The New South. (Douglasville, Georgia) ????-????, April 15, 1897, Image 2

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1 iiw JMSg THE NEW SOUTH. S+S m Published Every Thursday. 1 B. E. ED WARDS, 0. C. HUDSON. KDJTOl:S.! ONE HOLLAR A YEAR IN ADVANCE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF DOUGLAS COUNTY i rnn wirnt»nfii Advertising Rates on Application. NOTICE! All legal advertising to be published in this paper MUST be paid for in advance at the regular rate allowed by law. No waiting. v; DO YOCR DUTY. :~ In another column in this issue will be found a call from Ordinary H. T. Cooper to the citizens of Doug las county to asemble in Douglasville on Tuesday May the 4th, to decide in what mannner the court house shall be paid for. It will be the duty of the citizens thua assembled to express themselves upon the question of issuing bond* for the court house, and paying for it‘ by direct taxation. We bespeak for the meeting a full attendance of the citizens of the county, as this is a question of vital • i mportance to all the people of the county. We might add in justice to judge Cooper, that he has no interest save as a citizen and tax payer of the county. He just simply wants the people to meet and discuss the matter in all its phases, and then determine upon the best course. As is well known, | as the matter irenrr uto.ndi5; wiRhstve ---t&iJi* levied sufficiently large to pay for the court house this year, bonds having been defeated at the recent election. Now if you want another election on bonds, come up to the meeting May the 4th and say so. If you want to pay all the debt this year, come and Aav so. If you have a better plan wln% J r H -u J^r, brjpg it and lay ;jt before the me&Mng^nd let Upon; Do your dutf'is a loyal citizen by j coming, and giving your voice in this meeting. A True Maxim. Nothing succeeds like success, is a maxim well applied to Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, for this famous remedy succeeds in curing every case qf croup,, cough and, cold which it undertakes,; and to this alone is due its wiiderful popularity. Mrs. E. W. Rit.'iaifls, 2214 E. Cumberland St., Philadelphia, Pa., states: “I have had Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup on my bureau for the last nine years, and have found'it a certain and safe cure for croup. I have also found it efficacious in extreme mem braneous croup, and would advise all mothers to use it.” • Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup costs only 25 cents, and you should bear in mind, that substitutes simply benefit the dealer’s purse. In sist on getting Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup. TOWN Let every tax payer in' Douglas county attend the meeting called by Ordinary Cooper to held here on May 4th. You’have a right; and it is your duly to come and say how the court house shall be paid for. , The tax payers of Douglas are the ones interestedin how the oourt house shalkbe paid for and every one should beat the mass meeting here on May’- Hiw mm m 111 SHERIFFS SALES. .MARSHALS SALES. bit afifcuvsimytp-fa-w.