Cherokee intelligencer. (Cherokee (C.H.)) 1833-1834, February 08, 1834, Image 1

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"M'W J.i J. WWI 11 IM WI Mt" ■.» 1111 —S CHEROKEE IN rELLIGENCEK, A Dcmotratir.. Re pulf.icon, y EH’S PAPER-, Published at. ED AH WAIT, , hcrokt.e. county, Ga. DEVOTED TO THE PRESERVATION OF THE UNION And the >' i-wiguty of the. STATES: Published once, a week by HoWEI L COBB Proprietor, Editor nnd 1 ü, terms. the intelligencer Ts pnbiished Ht three dollnrsa jeer, to rid. •c.nbrr". : uhon paid in advance or at four dollars, ii not paid, until the trnffof’he yeur. t i No pwper will be difeconlinnod. but ?it the option of he Editor, to any subscriber in arrears. Advertisement: and Job Work will tic executed at the customary prices. Commu dcation to the Editor must be post paid to I entitle them to attention. No subscription received for less than a year. •EXi t'UTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS’ DI TA' Notice to Debtors and Creditors to be published] six weeks,—Prince’s ’>ito st page 157. All intended Sales ot goods and chatties, belonging . to testators or intestates goods and chat ths. shall l.e Published in two or more public places in the parish county] where such effects tire to bes .Id, nnd in the ; gazette, at letrl fortv days before the day of such in- ] tended sale — ibid 151, All sales to be between tlie hours of fen nnd four o’cl oclr, and if c.'intimietl tVom day to day. notice to Tie given thereof on the t-=f la voi sale .•/>;,/ If>7. i Sab sos retd property ti. b<* on the first Tuesday in 1 the mouth. at the place of public sales,after sixty days • pnblicat ion.— ibid 171. Application for Letters of Dismission published sis months. — ibid 163. F.f’TR AA’S. To he advertised by the Clerk of the Inferior Court *-t’6t'rf. NOTICE. Ev permission of the honorable Court of Ordinary, j V ill he sold, to the highest bidder, ut the place where Adam C. Gann now lives, on I Saturday, eighteenth January next, ALL THE PERSONAL PROPERTY Os A dam Gann. son. bite of Murray county. deceased, consisting of one set of BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, ONE HORSE. ONE COW AND CALF, HOGS. HOUSEHOLD AND KJI’CIIEN FURNITURE, •4ml other ARTICLES; too tedious to mention. Terms made known on the day of sale. Adam C. Gann, Georgia J ebb cou nij i Tolled before me Munn M. Moore. J. P. in the fixeiitieth disfrictict ol the second section, one BAY HORSE five years obi. with a blaze in his forehead, j Isis left fore t »ot white and both ul his hind feet while; ' branded on his left shoulder w ith the letter S apprais ed bv .1 L. Davis, and Rufus It Singleton, to thirty five dollars A true extrac' front the cslrny book. If. B HORNRUCKER c r. c. f’herokue Superior court j August Term, IBJ3. JI i>e. Governor, on the informa- ) tion of William Martin I _ vs. pet. Fa. Pyrnt E. Jackson. j B appealing to the court, by the return of the S’i,. r . ■ iff.. that the Defendant is not io be found, and Lx tin* , affidavit o( the informant that he docs not believe that i the Defendant resides in this state, it is therefore. Ordered by the Court. That service be perfected by I three months public if this Rule, in onu oi the j ypblic gazetfs of (his state « A true extract front the Minutes. R. F. DANIEL, Clk. 1 mtg 17— -'27 Cherokee Superior court August Term, 1333 The Governor on tin' informa- ) I lioii <>t James Wood I . . vs > isci ra. J’yent E. Jackson J Tin- Snt’ie ) ... '< Gci. F;:. 