Cherokee intelligencer. (Cherokee (C.H.)) 1833-1834, February 22, 1834, Image 4

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Pleasant Valley. i There h.!.; been a new I’O:ST-Ol'l’ IC'L csl.ddished at Fteusmit y ; ,i| ( .y f in u’lrray eonufy, am! Nelson L’ukeicwx, m.pviated Post-,Master thereat. s< ;>t 21—' 33, WEXI'M & WS. I’AGHZJ, TF3> PIiC'TiT’LLY inlman the printer? of the I'tilled Slates to whom they have long been in tbt id.tally known ns established Letter Founders, j that they have now formed a co-parlnert.hip in said j business an I hope from their united skill and expo-' rieiice. to be able to give iaill satisfaction to all who . m ty favor them wi'.h orders. The introduction of machinery, in place of the te-1 diotu anti mihcal'hy pi'acliei) of casting type by hand. > long a desideratum by th.) European and Aniermiin i Fotin levs, win, by American ingenuity, and a heavy , expenditure of tiin.’ and money, oti the putt of our I s.;:ii tr partner, fir. t successfully accomplished, Ex tensive use of the machine cast letter, has fully tested mid c. t tblishej its superiority in every particular, over lhatca.-.t by tile old process. Tim letter foundry business will hereafter be car- ; He I 0,1 by the parties before mimed, under the firm of Wuirr,. Uawek & Co.—Their specimen exhibits a | complete series from Diamond o 11 Hues Pica.--: The Book and News type being in the most modern . light and style. 'White. I'l agar & Co. are agents for the sale of (he j S.n.l'i :u> i I', t ' Prliflhi' Presses, which they can turn- ■ ish to (heir customers at the manufacturer's prices—i <'ii t -t; Cases. Composition Sticks, Ink and every i article used in the Printing business, kept for sale, and furnished on the shortest notice Old type taken in exch ii’ge tor new al '.) cents per pound. N- l> Newspaper Proprietors who give the above I three insertions, will be entitled to Five Dollars in [ such articles as they may select from our rpv.uimens. : New York, 1833.—at—52 ’ CITY IIAEKI f'. ka Im ■ rOLUMJSUS-GEOUttIA, I Is situated on the corner of Broad nod St Clair street?:, which is hi the centre <4 the city and heait of business, l/eii/g in front of the Columbus Bank and Hie tmxt door Delow Hie Insurance Bank HALL has extensive accmnm >il itimis h»r the man oi f„m;ly, the individ i d tra’-cllcr, tlm daily border or the fashionable visiter. The Proprietors pledge themselves that uei'her expense nor attention shall be Wauled to render their guests comfortable. »B»3SX»3i di C/z/u.hMt, Jaiut t.-y I, HU teb 8—1»—52 AN ACTf More - fli'ctuuiiv to piovi••<•. u>r the government ami prof'Hiiioii of the <"m r.ikee Indians, r-siding within lint limits ol Georgia, and to pr> sinibe the bounds of their claims; ..nd also’ to itithonse grants io issue tor lots drawn in tip 1 late Lmi i an 1 Gohl Lotteries in cvrlaiti cases mi I io provide for the appointment of an V.uut to curry emiaiii pans thereof into execution . an I io fix the salary of such Agent ; and to punish tuosn persons who may deter Indians from emollbi!’ for emigration. Sic. 1. />.; if enacted bit Ihe Semite and House as R-presentatives o/ the ‘dta.fe o (Georgia., in (ientral Assrnddy met, and it is hereby enaettd by the aitt.nriLy of the, scum, 'L’fiat iu all eases where a white man is the head of an Indian family, such ftidian family shall re t:n.i the rights of such property claimed under H e right! of such Indian iamilv. the white man ob- ■ Uiiui.ig no tights but that of the Imlimi us« and oc cupation. 2. And be it further enacted, 'Filat every white man, who may have an Indian family, mi l who may in; desirous of retainin'' his pt ivilcges wi»i 11 he ni.iy posse » as the head of an Ind. in family, may al atty time before the fust day of Man It next, notify the Clerk of the Superior Cnuif of tiie < tunty iff which h« may reside, in writing, of hi* intention to retain hi t privileges as the tie a<l of Hitch Indian family : which notification sh I) lie recorded i > > book to tie kept for that pur pose and no other : and upon th'! doing of which he shall be entitled to all tho ptivileges which art! granted to such while matt in the proceeding sec tion of iliis Act. <Scc. 3. .Im-Zoe if. further murlt'd. That if any Indian or descendant of an Indian, or white man, the headofan Indian family, claim