** \j President McKinley has been off on a pleasure trip and not a word did the Constitution say aboutjt editori. ally. But if it had of been Giover my, my, how it would have scorched Mb). GEORGIA, Douglas County: Will be sold before the court house door t f said county in the town of Douglasville, Ga., on the first Tuesday in May next, within the legal hours of sale thefollow- ing described property to-Wit: r Town lots of laud Nos Twenty eight ($6). and Twenty seven, (27) size of said lots being' 25X100 feet each, and jdutated in hlock No, Niue (9) In the town ol' Douglasvlllo,Doug las County Ga. Levied on and to be sold as the property of Mrs Georgia C hand under and by virtue of a Superiorcou;t fl fa which issued front the Superior court of said coun ty in favor,of H, M Nichols and against the said Mrs Gcot giaCLaud... Tenant in posses* Sion notifled. I Also at the same time and place Wit', he sold the folio wing tlescrihed property to- wits; Towii lot No Oite <1 )A tl bl ockKi x 6W>ne(611 in the town of l)ouglasv.1Ue, Douglas County Ga. Levied on and to be soffas the property of,W A Jatues to satisfy a Superior- court li fa whichissued from : the Superior court-of? said county in favor of Rhodes Snook & lfav- erty Furniture Go., vs VV A James. Also at the same time and place will'be sold the following described jtroperty towit: Thirty (SO) acres of land at .the Southwest corner of land lot No Fifteen (10) situatei ly ing ahd biing in the 2nd district and 5th sec. 1 tion of Douglas county Ga. Levied on and to be sold as tbe property of yr A Baggett Jjiv to satisfy a tax li ta issued by W A S.tyer tax collector of said county, and against the said W A Baggett Jr for his state and county tax for the year 1806. Levy made by Xf w white, L C and returned 1o me, :i.A*lso at the same'time aiid ’ place| will be* Fifty (50) acres of lanp iu tiled soiithw^St ebri - uer of land lot No Twenty (20) In ihe 2fu} ASn 1 -’ trict and 5th section of Douglas County Ga. Levied on and tobc sold as live property of * A iteynolds under and by virtue of a tax 11 fa issued by w A Shyer tax collector of said county against the said' A ileynokfs for bis state and county tax for the year; iSSNi. Le-vy made by R w White, L'.G and returned to me. Also to. sattsfy a Superior court li whlselj issued Vhoth said county in favor of Iteunig Tcwier for the Uheotjbflicwrs Af bbthti^s A Reyttoi^-, ’ This Aprptnv i rtb 1897. 7 | H i m i \\ \ i fl Sheriff, | An ol dnrinTeet to (xonSjit fiEUlb u>fy t.® Foi the'-term of fell years tl\e property and es 11 j 111 icgfef'teti in mtqfnjaitu’iSR'tei' eattejptisjS for 1 tKtu sui eS) in fin. T, \yn of Gpoig-tn, ajid ic-i other;pupothw heieth |e|j forih. , '■ - ■ f' :' , , V ' ' f' fj Sea. 1. , it erdame$' l the Council, ,of £tb ir Iow ( n S|, h^atfjiom aa'd after t of Ate’if iiahce in &$h l sh* p=?, an|| I If 1 | '&j §gj| for man ufact^rj ng noressaiy' |o|j ip a- n uf ae 1 u 1 in g,' ,f or^^j5e%u'ipg, cep s|;i iiig: m a;• n f ac trr j r.ontej pi isos nnd ind’isr-n'eq whieli in ay, be e^taHiblie;l or j ut in ope m i tou insa d toTyn of* same are Hereby exempt from taxaubu fi;>r city .purposes for a period of ten years:f ro:my the:tirne of the passage of this,, ordlua 119-0, provided,'howey^^&t ' tiro-operT^ ,tuVi. such 1 1 a t utictnriftf enterprj^e-in^fcdw^ -'that ! hse'd» i'n, prprno lip got fppw apv g§|J husinesa^f sijjch person for., miiniif'acljurih^, establisliment, 4S u ot exeii p t from' tax a; ion Under the | provisions of'tftig !0?ctinanye| Frovi^ted^that this/ Orditiance, s)ti01 n^t hf .o'ohs.tida^4; to pxpm ptyfrom ; :ta rc^or cotta'ges > o1v / 4e / d, by such udannCaOtuy ing enterprises or psrsons. : ^,ec s -^. Be i^qrther^d-ained ihy thoiity aforesaidthatthe• exemption fion-- this ord inance,shall not apply to ioi:i for ^cli.ei n sai i : =.,fe^^oTj&dd^ ; | S%/ 3i 1 B%it f urtli^^ oraaip^j by, dhe' thorfty aforesaid that an3/ person or cdqpo;?