Cherokee intelligencer. (Cherokee (C.H.)) 1833-1834, March 01, 1834, Image 4

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Pleasant Valley. There has been a new P< IST-OFFIU E established ! at T'lensant Valley, in Murray county, and Nklsuh Dickenson. esq. appointed I‘ost-Master thereat. _B<q>£ 21—1._ 32 J SS, WTJfI <?t WSfl HASSft 7^'' r 5 ’.''Pi,Ci TULLY iitform (he primers of the j .Bl®, United Stales to whom (hey have long been in di, mu 4ly known ns established Letter Founders,; 1h it they have now formed a co-partner; hip in said i business and hope from their united skill and expo rieiir.e, to be able to give full satisfaction to all who I in iv favor them with orders. The introduction ol machinery, in place of the te-1 dims tin I unhealthy practice of casting type by hand. ■ long a desideratum by the Europe m ami American I F winders, was, by .American ingenuity, and a heavy I expenditure of time and money, on the part of ourj senior partner, first successfully accomplished. I.x tensive use of the machine cast tetter, has fuliy tested' mol rst itdished its superiority in every particular, I over that cast by the old process. Tim letter foundry I* isiness will hereafter be car- 1 l'i '<l on by (lif parties before named, under the firm ot White, ILvhiii & Co.—Their specimen exhibits a < mph’te series from Diamond o Li lines Pica.-- The Book and News type being in the most modern light ami style. VI kite, Hager &. Co. are agents for the sale of the fi itd/t mid ttiisl Printing Presses, which they can tum id; to their customers at the manufacturer’s prices— Chases, Cases. Composition Sticks, Ink and every article n-ed in the Printing business, kept tor sale, and ; furnished on the shortest notice Old type taken in . exchange for new at 9 cents pm pound. I N. B Newspaper Propriety . who give the above I three insert! mis, will be emith-d to Five Dollars in ■ such articles hs they may s n enrsm'- - ': ; ;s j CITY H & _om fit COIjVM i?iTS — G WOiiGI.V Js situated on the. corner of Broad and St Clair < rtreets, which is in the centre ol the city and heait of i bu mess, being in front ofthe Columbus Bank and the next door below the Insurance Bank. The CITY’ H ALL has extensive accommodations for the in.m ol family, the individual traveller, the daily border or the fashionable visiter. The Proprietors pledge themselves that neither expense nor attention shall be wanted to render their guests comfortable. u MM & Columbus. January 1, 18’1 tebri-r—s2 Ti' act; Moro eflccinallv to provide.(or the government and protection of the Cherokee Indians, residing within the limits of Georgia, and to pr-scribe the bounds of their occup i'd claims; and also, to uithorise grants o issue for lots Irawn in the late Land mid Cold Lotteries in certain cases, mid to provide for the appointment of mi Agent to carry certain parts thereat into execution , mi l io (ix the ealiry of such Agent ; mid to jiur.ish those persons who may deter Indians from enrolling for emigration. iS'i'f. 1. lie. it cn tided bit the Sen itc and House of ({epresentatires of the State o Cieorpia, in (ti n< cal Issi'iiddy met, and it is hcre'H) cuarted bi/ the. tint. •> or if if of the same, Th it iii all cases where a white man is the bead ol’an Indian familv, such/ndian family shall re tain the rights of such property claimed under the lights of such Indian ( unity, the white man ob taining no tig its but that of the Indian use and oc cupation. Sri, *2. And hr. if farther enacted, That every white man, who may have an Indian family, and who may lie desirous of retaining his privileges which he mav possess as the head of an Indian family, mav at any time before the fust dav of March next, notify the Cb ik of tho Superior Court of the county in which he may reside, in writing of his intention to retain Ins privileges ns the bend of hikli Imlnii family : which notification oh dl tic recorded in a hook tn lie kept for that pur- | and no other ; and upon Hr* doing of whi< h ’ lie shall be entitled to all the privileges which are printed tn such white man m the proceeding sec tion of this Act. Si c 3. it further en acted, ’l’ll it if any Indian or descendant of an Indian or white inmi. the head of an