1 :>O Same \ -»1 1 ••I ’»’' ■' l to the Court, bv t( turn of the Sher * iff. that the |». f'em'ntit i = not to l.e nils'. mt,l the in- i /inner Inniug made the legal affidavit. on motion it i h I I at service be perfect< i ! , rri the Defendatit. I y the pnliiicntion <>l thi- Rule on, ea l ’>r three inmith-. in some public girclie i t ’ ' , .1 .'rue •» irurl front the •niniitcr. R. F. DAME!.. Clk. rmg 1“ q u •?? " now i'.i i. 7 r <nfß. ATTOnXEY AT I. VW. C'irroi' ('<■ nt Haise, Ts now prepared to attend !,» nnv prose si vnnl I u »iness cntrcsted to him. He tendvis hi- thanks to th >- • ■ - ;, n the < 'ur|* where ha has pt- , C*om!nun’i.iit’'o:if ! ut'.cnlien, ORiil v'cue j'Ost-ysi«i Vol. I—No. 52. i GOED-LAND AT i’.J V \ J r'. UJ:.. , FDR'SAEE I The following Gold and Land i J )TS, viz : GOLD LAND j ; No. 153 SD. IS. No. 77 1). IS. i 317 If) 3 jo 5 2 162421 3 ]G2 12 3 H3f> IS 3 66 E) 4 1261' 14 I 5} 8 2 419 13 J 7f; |3 4 593 18 2 j 95 8 2 1235 19 3 2! 9 9 4 336 3 J Apply, in Savaotmh, to Dr. G!’ORGE MD>« 0.-; 5-n—M SIXES GOIM (OR male. ” ” Lot No. 212—15 -2. known ns the SIXE GOLD ! MINF«, is for sale. It is unnecessary to describe (he | Lot, as its mining qualities arc already general!-, : known to miners, as one of the most valuable Gold i Mines in Georgia A creek runs through the lot si:f --i ficient for twenty rockers, and good houses are built I ready to commence working. Letters, post paid, di rected to me at Tallahassee, Florida, will I.c answered, a liberal credit will be given for the purchase money’ THOMAS G GORDON, oct s—p—3l j If you h a v e the CA-'JL I will s-!l a te?v Gt >LD 1,0 "s U! d LAND ; LOT ••• on g > ml term-, such as N>. 412 12 1; No. I ’37—13—1 ; No. 255—15—2 ; 7 ;^_i7_o’. N ./. ;69'— -21— 3. LAM) LOTS. No. 295—15—3; -o. j 118—18—L Any pmr,-ni wi-hing to purchase any ol ; the above named LUI 8. can make application to'liie ■subscriber. LEAS’IMN SNLI’.D. ‘ P, irk Cftinp. r,;i-t;r rr, sent 0 1 ' —l?'* “ "VAEUAIiEif GOLD \N:> LA D LO t’S i ' - , j.E. j Tiie. subscriber oil’cis the following LO I S lor sale : I Number Distiicl iSectiou EM 3 4 1'97 3 J ’9l 3 3 3’13 It) 3 279 8 3 43 22 2 Any person in the tip-counfrv or elsewhere, wishing Jto pnrehas- <ith<r ct the Lots, will f ;i ,| th,- . owner in MiHedg.'viti... ; it the nnegmi, , I December next, at .Mr. Bufli.igfon's hoard.’ g lio-bc | ! DAVID J MILLER \v are county, o'-t [O— o —; 5 B’OR SAEE~ The tollovvmg LOTS are offered for sale. Ao. 1040—2!— 2 982 3 2 (ISO J 2 For particulars enquire at this ( All per«Oßi are caution ngUttst tre=pnssing on either of these 1 oisor on number one himdied and sixty-one in the fourteenth district of the second section. dec (4—«r—44 I “““NIFTgCE.- 1 H< t «-f (tie iiiird sect'on, now Alurrny coiin- I ty. Ga. Sdd lot is returned by the surveyor first I ipnility river lam!; any person wishing to btiv Ko<»d i land would <.o well to examine snid lot. Titles in-I | disputable Terms low for cash. For particulars , apply to the drawer of said lot living at Kings Gan j < iiiri is county, Ga. ' i ~, ~ A. WILLINGHAM nov —l6 a—l? JLJLa KOT 4CE» .xS 7Y? * 77/L’ TI/JLir. FH 1Y DOLLARS REWARD. Stolen nut of Plv -ataldes. in Talapoosa conefy ' banm formerly the Creek Nation, on the night of M ■ - ....... Swv? ! the youngest