Cherokee intelligencer. (Cherokee (C.H.)) 1833-1834, December 07, 1833, Image 2

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flushed, and her bn nthUic so laborious os to he | |b- ,! >i, a distant loom. She sonwumes com pl .< i !)<• p.-'ti in hit !-■ ! ; ani| in olio in* si, iB ■v< »••' b At* , upi'iß dto sct’i i.mi ilie cunv. 11 I .»:«e ti-.uHivjmbc Itos pei feet !’’ Ih, b . ie > ’ ill M* ts i>i tr oo ; en Ji ■ sno litem st subject io <’>• >■ i>.«r.'X isr’• when she is nio 1 " u.iwpli h.m uso.d She has be: n subfi el to 1 mme <•• iesr i*>i si.Ae- Jul \cars. — idprin‘'fie.ld << Z/.<fc. ' -e-7 <, r,jf T : A gft Jaidi J J/. skilll a’ V J.SL.u.jfl.s Sa j i uuaj m >cr t, ib33. i Wi’ int 'k<<! a Olli last innn'ir. " iS|! '. vieiettt •* nw.n t • l!< of the pit- I nmble .<■«•' ( ' lk ' ' “ said CLAY I U.N P- ’iy) "• ••* ,s U A eiaimiof Geo . a, w - so ‘ ' (v • . s«•< ’in sofi::■'■• '* ■■ " hose i ' ■ ■■ Um••’ to 1 ! »te, th ■' w« co jstd< •* . n* ’ ■ ‘ s " 1,! 1 ; aj>(| U( . . )( t. .s xmm as m.ute. bj>iin n- , flm 1011, l >' ~ial 11U! ' Xr ' 1,2 ! feeling was jus- w ..>< w .in <mmd by <’■ pm.- , JUT of Ihr pi eiini'h . S''!!!' 1 -I llt■ l *s ’ . >■•! bi conspicuous tn ■ s'tiuit. 1 i •■•» • ' 1 jr i? s to control the judgm'io, however gross Hi insub may b< , is quite mu of ch .nr ’’ w “ . Uu'i'i' neo md in e .mpl- If cnm.o m we <,<>.)- -C( Ae, tv'..ll Oil tiulb.tvmg opponents. '. m ',y i I < , \ ■ r*.. to fond of HJU * s find irlmiiiiilis supposing ■hem t e: c sil >. Om indiene t ' ll * s ,!:li 1 ' ten-ot'- bv the II! , (* isy. positive tl’i !"'h >•’ ’’ spirt* i, , <1 by li’ 11' st li’itoiis I- M elillll. wh'cb we i i.i>l,si'b I'i'A*. I il< s* ; Ji'.ilu ini'-- u< j !, s tviri th ", s.i> 111 ’ ' Slifidi die I--I. Jive ul'iira now Gee -nd di - term <■ i to n m >ii) t•« — die I L”' 1 ! t• ■' ••• III d ptesr V- he SUV. < imi’.y nt be S. . s mid .i< m<■i i> < f die Uim.ii —.<•’ 'hyse Itesoin. '.;>s - • 'tin i< spuli»e io that detested ami i.iis ptemiibh . . , , Sil ' L no our, iiowevei K’ai tie maV lie, V u ’out 1 er ci nlein! ill tin 'A 1 '■■> * ■'* Sl i! ' this « ..’(?. The c. ( cd • i ho h p -Hi.’S sin AV pip t '7.( t ’’ beioie i*’ " "l-'‘ • 11. ‘i is I’ n,.. li ’ . e<” mi’ we sec >ln se lb. : have bi ■ u sep;.> a -Tt by lo<’ 1 pt < pt-uce.' m n><’ ! s|\ ppi 0..< ■ h li oof p ■■ ■: -in ' i ! " ' <_■, (i, / ||, m . i lns is < m id' ' v 1 • v.o \ ~1 .t - S <L ’ • "" " !i - tiu.-t • o.H.ii die ' ■, we p’d '<■ i‘ ''■ ! " '‘h ' ii; u t u ili . . J ( C Imim. he I nlc i<l Ym m has . < v , ..VH Iso' 11 * p. .ill :> it ' ' f ' pi;, ; 1V I.HII-I' h.i.mi <he m u >ii" ■■' f *i| i<> mi by m m >s. ea b him •* u, ibj no" are nnnish i iiiji m his ■ • !* ion yVi i ulilish in fijioihe: r tlii'.in the co, y >ll i I.i ; iism iI botii bi .>•' hrs id th Ler -■ •* Itt; - ,I ■ lilt; US pi t sell s I .1, I’i V III! h 1 *J lt . oisne* - n. b> i' l ' ‘ ’ <!1 *" 1 ' ‘ 1 punsolmuv■ysn I <l'< «■ < " Vi c. . indi b - t>( j ~ •(),. () ,■■ .oil nt oil! < ill I- '*’ I. Ilor. Lb binned, I>q ini . ■ m »]', ( (J, I of tin- 23.! uh. ill -gp< k... if‘iff Ihno'f <■ ng '• ’»• ok 'on lie j,< < diiif VI'OI'S .v, ! tins im- guagi : “ (. R E < ' CL \RK M LET ING’ ll () , V. Iff. Sil V ■ . If I SI he i’ C(P I l- —|)i mci ..i -il übl C 'll Ci kl’ "c- laiu . i h— F- ■-Bii M« (•' ui’ 1 • *• i'" l ■ * J», , Vi ( 'll Ullit-i, ilM'i.ld.lig <•' <!'*»<■ me ” <Sc • \\ .... fun ii io 'll ■•’ -••»» >hl<‘ m I' "I <v. p. Uln iiei .iieie IS IH> I H'S I ID.'I I t .i< \ hing t hill le<l io llt-i 11, io eii; I.' gt t inti l.i'i pin X .'HI.' ) I' ’ ll ' (I1 ,il ‘ l yy [, I'll lie <> In i, I is lb siII I' I 'l I 'li 111 in- in 1 ion ; ill i "II tbl'l ■ Ins '> 110 tu I O'll ll> < ■ b 'k ■ HI 'gIMIHIII' - <>|'f "ill'll'. , .. _ .. Llm In f t , | i v. > lit j- ty. II is op si'll m S - c I'll ' • Cil jl'l', XV t. I . ?"/< hld d O I 'll llll"< 'I! me bill it> f'V.o "I in •'!’ <L'"ii. "*i" ’ 1 ( t , >. i. H i,i. <wl'i when ii muni* ii o I n. I I"' I'. 