- ation'who have rp aA'Ufacturip§ : .ihaUs,tri e's ci- 1 etiterprisesdpcaifced’in the> Said of Ao^ p VaSyili^ shall oh or hefore^ftiti^; |m day p| Match of ea<m y ear,, or so^qon/ mayidjig practicable/ furpisb fio^the/ or other person 'vYh^.^iay h ave ; cMrge:6f ^ 're^i^Wer,^of,'leturh-S pf sfysip |’o\vn,'a plete' statement and'deserijifion of erty dwived Or aiaithed ^y , p f ei sb-h Qp&o8 pdrit-ioii tjo- b^^epipf- Uth-der pro(vdiSiqh'|> HI tlds Ordinancei , ^ %SpcyA'j' |iis ^hiriher^ord^b^i^y^ ihe thority S| qresaidf ihait a ||SfJ§| meptis made, ahdJurnlstied fO lhe'. MarslhU or other ofiicer as fhe dase miiy 'hep it -sEaH. be tlia ^lnfy ^f said tjj^Hh^l or si^oi^ persdn as may hayp charge df ^a'd rbp’ort,^® submit the same to the nextrmehfin^of Council of said tow/if whieli qouncii;shall ^mineifche ,sam,e,aii4 if fhere |are any itqn> '-" J of ' 11 pt exempt frein taxati n as heretofore provided, it -shall he stpieken ffbpi said list;/ 1 1 I Be it furtn^i-^ by §?M II y ^|^%^.'>ih4 s t;p^' , h Ip eo-Unei* shall makeu j) its kiinuai' |:aX^S v iti'' sakk tq-^n jet Doug! 14 ^jvit hot t^lqe in to,account the,;prop^- fcy IJ in |;ne]firs^seeti<m,of tjiis 'ordiuan^e^ jcO^t^ijs hefOih provided'^?/' Sec. 6. '( v Bedt''fU^th l dr| ord’afued by '"the^Kw thprity aforesaid tbatrali ^ayYs/‘and' paft^ cl'- lal|| B k&nMipithjil ;ofdin^Bfe;b^khifI the Same, &re liereby /; j * | X hereby certify that thei^bove foreg-k iiig is a true ex tract froth th : e ; minutes of fiib' k^*’;M..R.OBfeRTS, •' W. A. | B •\ > 'K,4bordefS ’Mate;, v tiie h gal IW 1 1 be s< ld fo 1 e dxe c 0T:i hoiise door in 8,ii#riie T^owin Town tots ot iwnti @ ia, n p 11 m bioujc P " | 1 01 11 j ■> 1 ii, i i V ^ unly Gh, '.Levied on Urffj g Hi IS thij tho DbugidsvLieifLogilt-y if 5«t (I*n«r •! •p,V.*n a town 4 Ww ‘V A ' 6 'k h ^@®^uecUhv w A Janies, L'oiigl.isv ■ 1 le. Horict-y"^<3«tton Mill it|l A Iso a t t he same tliite alui. blace iWill, be i ^' l<i fblktvt ihgjjl^sgt tbe<l Juj'-obete/ t(L\v 11 Towjt (Sttc^ck the tbWn'^f'-^tigl^yjgej'JOQing’as ||pip «h ou.abS tjij be ot 1 fee Ltltn 1 j ;h iv pottetn ]VJtll Co 1 ., unU'c-1’ anti by] Virtup of a tax: fl ia which ;/J waV isstied. by W ,A •lames^ Vlrtyc t, of ^astl tcwn,, antl agtiinst rite |aid EdenFarijfetyttontMtU <',, %eifj •fowbi year tsfff. 'ffrrjrieh uattcel Ml, ,PB,TrTJ0XPOB p B firiDSON, M h>l< alleys oruSe tow ii of l.b,iigbikvflih, foi--' (ho ADMINISTRATORS SALE. • Gov. Atkinson has issued an order commuting of sentence of Owen Ty- rus lo four years in the penitentiary. Tjrus was tried on the charge of manslaughter and convicted in Cotib county superior court in 1894, and sentenced to five years in the chain- gang. It developed in-the trial that the shojfxhich killed his victim was gjedjiy Tjrus whil$ the other inan (Rebooting at iS^rus^ mother, and that bad a good deal^to uo with se- curing a commutatiaii of his ssntence. ge lntraSrved^ fLearl^t three years- o-f ' jji 8 term and will >soon be released from custody. , Rev.