Cherokee intelligencer. (Cherokee (C.H.)) 1833-1834, December 14, 1833, Image 1

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CHEROKEE INTEIXIEEKCEIL CliLliOixi. IN'I FLi IGF.NCLK, | .1 I) -■/:<> r<tt R< pnh'i- (illy | Mill ' PAPKU', i i ~•; /if lat EO 111 WAIT, i Ci'U-tl/, (it. oruvoTE» r<» hje i’resiuiv vrtox <>p thb J/,"/ Mr « :■ ft’m STATES: ] Tha s c mb .nt of no I’-nty tlm sl.indcier of no Indi, the trieml <>i JACKSON. l’ii','i> nd once a wcik by II AV" IL COBB, prnprictur. I'.dilor trad Publisher. T.. AM 3. TH- I s'TELLIGENCER ts publish d at three lollnrs a year, to silbsc ibei's, •when i> •■: in advance -.m at four dollars, if not paid until the end of the year No ,‘ipi.f <vi!l be discontinued, but at the option of the Editor, to any subscriber in arrears. Adv • i iiseui nts Joo Work will be executed at the customary' prices. Com uuuicuii >n to the Editor must be post paid tv enti le th in io ..'it lUimi. No subscription . 'rived for less than a year. I’.XEt'UToilS \\D \ HIIMSTRATORS’DUTY Notice to Debtors nml Creditors to be pubii bed six w- I s. —Priori*s Digest, page 157. A 1 intended '-ah s oi goods and chatties, belongieg totes:;? ■or es goods and chatties, slic'd Le pitidi Jin I in tw <i or more public places in the parish where such i ff' ct.t art- to be sold, and in the gazette at lciu-1 fortv days before the day <■! such in tended sale ibid lid. All i sto be between the horns ot fen ami four o’cl uvk, an I it continued li oin lay to day. imfire to Le given thereof on the first day ol sh)h —;7nd lb/ Sales oi real properly to be on the first'l’m'-day in the mouth, at the place of public sales,alter sixty days publicutii . ibid 171 Apnlicati ui f<>r Letters of Dismission published six Oioutlis. — ibid 168. ESTRAYS. T'> he advertised by the Clerk of the Inferior Cour! ibid. Murray sheriff’s sales. FOR FEBRUARY. Will be.‘old at the’louse or John J. Humphries, on the first Tuesday in February next. (1834) the pi t. i. > , :'< dby tin Justices ol the Inleri.ii ceurt ot ’I .v c .uiUy tor holding the courts in and tor said ronniv. beflveen the usu d hours ot sale, the follow mg pi lovrfy. to-wit : Lot il bind number fifty-three in the eight district of the third sectio , levied on to satisfy -undry fi fas from a justices eouil ot !|, nrv county in favor of John C'argile a;; lino Tlcmtas M Hogan, levied on and re turned to me 6. constable. \lso 10l ..uinber i ne hundred and sixteen in the twelfth d «tri<o d the fourth section, levied on as the propertv of Julius G Darby to s.iti-fy sundry li las from a justices court of Walton county in favor of Haniuel M’Junkin, levied on and returned to me by a constable Also, lots number two hundred and sixty six in the ninth district of the fourth section and two hundred and forty in the ninth district o{ the fourth .section, both leviev) on ns the property of Vinos Spillers Io sat's'v a ain from the superior court cf Gw innelt countv m favor of Joseph L • hir.iiinghatu lor the um of U "fge Law fence. Also, 10l number two hundred and two in the nititb distent ol the. fourth section, levied on ns the proper ty ol'Sumuid Keller to satisfy a fi fa from a justices cou. t of Jones county in aver ol Grilliti »V Goodwin, lav i< don mid returned to me by h const:.bit-. Also lots numbers two hundred and ninety in the tenth district of the third section and <bree hundred and twenty-five in the twelfth district of the third section, levied on to satisfy sundry li fas from a justice court of Campbell conntv, one in Invor .1 La II Foster igain-t Stephen Willilord and George Law Fence against U illiani W illiford and Stephen \\ lili