tlni darkest brown bav,%p is sev, n years old next =priim, he has a short thii k bed® ’ trots and canters well. hcis;,l„ Hl » four feet ten inches] ,or fi’ elce! high. 7’he (-•her i> r.tmnt sever- or eight ' I years old next spring, he isabnut five feet is a miliiral pacer, bis right fore foot is somewhat injured ■>y tnc splint mid is somewhat smaller than th-other I hey me both l.randed on the ron-g side ol each, on ! ■ 1 nit. h with (.;(• letter AJ in this form. I wilt give , I.iiv dollars r. ward tor (he apprehension of the tides oi -.thieves and his er lheit- confinement in some safe j p’il. so that lean bring hitn or them to justice, with ( the drlive: v <>( the {|<>r«-s : or I wi!| give ten dollars j for eacn ot the IL.rx-s. delivered to nie I tve in <aid ■•minty, within three miles of {line A- Peoples’ JAMES MOORE. N B. A’l reasonable cspence; will be paid. | wi’l be thankful tor any information relative to said Horses doc -J*-’ p }f, ESTRA Y. Gi i\ l'i >i;<\ | || t ot x’py. Simeon \\ hite.o; c .j,ll :.;e!,::is (ji.-p !c . 'me me, a laige SORREL MARE. Icnor e 1 crr n v ear- old, with wh ifc coo!• nn carh ide ot neck'. /-nJ bet,,,-,. Ap; raised ~y \U n . lem M. Reece and Osbourn I! >vgood to furtv'doilar-; CI’RTIS GRI.EN, j. r. A true extract f -r.i the t'.-l.- ti; P.,,.,'-. JOHN BLALOf K e. , c I inn n •: ’ The intrHbjfvicer ZS PTE!.I> a If) I Eyr.RY s.vri RLAY MORNLNC?. The Truth— The whole Truth. I’, I) AIIW A£ I, Saturday, February 8, 1831. Doctor 31. Montgomery. 1 Having settled himself permanently in Floyd coun | ty Ga. respectfully tenders his services to the public in the practice of I 11 11 tO n I : m iv .a?.' 1 ’ 1 ■’ 1 . Ict'ers should not — ! Given undsr mij hand at CJftce. this 13th Jaenarv, 1834 LEATH AM R ANKLN. c c. o. Jan 18—n —49 E STRAY. Georgia : CHEROKEE COUNTY. j Taken up by George W. Lumpkin, of the 817th dis trict G M one bright sorrel M ARE with 11 blemish in ! her left eye a small blaze down her forehead, four feet eight or tan inches high, supposed to be eight I years old. Appraised bv Gideon II Trout and Eee -1 kial Candler to ilfiv dollars. NOBLER BELL.j p. ! zl true extract from the V.-drm) Rnok if s-tid county W ILLIAM GKLSHAM.c 1. c tier 21 —j:—4s ( lierukee Superior court Aagust Term, 1833 The Governnron the inferma-\ tion of Jacob Marlin I ~ . „ vs / ‘ SCI, * a> Pyenl E. Jackson, J It appearing to the Court, by the return of fix' I Sheri!!, that the Defendant is not to be found, nnd by’ I I hi' affidavit oi the Informant, thathe doesnot believe that 1 lie defendant reside- in this slate, it is, therefore j Ordered by the Com L that service be perfected by three months publication of this Rule, in one or moi't <4 the pul lie gazettes of this state. A true extract i f the Minutes. R. T. DANIEL, Clk. nng 17 p: 27 Cherokee Superior court August Term, 1833. The Governor on the informa ' tion of William Martin , . „ vs. Ia - Fyent E. Jackson It appearing to the Court, by the return of the Sher ill that the Defe’ datil i- not to be found, aod bv the ■ affidavit of the Informant that be does not believe that j • lie Defendant resides in this state, if is. therefore. Ordered by the Court, That service be pci fected by ( ! h'-e months publication ot this Ruh-, in one or more j "fthe put lie jazet’s of thisstate. A true extract from the Minutes. R F DANIEL, Clk. nug 17 .