundred i ! anJ ti'ieiy-nine in (lie sixth district of the (otirtli sec- [ ti . . levied on as illproperty oi W. Morgan, to sat- 1 1 jsty afil" in fivorot II Ferrell; levied on and return- ! I ed '<► me by » constable Mso lot miinb -r two hundred and fifty-one in the ei'l, 11 distrut d thethird section, levied on asthe ' »r . v 'll E. ’ rost, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Thom as t.k <; levied on and returned lo me by u consta- ' ble Ah". >t number filly-two in the ninth district ofthe ' till" I 'icti iti. levied on as the property ol A. Adams, to < iti-ly a li la in lavor of Thomas Ricks, levied on hn ' r'turned to me by a constable. > so. I d number one hundred and sixteen in the ! tv > 'Mt district oi the fourth section, levied on as the |. t>r- i"rlv o lulius G. Darby to satisfy aft fa in favorof ] !< ■ iiiitler: levied on and returned to me by a Ci 'able S', ' >t number one hundred and four in the ci 'i listrict ofthe fourth section, levied on asthe ! £ fv >1 'A nliain Mullins mid John Mullins, to sat- I i , , in I ivor ol Richard Butler; levied on and . r> lto in liV a constable, • lot , '.n u-r seven'v iu the fourteenth district c '1 se, .on. and lot number eighteen in the I I li .t. .a t of (lie third section, levied on as the i j t ot •* Adams to satisfy aft fi in favor of W J ii.; I< v’i‘d on and returned to me by a con * ’ >t ri'n 'bi r sixtv-ninc in the twelfth district < <J ~ec , levied on us the property ot I 11. \ r, to ■ isiy afi fa from a justices court of ! ’ 1 u.i'dy, u favor of M. i’rendergrast, for the ' Gulltti rtin. » i,'i' wo hundred andseventy three in ! ■ ol the thud section, levied on as > F Herb, to satisfy a li fa from a , o aim county in lavor ol William 1 t \ BeimeU. ; a ■'u.'iib.T t widve in the tenth district of the [ i tiun i' >»ii as the pr. perty o J B Rob to ■ i' iiitan um a ju >i - court of Chat- Lein < .mull ia i o of \1 Prriidergra t \l- i | ■ i miii' r two hit id cd and ninety-eight Z'i i,i< uh li trict o! ine ■ i.r,i sri, .urn, levied mi 1 u. iv "f Henry M'Doittial!. tosatisfy n fi ta 1. >. , " ly er and Terinir er nt the city of >Sa- t.H < ■, in iavor oi M I’rendergrast J C. BARNETT, st ,>t - t 3 Sheriff. r >R NOVEMBER. ''w s . 'h f ■ Tuesday in November •v 'h place w here Col. J. J. Humphries f. 't'il li iti ; < 'ini m Murray county, a i 'iy a I ■ ml; between the usual h • :.»i "via property to-wit: i ■ \ ilr.'d and seventy in the ele- -t- th h n th I'ctiou, levied on as the V i C - ■to satisfy sundry ti las in ta- •’ 1 a .tn -a. i 1 ui ami returned to me by a ch oiun ' ii |v-t\v > in'he i\\ etilv-fif'h district t i i-v <'■ on ns the property of Wil hai i- ti iv • fl hi in tavor of SaniUel M'Jun- • ..ui relti aeti to me Lv a Constable, un'.ier . ''l y-eight iu the ninth district sec'i >■’, lea I'd on i s the property of Wil- > > • "misty -a dry fi fas in iavor of M. ' •'•ihrtisf ol r . and D. Dobbs, levied on and »' * > aic bv , constable ' rnher fijcin in the eighth district ofthe t I'vied ' n as the propertv of Mark sntisK a fi fa iu favor of SmnuM M'Jttn- • >u oi'i returned to me by a constable. >' miuiber o i.- hundred mid six in the twelfth ' - tti ■ to irib -ection. levied on asthe property 'll Darby to smi-ty a ti ta in lavorot Samuel d din '-vied on and returnedto me bv a consta- ble. M" t a Himber one hundred and eighteen in the twelt' ■> ' '<-1 ot ti ' >n-‘|> tecti'in. levied oh ns tin ut JmitM ta sati 3 t|- aftta in lavoj j uFßuft»neT'M‘J jn!iin,levied oh ah 3 returned to me by a constable Also, lot number two hundred and sixty-six in tiie eleventh di-trict of the third section, levied oil as the property of Pleasant R Mays tosatisty u li ta in tavui of Henry Joiner,-levied on and returned to me by a i constable. ‘ • I Also, Lot tiumlrer ninety in the nineteenth district ot 1 the fourth section levied on as the property ol Hil | limn C. Killgore tosatisfy a fi fa in.favor ot fldlyer I and Robbins, levied on and returned to me by a con [ stable. . - Also, lot number two handled and cighty-nine in I the fou’itecisth dist'ict the third section, levied on as i the property of Aldridgi Bunn to satisfy a fi ta in favor j of Jesse Johnson, levied on and returned tome by a ; constable. i Also, lot number one hundred and eighty-nine m j the ninth district of the third section, levied on asthe ’ property of Robert Johnson to