Cherokee intelligencer. (Cherokee (C.H.)) 1833-1834, December 07, 1833, Image 1

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lIWEIsMCJEWJE] chlrokeu- in rELMGENCER, -d />■ • <■ .ratir, /■’< j>::b'iraii, NEirSt’APEll-, , Published <>f ED. AIIWAIT, ,'i< ;'(>':•( < >H !>!. Gt. »ev iTF.u c> •»-nr. rr:r.s;:i:v\tk)n op tjje ITMON And tk< ■' '> • ■■7?' H ( > f the STATSS:/ sycopjiant oi no P«rty, !b ■ slnndetcr of no Indi vidual. tin; iiieud of JACKSON. Publis'n ti. mice a ireuk 'U If’ •”’> i f, coin? Proprietor, Editor and Publidur. T- fiMS. TIfE.IXTf iJJGENCER. t« published ut three iollarsa year to subscriber'?, when paid in advance >r al four dollars, if not paid until flu* <• the your No paper will be discontinued, but at the option of the Edit >r. to any subscriber in arrears. Adorli'cairn''-eid Job Work will tic executed at th<‘ customary price" ■ ’oni’iiu. ic tn i'.o F >i(or must tie post paid to entitle, (fa mi to attention. No subscription received for less than a year. rxr.f'U't’nßw w» wministr vrons’ bitty Notice to ftel.fnrsnnd Credifnm < be published six wetks.- r. W. Digest. na?e 157. A I intend •<! >•!’ sos •> r»'nl« and chiifflro, totos’iitoi or irf •••fiHi’s (zor.rl-; and < h:it|l<.« shall be jmldi.-hr ‘ i ! t« no. ni .r.’nulliir: n'm c. in dp- parish lcnuidi/1 •<■!),...(. ifreis (1 , i„. s , )() ; n fh(j gazette. ’e? <i ■!■ before the day of such in tended sale " ‘ All safes tn h<> bet’.i <■;. the hours of top and four O clock Hl: 'P . ..rff’i HI frnm <<•_., v f,, ,| )|V ~;PI.; PI . 1f) be given thereof. » <l. . s-t ,i., v <,f -07 Snips ofrea’ !•■• ei-tv ♦ G ,|., v ; n ■Hie tnmi'b, at tl" r,!:./•<• of ..nMic - ales.after sixtv days pntdii idiom ibid 17! Application for I otters of ’li< m i«don published six tnonlhs.— ibid IGB. F«T" tvq Tn be advertised by the Clerk ~f i!,e Inferior Court From the. Ladies' Vacfttzine. THE WIPES’ Kl'Mliv-n’ 1 ? ANCE. Gome, rouse thee dearest! ’ti« not well ( I o let the spirit brood r l bit? darkly n’rn the cares thnt swell ’J’liy sorrow to i» flood As brooks and torrents, rivers. n’l Tiicnjnsc th- -mlfin vhichthev fall; Much thnueli's liv Ea'lierinv up the rills Os lesser griefs spread rial i'ls ; And their g'ooniv shades conceal The landmarks Hope would else reveal. Come rpuae thee now—T knew thy mind. And would its strength swiken ; Promt, sfi’tr'l, noble, nr.’ent. kind Strange thou shouldst thus lie shaken. But rouse afresh, each energy. And be what llesven intended thee . ’j’lir ov from thy thoughts 'his weary weight, And prove thy spirit fii rnly great ; T would not sec ( i,,,. |,. M|r | below, The nngrv storm of earthly woo. Full well I know thv generous sou!, Which warms thee into life ; T.ncli spring which con its |>ow ers control, Fami birto thv wife—- For, deem’st thou she had stoop’d ( o bind, Her late unto a common miro' f *1 he c "'tv like ambition hurst, from childhood in hr’ het r! had first Consumed with its th..meflunn fl ime, The sli'ine that sunk her *h 'tne, Then rouse thee dearest from thy dream That fetters now llty movers— Shake nfi'the gloom ; Hop,- sheds a beam, I'o guide each cloud th it lowers ; H he wishcd-lor goal, a guiding star. With peaceful light would lend then on, 1 ntil its utmost bound tie w«n : Thtrt quenchless rnythmi'l ever prove Js found, undying, wedded love FOR SAFE Jk lot of twenty bundles, superior PRINTING PAPER, Os Royal sire. On good terms. Enquire at this Office. a «]ec 7 ■—42 FOR SAFE A first rate, two horse, JERSEY WAGGON ith new HARNESS. On good terms. at this Office. I \ r,L i—iV). 