Cherokee intelligencer. (Cherokee (C.H.)) 1833-1834, March 08, 1834, Image 4

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GEORmA-rnrßnKrn county. Sheriff's Office, January 25. 1834. From the provisions of an Act ot the last Legisla ture, prescribing •• the mode of selling Land at She riffs sale in the comities of Lumpkin. Paulding, Cobb Gilmer, Union, Cass. Murray, Cherokee, Floyd, For syth and other counties lhat may hereafter be made of a part or parts of said counties,” approved on the 23d day of December last, a copy of which has been re ceived at this Office, all persons requiring levies to be made bv me will have to comply with the requisitions of said Act; and where levies are made by Constables and returned to me. a compliance with the provisions of said Act roust be exhibited f<> me before sale. All communications addressed to me must be post paid SAMUELC CANDLER, jan 25 ■ -50 Cherokee Sheriffs’ sales. FOR APRIL. Will be sold, in the town of Edahwah, Cherokee coun ty, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and four in the afternoon, of the first Tuesday in April next the following property,to-wit : No 1. Lot number eight hundred and thirty-seven in the twenty first district of the second section, lev ied on as the property of Edward Kennington to satis fy a ii fa issued from a justices court of Fayette coun 1y in favor of Bryant and Clements; levy made and returned to ine by a constable. No. 2. Also, lot number tour hundred and fifty-two in the twenty-first district of the second section, lev ied on as the property ol George Reynolds to satisfy two fi fas isssued from a justices court of Henry county one in favor of John Daley the other infavorof 1) ivid Clements; levy made and returned to me by a constable. , , . . . . , So. 3 Mso, lot number eight hundred and ninety in the second district of the second section, levied on as the property of Avinglon Williams to satisfy a fi fa issued from I lie superior court ot Meriwether county in favor of William H-Cargile. . No. 4. Also, 10l number six hundred and eighty six in the fifteenth district of the second section, lev ied on as the properly of Elisha Perryman to satisfy a fi fa i-sued from a justices court of Monroe County in favorol Samuel Bird; levy made and returned to me by a constable. . No. 5. Also, lot number nine hundred and forty six in the fifteenth district ot the second section, levi ed on as the property ol Joshua Stephens to satisfy a fi fa f rom a justices court ofMadison county in favor of Jeremiah (jastlebery. No 6 Also, lot number one hundred and foity nine in the fourteenth district ot the second section, levied on as tlx- property of John If. Russell to satisfy a fi fa from a justices court of Cherokee county- in fa vor of Ephraim T. Shelton, founded oh an attachment. SAMUEL C. CANDLER, bhtt. march 1 55 Forsyth Sheriffs’ sales. J FOR APRIL- On the first Tuesday in April next, at the court house in Forsyth county will be sold between the lawful hours of sale the following property, to-wit: No I. Fraction number twenty in the first dis trict of the first section,, levied on as the property of William M’Neal to satisfy one fi fa from a justices court of the county of Newton in favour of David V. T. Poole; levied on and returned to me by a Con- S< No° 2 Also, lot number throe hundred and twen ty-five in the first district of the first section, levied on as the property of Abraham Studdard to satisfy sundry fi fas from;' court of Walton county infavorof Egghert B Beall; levied on and returned to me bv a coustrble POSTPONED SALES. No. 3. Also, lot number three hundred and nine in the fourteenth district of the first section, levied on ns the property of Wiliiam F. Roper to satisfy one fi fa from a justice court ot (iwiauett county in favor of Henry Fitzsimons; levied on and returned to me by a constable. No. 4. Also, lot number six hundred and seventy six in the fourteenth district of the first section, lev ied on aslbe piopertyot John M. Jilesto satisfy two fi bis from Morgan county one in favor of Thomas Jackson, for the use of Royal Jinkins, the other in la-I vor us Edward Williams. . t I No. 5. Also lot number two hundred and sixty in -the third district of the first section, levied on as the property of