11 '*• 'll** s 111 jlfis. ll UI. OHH ->t d a |>. nip"' ' priH'l kh ’ll. .i’ ' ' (Jic .»n i \ibmy R n< x \in j pf |. .| iin e .or s> ,1 iii be 'ln' • i null ii ■s. ” \VI ■ Kt* 111 above f-• IM I" \ 111 ' • S re- in. hi. < st-< hi this >l.Ol • . .' pf ii in *v<•' i "Si hn but tie li s * I < w anniln • i■. v dual i 'h' Im "I ii’ *■ ’•< < VV 111 ■ 1 lit I’■ I' <1 II" I as* ('ls VV •• i 'li i .U howivii ‘is I>"O'" II of.ln blou : I »•• a , li t E oi 'ln Si * ‘in r. \s '• ‘ • Vei ui., I, in, kll i’s issti nl.' .i i ■ 11< I ■'i' i 1 • • 1 ■ 1 jus l ii < • ••! '• \ib '"V Regimcx. we kn xv i. y v h ( ,c. > . H heir II > bcr.i h" >m b ■ o ; upon 11 •• ' ■' t> ' > 2'' "I ■ I"* VI i>s i< hi oi >, feci t > ii 'Vt iiioi I in km " K o( Uli' I’l' I'Utt IX, ion .HUI ' ill- ' • inlbif bi' id • ii.»-n'. u- i pul l >i" . lilt' \V|i t 'I ill > ■he ( i IX I 11'11 II ,s , 111 (• I ■ gi.i, ui xi " ' uni" oi ci "'’Hi. ii'u xv" Ii nolle ,I|' J I'lllliol I'l 'll' Vbnx <• I'X J{ ! , I 111 IS «I ' Us 10 s k ' t til )' I X 'l' I-I ' 1 ' ' tcr . '•. >. ’ I 's • >lll II XV ll! '\- JU nim* I- ' '• | <<. • dines nv Jl see the iu'f‘ x« 1 < <’• "•' 2'b - ' ''l- |i > nu> 'li "m 1 ' ti bn- linen it In type . op .nr |it ju ii < s J ns’ i ; • jp.illil trj <li lot'ill 2! m> iltlp' hi lx, in \ S | ~.,k ~i th. ti ir.'deis, in l.iiivu 'S'' n.osi posi tive Hi I ellniit-i U-. R •> h ’e. •. reived I ' Olli' d.•il "I M ! lt tie vUt X iven i.t ill, XVI 'Olntoilie Ilin II th B v ‘'• line v. il, 1 I'oubi. "■ s> "2*' S ■<,< •< hi v< < fl 7 11l , I < sei Xe< ' uni ihe • 2 i'll'll ' .'II' confi 'i ' iio ml .hi '' I i .ml. '•' v ini pt ... . n> n >■- .1 .' I . ; I " open XV h• I' th' tv V e>i- ". I iso. r» ve. S f o r < M >h p< I k I <•<>' S' rof"1 I > UU ociiipii ii ''X 'inv p" <' " xv "» i» 'S eniollcd al any nine jivitiufoie, fur Tv rTn rsEXTATiTn Cijam nr’!?’, 11 . 20//t j> ••?-. w’6ir, 1833. I 1 Al a nicriii;.*; m the ti.n->,i !)■ mn< i mic iv’- j | pa Id; can pm 'y , *'• O |l ‘ S. ’-r u> O m ci*’, ‘om posed of .i.embm-s ol the Li j mre md cm- ; ' ZUS ttom all prn’S mH) S' ,cm a cued m ’ diced-ml> “f do Houst- of 14 011 sen aiiveg 01. Wcdtiesd ty. th" 20. Yov. mm IS :3.--.’i> , toil’ I >ll I’i f > ell- J H a ii “iS <1 i i.l ii, L IH.I i j . Eaton 11 \”S. Eopii.e, of-I -e '* ‘ "o* l’«. ; ( Cbm-, an 1.1 -sepii Sail . E <j. <‘l i'psmi m.d Kiem-oe \V. .T<ui y, ol B .hiwin, wm u appo , ;ed Sec; e. Hit s. _ • ' ! On uioii.m ol Oi’ii. liioinos fjl’.scock ol i Ricliiiiotid, Hciildvcd, The a Ctimm tee co-wusd;:7 e,( five , . ;i<;it •.! by the ch ait, :o d< .! I ■ exidntious x ■ •! 1 !; 1 S 1O ol 1 1. IS Cl ■■ ia ' w il*'l I ' I ip. ~ lit ii mi n a ppc. lim i i».'ii. i ft. in as <« X H k ■! I’lftiiM 1 'lump is S. 4 iy;c’, E I s • Ca,di :'M, 0 ■!. fv.-ii;?t B I’mvtiy :~; i ».'. •• 1, (J. >l. 11 m'< ■' bl. V*' ■>cl>• 1C a ill’ ifii, | .11”! T .O’ii e. il iyoe-, Esq. of 11 i'lcock, wi n Isubste:. .; r. eii’sepcd ' e lii’lo .ui't! pieanible; I mid . I* it E X AIBLE. ’ Tbe <J ’.on I?eiiit’i r;»iic iL’ptibi‘ins <>i (. 001 - I >;a h’Jierio sttimi iied bv t.m 'is! in ;ions of Io-‘ i nary, lay me down ail !t»r »;••» piepid ce.s dLixy/.t as.< ilia’ ml i!.- er cl dun .c. ii'ivc beemn- tini'm. in u smith hudv, ‘ I: .; the ,», .t; •ift•e<'lli.l AO p!: li ( !!’ s W 1.1« ll ' li > deem essc'iii: dio tin'pubii’i '.vcitaie. The; •i i f li,- iimividu il Smies, .nib of iiu l con* j i- \,it o b•>;;! <l<- itnus both alike s.-.ri ed ; ; i'd boiii tvo ’-..'i 'i. '.ibins;s.i.i i.ut, '.vi mi.' '■ ~los .miliiv. lie pri sem rnmne: t mil m- jx’.mitms me t speccdly mor, reii’.y ihcwild.' • b ■. sv of nd! ti-iiiitm. io hick, *• nm i.mtm j :i. <Hi ■;•<’, and odu is li'.'-e: 'ho euveri i f v ci. U 6 . pit ex s, are'vo, ma to sub; "mie th. ' Sm e. The coi’ii ' tmeoivin oiintmid.iii ! , ci im, Ims iioiie more n s'.i.ike the cm.u- I deuce liftin’ wm’.d in republit m imv< inm.' m. j dial) all m:H i iiniowild orcin i (Hices 'll mu his tm tooediei , Bm ils eil■<n* <’ has beer, ie- ' <• (iis tsir.’iis H) th' x , v people, whom 1 iolesii i!'v il w,s iiitpinh'd ms ■! ve. i xiibisi ■/Z'-.d •> a.lvor.amu .ppp,U to iriv< hoiH-d,'..ntiei r< I't.i'ii cm' .ißjmimes, to m iiii .in dim, p* eu i K 1 \ .. vill'’ die '.vho.i-i force of the Smi h in deli <•• t> ihe 'j< ni I vei liiueiii. .A’-.c xi'i v,. li i: eia i ye. i.'"x ml. timine, ibev hue u: oe I mi ’!;.