13. VISIT TO «EN. i W e copy fioin om coenayni in, Air. ittl-s, t-'tii in iiance, the loliownitj inter islitig accoui>.t oi ins visit to tip. v< neiadlc sol tJtci ol Liberty, the < x. Client L.ii.nette. Il there is any t h iptei in an ancint nor med ium story which piesents. a. more cuptiva;iu<i picture <>i boiiotablf old ug’e, niAhe full fiiiitioi] of the just towards <d*a weil spefn hfe, >lmu is lui ttished in me Ibllowiiio narrative o| ■ V.sti to La.lit;in<jp, wi; iiex. i ne; wnli n. 11 is burn lite penot di- I ALs. Cushing, ol I\ew bur. port. “On Thursday. Ociulibr 8 h, we‘received a second call from Gon. L layette, wiio tilfeton us tw vacant seals it> Ins cat 4 gt- with linp.sejf and grand daughter, to go io L ; Loa nK t! on the following day. The kind i lfei, we wore, of course, vety happy to av.itl on selves <d, ’nd ihe n<;xr inomiiig ,n et.-vi n o’clock, weue on our w y f> liar spot, which above ..11 othi IS> J tot-si <iesiied o see. Om ride was t uehglH , fn> . re-, as, indeed, bow could it fol l() | )v ? (1 i lie Geiu-ral conversed a gma d“ tl, and his I 'Hieu, umtff’ < tetl m.iiistet baiHshod all restraint, (its grand tiaiighit i, At <i.une Perier, thedaiigh r >' < 1 Ah. Gru \V . L- I i \e:ie, I found a most hit. Iligi nt and intc> cstnig latly, goftde, unr re t’ n -m/, -11! 1 miable in her <bme ns. She ; h s ij.’un two vt is marrii d, ind resides mar Gietioble, .o v 1,,< h place het j»iand f tdiei had j m.uir h.s c. rem j. nrney, pai :|y for h • purp st 'Otxr- c I,p r l-uiiilv, and ol bmiginn her bicix i Wl II I: mil- La (> 1 .< 11 up. i “Lt P s-.ino litongh the several Viliams, the people jo lie -(roots, at s<-< ing the Gt neral’s c a r>ge p ?ss, r itsed U-eir n itS wnh iho j, |.,- nesl , . espt c‘, they could not set* his ! ice or pt' 1 son. “As wo i pt’ »■<; die b.aind.nii s of L t Giatiee : Now, ci i'd 'hi (ienei ;u, wo ate upon A net i- : ; 1 ;i, i t'.onud. In a few m.,iu;os ,iie iuriets of I 'he . uriem c xitnia ippt-t.u din sigdit, and ue i Minn d;oxe tbtott h the poitaland enterml a I i toujt, tiiree sidos id winch o’o occupied by ihe ’ castle, ihe rt*rn lining <>i»e open no upon _> heiv.,- (tilulpok The is cut i pai t <>f , tie In I- Io ;i;g, iml I his hi iuh otiu>r side ■$ <■ ,v-t - ed with ivy, which Wi» planted bv Fox, when visi’ing Gin. Lafayetn , atn r the peace of A iniens. “When the c stopped at the door, we found .til iho I.unity assembled the; o, ready * ' welcome ilieit i< vered p nent. I’iiev ad em- I.Hticed him .ff ciioiiau’ly, and i e d,'n mtro (liiri il Ins guests, nbomtiiey received wjtl, Coi tii d politeness. “We now ascended to ihe saloon, where a bright and cheerful foe shed an ait of comic) i arid hospitality a.ound the tparitneut. ii s a chcul !>• mom, li mdstnntidv hut simply fmioshi Aitii'i .he wills are suspended pot ir.tiis of the, G.eene, of Air. Momoe, John Ad ms, John Q Hues \dam s Jefferson ;ni d M oliStin.’j At the opitosite sidt-of it ( e mo«ii is t pedestal ' with a bro-z<- bus. of Washington, made at tiie time Ue was in the hi my. ' “\! e> temaiuino hrieaslioit time, we were 1 comhii ted i<> om own apailment, in which fi» w>s -Is.