ford, levy made and returned to me by a (••instable. Also. lot number two hundred and thirlv-niiie in the tenth district ol the third section, levied on to satisfy a fi fa from the superior court oi Gwinnett county in favor ot William B. Malone, adni’iiistrator.iS'c. against llunnah Grogan and Allied Grogui and I’ctcr Wai den, security on appeal ; for the use id Newton 31c Dill Also, lot number two hundred and one in the ninth district of th 1 ’third section levied onh satisfy a situ from a justice court otCoweta county in favor ot J> cob L. Abraham against Biidgar ilai.ey, levied on returned to inc by a constable AL'», lot number three hundred in the ninth district nf the fourth section, levied on to satisfy n fi la from a justice court ol Coweta county in favor ot J I. A A. J). Abrahams again«t Anderson .Mize, levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number three hundred and two in the ele venth d strict of the tourth section, levied on to satisfy a fi fa from a justices court of Cow eta county in lav i, of Jacob L \l>rah ous again t John Hardman, levied OU and returned to me by a constable. J J HUMPHREY' dec 7—43 !)• pty SbiT ~FOR SALE A first rate, two horse, . h.iggo.v With new HARNESS. On good terms. Eim'firc at this Ofijt«. M T—P \ sd. i -so. *44. AN ACT. j To dispose of am I distribute by Lottery, all the! Fractional parts of Surveys, in the counties cl; Union, Lumpkin, Fotsyih, Cobb, Paulding, 1 Ctieiokee, Floyd, Cass, Gilmer and Aliorav. : licit (:ri'<cte<i >y the. Senate and linuse of Hcjircseiitativis >f t-c State of (teor<'ia in wiener :I Asstmblii in t, and it is Itcrtbi, en acted by aiitkority afot tsui I, 'i'h«t lits Lx 'f ile : v, iiic Governor, is atithor ijf’d ami letpiirmi t ;i appoint three tit and pioper ;>e> .Ous as t.‘ouimissiiOins, who alter having given bond and laken the oath as prescribed bv toe. act ol the General As.<- ably passed December, illiiJ. for gov imug itie I,in Gaud and Goid Lotteries.— omiiiisiioiicrs proceed to mak out » h i-, is o' all tit' Fr icttonsan the • mnue-, it i,e aI. is a'ariy ’i ■■ as >■ !e, n ;3 ;> iC wtie. is winch a med ilo prtz.i s of the late Land and Gold Lottero ■•, pl.i ing th,-. Fractions in the distiicts surveyed uno lurty acre Lots into the ’.old wheel, and the Fractions in the districts sur veyed into one hundred a ni sixty acre Lots, mto the Latid l.otlerv wittel. St c 2 In i b it farther ruarted, &.C- I'litil as soon as tiie whole number of iekets ior prtzt shall be <na e out and plac. d in the res , l>e, ive wheels, it shall be the dm v of the said cmn- I missnoiers to mis.-al and open the win els contain ing tie- residue ol tin- names or tickets ttiat was re .Vrd, ma de out and lepositei! in the said wheels m preparing for the late Laud and Gul I Lo’ieites, and proceeti to drawing tin.l copdm ting in the same manner as was prescribed lor the drawing ,md conducting the mte Lzmd and Gold Lotteries, ami publi-dieit i i m sum- order. .Nee. 3. .1-/7 i>t it e.t ted, i tfie } t-rsous to whose names Fractional Lots ma t>e drawn m tiie aforesaid contemplated Loltcri< s. -liaii la- < ii‘iil»’ii to grants lot them upon the same <Tins i ti the f-rlunate ditiwers in the iit e Land a;.