Indi n familv. claim iug the p, ivileges of an Indian, shall employ any white nan m .slave belonging to a while man or person of color other than the descendant of an Indian, as a ten a it. croiipei or assistant in agricul ture, oi ns a miller or mill-wright, they shall for such off mee, upon t!ie same Denig established bv ! the teni nony of two respectable witnesses, forfeit ; all ight mid title, that they mav h ive to my rrscr- J vmi.iii m occunmirv within the limits ol this state, i mi l that upon the certificate ot the Agent to be I hereafter .ppninfed. grams mav issue for the same ■ as though such improvements had never been on- , earn 'd by such Indian descendan. ot an Indian or . whit" man having an Indian familv. Sea. 4. And he. it furt ier enacted, Th it where any Indian or descendant of an In dian or white m n having the privileges id’ an In ili.n shill have two or more wives, any ol whom shill reside on (he firms separate and apart from th noil abode of s ich Lohan, or descendant of an .1 i liau or white man having tiie privileges of an i Indian, she m they, sh il l he held and considered the sol.* pmprietto of such firm together with the ! slaves, if anv. usnallv etnploved in i ultivafing die ! sn n *. a id it she '>r they, shall enrol lor emigiaiion ! sh ill have ext Insive and absolute control thereof Sc,. 5. And be it further enacted, Tliat it’anv Indian, or others enjoying the pri vileges ol Im!.mis. shall enrol lor emigration, and { r’i ill alterw'ardsrefuse to emigrate h the time sti ! p dated : Provided. Hie Agent ofthe United States; sh di t» ■tnre i h iess 'iC’ n ive tlii’in ’o ' rkmisas an 1 provid 'd also, that such neglect shall not lie oc' 1 ist ined by act ol Providence or other unavoid able cause ; he or thev, .shall for such negl- < t or ’ reins «|, ( nlcn d| right to any future occupancy ‘ W ithin the limits of this state. >' e. (i. \h<l be it furl her enacted, I Ii i' no Indi in. oi o'hcrs having the privileces of an L'lini. sh dl tin ier anv pretence whatever, set up i iv claim, or demand against anv member of th'* sime t-ibe, a'ter sin h member shall have on rn'led his or ht n iim* lor > migration, so as to de tain such emigrant (roin lemoving at the time sti p ‘med. mil where the claim shall be prefored ng ii isi aov prnpcr'v which mav lie in the posses ei in of the individual emigrating, the agent ns al'orcsiid, shill be competent to decide on the merits ol the cl.ii*H ; Provided, That nothing here in commried. slid! he so construed ns to prevent the i l. i'll mt from prosoeminjr Ins claim hereafter, mi 1 in tie country to w’lii h such Indian nr person h.ivi ig the privileges ot an Indian, shall emigrate. N c. 7. A id '>e it further t n rcted, Th it no contract, either verbal or written, al ledged to have hren made between a white man an lan Indian, sh ill he binding except t‘ : e same I van lie est al.fished In the lestiiuuny ul al least two I respectable witnesses. * 1 Sec. S. Andbe it further enacted, 1 ’I hat no Indian or the dt'set nd mt of an Indian or others, having the pnvileges of an Indian, shall be allowed more than one hundred and sixty a< les, which shall consist ot the lot including his dwell ing house, or it in a district where the lots contain but forty acres, he or they shall be allowed the lot including his or her house, and as many others, as he may have improvements on, not exceeding tin ee. and in both cases they shall be allowed such im proved laud as may be within any olher lot unjoin iug thereunto, which h« or they mav have actually enclosed and improved previous to the 25th De cember, 18,50, and all the residue of such 'ots as are not entirely allowed as above, may be occupied by tin* drawer, or his, or her, legal representative. Sec. 9. And be. it furlhc.r enacted, ’l’hat if any Indian or Indians or any person claiming to be an Indian tir t .c descendant thereof, or any Indian countryman, their aiders, ahetors or assistants, who shall obstruct or resist by force or threats the peaceable possession by the drawer thereof, or any person claiming nuder him. her or them, ofanv tractor lot of Imd not herein allowed to such Indian such offender shall he guilty of a high misdemeanour, for which he. she nr they may be indicted, and on conviction, shall lie punished by imp:isonment, at the di-cretion ofthe court. Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That where any lot drawn in the late land or gobi lottery shall be partly within an improvement which has been valued and paid for by the United States, and partly within the improvement of mi Indian occupant, it shall be the duly of the agent as aforesaid, upon the drawer of such lot, or his or lier legal representative, producing to the said agent a certificate, signed by his excellency the j governor, showing that such lot was so drawn bv I him or her, immediately to place the drawer, or I his or her representative in possession o! so much thereof as may lie within the limits of such valued improvement, and foithwith to remove ary ii.irn smn thereon, which might be calculated to prevent the peaceable possession ot the same. i iS’/r; 11. And be it further enacted, That his excellency the governor is hereby an (thorised, when salisfictory evidence is produced to i him, to cause grants to issue for all lots which by I this act may be specially designated, upon the ap plication of the drawer, or his or her representative. Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That his excellency the governor, is hereby au thorised to cause grants to issue for all lots which have been drawn in the late land and gold lottery, where they may lie within or touch upon the im provement of anv Indian or d seendant ol ar* In dian orothers having the privileges ofan Indimi, who under anx ofthe tremies concluded between the Umle.d States and the Cherokee tribe of In ' dtans. have Deen allowed a reservation, in fee sim ; pie. whether the sai I reserve shall have been io ' .‘ati’d in this state or elsewhere; and also, for all I such lots tis mav have been drawn as afoie*aid, and ■ winch may be within, or touch upon the improve ! imml of any descendant of an Indian who was rd I iwed a reservation in fee simple as aforesaid : Provided such descendant of an Indian shall not liavc been twenty one year » of age at the time his ; or her parents perfected such reservation : also fo< al! I lls which lie witliin or touch upon the im ' pt'ivcnten of mi Indian or others having the ptivi- I legos of an Indian, that in any treaty as aforesaid, i shall have been allowed a reservation for life, and i who has removed therefrom, mid settled within the I limits o! Gcotgia, and for all lots which may lie | within or touch upon any improvement occupied jby any Indian, lescendanl of an Indian or white man having the privileges of an Indian, who shall have heretofore enroled for emigration, and shall have received in < onsequonce ol' such enrolment, any money or other valuable consideration ; ami i also (or all lots drawn as aforesaid, and w hit h may lie within or touch upon the improvement of anv ’ Indian or descendant of an Indian or anv white in.m. having the privileges ol an Indian, and who in any of the I nd lotteries authorised by this state, shall have drawn therein, any lot or lots; also, for all lots which mav lie within or touch upon the im- I provemonts of any /ndian, descendant of an Indimi or w dte man having the piivilegcs of an Indian, whn h has been sold, leased or rented, contrary to the existing Lttvs of this state. •Ncc. 13. Andb; it further cuai ted, I’hat Ins excellency the governor is hereby au thorised to appoint some fit and proper person as Agent, whos' duty it ..hall lie to st c that the pro visions of I‘tis act be duly and < tl'ei tuallv carried into opera'ion. and to examine, m <1 report to his ex< elfimcy the governor, such lots having Indian impiovemonts thereon, am) subject to be granted by this act ; who shall receive one thotism; I dot lar- per annum, as a ''till < omp: usmion fur his set vices, ami who shall lake mid subscribe die foilow ing oath, to wit : IA.B. do solemlv swear Him I will perform the duties of Indian Agent, it. the t’herokee Territory, according to the orovistona of tins Act, regulating the ( herokce Indians in the possessions et their persons an t proper'y, without favor or partiality, to the best of mv abi lities : so help me God.’’ And he shall give bond a :d sufficient security, in the stimoftwo thousand dollars, for the performance ofthe duties rcqnred ol'hirn by this act : mid shall lie subj-ci to prosecution nefnre the Superior Court, in anv coun.v wh ‘r ■ he shall violate or neglect to perform the duties required of him. as agent as aforesaid : amt on conviction thereof, he shall be removed from otlrec, and be fined at the discretion of the court. c. 14. An / be it further enacted, I hat it anv poison sh ill by threats, menaces ci oV.crw'se, deter or prevent any Indimi or Indim s from caroling for emigration, he or thev. shall be I heM and deemed guilty of a misdemeanour, ami on conviction thereof, snail be fined in a sum not less than on • hundred dollars nor more thmi five hun- I dred dollars, or und"rgo an imprisonment in the Penitentiary at the discretion ofthe court. Nr. 15. \ud he it further mat ted, i I hat all laws and parts of laws, militating against this a-t, and tile act appointing speci d 'g- m ie« lor Hie counties, be, and the same are hereby re pealed. THOU GL \SCOCK. Speaker of the H .use of litpresei.i dives .1 A<’< H> ( H »i). President of the Senate. Assented to. Dee. op, if,.?.;. WILSON LUMPKIN. Goveuxor. \ i ; 'T. A l : st of tetters retnaining in the Post Offer ct V.-’-- t'.c’iota Iturritu rounty. Ga. on Hie 'i d rlatr of'.!, rn. uh.,/< if nt.t i.’ken out in three mouths vdt be s- sd to the General Post (Ifive as dead I.! ir; \-U aher Amb rson’; E-Z km'i.rl, !’|]i-.nn, B—'mnm'Barnett, D—! 'ij ih Hick- (•-L.lrn (’nil.. K-St’irlii.g K-ndHck, I —George Pierce. WM J. TARVIN. P. M. FOR SALE A first nite, two hm-e, JEKsE FIT l(.;ox With new HARNESS. On good terms. Enquire atthisOfike. dec 2 40 ! Slurray Plierifis’ Sales. FOR A1T.11.. Will tic sold on (fie ficat Tuesday in April next, nt Spring Place, (he place ot holding the Courts, in said county, lietvvceii the legal hours ot sale, the following property to-vv it : Ku. 1. Lot of Laud number one hundred and! seventeen in the seventh district ot the third section, | levied on as (lie properly ol Ebenezcr I’aio (o satislv ' ali ta from the Interior C'ourt oi I (tiber ham comity ! in favor of .lames D. Sutton, property pointed < ut by I (tic plaintiff. No 2. Also, lot number two hundred mid ninety J in Hie tenth di-tiicl ot the thiid section, and also, lot ; number three hmitlred anti twenty live in the tvveHili j district ol the third section, levied on as the property ; ot William \\ illiiord and Stephen Williford, levy, made and returned to me by a < omtiiide. No. 3. Also, lot number sixty in the tenth district ! ofthe third secdon, levied on as the property of John ; Speei to satisfy sundry ti fas in favor of Necdum j I'rccmaii fm Hie use ot Andrew Dorsey. No. 4 Also, lot number twenty-four in the > twenty fi'tl; district ui tl;e second section, levied on as ! the property ot Henry L. Uotm to satisfy a ti fa in fa-j vorofJoelF. Uadi. No. 5. Also, lot number three hundred and twen ty-one in Hie eleventh district of 'tie third section, ' livied on as the property of James B. Talley to satisfy a li in from a ,/usiiccs court of Do Kalb county in , j favor of James Kirkpatrick, levy made and i eturned , I to me by a constable. j JOHN J. HUMPHREY ,D. S. 1 feb 15 1 BF/ZoK 'l he subscriber has settled in COLUMBUS Ga. forlhe purpose of practicing Law. his duty as SOI I , C[ G’-NF'I AL, compels him Io attend all the. Superior Courts in the oochee Circuit —he j will attend the 'Ltyors Court in Hie town ot Colum bus, and also th>. Courts of adjoining Comities in , ALAB AMA, ituiiness intrusted to his care will re I ceive his undivied attenti >n. JAMES P. H. CAMPBELL November 2— r.— "5 Georgia—(7ass county. Andrew Adair, ofthe 85Gth district, Georgia Mili tia. on OoutbgaP.ogec creek, lolls before me a BAY HOUSE, suppesed to be sc ven or eight years old live feet high, left bind loot white above the pasture j >'mt, right fore fool white round Hie hoof, and left lore foot some w hite at the edge of the hoof, star in the fore head. rather switch tail, shod all round some marks of the saddle, no brand perceivable, racks mid trots. Atmraised by B. 8. Hardman and Joseph Mahon to fifty dclb-rs' J. C T tWT.IISi. j. p. A true evtrart from the. Estray Hook, LiIATH,..'