satisfy a li la in iavor ot f Middleton F. Nall, levied on and returned to me by a l constable. . Also, lot number seventy two m the thirteenth dis trict ofthe third section, levied On as the property ot Samuel Jeter to satisfy a li fa from Lincoln Superior court in favor of James Lamkin and other fi fas. J. J. HUMPHREi S, oct 5_— 31 8. Forsyth Sheriffs’ sales. FOR NOVEMBER. j WSTILLbe sold at the Court-House, in Forsyth ■ comity, on the first Tuesday in November J next between the lawful hours ol sale the following property, to-wit: | Also, lot number one hundred and five in the first ■ district of the first section, levied on asthe property of James Kolb, to satisfy a ti fa from a justices court ol : Walton county, in favor of Samuel M’Junkin; levied i on and returned to inc by a constable. I Also, lot number three hundred and thirty-eight in the fourteenth district of the first section, levied on ns ! the propeMy of Irvin Lee,tosatisfy Hfi in Irom a jus j (ices court of Walton county, in favor of James Orr; ! levied on and returned to me by a constable. Lot numtier seventy-seven in thethird district of the i first section, levied on as the property of Amos Ellard j to satisfy ali fi) from a justices court of Rabun county i in favor of F. A. Brown, for theuseof Sirason Dover; I against said Ainos Eliardaud James Ellard, security' levied on and returned to me by a constable. I Also.lot number one hundred and sixteen in the 1 fourteenth district of the firs', section, levied on as the i property of James Allison, to satisfy two li fas from a i justices court of Muscogee county, m favor of Job i Rogers; levied on and returned to me by a eonsla : ble.’ i Also, lot number six hundred and sixty-seven in the ; third district of the first section, levied on as the prop erty of Thomas Morgan, to satisfy a fi ta from ajnsti ' ces courtof Wilkerson county, in favor of James llay i den ; levied on and returned to me by a constable. I Also, lot numberfourteen in the second district of | the first, section, levied on as the property ot John C. I Ilelversori, to satisfy a fi fa from Bibb Superior court in favor of Michael Prendergrast. Also, lot number eight hundred and seventy-two in ! the second district of the first section, levied on asth • properly ol George Sturtevant, to satisfy a fi • from i a justices court of Chatham county, in favor of Pierce ; Howard; levied on and returned to me by a consta ' b'e. Lot number four hundred and twenty-three in the j second district of the first section, levied on as (he ! property of John C. Blance to satisfy a fi fa from a i justices court of Chath in county, in favor of O. Al. I Lillibridge ; levied on and returned to me by a con j stable Also, lot number three hundred and twenty-six in tin? first district of the first section levied on as the I property of J. Johnson to satisfy a fi fa from Richmond I Superior court, in favor ot P. 11. Mantys. Also, lot number tour hundred and thirty-one in the ! fourteenth district of the first section, levied on as the I property of Ira Barton, to satisfy a ft fa from a justices j court ot Richmond county in favor of I’. fil. Mantys; i levied on and returned to me by a constable. I Also, lot number one thousand and twenty-eight in .i i i 4.• . . c 1 1. . r... . i 4i.«. the second district ot the first section, levied on as the property of Henry Gulledge, to satisfy sundry fi fas irom a justice* court of DeKalb county in favor James Kirkpatrick; levied on and returnedto me by a con stable. Also, lot number twelve hundred and nixty-three in the second district of the first section, levied on as the property of George VV. Thomas, to safisfy a fi fa from a justices court of Coweta county, in favorof MJun kin & I’erry; levied on and returned to me by a con stable. Also, lot number five hundred and six in the first district of the first section, levied on ns the property of Timothy Bradford, to satisfy a fi fa from a justices court of Walton county, in favor of Samuel M'Jun kin ; levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number one hundred and forty-four in the fourteenth district of the first section, levied on as (be property of Martin Kendrick to satisfy a fi fa from a justices court of Wilkscounty, in favor of Adams & Towns; levied on and returned to me by a sonsta ble. Also, lot number five hundred and six in