(i Goa! Louc. tt s. arc enutled to grants (or ; e ims fiy to- tn respectively diawn. •'i c 4 .iitdii. it i lia led, iyc. i'ii it uiotti.l a v tc.ricv occur oi a y of lire said comniis-iom r ap;,,;,s afmesai-l, by death, resignation oi mil- iwise, in ii fns exccllei ey the Governor b” into n ise.i to appoint Some lit mid prop ■( p- rsoo to fill sucdi vacancy, who after hav ing given bond im! s:- uri’y ami taken an o .th as required by Hits act, Mhtd: m eonjiiuclioti with the other •: .aim• i-miimrs. proceed to complete the said 11 I H s. : 5. \nd be. i! cum ted. \c. ’l'h ii ii sb,t 1 be the dutv of the survevor gene ! r (I ui furnish the said commissioners with a list of •all the Fractions hereby amhoiised to be drawn designated by their apjiropn : •‘ic.iiilxts anil qu in > tity ot acres contai ied m h, I’rmi 1“J, that, no ■ tht > ’ herein cmitame i sftali pe so consirt’i ii as to l ii .siur’i tm- Li’i p .-s. su > s■< ttred io Imlum.s i under existing. I iws of "n- -talc. STOLEN n From tln l «t! l >sc-ili. : si’h ult a dark sorrel M ARE fitt>'<oi lu> id- !• !■ live years old fast ‘pring very trim in her m ke a it'b droop rnmped, brand.>b <>(. the left sli-iuhler hit thigh with a stirrup iroti. ‘••Hie r--an sp its on Iter back, thin main ami Io: « tai: I wilt gi'e ti reward of ten dollars and a I r- •- m.ble e\p‘‘'i~. s tor the M u-e. and the addiiion •■! iw. ■ v ,i. ,| lars for the thiet with nroof to ( --mv iet him. Aimer PhiHh n, Foreylh count}/, dec 7 a* 42 The Federal Union will publish this om-.- •■,( f,, r ward the account to ;he ■ i » ~ w ... -. I'rtim tht Conchtuitonalist. Mil. I.DITOR —Vk iille the elod-poles throughout the I idled States me f erjifexmg iuemselves io aceount tor snnple atuiospiiei'i, id muiieiia I send you that, wiiic.i may not be unexceptionable—Beranger’s beautuul thiori/ul Shootino jxtaks. W . shepherd! ttiou sny’si ou> earthly doom Otteys some star's uiystriious powa r.’’ ii y. my laircbil<‘: but nigh. 4 ui-ipgimnn A ells from our eyes in.- destined hour. “Shepiu-rd! thou read’s! the stars aright. Hast tracted each pl niet’s wamJi rmg way: Say ■ w hat betides you tailing light, W Lieu shouts, and shoots, uud lades away My chilli, some mortal breathes i,is I is', Uis star shoot? d .vv'iward tri m its sphere; 1 iiat t 1 i.ig - latest !tours were past Alio jnv la. li lends and lestive cb.-er: All r. rxi.-s, sped h s summon’d sprite W ’iile flushed in evening sl t .,.|, be |,.y— -“Bee ! yvl aiiothi r ik-eting light W bicli shoots, and shouts, and lades aw a) !” M v child, how pure, how bright its beam! There sank 11 maiden good and fair; This morn reu.dd each wishful <ire«m, t.acb c.iii'taut sigh, each flour ot care; Tliis m .ru her t>r..vv with flowers was dight, .''he crossed her lather's door to day— • Son ! yet another passing light W inch shouts, and shoots, and t ides away 1” Jast ilien. a and mighty lord, New - born in gold mid purple sleeping, His iiilant me.nil I r Heaven restored, \ id let! a prmcel) mother weeping: Com tii r. md si ive, mm paras |e W ere gatliei itu, roum; their future prey— “t'ee .’ yet another meteor tight. W hich shoots; and shoots, und fadesaway 1 ’ M v -on how • rwi-like i' ti onei! ' \ i'ov al 1 iv or.;, ’s s ar was theie, AVh. ' a_h • 1 :r wo. - to *i- ini.aiul di . med I’w 10 pi 1 ; . rk a lealni sd« .‘pat;: Even now fi hide iroru sight The port: . -li ofclay '■ sTefyet aiiutner w ring light, Whitb fhouls, and shouts, aud fades away , Truth —Thv whole Truth, IsDAlivrAll, Silltt -Lscceijibci' a-1, L 5 >3. My clt'.ld. the blessings of the peer Wing’d heavenward yonder Heeling soul; Distress but gleams from other’s stoi‘‘. From iiis she reaped a jilentrous dole; From far and near, inis very ni ,ht, Towards his doors tin: huuscie-sstray-* “See! yet another fading light, Which shoots, and shoots, and fades away I” That star coutrul’d a monarch’s fate ! G >! welcome, son, thy lowly dwelling; And envy not tile stars of state In lustre or in size excel’itig; For didst thou shine all coldly bright In useless grandeur, men v ou;d say, ’I ts but a passing meteor light W Lick shoots, mt.i shoots, and lades awav’ A CIIAi lL < •>’ Missr.3- Tlia dem'iitlfe Mixtits vv. m et i:;-ii;e, What Hopes and v.i.