ing the privileges of tut Indian, shall employ any whim man or slave belonging to a white matt or person of color other than flit! descend int of an Indian, as a, cropper or assistant in agricul ture, or ns a miller or mill-wriglit, they shall for such nli’cnce, upon the same being established by the testimony of two respectaldn witnesses, forfeit all right and title, that they may have to any reser vmrm 01 oc 'upam v within the limits ol this slate, an I that upon the cerlifi'-am ol the Agent to be hercnPer appointed, grants may issue for the same as 'hough such improvements had never been oc empb'd by such Indian descendant of an Indian or i.liiio m m having an Indian family. (Sec. 1. \ud be it further cnarted, *' hat wh re any Indian or descendant of an In dian or while man having the privileges of an In di.m. <ii.ill have two or more wives, any of whom shall reside on the farms separate and apart from th-- usual abode ol such Indian, or desi o', rm .1 I tan or white man having the privileges of an Indian, she oi they, shall he hrd I and considered the side proprietor of such farm, together with tin slaves, it' any. usually etnpl >»ed it: cultivating the same. it she or they, shall enrol for emigration shall have ux< Itisivo ami absolute control thereof. Kt'c.'. 5. li/hr if further cuarted, That it any Indian, or others enjoying tho pri vileges ol Indians. shall enrol lor etnigr.»li >n. and ah dl aftsr-vai Is refuse to emigrate at the time sti Provided tuo \gcnt of (hi* United States; sit dl lie in readiness to remove them to Arkansas gill piovidcl .dm. th It such neglect shall not be temsmtm I by act of Providence or other ttnavoi l all. cause Im or they, shall for such neelm lor relus:.l, loit. it ail right to any future occupancy Within the limits nt tins state. J hrc. 6. And be it furthi r enurfe.d, That no Ind. in. or others having the privileges ol an Indian, sh til under any pretence whatever s"t up any claim, or demand against any membfi ol the same tribe, liter such member shall have eu rolled his or her name (~r •'mmrition, sti as to 1 tain stich emigrant from H’moving at’the time s’i pulatcd. and whe rc the clami shall b e peered agamsl any property which max Im i„ the posses- - Sio i td tho individual emigrating, (ho ! alo-i’sai.l. shall be competent H* decide the ' uien sut th.’eliim : Provided. That nothing here ’ 1 "• ?'•’ 1 ” • »»’«• «‘d as m t.i< . I.tniani i.-om j r .. c | ai . u |„,, e . af aid m .In co „try ... which < !b h | Itl „ a „ „ r ’ | havmg the pci-mges . I hr lian. f!i;iil , ruc * , An . 7. Jot/ c it further en. ctrd That no ,omtact. vi( | ter verbal „ r J, ' m d ht .en | e hr :«r< , aw} . and an Indian, .shall be l. in d ~ . v ’ * U ' n . respectable v.Hunsim. . t 8. And. be it further enacted, Thai no Indian or the descendant of an Indian ; or others, having the pnvileges of an Indian, shall be allowed more than one hundred and sixty a< res, which shall consist oi the. lot including his dwell ing house, or if in a distiict where the lots contain but forty acres, tie or they shall be allowed the lot 1 including bis or her house, and as many others, as ' he may have improvements on, not exceeding ihtee, and in both cases they slia 1 be allowed such im proved laud as may be Within any other lot adjoin ing thereunto, which he or ilicy may have actually enclosed and improved previous to the 25th De- i iitnibi r, I:> it), and all the residue of such (oh j$ are not entirely allowed as above, may bn o, t tipied by the drawer, or his, or h< r, legal representative. I vAtc. 9. And be it further en ielt d, if any Intliaa or Indians or anv person 1 claiming to be an Indian or the deicendmit thereof, or any Indian country man, their aiders, abetms or assistants, who shall obstruct or resist, by force or threats the peaceable possession by the drawer ' thereof, or any person claimic.g under him, her or litem, of any tract or lot of land not herein allowed to such Indi ,:', such offender shall tie guilty of a high misdemeanour, f .r which he, she or they urn- I be indie.led, and on ceavictioti, shall on punished ! by impi isonment, at the di icreticm of the court. ( /S', c. 10 And be it furthir enacted, j ’1 hat where any 10l drawn iti the late l ind or gold i lottery shall be partly within an improv< tnem I which