.! ILiNKI *, c. i. c. feb P st 52 An Act, To m thorize the ’ king of Hie Census in the sev er it counties composing the (Tiertikce c irt nil, and to require hia F.xt ojjeney Hie Governor, to pay over 'be poor school fund belonging t * each comity. fj if cni rte i bu the Senate and House, of flipresintafivr'i "f tht State of < m (sencrat <n ■ n ar t nr; I n is herrby enacted bi) the anthoriti) ftl ’cisct' l. That it shall be the duty of the Justices of the Inferior court tn tin eotuiiit-s of I’.is . Cherokee. Cobb. F’ovd Forsyth, Giltm r, L imukin. Murray, Paulding, mid ’ inon, wfm h have been created since the last t <msus w is taken, to atipot it one til and profi'i p i-on iii t en re’-pective < tin'ies. to take a f h > ! em us or enumeration of the fee v. die p <>ti; arid Hit |.eis<>;i s > ap pointed d! in • thou •.'turn to Hu- <’|crk of the Inferior ' ’ iuit of ■be eouu \i • w!•.!< » tic shall be appointed, on or In lute the first day ot .April next. 1.7.7 6<- it further cn :rtcd, I ;>m sn st :i as 'ln ceusus c? enumeration shall have been taler, mid returru H -»g req tied bv tins act. it sli il b • the d«.i-, .it»it.e /’ term; eoi.rt to for ward a ceriifi. d copy nfjfip same'o his |’,x< elien cy the Governor m-d it shall be he dnlv of his IjXeelletiey the Gniermir to p:y to the < ima! comities named in Hu's a<'. no equal norimn ae cord'mg to their whi e m j u! ■Hoe of Hie poor school fund, npinopriateil |.,r ’mm.i| Jistiibution among the sevei il counties o> this Stale. And cit fiuther enact. I hat the perstm .•ppmo. *q :ako the census or cnmn'Tiition shall re. - .t ,- tfio eomiie- s.iti >n, and fie governed at' e i ii’hr i ol their < n'y bv the provi* : ions. <•• '.«<•< ! io an act passed the twenty sixth ay of De, n;!>er et' I. 1 ' 1 n iitm.lred and twenty six. cy ept much as militates a gainst:lie provisions ( Hr s act. A n. 1 be it fi rttit rcnat t d, I tint al! laws or pc's tit I iws. militating against this act. be and the same are Ta abv repealed. THO '■ \S GLA~COCK. Speaker of ths lloi '-i ot Jfi nrrsen! tines. J \cob’ wogd. Picsideut of tin S n ;((.•. Assented to, Dec, 21 1"-G 1 i •-' >.N LUMPKIN, ci< in mor. I 1 loyd ; .- , ales. Av ithin the legal I. , • will i.<» <(>i lon the lil't I- I P.- • 1 *; \ !l| .\1 1 j . f i ;-;■' .• 1 . i'll} ’I" in the town iT Liv ■ ; ' vu c .natty Hw lullon ing property. to-wi* : No. 1 Lut iiiui! district of th <.‘ !t • • t: » -the , r'l.i. 'fv •'I Joseph Bai! ■ ’ ' . • ' ' m court ofFim-i. , . JU t. f;; .1 .TI T "i.; levy math- aid r< :i; ie ;», i v a • ' ll ’ * \ ■ ty-seveu in the lilial < >» ;h ection on !>» ti:■ |u <: ( ; v i . tisly one i’. t'.i fio.n ■ i a ... f c n-l v in t ivo’ of -ehu- \ t mb e made ;>:id i• tinn- ed I a n>e bv a camsta. a . A ; JOHNSON, feb-' V> .-hfF. rf'l • j. - Leorgia Jiurniv t (imUy BVIR’RHS a, -Ji, , ( ... V y a Imi hi i’i» ■ , H| Si', rite of s;<uj eotinlv d. <■.■■■• The«p m- then-tor.' ( > . 1 i, a i| R|) • ■ ys'i.ii. ,r th. ki'o' t! . j r< ■ • -1 ■ ■ s .pt. tie nd jj, ... ... t >. • : . w. to sk ■ - • Vhy said i j !. e. , mi... nit >«r is Given under itr. h ied . • i'-t CAL’IA W. J v< K<oN, < . c . o.° ’ uov.—lG—.to !0 The Infelli ter /S PV!U.ISHH> EVERY SATUKD.xY .MORNING. 118 JVegraf/?, etc. / o/, Office Supt’.rintcadent Hoads, i.astern. tJivision, Janiirry 11. 1834. In obedience to an Act ofthe Legislature ot the ■ State o( Georgia, approved by his excellei t v t>ie i Governor, on Hie 21st dav of Dcccndier, 1833. I will sell, at public outcry, to the liighesi bidder, at ; the Court I louse, in the coumy <:! I<L!>E Id’, On Jr imdn t/, th/ \ fth day of fdarih next, ! The following named NEGROES belonging to ; the Slate ot Georgia, mid attached to Hie Lincoln ! station, together with the Mules, Carts, '1 oois, <Scc j connected thereto : i Kasha, (Mills) Nich. (Zellars) Ahram, (F. Cui linsj t awsnti, ( alkins) Armstead, (Glaze) Tom. f (Dallas) Moses, (Sims) Richmond. (Burks) Wai- I lace, (t’hmlton) Isaac, (Brownj Torn, (Rowel); and Jeff, (Wingfield) and On Honda i/ the c 2Ath day of March, Tn like manner at the Court House in the county of MORGAN, the following named NEGROES, belonging to the State and attached to Hie Greens borough and Madison station, together with the