Cherokee intelligencer. (Cherokee (C.H.)) 1833-1834, February 15, 1834, Image 1

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cherokee: Inteemcenci : .. CHEROKEE INTELLIGENCER, A Democratic, Republican 9 HEWS PAPER', Published at EDAHWAH, t'heroic t county, Ou. 4>EVOTED TO THE PRESERVATION OF THE ! UNION And the Sovereignly of the STATES: ? «*he sycophant of no Party, (he slanderer of no Indi vidual, the friend of JACKSON. Published once a week by IIOXVEI L COBB. Proprietor, Editor and Publisher. TERMS. TIIE I NT E LLIG ENC E It ’fa published at three dollars a year, to subscribers, 'when paid in advance or at four dollars, if not paid until the end of the year. No paper will be discontinued, but at the option of be Editor, to any subscriber in arrears. Advertisements and Job Work will be executed at ‘the customary prices. Communication to the Editor must be poet paid to entitle them to attention. No subscription received for less than a year. EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS’ DUTY Notice to Debtors and Creditors tn be published !UX weeks.—Prince’s Digest, page 157. AU intended Sales olgoods arid chatties, belonging to testators or intestates goods and chatties, shall be published in two or more public places in the parish Xrewn/y] where such effects are to be sold, and in the gazette, at least forty days before the day of such in tended sale.— ibid 151, All sales to be between the hours of ten and four o’clock, and if continued from day to day. notice to be given thereof on the first day of sale— ibid 167. Sales of real property to be on the first Tuesday in •tile month, at the place of public sales,after sixty days publication.— ibid 171. Application for Letters of Dismission published six months.— ibid 168. ESTRAYS. To be advertised by the Clerk of the Inferior Court ‘—ibid. Cherokee Superior court Augwil 7’er/re, 1833. ‘The Governor, on the informa-'i tiou us William Martin | „ . vs. ? Sc, ‘ Fa ’ Pyent E. Jackson. J ft appearing to the court, by the return of the Rher iiff, that the Defendant is not lobe found, and by the affidavit of the informant that he does notbelieve that the Defendant resides in this state, it is therefore, Ordered by the Court, That service be perfected by three months publication of this Rule, in one of the public gazettsof this state. A true extract from the Minutes. R. F. DANIEL, Clk. aug 17 27 an”act *T<) divide the county of Murray’ into two counties, and to provide tor the organization of the same. Be it enacted by the Sen-lie. and House of Representa tives of the Stale, of Georgia in Genera! Assembly riel, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the tame. That the county of Murray in this State, shall here after constitute and be divided info two counties to be bounded as follows—commencing at the point where the counties of Floyd and Cass join, on the south side of the present county of Murray, following the dividing line of the two ranges ufdistricts sepa ”y a tine running north from the point above dosignated, until the said north line intersects the line oi the State of Tennessee, and that portion of said Bounty lying on the east side of this above mentioned line shall constitute a county and continue to be call ed Murray; and nil that portion of said comity as at rircseitt organized lying on the west side of said north inc shall constitute a new county to be called Walk er. in honor of the late. Freetuau Walker, of Rich mond. And be it further enacted. That on the first Monday in F ebruary next, the persons in said counties respect ively entitled to vote for members of the Legislature. Biay meet together at the several places hereinafter designated in their respective counties, amj under the superintendence of three suitable and capable persons, proceed to elect five Justices of the Inferior court, a Clerk of the Superioratid Inferior courts, a Sheriff, a Tax Collector and Tax Receiver, a county Surveyor, ■nd Coroner for each county, who shall hold their offices for (he terms of time specified by the existing lows of this Slate. And be it faether enacted, That in the county of Murray, all the elections for said county shall hereaf ter be held at Spring Place, at the house of John J. Humphries, nt the house of George W. Wticascr, at the town of New Echota, and also at the place w hich way be hereatter selected by the Inferior court tor the