lias been valued in.d paid for by tin- IJmHm ' States, and partly within the improvement ot an i ! Indian occupant, it shall be the duly ufi'ie I’ge -t j I as aforesaid, upon the drawer of such lot. or bis or ; i her legal representative, prod:i< ie.g ro the . aid ' j agent a coriitic i,e, signed by Ins < >'• diem >, th | govertior, showing that s ch lot was so drawt- by | him or her, imtnediaiely to place the drawer, or , ! his or her representative in possession of so m. . . J thereof as may lie within the limi's of such v ; j improvement, and forthwith tn remove any urrv i ! siou Hicreon, which might he calculated to preveui ' f the peaceable possession r,l the same. ■ Sec 11. Z/L* it furth r nacted, I That his excellency the governor is hereby mi : thmised. when satisfaelcry evniem e is produced to I him, to cause giants to issue for ait h is •v.m ’i by tills act may be specially designatci!. upon i *■ ap pile uion o! the drawer, or h is or in-r r.qir ■<. •a';.'ive ’ xStc. 12. A."d be it fart her en .ctcd. i That his excellency the governor, is a l>v a i thorised to cause grants to is-'aic for all '. t- ■.•.bich t have been drawn in ihe late Lm ! a>:d gI I lot!,-; v, .where they m.iy lie w: bin or (o'e.h . ; :i (he im j provement of iny ludem or-! . of a • in ; oroth. rs having ta ■* p: iv<i ■ ••■s >f an Imlimi, W 111) till ll'f anv ol :he 11 ... I' i ! I ... . I, ilie I sited Slates ni l Hie ('h-’reker nib;- of |>,- • titans, have been allowed a resiwv >' tu f» c sim pie, whether tne sm>t rcsiu". s'; ' have bt- il. ■ cated in Hits state ,-r c!-.'-,here; 4 .d.m. for such lots a > may have been d;, at, . ■ < , ! , a ; 4 winch may be wiluin, or touch iij.-m ii,e i ~pi-,_,-, merit ufauy descendant of an !„dia»» w'mwas;.!- I >we,l a reservation m lee simnlv a- a: smu : Provided such descendant of an ! idi.n shall n<-t have been twenty one year-, (d ate at the time his or her parents p uterled s.;. i> res• rv.iti.-ti : . Isn for all lots winch !; • within or touch .mm lite in.- prnvenieii ot an lu'limi or olli us having the mivt , lege.sof an iodine. Him io anv treaty as a fore mid, shall nave been allowed a rcser-. .ition for life, ami ! who has removed therefrom, mid settled within the i limits ofGemgia, and fc.r all lots which may lie I within or touch upmi any improvement oc.-upi,. 1 !by any Indian, I" re.ida nos an Imlian or wtiitc in m haying Bin imivi'"._-; -i’ ».. l.m -jmci have I'crel/fare enr ded for entigr .Hon, a id shall have received in conscquem-e of -in a e rndmeut. any money or mb'r vaiuat'lu commit-rmi..a ; anti ’ also toi lots drawn as afore -ai : . an 1 wh may i lie within or ti/nrri l .;." , i til ! impr ;■ u r ~l v I . * a !Indian or descendant of an Inc; : itw white y i 1 mati, having the piiv, ol an Imliaii, and who r j in a:>v of th*: I nd 1 ••»♦(--nos .m.!m,i-.e i by ,!;is siat», 1 shall have drawn ’herein, any lot or lot.-; ; also, for f all lots which r.iav lie wii'.im .ouch ipon the im -1 provmnents of any Zmiiio, .Jo . cndiut of aii Indi;:;. - or white man having dm privilege,-. (1 f a! , Indian, t | whit h has been sol.l, Iras: lor rented, contiary to r the existing h>vs tit' this . •S'tc. 13. J ■d be. if Ji" t■rrci a. ted, I hat. his exc' llcn' y lim 'icirmii is hereby au thorised to appoint some til and proper person as . ' \geut, whom duty il idtall be to -ee that the pro - visions ol this act b? duly and eil'cctually earned r I into opera'ion. ami to ex imme a id report to his r [ excellency the governor, such lots having Indian i J uiiptovciiibiKs tibMtoh, riu«l S’j'jf’i t to he <r rriiHud • | by this act ; whe shall receive one thousand dol r j lars per a.mimt, as .. r . il ct>mp< tisi.ti.m for his ser if j vices, and who .shall take and subscribe the follovv t ing oath, to wit : *• I A. I, do solemly swear, Him - I will peifnrm the duties of Indian Agent, in th . f.herokee I eititory, according to i!;o tirovisions • ol’ tins Act. regulatimr the I herokee Indians in •he possessions ci their persons and proper's, without favor or partiality, to the best of mv abi- r lilies ;so help me God.” And he shall giv :’bon I a id sufiicicrit security, m the sum rd two tbom ai.d Juli us, for the faiih'ol performance of the dn; ; ,. s required of him by this act : and shall be subje't to prosecution oeforc the Superior Court, in any i county where lie shall violateor neglect to sieifor.n , tho duties requited of I.ini. as agent as afo'f-.tid : I <>n.