-.t tears they awaken. Ami when a ma a,s taking a disu for his icifc, lie io us well as .diss-tabcii, W hen I courted Mtss liidd. and obtained the kiss, 1 thought tn the warmth of my passion. That I’d make a great Hit in thus gaining a 'dies. But ’iwus only a JLoJ cu -cu-fa-fiau For so raany Misses, s itirrounded IN'w Kidd. With me ami my love interfering; ,sut a j -alous A7 t/-/r-isZ put into her head, That she ought to give me a hearing Tlmrc's a certain Miss-chance that 1 m<*t withone day, Almost sent my hopes to destruction, And she fell a suspicion ol all 1 might say— And all owing to one Miss-cunslruction. Deceived by a Miss-uiformation, J wrote, 1 ue cause oi her auger demand ng; Mixs-directiOn prevented her getti g tiie note, Ami introduced■ g M hen to make her my wit ■ f exultingly swore, I’liss-heliej mi l<; ii -i .f , jbi itile iti oi, And 1 nearly’ jmt wed t > M>ss f' before 1 could weaa her from Miss-aj>[>re!ieusioii But when she would no longer vic-ld to Miss-doubt Nor be led to ill iss-re/> resent fit ion, >he bail with Miss-/i/.t a most serious fall out, And to wed tell no m >re hesitation. Bui when at the cliui cdt to be married we met, m ole the p-u .on to ling r, And i got so aiiiioyn d by an aw kwo'd M Ss-fit, 1 couldnotget tin-ring on iter tin er. Having been so Missamd I now- keptn strict watch, 1 iiough j .‘.ill liv’d in tear of Msis-rarriage, And I found when too late, an unlucky "diss mutch Interfer'd with tho j >ys of ajy m in’iage. Miss-ru'e in my dwelling hut every thing wrong, Vo s-iiiin, tc mi ni tin re !•■ ■•< her -.atiui , Till mv ca‘ . tike ihe time 1 ';<k«- -gm o my song, Was all wasted by Miss-iijjpl.entiuii. j - i C : .io L A N - J S. to riiL: PCoPLi: of Georgia. No man is more nduciant to appear be.bre you 111 ihe public p.ipeis Ilian i am, bul umi'-r existing -mcuiiistan. 1 s ii is my solemn duty to d., so, in j.isiii eto my-i it no less num In you. lam aware that it will bt; the interest ui some to aiinbuie to me motives di-l-reiit bom the (rue ones i.\ which I am actuated, but I Will not be deterred by such i o'is: Iv 1 m;ous from me p< r!mujunce ol a pubiic duty. 1 lie ihili. uliv that occulted in subscriLiiig furlhe st n:k ot the Fanner's B 1 .k of Clialtahou; he. 1$ iresh within the rma of many, li was ' Mlgflt by two compitul' 1, One composed of Gen. . ats-H), Gen M Dougaid, Mr. < olip s ;u;.l tt.cir . sociates ; the other of c’ni. Alfie.i Iverson, Mr Cary, my sell and our assuciaft s. After a seyere and doubtful struggle, our j artv prcvg.l.-d, ami the Bank went into opera 1 ~-j under my iuimmistration as President, aided by Edward < ary, esq. :i a C.ishi* r, and cominued so untu ihe first in mis momti Dini t'. .hat time, the Bank was eflen a sailed by ulhcr by Liukos .iu<l by priv ;t.' persons who m ted the mm 0! upon or se ciet enemiis, as best answered their purposes.— Upon every sucli occasion, the bank 1101 only gal lantly, bin defended itself, ami up to the lime meniiom-u, it was not onlv as sound and so Iv< nt as any bank in the I t mn, !>ut was a hi 10 defy .ill opposition, no ...niti 1 Lo.n wli il qi arier ii might come. Daring tm w.mle term <d mv admin istration, I ueyer lit aril from dntu tor, siock-Jioluer. or others, the liist word oi cempiaint against un seil. Wlifu I tame into the original coniptm) , when me itist.luUuu w , • mg mized ; ami up to tiie the time m itic 1. ent •t'ftcmiv, I believed it an association ol bie gentli men. aefing togitiier for the iionest jmrpust s uriglt all) iiHendcd , t!i..t should dissa. islai.i 10:1 at aay tune irtse, it would tie frankly made kuowij by thepariv cuinplamiiig, .mil tiie evil, il .my, • urrecled. I d;d not bclu iv it pns.'ibh , that we had a traitor in onr r ings. How tar I was misi.ik< n, will ajrpear 111 the sequel. 