court-house in said county of .Murray; and in the county of Walker, said elections shall be held at the place selected tor the court-house in said county, and also nt the several places of holding Justice’s courts (herein unlit hereafter altered by law’. -Ind be it further enacted, That so soon ns the Jus tices of the Interior court for said counties shall be e- Jected and qualified, it shall be their duty w it h as little delay as practicable, to organize (heir counties res tiertivcly and to do und perform, all other nets incum bent mi them by virtue of their office. And be it fiiriht r enacted, That all la vs and parts of taws, militating against this m t. be nnd the saute are hereby repealed. I’HOMAS GLASCOCK, Speaker of the House of lit nrescntath'cs JACOB WOOD. President of the Senate Assented to, Dec 18. 1 <33. , WILSON LUMPKIN, Governor. NOTICE. Communications to the CLERK O s the Superior v’nurt of Floyd county, must, to secure attention, in ©very instance, come post-paid; and. in no instance will a DI.I. Dbe recorded until the ( tecs arc paid The Federal Union will publish this notice once h oiontli tor four months and send their account to me ♦fl»rpnymcnt E. G- ROVERS. C S. C i-ijj ‘45 ■ y Floyd county. Vol. 11—No. I. GOW-LAND AT PRIVATE .'ALt.. The following Gold and Land LOTS, viz GOLD LAND No. 153 SD. IS. No. 7 7D. IS. 317 19 3 12 5 2 1024 21 3 162 12 3 1136 18 3 66 19 4 1260 111 54 3 2 419 13 T 76 12 4 593 18 3 195 3 2 12.9’ 14 ,1 170 10 1 l‘>3s 19 3 209 9 4 3"6 3 1 App.y, : □ Savannah, to Dr. GEORGE MILLIN, or M. MYERS. oct 5—0—34 SIXES~GOLD VdNE FOR SALE. Lot No. 212—15—2, known as the SIXES GOLD MINE, is for sale. It is unnecessary to describe the Lot, as its mining qualities are already generally known to miners, as one of the most valuable Gold Mines in Georgia A creek runs through the lot suf ficient for twenty rockers, and good houses are built ready to commence working. Letters, post paid, di rected to me at Tallahassee, Florida, will be answered, a liberal credit will be given for the purchase money. THOMAS G. GORDON. oct s—p—34 If you have the CASH. ( will sell a tew GOLD LOTS ind LAND LOTS on good terms, srjeb as No. 412 —l2—l; No. 137—13—1 . No. 25(1—15—2 ; No. 774—17—2 ; No. 695—21_3. LAND LOTS, No. 205—15-3; No. 118—*8—1. Any person wishing to purchase any of tiie above named LOTS, can make application to the subscriber. LEXSTON SNEED. Bark Camp, Burke, county. sept 2!—e—32 VALUABLE GOLD AND LAND LOTS FOR SALE. The subscriber ofleis the following LOTS for sale : Number District Section 753 3 2 1322 19 2 138 3 4 397 3 1 194 3 3 303 10 3 279 fl 3 43 22 2 Any person in the up-country or elsewhere, wishing to purchase either of the above Lots, will find the owner in Milledgeville, about the tenth and fifteenth December next, at Mr. Buffington’s boarding house. DAVID J. MILLER. Ware county, oct 12—0—35 for sale The following LOTS are offered for sale. No. 1040—21—2 982 3 2 686 1 2 For particulars enquire at this Office. All persons are caution against trespassing on either of these Lots or on number one hundred and sixty-one in the fourteenth district of the second section, dec 14 11 NOTICE? The subscriber wishes to s. ll lot ol land number ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY in the four teenth district <>t the third section, now Murray coun ty, Ga. Said lot is returned by the surveyor first quality river land; any person wishing to buy good land would do well to examine said lot. Titles in disputable. Terms low for cash. For particulars apply to the drawer of said lot living at Kings Gap, Harris county, Ga. A. WILLINGHAM, nov.—l6—Ar It* NOTICE. STO ’ TDE TIJJEF. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. Stolen out of my satnbles, in Thlapoosa county, Ala bama formerly the Creek the night of the tenth of this month, two dark brown bay HORSES, lhe yomige-t is the darkest brown bay, he is six or, seven years old next spring, he has a short thick head trots and canters well, lie is about four feet ten inches or five teet high. The other is about seven or eight years old next spring, he isabout five feet high. he. is a natural pacer, right tore tout is somewhat injured by the splint and is somewhat smaller than the other. They are both branded on the rising side of each, on t!ic thigh with the letter .1/ in this farm. I will give titty dollars reward for the apprehctision of the thief or thieves and his or their confinement in some safe jail, so that I can bring him or them to justice with the delivery of (lie Horses: or I will give ten dollars for each ot the Horses, delivered to me I ive in said county, within three miles of Hine A Peoples' Store. James Moore. N. B. All reasonable cxpences will bo paid. I will he thankful for any information relative to said Horses dec 28 p 16 E STRAY. GEORGIA—FttRSY'I'II COI N |’Y. Simeon XViiite, of captain Hutchins district, tolls be fore me. a latge SORREL MARE, Ton or eleven years old, w ith white spots on each side of her neck, .