| on cotiviciioij luert-ul, he shall It removed > l-otii ol •'!. and be lined at the discretion of the i conit. fir. 11. Au! be it further euemtid, I hal il any person shall i>v threats, menaces or ' otlu iwise. tlci.’f or prevent any Indi m or Indians liom enroling tor emi jr 'mn, fie <>t 'h< v. shall bi iielJ and deemed g 1; !iy <»fa m's-femeanour. ;u..l on i onviction thereof, sb u! be tim'd in i sum riot less Ij Hi iii oil" hundred doll ir> n ,; r tuoie iliap five huu- I dred dollars, or ur.d"i v ' (l an imprisonment in the : | I’en Jt iiliary at the discr.-.iou <<f the ctmri. Atc. Ij. \.id be > fi.Tthtr tmt. ted, ‘ Thar ail laws and puis of laws, nuhtating against ! tms aot, and the act appointing sm-ei J b->-p n < j (!S for the counties, be, an 1 me same 'are hereby re- i • pealed. j Tliirns GLVSCOCK. Speaker i>j the ■’!■)<! -e of Represent tlives ' JAt'f’B VOOI). Assented to. Dec. 20. 1533. ’ , | WILSON LUMPKIN. Covrr.xor. A LIST A in the Post Ofire c.t New-' I l.ctn'i t. .‘lth iMp oir.iti/, t7c. o t the first tiny ot'Jnnua-' i rij, wh;t. , i if nut l-tken out in three months will be sen!' .0 tin' f i neral Post ([ffice as dead Idlers. A—*V'>iler Andm-son, V.— ' „ Uriah Ellison, I>—James Barnett, H —Elijah Ili.-ks •* C—John Cain. N—Stirling KendTick . 1 —George i icrce. WM. J. TARVIA. p. 31. FOR SALE A first rate, two horse, JEKSHY IT IG’G'fJ.V M ith new HARA ESS. On good terms. , _ Enquire at this UHke. Murray Rhcnfls’ gales. FOR APRIL. Will be sold on the first Tuesday In April next, at Spring Place, the place of holding the Courts, in I said county, between the legal hours of sale, the j following |ir<;per(y te-wit : No. 1. Lot of Laud number one hundred and seventeen iu (he seventh distiict < I the third section, levied on ns the property oi Ebenezer Fain to sati-ty j ali fa from tlm Inferior (Join tof Gabershmii county in lavor c 4 James D. Sutton, propetty pointed <utby | the plaintiff. No 2. Also, lot number two hundred and nim by in the tenth disbit t of ii.e third section, and also, lot i iiumLer three hundred mid twenty five in the Iwditii dl.-triel < f tiie third s :eii-'ii, levied on as Hie property | of William diifurd ami Stephen Willilurd, levy ' made aad returned to me by a t on table. No. Alsu, lot number sixty in the letith di-.trie,t ‘4 the third s< ctioii, levied on as Hie property < f John Speer io s itisiy sundry !’i fas in favor of Ncedum > I'reem.iii o>r Hie use of Andrew IJoi i-y. \,/. 4. Also, lot u.imbt i tnty-loiir in the tweiilv filth dlsiri' t i'i l ie second s ctimi. It'. ivd uiias the | roperty cl' .’ Ic.iry L. Coini tu satLiy a !i la in fa- t vor .1.1 ur 1 c' La-b. i No. 5. Al io, iit mimber three htnnln I mi 1 twe.i- ! ly-o:ic in tto' tievenlh rmtr.ct < f dm third s>cion, livh'.d o" is : iic p. i)j); lly oi lames B. T dley (o s ili.-ty afi;a(r un a J-.isiiei-s c >ait of I>e Kalb uuty in Im. '■ o( J ihn Kiri,p.iirick hwy mndc and ietmned to me by a constable. JUIIN J. HUMPHREY , 1). S. feb 15 1 The sn'r-c !!> iiassetPed in COLUMBUS Ga. t >i:-.u e u'nracticiug, lux duty . - r-OLI- Ui • o ', '.(L\.C, compels him to allend ad lhe ■ i i-.r Courts in tlie Chaltiilm.ichcc Uirem' —lie •di otter, I the Mayors Uotirt in the town ol t.'ohim- ■ ii a. ami ;ds-> lite Courts of m’ioiuing Counties in \L\BA tIA. Busi.less intrusted to his care will re x' ive Mi umliv ied .attention. JAMES P. 11. CAMPBELL. I November2—r. —38 <Georgia—l.‘ass county. \iidiew A-lai', of ■ 'Ojih di.Hriet, liv.wgi.. Mili tia, ot. (> >.t!l:..ding it t'r-'itti, t i:,s b- .re me aB X \ ' !!t >1! S I'. siiyp se-‘io ot: -. vi'u or ei-ht years ohl live ! I’eet high, le't hi m r. .t whit- above the ;>• • Lire j- it;!, r'giil u>re f--«>? w l.iu' >\>m,d : 'ic hoof, a db it tore foot ! some w hite ot Hi■; ■ re otTin hoof, star in the foic i he. d. . diet- •.■/ a t shod nil lomJ, soil • minks < - :■ I saddle, no '■ i : ' t'ols . A 1 r'-.i- 'd >y B d.:uo «ml Joseph .'.tali. Io ; I < T '’A’l'iC?; J- .1 h lie e- ir t. i i' . i.n. -.g.y /iuT', I J X_» .1 i. Lg. . .14. Lv.'\ . • xki ' } G . 1- G • feb S——— ■.'! ■: ___ A A X '■i ' j a To at;th' rize the taking of the Census in the sev eral enemies coii.