> burning .md every thins disposed i' '■ inception. This room was hum.' w; 5 v I’otts minis of scenes in \mt-tica, “At six o’clock the hells i u>g for dimim, and we repaired the saloon, whete the num' 'ous family ;o the house, m<i a few iempor oy visi'- ers, wi re already assembled. D ••.cendnin io ihe dining room, situated upon the | ( >w<u tlooi. we tound a table abundantly sptea'j, with mea s and vegt i ib'.es, almost exclusively'the pioduce of (lie limn; <ml the tinils which limned iu des- ei t, were all the General’s own t.using. Ami the cheerfi hiess ami hilarity which iei u med around tin iiospiiable board, addiliomd richness io the repast. “L was at this time, that Mad tine pr> u ' n. de me aequamted with the n <mrs of ihe I mii ly, md 'heir relationship to each other, and I sh d mcnitt'ii hem here. | tieie were ttrsi ' die - Idcsi.l Itl2li u of ihe Genrnal, M td .me de I 1 I our M iubou’.ti, and her youii"est daughon Jenny. Next, Mad.tine Lasieyrie, wini his on. 50.., Jiilei and tint e iLmohlms. The eld est, Pauntie, is married to the Count dr Re-! imis : , ad has an infant son named i’ieirr.— 11 t husband was with her at L-<;ran«e. The’ second tl.m.hter is named M.danie, and the ' jdiutl Ociavine. Tlrnie wrie dm>e daughters 'of Geoig< W. L dayette. who, with Ins wife j “i" 1 >•'“f ' Oscai and E Inmnd. were now b-em. I'h. l.tesi daughter Natalie, I 1 wdi ot M. A t .1- U! Pt-iiur, had with hei a lit- ' hG' ' «vmt, . him ten months old. 11 ■, Stsli IS etc 1M nine and Clementine. M idaine del !\nn MmgiiUig his still .mothri daugh tei, C.lesunt, wiio i s i U .m .i>d to B ntm do --e, and lias tour children. Tm- is, I be iivv, a imrrri lut of .di the family of no ex ct li'ti. Gem i tl, v.’liii appeared aiming them hk> hr i.4'l taicu of die fltick, mid f.nlv re diZed ill my lui.ii ot that amient and venerable I chai itfit-i “II ivtug finished dinner, we ruturned to ihe parlot.atid itie evening past m general and a gree.ible cmiveisatimi. “A* ten <i cluck die nex morning we du me ai (jic iire.iktasi tabh , aijd aft< i w mis to >k liw dk utound the dum tiu. I lie G<’> - d first couduco'd Us t. a p.e v I, th-, mth pam <t; windows, <o W |i.c.i w<s placed the hitehail boui, called ihv 3t«i ( pic* Sb The Truth— The whole Truth. 1> DAI PA AH, Suturdfuj, Ijeccsnberl, 1833. seized :it Now-York. Thence to an wlieie a b.- mliiul American stag aud a dQe. ptesen rd o iron lite Jardin /itfs Pianlcs, inn of American parentage. We then t nieti o a large yard, surrounded by the buildings os the farm, <i one si-ie oi which was the aviary, con ailing a number of very curious and bniuiilui birds. Then we were condm ied 10 the various sheep ivies, which enclosed flocks of mei i.ioes, amounting, in the whole to a thousand, all remu k-ble. ii»> ;ht'fineness and bc.iuiy oi thi n weed., Eikcrnig ihe farm house, we were shown iwo fitifc? cool dairies, placed ball umlei and like ah the other apm t •iieii s wiiicli 1 saw, leiiimKab'y ( lean and nic', 1 . “Aller having seen ah the ddf iriH parts of I tiie we walkea imo the woods, winch are be iiiiihdli laid out, in the Geiierai’s own taste; and a great numbei of the .rues were piiHi’ed by his own nmd. Om walk feriiiinaied at a pre'iy mde artificial lake, with an island in ihe midsi ol it, tiid pie isij <! boat was sailing.