-hod before Appraised by Abso lem M. Reece and Osbourn Haygood to forty dollars. CURTIS GREEN, j. p. -1 true extract from the Estray Book. JOHN BLALOCK, c. 1. c. jan 11 m 18 The Intelligencer IS PUBLISHED CV'ERY SATURDAY MORNING. ( The Truth —The whole Truth. EDAtIWAII, Saturday, February 15, 1834. Doctor M. Montgomery, Having settled himself permanently in Floyd coun ty Ga. respectfully tenders his services to the public in the practice of MEDICINE SVRGERY, &c. He will attend to all cal/, in any branch of med icine, and maj&ahvays, bj, found at the residence of Jame« Hemphill, esq. Vans-’s Vally, until the county cite be established. julv 13—22 G E< > liGIA —4 ’ M COUNTY. Whereas, Malichi Jones applies lor letters of Ad ministration on the estate of THOMAS GOSS, late of said eonnty, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the. time pre scribed by law, to shew cause, if any exists, why said letters should not be granted. Given undur my handat Office, this 12th January, 1834. LEATIIAM RANKIN, c. c. o. Jan 18—b—49 ESTftAY. Georgia : CHEROKEE COUNTY. Taken up by George W. Lumpkin, of theßl“’lh dis trict G. bright sorrel MARE with a blemish in her left eye, a small blaze down her forehead, four feet eight or ten inches high, supposed to be eight years old. Appraised by Gideon II Trout and Eze kial Candler to fifty dollars. NOBLE P BELL, j. p. A true extract from the Estrai/ Book of said county. WILLIAM GRISHAM, c i.c. dec 21—M—45 Cherokee Superior court August Term, 1833 The, Governor on the informa-] tion of Jacob Mart in 1 ~ „ vs. < Sci ‘ Fa ‘ Pyent E. Jackson. J It appearing to the Court, by the return of the Sheriff, that the Defendant is not to be found, and by the affidavit ofthe Informant, that he doesnot believe that the defendant resides in this state, it is, therefore. Ordered by the Court, that service be perfected by three months publication of this Rule, in one or more cflbe public gazettes of thi« state. A true extract of the Minutes. R. F. DANIEL, Clk. aug 17 5m 27 Cherokee Superior court August Term, 1833. The Governor on the informa ’ tion us William Martin ™ _ vs. ? Sc, ‘ Fa ’ PyentE. Jackson It appearing to the Court, by the return of the Sher ill that the Defe; dant is not to be found, and by the affidavit oi the Informant that he does not believe that the Defendant resides in this state, it is. therefore. Ordered, by the Court, That service be perfected by three months publication of this Rule, in one or more ofthe public gazells of this state. A true extract from the Minutes. R. F DANIEL, C!k. aug 17 27 ’ NOTICE. All persons are herebv notified, that I am the owner of Lot number SIX HUNDRED AND SIXTY-TWO in the fourth district of the third section, of formerly Cherokoe, now Cass county ; the Deed from the drawer to me is recorded as the law directs ; they are therefore warned against trespassing upon said lot, as the law will be rigidly enforced against them. REUBEN C. SHORTER. Jan 11 w 18 Pleasant Valley. There has been a new POST-OFFICE established at Pleasant Valley, in Murray county, and Nelson Dickerson, esq. appointed Post-Master thereat. sept 21—r.