Dennis Shay to satisfy one fi fa from Hail Superior court in favor ot Waterson & Canon. JOHN JOLLY. march 1 55 Sheriff. POSTPONED FOR APRIL; No. 6. Lot number five hundred and seventy eight in the second district of the first section, levied on as the property of Littlebury Duke and D. N. Pitman indorser to saiisfy Io fi fasttom a justices court ot'G winnelt county infavor of James Austin; levied on and returned io me by a constable. N 0.7. Also, lot number two hundred nnd twenty in the fourteenth district of the first section, levied on ns lhe property of John Stuilman to satisfy one fi fa from a justices court of Jackson county in favor of John M. Suns; leviad on itud returned tome by a con stable. No. 8. Also, lot number one hundred and fifty three in the third district of the first section, levied on as the property of H. S. Dunlap to satisfy a S fa from a justices court of Houston county iu favor of Allen Cbusfain bearer. No 9. Also, lot numbertbree hundred and thirty in the first district ol the first section, levied on as the fn->nerly of Joh.i Dozier to sa isfy otic fi fa from a irtices' coin I of Warren county in favor of David Cooper for lhe use of N. Daily; levied on and returned to me by » constable. H. BARKER, D S. march I 55 (’ass Sheriffs’ Sales. FOR APRIL. ’W.* r ILL be sold before the court-house door in the W f (own of Cassville. Cass county, on *he first Tuesday in April next, between the usual hoursof sale, the following property to wilt No. I Lot number one hundred and ninety-five in the fifteenth district of the third section, levied on as the property of James M. Davirson to satisfy a fi fa issued Hom a superior court of Clark county iu fa vor of George \V Moore No 2. Also, lot number eleven hundred and eighty-seven in the fourth district ot the third section, levied on as the property of Benjamin Smith to sat isfy a fi la issued f rom Bibb Inferior court in favor of Murphy mid Turner. No 3 Also, one road waggon, levied on as the property ot Samuel Quinton to satisfy a fi fa troin <’a«.« superior court in favor of the officers of court for cost. No. 4. Aho, lot number two hundred and thirty nine in the sixth district of the third section, levied on a- lhe property ot James IL Russell to satisfy a fi fa from Wayne county in favor of Isaac Abrahams; levied on aud returned to me by a constable THOMAS B. ROYSTON. DS. No. 5. Aho, all the interest of John Watson in lot number twelve in the town of Cassville, levied On by virtue ol two fi fas obtained in Cassville, tiom a justices court in favor of B F. Heard for the use of Th unns J. Heard the other in favor of J. D. Chap man. levied on end returned Io me by a constable. No. 6. AL<», lot number eight hundred nnd seven ty-three in the twenty-first district ol the second sec tion, levied on as lhe property ol Valentine Braswell to satisfy one fi fa train Madison county in favor ol Janie; Long, levied ou aud returned to ine by a coa stal ■ N-> 7 Also, lot number eight hundred nnd eighty in the too th district ol lhe third section, levied on as th > iroperty ot John P. Gwin to satisfy one fi fa in fav.o- ot William J. Davie*, administrator on the e •t»" <»t James Cla k levied on and returned to ine by a constable. \ < 8 Also, lot number one hundred and seven ty-two in the tilteenth district of the third section, levi-'d on h* the property of John Ingram to satisfy in-, 't v ft fas from a justices court of Meriwether co v < in favor ot Rob t Rowan, levied on and re turned to me by a constable ANDREW M’DONALD march I— 36 Dept. Shff Murray Sheriffs’gales. FOR APRIL. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in April next, at Spring Place, the place of holding the Courts, in said county, betw-een the legal hours of sale, the following property to-wit : Na. 1. Lot of Land number one hundred and seventeen in lhe seventh district of the (bird section, levied on as the property of Ebenezer Fain to satisfy afi fa from tbe Inferior Court of Habersham county in favor of Janies D. Sutton, properly pointed cut by the plaintiff. No 2. Also, lot number two hundred and ninety in the tenth district of the third section, and also, lot number three hundred and twenty five in the twelfth district of the third section, levied on as the property of William