-W. G, Todd of Topeka, Kau , a populist preacher who was chaplain of the populist House of Representa tives at the time of its contest with the republican House, seems pretty well satis9cd with the efficacy of his own praying. He prayed a little linger and a little louder than the chaplain of the republican House on that occasion and his side at last won the victory. He now asks to be made superintendent of the blind asy- lu» f but bis enemies have searched his record and find a bill “To one aver $5,” for his services in pray- f for divine guidance when Gov. fggdy was inaugurated. They are vidently trying to show that Rev. L Todd gets paid as he goes, for praying- |§gg| GEORGIA—Piri.TeN County. By virture of an order of tlie’tourt of Ordinary of said county, granted atf the September Term, 1890, will be sold be fore the court bouse door of said county on the first Tuesday iu May, 1897, with in tbe legal hours of sale, the following- property of James E. Walker, deceased, to-wit: An undivided one-half interest in all of the following tracts of land lying and bains; in land lots Nos. 206 and 2P0 in the 18th, district of the 2nd section of Douglas county, Ga., and described, as follows: Commencing at a point on the East side of Spring steet where it corners with J, C. Bowden’s land and runniug thence East along Bowden’s line I ai feet, more or less to Lane .street; thence North along the West side of Lane street 1280 feet, more or less, to the East side of Spring street; thence South along the East side of Spring street 1878 feet, more or less, to the beginning point— the above being on the East side of- Spring street. Also, the tract of land' beginning at a point on the East side cfc ! of lintel stregt lOWeet North of Bowde-ft line the corner of Poplar sttaet running' theme Not ih along me side of Hotel street 370 feet to the Noi/fch side of Lake street, corner of Hotel street; thence East along the North si tie of Lake street to the East side of Olive street a distance of 430 feet, thence North along Olive street 340 feet to Thompson street, thence East along the South side of Thompson street 450 feet more or less, to Spring street, thence South along the West side of Spring street 848 feet more or less, .to poplar street; thence West along the North side of Poplar street 345 feet to Hotel street at the beginuig point. This being the same property conveyed by deed from Healey et the “Austell Lithia Land and Spring Co.’' June 24th, 1890, and recorded In Douglas county, deed book “G,” page 17;, Both of the above tracts of parcels together known as the “Aus tell Lithia Springs,” including the min eral spring, the land and all the improve ments thereon. Sold for the purpose of paying debts of said deceased. Terms cash, Mosns. Woori, Administrator. I To grant to J‘S James and associateii, success.01 s>, transferrees and assigns h franchise,' or i> j\u.-Ciji-x m 1^3'“’ -c »■ 1,/f si. pose of construeliiig, maSitaining or fiv 1 erating an electric and .tin rail A i\ J and upon the same. .Sec. I Be it ordained by the M»yf>r apd,Council of the Tpyntof Douglasvi'le thm'-fretti and after the passage of' tins orainanoe that the petition, filed by JS James and his associates be, and t'v same fs, hereby granted, and that, the said J S James and his associates, sur- 1 Cessors, transferrees or '-alsign'siaM^rtS by gianted the right and privilege |H enter in an^ upon any of the uu «.> streets, alleys, lanes ox other pladeeW said Town of Douglasville, for th@ i p>,n.< pose of constructing, mainfaihirgf?^^ operating an elebrifc alyl| steam’ upon"the same. Provided that fi'- teringin and upon the sidewalks'^® Sec, 1st shall not be construed t(> Bn'fjfe the appropriation of said sidewalks/HW only to crossing them.