—32 Enlertai lunent. IT««< iFJL I?» 7./I7 VGS7 O V HOTEL. The und‘rsigned having situated himself in lhe town of Ll\ INGSTON, Floyd county, respectfully in forms his friends and the public, generally, that be has opened a house of PUBLII ’ ENTER T. 1 INME\T, Where h- hopes to receive a deserved share of cus tom. His HOUSE is situated on the south-east cor nerol Riverand Broad-streets 11c assures the pub lie that his TABLE, will be furnish with the best that can be procured in lhe country, by industry and mo ney, and every means used to render those comforta ble that may visit his House. I His STABLE will be provided with a sufficient quantity of CORN. FODDER and OATS, at all times, and under the constant and exclusive care of an experienced and faithful HOSTLER > The Proprietor in making his charges, will always remember the pressure of the times. I his beautiful site and rising Town, is situated on the bank ot the Coosa river, near the head of steam boat navigation. This village must possess «<>rne ad vantages highly favorable to its mercantile interest. A. H. JOHNSTON The Federal Union and Georgia Jom nnl will, each, insert this notice four times and forward me their ac counts for payment. A- IL J. jan 25—p—50 BLANKS. SHERIFF’S DEE DS, €IA RK S SVBPOE.NAS. Juror’s Summonses, I Ji iitar tGi: r.rcr.xsEs. Per sale at this AN ACT To alter the seventh section ot an ac 1 , to revise and consolidate the militia laws of this State, and to re peal the cavalry laws now in force, passed Decem ber 19, 1818, and to amend the fifteenth, twenty second and twenty-fourth sections us an act, passed the 22d day of December, 1831, amendatory of the above recited act. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by Ike senate and House of Re presentatives ofthe State of Georgia in General-Assem bly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority ofthe same, That from and after the passage oi this act. tin seventh section ofthe above recited act, shall be al tered as follows, to-wit? That where it shall happen in any company district, that the privates neglect or refuse to elect any officer or officers to the command <t shall be the of the Colonel, or commandant of the regiment to which they belong, or in counties con taining but one liettalibn, of the Major commat'dani t<> nominate a fit at.d proper person or persons, as rhe case may require to take command ot said company district, tor the term of twelve months; Provided, au election cann< t be had sooner, and the person or persons elected, are commissioned by the command er-in-chief, or brevetted agreeable to law ; and be it further prouideJ. that all such as has been heretofore nominated to said command be, and they are hereby exonerated from the same, and that no person shall be compelled to serve again, who has served, or may serve twelve months under two years from the term of his appointment being vacated. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted That the fifteenth section ol the before recited act, shall be amended as follows, to-wit: That it shall be the duty of command ing officers us companies of every description to mus ter their respective companies, four limes in each year, as near the centre of lheir company districts as a majority of said company, liable to bear arms may de termine upon. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the twenty-* j cond section of the before recited act, shall be amended as follows, to-wit: That there shall be com pany courts ol inquiry of every description, ordered by the commanding officer of companies, within twenty days after eacli muster, or on the next muster day, to be composed of at least three of thi; commis sioned or brevetted officers of said company, under the same rules and regulations as pointed out for vo lunteer companies in said section, and lhe command ing officer ot said companies of every description, shall be allowed to stay Hie issuing of executiot; against any delinquent upon his making affidavit, stating the tacts before any officer, authorised to ad minister the same, within ten days after the sitting ot said company courts, and tb.a commanding officer ot said company shall lay the same before the next com pany court of inquiry, who may upon the merits oi said affidavit remit or confirm the same, and Older it collected. Sec. 1 Be it further enacted, That the twenty fourth section ot the before recited act, be amended as follows, to-wit: That when any vacancy shall happen by death, resignation or otherwise, of any Provost Marshal or Clerk, it shall and may be lawful tor the regimental court of inquiry and battalion courts ol inquire in counties, containing but one battalion, to elect a Clerk cr Provost Marshal, as the case may L>- to till said vacancy under Ute same req:ii;;:‘!