011 W .’'lnes.lav. ;.t 1 v 1.1. is to our .in n. I'. It-. - tiou lor bank officers, having had no intimation ol any complaint against uiyscli', ;md cunt- mplatiug r.o change m the direction, I leit home in the stage tor Augusta, upon business connected wi ll ihe bmk ; previous to uiy depaitur** howr ver. 1 hit with Mr. Carv. .1 ol attorney to r. pi sen’ my slimes, at. I at the e'erii.m on Munday toll..wing to vote tor Mr. Iverson, and the other old director?.— Mr. Iverson was then from home, and had been tm -u.tie weeks, bm th .( evening as 1 was gon g from. I ii.'l him return:;.g tu Columbus. V. e.? .- lute.; t tii-h other as we passed. Al) leaving home at l :m , a d the d:r ction i • wtneh 1 was .r 1 veiling;, stem to Lave given iu Air Ivtrsmi gre.h cm . t in and .mxit'tv. lor upon returning home, i.i im ucdiatily slatted Air. William Brooks, one ui a:? new associates, and ol whuin I shall have or . . .ion to ?; eak more p irtictifarly !>»': after, ue. Icr whip md 'pur, in pursuit 01 me. to act ns a spy upon ni) movements. A’ 1 late hour in me i;:_ . , .Mr Bru.ins ovritom* tiie ? . ; g .ve up hi* !) ■; -• , k ustaifbc . . h her gprsand myself, saying tbs: lie had been det.ii. at Golumtius by business until the stage bid h it, and was compelled to Hie step he had talon, that he might be in Augustu by the time lite mail would j arrive. Ile procc edt don to Macon, where 1 was ■ to remain t.o one day, and set a g-mtleman of tii it place, whose character issomewliat notorious—*ot tor honesty, to keep an eye upon my movements ; fiom theme he went to .Milledgeville, where he put the talents ol aamtier geutlem.ia tu requisilion, in the same honorable office. Mr. Brooks iie.-i dis appeared, and was next seen back at >■ .’oiumbits. jHe did not go to .Augusta. Why till this was | done, is now quite jda.n, but was wholly on us | peeled by me at the time. Whilst i. Iverson was I from home 1 was providing lor sustaining him in his seal ;i. the board ol directors, but tie wa- s mreliy plaiting ati l ;ordu_mg my .!• I -.- I;. : tie met me going from home, his suspicions were excited, tor the guilty are dways upon lite alert, tbi:l possible his secret amt midnight m ach in alien* had leai lied my eats, ami that 1 was about 'o counteract or undo them. His friend Mr. Brooks was both a lit ami willing instrument for him to tis-'s at this ciisis How well lie acted bis part you have now been iutormed i During Mr. (versons absence from Goluinbug,lie sticcced' d through the honorable Mr, Forsyth, I in purchasing lium Mes.-rs. B< er , limhe & fSt. i John, one hundred and fifty shares of stock in t ie j bank, ami also in person or oilier ,s< cret I ag iits, some two or three hi tidred shares f rom other • I person*; but yrt he had not th. control oi a inajo i itfy ol the stock, and one bold and despt rate libit now rem lined so be made. Seaton Gra.itlami, esq was dm owner of three hundred shares of stork and Mr -A dliaio Sandford oi one hundred, whose pioxn-s to Vide wire then held by Mr. Gaiy.— j Without file control oi this stock. Air. Iverson i k ■( w hr never could sum nil m his plans; he i (hci( tore appro iclied Mr Grant!.iml ami asked for i a power ol attorney to Vote epon his shares, pledg i ing himself that the use fie designed making | of it, was partially io reduce the stdlant’s, arid to : elect Dr. Thomas Hosey, a director m the place of Me M. W IVrrv. Mr. Iverson represented that Mi. ('ary probably would nut vote for (he reduction, Air Ferry was under my mllm m ••, and s'lould 1 the ledm (ion meet with opposition from me the i ineasuic would 1 ail unless Ferry was eii.