The New South. (Douglasville, Georgia) ????-????, March 25, 1897, Image 2

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NW SOOTH fpPGLASULE, Gi, TfA-M it IS THE NEW SOUTH. Published Every Thnrsday. E, E. EDWARDS, U. C. HUDSON. EDITOl S. «| ONE DOLLAR A YEAR IN ADVANCl OFFICIALORGAN OF DOUGLAS COONl Advertising Rates on Application. Clyde Shropshire, of Rome. Ga.,f who is vice consul to Paris, has play ed the devil generally over there. It is claimed that he stole about $40,- 000 from his employer, besides swin dling his friends out of large sums. To end it all, he skipped out with the money and carried with him a <|jprept uable woman. Mr. Shropshire seems to have fallen from grace. AFTER LESSEES. LOCAL LEAFLETS. /In the early part of April Governor Crowded off the Leeal Page by gi Rash ' Atkinson will nave before him one of G))' . ' Advertising, the most important hearings that he Congress has a new Republican leader in the person of Mr. Dingley, the author of the new tariff bill. We don’t care a ding if Dingley does lead, if he will bring us up out of the slough of hard times and set our feet upon the solid rock of prosperity. MOVING UP. Every indication is good that Douglasville is moving up hilt and that Doug'as county will keep up the pa? e. Many of our citizens are con sidering the'etection of new buildings enough to give employment to work men for months to coine. And, be sides this, playsfor the newiP?50,000 cotton and woolen ire being drawn, and other improvements are being dlscna&ed sfra considered. inctufes continue to come in about our fayming and mineral lands prov- FDouglas county possesses manjf^opportunities and advantages for investors. It will take only a short investigation to convince any ^ one that everything for Douglasville and Douglas county means better and brighter times. It requires no,prophet to say that the people want good times. They may differ as to the best method to bring such an era about. Yet all thinking people will agree the safest way is to buy every dimes worth of goods you need or want here in Doug lasville. Every dollars worth of goods you buy out of Douglasville yoO take a dollar out of local circu lation. A‘dollar circulates several times per month and every dollar sent away makes one dollar less to circulate and lessens trade several dollars per month, We have been building east ern factories; we have made the east wealty and populous; we have fur nished the freight to the railroad#and made them rich. ; It is high time that we commence to build up this section and make it prosperous. As the laborers expend money for the various things for sale and the farmer finding a good home market expends his money in the town for the things he needs, the money js kept in circulation among the people of that vicinity, there is activity in business circles, the banks are benefited by larger deposits, a more active demand for money for investment, as busi ness of all kinds pays better. Of all these things are food for thought. The New South is heart and brain for upbuilding this, the most favored section of the South. We have every resource to make it the richest country on earth. Why not develop that which nature has so lavishly bestowed upon us? Well di- •nergy on the part of a few enterpris ing citizens would give us an impetus that would gather volume as it went and nothing short of Providence would stay our success. A trial would convince the most skeptical. It is an ecclesiastical proverb, and a true one, that God helps those who help them selves. Let us go to work! ||as considered this year. ’*• ."I e hearing is that* of the. lessees e»|,.fhe state’s convicts,and. will be bad before the governor April 5th and 6th. So much business is to be ifansacted at this time that two days ikill be taken up in disposing of it. The lessees of the, convicts will be, required to appear before Governor Atkinson and show cause why they should not be fined for allowing pris oners to'escape during the year, A large number of convicts have made their escape during the, year, and the lessees will be required to show that Escapes were not made * through any negligence on their part; otherwise he they will be fined. The New Sooth believes, that the governor is correct in insisting' that the lessees pay for escaped convicts, and we believe that he will make them ante up. Douglasville will have growlers and grumblers as long as the world stand. They are a plague that we must have. A heavy cyclone visited Arlington Ga., Monday morning, killing in stantly eight school children and se riously injuring many others. Seven prisoners escaped from the jail at Dalton last Sunday night by sawing the iron bars into with an old knife. None