— Returning it. me t'ii dtaiu, we took a run over the boatiti'ui lawn m (font of it, with trees so planted in gcoupes, as to afford open vistas be- ! tween them. Atiei lias we all sepa.ated, 10l pu s u whatever occotip im ii we chose. “And this is one ot the great charms of La G aage, md are ltd' at libei ty lo go and come i ns hey please, widio>:t any of tiie n strainls ol i ordinary visiting. You may read or write— : walk, sad, or as die one or the other is most a greeihic to your taste, utit'd the bed gives the sign d t .•!■ again tiiting. li seems to make not th- sign est difi’r rent ein die ;m angenif-n's of tiie 1 miiiy, wue-nei dime me twenty guests or onh oi.e. All ih it comes an* cordially wel- : coined, md Hies have only to m ike ttiemsi Ives as nappy, as 'ite numerous attractions of the pl ic< e;) ,ble them to tie. “A, dinner we were pleased lo meet Mr. L< v’s'-.- m, who, with two other French gentle men, iiad arrived during the day. Tie eve- ; iiitig was sp<••>! in music and dancing, tie young ' I tdte* i king ttirtis lo plav for each oilier. Tne ; room pproprta cd for these purposes, possess es quiets many memorials of A necica, as ihe a> joituiig saloon. Fiin most conspicuous ob ject in one side wis the “slur spangled li in ner,’ 1 suspended between the portraits of W •T-ioji ‘ml F'aiikliu, ti t; latter painti'd bv '1 - i dame Pei ter. 'r i 'eie were also bus's of J Q ’ A I mis oil! M-. Monroe, a pot- til of (he B- an d ,, ihe LL’claradoti of Indepoiide’ict, and i ■: F ■ teweli Adders?. btt iikliisf the next me timg, we wore I 11 'Wii le I;' 1“ room, wlii h they called tfia '■ im-eiiiii, fiiieu wi h various presents made to ;l” Gt’iiv; d in America. There were a great . mtinb' t ol Indian dresses and canoe?, a Loan'd- ; id in diogany model oi ih • celebrated water 1 ’.Vorhs near I*hdadelpb a, a title box of bird’s , eye tn '.pie, con .titlin’, w t r f,vm the Erie can ■il, ; birch baik. box filled with maple sugar,! ''ollecitons ol shells, and olher cm io f/ ios too ■ numerous to mcmitin. e then followed to the library, which ad joins the Generd’s sleeping chimin--. J.isl ou'side the door of hi; room is a sm.di nicuire ol the prison at Olmntz, ml J ,d(>l mg the duor of he cell in yvliich tlniGenei il wis co-;fiord. 1 e? Lodeh <n>ber was .elormO ■ •*' ("'oi s and p iiutings of different kindle some < t them pot traitg o! peisoiial «*—i c—• ;i,. - f-T l d.', md o<;| S n-rhiH i hir.icters, such as ; G n.n- ' 1 - J rrßssn, Henry Clay, Wdhani H. , Ci .rhiad, (’UG others. Thoie weie likewise! i rHi.s ,1 ii;p [| me >ek hotise, of Mr. \d ttns’s i tesidence i Q t hey, ..nd the picture ol t scene ai Ytri ko« ii, wilt; the figures of \V Islington, LitiC’dn. nd Lit -yeHe, among others, repie s iiied m ii. U;ion a table was placed a s 'len d'd silver t ti. irescm fuma the officers <if the Bandy'wine. On ona side was seen the har bor of New Y i k, tit ’.he moment of ;!)<• Gcn- d’- dep.rm e. ml the ship just setting sail.