‘27 I ! .ill persons are hereby m.fified, thaf lam the owner <;f Lot number SLX HUNDRED AM) SIXTY TWt) in the fourth Hstiii t of the third section, offm-rnei’y , m-rokoe, now Cass county ; the Deed from the. mawor to me is recorded as the law direct* : they are ; taeretore warned trespassing upon said ibt, us law wdj be rigidly enforced against them. . ~ ’R’ ÜBEN C. BHOR I ER. jan II 4s Pleasant Valley, There has been a new POST OFFICE established at I'.easant Valley, in Murray county, and Nelson i .Ry has opened a house' ENTEiI T. IZAJ/z;.v 7; \V here h- hope? to receive a deserved share of cus tom. His HOUSE is situated on lie smith-east cor '■♦•vol River and -Bi-oad-?tree?s lie R’surt s the ’iib lie that his TABLE will be furni.-h with the best'tl-Ht can be procured in /lie country. by industry ut.d mo ney, and every means used to render those comforta ble that m-iy visit hi- House. His STABLE will he provided with a sufficient quantity of CORN. FODDER and OATS, at all tunes, and under the constant nnd exclusive care of an experienced and I ilthii.l HOSTLER. The Proprietor in making his charges, will always remember the pressure of the limes. I his heaulitul site anil Hsing Town, is 'ituated on Lie bank .4 the C-o-a river, near the head of st. ' :n --•op* ravigmion. Tliis village must poso s« «nnie ad xantagc# highly lavuralde ti» its mercantile interest t; r ’ X 11 JOHNSTON. Itm I ci.era, T ... .q and Georgia Journal will. each, mser't his n itire four times and forward me their at c-'.tn's for pi y m,.„t. A II J. Jan 25—p—50 ““'iVIUTfONr I hrret.y CHUIi-ui all pers-ns agaimt tradin® fora N< » ri. or H \ND given I y mt- to Ch ;mp Tavtor due form after d-.te. for :.i>u;t twenty dollars, given some time in Ap-i! or M y I •=♦. with a credit '< 1 .., ur ■or five dollars. I cot -ul-r the nr.te ;-j ' i WILLIAM li .M CANLF.SS. 1 jar. 4 4? I STOLEN • i From tlm subscriboi;on la.- ..-ith ult. a MARE, fifteen bands high, five years old I very trim in her make, a little, droop rntnpcd : proai'ei i .<Mi the let! shoniderand left thigh with a s'.'* I ?/,“ 1 some roan spots on her back, thip main at,-* 1 I will give a reward often dollars and aIUJ' . expenses tor the Mare, and the additi’pn ot ' for the thief with proof to convict hiin '•HI feL Abner. sex - county, de- 2 *l ' k ? edo'<nl Union will pnblish this once and"|B */ -Jut he Intelligencer Office. 6re;>rgia : county Johnson of the 817th distt let G. M tolls before ■Fa bright SORREL HORSE, ten or eleven years a "sile spot in liis forehead, shod before, about F]fd(e.f H hands high Appraised by Samuel C. L’and -1 lerand It. L. Sparks P twelve dollars. NOBLE P. BELL, J. P. A true extract from the. Listray Boo’:. Pill LIP KRUFT, c. I C. jan 25 M 5.') Strayed or Stolen f . 1 4 r ass- | From tiie subscriber, living in Cass county, cl flic | ,-Matoorm Gold .Mines, in (he month of October last, a i small BAY M.AR.L, four years old, with a scar on her ! oacK. wiiich has or had when she went off, no hair on ‘ it She racks entirely. 