■• ioj". ■ , il. ■ .1 spe of i.erce, ex spec Kl7 inioler nice, as m exciie amm.7 their iniim diato (1 -ilow-i--'Z■ ns. 1 d. idh a' uiosities, nm I-s-Jat: I'O the id 11 ,> ~0 ■ i|.pi: (ss id a com mniiiv. A ios m ~plv t Hiwith iix'HU on. sb edrj ~ I.* disri'2 *r<l( d it diem* wi.o s» >in •<> litive tn. dm e.d siniilir cu <'p iz/'. Lmv.iri otiiei opu s ■ ■ I)' ’’’ d as < in imy.-iiims in y re- .. . • ( w<. im pose, oil tiic piesent ocras.oi!, 1. : fl> 0 a”.-' re onr opinions and leeliiig, in ;i:. i,np*H'- m sol je< . ( ESQ! E riONS. A . ./ r .'i , i * ~ federd cmisti'u'iim is ‘ '<■ n>.ci, I.I’II HI ' m d lit (i:>,|.'_’ die com mi Irm. e) iHWm. ••- , I! (A el 'lie i S'- .1 '. I”. fliri’ i. was adop t'd. ! /L- ol.cid flit! the cxeicise power?! Ji , . ■ I ,Vt‘i timciti, i;oi d'.'li"' ord ;t Im u > ui .u i of ti«ur’i;vmn; bn indi- . i '...'.uil uh mb' t - oi .ihe coitfvd r-icy c inimi. ■limit (•••ii ini't: ii " i •'• et'cc io i , dciei - l.iKtie. tpiesioii, X'4v- ' 1 ispuind po ri il IS .ill i• en dflvvrn dor mm lie v of i-iilidi aii i ii 'i I l ' 11l X <"l; ' 1.1 111 I II" ll' 'h. iv X " 'in mi d.srieiioi: dci'ide to os U ul | w li <i u.ll uni u 'jM'i’l lie ii' * ‘ ' f - ' I t><»xi mtieui, l- in ll i.p.iß' i • I'iiom " H m;-' i Its x ix (•'->* >;<‘e oi i cminn 'ii " - ..ui’"l , is confoi "ii'x .‘o tlm ■ .<me ' ! I tdeS, I'V dl J) ■>' OV ' H ilO'il 'I" h: "f :■ I 111 Is c‘i.l b e>i) . !'OX * V S '' t!’ i '- ui I.e t'l t ch, h' XX f ii' I ».:• n'tm's ' * i nei-tl "ovi'i tnii 'io i ' x ii’ i, •is e\ em, !< son u i 'inv b" hilly ( t •! Hi !11 • "> .>. in.iv be mv hlf "biie.i 111 - Y . .:'■>■ > •• • ■ ». , ■ .it'd i> to io ''ii ‘ nn.l. v. i\ I" '• j '. . ' ■ .. . : i ' "eV .!•> Ixeil. ' >,<..■> h •</, I lilt: !• co no mi. v. | b- • .p ~y to is'iiim* pov.t sno<i ! ■ ei. Hl 1! ' eim If.l "m. 'q : I 'X- ie<| 1 > • I.e mim.r v old su inn to tin* exi'fim oi ,is , five s, xv im h i> .v e '.u I v tmen ci) dt I • .. ’o the ■ n ,>| government, 11. ilmi' lon , I, <itn' m e! nr iitiii li is is en« t. <i, I Im' e i h .\ i . e compact, eiij j tret u :..; i x <> tie i nine tor In m>. Iv > vvhtm nhisin ' u ! , im! 'o select m H own n.mlr aiid ni- •' ' • f d'-'S f i -.ny supposed viol timi;; '• j |. w li > S ."S in a niiiiority tmiv haw i ! I i< ib:'. iiii s >t ,ui act I the general .•_> x b cans, bey conside n ni.<’on«t in ! • ' ; u iiil« . i ilm sme tune, Si i» >inain - : I m v possess oi i'Q'i il right to ex- cute i' v Io . »•. iio .is • . v bi lieve n coniform • file ( f > i'll. it 13 tn Hili' S', ill it l sxs .ii k‘ i , . r i.'iiiiinv c.vil warto be w l’< " ■ *i ii .h nv inliers ol the same coinmiii’i.y, ■ u be i but bisque on all regnlai govern-; .nib tnusi exeiitmiTe iti a hlondv i nee—' i v t tile and abhorrence ot the wo. Id. • sa/r'tt/. i'n i' when the ftderal govern-! ’ m n . b\ i’s ibtises mid mm potions c.t powe sl eo i co £• ’ oy the cons i iiiiou, ivraiimz s I. xv a m.i ti ny, and ied• »'S> becomes ti”< 11\ ! luipi les', ilirtaivii rennins.: nice or th'* opt" a , i on id il.e t i'ctivf fi iicins”, i becomes th< ■ i .nt and the dmx ui t t* pi ■»; I:*, a> an act o evolution, to if'ui.v di’ stu ii government, “am! ' provide nexv guaiu» lor theii future secu- Hesulvetl Til a when the crisis referred to ;:i • lie pt'cr.i ng r< soiiiiioii shall have occt.t i> d. xv vx 11 test Ives lie prepared fui scparaiiun.— Bu v'“ 'iiould never assent io so monstrous a | - < p. *.v iti <mt tin most patient deliberation, and • pi "found convict:on oi ns impel ions m cessit v. : X" human xvoik is perfect. Bui the luiai oi j'i se Stales p: is’ ivs tin* iv dd- s’ mod, I of po ilt'Cai i.bei’v. liial xv .s I'V" formed bv ilt" . 