Mules, one Horse, Carls,'Tools, &c. connected thereto : I ondnn, Benjamin, [Bustin] YA’il'iis, [Crosby] I Abraham. [Mealing] Billy, [Kennon] Axutn, [Cargile] 'Torn, [M’Gar] Ned, [Ramsay] George, ; [Beasley] Peter. [Cargile] Dick. [Dml] Henry. [Smith] Joshua. [M’Gar] Jerry. [Runnels] Lark in. [Pmler] Abraham [Collins] Nathaniel, [Berry] Joseph, [Pope] Joseph, [General Pope] George, i [Winter] .Lae, [Rowiamtj Loudon, [Briant,] Ca leb. [Rowell] Shade. [Jackson] Joe. [M’Gar] Nathan, [Collins] Berry, [Thompson] Jerry. I Lun pkin] Hairy, [Porter] Eliick and Mark [Burton] and | On Hr (Lilt, the 2Sth dty of March next, ITn like manner, at the Court-House in the coun- IvotD E KA LB, the following named NEGRO E S belongihg to the State .and attached to the Chero ’ ee station, together with the Mules, Carts, Tools, ye connected thereto : John. ("Baptistj Adam. Zach, Jesse, Toney. I Hampton, Harry,'Tom. fDrummerj Tom. fJack i sonj Walker. Jim. fßutherfordj Moses, fAkinsj Jacob, fßlount j Guy. Y r ork, Ben. Isaac. Miles, Ransom. Peter, Jim, Beaver and Bobb, and I On Tuesday, the. fust day of April next, j In like manner at the Court House in the county ! H ALL, the following NEGROES, belonging to the Slate, and attached to the G.iinsville station, together with the Mules, Carts, Tools, &c. con ’ nected thereto . I’etei. (Bellj Lewis, (Lecj Hardy, .Terry, fEid sonj Jim, fCorbeti) Frank, f\V illisj Abraham, fOelethorpeJ Billcv, fKete.hntnj Davy, (JJaho nevj Isaac. (Hardeman) Matt. (Smith) Arthur, (Drummond) Doctor. (Longstreet) Essex. (Wood) Toney (Tooms) Joe, (Sorrow) Jacob, (Freeman) Adam, Larry, Freeman, (Towns) Sam. (Parks) i leis. (Walton) Peter, (Mills) Jeff, (Mahoney) i Smith. Henry, (Mahoney) I lenry (Booker) and Daniel, ( Tooms) Dick, (Gilliam) anti On Hand -y, the. 7th day o f April next, In like manner, at the Court House in the county of B \I.DW IN. the following named NEGROES belonging to the Stare and attached to the Mil led;,eville and IL.wkinsville station, together with the Mules, Carts, Tools, Nr.c connected thereto : Scipio. Jesse, July. Andrew. Muses, EHcck. August, Nam. P illip, Sandy. Jim, [Hume] Spanish 'Town Romeo. Gib, Luke. Georg'’. (ManJ M wi 11. Joe, Anthony, Brutus, Robeit, Billey and Gideon. ! For the information of those persons who may . wish to purchase, the following sections of the be i fore-mentioned act ofthe Legislature are herewith i published ; “ Sec. 4. He if further enacted by the au~ thoriti/ aforesaid, That Hie said Superintendents and each of them shall, and they are hereby ntithmised, as the agent of the state, tn execute to the purchaser or purchasers of said slaves or either of them, good and snffn ient titles, warranting the title thereof only, (or and to said slave or slaves, ami deliver unto him or them, the same, on said purchasers paving in cash one fifth of the purchase money ther lor, and the balance in thirty days thereafter. • n tendering to the said superintendents a certifi '-te from the Cashier of the Central Bank of ; Georgia, that the said purchaser’s note f.r thesaiif .balance had been discounted in said bank, which ' the said Dank is hereby directed and authorised to I do, in such manner and on such terms as are usual in dis"O’.'nting i.n loans. Frovidt-d the same shall | not ex t’cd twenty-five hundred dollars. ‘ Sec. 5. I>e. it further enacted by the au~ ; thiriti, a fores <id, | '1 hat oti failuie of said purchaser to pay the said •one tilth cl the ammnl ol said purchase m.unev. at the ti i.c of satd purchase, the said superintendent 1 I shifil proceed forthwith to re sell said 'laves, not [crytiig again Hie bid of such ifefaultrng purchaser 1 dmmg said sale, and on I’ailere ofsaid purchaser tn pay the balanreot said purchase money, or tender ! 'aid certificate as aforesaid, within the space ol j j "Tisriv <lavs after said salt', said purchaser shall lor ‘ ifcit the said one filth so paid, ami saiti superiu-| ! temleiit shall, on thiriy davs notice being given ; i thereof, ns aforesaid, re-sell said slave in the man- | ner. al the plat e, and on the terms am! conditions ! ! here.n-bt fore prescribed. WILLIAM C. LYMAN. ; f ,- b I—ex—sl Superintendent, fee eurtt rn rtirinion ' la per iHiiivim’’. i o The undersigned have latelj purchased of Whit, mao A L.