Williford and Stephen Williford, levy made and returned to me by a constable. No. 3. Also, lot number sixty in tbe tenth district of the third scclion, levied on as the properly of John Speer to satisfy sundry fi fas in favor of Ncedum Freeman for the use of Andrew Dorsey. No. 4 Also, lot number twenty-four in the twenty fifth district of the second section, levied on as the property of Henry L. Conn to satisfy a fi fa in fa vor of Joel F. Cash. No. 5. Also, lot number three hundred and twen ty-one in the eleventh district of the third section, H vied on as the property of James B. Talley to satisfy a fi la from a Justices court of De Kalb county in favor of James Kirkpatrick, levy made and returned to me by a constable. JOHN J. HUMPHREYS, D. S. feb 15 1 CoblT Sheriffs’ Safes. FOR APRIL. Will be sold at the town of Marietta, Cobb county, on the first Tuesday in April next, between the law ful hours of sale,the following property, to-wit : No. 1. Fraction number five hundred and thirty three in the first district of tne second section, levied on as tbe property of John Camp to satisfy sundry fi fas from a justices court of Walton county in favor of ■ Frederick E- Dugas, levied and returned to me by a I constable. ! No. 2. Also, lot number twelve hundred and forty- 1 five in the nineteenth district of the second section, leviedon as the property of Duncan Macgugan to sa tisfy a fi fain favorof Sihon House, levied and return ed to me by a constable. No. 3 Also, Fraction number seven hundred and twenty three in the first district of the second section, levied onasthe property of Wesley Arnold to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Satfold & Fears for the use of Wil liam Nesbit, levied and returned tome by a constable. No. 4. Also. Fraction number seven hundred and seventy-five in the first district of the second section, leviedon as the property of Drewry Jeffres to satisfy s fi fa from a justices court of Habersham county in favor of John Wofford, levied and returned to me by a constable. GEORGE BABER, march 1 55 Sheriff. Floyd Sheriffs’ sales. FOR APRIL. Within tbe legal hours ot sale, will be sold on the first Tuesday in April next, at the Court-House door in the town of Livingston, Floyd county the following property, to-wit : No. I. Lot number sixty-nine in the twenty-third district of the third section, levied on as the property of Joseph Bailey to satisfy sundry fi Has from a justices court of Franklin county in favor of Robert T Banks, levy made and returned to me by a constable. No 2. Also, lot number one thousand and seven ty-seven in the third district of (he fourth section, I levied on as tbe property of Henry M. Skaggs to sa tisfy ons fi fa from a justices court of Elbert county : in favor of Nelms & Chandler, levy made and return ed to me bv a constable. A. H. JOHNSON, feb 8 52 Shff. E. WHITE & VOL II2LGZSR RESPECTFULLY inform the printer.® of the United States to whom they have long been in dividually known as established Letter Founders, that (hey have now formed a co-partner.-hip in said business and hope from their united skill and expe rience. to be able to give full satisfaction to all who may favor them with orders. The introduction of machinery, in place of the te dious and unhealthy practice of casting type by hand, long a desideratum by the European and American Founders, was, by American ingenuity, and a heavy expenditure of time and money, on the part of our senior partner, first successfully accomplished. Ex tensive use of the machine cast letter, has fully tested and established its superiority in every particular, over that cast by the old process. Tbe letter foundry business will hereafter be car ried on by the parties before named, under the firm of White, Hager & Co.—Their specimen exhibits a complete series f rom Diamond o 14 lines Pica.-- Tbe Book and News type being in the most modern light and style. White, Hager & Co, are agents for the sale of lhe Smith anil Rust Printing Presses, which they can furn ish Io their customers at the manufacturer’s prices— Chases. Cases. Composition Sticks, Ink and every article used in the Printing business, kept for sale, and fnrni«hed on the shortest notice. Old type taken in exchange tor new at 9 cents per pound. N. B Newspaper Proprietors who give the above three insertions, will be entitled to Five Dollars in such articles as they may select from our specimens. New York. 1833.