'Minis of \x :>d‘oii and virtue. It prn:e 'ed the •uf'iicy u! oi.i nation; i s r .pidlv conducing us to greatness und.renown. L has cover, d . ( the vast wilderness vilh a eaicqirising.. and happy population; it tins spf'cad out’co.!h • r (iicftTi over evi rv sea. fix successful opeialimi 1 no only dilf o's imiuni .abh bl. .xsnigs among i ouiseivi i l is it .ills iiioai) ’!) Ctr'eilUg . iiopcs, mid 'mifnaii.ig die eX'-ntons 01 lie phi > lan: hl o- ilsl, <ll c ve, y region lif lih’ globe. \V ho- ; ever, 1. mn ime. <■* «d, m l<yi> ami iiisolliaeo. mo'ive.x, Would ifes.iaty sucfl .a sys.t ill, is Ihe , r netny of fes coumry—'.mi citeiuy o; ins sp e vies.’ It is indeed i.ab: ■ to cm lupiions, .md a- '■ ” iii]st them tv ivnl guard wdij all 0111 v.ginince, | aa.i coutciid W'-h til otn ;;;>eiigli). bat we wni 1 iiey er abunde,;i yvlnk* there reiii-Uijs a mison- • ilili- i:h; '■ id in li.rmiuing it-s pur.iy; still less will w.icmismH, mat il shall be s icrdied 10 die re ven e of dis ippoiiiK* ' aiiibiiimi, or the lantasiic ■€■;<■ ;of y isimiary pimp cm s. zf< s !c. d, Tl 1 <l. 1 u acco. ■ i nice wrdi « he pr m m; S' led ,!i .!;<• 1->i u; b i’da' nms, we sb ,11 i' ti .w, nll levo;' inumtaiu, im' p.d.iic.d ' <ioc.!i :;ics praciised by fur. Ji fl*. .son, dining bis ill to ■ iii.xii ■ ;s>.i cd die executive depm lniei.t of due federal y.-iv: 1 mm.n , and as developed by him, ii'.-i tiivf’ii ii) the worlh, id h«s (o ; the Como'ess of 1 lie C.iiied Stales, and hi iiis cones;)' idenc” with c iz ‘iis of all count*jus. L.rsm/rc.7, Tut’, cu:a iuced of the peii'ect I: ir.r.on*. 1 v . mii:;! betwt en the political docl'ittes of M: J-if.s. .: ami the pidi'.ic.d luc'.ri.ics of air ?4 .dison, x coHiaitied m dm Virginia Re solii.ion, we sa di also f.n!,■ w, and foiivm mam ; ; .hi th* ;•!!•> < f • s c.x t ,| bv hh’iM !i, H.-.i not -is exuokifHieti I v politi ; c;d S', who presuniptumtsly lueleud to ' cons n.e liim e t vsolulions bcilvi titan their au tltm. I'i’c’.* hi C'.ndofiHmig dm proceed in . s of the l! >i third Convention, I tie object of , w'ecli w is .1 sepin’te |m:.(< alliance wit ii r’li mv agai txt whom the people of tin se . Idni.ed S, ,;c< wcie h.-ii cmticn iiiig fur the ‘ essvnt- d igfiis of independent nations, w.’ mus! ecjiiailv cord' tun tiio proceedings of di obi 1 rmivo s'lons w ich ate c alculated to produce coil '-ion li 'ireen .he Sta es and gen ii I cove: immn!, and which len t directly <0 ! disunion itnot’c the Stales, m civil war, or to depend i;re mi some foreign power. A’ j’-//. Til v.<* view lite compronifSt’ or. lit :ci <d die I.:si session ol Cmigi' ss, as th ' i'esttl. of' > p .di’icd cmubiii.ilioD, vviHiout tri car . to tm iu.i-rc sts <-.!’ die people; tmi hat our S ', atois and Rciiri'M n mives hi t mtigress are : . ci‘H.-s'ed, s me'!' fi-xt i”! ’ -si dmv. ’<> cx '(a. <ii In H talents old il 11 nee in efi ciing .1 s'p* <'.*lv reu .cmm ofthe f iriffto a fail and m.i --• foi nt 1 i vemn’ sii ’ii.l ii d. : /i’7. Tit,ll we Vew w;! 1 ) doop regret, 'hi ; ii ;n; !x i|i I h ive b e;i m and cmilimie .1 b<*, oiuii i’ t i*’ c mfideiirc to wbwh .im p.esmil Chief /da.’.s'.ii •of die coni<‘der,i cy is eiHi '0 Im Hie >e ;c< -beit is render id to (he countiv, nd fir die iibdiiy, enemy, hi i ('cmioftty, wi ii v •ii ii" d.s l !-ifge<: dm Imdt duties <>f dm < ift tie now h -Ids; tud that as Inn;' aS II." <O.; "H-x a I'M i.' ci’ l mse lii- ; I ni>! <• 'ii j.line.pies, ’i’d m ptexiß- di a <<',aib|i c m ijo'.cx' win 1 So I.t ii V m « ke.i die mea su ( x ~f ;y> 'mo. he shall receive om' cei .i d mi op millions sup; ci t. licsotued j’ii-.tdi" pt ocecih rigs id diis mcrl mg 1 .'.girnt by the Clt iirn ; and Sect ecu ms, , ~nd ii ' i co'.iv rd' d.e s me be iorwm(led to each if mu Senators md lloorcst t: a ives in C lieami to tie Cb ' f '1 "J .st' an* of ihe Union. Th:|t til" 111 ll’-; Soft h: -. O’("' -.! I • be tendi ■ ' l'» l'i' ('n o nvm (.'hnrlis L '•' H ‘Vi"' ; nd t i • Se< jetmies J.»