the second district ot tiie first section, levied on as the properly of Christopher M’Kurd to satisfy a fi fa from a justices court of Cass comity, in favor of Mary Fierce ; levied on and returnedto me by constable. .Also, lot number three hundred and seventy in the first district of the first section, levied on as the proper ty of Needham Smith and Fereby Evans, to safisfy two li fas in favor of C. M. Roberts ; levied on and return to me by a constable. Also, lot number five hundred and ninety-five in the second district of the first section, levied on ns the property of John F Herb, to satisfy a fi fa from a jus tices court of Chatham county, in favorof Amasa i Bennett, (eviedon and returned to me by a constable. I Also, lot number forty-two in the second district of I the first section, levied on asthe property of Charles j R. Cosby, to satisfy a fi fa from a justices court ol I Walton county, in favor of Samuel M’Junkin ; levied I on mid returned to me by a constable. I Also lot nuinbvr three hundred and eighty-five in the I second district of the first section, levied on as the ! property ot R. 11. Weston. Samuel M’Juiikin and J Fo! gersoii, to satisfy a ti fa from a justices court of Walton county, in favor <>i James Austin; levied on and returned to me by a constable. POSTPONED SALE FOR NOVEMBER. I ot number two hundred mid forty-one in the se ■ coin! district ot the first section, levied on as the pro perty ol Joseph B Avin to satjsly sundry fi fas from j a justices court in favor of Kelly & Cannon. JOHN JOLLY, sept 28—33 shff. FOR NOVEMBER \\ ill be sold on the first Tuesday in November I next, at the Court-House in the county Forsyth, be tween the lawful hours of sale, the following propertv. ! to-wit t Lot number fix e hundred and fifteen in thethird dis ' trict ot the first section, levied on as the property o ( James Maremanto satisfy sundry fi fas from a justice: court ot Wilkes county, in favor of Abner Wilborn ; levied on and returnedto me bv a conctable. i Also, lot number four hundred mid seventeen in tin j first district ot 'lm first secti n. levied on as the prop erty ot Peter ’Trammel, to satisfy sundry fi las from < justices court of Wilkes and Lincoln county, in tavo "l /Miner Welborn, levied on and returned tu me lo . a contable. Also, lot number eleven hundred and ninety-om in the fourteenth distrift ot the fir t section, levied oi as the property of John Deese, to satisfy a fi fa frooi ; I justices court of Jones comity, in favor of John M<i' , gan Bearden ; levied on mid returned to me by a con • i stable. . : L"t of land number twelvein the second district o - the first section, levied on asthe pro|>erty of Saxtni 'Crow to satisfy afi fa from a justices court-of llaj i county in favor of Hugh Wilson for the use of Williaii Blailosk ; levied on aud returned to me by a consta I ble Also, lot number two hundred and six in the fir> i district of tb> firs' e<-ctio:i. levied on as the projiert e of 'I J !> M.tore to satisfy a fi fa from a justice r court of Walton ebuiitv in favor of Samuel M'Junkii T loviwj «b and retained tu me by a constable I , Also,lot number nihebnndrcJ’tnd fbrfy-ni’nct in (“he I fourteenth district ol the first section, leviedoii as she ; property of Sealmtn J fecruggins to satisfy sundry fi : fas hum a justices court oi Jackson county in favor of ' l.lijah Oliver ; levkdon and returnedto me by a con stable. Also, lot number one hundred and four in the third I district of the first section; levied on as the property j of William G. Jones to satisfy two II tasfrom ) courtof Jefferson county in favor of Joint 11. Newton; ■ levied on and returned to me by a constable. ( Also, lot number seventy in the fourteenth district | ot the first section, levied on as the property of J. J. ;Fi ; k ainl It. N. llicklatid to satisfy two fi fas from a ; justices court ot Washington county in favor of John I Newton ; leyied on and returned to me by a consta- I ble. Also, lot number nine hundred and seventy two in I the fourteenth district ol the first section, levied on as ' the property of John Salter to satisfy a fi fa hum a ’ justices court of Washington county in favor ol John j 11. Newton ; levied on anti relurnedto me by a con- Also, lot ntitnber nine hundri'd and toi ty-fout’tn the •the third district of the first section, lev led on as the ! propcity of