—m—52 jNotice. Will be sold on Wednesday the fifth day of March next, the TOWN LOTS of Cumming, For syth county ; also, will be let to the lowest bidder, the building of the COURT-HOUSE and JAIL for I orsyth county. Terms made known on the day of sale. ISAAC WHORTON. J. I. C. MASONIZZEL.J I. C. RH HARD HAYSE, J. I. C. WILLIAM MATHEWS, J. I. C. feb 22—a— 54 GEORGIA—CASS COUNTY. Whereas, Malichi Jones applies for letters of Ad ministration ou the estate of THOMAS GOSS late ot said county, deceased. These are. therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, tbe kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at iny office, xvifhin the time pre scribed by law, to shew cause, if any exists, why said letters should not begrnnled. Given undur my hand al Office, this \3lh January 1834 . LEATHAM RANKIN, c'. c. o. ’ jan 18—b—49 ~ciWTiAixr - Mi Hi . COT.VMBUS-GEORGTA. |S Situated on the corner of Broad and St Clair streets, which is in the centre of the city and heart of husim ss, being in front of the Columbus Bank and the next doorbelowthe Insurance Bank The CITY i HALL has extensive accommodations fortheman of j t -mily. the individual traveller the daily border or the tashionable visiter. The Proprietors pledge themselves that neither expense nor attention shall be wanted to render the ir quests comfortable. BBDEXiIi dk. WALKEK Columbus. January 1834. teb 8 p—so FOR sTIE A first rate, two horse. JE ts SE Y 11’4 GG OS With new HARNESS. On good terms. 3 Enquire at this Office. 118 egrocs, efcc. / OK SA LE. Office Superintendent Hoads, c\'C. Eastern Division, Janurry 11, 1834. In obedience to an Act of the Legislature ot lhe > State of Georgia, approved by his excellency the ! Governor, on lhe £1 st day of December, 1333, I 1 will sell, at public outcry, to the Highest bidder, at ■ the Court-House,in the county ol ELBERT, On Monday, the L7th day of March next, The following named NEGROES belonging to the Slate of Georgia, and attached to the Lincoln station, together with the Mules, Carts, 1 ouls, &c j connected thereto .• Kasha, (Mills) Nich, (Zellars) Abram, (F. Cul | tins) Lawson, (Watkins) Armstead, (Glaze) 'Torn, I (Dallas) Moses, (Sims) Richmond, (Burks) Wal lace. (Charlton) Isaac, (BrownJ Toni, (Rowel) ! and Jeff, (Wingfield) and On Monday, the 21th day of March, In like manner at the Court House in the county of MORGAN, the following named NEGROES, belonging to the State and attached to the Greens borough and Madison station, together with the Mules, one Horse, Carts, Tools, &c. connected thereto : London, Benjamin, [Bustiu] Willis, [Crosby] . Abraham, [Mealing] Billy, [Kennon] Axtim, ; [Cargilc] Tom, [M’Gar] Ned, [Ramsay] George, [Beasley] Peter. [Cargile] Dick, [Dent] Henry, - [Smith] Joshua, [M’Gar] Jerry. [Runnels] Lark I in. [Poiler] Abraham [Collins] Nathaniel, [Berry] Joseph, [Pope] Joseph, [General Pope] George, [Winter] Joe, [Rowland] London, [Briant,] Ca leb, [Rowell] -Shade, [Jackson] Joe. [M’Gar] Nathan, [Collins] Berry, [Thompson] Jerry, [Lumpkin] Harry, [Porter] Ellick and Mark [Burton] and On Eriday, the 2Sth day of March next, In like manner, at the Court-House in thecoun ly nfDE KALB, the following named NEGROES belonging to the State and attached to the Chero kee. station, together with the Mules, Carts, Tools, &c. connected thereto : John, fßapiistJ Adam, Zach, Jesse, Toney, Hampton, Harry, Tom, (Drummer) Tom, fJack son) Walker, Jim, (Rutherford) Moses, fAkius) Jacob, (Blount) Guy. York, Ben, Isaac, Miles, Ransom. Peter. Jim, Beaver and Bobb, and On Tuesday, the first day oj April next, In like manner at the Court House in the county HALL, the following NEGROES, belonging to ’ lhe State, and attached to the Gainsville station, j together with the Mules, Carls, Tools, &c. con nected thereto . Peter, fBell) Lewis, fLee) Hardy, Jerry, fEid sonj Jim, fCorbett) Frank, fW illis) Abraham, fOglelhorpe) Billey, fKe.tehuni) Davy, fiV/aho ney) Isaac, (Hardeman) Matt, (Smith) Arthur, (Drummond) Doctor. (Longstreet) Essex, (Wood) Toney (Tooms) Joe, (Sorrow) Jacob, (Freeman) ,Adam. Larry, Freeman, (Vowi>s) Sam, (Parks) Jeff, (Walton) Peter, (Mills) J»ff, (Mahoney) Smith. Henry. (Mahoney) Henry (Booker) and i Daniel. (Tooms) Dick, (Gilliam) and On Mond ,y, the 7th day of April next, ) Tn like manner, at the Court-1 louse in the county ’ of BALDWIN, the following named NEGROES ; belonging to the State and attached to lhe Mil ; and Hawkinsville station, together with j the Mules. Carts, Tools, &c. connected thereto : I Scipio, Jesse. July, Andrew, Moses. Elleck, - Au gust, <Sam. P iliip, Sandy. Jim, [Home] Spanish Town Romeo, Gib, Luke, George. (Man) ! March. Joe, Anthony, Brutus, Robert, Billey and > Gideon. For the information of tho<e persons who may wish to purchase, the following sections of lhe be fore-mentioned act of’he Legislature are herewith published ; “ Sec. 4. He it further enacted by the an- , thority aforesaid. That the said Superintendents and each of i them shall, and they are hereby authoiised. as lhe i agent of the state, to execute to the purchaser or ! purchasers of said slave* or either of them, good i and sufficient titles, warranting the title thereof j only, for and to said slave or slaves, and deliver ; unto him or them, the same, on said purchasers i paying in cash one fifth of lhe purchase money } therefor, and the balance in thirty days thereafter. ' on tendering to the said superintendents a certifi cate from the Cashier of the. Central Bank of Georgia, that the said purchaser's note for the said balance had been discounted in said bank, which the said bank is hereby directed and authorised to do, in such manner and on such terms as are usual ! in discounting on loans. Provided the same shall not exceed twenty-five hundred dollars. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted by the au- ' thorite aforesaid, That on failure of said purchaser to pay the said j one fifth of the amount of said purchase money, at j the time of said purchase, the said superintendent shall proceed forthwith to re-sell said slaves, not crying again the bid of such defaulting purchaser • during said sale, and on failure of said purchaser to pay the balance of said purchase money, or tender ' said certificate as aforesaid, within the space of i thirtv days after said sale, said purchaser shall lor- > feit the said one fifth so paid, and said superin- ! tendent shall, on thirty days notice being given thereof, as aforesaid, re-sell said slave in the man- | ner. at the place, and on lhe terms and conditions herein-before prescribed. WILLIAM C. LYMAN, feb I—cn—sl Superintendent, Sfc. earlern division. Paper Making, The undersigned have lately purchased of White man & Lones, their several PAPER MILLS, near Knoxville, Tenn and are now' putting up very ex tensive and ENTIRE NEW M ACIII N ERY for the Al an nfact me of Pa per, Which will be in full operation in a tew days.— They ere also manufacturing PAPER constantly at the Holston Mill, in* Grainger county, where the de mand at present can be supplied. They hope from close attention to business to still retain that liberal patronage heretofore extended to the Paper Makers of East Tennessee. They will keep constantly at all the Milts a A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF PAPER. CASTINGS AND SCHOOL BOOOKS Ot every description, to exchange on the most libe ral terms tor R \GS ; And do once more call theattention of the people of Tenneeseeand North-Alabama A the northwestern part of Georgia, to be more particular in saving their RAGS, as they are the means of their very existence and xve want at least 500,000 lbs. every year. Orders addressed either to Knoxville or Marshall’s Ferry will be promptly attended to. SHIELDS, WHITEMAN & Co. jan 18 49 FOR SAL E A lot of twenlv bundles, superior PR/yTING PAPER. Royal size. On good term*. Euquue at thia Office. dec 7 j AN ACT, . , ! More effectually to provide lor the s <. rnnient and j protection ol lhe Cherokee Indians, residing | within lhe limits of Georgia, and to presciibe I the bounds of their occupant claims; and also, to authorise grants to issue lor lots drawn in the late Land and Gold Lotteries in certain cases, ! and to provide for the appointment of an Agent to carry certain parts thereof into execution , and io fix lhe salary of such Agent ; and to punish those persons who may deter Indians j from