<’| h S .. .1, ini Ce '.i'vr. W. Mitrt iy ' <) du Cli mm a a! j'*urm d til" r; > i * ( . : j •' ! > I.LIS E ii \ YX:.s. » ' 'rd man. J m:» ■ • t;n»» '■ I . . : mr < "C-xv. i ‘ s’-yr .u; .• . • -i: \ IE, i 1-8. ■ «rs--»s. 1.r,... ' : I •,!!..) \ ■d oi I'.’ll. tri i i s" iio ,i. lids W'lJTil-Kn ..h*. rand timw 511 -’ •'.' I" ’> "lur. to < UnlitHl illofxtix- i'ow". tn M : v < nmli ‘i"s<rs i i’Gil ncr. Ei ■! Is and irCon- i i • itie f, dm *r •mini v aca.!’■ my, *p< ■ I ."■■■'• l f"’ .liIHP. . >.i a t i < timr an Ip ■ ssf d. i , rate du* Bl ii'i lie Academy, in th'* 1 CO"., • ( an. at.d appoint trustees lor the | s ’me. rhe (jiH'trnor’fi U- ss -ge. 'h' 4 ' ,i itr and ff' ttsv of present, rims. Fl t.L'iXV ' ‘r: rzr 5“ —Roih oftlieGen- ,< i '■ ... ■> > ;.i g !>' >■ i in session on Satur- ! dav di- IP.i : ">h*ui the Stat* ll.mse was dis- ! cov, rod to be •>" fir", and having wi ricst'd the j extreme r x< t'.on. «’’•■•• i vas tie. < >.s "dy used to . "xmignishi'd the fianii s, and lliei'-by prevent the ’ entire destruction <d the tiud ting—J deem it un ; neecssarv to enter epnn the !' tans oi a scene tliat was iviini'ss.'d bv ad. In tender.nj ny grateful , icß'imvl* d<_n"•»■»«, to the members of the Legisla . ttirc. is w 1! as <nl;» rt who rood> red » ffii lent aid in pi''v n'n g the destruction of the most v.duab!'* public property of the S' ite. I would beg leave to suggest tha’ J shad consider i: mv itniri' diate ' duty, to defray varioi'S incidental and coni ing't.t ■ expenses which havr t'cccssarily oectirrc I ironi ; thi' Alarming casualty. But while I feel rnv'idf authorised to pay from the funds of the State, fur virions artick i con- I sunv’d in cxtm .uisiiieg th" fire, tor the labor ot • servants an I other persons whose i o; uiastances ! indicate the propriety of jiving Ine ■ a -:ir id com pfsnsation. !"f t " r inn t ’ l.ii’ > -i> ■> tv id as iiie ’ repairs rd th*' building, a*. ! I*ir:il'uie id tire sev a.-i ! dep irtnmiit* ot the l.iova r,.m n:. 1 wodd furriicr ‘ suggest, and earnesdv r .’oi.'ine,; Ito :., (ii->a ral \s>. that ui order to prn i.ote the’best in i H.sts of s u'ie'x . it v iii tie exped. nt to pi* bv law. f..r rewards b* mg g.rotiloa few oftiiosi’ ’ servan s w*i" nins sig adv di>tm; r uis ed trv m sr*|ves in s'.'iXi' 2 and u idiiiu the j *d ll;r I destroying elen cut My own ob.sen mon w is. in 'an espet ial m mtiei d the time of m.r mo d foilorn j hope directed to the exuac.rdm. rv ix< iiioi>; nd extreme peril oi a (;'a, h m '••' bthe umi" .‘I • m.. th property oi’ M, Mar!".' oi this ( .!a<e. -vim in , nv d'SHi.s the <!:- i'._ i>hi d regard of the I. ••’lire, h ‘i .tway. vi -; h i:niter <*-<»-ti.-e cireumstanct .s. m n I to •ug!i’ tno>’ concm* to his interest and happmea>it>r tin rem ii-ider ot his 1 ilie * v £s.•*:-’KIN. jSo-’J’tn. o/’r 51. Tim president and menibcrs having repaired to the Representative i hamlmi, Inuit hr im ti- s ol the Legislature pmceeded ’<• dm election • Senatm', to the Cmigicssoftiie United Slim s.and mi count- ' ir U out tiie'ballms, it nppeare Ith I,h bn l‘. King, , : E-ai of the om.iv of iiic.hniomi was duly ilected. > 'i'll,- vmes were King IR. Bcnie.t 10'7, .\mfmls 1. 1. Mr. Hammond, iutrmli.iced a !in inslanter, lor , 1 lh<! tidiei’of the cit izeos of i!m hm (.'imroticc coua tv, in relation to lii payment of taxes. Hills passed. Th im orpniate the ae idemy, at the comity si'e. in Emsyl'i cuuiity. ami ,ippmi.i trusiees Im H’.e sarm-. LI OL!SEOE il E' ’ 11E SEXT ATI Vld S. Any 16.1333. COMMITTEES Ai’I’oIXTF.D TO I.EPOI.T 1111.1.5. Messrs, alillcr. Idimnas, an t L'.aimioii I, to au thorise til" Shi rin-, oi ile- i. aemke.e < ■ nctiii. 10 sell the lauds ol'imluwite m av.t is, improved by In dians, without being gianlcd. AVci.n.Crj’ 2', 1833. The ftAica'Li” bills ici re passed. To icditee the fees on Giants of land drawn in tb.e late land and s ■ bi loltei'v. Executive Depaktmi'.nt G a. - ,?//.'// ’/ ,z » lc 9 . »•//'• i 7l» nJ tl ! Y<inr resolution oi fh<* l<> u hr*r.. Ciii»o>.'