have been recaptured. Four gubernatorial ♦elections will be held this year, Ohio, Iowa, M as- aschuaetts and Virginia are the states that will elect governors this fall. Seventy dentists : graduated from the colleges in Atlanta this week. Don’t know what the Country is going to do with so many tooth carpenters, but people will have the toothache, you know. The Southern Record, 1 published at Tocoa, Ga., is one of the brightest and neatest papers on our exchange list. It is a good paper because it has the support of the people of its section/ The Georgia state pr^b is becom ing overburdened with “fearless* writers, ” Write long-winded articles telling how to run the government, cry hard times and free silver, call McKinley an idiot and a wishey- washy Wall street hoodlum and Grover Cleveland a traitor and damn rascal and then you will be dubed a ‘ ‘fearless writer” by some of the Georgia editors when they are noth ing but Contemptible Cowardly Ca lamity Cohorts, Mr. Toothaker has been nominated by the republicans of the. town of Argentine, Kan.,, for the morality. Should he ever fill the office, the “boys” would try to get a pull on him. Failing in that, they would exert themselves to deposit him in a cavity. Toothaker, however, says he is sure to plug along and bridge all difficulties and avoid all snags. That, by the wa*', may be all gas. ‘IT STINKETH.” .What Kind of Guanos Are You Going to.Use? ... / '• Remember that the best is the cheapest always. Beware of goods that are sold too cheap. Some of them are dear at half the price you pay for them. After 15 years experimenting with nearly all the brands of guanos sold in this part of Georgia, we are con-* vinced that Scotfs Gossypium and Peace River Acid is the best vegeta ble amoniated guano, and phosphate sold in the South. While the best pure animal amoniated guanos we can possibly get are the old Soluble SEA ISLAND and KENNESAW High grades (Merriman formula.) These guanos are made from the best material known to the fertilizer-ma king science. And it has been prov en by numerous experiments that they are the safeet guanos for a far mer to risk his whole year s work on. 25 to 50 cents per acre, even if you use 200 pounds per' acre, is all these goods will cost you over the cheapest, sorriest stuff that you can, buy. Now, we submit this to thinking business men. Take it home with you and smoke it; in your pipe. If the best is any better than' the common, ordinary stuff, it ig more than 25 to 50 cents per acre better. Yours for Business, ’ UPSHAW BROS. & CO. We have ordered a new job press and new type anil in a few davs wil! be prepared to turn 'put best grade of job work at a nominal price. '; Bring us, your work. A torpid liver means *a; bad •com plexion, , bad , breath, mdi estion and frequent headache® To avoid such companions take De-Will's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. For saie by Thos. A. Duke. Deputy Sheriff John H. /Ward was called to Villa Rica Tuesday to catch some burglarers. 'lj§| hardware store of Mr. Strickland, and the depot were hot h burglar ized Monday night. A; shot, gun and some knives were taken from the hardware store, and about $15. in money was secured at the depot. The theives have not yet been cap tured. From Cripple Creek. After.the big lire in Cripple Creek, I took a very severe cold and tried many remedies without help, the,cold only becoming more settled. After using three, small bottles of Bhamberktn’s Cough Remedy, both the cough and cold left me, and in. this high , altitude it takes a meritorious cough reme dy to do any good.—G. B. Hen son, editor 1 Daily Advertiser. For sale by T. A. Duke. Garden Seed 4 cents per package at the Racket Store. Notice. We are prepared to do all kinds of work in our line; such as DITCHING,* BLASTING and DIGGING Wells. Satisfaction guaranteed, both in work and pri ces. Thanking the public for the liberal patronage in the past, and soliciting a continuance , of the. §1 Yours to please, John McCoy, W. M. Riley. Some People’s Folly. Why somo persons will suffer with the excruciating pangs of rheumatism, When they can be so easily cured by that greatest of pain-cures, Salvation' Oil. i? past human Comprehension. That Salvation Oil dqgs cure rheuma tism is evidenced by Mr. G. F. Schra der, Pierce, Neb,, who says : “I have used Salvation Oil and think there is no liniment on earth like it. I had the rheumatism for. several months and could get no relief: until T used Sal vation Oil, t wo bottles of which effected a cure, and I feel as well as ever. . No home should be without it.” Salvation Oil is sold everywhere for 25 cents. When dealers offer a substitute be ware,you’ll be victimized. Insist on having the; best, Salvation Oil. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. GEORGIA—Douglas County: Agreeable to an order granted by the c®urt of Ordinary of said county at the February term of said court 1897, sold before the court house door in Douglasville, Douglas county Ga,, on the first Tuesday in April 1897, in the legal hours of sale, the following property of the estate of A J Whitlev, deceased, to-wit: Lots Of lands Nos One Thousand and four, (1004) , One Thousand and five, (1005) One Thous and and six, (1008) and One Thousand and seven (1007) containing Forty (40) fibres' each; also fractional lots of 1 and Nos. One,Thousand and fifteen, (1015) and One Thousand and sixteen, (1016) the former contains Eighteen 18. acres and the latter Twenty-five (25) acres, more or less, and each of said lots is in the 18th district and '2nd section of Douglas county; Ga., and also Fifty (50) aches more or less in She north-east cor ner of lot of land No One hundred and fifty-one. (151) in the 1st district and 5tli section of Douglas county., Terms of sale one third cash, and the balance on the 15ill day of December 1897’. 1 March 6thISpfc’ g§| R. K. James, Administrator of A J Whitley deceased Notice. * The teachers will meet in Col lege Hall at , Dpuglasyille; April fird 1897. All the teachers must be on hand unless providencially hindered. Respectfully, J. E. Phillips, C. S. C. LAVENDER R. RAY, Attorney and Counseller at Law. Will practice in Douglas county,- the United States Courts and all other courts in Fulton county. residence : Atlanta office: , Lithia Springs, Ga, ; 701 Whitehall St. BARBERSHOP, J. B. GORE, Prep. SIX YEARS NXPERIEEOE i . Hair 1 Gut 25 -^^Satisfaction Guaranteed. Next Door/to W. J. String: fellow. • DOUGLASVILLE GEORGIA ROAD NOTICE. GEORGIA—Douglas County: K To all Whom it may concern:: All persons interested are hereby notified that if no. good cause be shown to the Contrary ah order will be granted on the 6th day of April 1897, by the under- signed, estaMishing a road as marked .out by tfie ro. d commissioners appoint ed fof that purpose, commencing at the 4 Y __ ] 1 - running the old private way to the land line of Joe Brantley and E M Morris’ land to Garrett’s ferry. H. T, COopeb, . Ordinan Feby, Ifith 1897. APPLICATION. GEO RGIA D OUGL 41 Co u yty To till wdom it may concern: W. B. Rocers having in proper, fmm appled to me, for permanent letters' of admini'staafion onjtlie estate of B. P. Rogers late ofsaid -county,.. This is to cite all and singular .the * creditors and next o? kin of B. P. Regers to be and appear at my: office within the time ah lowed bylaw’, and show caned, if any they can why permanent administra tion should not be granted to W, B. Rogers on B. P. Rogers estate. Witness my hand and official signature this the 2nd day of March 1897. , H T. Coop Kit. Ordinary. | Scotch Snuff 4 cents per box at .the; Racket Store. .: stJhamberlafa’s Eye and RAin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Saif Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chappsd - Hands, Itching Piles) Burns, Frost .limps Chronic Sbre Eyes and Granulated Eye Lida For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. £0 HORsS*OWN2ilES. m For putting a horse in a fine healthy con altion try Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders, They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy, worms, giving new life to an old or over-worked horee. 26 Wets per package. Fes sale bv drursusvi ' NOTICE. CITATION. YJEORGTA— DoUGLAs County Tii all whom it m-.y concern: j. H. Abercrombie administrator on the Citato of S. V.* Abercrombie, de ceased represents to me in liis ..petition duly filed that be has fully ad ainis- tered the estate of said deceased this is therefore to cite all and singular the creditors and heirs of said c.eceased to show cause if any they can oh the first Minday in August next why letters of dismission should not be granted as ap plied for, this March 22th 1897. H, T. COOPER, 8-1-97 Ora is: ary Douglas County, Fruit Trees Grape Vines AT LOWEST PRICES All real estate; owners of Douglas county will do, well 'to . buy their fruit trees and small fruits, from S. J Kenedy, General agent for Carrollton Nursery Go. . All stock guaranteed first class and .guaranteed varieties. PRICES Apple and Peaches at 1G 12-j & 15 Choice 'varieties at..20 Grape Vines at ..5 and 15 APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. ' GEORGIA—Douglas .County : To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of J. Herzog, of the City of New York, J. M. Blakely, of the •state of Michigan, Simon Baer, of At lanta, Ga,, Js S. James, Jr T. Duncan, J. P. Watson, and B. E. Janie', of Douglasvdie, Ga., T. L. Galloway,of