— O.i • a o*h •• wis die open tomb of V/..sldiig | <m, md hreo persons aboul to descend into it , a imdv. General L day cue, his sou, and Mi. L< v issetir. “The iibi ty is a hamlsome circular room, containing a largo number of beatiful books, couvieuily arranged in opt n book c ist s, and consisting of ill tne most popular French, Eng lish, and .American works, ancient and modern. Beneath these w. te other cases, the d 0.03 so ingeniously contrived as perfectly to resemble ranges of books. 1 n these were kept splendid specimens of binding and printing, executed in t ie l 'iiited States, and 1 trge draweis full t,i‘ ies timumals of affection and regard, which the General nad received at different periods of ids hie; all which he seemed to value very ha hly, land 10 exhibit with the u'lrmst ph nine, »,> I the ’’ist drawer he upended, among 1 variety oi pretty little boxes, was <1 pocket Test murni, bound in red Morocco, which lie sdd a pious iem de friend Was so kind as to give him when jhe l ist visited the United States. Upon the blank leaf of it is written, “Be America his resting place and He-ven bis home.” ff. 1 ueu shotted ns the contents of ah ibe other dtawers, the umbrella which Wellington V7<s acctutoim d to use, his silver spectacles, ilie cane ot VranKlm, a sword blade made of tho bolts u. ti.c Bastile, a large cells tton of cam's, and a ch-.n cussior, worked by Mis. Washing’ too at the age of seventy years. The molt jut dutiful cane that the General prisyo ami winch he always carries, is one rut from •hi ipple. tree, beneath which he w.i,i G<’ne-al Washington, on tiie murniug of U'-ai’irabl’.! battle. Toe head is of gold, in efttbtd With l)i< bcaeaiU—.“L ahuded u him and his friend Washington.,’ ? t “A sinking piooi ol m? lohorent end deli i j cate po!it< ness, winch displays iisidf in ail (he members of ibis charming family, is the imei- J est that hey mamiett.ed in looking over these » gifts, and expiessitig inegteaies. :dmh ation of s . then be.iiny, , (S if seeing tliem tot he iicsi nine, I ; Ibcugh, m tact, di< y must hire uxlnbiu if ilium I 1 tu liunureds ol then ddh':<.nl visnens, always, 1 1 (iouiii 1101, wi h equal cnee-fulness and <d;>C.i.v. I “.Among oiin. r curiusiijes, the Gentu'd t i;ow”d us a sm dl luh-lougtii portrait ot mr«- scif, taken al tiie age oi nineteen, and die.',sect iu tiie uniform wmii by the oflicers of tiio A meiiciin Revoluiion. i'ne General entoiuiin ; <-‘d us jhigitly by his i.-nerestmg remarks, and me anecdotes which he related in cmmexioa wtm the dififereni “At hbigin lite hour tor separation fur ihe night urrtved, and as we were o leave Li Gi.uige early hi the following morning, we wm e obliged ;o take a reluci.mi tare well of this I most intersting family circle, in whose deligmful soce'ty two days h'ld dawn i.vay upon ne r W) i;'-. of (he wmd. ! had i.e.iid and read inucti of L> Grange, but the re .h.y lar exceeded my expec .it >|i,. Never did 1 mi igiu • 0 scone of more mi iff ct i cd h 11 ninny and domestic love, mme utibmmd ! ed kindness and hospitality iti.m ibis noble m tn i si.m piesents. And, faultless as had over ap pe red o ns the ehar.icter ofom vcuer.ble and idusti imis host, it w.:s in the privacy of domes tic life, in the bosom oi his family, that we were ,to learn all iis pet f.