. np »*i ihn Governor for d.'liilod information in rt’lmiim to tim public han 1.-; am) !.',c v.umtis operatimi. pio I press ami success of the present sys.i m ol internal improvement, with cost of the same, iron' its < om nii’iicemenl to the present time, has been laid be fore me '.md duly considered. \fo-it <>! the 'perns ol mtoim ilimi called >■ r, have ahead’.' been trimsmiited to both brimcima (•! the General Assembly, at die cemmencem. nt <,i toe I’lt’xi lit session ail i in as < b-ar ami di aim t a man mu' as th-’ means <•! die ilepaitmeul justiiie.!. ac companied bv a ronespom.ience with the superii!- temtant of the work, wlii. '.i wiiHn'mem the propet aitenttmi anti vigmmee <>l the iaxceuH’,*- m I' gaio the subject. Moremer ibe annual reports giving the ofiicia! details of < vi ry ua.isae.tion, relating to this a.-iiice are supposed to be mi the files of mt two houses ol' the General Assembly, ami .lit as accessible to eb!i. rof t'm.m bodies as they are to lim Executive, heing’copies ol tno files, am! paitieiilarlv to ihe ilmm.nen's accompanying my lute a:;’.wii 'liessa.;.’, as aft'm'ding ail the iiifmnn 1- . iion in the possession of ’ Jep tiiiuem 1 WI LSON I.U Sf!‘;<!N- I " ' Mg .'L./.. j 1 ■ NEW OR EE A \s. ' The foil.' an" extram <>f a letter I'Vom Oil. >ns we fm.i i o t !,<• ” in! ■de !. • ■1 ' o'.'.'t., which the 'difm", (''mn the linowlm-ige ui i,m .tv imt, p mioiißccs li m 5 i !> ao taken dm 1 beiuy ofwi'.iin f you a It'w , lines; lip "ll die s.nbjei'! of !>(’ i >ml I m.t', I sav 1 u'sent f’pii’emi'.', which l» <s mdv abated fm I the wmii of siil’jwcis. 1 .mi • P hihdeipl-ian, j just t <■<•■ 1 ven d Cm)* a severe ;><i,.ck of me l, ‘- ' ver, <inrill g w'm■ 11 (mm 1, e.. 11 v ail my P h. i bu• 1- ' itl.i.i hiemfs are gone, t’o l> liken sick at New Ole ns, i>; i may sav, totl.e Amu /• 1.1... 1 (diatice 'd r'.sc.ipt' "» onp tr. live, an ■ in th » si- : . (11. 't".<m, 1 pI.M-o mv S'!f. i'be’i- d'v I ml ■ ting a good tii'.se, renders tin’ simv iu ?n :. i‘n-i- ‘ mi tndv Iniridde, M'l fined as is Ireii 1 . ndy ihe ' sei in a M’ll dl < III"ll rn-i.H, -t c itoillfl doctor, i calling cxerv hmii or so, anil ordering you til ; oat I> vi - (h ::ot foldy gr ; r..-.'--fever raotitg I, ’ : ’lll ■ c'l' ' ilie —di('i<‘ VOil la’ with ,fift’>’ leeches "" V 'll" temples. It "ijcdollar piece ! 1 \ 'J rk essnss' aihig looki’ig iiius", g’ii’iihi •• at V'lin !»<:.! sid", and w hii r vein ou‘ rd :lt<? world, thrcgfi gi ttiiig 7’,n Dollars a dai/, s«» ith .1 she may steal vvhat little mtinev you may 'li tve, am! clear out. (n the romn next to ! that in u'l’eh 1 lay, a yotm.’ nt in who had .I. on bled in the tuoriiiiv.', durii’g a p irosysin L id fever, lore otl the O ’.ud rge ami widi the flood I s e.ii'ing f’-i'ti bis mi.', al.i-med ihe noise. v.'iuM iHi down s’ai's lot help. Er(> sh" returned lie ! fa'iU' d; on die next div be die I, A short i llm<> pro v\ ms to bis d. • i • ii, [ hem d liim pl I X’it);! . nav heooiijo for <i glass <>l xv eer, bn' as !•" xv is i swelled up with c.'loinel, mid water w s tire-’ hihited be died— rvdlum' h ! Os th* idiys;-I I clans of Now O leans, t ike’hem genr'’ d'v, I em li one Ims a dili'ei tui mode of practice; we | lieve 'he t<han doctors, the calomel and Hie : anti- ahmtl doitors ami ainoii'j, them, some-i fiow or ano'lu t neatly all die. 'l’liis is a la- ; tilt'll! di'e fm ', ton well known here to c emej any surp ise by its animuricement. I have had | some liiil" op; >’ o" aa; t v 'd’seeiiig something <H ’ their mode of adminis ering medicine, oid, add- ' ed to a callo is s’-iise oi harni'HlV. Ilii'V'vi’iii ■ more like .demon•> tti oi '.dnimisleriirr '.m." la • B't’lin" flies witii death, and th • doc'ors the ’ poor suti' : itig pa' i ent at list yields up h > stiir i t without a sigh. Then comes (he court id pro ; hate to settle* •> ■ h'S aiTihs. I•' n liettor il 1 bi-tr.ite this m fiiions institution, fmHidi- lup ’ corrupt principles, by a circumstance wk" h fell under mv own no'i-e. A gen'lem "• lo it , n d was buried—di theinom.'V lie had, sj j was in Bank, 'lie lidis "(’expense r m > p njc u ■ ' in upon Ids widow: she went to the bank, t < ; cashier sent her to Ihe court of prcdintf*; ; thts I part of the business I attended rnvselfjfhst t<>- > inpfov a I ; w\< r then to t ike oto letters- • t ad- j miti'sti tt.iou. after the ; x pir • t ion of Htidivs. ihose <it cm ain >li.'P. 