Robert rs. Mn’llins to satisfy afi fa from a justices court in favor of A. 11 Palmer, bearer against I Robert S. Mullins, principal anti R. Butler, indorser Also, lot number eight hundred and eighty-six in the 1 third district of the first section, levied on as the pro i port}' of Thomas Dunkin to satisfy’ a fi ta from a jtis t tices court in favor of Thomas G. Lyle. POSTPONED SALE FOR NOVEMBER. ; Also, lot number three hundred and eighty-two in ' the second district of the first section, levied on as tlo> j property of William Brown to satisfy a fi fa from a I justices court in favor of John Cain. I 11. BARKER. I S ept 23 33 - Dept. Bl ff Floyd Sheriffs’ f FOR NOVEMBER; j Will be sold on the first Tuesday in November next, between the lawful hours of sale, at the Court : House in Floyd county, the following property to w * l: — Lot number nine, in the twenty-fourth district of the third section, levied on asthe property of Benjamin W. Leach, tu satisfy ali fa from Chatham superior court iu lavorot George Millen. l’ Also, lot number fifty-one in the fourteenth district ofthe fourth section, levied on ns the property Ste phen Petty to satisfy three fi fas from a justices court of DeKalb county, in favor ot William Gilbert; levied on and returned to me by a constable. « Also, lot number twenty-nine in the sixteenth dis trict of (he fourth section, levied on as the property o . Archee Claig and P. 11. Mantys security, to satisfy sutidrv fi fas from a justices court of Richmond county, ! in favor ot William \A hitc and others; levied on and j returned to me by a constable. I Also, lot number one thousand and ten in the third district ofthe fourth section, levied on as the property of William Carlisle to satisfy two ft fas one from a jus- I tices court of Jackson cotiniy in favor of John : M’Cutchen, the other in favor of Kellogg &, Sandford; I levied on and returned to me by u const Ade i Also, lot number one hundred and forty-six in thc . third district of the fourth section, levied on as the i property of Richard II Coldwell, to satisfy sundry fi i fas from a justices court of Monroe county, in favor oi t William T. Short, and L, Gahagan and others; levied ! on and returned to me by n constable. i Also, lot number three hundred and twenty-eight in ■ tb.e sixteenth district ofthe fourth section, levied on as 1 the property of 'Thomas B. Shaw, to satisfy a fi la from i the city of Savannah in favor of William A Carr. Also, lot numtier sixty-nine in the twenty-fourth dis i tiictoi the third section, levied on as the property of • Thomas Pope, to satisfy a fi fa from a justices court of i Pulaski county, in favor ot Rawls &, Jelks; levied on 1 and returned to me by a constable. i Also, lot number two hundred and fifty-nine in the I third district of the fourth section, levied on asthe property of James W. Howard and Johtiß. Howard ; security, to satisfy a fi fa from a justices courf of Washington county, in favor ot John \A icker ; levied I on and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number two hundred and ninety-four in the fifth district of (lie fourth seclion, levied on as the . property of Newton Sims to sa'isiy a fi fa from a Justi i ces-cxuirt ot Wakoii county in favor of John I’. AA inn; I levied on and returned to me by a constablej I Also, lot number four hundred nnd filly-five in the third district ofthe fourth section,levied on asthe pro ; perty of Benjamin Brewer and Thomas Jones to sa tisfy three fi fas issued from a justices court one in favor of Robert Hammond one Charles Gates and the other in favor of Leonard Winters. ! Also, lot number one hundred and thirteen in the ■ fourteenth district of the fourth section, levied on as I the property of John Hammond to satisfy a fi la fiom | a justices court in favor of Samuel Tate. I Also, lot number eighty-nine in the twenty-third ; district of the third section, levied on as the property I of Hiram Malmffy to satisfy a fi fa from a justices court in favor of San'ord King-berry. Also, lot number two hundred and seventeen in the twenty-second district of the third section, levied on as the propertv of John L. Sims and Richard 11. Lis ter to satisfy t .vo fi fas from a justices court in favor ot J. Wardlaw for the use of Samuel J. Hammond. Also, lot number twenty-nine in the sixteenth dis trict of the fourth section,’levied on