-iu-s. their several PAPER MILLS. near Aioxvdle. I emi and are now ptillifi" up very ex ten-ivcas:d ENTIRE NEW MACHIN! RVforthc Alamifact uro of Paper, ’A Inch wiil be in full operation in a few days, ■j y are also maimfaciurmg PAPER. constantly at t • H d<ton Mill, in Grainger county where ni md . i present c m be snpple-d. They Lope from c > • attcnti hi tn tm-iness to still retain ’ th: l‘ liberal pat on :ge heietoforc extended to the Paper Makers ol East Tennessre. They will keep constantly at al! the Mills a A GENERAL ASSUR'I'AILNT PAPER. CASTINGS AND SCHOOL ITM'im<s ' b > v< ry description, to exchange on the most libe ral tcrii.-. fur R \GS ; And do once more call the attention of the peo-de 1 : Ten-:e<«ee an t North-Alabama A the nm ihwesfZrn ~ of Georgia to be more particular in saving their] ’’ ' >' are the means of their very existence i and we want nt h ast X' * ; 4 Os I ’ iOS. every year. n Knoxville or Marsl | i erry Will bepromp'U attended so. j . ( H WIIITE.M \N A Co. ~' FCiR SA LE j A tot oi twenty bundles, superior Plli \TI \(j p.\PEU. Royal size. On good terms. , w Emjuut at this Office. dec 2 4-> CEORGIA-CHF.RCKrr CGUN’TAL •'•tai l 's Cjfti e, January 1834. From the provisit ns «4 an Act oi the iff-t I cgisla tme. prcscribit.g “ the mode of selling J and ft 8l;c --i'Il’s sale in Hie comities of | 1 auldiog Cobb, Gilmer, Union, Cass Murray, l.'lterokec, Floyd, For. syth end other counties that may hei cutter he made of a part or parts of said counties,” approved on the 23d day of Deccrnber last, a co| y of which has been re ceived ut this Office, all persons requii mg levies Io be made bv me. w ill have to comply with the requi. ilioris of suit! Act ; and where levies m e made by Constables ami returned tome a compliance with the provisions ot said Acl must lie exhibited to me before sale. Ail communications addressed to me must be post* paid. SAMUEL C. CANDLER. jan 25 50 Cherokee Sheriffs’ sales, FOR MARCH. Will be sold, in the town of Edahwah, Cherokee coutr ty. between the hours of ten in the forenoon mid four in (be afternoon, ofthe first Tuesday in March next, the following property,to-vvit : No. 1. Lot of bind number one hundred and j eleven in the third district of tire second section, lc | vied on ns the property of Hartwell Felts to satisfy a ti fa from a justices court of Columbia county in favor of Cooper &. Jones. No 2. Also, lot number three hundred and thirty, three in the, t .venty-lirsf district of the second section ■ levied on as the property ot J. D. Walls to sa’tisty a jfi fa from a justiceseuui t ofCass comity in favor of J. J Johnson. I Ko. 3. Also. lot number five hundred and forty, jsixjn the twenty-first district of the second section, | levied on asthe property of Hiram Mann, to satisfy a li fi trorn a justices court of Bibb county in favor of John fiolzetidorf. No. 4- Also, lot number three hundred am] seven teen in the thirteen district of the second section, levied on us the property ot Christopher Lynch to sa i tisiy two fi las from a justices court of Bibb comity in i favor of Cumming & Tally and Thomas M. Caritim. : No. 5. Also, lot numbertwa hundred and tweiitv nine in the thirteenth district of the second section levied on as the property of Abel Purse to satisfy a fi fa from a justices court of Bibb county in favor of , John II Kirnbro. I No fi. Also, lot number nine hundred and forty six in (he fifteenth district ol Hie second section, levi .' ed on ns the property ol Joshua Stephens to satisfy a fi fa from a justices court ofMadison comity in favor of Jeremiah Castlcbery. No 7. Also, lot number four hundred and sixty eight in the twenty-first district ofthe second section, levied on as the property of John M Degournor to ; satisfy a fi fa from a justices court of Chatham county iti favor of Gasper Rosy. No. 8. Also, lot number one hundred and forty nine in the fourteenth district of the second section, levied on asthe property of John 11. Russell to satisfy as; la from a justices court of Cherokee county m fa vor of Ephraim T, Shelton, founded on an attachment. SAMUEL C. CANDLER, Sliff. febl 51 Forsyth Sheriffs’ sales. FOR MARCH. On the first Tuesday in March next, at the court house in Forsyth county will be sold between tho lawful hours of sale the following property, Fraction number fourteen hundred tmd iourteen in the fourteenth district of the first section, containing (Weiity-six acres, more or less, levied on as the pro perty of John Bramble! Io satisfy two fi fas from a justices court of Hall county in favor of Pleasant Hul sey, fertile, use of I). 