— ! Tin proposed rm*asure met Mr. Giaml.m Is appro j batiu'i ami the power was cheeiluily given. Mr. I Gianliaml !li'-n, at 'he nqmst • f Air. Iverson ,-p pl.ed (o and obtaiue i from Mr. rt.ind'ord, a similar powei m regard to ills sliar ■«, w‘in h power was to be used ni the same way lor the same purp<> se s • In this manner, and by the use of such means, did Mr. Iverson obtain ihe comrol of a m.jmiiy of j lue stock, but he neither voted for Dr. <loxey or myseif, instead ihercol, Im < im te.i air. Napu t oi roup, and Mr Switzer of Hams count-. Th-' m-w board ol directors stdisvq i.mtly eieefe i Mr. Napier, president, in a lew day s thereafter, with out any cause known to me at leasi, Air. INajiit i resigned both as director and president m eai n of whi.h offices he was succeeded by general Sand ford. Aller thus obtaining the couli u-m e of Mi. G. am land, m, Jso gios -1 v abtismg it, air. I verson adthe-.s -d a fi-ttei io ,om as iam ii.immed v admittmu his breae.i ol i ouiidem ••, ami proposed x.i' i,i ,i< 1 1.-n. by the of tu.s 5.n... 1; is r. >w wdii‘p> i«-d by ’tie i w f .:-,,ds that Ur. Iverson has iclt. mat lie di-nii ‘, ra ii r ii ebl, :t is .'rue, aux In ai fi on ins pail of a y i • ifidi ce icpmsv- in him !>y Air. '.mi.uiaml, and it is intimated lliat Mr. (*i’.iiiiland detered the reiucvul bu.h i.i ?:ir. Gary ami m.sell. All ilih, 11. .v< no daub j.> wholly untrue, and ;s an m-.alt addi dtu the n j .i : !r> udy done 11. u 'l’fie .suoj.iim'•'• letter from Gcmrgi H. \•> ng, esq. of OgLthorpe county to my eli. is conclusive upon ttiis poitii tor .Mr. Giauthmd " au ' m- tossy upon I.authmit,, that Iverson has been gouty • I a bn acii m i e -n •• ami a betrayal id the cmmdence reposed m i,i;n, m cffi i.ting my removal.” (A neu Air !•• sou says one thing and Ail. Gr mtland says anutliei, i,o i >- icllig’ent and unprejudiced man can at tins day. ne ; sitake lor one m.mutit winch tu belt l ve. Lvecy m hi who ..n.>'..s tne relations wtu. u Lave ! existed between Air- Iverson ami mysiil bum ins boyhood up to his icci :;t abandonment ui his puh lical lib nds, and evern since, can but be ourpiised ai Ins course tuw.uds me. Did; rent l umom, 1 understand al,road; j .si.licaiory ol ins course ; su< !, is, that I owed tiie batik an exorbitant debt ; that inv course was unitimidiy towards Ina; ; tan 1 w,.s Using tiie whole b .iiiv lor my own purpost s ; that ia a jo iva: eli aimai lion, 1 mid 1 him vvitli falsehood. CX-C. Hud uls uliise been diet.did oy anv oi those lausvs. it w a.s due aiikc to mm arid mysvil. they should ii.ive buci; liaidGy ami ope ly slated. My d< l,t t > ihe bank, al though cavy, under ex isting 11'( i.tti.stauevs, mv 11 w~s i xli n ..u hi. < u : ilie first duo day in Novcm-bcr. n w •» as ivi 11 as i i• im u.ber, about as large as i. mid , ; L-. <m ui any one time an I then ainom.le.d ••• tj-JidiO" m v (•■ souii es a id ..imi y tu pa_» c, i id- io 1 ivir on Knows m;t io tie very * <mt, ami i.i J,,sldi. a lo'i oi ;..ys< ,i, I in ust take this oi • .is ion tu say , Imo : n • j. 11 v ale good debts’ due me arc- more tuan suim nml lu pax all my (!< bis, witi.ii.,l lorn 11112 my properly ; amj il.tii n>v pnqii iiy is mure than smitcti ~t lu iiu ific same, wiitmut Im.ll.gauv pa.; 01 tiie debts doc me. .'•nice mV ret m burnt, 1 have on my Laux • libi.s, ?>1.400. but stiail cb-utme inakmg an. lur im r payment mini Air. Ivrr.