^ ; i 'Sepi'M Be it furfber ordained/h^lTe' authority aforesaid jihat; the ./rights't^irn IprilVileged hengia'ifrahtdd, ftr.e ■ intended jo be allowed to the said J S; James and his associates, but to whoe er may be their successors, triujsferrees tad assigns, provided howevqr, that as soon as thair successors, frankferrees or'M-'l signs shall be allowed to exercise the privileges granted in the’first sectio* of this ordinance, a written transfer of the same shall balmade by J 8 Jamfes afidliis associates, showing to whom the tr-ns- fer has been made, and the tiansfcnbes, whoever they may be-shall then excriise all the rights, powers . nu granted in the first section of this <tdi- nanoe. Sec. -»r jfcf authority aforesaid ;(eao' parts of laws, or ordinances, 8@ gif with this ordinance 1 ’!)/ arid ’ d:i- sane is, hereby repealed, .' I hereby certify that 4he above ;pnd foregoing is a true extract from the min-1 utes of the Council. .. J. M. Ronfiiirs, , W. A. jA.ilis, - Recorder., ’ | MHyor. PETITION TOR CHARTER | I State of Georgia, Fuiioii i c-.o-.-. ^ lo tqeriionorablB A. j)..Gandies-, Sec retary of State, in and for the State of Geojgia:,, Your petitioners, J S, CD Camp; RE James;, and J-PWat- spn, i residing at* - Douglasville in 'Douglas ,4-County; , 'Georgia|Si-' monBaer and Charles, Pratt, residing in Fulton ‘Couny^ City of Atlanta/ Georgia; Gedrge L Bill, whose /residence is I amesville, Hall,County ] /eoigk; T L Galloway, a resident of Decatur, DeKalb County ^ George I Payne, Wil- 1km D Gharkey and Ohas.' G Wetter, resi- gifig in the city or Philadelphia, Penn- syly-ania, a-nd thdir-gkyociate,s respectfully vliinw'jhfc, folio,wing facts. * ( p p fl That petitioners have enfei^d’into an ussop'iatio.nri'Or the purpdsfe of becom ing .a; corporation to construct and ' 6'pei- Uf a.railroad in therstate of Geoigia, jtnd to the places her 11 > named and Ilia 1 , - t i p i, - a n d - bp er a t dha] Aijroad after beeom.r.g a’eoipoi«ripn,J ^^ ddrifeto become-jneorpofated | 1 lol' .the,"ATLANTA- «rD“E3’XA’M ii LE RAILWAY do,/ | §3 Saul f-aili oad rytien, oomtfucted and pul in opera-rion \yii.l be about' twea 4 - ty , five v ®li|ig'iopg.< Is I 1 i a 3-^. I-Xii maih; line thereof will run from the City of Atlanta, Georgia, in a vseSfetprlv a. ' p I said line bf cailroad to be con structed by &udAtlankl'A- Douglasville Railway, Company wl-U run through the couhties';oh|’ultop, Co’ob 1 and Douglas iff’this a*e Sard i aory i.d. is intended State of .Georgia, Dduglas County, - 4- To the Superior Comt of said county: Tbe , i ii of J S James, Simon Baer,: Oharles'G- Wetlcr/ William D. Ghaikey, 8 E ’ James, Jam#s' A. Wntsgp^ T. L Gai]ovyny and their sssociates show that ^pey haveenieitd into an association foi the puipqse of | becoming a corporation m said Coun | of Dohgias, undei tht dame and style of LlTRlA SPRINGS WATER Company, for and during the term of twenty years, With ihe privilege of renewal at the expiiation of said time, -The principal place of business of said- Assoc-alion and.of said corporation when, created is at Lithia Springs, Douglas County Georgia, with the privilege of establishing branch offices’ and places of business in the city of Atlanta, ,Georgia, or in aD y other county in this state or’at any other point or place in ■ the United Statesfpf America, but the main place of business and domicile of said corpora tion is at Lithia Springs in said county /’f Douglas. The capital shook, of baid LUhjwRprirrgs Water Company is the shai os of the pa' value of Ogo ^Hundred Dollars eaeljv -Said capital' stock peti- ti mer’s desire may either be paid in money or property, reaior personal, and chose^ iu action at whatever price