-pusiow th- Cherokee circuit, ami to require his I'.xceileocy the (.overuor, to pay over the poorsciiuwl fund belonging L> etrch couiHy. •>* if i nacte.: 1 by the Senate and. If niscof if nresentafives <•} t/ic State of (i<'or : ;i ; in ii:-mi. \ .sent i ■/ nu t, and it is Hereby enacted by the authority <rf>rr.said, inm it shall !><• the d ty of Hie Justices of Hie Inti tier court in ihe coruities of Cass, t .'herokce, (Job!/ Floy-!, i'b/'.i, Gil.m r. Lumpkin. Murray, PatiM’ii'g, m; I Fi i.m which have been created ’ . is ippoint one fit mi ! p.tq.'t'. pm t) i i tneir irsperiive counties, to take a fu- a.-. l << nif.e census or enumeration of Hie i wr.te ■o.p mUiun; and .he person so ap pointed stiiu! m their return to the Clerk of the inirrioi Court of’he county iu which he shall .. be appointed, one. Lcime (ho iiiat day us April , J »d be d further etitictcd, r 1 .<ar so soon as the census or enumeration shall l.aVc been taken and returned as required by this > act. i' si,an a-! duly <>i ti. • /.d'erior court to (br , ward a c-rtiiii d copy cd the same to his Hxt t llon- > cv the GovTitior; mJ it shall be the duty of his f .X' i Henry tl-c Governor to pay to the several I cuuiiii-s named m this act, tm equal portion ac coiditig to their v. 'iii? pi-yuiaiio'i id the poor school ; loud, appropriated I i annual disuibutitm among • I the several coun'i-s ol ibis State. 1 j And :t! it J; rther r'ttaife d, ' i I ha' the p’..s.",a .ppoint-d to take the census , ' or enumrratiou shall r-ceive the compensation, I and be governed ri me .-’ rformauce of lheir only y trie urovisious. < .inm,n»-d in an act passed the ■ twenty • ? ix;h day of December, eighteen hundred • and twenty six -x cp ( ~5 ull |i la t e3 a . : gainst the provisions of this act. And >e t Jerthertnafted, J tint ali laws or par's of I, hvs. mi’itating against this act, be and the s-nme are hereby repeal-d tii<>masgj.\>'cock; ij tits iltiuiii of iiiprrsr.iif. tires. JAuom'. ooi), P'i'si ictd us the sS nutt: Assented to, Dec, 21 18:33. WII.SON LUMP KIN, Governor. ‘ Floyd Sheriffs’ gales. | rOR APRIE. V.’iHHn the legal hours ,d sale, w ill be-old on the h.-t lue-day m Apnluext at the Comt-flouse door m ...e to,v „ ol la. mg-l.m, Floyd comity the following pioperty, to-wit: ° >; .F 01 ’*. ua ? bfcS ’ , si) * t y nine in the twenty-third •‘■'■‘’ioti, levied on as the property >1 /’ x'l-b D.u cy ! • satisfy mdry ii . 1:i , f ro!n ,! ■ ■ com I <d . ■ rnk.m couu'y in favor of Robert T Banks, I 1 V ‘o' ’ : “! 1 l ’ el,n ’ ne ' l by a eorstable. 1 ' .' ? ',''s '‘timber one thousand and seven | . m tn,: t biro district of the iomth section, 'levmd on as the property of If. nry 3E Skaggs to sa- I tniy one ii ta from a justices court o f Elbert c.rntdy ( in ta. er ol Aelms A Cftandler, Lvy made and return- I ed to me by a constable. f .. A. H. JOHNSON. febH h!iif . ( ~ ( eorgia Murray CouiHy ’G.f. .A'' A<l,itn C. Gann npidies for letters ol V V .mtnimsira'io'i on tise estate of \d un <■ sn 1.. . .d’sai I county dete.-d Atldln G ‘* UU ’ 1 ,l >' L , <llt H:< i j-fme to cite and ndmonidi all and k " ldied i " : ' f ofsaid deceased to <erihH t^T7 ,t ' ,:V time .>7l letters 7’^X7 ’ S " id i Given under mv hand at office this ojq < >., . CAREV w. JACK SON, c . c o nor.—lb—do—]♦, ’ v- r J'he Intel! /s Pt iff.ISHLD E\ERY SATURDAY -MORAJAG. I IS cfcc. I Oil SALE. it Offr.c Sujieriiilcndtut Hoads, fyc. > i ihastcrii [fiutsioti, Jamury 11, HT l. " i Li obedience to mi Act of the Legislature of the ' •State of Georgia, approved by bis excellency the 1 ’ Governor, on the 21st day of December, i11.;.’, I ( . will sell, at public omciy, to the highest bidder, at ibeCom l i louse, in the county ol 111.BI’llvT, !, On Alonduy, the \ ~(th daycf March nr.rt, j The following mimed N!’Aj R(J 11.5 belonging to . the Xi tat e el ’Georgia, and attached to the l.incniii station, together with the I'lulcs, Carls, Tobis, . com.cctrd thereto : | il.isha, (Mills) .y icli. (/cellars) Alirani, (!’. Col lins) ! m.vsbn, (V atkins) .Armstead, (G’iaz.e) Tom, ' (Dallas) ,' ‘liehmon;l. (Bulk: ) Wai- i i.;cc. (Charlton) Ismic, (BrownJ Tom, (Rowel) ' and ,L li’, (Winglicld) ami i O.i fdo iday, the .'