-ciion. i believe, if the; ‘ extsis a happy num on earili, ii is Gen. L’ : layette, in every vicissitude ot n>; tune, through pi.iise and censure, tbioiigh prosperity and ad versity, he has dike b en utie to himself, to his conscience, n> Ins country. No recollec tions ol Lawless mubitt n, ofc.nehv, m w mton bloodshed can mm the rmiquiliiy of his d-wlm- ;mg years. II name is stilt tiie mliymg point ! ito the lovers ol liberty in his own comiiry, md ‘ . is li tiled with the w-irmest gratitude and df-c- 1 tton by millions of (he fr- eburu citizens of a itansianiit world. ‘'His chddren, to die third generation, “rise up mid call him blessed,’’ whd<? his servants, ‘-nd dope-dems, look up to him as ' fiheir protector and fnend, and ever find m 'lnm an alli'C!lonate ami consider ite mister. to the ricu he is a delightful companion, to the P •» cem-rmis bmieftcKir. No man can j-.isds bieame a word of censure against his; Ji: ur.e, md I believe his own breast to be the ■ . sco <>l tn-km lesi feelings and good will even ■’ to :iiot‘ wlirnn ho t- compcdled to call Lis ene mies.” ! ! | Pi <>oi Ihe *uil ■[ iphia Eitquvct'. j CGNFESSIO \OF y MURDERER. : Ihe Itnti L .o- c< .1 of ala •’ d, t ,e, r<m-i I tarn'.■> i lie contes.■ m, t J ■ »lm Jones, wlm was ex- • ectited lieu ( ou the 14 h uL for the murder of Jo mR t> T:ie mmderm’and his victim Wi re aqami ed for si; vo ns liv- ' as neighbors and mi ihe most tnum i'e terms I fm .Mi.gum- md didagi.ed for the first time m 1831, at mi elcciimi, which took place ia or - i | dec to ascertain the ,enso of the people upon ! 'lie propr.ety of st 1-ing the school secdun m hr ‘ l ' ! '' v, ' !s Ljp in which they Jmd, —rnr%- ’ stTßirr out•cu-ry, wasTiowever, apparent y fully j adjusted. A s.iiiscqucm quant | took placo a , j J ano.her election, bu; this also w-cs amicably ' ; settled.— tl- after this, Ray and Jones a-! mt met, and ’m company with a person n mv>d ! ; I’teak, wciu n avoHing home together. The • i con ( ssimi procemlj,; “A: a.stooping place n gentium in who waj a candidate for lite logislattuasked me whv 1 i hid ‘turned jgainst him,’ to whicli I rephed ! 'hit 1 had no'. i'he genilmuan said tbit Mr. * Lay !tad to'.d him ihit i promised to support 1 jUtioiiier, nitich Mr. Riy 1 ciiera'.ed. and propo- ; sed 10 prove bv Mi-. Pleak, who, bm Ug applied ; to, disclaimed dl knowledge of tha sac . “itheu merely observed to Ray 1 Ind I thought wo iu i made peace and were to be I ir ends, that [ .tad never tried lo injure him, &<•. : Hind then rode ou, M*. Pleak tojlowmc me, ieiv- I ing Ray standing wiili others on the m un tend;! ■'lie. having proceeded about a q.urterofa mile. R iy overtook us; ho passed Pleak uho w;s riding ju.,l behind me, and 1 ode du vedy ;oy my side. H-. ,Ld not spe ik lor some tune, when I obsorved io him that ii\v t s a consider- j p' ..’) distance how, .imj th it 1 (nought we 1 »>ugiH to have l .methiiig to drink on tiie wav; ■ 1.2 4.110 that ho had some for Um.ieif; » askcu ' it mi if iiu did nut intend that Mr. Pleak and j j uiys.di stiould partake with him, to which imj ' tuadi- no reply; altpr tiding .1 lew steps further tie Gi.acived m me that il I ever again tried to make Imn out a liar in company that he would bi a! m■mi ii 1 w.. a as col las tiie earth. 