-iua agrees to m> sim ii ~s fie promised lu du but now m • im< ■?. I •;•> nut v< ish to be a ' optiriiier m sm ,i a conteni, uui hi 1 i uhshli 11 ~s pm .mi ci my piupcity oa.e m th h mis oi sllli .1 m .n. H.e bank nev 1: w.i- i.l one moment 1 j ire l o> cramped by reas-. 00l any deal i-ver ownig n by ins st ;!, fur w’i m vei toe exigemy reqmiu ii, no I p;r so rial pjeon v«n «• t» 1 e, or pi i<at - s iljee v. u>u _o at. lu r. sit :i ine item :. ,; • , ,uu.;-; ai.d ct i : • !•■ I' I 1 i.< tto liic ill- . ~1,0.1. lI.Ji my pii'.ao haractei tit stake, a-.d my pi ide was en I, :>i<d, .it ah i itm ‘an • oi> 3 r a < 1 • umxiances, to s.isiai.i t..c , wti 'ever mi_..t irntai mysiil. Aii. w • I km • iv ill a w.. • .v , r ;i v> a s ile 1 •;. • I t.Ci --s i- '' • '■ • ■ . ••!. • I . .. mi 111 . ''< •- ■pail iui |iii',...e 1.1 un, ‘tiileii ol im'-i rat- i •;M W . ..u.ji..-- p.r. speuw ‘-id 'Vv ilGlx.? I\O. 33, fund', to tne amm,-'t cn s:i«tv and sr , v?ri?'f thousand ilo lars. ai' i we t ! ; hi- .• ■’ ll’id w ould ; (il iv' • 1. . win never in our ■ ijm t ~t i i t’ I a jam s tv, timr im.i, . |). j,,.. , b ’ to tfm b'.ok never iva . x.-.r m tiary highly b mdi id, f . tv . really necessary, tfo v ire > ■ , t im ( II -I patlteulariy .vaut J > • . , 1 iterest Th it my bn -.i . . . some io the bmk, or n:v acciim.u •■• ■ souiide. is further proved uv <.-.■> .. u from Air. Iver on, written to m- v/ j . , Milledgevdm, as wi ll is t>v th . . Imgha-m In the firs. A! . iversi • llmugtl you I, v • io en dispi:,; • ; ] di_i I'viur ot the bank, \et the i ■is-:-m ■ n-: - in’ su'-'setv iem’ (o y - . , i . Icresl. if It < (V’.*s Ir.mi VO • tP t ..... • ■ a ”' l comse <-! -re cond, Mr. Diliuigmim -ay -: U -m, « he, Mr. Iver sou. Stated it was hiswi-h your business with the hank s.iou dbe continued, ami ih a t the most libe ral poirnv should bt adopted tow:-,rds you " S-j ffitich b.;r my mdi’b'edm'ss to the bank. 1 It is by no means, however, to be undersfnod I timi m iha distribution ot 1 mik favors, the <■!;•,im.s jof Mr Iver.-on wme r.veri I,i n entirely. Onthe , nist .Monday i- tms imuith. he owed an .ii-co mo > dation debt of §16.000, ami had freqm ;i v im • the - most liberal Jisconnts on li'ismess pm • rh<« ipromm pav num; of winch he never was r. -larkid ie I even win n’ii- bank wa-jir- ssed : m .!»-<• sm- •- ciiiiisi,inces. he m ver afforded her tin ! a> ti ! j whether Irom inability or dismclmati'-.m h- : knows. |( ,r but sheer ju tee o • 1(i( j I mxseii, to Slate, that under ( .- ( r a hmn mi-ii. (>il , tj,,, bids oi die bank bad good t (edit alirm; I ; w,-<>rj returned home were promptly nd•o •■ > ; ■ I(; e ms.itmiun wn. in ail resjim \ < .>.,,1 . .. ~ . |( , !>e justly entitled to flic high sfat.dit-. naS ' ,il ' ’' ’j "’ing, and indeed had a.i a 1 ..,j 1 a!;i Hid. Ihe stockimide i s surely had 1. j e imse (if rompl.-mt. tm W. wen- ni„. . •ami .lid pay, ;i s l.irgi' divniemls asanv ■ jin the stme, ami that too when Cue bank . ~s- ■s 1 1, d ami loug'.j against Corn almost iv ui tin; compass. j !! >v- 'mm v otii. rg. otinds of def. e. e ’ jr j. ls . j -On or his friends tn ay resort to. tinder 1! e i.fin uL : ties which surround ih-ni. / of course an 1 . |(> i | rt ii: I ; but to m -. io- rests r.e d, ,'eij rc igrouud li me, who li is f.dly di-do-u d ( (;1> ( r :to win h n i r< m e his alreadv !■• • n h,, jwfiieli f now die mosi jmr'leidar ane mu ( f | eve yn a .-r. He says •• I n ( de io -,ou a jin.po. , mill, to join im i • Uns v» ry ;m jem 1 ~.;g : ifie bank 1w • months yin ■ , w.i-. v OJ r ,j.. i( ./'/be H- .m n .e-s.iry for li:t ~ icn-k mu lur | Otiirr a-,.:(•;;•’( s. who vvould leml im il: ir m.J go widi me in my views ; these j’ ,1 >v. < .1, ~ . , } iil.'