1 ■ l=o. a brown lit )Rr-E C'.)LT, with e. star in bis < fore Im nd nine months old. 1 w i|] give a reward of lion dollars to any person who will deliver the Marc i and Coll to me, and any information will be thank fully received SPENCER HORTON. jan 25 50 STOLEN fcSSWEllfc* From the subscriber, on the night of the 22d inst : • roin his residence in Cass county, a BL\Lj\ HORSE, about | l Hirt'-en and a hall hands high, Wi.. ■ a smalt star in his forehead, one liind and one f ore 1,,..; | white and a small scar on liis right hip. lie is abotil I eight years 01.1. Also, a BA Y NAG, belonging to a travelling man, was taken with ruy Horse. Any person delivering hie lb 111,8 1 ,S to rne. shall be liberally rewarded ■ any information thankfully received. . TE-SA-TA-SKY. j ltl 25 a 59 PROSPECTUS OF TilL COMPLETE PERIODICAL L.BRARY- I Forty eight pages weekly—nearly tw<’lhousai 1 five hundred octavo pages in ;l year, tor five d<>ii<<rs, tu nishing annually select reading equal to fifty voium of common size. The Library w ill contain nearly all the new work oi merit as they appear, viz : Voyages and j'ravels ; History; Biography; Select Memoirs; (he appro ' i uropt-an Annals; Adventures; Tales oi num 'j'Xß 1 lionable character, &<,.&c. Tiie Complete i e; iodical Library, will be J indi«pciisib!e to all lovers of good reading i.i tov!’,. ’1 Ikcoiintry. Every number will cont.i'ni furtv-eight p'' 1:1 a size expressly adapted tor binding wln-u die" is.completed; printed with type so large as U"t ®Lgtielhv weakt-s! f ye. lt< immense size will c.> , BfcUtor !.< 1 i any eoiiiii;.)!! .(.'.rd |,.,,,ki Is r ■ I< n:!v into Ofie. v. ( >rk- iv < ilecpntcli. d as they arrive from Europ , us ■ , i ■F , -lfto its patrons The subscriber m MEmt-jj be l.roi’glit as 4 were to the very fountain ..f, \\ urks prmted in this Libiarv will be I'sr'idH p fl to him. when without it, Im w.nil i be L Ide to procure them. A book that wiUc-ismß ■lollars to i;n| mt. < 1:1 be rv-ps inted a-s.l \ \ A subscribers, owing (o our peculiar facililies. ! twenty or thistj cents, vv ith the important addition ol I I- b» ing fresh and new. ‘A e will givi t early two thousand five Imndred 1 gys annually. r<;-vil to fifty common sized books I ] Every work publithed in the Library will be complete lin itself. A I'dle Page will be given in <ai h volnn c. ( so that the sub«ci ibt-r, if he plea-es,may sell or give it 1 away without injury to any of the others; or it mnv ' ■ be bound up at tiie pleasure of the subscriber. 1 riiis work pres-tils an extraordinary feature, nn ! known to any other periodical in the countrv. Th [subscription price may be considered a mere'loan (or 1 the year, ns tiie work at the year's end. will sell for' 1 cost, and in many parts of (he United States it will! I ormg double its original cost to fin* =i:li=rri x-r. .The work's pitbkdi* d in the Complete Periodical ’ I Library, will l ent the liigbpst charm ter. both e- re- . j gards’he author and l:i> subject. New worl sot a,,. • proved merit. Will be sent out to the labfor by every i arrival from Europe, giving him a-; unlimited field to select from, while (are will ! e taken to make lii= 1 pnblicat: 1: equal to any thing ot the Lind published in Ymericn Ti c first number wilt be issued on the Bth of May next, nnd regularly every Wr-dnesday tliereafi-r. re cured in h >->.|‘om< pri.-ded covers, mid <;n fine w hite paper, nt A5 m-r aniiutn. 1 avnLlo in advance. < Inhs remitting .-®-2<), will supplied with fse copies for tLatsum; agents at the -am- rate. \ddr-=s T K (lit! ■ NrlA NK. v,>. 9 ,6a /7-.