.Ath day of ffurch, Li like mmimr a! the Court 'louse in the ' of AR) KG AX, the, following named N KG'»<) Erf, . j belonging to the State and attached to the Greens ' huioitgh mid .Madison station, together with the Mules, one llorse, Carts, Tools, ficc. connected thmH'.: _ | London, imio, [P>iistiu] Wiliig [Crosby] 1 Abraham. [Mcnlmg] Billy, [Kennon] Axuin, > , [Caryile] Tom, [M’Gar] ?Ved, [Ramsay] Guirge, i Be.i-.11 i’ci-r. [Cargile] Dick, [Dem] Henry, j [Smith] [M’G’m] Jerry. [Runnels] Lark- . . in. | Poitcr] Abraiiam [Collins] Afalhaniel, [Berry] ■Joseph, [Pope] Joseph, [General i’e|»e] Georse, I [Winter] Joe, [RowlamtJ Lotidmi. [Briant.] ('a-: leb. [Rowell] Shade, [jaeksot;] .1. e, [M'Car] j Nathan, [Uol’ins] B' fiy, [ "hmepson! Jetry, I [Lumpkin] Hairy, [Purler] EilicU ami Mark | [Burton] and On b'rid.iy, the 28/u doy < f March nr.rt, ; In like manner, at the CouH-House in the conn- ; ! tv of Dl.'l KALB, the foil- wing nainid NEGiHH'.S belonging to th.o State .md attached to the ( h< ro be? station, together with the Mules, Carts, Tools, ' &c connected thereto : John, fßaptistJ Adam, Zach, Jesse, Toney. ' i Hamp-oi), Harry, Tom, (GhtiminrtJ l orn, fjack ■ s r> j Walker, Jim ( R utln rfordj Moses., ( z AiJn.sJ Jamb, fi’lomity G,.y. York. Ben, Isaac. Miles, R-msom. I’eier.Jnn, Beaver and Bobb, ami (dn S’uesday. the fiist dayidAyrilntx,t, In tike tn.mnt r ar the Court House in the county HALL, dm h'llowii"’ i'iCRcES. b hrnging tu the Slate, and atlm-lm 4 to the G dtisviile station, together with the Milks, Carls. Tools, &c. coti , mi led thereto . Fen'/-, ( lie.!Lewis, { LeeJ Hardy. Jerry. s ..m Jim, f' J Frank, (Aiiii<j Abraham, : (hTmt'?ij BUley, ( Kctchaniy Davy. f.I/aho ! i)'AJ Isaac, (Hatdernmi) Matt, (Smith) Arthur, (’)?amiimu t) Doctor, (Longstreet) Essex. (Wood) ! :'<)!•. ’}’ ( rooms) Joe, (.Sorrow) Jacob, (Freeman) ' Ab m. Larry, Freemim, (Towns) Sam, (Parks) .i J if, (Wilton) Peter, (Mills) JCF, (Mahoney) , ' .Stnitii, Henry, (Mahoney) t leui v (i -iio'.er) and , Daniel, ( Looms) Dick, ((I'iiliani) mid ! i On Monday, the ~'h day of April nc<t, i In like mat,nvr. at the Court-House in the county '' of LAI DA L'L the luilntv in g named A<. G,, UF, S , belonging to ihe State ami aita-lied to the M:l , ledtcville and IL.wkinsvil'e station, together with i the Mules, ( 'arts, Tools, &e. connected .hereto ; Fcipio, Jesse, July, Andrew, Moses, Elleck, Angtist. .Sam, Pi. Blip, Sandy. Jim, [Dome] ' , Spa. ish Town Romeo. Gib, Luke, Gcorae, (Many ' M.irrh. Jue, Ai/iliony. Diulus, Robeit, Billey and ( Gideon. for the information rd’ those persons who may wi-n to purchase, the followin'! sections of the be fore-mentioned act u! Hm Legislature are herewith .; published : “ Si.c, 4. He it further enacted by the an- 47. .... t . —■ ’ / ihoritij aforesaid, , ’ hat the said Superintendents and each of , tht:;i s|i i( ;|, i)n d they are hereby anthuiised, as (he agent :H the state, to execute to tho purchaser or purchasers ci said slaves or cither of them, good ■ and sufficient titles, w.uranting the title thereof only, (or and to said slave or slaves, and deliver titito h.m or them, the same, on said purchasers jmying in cash one filth ol the purchase money therefor, mid the balance in thirty days thereafter, ;r. tendering to the said snpeiintendciits a certifi cate from the Cashier of Hie t.’emral Bank of (>eorgi;f, that the said pmchasei's note f< r the said i hal.mco lia l been discounted in said batik, which • tho said bank is hereby directed and authorised to do, iii sucn matmer and on such terms as are usual in discounting :,n loans. Provided the same shall not exaecd twenty five hundred dollars. rite. o. Be it Jitrlhcr enacted by ike au- j thoritif aforesaid, i i I hat on failure of said purchaser to pay the said i one li.!:t ~f the amount ci said purchase money, at the rime.-fsaid purchase, the sod supe.mieu’dent 1 shall proceed foithwith to re sell said slaves, not i cry ing again the bid ol such defauliiug purchaser ■ during said sale, am) on failure, of.said purchaser to 1 pay ilie nalnnce oi said purchase money, or tender said certdieu'e as aforesaid, within the space of. l.iitty days dtersaid sale, said purchaser shall for feit the said one fifth so paid, and said superin- ■ tendeiit shall, on thirty days mnice being given thereof, as aforesaid, re-sell sai I slave in the man ner. at the plat e, and on the terms ami conditions hereai-belote yresciibed. WILLIAM C. LYMAN, Jeb J— cv — /j Superintendent. A'c. citsltrn dirision. | Paper SialunjK The undereigued have lately purchased of White i man & l.ones, their several i’ kI’ER .MILLS, near Knoxville, Tenn, and are now putting up very ex- i temiveaud £A TIRE NEW AlACli 1 A LRY fur (he ! Mann lac! ure of Pa per, W inch will be in lull operation in a ft w days.