.iili gmy a:i i'mcn.ent.s for Mure,. / .. ~ £ 1 necesary t; on rlook yohas a uiembt : ,. - i; imar,,- [ imlei d 1 i mild 1101 sm C i • .1, li ■ i ’ . vuu n ’ : your fmm r pmiimn As I , e! . • n lu i i.reo n m e m ml other nemuns .. p il i(1 Jniou u;m fl j the most favora de terms, in a »<•!,< ,m -of great m;- : ; '”d tlecji inteit-u. you mui'.ot complain,” j Ni." Again ’Jr. biii|i.._ha,>n says, -‘comiml Jv»r- | -0:1 Ims slated •() me (us i a-.ons lor th'■., |. c has 1 k- t. m Ine ma I ter. a; d ’lso that he h...- ;• f ' V •’ Wdledgcviile f on Ihe sut.jr •/ i!;i t :t wis nut iluiii any per ■•■ i i’ii ling of m. t >- ~t •o ) ,i', 1.-, I liial il;e st., . e < i l;m effint . ... m1! i. poi'i , and th il io- wpr.zt wa . j : t.\d Im g desired (o ..c nn." Now m all ; •■. , 1;i! n , • K tm mu I ‘st ilton ol personal d.sre ■.><-.-• 1. ’supposed iniury ,no complaint ■•(' ih>- w, il ,i ,'p I ■ iinurauility ormie..rity iu my admini'ti;: nm .f tiite I'.i .k. nm any dim . to urn- a.mimld, mem . odatious, bul m i | reins .. ; ... . a, uid tu smt.e my eii n r ami 1. ■ I the sm 11 ss . I 1 nu asure, wlin h had | tjou ol nei In Imyi. i lings or tiiyjo . . \ tm I.ti w1• *, op, ,i.m a< well. ati.J w.i - ... .4 • lied that 1.1 oilme my most deteiniim ii p jlu h.T •• 3( h■ . .■•’ won. i lie o. , t ,| v 0) ., , wiieiievet ihe uije 1 sitotild 1 •• or un, i ,4 sp ned of'success (vitlumt my c ihoi .i u'khi t i:i ! .h>! a m joiHy o .<1 J,,- H . ! A/i .I vi rsou does not state m,is h i;. rM j. mi -lify “ s< heme” was, wlm I, h> h ~J ~o 1 . j femiy di-.snt-d to ( , now jk at danger ol Its a. (i , ~, my st I; humid bye very cousidei ttioti, ; ; ai t:ia e;m honest and an' n.,. , | b lore you. Ilmi the im I uiuus plait m v m >rn m* put dt wn by (he 11 tied von <■ id ;..e >,i. ( , i.mmi,' 1.1 v. Mr. Iverson •!:.!•• aimu; iw o moiuh., ,o () ” mi k an iot( ivo w nidi inc, and state dm' hurt tin entire 1 ontr i ot liie \i ts; I ioiria b mx. and ho pioduced a Ir< ad 1., me a p-q>' -,ig jbv c ie ;1: ‘ ■'• ‘ ! . ' ■ . :i. ontrol, 1 m siated Brooks -,n I u 3 :m j.,<, ~.. ■ '■< 1i..11 IL lio n | r p.. < J ihai 1 slu Ju uiiito will- him u.clfiitmg a I rg. Irnm wuu v, w slioui 1 purl hase iqi ,1 rrnij >1 iiy | ~, (j . | . (r _ me>-’ 1; m* Ui Gm.: ahom I bl u ; , . W(J m- i’l.inm • . lie V. .-t F > it. a w>L, ( | ( , tm-im " ..t Appalam < J,, I ;i m- i-■ blink ; .11 ~. ;(• ; ’.aim : ban I. i. iuisii e-.i at Cobmibtis. up 11 Hu ~||ts . . ,1, , Florida bai li : ili. i th- nai.k sboulil < Io |.| 1 :«• pi iv ate prop' rty oi ... sm. •, ~ . do ii.r <> 'Siness upon 1 s 0.. n i,,i , < . ,. (f m - bur sin lid Ui ep funds loii'ta.i I, in ... . j ;1 piivale a jent, wit 1 whim ,to suav. ail <, uitfs ifiat might. liotu lime io tiim , bi in n::tr it ami ihtmii! at ail times be ready loan! the ck Imlihrj 1 tii' ir ImsiiiCSS ;mJ td.i'anis. TI is West Llm 1. bank w•j tm m .Iy ■! 1 . Iru 11» in olve..t, having miserably expn; d un hm the nursing «i thu same Mr. William !«r. finipusiuon I di4 (•j-i i, and what I . -k. woid<l ;mv Imnc.-: n an in lb. I l.ilinut i r y lit.: :mll_'il o me. find u oi. r (ll y approbation ! ili «mi lU'io’i us 111 :v<-. sot.'s ;d ui w.i-i, Kiii ri oiii (li m ii"- mu due. we should burrow from the F in r*’ Bam, ami pt n \| |j lt} turn-, Il to l icred it one ol liiose w ild ■ vision arv strecnl.i ions, for whu h I, a u what notnriii •’. and did not suspe, | I, ~, , p e . ,ite to am r. rn |.'lv or liarnii j. •. H ■, v . : ><| the 1 .mmam y. I lie matier :iHi:< 1 >,i eiinn Ily passed ir .in n:v .uimury, anin sorjvcd u>