--r. rhibi : 2v. D. The usual exchange to i d.lurs advertise Whole Ao. 52. Cass Sheriffs’ Sales. FOIL M vRCIL j Will be sold, on the fi:.4 | il( S( ; H y ln jj, ( , f , x( a{ I the door, at Ctissvilie, i,, th, comjy c .f I Lass, between the hours of ten in the mOmb-v nod 1 ' ; l 2' 111 ihaf d-> -' ■ - iHiiiih'*"-" '•Un**-*. BWMWMBfewdP Wr ■ E; fWO jaS < ? “ * t 1 j ■'’jH j ’llsi - ■ ‘ v , 7 j ! to be about seventeen years of age. levied <" | property of Samuel Fci-gison tosatbfv two fi !’-= -. ]«> juices court of ('ass county, in f. u : oi . oIfUV( ;) . .. A- L‘'"’’ ' ( ‘ v y ' ! , lnf ‘C and retm-ned to me bv a con Mable I’o-7. A:#o. a negro boy named Tom, I years ot age ; a negro girl m J: m d Martha, I,Hue .. | seven and ten years of ? g P ; one r ,ad H’ !u t n.i.her Lads and l urnnm-e ; one Trunk; one weevr ng L .om end one Nil.. <<-vi-d on ; . s n ;( . or.-n.e.-tv 1 Hodge Raberii to satisfy afi fa from the sonm-i!.,-<-,'.n •( • ?"">"•?' T ‘"'’'J'' °* ; or the use of Uic Ccatful i> i!ik ot Georgia aur! oiher fi fas I jan 25 5.) Ll< IS D. 8 j I I Athens fem )!c giHIS Institution will Im 1 ... o, . MOvJAY IMIAM/VIY -*E XT.n t! d.r\hu Ijomt due/-.; ,:, th- 5um,...:! A .. , fi , n() ’ Vid.'d I *-^'” lti ” » :11 al a!' times be pro- Hates of Tuition, payable, in advance. ■ 0.1 Srliolars iristrui b d in Spelling, Reading, Writ i-'g and A.'ithm iic, as far as Vula-ar Fraction, Siniih’s sjsfem. $4 00 p< r qr. ’ nine- -with English Granimer and G-og.aphy, <bcl *ric. liistory, Use of Globes, Nat ui'ril Philosophy. Cliemistry, Astro nomy, Latin and Greivk L’lngua/jcs nnd the Mathematics, S 8 00 " L'idrtictions will be give in f.m French l anguage. ’’'lm Pusic Room. a= he. -tot-ire, will la- occi7,u’c(l bv .IR.S IVALTH YLL. whose knowledgr us the sei" o c. nnd experience in teaching, need no com i mendafion. Draw g and P.-intiug will be taught in the Acadc my. The school wi’l In- provided with Apparatus for dbisti-htion in the •iiffci-t-rd ."citmces 'I here wi l ! lie monthly examinations without my previous pre; nrathm J Sh'tl isiic Ten il<>nths. (U Boarders will b.* received in the fiunily of Senior Principal t---».H..g; ot< tDr. premises W.M. B. T YYLOR, ) . - , „ , W.M H Ilf'NT } Associate Prwipats Nv. 3 I--';!. * ’ ’ University of <J H E next College Bexsiou wi.i i omm -, (| |H fl , Hilli January J* H. For admission into the Freshman Class, a candidate must have a eeri-<' knowledge i t (Nceio’s <'.rations, Virgil. Join, Act= lt i the Greek T-dam ml. Gi®ca * i< ■ » du s 7 ’ m:i 1! C a: 1 indi <p■WaTTT’e<fffi-iI<. for ,h!mi\-i n iuto a lof the classes Provision is made forth > hlki,./. j ter without a knowledge of French, to •••i ts th,,’ • langnage, for which there is no additional <: re o r tuition. | who desire if will have opportunity of -.irf-,-. I mg Hebrew. Spanish. German, and Italian with, i.t I any adcifional charges. The rates of tuition are S3B per annum, pnyat ~ 1 half yearly in advance. i Boa-dean be obtained in respectable families at 1 Irem $8 to $lO per month. Bv order of the facnltv, IVM L. MITCHELL. Sec’™ November 10, 1833-42. Ceoroia Murray County Adam C. Gant* applies for letu-ri of adniimstra'ion on the estate of Adam Gann, =r. late of said county deceased. I are there!.>r-i> to cite and admonish all and ’ i "‘ ki"d:< d and creditor*’<>fsaid deceased to be am opoear at mv office, within the time pre. J by law. to show- cau-c. it any exists, why said let'. rs shouldn >t be m,.,!. Given under mv hat office this 21st Q<-t 1o"3 r AN Li W. JACK--UN. r-. e. o. nov.-.-lG—do- yj