'J iieii the appmutmeti’, (da lawyer to re;, e- :r a-S'iit heirs v.lion I mv ■ uni' told there wore tome. This fee xv oto ' bo paid. Then pav two appraise:s of the fm dl.on lop i\ the notary f'- taking the j inventory. Then the regis er idlice, and 1 »! i|i,--,'m:i ii-'I least, the court of prob.ito.s iist.lf 1 Mr. Im tor, I will not enuinei ile the cost not ■ n inr* d;e sin i ’.he w idoxy Lad io pay, to get tin j ,sSOO id the 15 ’ i.k. I wHi tnereiy add it left hoi ' de-'iiti'e !! ! You will ask is tjiis the wav w<*’, do hti'ineis here? I nswer y< > ! Ttie( i|v' ; iio tiital, in a pla< ■ I I.e this, tronld lie a i irg. , ! • hjix , nil X 1, 4.1 i.: . ‘U!i.< II I.i' I at I'Oltl ! :id ’io I;•,r I; > Lid p I’l’Hits. P ictuie t( ymu -j ; , . >t.:i . bi< It p! ice, SC ncely 1 irge en: i;,;a to 1 ce iiaii rmmlji'r, i mom perrons !.,<;<• », , wi'ii the fever. Umiog the grcitir put ot Hi'S se ison, the nu nti.-r aver i.'t.'J tbr("* lua.!-' , red, .'Hid o.d'.’ one <<ot mi ini pi; v ard ai • • • ■ 3 -L '- ’ -*' - • ! . * ■ ci in Emin" n caionn l and castor oil orc, :;dnnu» isl»‘i ed ilie doses so of' li Iw< vto tivi’ii. H-|'mu d.e daily tin >< ,v de report, I’he place ! is kept in die tuos. fiidiy cmmuion, only fif.eejj I old dirty ignmam mnses to atmml three »■ '.died, and tile attend mt physician despachy? ». ' tiie busui .-'3 di<’’e in It id an hour, so as to cna-. Ide him to visit 11 s out door paiieuis, from whom lie has Imghim expoclafions. i'liese I poor wretches at die hospital lie wallowing iu 1 their fiiih, the Ll iml fi mn the ( fleet of .ae calo- ** inn-1, ruiMiipg out ol their mmiibx md miseg. S. \ thus thr.:/ die —and me carried off, l;k»’ b>ut' ; s, mid b’l'.cd, tiie Lmd knows where ’ As soon / j as mie is r. niovcil fi mn his pestiferous bed, an !(>;!.( r is lai 1 upon it, ol’co irse to die I '{j )0 1 poor victims me carried from their boarding ;hm s,"s in curls, to lids t)< a< lds hide ! and in my (•j’ilient die before they rem ;i mere. If it sl.m'iid haptmti that one shmihl have money, lb,. | ,:.dio;d becomes ..ii al once most limnarm, ■ami while the* lummy lasts, lie is nemo.l well; i hut ilie viry nimnent H is gone, ih<m goes the I patient—’.<> ihe hospital, and is he ird of no ? r . linoie. Since wilting ilie above, and in ulnigit 1 I to :i physii’ian, he informs me that the hospi* ‘ 1 tnl is siifficmnily large enough lo hold five 01 s j x i humlted, but the rooms .10 not fm itislmd, nor Imo ativ prop nations ever made lo acemn ! mmlale patien's, miril the e.m*.’tunic takes ’ diem unawares, and in the contusion, nothing ,is dom ; hence the wiu h bed Sight the hospL ! tai ptr seiils. ; something ro touch the HEART Colii idgn sonmwhei e relates a story’ to ibis i if; <■ : “ Alexander dining liis march into Afcica, catm' (o a people dwi ilttig in peaceful huts, who knew neith* r war m r conquest. G.,13 bc»< I in" (de’i'i'd 'o him he iiduseil i< say ing, mat his i sole object w-’.s to learn die manmiis and cus i ’mus of the i'diubit in's. Si iv witii u*, say’s 'i the, us long as it pleas.-di diee., Doling J ibis interview with Im \ Irican Chief, (woof i his subjects brought a cn;j(‘ before him for jit hmmu’c.i. The dispute w ’stliis. ddte one ■ had bought of mmtimr a piece ol giomid,, ! afiet till’ purchase, w s foun I 10 contain a (rea- <u-e, firn which he felt him.-mlf bound :o pay.