11. Bint, levied on and returned to me by a constable. 11. BARKER, D. S. fell 1 51 Floyd sheriff’s sales. FOR MARCH. Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in March next, at Livingston, in Floyd county, between the usual hours of s .le, Hie following property, tp-wit ; Lot number two hundred mid lite in the twenty third district ol the I bird section, levied on us (lie pro party of John AT Henry, Lemuel Hays and Marllia Bynum to satisfy one fi fa from a justices court of Houston comity 'in f ivor of Walter L Campbell, le vied on and returned to me by a constable. No 2. Also, lot number sixty-seven in Hie six teenth district ol the fourth section, levied on as the property ol John Ryan to satisfy one fi fa from a jus tices court of Columbia county in favor of David Cooper, administrator of the estate of L Dodson dec. levied on and returned to me by a constable. No. 3. Also, lot number three hundred end three in the fi'tli district ot the fourth section, levied on as the propeity of Jesse Roberts to tatisfy two fi tasonc from a justices court of Columbia county, the other from a justices court ol Warren county, levied on ami retuim d to me by a constable. No. 4 Also, lot number one hundred and ninety, one in the twenty-third district ot the third section, levied on as the property ol ALa Light io satisfy one li fa from a justices court of Henry county in favor of J. W. Spencer, levied on and returned to me by a constable. 1 A. 11. JOHNSTON. Sh’ir. feb 1 51 AiU ACT” To eltcr and fix the time of holding the Superior Courts ol the Cherokee Circuit. Re enacted by the Senate and of Represeritet I tives oj l/ie hlateof (S orgta in General Assembh/ tnel,, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of Hui same. 1 hat troin ana immediately after the passage oi this act, the Superior Courts oi tin- several counties Circuit of this St. te, shall be held al the times following, to-v. it : in (he county of Luion. on the first Monday in February end, in each and every year; in the county of Gilmer, on thesecond Monday in February and August, in each and every year ; in the county of Lumpkin, on Hui i ihiid and lourlh Mondays in I ebruary and August, iri j each and every year ;in the county'of I’orsytii, on j oie first Monday in March and September, in each | and every year ; in the county ot Cherokee, on the '(,<0’111 ..joiiduy i:i March and September in each and , everyyear, in the county of Cass, outlie third Mou- I day in .March and September, in each and every year; . m the county of Mm ray. on the. fourth Monday in ’ March and September, in each and every veai ; in i the county ol Walker, on the first flfoiidny in Amit i and on Wednesday after the first Monday in <>cto t>er, in each and e\ < ry year ; in the county of Floyd . on the second Monday in April and October, in each , and every ynt>r. ■ ,r ,Sf>C ‘ ;\ , - , " 1(: enacted by the authority- I afoiesaid, 1 Imt all petitions, bills arid subpomas, and all processes w hai. never, returnable to said cotr.-ls, at | any Ollier times than those herein mentioned, bn ami | the same are made refurualde to the courts to lie LcM «c. ording t<> this act ; and || parties, jurors wi!nc-« I and other jicrsons required I(> 111(e , )( j _ 1 a 1 v of them, are required to attend at the times he m before mentioned And Lt it further enacted. That all laws or • art* <■£ , Laws, milnaong against this act, be and the same are hereby repealed. THOMAS GLASCOCK, Speaker of the House of Represt s«atirea. JACoB WOOD, * ,i. rx President of the Senate. Assented to, Dec. 23, 18.32. W ILSON LUMPKIN’, Go vernog HOWELL COBB, attorney at Cherokee Court House, Georgia . Is now prepared to attend to any pro!e^ ion(ll . „ ti< 0.1 f- Wlieie he has practiced. Cornmuir.- •' ...fc to ensure attention, mnst come pqst-pai-1