may 8 agreed upon- by j the stockholders APPLICATION. LAVENDER R, R|Y, Attorney and Counseller at LaY/« . will practice 'in Douglas count/- tbe United States Courts and all other courts in pulton eojnfiyi- RESIDENCE.: ' . / .ATXiA^rA O^^CKi Lithia !Springs, Ga, 70} Whitehall St. toybfe; i <i Mi|ggM®|||gM iA. Mdlotj. Comtiyjitoi&iL' ,Io#oug?aai 15®dliW Ddufilas C.Quuty G«4giMi«J,-fi-.ivSS *' f *y> i ]Vi7-aj propdfcofc[J^^ stocJ: of 55a3» Atlanta and Railijvay s4. is the sumjo'i ?5hri.e ffim aadi Seventy Fiyei'iRhousauff Dollars, (|376,t)!}0 DO)-which is divided into’ehares' of Up pah value hf Dn® Hundred Dpt-: lais, ( J SfC0 00) each and that none of said capital stoifck, is’to he preferred stock, but all common stock, | ■ 6. That said opmpanj’ desires to Be inoorporateri for tBe. term of twenty yeaia, with the privlege of r,ci}ewai at SRe expiranion of said time. jBl'7,1'- Affile pnnciiK.l (ffiOe ,ol PEgiri Allan •a apd DotiglSsville, Railway Company sjiall bom theX'ity ol Atianta, Georgia, pl Pi'J.’i >11. t ||S| || p 11, n\ i in good ^f aith to,Rp f or war.d. wi thou| ■r-'- '|^ ^fioure subscriptions to the eapf xtsal stock of said Comply aud-constiuoa and opeikte sa-d -rail. fffi. 1 ' ! from and to the points aforesaid, jj Petitioners lifciehy’ • request and ^ bcioborporatod under the name YM style aforesaid under the laws of this S'tat c, and further 1 slmw- - that they have given four wbek)S notice of their in tention to apply for a ehVtfer foi said ’Company by the publication of this pe tition in one of the newspapers in which the Sheiifl’s pdvertisements aiepnblish- ed-in each of the counties o! Fniton Cobb and Douglas tluongh which said proposed" railroad will probably iun; v.-1,ii-ii puhlicationhas been made once'a week fer four consecutive weeks in each of said newspapers before the filing of this petition. I Si Petitioners thereof pray that s ! ud Company may-become kbfi-poyailon uu- dei tpe name and style,aforesaid arpifor flip rui afof esaid j by bhe.,/granllflg| ^^'^a.ixex by thp ilonpyahio ^)t,cietaiyj alFnow’provided -‘or by 1 law Under t£ie Act-ssof bly of Said State, and apjir* ved on De-1 ofember 17, 4892, and is known as the general Act lor inco-pprating railroads in this -State, and whien Appears id the piinted Acts of the /Legislature of this State in-bound,volume, Georgia LaWs, •>i§92fjbn pages from 3.7 to 52iuclusi-ve. ! hereof and oy persons interested there - in. Tbe object and purpose of the for. matron of said Li|hia Springs Water- Company is pecuniary gain to the mem bers therepf. The principal, business of s?xicl Association and of said ’Corporation when created shall be the construction, equipping, maintaining, operating and carrying on a general hbtel and boarding bona® business and conducting and cl argmg for same as indniduaJs, now do under the law. Also the erecting of such buddings and purchasing ahtl put- ing into Iteration all classes of rnaclNn. ery that it may derm necessary of any deseiiptiun and as may be requited in levelopmg the mineral spusjgoi springs, located in the Town of halt Springs, pouglas, i'bnnty Georgia,, and to build and establish pai ks, llowyer yai ds, lawns, waiks and in any-.other way or manner* beutify||| grounds’ around 'its hotem. springs and any and all other property! whatever in any way it may see that it is necessary ] to carbonate and otherwise prepare its mineral wateis, flowingyfrpm Said spring or springs, for maiket in whatever.way arid mauner may deem most 7 