as (lie property of Archee Claig to satisfy two fi fas from a justices i court one in favor of John B. Barke and the other in favor of William White. i Also, lot number one hundred and thirteen in the fourteenth district of the fourth section, levied on as 1 the property of John Harmon to satisfy a fi f-. I Elbert Inferior court in favor of Thomas Oliver et al I administrator of William F. Cook, dec A. 11 JOHNSON, sept 21—32 $l5O Dollars Reward. J® AAAWAY from, the subscriber in J M i Harris county, about the first of May last, a Negro M u. X ■ ISHASI, about 30 years of ago, yellow complexion, 5 feet five inches high, thin visage, a coarse Shoe-maker, and Blacksmith by trade ; had on when he went off. a white furhnt with crape on it, a blue casinet coat, blue cloth pantaloons, and had with him a pair of fair (op ; hoofs. I ha? e good reason to believe that he lias been ' induced to thisemnse by some white man. as he is a ; keen artful rascal, and m oufd not risk it without a pro tector. He carried off with him three of my other Negroes, which were apprehended in a few days— They state they were on their way to Jasper county, to one Robertson, who had proposed to 1-iiam lo take I them on lo a free State this fall, and have since learn led that Robertson has left Jasper within a few days for the gold region. I will give One Hundred and Fifty Dollarsforthe apnrehcnsicnof Isham A the white man. his protector.with sufficient proof to cm? ict him i of the theft, or Fifty Dollars for Isham alone, it d'div cred to me in Harris county, or Twenty l ive Dollars i if lodged in anv Jail, so that I get him LEWIS DOWDELL. I sept. !4 —r —3l Georgia Almanac. FHI JU', pnbliration ofthe GE.ORGI \ ALMANAC, J S which is regularly printed in this office, but fail led for two years, owing I circumstances w hich could ] not be controlled by the former editor, will hereafter he con'inued ever}' year, with ti e calculations of ’ Robert Grier, e e q. The Almanac for TS34 will tie > printed on new type and new Zodiacal and Astrono j mica! signs, on good paper, and careful! v supenntend- Jed Persons wishing to purchase Lv 'he Grnce are , requested to make early application : the price will be as low ns can be afford'd lo save expense nnd n | small profit.— Consfitutianallist. ’ nn g. IP. I "anted i At this Office, as an ABPRE.NTICE, n Ind fonr i teen or fifteen years of age. of good habits, that can ; i road and w r je. He w ill expect to make one cf tjie I TmEuots family.- ujj 31—29 Cass Sheriffs’ Sales. FOR aOV LMiiER. "S,/ ILL be sold on (he first Tuesday in November i < W next, at the court-house in Cass county within 1 tiie usual hours oi sale, the following property to-wit; Lot number two hundred and litiy-niiie in the sixth district ot the third section, and lot number one bun-1 died and thirty-five in the fifth district of the third I section, levied on as the properly oi Jethro Nor/is, to satisfy two li fas in favor oi Richard Butler; IcVy | i made and return! d by a constable. ( Also, lot number one thousand and thirteen in the s twenty-first district of the second svetion, levied on 1 as the property of Samuel Williams, to satisfy a fi fa , from Harris Superior court in favor ot Hugh Love. | Also, lot number one hundred and sixty-eight in the J fourth district of the third section, levied on as thel ' protierfy ot Win. M. Craig tosatisfy a li la from a Jus- , tices court of Chatham county in favour of Y. S. Pickard; levy made and returned to me oy a consta ble. Also, lot number six bun dred A- fifteen in thpfourtb district of the third section, levied on as (he proper ty of John Hillis tosatisfy a li ta from a Justices cot’rf of Burke county, in fayorofA.S. Jones, levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number five hundred and eighty-two in (he fourth district of the third section, levied on as the property ol Alfred Nicholson to satisfy a fi fa from a ; Justices court of Hall county in favor oi Henry L. Sims for the use of J Vv . Jones; levy made and re-j turned to me by a constable. I Also, lot number twelve hundred and seventy three in the seventeenth district ol 'he third section levied ‘ on ns the property of Mathew I'arr, to satisfy a ti fa / from a Justices court of Franklin county, in iavor of John R. Stu .ford; levy made and returned to me by a constable. j Also, lot number eleven hundred