enrolling for emigration. Sec. 1. Be it enacted bu the Senate and House ts Representatives of the State of Ueorgia, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the saint, That in all cases where a while man is the head of an Indian family, such Indian family shall re tain the rights of such property claimed under the rights of such Indian family, the white man ob taining no rights but that of lhe Indian use and oc cupation- iSec. 2. And be it further enacted, That every white man, who may have an Indian family, and who may be desirous of retaining his privileges which he may possess as the head of an Indian family, may at any lime before the first day of March next, notify the Clerk of the Court of the county in which he may reside, in writing, of his intention to retain his privileges as lhe head of such Indian family : which notification shall he recorded in a book t<> be kept for that pur pose and no other ; and upon lhe doing of which he shall be entitled to all the privileges which are granted to such white man in the proceeding sec tion of this Act. Sec. 3. And he it further enacted, ' That if any Indian or descendant of an Indian, or white man, lhe head of an Indian family, claim ing the privileges of an Indian, shall employ any while man or slave belonging to a white man or person of color other than the descendant of an Indian, as a tenant, cropper or assistant in agricul ture, ot as a miller or mill-wright, they shall lor such offence, upon the same being estab-isiitu by the testimony of two respectable witnesses, forfeit ! all right and title, that they may have to any reser vation oi occupancy within the limits ot this state, j and that upon the certificate of lhe Agent to be ; hereafter appointed, grams may issue for the same I as though such improvements had never been oc ! copied by such Indian descendant of an Indian or white man having an Indian family. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, 3 hat where any Indian or descendant of atr In dian or white man iiaving the privileges of an In dian. shall have two or more wives, any of whom shall reside on the farms separate and apart from the usual abode of such Indian, or descendant of an Jndiati or white man having the privileges of an , Indian, she oi they, shall be held and considered the sole pt pnetor of such farm, together with the slaves, if any, usually employed in cultivating the same, and if she or they, shall enrol for emigration shall have exclusive and absolute control thereof. See. 5. And beit further enacted, That it any Indian, or others enjoy mg the pri vileges of Indians, shall enrol for emigration, and shall afterwards refuse to emigrate at the time sti pulated: Provided, the Agent of the United .States; shall be i i readiness to remove them to Arkansas and provided also, that such neglect shall not be occasioned by act of Providence or other unavoid able cause ; lie or they, shall for such neglect or reftistd, forfeit all tight to any future occupancy within the hmus of this state. Sic. 6. And be it further enacted, Thar no Indian, or others having the privileges of an I ndiau, shall under any pretence, w hatever, set up any claim, or demand against any member of the same t'ibe, alter such member shall have eti rolled liis or her name for emigration, so as to de tain such emigrant from removing at the time sti pulated, and where 'he clam shall be prefered j against any property which may be in the posses- [ Sion of the individual emigrating, the agent as aforesaid, shall be competent to decide on the merits of the claim : Provided, That nothing here in contained, shall be so construed as to prevent the claimant from prosecuting his claim hereafter, and in the country io which such Indian or person having the ptivileges of an Iridian, shall emigrate. S< c. 7. And be it further enacted, That no contract, either verbal or written, al ledged to have tieen made between a white man and an Indian, shall he binding except the same can be established by the testimony ol at least two ! respectable witnesses. 