advantageous and : the placing of the same upon the market in barrels, carboys, bottles,’ tanks, vessels and may medicate and do any other mat ter or thing tbahsaid company (inay see pioper in the preparing and ini tbe sale H <water in whatever u 11 • r it may ^|i ^ai^jALSoeia- 'tioa aiiio dusi es ttTbe grratSfi power to borrow money, to appoint trustees, to issue qotes, bonds and other obligations and to create and execute mortgages, mortgage bonds and iu any other way pledge its propetty of every description for the payment of its debts and for the purpose of borrowing money and impi-ov. ing its property in any way or manner it may soo proper, and that it may create trustee deed or deeds and also may do any other matter or thing pot herein spe cifically set forth that individuals can do, or that may be according to the laws of the. State of Geoigia, and that it may sue and be :ued, contract and be ; con tracted with and to have, hold, own and Sell all manner of property, real perso na! and choses in action and generally to have all other rights, powers ahd privi leges usually granted' to ( c<) i poratious by the general laws of the State of (Georgia. And yonr petitioners will ever pray, e’c.' J. S, JAMES. Petit,oners’ Attorney. I hereby cerlify that the foregoing is a true eojiy Of a petition for charter , on record in this office, filed March the 30 th 1S97. 4 K. E, James, Clerk. ^HHORGIA—Dot GL4S Coryxv |- ; To, all whom itmav concern|g| F. F- DuPree liaving in proper foim ' ajijfiied to me for peimaiitnt lei'tfrs of administaation on t lie estate of Mary E. Arnold late of said countyi This is; to -cite all and singular tbe creditors and next of kin pf Mary- E Arnold to b- and appear at,iny Ofliee withiu tlie tinieal- '• ipwtd by law, and, show cause, if any ihey can Why permanent administra tion ihould not lie granted to F. F-, DuPree jp Maiy E A mold’s estate. Wime s my nandjmd official signature this the- 5th my' of Aprii/lg^/l; H T. Cooper. ■ Ordinary. notice7 7' 7 GEORGIA—Douglas L ountv-. To all whom, it may Concern: R James, administrator qf A J' Whitley deceased, has in due form applied to me \ the undersigned for leave to sell the/ lands belonging to tbe estate" of said'de- 11 and said;..application Will be /til'd «n the first\ ®)nday in May nt-xf. Tbts Ihe 5th day of April 1897. • J H. T. Coopek, , g ’ | XJrdinai^, / ~ ADMINISTRATORS 8ALE?^v <J * GEORGIA—Douglas County: mTo all whom it may concern: W. •J. Willoughby and W. If. Nalley, admin- f istrators of Thomas Willi u jliby deceas- s ed/baye in due form applied to the uc- ' dersigned for leave to sell all of land lot No 210 in the 2nd district and/5th sec tion of sajd couuty with the minerals ahd mineral interest and mining privi- , leges af said lot of land belonging to the 1 estate of said Receased, and said appliea- tjoh will be heard on the first Monday in May next. This 0th day of April 1897 ■ • 1 h. t. ’Goquxfi^';iv/ / Ordinary Douglas County.| j ■^"ADMpISTRATORs/sALl^il GEORGIA—douolas count r. 'Agreeable to an order granted by the 'court of ordinary, Wilt ho sold before the court houpie door in Donglasville, Docg- las county 5 . Ga./on tfce first Tuesday in’ /May-1897, within the legal, hoursjof sail* the following property of the estate of' •J. flenry Winn deceased, one acre more, or less lying south of Southenr Railway-1 •west of the branch, in the to wri of lYins-./ ton, Ga., cominep’ji&G'• TT-&are right of way of Southern Railway crosses branch, funning thence south along branch 14*5 feet • to McCoys land, thence west 378. feet, thei,mc.north 84 feet, thence along afeMbf way 378 feet to starting, point/ Also a tract of land commencingjat the son-tb corner of 'tpwifrtot No. 10 *n - ;:t - A '-( ' ..'