— j hevi'i-e also mnmil'actm ing PAPER, constantly at ’ the Golston Mill, in Grainger county, where Hm de mand at present can be supplied. They hope from . ciose attention to business to still retain (hat liberal'; pat'tmage heretofore extended to the Paper .Makers oi Last iennessee. They will keep constantly- at all the Mills a A GENERAL ASSORT3IEAT OF I I lyyi’Eß. CASTINGS AA’l) SCHOOL BOOOKS M : I '*' iy description, to exchange on the i.iu.-i lUjs- j ral terms tor ’ R \GS ; And do once more call the attention of the people 1 of leimeeseeaud Aortle Alabama A the norihvvi -tern pm oi Georgia, to be more particular in savmg their KA lb they are the means oi their very cxEtcnco ' and we want at least ? ‘-xiau.ncu 509,090 lbs. every year. Orders addressed either to Knoxville orManhaJiE " 1 erry w t.i be proinpllv attended to. •SHIELDc?, WHII'EMAN A Co jan I- .pj ... FOR SALE’ • i .ut oi twenty bundles, superior Pit /.Y7’/.VG’ P. j ppp. Royal size. On good term-. JscT _. B GEORGIA-CHP.ROKEB COUNT’/. Oierdf'x Cjjiee, January 25, 1834. J’roin the provisions of an Act of the last Legislu- / Im a, preset ibing " the mode of selling Land at Sshe rdi ’ssale in the counties of Lumpkin, Paulding, Cobb, •i.liacr, Union, Cass, Murray, Cherokee, Floyd, For. \'.i and other comities that may licieafter be made of a part or parts of said counties,” approved on the 23u d; y of Deccmlwr last, a co, y of u Licit has been re ceived at this Gifice, all persons requiring levies to be • made I" me w ill have to comply with the requisitions ot said A,.t; and where levies are made by Constables and returned to tne, a compliance with the provisions oi .‘mid Act c-u.-f be exhibited to me before, sale All cumumnicaliuns addressed to tne must lie cost paid. BAMUELC. CANDLER, jan 25 50 Clierokce Sheriffs’ sales, ' FOR JIAKCiI. »v ill be sold, in I lie town of Edah wall, Cherokee coui> ty, between the hours of ten in the forenoon ami four in the afternoon, of the first Tuesday in Mani* next, (he following propertv, to-w it : No. 1. Lot of land number one hundred and eleven in the third district oi Hie sr.iiond section, le vied on us the property of Hartwell Fills to satisfy a ti l a from a justices court of Columbia cuu-ily in favor of Cooper A Jones. j No.. 2. Also, 10l number ifn ee. hundred and thirty three in the f \ enty lirst district of the second seefiou, levied »u as the property of J. D. Walls to satisfy a < li la from a justice-scourt oi Cass county in favor of J. J. Johnson. No. 3. Also, lot number five hundred and foity. , six in the twenty-first district of (he second section, I * e Y**'„ t * O! * property of Hiram Munn, toentsty ft (i la li'oui a justices court us Bibb county iu lavor oi Julm Hulm ndmf I No. .J. Al.-o. lot number three hundred and scVert* I teen i,i the thirteen tiislricl of the. second /ectiuti, J levied on us the properly of Christopher Lynch to sa . ti. iy two li las from a justices court of Bibb county in favor of Cumming & Tally and Thomas M. Carden. .No. Also, lot number two hundred and Ivventv ' nine in Hie tliirteerit’n district of the second section, levied mi .: -s Hie property of Abe! Purse to satisfy aft ifa from a Joslin s court of Bibb county iu favor of I John 11. liimbro. No. (5. Alsu, lot number nine hundred and forty- < six in the filleei.dh district of Hie second section, levi i mi on as the property ol Joshua Sfephens to safUly a ) li la from a justices court ulMadisou county iu favor of (Jeremiah Cnsllebery. I . I \''. •''bo, let number four hundred and sixty- 1 eight in the twenty-first district of the second section, i cm <is tin: property of John M. Degournon t;> satisfy a fi fa from a justices court of Chatham c0u,,./ , in favor of Gasper Rosy ) No. 8. Alsu, lot number one hundred and forty, nine in tin: fourteenth district of the second sßction, it ■. ;<■<! on property of John IL Russell to satisfy | a li fa from a justices court of Cherokee county m la i ver oi l.phraim'l'. Slmlton, founded