Decalur, Ga,, and M. Dittenh. ffer, of the Ciiy of New York, and their asso ciates, .shows that they have entered into an association, under the name and style of GEORGIA; WESTERN,: COT TON MILLS, for the purpose of be coming a corporation, as provided for by the laws of Georgia. That the ob ject of said Assosiation is to erect and operate a cotton and woolen factory or factories in said county at -Douglas, villo, Georgia, and at such other points in said county as said association may^ fiereafter determine, and to; be vested with pow'er to own, acquire, purchase and hold property, real and personal the same as individuals do, and also in connection with said factory or facto ries to operate establish »nd mantain a system of electric Mights and electric light plant, riot,only for the use of its own factories, but-to light the Town of Douglasville and any or all of its citi ■ zed’s homes and places of business, and to charge profit- for the same; to sue and to be sued and to exercise all rights, powers and privileges that may be nec essary in every respect for the full en joyment and successfully erecting and operating the fact ory or factories afore, said and electric light plant and elec tric lights mentioned above. And also all other powers usually conferred upon corpoialiens of a similar character, and as may be consistent with the laws of Georgia. « And petitioners further show that said association is 1 to have it8,.place of i business at Douglasville, in said county in fj to operate and carry on a cotton and woolen factory or factories for the purpose of converting cotton and wool into yarns, cloth and any and all mer chantable products that it may see proper, and to operate and carry on a system of eleciric lights aS aforesaid and the selling and disposing of the fame for profit the same as individuals do. ; Petitioners further show that the .capital stock of said Georgia Western 'Cotton Mills is $350,000.00, with the privilege of hereafter increasing its cap ital stoek to- any amount not to exceed $700,000.00/ \ Petitioners also show that .ten per ^pent o,f the capital'stock has Icjeen paid in,-laid that said capital slock t is divir ded• in?3>i^re4:6f. par valuepf $100.00 each, and samS»acr*-tS58^capital stock will also be divided into shares of par valfie of $!00j00. ! Petitioners further state .that said corporation when created will desire to be vested with power and authority to issue stock and to create debts of all de- -oriptionSj execute mortgage or mort gages and to appoint trustee or trustees, md to execute deed or dt eds of trust on any or all of its property and other wise pledge its property in any way or manner it may see proper, and to fully secure the same in any way that may be provided for by the laws of this State, And that it may contract and be con- tractedWith and may perform any and all acts which is now or may hereafter be guaranteed or granted to corpora tions of a similar character under the 'aws of this State. Your peti tioners pray,, therefore, for the passage of an order by this Honor able Gonrt, granting this-their applica tion, investing petitioners, their associ ates and successors with all the rights, powers and privileges aforesaid, and that petitioners, their associates and; successors be incorporated for and cu ring the term of twenty years, with th e privilege of renewal at the expiration of said erm of years and for the pur- ! poses herein stated. And your petitioners will ever pray , etc.. , ) . J. S.. JAMES; * Petitioners* Atttorney. 1 R. E. James, Clerk of the Superior Court in and for Douglas County Ga,, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a petition for Charter on record in this office. Filed March 3rd 1897. . R. E. Jambs, , Clerk. GEORG 1A—Dour: las Countv. To the heirs at law of A J Dorsett, deceased: T1 •< last will and testament of said deceased has been duly filed m my office, arid petition for probate of the same in solemu form in terms of the law, by .Mrs Malissa E Dorsett the! duly nominated Executrix of said de-: ceased in said will, and said petition: for probate in solemn form will be heard and passed upon by the court of U-p Go "vV-©ll Ordinary at my office at the court house , g . in said county on the first Monday in, a,u patronize a home nursery. April 1897 at, 10 o’clock a. m. I S. J. KENEDY; - j . H. T. Cooper, | General Agt., Carroll ton: Nursery, This March 1st 1897. Ordinary, ;DougIasville. Gat T will be in the county for about four weeks, and- all person wishing j to buy : fruit trees of any kinds.;’ to hold their orders One dollar gets The New South for one year, 50 cents for six months and 25 cents for three months. Office at the same place. Come in md