1 then “'k'd u:m whai he hail iuul a lie fur; he mi- ' mediately snuck me on the mouth, cu ting my! upper lip thimigh and lo..seeing two of rn, | ic.’tii, which blow neatly brought me from my ii .i*o ; ii w.ts iollowud by anotiiei oti tha side ■ oi my h- ad ; tie tuen seized nr* by the Lack part ol tim collar of my coal, and was passin > ntyiu addowii before mt ; iu th. s s i tU4 tiou 1 ' . d.ew my ki.if. .md struck at uim widi it ; 11, unaoi.’, nuwsv' T. tram tuy situaiioo, to se.e I bun; H unfm .mutely took t iiG t and he fell. ’ 1 then rode about iwo rods further, uud cuu-i •-.u.iud to dismount and await the issue, win-;. Pf' ik cjiue staggering towatds me w.tb a smitl 0 " id iion in ins naud, swearing that I hid knied Rat, mJ that he would i. i me ; J then jjVi Vi; cy matt; pnd ly; titelitst Utuu duiover* Whole No. 43. ed Ih.ll she «',,s wonujed in I'm n-rk fi-oin - Winch heblood W:.s fust fl , Will g. \f.T. rid.-m ’ .'bom <wb fiend)O.J yat'ds-jn the woods. ! . . oismomHed afi'i-enden vored to smp d ■ fi nv- J i>'g of (he blood .by pinning ;fi e f .d t .<-s t wound u> s . jE?' an d binding it‘up «i n | l( , t ;HJ . Hits I w .s.i/Wuccessfuf; J„ n ~n !|J, | v Ul( ti(!o 1 'O tccoont for his wminfi,. j dioii ,o.,'k .-ff h« saddle mid lt ~v a . a; , fJ U) , ls . nj _. w , • acioss io tlie comny ro"wljerc I met with a ( son ol Mr. Smock, wl. mnted-rm at mv re , quest, u. ride with him. [ w „ u , q IS p ort- Im • saomit tmee ini l('>, wJier,. f kirn lhV s ilibert Wes. | -tonp.-d U jd oil him it 1 R f y h« abused ate , t .d iw ns appxh ndve t.n f nadwmmded Him s-.e. M v ; fi.” bp.i .ed , n .. -«nd 11 R.y md S( . s . io , )s |; , •o give nlyseli up an j sl , il(1 (ri j . ( w j epii -1 "lat no pms m was p; esc ■• x -<- , Pin -k w,. , w.s much intox.cit,-d, , ;r |f, , Hn >, UHG mv life, 1 could n , con.w s.s of Ins Hsumony, and iol i mm ,• t-t | d.uug!,, n b r.-o I l m -rog.'i (o cjy bro tic! ; win. imsided a Mi. dtson county, Z aecordingty S m tll r a . riv q o" - mt die thud d 4 y ~sis r < R>y died >f the wound inflicted >u h.m iiv Jones, who was shm dy ,fte, ano; . -d-d ni ed and convtcied of HMird-r, ih • .> mdo -l ttessptg .ins; him be in g Pleak, ile says m Ins confession : “i have to 11 nmit th-* ex m nte.x <• rn.mri <i -I . Pleak a: tiie dmo efifio k ilmg; which pr‘vc-nte.i intn li -nn n<» ic;:>- a ,| (i ); , . .’H!n siarmes attending it. |] ; | fiis situ .tmn hm*n dilfeirmi. Z know thw I would nm Lto i •. s.|f lei Hi" pumsfimen; d UP <mlv to thus -w;■ . e guniy o| w.ijid nid del berate mitiiL i.”, While uiidur the gallows Juno'- eiie, I■, ,1 .fl )n statement made in nis I'mifessioii m i <■ -n • rul ed dim the act for which Im w is .th m- ; > suffer had been commuted in s-If defe,;(•<... If sl ,i t( , s.'inic dine ex)>. I’.ssod Ins wiilmguess t d ■, nd lhe Itbisi perfect resigniti.m n, his i’n.-. Ah mt five thousand persons -■ . •-•( •fl Ins cxecud m. Interesting case of Simiiambtdism. Tiie lollowing facts were co nniTtie >(ed to us by a pltysicnn of ihis place, m ~.