8. Andbc it further enacted, That no Indian or the descendant of an Indian ■ or others, having the piivileges of an Indian, shall ! be allowed more than one hundred and sixty a< res, i which shall consist ot the lot including his dwell ing house, or if in a district where the lots contain but forty acres, he or they shall be allowed the lot including his or her house, and as many others, as he may have improvements on, not exceeding three, and in both cases they shall be allowed such im proved land as may be within any other lot adjoin ing thereunto, which he or they may have actually enclosed and improved previous to the 25th De cember, 1330, and all the residue of such lots as I arc not entirely allowed as above, may be of copied I by the drawer, or his, or her, legal representative. ) Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That if any Indian or Indians or any person ! claiming to be an Indian or t..e descendant thereof, j or any Indian countryman, their aiders, abeiors or ' assistants, who shall obstruct or resist by force er ; threats tl.e peaceable possession by the drawer thereof, or any person claiming under him, her or [ them, of any tractor lot of land not herein allowed j to such Indian, such offender shall be guilty of a high misdemeanour, for which he, she or they may ! be indicted, and on conviction, shall be punished by impiisonment, at lhe discretion of the court. Srr. 10. And be it further enacted, That where any 10l drawn in the late land or gold lottery shall be partly within an improvement which has been valued and paid for hy the United States, am! partly within the improvement ol an Indian occupant, it shall be the duty of the agent as atorcsaid. upon the drawer of such lot. or his or her legal representative, prodtieiug to the said agent a certificate, signed by bis excellency the governor, showing that such lot was so drawn by him or her, immediately to place the drawer, or his or her representative in possession ol so much thereof as may lie within the limits of such valued j improvement, and forthwith to remove any intrti- ; s on thereon, which might be calculated to prevent the peaceable possession of the same. Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That his excellency the governor is hereby au thorised, when satisfactory evidence is produced io him, to cause grants to issue for all lots which by this act may be specially designated, upon the ap plication of the drawer, or his or her represuntative. See. 12. And be it further enacted, That his excellency the governor, is hereby au thorised to cause grants to issue for all lots which have been drawn in the late land and gold lottery, where they may lie within or touch upon the im provement of any Indian or descendant of an In dian orothers having the privileges of an Indian, who under any of the treaties concluded between the United States and the Cherokee tribe of In dians, have been -allowed a reservation, in fee sim ple, whether the said reserve shall have been lo cated in this state or elsewhere; and also, for all such lots as may have been drawn as aforesaid, and which may be within, or touch upon the improve ment of any descendant of an Indian who was al bwed a reservation in fee simple as aforesaid: i Provided such descendant of an Indian shall not I have been twenty one years of age at the time his j or her parents perfected such reservation ; also for all lots which lie within or touch upon the im provemen, of an Indian or others having the privi leges of an Indian, that in any treaty as aforesaid, shall have been allowed a reservation for life, anti ' v. ho has removed therefrom, and settled within the limits of Georgia, aud for all lots which may lie within or touch upon any improvement occupied by any Indian, descendant of an Iridian or whiffl man having the privileges of an Indian, who shall have heretofore enroled for emigration, and shall have received in consequence of such enrolment, any money or other valuable consideration ; and also for all lots drawn as aforesaid, and which may lie within or touch upon the improvement of any Indian or descendant of an Iridian or any white man, having the privileges of an Indian, and who in any of (he I nd lotteries, authorised by this state, shall have drawn therein, any lot or lots; also, for all lots which may lie within or touch upon the im provements of any Indian, descendant of an Indian ; or white man having the privileges of an Indian, j which has been sold, leased or rented, contrary to i the existing laws of this state. Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That his excellency the governor is hereby au thorised to appoint some fit and proper person a$ Agent, whose duty it ..hall be to see that the pro visions ot this act be duly and effectually carried into operation, and to examine and report to his ; exceil' ney the governor, such lots having Indian j impiovemeots tiiereon, and subject to be granted iby his act; who shall receive one thousand dol ! i ns per annum, as a full comp°nsation for his scr- I vices, nnd who shall lake and subscribe the follow ing oath, to-wit : 4> ■ A. 15. do solemly swear, that J I will perform the duties of Indian Agent, in the Cherokee ’J’erriiory, according to the provisions lof this Act, regulating the ( lierokee Indians in ; the possessions cl their persons and proper’y, ! without favor or partiality, to the best of my abi lities ; so help mo God.” And he shall give bond ami sufficient security, in the sum of two thousand dollars, tor the faithful performance of the duties required of him by this act : and shail be subject to prosecution before the Superior Court, in any county where he shall violaleor neglect to perform the duties required of him, as agent as aforesaid : ami on conviction thereof, he shall be removed I from office, and be fined at lhe discretion of the | court. S<c. 14. And be it further enacted, 'I hat if any person shall by threats, menaces or otherwise, deter or prevent any Indian or Indians from enrolingfor emigration, he or they, shall be heid and deemed guilty of a misdemeanour, and on conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hun dred dollars, or undergo an imprisonment in the Penitentiary at the discretion of the court. Sec. 15. be it further enacted, I hat all laws and parts of laws, militating against this act, and the act appointing sped il ag-e'neies for the counties, be, and the same are herebx re i pealed. ' THOMAS GLASCOCK, Spencer oj lhe House of Represent olives', JACOB WOOD, President of the Senate. Assented to, Dec. 20. 1833. WILSON LUMPKIN, Governor. ir. The subscriber has settled in COLUMBUS Ga. iortbe purpose of practicing Law, his duty as SOLI CITOR GENERAL compels him to attend ali the Superior Courts in the Chattahoochee Circuit—he will attend the Mayors Court in the town of Colum bus, and also (lie Courts of adjoining Counties ill ALABAMA Business intrusted to his care will re ceive his undivied attention.* JAMES P. IL CAMPBELL. N overnber 2—i.—3S Gcorgia—Gass county. Andrew Adair, of (he H36th district, Georgia* Mili tia, 0:1 Oouthgallogee creek, tolls before me a BAY HORSE, supposed to be seven or eight years old, five feet high, tell hind foot while above the pasture joint, right tore foot white round the hoof, and left lore foot some white at the edge ot the hoof, star in the fore head, rather switch (ail, shod all round, some marks of the saddle, no brand perceivable, racks and trots. Appraised by B. S. Hardman and Joseph Mahon to idly dollars J, c. TOWERS, J. p. A true CTtracl from the Estray Book, LEATHEM RANKIN, c. i. c. feh P m 52 Pleasant Valley. There has been a new POST-OFFICE established al Pleasant Valley, in Murray county, and Nelsos Dick EtisoN, esq. appointed Post-Master thereat. _sepl 21—r.—-32 Georgia Murray County ® r HERFAS Adam C. Gann applies for letters of V » administration on the estate of Adam Gann, sr. late of said county deceased. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors ol said deceased to be and oppear at my oilice, wilhin the time pre scribed by law. to show cause, if any exists, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office this 21st Oct. 1833 CAREY W. JACKSON, c. c. o. nov.— -16—.10---d() 116WKLI. C 6 B b7~ ATTORNEY AT I.AW. Cherokee Court House, Georgia, Is now prepared to attend to any professional bu siness entrusted to him. Ho tenders his thanks to those persons who have, so liberally patronized him io the Courts where he has practiced. toen-ure attention, must come post-paid bEankSv * CIAAIK’S SVIIVOE.X’AS. Juror's Summonses, MA R RfA G /; LICENSES. For sale at this Office. The Intelligencer /.S’ PUBLISHED f.VI RY SATURBAY MoIt.MNG JOB-WWl£~ JUxtculed at this Office.