and seventy three i in the seventeenth district of the third section, levied i on as the property of Isaac Barrington to satisiya li fa , from a.Justices court ol Jefferson county in iavor ot I Hardwick and Webster, levy made and return- ; ed to m,e by a constable. _ # < Also,' (yt seven hundred and nine in | the tourlh distnct of tiie third section, levied on as the property of William Ko kpatriek to satisfy a fi ta from a Justices court of I eery county in iavor of James Lindley, levy made ami returned to me by a constable. Also, lotntimber eight hundred & seventy-two in the j seventeenth district of thethird section, levied on as j the property of John ?<elly io satisfy a ti i < from a Jus- i slices court ol Harris county in iavor at John 11. New- I fton, levy made and returned lo me by a constable, j Also, lot number one hundred and two in the / twenty-second district ofthe second section, levied > on as the property of Caleb .Stephens to satisfy a ti ta I front a Justices court of Jefferson county in favor oi . John H. Newton, levy made and returned to me by a I constable _ | Also, lot number one hundred and eight in the j fourth district of the third section, levied on as the ■ property of Ahram Cruse to satisfy a fi fa from a Jus- ; tices courtof Habersham county in favor of John 11. ! Jones; levy made and returned to me by a constable I Also, lot number seventy-one in the sixteenth dis trict of the third section, levied on as the property ot { Harris Tomlins oi to satisfy a fi ta from a Justices , court of Washington county in favor ot Win P. Hard- ; w ick; levy made and returned to me by a constable, i Also, lot number three hundred and thirty-seven i in the fourth district of the third section, levied on as | the property of Samuel Cook; to satisfy a fi ta from a Justices court of Washington county in favorof James II Tarrand; levy made and return! dto me by a con stable. Also. lot number thirty-nine in the sixth district of the third section; levied on as (he property ot Thus. M’C’eskey to satisfy a fi ta from the Superior court of Green county in favor of Chloe C Colli .s. Also, let number one hundred and fifty three in the sixth district ofthe third section, levied on as the pro perty of Harriet T. Eubank to satisfy a fi ta from Lin coln county in favor of Win. C Avery, levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot nuihber six hundred and ninety-seven in the fourth district of the third section, levied on as the-property of Samuel Joseph to satisfy a fi fa from a Justices court of Wilkes county in favor of Joshua JR. Crane; levy made and returned to me by a constable. | OneNFGRO WOMAN by the name of Rachel, twenty-two or twenty-three years old, levied onas the property of Joseph S. Loving, to satisfy a mort gage fi fa from Con eta county in favor of Peter La mar—property pointed out in the mortgage fi fa B. F. ADAIR, sept 28 33 ShfF. FOR NOVEMBER. SL WTILL be sold on the first Tuesday in November V W next at the Court House in Cass county, be tween the lawful hours of sale the following property to-wit : Lot number sixty-n ine in the twenty-second district, of the second section. levin i on ns the property of I James Peavy,to satisfy afi fa from a Justices court of j Warren county in favor of Bird <t Baker; levied on ! and returned to rne by a constable. Also, lot number five hundred and thirty-four in the twenty-first district of the second section, levied on as the properly of Ford Butler to satisfy n fi fa from Cow eta Superior court in favor of John’ Seller. LEWIS TUMI IN. sept 28—33 l)ept Stiff. FOR NONEMRF.R. | be sold on the first Timsdavln November nest, at the court-house of Cass county, in the usual hours of sale, the following propertv. to-wit:— Lot number fifty-one in the sixth district of the third section, levied onas the property of T. W. Dotrv, to satisfy sundry fi ftis from a justices court of Henry ’ county in favor of Wm. IM’Conncl ; levied on and re turned to me by a constable. ANDREW M DONALD, sept 28—33 Dept. Stiff. NOTICE. FLOYD COl’N'l’Y TOWN LOTS. Will be soldon the fourteenth day of October next. ; The Lots in the Town cf tiie county of Floyd ; Sitn i ated on the Coosa River. I This Town issituatod. immediately below tiie. Head of Steam Boat Navigation, unsaid River, in hi eleva ted and healthy sei'tion of country, and from its local