‘?B pointed out in said recited section, and in case oi either tailing to attend any court required of them when ordered, shall be fined at the discretion ot the court ot inquiry, so ordered to attend in a sum not exceeding ten dollars to be appropriated as other fines under the militia laws us this state Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That all laws or parts of laws, militating against this act, be and they are hereby repealed THOMAS GLASCOCK. Speaker of the House of Representatives. JACOB WOOD. President of the Senate. Assented to, Dec. 23. 1833. WILSON LUMPKIN Governor. PROSPECTUS OF THE COMPLETE PERIODICAL L. BP ARY. Forty eight pages weekly—nearly two thousat l liv. hundred octavo pages in a year, lor five dollars, tin uishing annually select reading equal Io fifty volum- s of common size. The Library will contain nearly all the new’ wwks of merit as they appear, viz: Voyages and Travels ; History' ; Biography ; Select Memoirs ; lhe approved , European Annals ; Adventures ; Tales of unexcep tionable character. Ac. Ac. The Complete Periodical Library, will be found indispensible to ail lovers ot good reading in town o. country. Every number will contain forty-eight p.- ges, in a size expressly adapted for binding when the bool; is completed ; printed with type so large as i.ul to fatigue the weakest eye. Its immense size will eu able the Editor to crowd any common sized bookin two numbers, frequently into one. Aew works will thus be despatched as they arrive from Europe, hi-., sent off to its patrons The subscriber in Missorn. i will be brought as it were to the very fountain <4 lit: - ' rature. Works printed in this Library will be J ed to him, when without it, he would he wholly una -1 ble to procure them. A book that will cost us six dollars to import, can be re printed and distributedio i subscribers, owing to our peculiar facilities, sot about twenty or thirty cents, with the important audition ol - its being fresh and new. We will give rearly two thousand five hundred pa ges annually, equal to fifty common sized books I Every work published in the Library will be complete in itself. A Title Page will be given in each volume, so that the subscriber, if be pleases, may sell or give it away without injury to any of the others; or it may l>e bound up at the pleasure of the subscriber. This work presents an extraordinary feature, un known to any other periodical in the country. The subscription price may be considered a mere loan for the year, as the work at the year’s end, will sail for co-t, and in many parts of the United St >tes it will bring double its original cost to lhe =ubsi:ri ier. The works published in the Complete Periodical Library, will beot lhe highe-t character, both us re gards the author and hi.-subject. New xvoiks ot up. proved merit, will be sent out to the Editor by every arrival from Europe, giving him au unlimited field to select from, while care will be taken to make his publication equal to any thing of the kind published in America. The first number will be issued on the Bth of May next, and regulaily every Wednesday thereafter, se cured in handsome printed covers, and on fine white paper, at sts per annum, payable in advance. Clubs ‘•emitting SrJO. xvdl be supplied with five copies for that sum; agents at the same rate. Address T K. GRF.ENB.ANK. .Vo. 9. Franklin Place, Phila N. B. The usual exchange to Editors who advertise hole Ao. 53. for march. Will be sold, on t.H i. vhll(;t) nrXf . lt the court-house uom .>, • •. „ j jr , u s Cass, between the h 0,.. ~ t t, u , U1 u,,. ;., d I'-ur in tin. afternoon, oi that day, J.e j Ui ..wi. « rj perty, to wit : "‘ ' Lol number live hundred and nii.-eiy-lw./ i< : .ho seventeenth district of the third sect;, n, i< v<-,; .j„ the property ci Johnson Bi nes, to salis.’v a lit« fi- m a justices court oi Bibb county in favor <>| J. 1;- tiot imgsworth, levy made and returned to n.c by a con stable. J No 2 Also, lot number two hundred and ei--;. teen m the sixteen district ot the third section I- v? d on as the property of Abner them (o s misfy h ;.i | trom a justice? court of Bibb county in favor oi [ Hournoy tor the use <>l William Porter, levy mud« and returned to me by a constable. No. 3. Also, lot number one thousand ami fifty in the seventeenth district ofthe third section levied on as the property of Thoma- Bridgman to satis!. » .tin trotn a justices court of Bibb county in fatii of Francts D. Cummings, levy made and returned to ma by a constable., No 4 Also, lot number eight hundred and sixty, time iiHhe twenty-first district ofthe second section levied on as the property of Charles Coupee to sati-lv « ,a f,o “’ *i' ,J stices court ot Bibb county in favor oi’ W iliiam C. U . Clark, levy made and returned to me by aco-nstable» i ' 1 ? 