on an attachment, SAMUEL C. CANDLER, SET. i ieb 1 51 Forsyth Sheriffs’ sales. FOR MAUCH. On the first Tuesday in March next, at the court j house in Forsyth county will be sold between the lawliil hums of sale the following property, to-wit: | Fiaction umnber fourteen hundred and lourteeii ia i I the t> iirteentli district of the first section, contaiuisig; j twenty-six acres, more or less, levied on as Ilie py o t petty of Juliu Bramblct to satisfy two fi (as from a ! court of Hail comity in favor of Fk'iisaut Hul- Iscy, for Hie use nfi). H. Bin!, levied oa and icluiHcJ j to me by a cunstuLle. s : Floyd sheriff ’s sales. FOR MABC IL I Will he sold, on the first Tuesday in .March nexf, I »t Liv ingstoii, in Floyd county, between the usual | hours of side, (he following property, to-wit ; j Lot number two hundred and 'ive in tne twenfv- - I third district ol (be third section, levied on as the j/ro j perty ot John M Henry. Lemuel Hays and Martin* ■ Bynum to satisfy one li fa from a justices court of ■ llum-ton county 'in favor of Walter L. Campbell, k i vied on and returned to me by a constable. i No 2. Also. lot number sixty-seven in the six leentli district of (he fourth section, levied on as th.s 1 property ol John Ryan to satisfy one fi fa from a jus tices court ol Columbia county in favor of David Cooper, administrator of the estate of L. Dodson dec. ■ levied on and returned to me by a constable. I No. 3. Also, lot number three hundred ami three in the liith district ol the fomth section, levied on aj the property of Jesse Roberts to tatisfy two Ii iksotie jli om a justices court of Columbia county, tlm other i iiom a justices comt cl Warren couulv, levied on I and retained io me by a constable. ’ No. 4 Also, lot number one hundred and nineiv- I one in the twenty-third district id the third section, levied on as the properly of Alsa Light to sathsty otio ■ (i i i from a justices court ol Henry county in favoi vl iJ. W .-peuctr, levied on and returned to me l>v u i constable. ? r A. 11. JOHNSTON, Sb’X ; feb 1 51 L , OTXCT'~' i Forlter and tix the time of holding the Superior j L ourts ol (he (,herokee Circuit. ; LA it enacted b'j the. Senate and House of < tires <J the, M.i/c i/Gcmgm in Geuiral Ass^ib! v met emt a hereby taadi.d by the authority of lhe same, Ihat iiom anu immediately ui le r the passage of this , act, the Superior Courts oi the several comities com posing (he Cherokee Circuit of this btste, shat! L.= mid at tm: times Inflowing, fu-wit : in the county oi I Laioii, on tne (ii.»t ‘Monday in February and .M'gtii' ni each and every year; in the county of Gilmer, on tl Monday in Febiuary and Atrgu.,l,iu c.ic.i ■iiid every y. ; . li ;ia she cmimy o f Limtpkm, cn ll.'ii ■ >ud and lourlh .Mondays in i'ubimiry and Atc.-iist, in i eacli and every year ; in (he cornify of Edrsv'th, oa 1 Hie hrst ulomjay m March and SiqUember, in each : and every year; in the county of Cherokee, on ;h.i i se< ond .Monday in Mark) and September in each and ‘every year, in the county of Cass, on the tbiid .Mou- dny m .Haren .mJ S< ptember, in cm h aud evci v yi ;;r . m the county ol Jlmray, on the fmlrtii .Mond.iy in ai.ucii and >.'ptember, in each and every y<<u • ia the cornify ol Walket, on the first Monday in Am H and on vVedimsday alter (he first (Monday m Oct<.- n i, to each and every year ; in Hie county of Floyd OU the second .Monday in Ap.Hl and Octube, , m uLa and every yi ar. rii-e. lof enacted by the aulkori;a ajuresaid, 1 h..t all petitions, bills mid sub: muas and al prom-sy s whakoevt r, n turnalde lo smd com's, at <y i.ic: limes th in Hiose herein mentioned, be u',,,1 • e same arc made reluriiable (o the courts to be bet 1 according to this act; and al! parties, jurm s, v.i(am„m 4 arid other persons required to attend said court- < i any oi them, are required lu attend at the lierc*- iii oeiore mentioned. And (,c. it furliu r cnaete’d, That all la ws or pai t 3 u s laws, militating amiinst act. be and t!>r>.... hereby repealed. ~ ‘ ’ *‘ U a ' M ' , . TIIO?,IAS GLASCOCK, speaker m the ILrnse of ReprcscntalLcs. JACOB WOOD, Assented io, Dec. 23, l? 3 l ’‘ >eSiJe,U cfUHJ wILSO.N LL’MFKf?.', G'ovcllflor HO Wl'] LJ. C OIJ B, ATTDRSE V AT C/ Cour/ 'dmsz, Geo/ria, »' eniroZ ‘o Tim" "n !/j . to ensure a';-.'’ ‘ \ I ' ’ “ jUC 1 uA-uu;.l