— Themlmr refuse Ito receive mv thin ■?, staling t'rn when he sold the "rmind, im sold it which ' -.11 the I'lvan'.tges qipuetH or concealed with .it might be fomi'l to ’>ll id. Said tee Gmet j looking .11 the one ‘Ron h ive a son,” mid to 'th" other ‘‘you have a <1 1:1 liter, lei them bu m orb'd ■ ihe Hi’astire bi’ !tiV( i n them s;t ' dowry.” UeX'-mb r was asimosbed. And i wha-, x :i*’ the (’tiief, Would have been die de-x c s.on in vmir comi'iv. 4) > sfimilu Pave dis , ■ , n L s ...| lx pirii-’x, <*"! Vii'X.mdcr, ami seized ' i (he tie .-ii. .• fm- du’ Kin ’’.x use. Ami does ilia • sun shine <*!! vear cim >*' - v? ,; 'iid lite Chi' I, docs jil.n , ,'m fdl th-re? no there any cattle ilhmo '■ which f’-cl mum heibmid. green ty iss? een iiu iv. Alex-iuder. \h, dm cii'et’, it is ■ ; fl ■■ the s -ke oi ti" s * inmicetn < <iil.* dial tlto G , f ‘ ‘t Be'a'T t>oi' uhs tne sun t ’ shine, the ram to fill, and tl.o grass ’•> > ow in your coutHiy. the fiimisrille Herald STE BO xT UIC! DEX B. We le.o'! fiG'.i c Ipiuin Boggs, of the Free T idea, ! om I' io'Ciire, that toe sioam limit Il linois, <i pl o n Beil, on her wav S' I. ms to this I ici has mot with one of those fata’ ac cidents so comm nt to ottr steam boms. A lew d its .suea-, :li<* day not ptectsoly k.i ’Wii, otie tis lier bod.* s c I, m.I m explosion took place, bx' winch t wimt v-i'h.dii perso is xv» re ' scaldt d, of w'ticii .lumber tbi-. lec'i were scald ’d lo dmoh Old lost ove.rbo ud. C pt. B iggs has farm died us with the followmg list of tho dead m.d wmntded. Th.* iccijem took jd ice on the ‘1 pi, five md-ts above tl;3 1 mouth of the Ohio ; I J Hues Tilli Cabin passenger, dead. 1•. ,J ,11.■ s deck do b i 11y sc.d <l ed, : S .Some; villo do do sliglitly do. L. I). <«.orison do 'Io do do. ! S. M. (L v do do badly do. i I*. IL*'i.ii icksHi do do do do. J. M’Knight cibin do do do., 1) x. J'ii'iL rloti deck do <L» do. W. 11 iii i:'tiin do do slightly on. i\l:. i! nil.’glim and chill, dork, badly do. Al:s. 11’•<!<!'i tkson, lost "Vi-rhourd. Mm.. I |<*nd- h I-.'on tuid :!n <‘o clnldicn, dead. IL I’U’t : ,uii, ii idiy sCidded. \ .! iitii-' Lme: > Hi, dead. ; M' S. Wolf., d, sc dded. I'L"."! :> A ■ i-lii r do ( I) l)ei-k r, a ‘I, Io..: overho nd. .leim G ib’."::, Im oiv s. .dded, T i :ms \i‘- \io L‘< do do. I A ll 1 "- >sf* G JM-e t, de id.. ! Al. \PI..- .iv ’ttkrei.* i.b I ‘.en, dead. ; Two ptiier iiii-ii 1 .>( uve’b'Mid. Mr. I’l a ,ii,m, th.-' ■ i, r JlJiifH- us tltr* RicEy I '.Vfii'.i, w.i.s iiH.i < 1 -mi tv on the Hill it's’, fm- a ' 'HHi’mpi ia di-jiH>i •. i ii 2 a siil.-pm-rnt. *.*;• >iti- i f iimi itie I 'niled - lafes' <mu t ( i r ilm < utility ;■ I ( !■'XMidria. to < ii inp‘-1 i>iai Io ; ive <’x-!■ mih <- l.c --l- I’..* .■ rill I i I'V, I' laiiVe !() ‘.he R :. d'llpll ( r.igi*. lij the <ih itfry i.ftlic n-.a; *»b..l, h • Wiriper milted l-a go at I. ii,.' ’ Hi* ihiiii'-illately applied to j i i.o; r.-irl.i.nbi imiali, thru tiii. i‘T coni' ol liw ami c!m iii-i'i'v tor Ifia rim, l"r a v. t nt llalwas ("h;>'is. w.nch ‘.v m grante 1. r .tilr.’niLle the ni'M dav. Oa t.m- rviurii of the writ, a s'mr* list! >-imi eiij.'H.'d, i i uppomiim to i'k- pn iic'iaii ul Hie Alex I'id.ia i.imri’ n, vi|-.;i h ’L ■...>!.>. I Ri.Lmimihi. aitorn'-y gmerai, of \ iigijn i. :md iHhvr'* ton!, part .m behalf us the ; li-mucr. 'I io' ca *1 mis pastpie.e ! for Ih’U'.f* a iin'-.'lt u> 'i! the ii' d iv. The V\ big M,. fi |r Hv ipa’iiS the 'I; JW ch ago ol its ’alilor.—(’ - .••'le ■> u t amicr, D.-. Fr.uhlirds Spring ir/.M?. The ftdh-.wiiig 1 iiiunr'iiis and pL.<ismtt letter of | Dr. I', wan v.iittcm v.lji'n Ip..- wan a ji.-imj. - Ui.m ; ,‘ Ihi 11..'. *•; ti ;t;.x, J mntiry C-, m/G. Dear Sister—•[ are iogidv nl-.-a ,*<| w; i th" mt i-.umil captain I'reM.iae give. o-‘- i t you. I ahia.* j’l'lg i tr i ii v p';r t" . ivi'iur w a '•" 11 2-;at )<-■ 1 ■■V"i.l l hi tk<* a good .J ft* wmu..-'. and xml ' go-.v yen wvre o.y p ■.•tdt.'i . I . i - -•'» ■ -'i 'm j w-t, it xxo'.iij ii - i -mtabli’ y .-m to:' 1..3 •" tn ii-.i ,an I !’>r you t » ri ■<■ (;■<■ ■> i .■ .tm 0 g- i ring a ci'b-Lrat' - I iie ititv. 1 had • .. n>‘ r- . i J Oil a 2ca G'dc; h ; .l v, ..t* ;\ t a>i-.r '.-.f- ’d.«( lli«