0, t 5 ‘ f A'f o > anp g'’° boy named Willis, supposed o be about illteen years old. levied on as the ty ot John Lovmg to satisfy two fi fas from a justices court of bibb county in lavor of J< hu B. Wick tew made and returned to me bv a constable ' ' No. 5. Also, a negro boy named Philip, supposed to be about seventeen years of age, levied on a -th!, property ot Samuel Fergison to satisfy two fi fa? no'r? a justices court ol Cass county. i ; , f :lvo| . o fW o h t . r l No ’7' y A T an<l "><• '■/ • years ol a . 4 negro girl named Martha, between seven and ten years of age • one road W .ggm-; two leather Beds and v nrniture ; one Trunk ; one w'->;v6 mg Loom and one Slab, 'evied on as -be property of H odge Rabern to satisfy a fi fa from the superior <•< ui ‘ of Lass county in favor of (he Governs for the use of the Ban.; of Georgia and other fi fas No. 8. Also, Leonard Bissell’s interest in lot num her twenty m the sixteenth district of the third - P ?. tion levied on to satisfy afi fa from a justices Court >f Walton county in favor of John Chrippel, levied oit and returned to me by a constab'e. >,...5—50 LEWIS TVMUN.D.S Athens female AcndemV. HLS institution will be opened on the T MONDAY LN JANUARY NEXT, tmd-. - die joint -liiection ot the subscribers. A sufficient Himi berol competent assistants will at all times be pro vidtd. ’ , Rates of Tuition, payable in adrante. ”0.1 Scholars instructed in Spelling, Reading. Writ ing and Aiilhmatic, as tar as Vulgar Fr.ctiop, . femitli s system, ODptr qr. Same—-witii English Grammer and Geogtaphy, $7 09 Rhetoric, History, Use of Globes. Na tural Philosophy. Chemistry, Astro nomy. Latin and Greek Laiiguiojes, and the Ma!hem uics, $8 00 « lustructimis will be give m the French The Music. Room. as heretofore, wi;i o< ; < by 'l’3 W.XLIHALL. whose knowledge v s the sci.-n- e, and experience in teaching, need no com mendation. Drawing and Painting will be taught in the Acade my. 'l’lte school will be provided with Apparatus f-.u’ illustration in lhe different sciences 1 here will be monthly examine;. <_s w it! ~ previous preparation. Shul .st.ic i':ar— l'cn Mmith fTTßoarders will be teceived ; -I. • > a& Senior Principal ri.-idtn- mtlif VV. B. TAYLOR, > , WM. H HUNT, < ’' ' Nev. 3(1 --11. University C 4.” j » H!. next College -session w e' : r . ■ ... S 161 b January. 183-1. I’m- adip-, .■ Fteshtnan Class, a candidate must I, •. • knowledge »f Cicero’s Orario-o. V., Acts m the Greek Testament, Gtau-a ».o<>3 Gicek Reader, f riglish (innninei r ipby.atid be well acquainted with .1 .srCDH.S OF Till: . Cl.Trm. Ail'. /oA’or.—liw limo.. .ol commenced, and the French I 2d Term, from Jan. to Aped Livx, <?. ?■• -a. Ist, vol. and French continued 3.7 Tenn. Apr,l to Aiig.— l.ivy . Ist vol concluilcd, Ftetich contimu o gebra. through Ratio and Pr.qmrtim. 81 I DIE& <»l Tin; SOPHOMG., Ist Term, Aiifr. to Xov.— Hor:,« < ;< . jora, 2.1 vol commenced, Xlgehi ' three books ot Geometry, (Playfair’ 2d Term Jan. Io April —(,tHr< I! . . continueil; Horace and Geutm try u-t . ri ■ Jamieson's Rhetoric. I '.id term, April to Jug.—Graeca Vj- - concluded; .Modern Lnngm-je , Plain '1 ’ j Mensuration, Survevn g, botai.y a?J ” i tory. 1 The present Junior Class have studi» d • - to tiie above, the first book of Cicero de < ■ I first bock ot Homer's l;iad, Blair’s L c- ;; ! I ’lmsteads Mechanic's in part | Though the classes regularly attend b ' - j ring the Freshman and Sophomore v.,. ; , ; made an indispensable requisite for:?!;? -. 'ol the classes. Provision is madi- f- 1 j ter without a knowledge of Frei.) (language, for which there is no add j tuition. Those who desire it will have opr».. -. img Hebrew, Spanish, German, at..! ■■ i ■ any additional charges. 1 The rates of tuiliou are $33 pern; > . - • ‘‘w halt yearly in advance. Board can be obtained in it spectate ■ . , from $8 to $lO per m By order of the facultv. XVM L. MITCHEL! November 16. 1833—42 IHP.VEJ J.~<T6'hT2~ ATTORNEY AT I. ( W Cherokee Court House. Gcurpi ~ I’ now prepared to attend to anv > csso , } siness entrusted to him. He tend. 1 i« t|,. , those per»<>ns who have.-0 liia rh'l J '> • 1 hi;- ,? the Courts win-.-- he lm-pr-ctic< d to ensure ultci.liuu, muR come puG-yuh*