ity, presents advantage-; ,os=os«ed Ly none or few in the state The sale wit) continue from day today un til all the lo's are sold. Terms made knomn an the dm< of sale. JV.IES ll' Mi’lHLL.jr. i. c. J AMES EL IS. i. i. r. J'PIHtAI H MABRY, j. i. c, JOI!' ELETS, j i. c .1 AMES COLD WELL. j. i. c. (EP Tim Federal Union. Georgia Journal, Macon ; Telegraph, nnd Angustu Constitutionalist, are request i ed to ri’. e th" above two insfrtions and forward their ■' accounts to tiie court for payment. sept 28 m 33 A LIST? ClfleHers remninlnrr in the t'otf Dljire al Cherokee I Court H' usr. tin the ihirticth da}/of Sep'embcr 1833. trli th if not talen out i three months mill be forwarded to the General Post Office, as dead letters. , B—James Beli C—Amos Chaffin E—l ‘O. EroMs IT—George W. Hines, ""q. Henry Hagan e=q Harbourn J—VA il- liatn I J " vis I,— Gei rp" AV Lumpkin M—Green H'lssfdwbitc N—<'apt P Nix P—Robert S. Pat ton, Thomas Pri-st R—Richard V C Ruffin. 3; . Ra;-o!ale or AT. E.' olJ* S- I.nke Sharpt ni T—James M.Towns W—John Wiley. 'A'. G. Watkins, AA’il limn W A v a!kcr, esq Albert A. Wynn. Thomas R. Williams, P M. 34 WILLIAM GRISHAM. P. M. The Intelligencer ‘ IS PUBLTSHUD EVERY 6ATVRDAY MDItNTNC. Cobb SbeviVfs’ Sa\es # FOR NOVEMBER. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in November al the Court House in Cobb county, between life lawful hours of sale the following property to-wit i- Lot number twenty-four in the eighteenth district of the second section, levied on as the property ol Thotfln ♦ as satisfy three fi fas from the courtof comjr * mou pleas of the City of Savannah, in favor of Georgp Millen, find others. Also, lot number two hundred and seventy-seven in the seventeenth district of the secondsection, levied, on us the property of Edward Johnson, to satisfy a I)' ”■ fa in favor S. M’Junkin. Also, lot number one hundred and thirty in the first, district of the second section, levied on as the prop- " erty of Samuel Thompson, tosatisfy a fi fa in favorof S. M’Junkin. Also, lot number three hundred and ninety-eight ia the first district of the second section, levied on as thf property of Thomas Weils to satisfy a fi fa in favor of llillyer Zabbins. Also, lot number two hundred and eighteen in the twentieth district of the second section, levied on a» the property oi Fredrick Hering, to satisfy a fi fa favor of M’Junkin & Smith. Also, lot number one hundred and sixteen <nthfl> seventeenth district ofthe second section, levied on aM -* the property of Wm. Oneal,to satisfy a fi fa in favoj? ot S. M’Junkin. Also, lot number six hundred and forty-six in tlift second district of the third section, levied on as th© property of Benjamin Heart, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Wm.' Cline. Also, lot number three hundred and sixty-seven ii> | the nineteenth district ofthe second section, levied ora ; as the property of Benjamin Few to satisfy a fi fa iu, favor of 8. M’Junkin. Also, lot number one hundred and seventy-five irt the sixteenth district of the second section, levied oi> as the property of Wm. Haynes to satisfy a fi fa iu favor of M’Junkin A: Perry. Also, lot number eight hundred and fifteen in tliek third district of the third section, levied on as tha property of Samuel Espy, to satisfy a fi fa in favor S. M’Junkin. • Also, lot number one thousand nnd ninety-one in the seventeenth district of the second section levied ou as the property of George Knutts, to satisfy a fi fa itx favor of S. M’Junkin. Also, lot number three hundred and thirty-two levied. - on as the property of John Maybar to satisfy a fi fain favor of S. M’Junkin. Also, let number a thousand and twenty-five in the sixteenth district ofthe second section, levied on as the. property of Bryant Callahaud, to satisfy a 11 fa iu favor, of James Everett. Also, lot number five hundred and fifty-seven in th& sixteenth district of the second section, levied on iws.. the property of Joseph Callahand, to satisfy p fi fa in favor of James F. Smith. **. Also, lot number throe hundred and fifty in the first district of the third section, levied on as the property of Fletcher ami Fitzimonsto satisfy a fi f.. in favor ot Gaudry & Legrail. Also, lot number twelve hundred and forty-four in k the second district of the third section, levied on aa. ” the property of Isaac Russell to satisfy a fi fain favor; of Michael