subscribe. SHERIFF’S -.SALE? , GEORGIA, Douglas .UbuNTY^%yviii be Sold before the court house said county in the town of Douglasville, Ga., on the first Tuesday in April nex'^ within the legal hours of sale the follow ing described property to-wit: Town lots of laud Nos Three (3) Four (4) Five (5) Six (6) and Beven (7) in block Seventy nine (79) and> lots' No; One(1) Two (2) 1'hrec (3) and Four (4) in block No Eighty (8S ) ail in the Town of DouglasviPe Ga., being part oforig- lnad lot No One hundred and ninety three (193) in the 2nd district and 5th section of Douglas county Ga. Levied on and to be sold as the property of defendants to Satisfy a J ustice court fi fa in favor of The Douglasville Banking Co vs C P Bowen and J S James. Prop, erty pointed opt by C P Bowen, out* of the defendant. Also at tlie same time and place will be sold the following described proper ty to-wit: Fifty (50) acres of land, more or less, off of the North-west cor ner of land lot No. Sixty nine (69) in the 1st district and 5th see! ion of Doug las county Ga. Levied on and to be sold as-the property of P R Bingham, 8r., under and by virtue of a Justice court'fi fa which was issued .from tlie 736th Dist. G M of said county, in favor of G R Black and against the said P R Bingham Sr. Due notice given accord ing to law, Levy made by W H Calnp L C and reiurned to me. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following described propei- ty to-wit: Town lots of land in Doug- lasviile, Ga., known as lots Nos One .(1) and Two (2J in Block No Nineteen (19)'* each lot fronting Twenty-eight (28) feet on Factory Street and running; back south Seventy (70) feet. Levied on a ini to be sold as the pi^iperty of J 8 James one of the defendants under a fi fa from' the Superior court of said county in fa vor of The Standard Wagon" Company against H P Sibley & Co., a firm com posed 'f HP Sibley and J S James, and also under a fi fa from the Justiee codrt of the 730th Dist. G. M., of said county in favor of Kelly Bros. & Bul lard and against the said defendants. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following described proper ty to-wit: Town loto: land No. One (1) in Block NoSixiy-one (61) in the town of Douglasviile, Ga. Levied on and to besoldas the property of W A James by virtue of a fi fa issued from the Jus- tiee court of the 1 730th district G m., in favor of Selmah & Duke, and against W A James and J S James security. Also at tlie same time and place Will bd sold the following property to-wit: Town lots of land Nos Six (6) Sevmi^p) - light (.8) and Nine (!)) in block No Sev en (7) in the town of Salt Springs,, Ga,, . Levied on and to be sold as the prop erty of BJ Glass under and by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by VV A Shyer tax collector of Douglas county against the said B J Glass for his state and county taxes for the year 1808. Ljvy made by J T Smith L C and returned to me. This ,March 2, 1897. Henry Ward Sheriii. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Will be sold before the court house door in Douglasville, Douglas county* Ga., on the first Tuesday in' April 1897,, the following property to-wit: One-, half undivided interest in three acre® of land more or less in the soutjMjrest corner of land lot No. 44, in the 2nd dfs-, trict and 5th section of said county; it being known as the Stovall & Watkins gin and mill property; and also all of the one-half undivided interest in the machinery, consisting of grist mill, two 50 saw gins feeders and condensers, cot ton press, scales and saw mill complete with all the appurtenances thereto b( - longing to said one-half undivided in terest. Terms of sale, I1Q0.00 cash, balance in two payments; first payment on credit due December 25th 1898; sec* ond payment en Credit due December 25th 1899. A. B. Stovall, ,0.0. Stovall.- Adm'.nistratofs of Jacob Stovall. This March 1st 1897. 1 ' I Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in ; the world 1 for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilbiairs, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no* pay requ’red. It is guaranteed to ive perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. .For sale by Selman &Duke. A weed in the garden can be easily destroyed when it first starts. Consumption can be nipped in the bud by One Minute Gough Cure. For sale by T. A. Duke, Druggist R0SE’S G0RR WHISKIES. Unquesti onably the finest sold. Our Corn Whiskey is made in our own Distillery, strictly by the old-fashioned, hand-made process and from selected grain. The greatest care is displayed in the distellation. Write for Our Price List. r|m. rose co.^ Distillers and Wholesale Liquor Dealers. 12 Masietta St., Atlanta, Ga. ssifa