-I-*<-.f Winst/liv. Galj running thence north 200 feet, thence west to/Mc'^^s landp thence south 200 feet, (hence east to starting pointp^Ooh- -taining one and one-half acres more or less. Said lots lying and being in land tot No. 1*58 in the 2nd district and % h section of Douglas couuty Ga. Terms one half cash balance Nov. 1 1st 1897 drawing 8 per cent per annnm interelj from date of sale. This the 0th day,' April 1897. V w / * /W ■''L, B. Entekkix, \ H. O. W'isn, r ’ '8< Administrators of J. Henry Winn, deed. ~; Titation. A pray r Apd vofii- petitioners, will ever etc.., ' J.iS^James^C. D, Camp, ra B R. E, 1 James, J. P. V^atSon, Chailei Pratt, Simon Baer ] T/L. Gilloway, G-eo.'L. Bell 1® ] ||S 1 Wettey, W. D Gharkey, ' 7:®8 0.7 -Uv f|. ; > :; ,' YoTrimissed '3p,mPt'h|ii^/ you did Rot get p sampla of ■ j Ticheuor’s Adtisoptic." ^For, « flamed eyes, gore ihroafr/outs;. bums, bnflses ete>, it has qaeqdal.! ,'Did you ge/a sample of Dr, Ticbenor’s Antiseptic'? If so, don’t 0row it away. It js too good to tie washed- ;You’il need ] ifc when ypu Iriirt/yourself or sbinebr/ly hootsyoii jiist to see you jump,' CITATION. /A EOILGIA—Douglas County »' To ail whom it may concern: J. H. Abercrombie administrator on (he estate of 8. V. Abercrombie, de ceased represents to me m bis petition duly. ftie,d li-u he has fully adminis- hered tbe estate of salfl deceased this is therefore to cife all arid 4 'sing'uiar tin creditors and heirs'of said oecoased to - 1 <>' ,op.use if any they ^an jii the JirSt dismtssioh should' hot begranted as ap- phecFior' |1|| Ma»ch'22t^ 1897. 11 L ' R 8-1-97 , Ordinary Douglas Gounlyt' i Notice to heirs and next ol- kin: W. T.;Smith lias this day filed an app’ica- : tion in my office praying for an order di recting and requiring J. H. Aborcrombio administrator of S. V. Abercrombie, deceased, , lo make and execute title deeds to him, to the North half of lot of land No. 22 iu the 3rd district and 5th section, of Douglas county, to which' land he holds a bond for titles from S, V. Abercrombie, dated pn thp 10oh of November, 1891. I will pass upon said application, at my office, in Douglasviilo Ga., on the 3rd day of May 1887. 1 H. T, ’iSSoPEB, , Ordinary. APPLICATION. GEORGIA!--—Douglas Gouty. To all whom it may concern: J. H. Dover having in proper form ap plied to mo for permanent lettcTwnjf ad ministration on the estate of Sara%A-‘ Dover late, of said county, this is to cite all and singular the ■ creditors and west of kin of Sarah A. Dover to be and, ap- peaf at my oflfbe within the time allovrtsd by law, and show cause why if any the'y can, wliy permanent administration^ should not be granted to J. H. Dover on *V Sarah A.\ Dover’s estate. . Witness niy hand and official signature, this 29th day of March 1897. ■ '4 H H. Tj CoffBEB, 2 8 P 1 y (Ordinary^ R0SE’S/ ©0RH WHISKIES. v ' : , [ 7-/ -Vi ://> //:7V%7j -Vy.7;;r ; V ! V.V, ; -3VV■ V■V"V/-/V- /■■-7. ' Unquestionably the finest sold. , Our Corn Whiskey is made in our own Distillery, strictly by the old-fashioned,! hand-made process and from selected grain. The greatest care is displayed in the distellation, 7jfor Our Price List. J R. M. ROSE CO.v Distiller^ and Wholesale Liquor Dealefs7 12 Masietta St., Atlanta, Ga, ml m M