|...i ai (1) a ' case to which lie has been <■ dh d prose -0,, ,|i v end o! which he t> >s been an eye wines- ; \ about mtiemen years of age. Lvmo' tn a family in this town, is licquen'L Ictunm • rise from imr bed during the night, wiidc oi;.rp j dress herself and go about her d ~|v empiov ; tnr?nts. 11l several instances she h.s g<») u » /and set the table for breakfast, with as much i rogul n-.ty as s>>e does when awake, selecting Hhengfi, articles, aiV | placing them upon the I tablet exactly as they should be. In mie in j stance she went into the buttery, which was ! perlecdv datk, •-kiinmed 'he cream from die j rndk and poured it in o one bowl >md the milk inio another, without spilling any ai all. She fi 'qmmtiy goes to tliedrawe! s whm e lier clothes arc kept, ch inges he position of ihe anicms or . lathes 'hem om ; and m some cases h ?s placed ' sons-’ ’hem where sir: could not find diem when aw’k'. tn <hih instance she look out i:or nec.dif bonk audit Ins am b'*eii found .since ; but h .. suhseqmm parox '-m, she WaS ioun ! sew i- tn iied -k. > 1 in;.'mi m ( c UI .p., wi.ii ! m-edle , n I dtreul which >t w-s summs’ ( V’lt tdTnn Trr-v-r-rrrl r-.i . . ' . ... ” tUM* 4*111»| I |ll '- ,!: nned fiom no othci sou re hm the |o«, ~, 1 tI- trmk. t n'-r ft.-,, Tn!rc :nPr n , nrr i il’: (he case, seem to show some connection be iiwrentlu' several pmmxism?, in regard to ho : trams of thought ; sad , n :111 ,t,^ rv b,...,,. ~, .this md some casr-s of nivait V . wh-re h-ml ,u --| lervids m rrveno. In all tlm“o ms am-s • moves about the house with is mm li .■•«;. -ad I and seif possession >s cvm vih h* . a(l ., jon as usual, avoiding persons .n I <»Gj < s w ~q ; are in her way, although her eve, n f ~u i shut. ! When in oneef tliosc paroxi-ms, sh nsndlg I Miks a. great deal, and with much more fl, lf . n . ’ey and vivaci'y th min her w iking hours and - occnsioualfy upon religious subjects ; so 'hat . ihe case may, in this respect hr xom. v.i ~ !llla . tagous to the sleeping preacher at Snvumok.—, One striking feature of this case is, thn sh-* is . g'verned in her language and actions by her dreaming thoughts ©r imagin ition‘, ind all her impressions from external objects are made to accord peifectly with those mi tginations. For ms: taco, she frequently supposes herself i n I some omcr place, tistnliy her native place, and . calls the persons around her by the names of ; persons who live iu that place, and spetks with much inu rest of scones arid objects which she , H.'S scon there. If enquired of about persons ; .itid th mgs in Sprintfield, particular! v die fami ly m which she |;v HS , she knows nothing -bout them. Naming which cm be said or done to her seems to have the slightest influent it> changing the current of her thoughts. Aflat, j tempts lo awaken her generally prove unsuc cessful. Al one iitne cold w tier was thrown upon her Gut it hul no off. ct, except to produce t| le ex. clun itimi, “ why, do you want to drown me ?’* And immediately she went to her chamber . changed Let clothes ami came down Hgain to tie. work. Oh one occasion, an emetic was ;j I'. • u itei, i-1 cit t tie f oil., as she sa id been lists i lhe physician, whom she called her father wished it, but though it reliev.*d her headache* 'it did not ..waken Imr If left to herself, she ..•tier a while goes to bt-J, and cmnooses herself .<» si'Tp, bm renumbers in th" morning n<»ih- j m ■ winch has i: inspired. Wiien in th paroxism she nsu.dly suflhra . m.jaa pain ui yua of ihe heed 4 hut Ucti ift