Cunningham. Also, lot number fifty-two in the nineteenth district ofthe second section, levied ou ns the property oF tjolomon Nobles to satisfy ali fa in favor of Hayden*. TANDY K, MARTIN,, sept 28—33 POSTPONF.I) SALEB. fl'il! be sold at the same lime and place. Lot number seven hundred and eight in the first trict oi the second section, levied ou as the property of Thomas Lyon, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of John LoG tin ’ Also, lot number six hundred and eighty-five in th© third district of third section, levied on as the property of Elijah Nash, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Boyle Webb. Also, lot number two hun(lred and eighty-one tn tiie twentieth district of the second section, levied on as the property of Abel Brooks tQ satisfy a fi. s jt favorofJohn Boyle. Also, lot number one hundred and eighty-nine in the twentieth district ofthe second section, levied ou, as the property of Ilyram Laud, to satisfy ati fa iu {aft. t vor of Allen Castlebery. Also, lot number two hundred and eighty-one in the sixteenth district ofthe second section, levied on as the property of William Caines, to satisfy a fi fa in fa vor of John Boyle. , Also, lot number fivehundred and ninety-six in the seventeenth district ofthe second section, levied on as the property of Merit Chandlers, to satisfy a li fa in _ favor of John Boyle, TANDY K. MARTIN, sept 28—33 Sheriff; '/ | FOR NOVEMBER. be sold at the plate of holding cout'l4 in the county of Cobb, on the first 'Tues*, day in November next, between the usual ttoqts of sale, the following property, to wit. Lot number seven hundred and sixty two in the. seventeenth district ofthe second section, levied on as the property ot Burns Crow to satisfy a fi fa from a Justices court in favor of Thus. L Tarnier. Also, lot number five hundred and eighty seven in the seventeenth district ofthe second section, levied on asdlie property of William Bryant juti. to satisfy a fi la from a Justices court of De Kalb county to satisfy ti fi fa in favor ol John Wilson. Also, lot number eleven hundred and sixteen intha i nineteenth district ofthe second section, Ic-vii d on n*' ' the property of Jesse Bilberry to satisfy afi fa in fa for es \t'm. &. D. Wuisou from a Justices comt of Monroe county. Also, lot number three hundred and six in the nine,-. ' teenth district of the second section levied on ns the, property of W. L. Southall in favor of Towns 6; Leby- , from a Justices court ot Bibb county. Also, lot number five hundred and twelve in the nineteenth district ofthe second section, levied on as ( the property of Lewis tjwivy to satisfy a fi fa in favor ufW. W. Walked irom a'justices court of Harris county. Also, lot number three hundred and ninety in fl;.e sixteenth district oflhesecond section,levied onas the property of .Reuben Bynum, to satisfy a fi fa in favorof l John Gainer; from a justices court. “~" Also, lot number one thousand and eight in tiie eighteenth district of the second section, levied on as, the property of Samuel Gladingto satisfy a fi fa iu fas vor of Crayton Smith from n justices court. Also lot nntnbf-r three hundred and thirty-nine ira th" nineteenth district ot the second section, levied ora asthe properly ol John B. Barke lo satisfy a fi in it* favorof Oliver Reid. GEORGE W. WINTERS, sep 28—33 Dept. Sheriffi f ll a skE in sl6 tl: iJ, J 3. MILLEDGEVILLE GA. Til!' undersigned continues to keep ofw?n flu?** bovc well know tavern, nnd is prepared to en tertain boarders and travellers, individuals and lies, as comfortably as at any other estaldishinem ia the up country, and on terms more moderate than at any other in Milledgeville. He calls the attention T of the memliers'of the Legislature, in particular D'te t imr the sitting <.l the late Convention. \\ Mie the nthi-R taverns were exacting two dollars a day for a mail and hoist, he was charging r nly one dollar and fifty j cents; and it is not his intention to alter his rate- ! His roomsare numerous, large and convenirm'—lda : fa de is furnished with the best provisions afforded by the mark; t—his bar is stocked with choice liquors . hts stables are large, in good order, and well prov. Rendered and hisgervants and ostlers active aud II perienced. Bv strict attention to Imsitics- he to merit and receive a share of public patronage AARQN SE-WX. |. sept. 14 3f-