The New South. (Douglasville, Georgia) ????-????, May 27, 1897, Image 2

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* aBZamm&n j THE NEW SOUTH. Published Every Thnrsdny. R E. EDWARDS, C. C. HUDSON. Shade of Malthas! - It is said thai j Judge John S. Candler has sentenced | forty men to death in the last 12 months. | —Augusta Herald, But how iriany of them have been kditoi's. | hanged? A sentence to death doesn’t i balf cash and bala ONE HOLLAR A YEAR IN ADVANCE OFFiGIALORGAN OF DOUGLAS COUNTY Advertising Rates on Application. NOTICE! All legal advertising to be published in this paper MUST be paid for in advance at the regtilar rate allowed by law. No waiting. Let Gentle Annie and Sweet Pau line be relegated to the rear, and give the June Girl Graduate full sway. There is time for all things. The Constitution done its level best to boom Miller, the self-professed divine healer who was recently run out of Atlanta, but the Constitution struck a pill too bitter for it to swal low that time, and it was obliged to acknowledge it. o A Ware county farmer who claim ed that he was unable to spend a dol lar for a year’s subscription to his county paper, sent that amount up north for a recipe to stop a horse from slobbering. He got it, and it is: '“T-ejjcb him to spit.’’ ‘ The Georgia Weekly Press Asso ciation meets at Cuthbert in July. From there the members of the craft will go on an excursion to the Cen tennial exposition at Nashville. We hope to be able to go, but—we may not. always mean death, these times. Take Judge Candler’s own circuit, for in stance. There have been convictions, and the murderers have been senten ced all right enough,, but if there has been move/than one hanging in Judge Candler’s circuit during the last twelve months we do not recall it. It would be interesting to know just Mow many of the forty death sentences passed by Judge Candler have been executed. Cannot one of the Atlanta papers tell us?—Albany Herald, It; is really surprising to think of the many heart-rending and cold blooded murders that have been com mitted in Georgia, and* the small number of heartless demons that have been made to.suffer the penalty. Such a comparison will astonish men and cause them to ask the question “what are we coming to?” Where is Justice? Has the time come when men can take such innocent lives as did Ryder, Flannigan and Perry, and live bn in defiance of law and good society? Uphold the good name of the Em pire State of the-South, and let jus tice be done, or abolish capital pun ishment and lynch law will be substi tuted. . - FOR SALE. Good tannery, twenty cords of bark and five acres of land for sale qheap. Good stream. Terms: One nee•, in ono year at 8 per cent- Ced&rtown. Ga. Address, W. B. EsoKSfik, One dol lar gets The New South for one year, 50 cents for six m ontli s and_ 25 cents for three months. Office at the same place. Come in and subscribe. The Commencement exercises of Douglasville College begin 16 narrow evening* .President Branham has worked faithfully for the school du ring the past term, and the splendid condition of the institution in every .attests4>i.O superior qffffilitles 'as, ah educator. The Trustees at the next election of teachers should elect Prof. Branham to the position he now holds for five years. Murderer Flanagan’s trial was again postponed at Decatur last Mon day,- on account of the sickness of of his main counsel, Col. W. C. Glenn. It is an old trick with lawyers to get sick whenever they want more time on a bad case, and it seems that Col. Glenn is a first rate practitioner of the habit. The United States Senate has rec ognized the belligerency of struggling -Cuba, but the house seems to hang fire, and, so far, has failed to 1 act on this important question. It is given out that the present administration is pledged .to keep- hands off iSwtfie existing troubles between Spa§Kj|ud Cuba. There are mighty few liberty ilovlbg Arnerujaos aififirig gu-t" rial. q8al law-makers, anyway. ;jj|wlg§ A SENSELESS WARFARE. The Morning News contained an editorial this week under the caption “Why Times are Hard” in which it said: The South Carolina phosphate com mission, by Gov. Ellerbee’s decidimg vote, has rendered a decision which will drive the Coosaw phosphal e min ing company out of business. Ten years ago Coosaw was very prosper ous. The “reformers” in South Car olina polities hated the company be cause of its prosperity, and set about to “throttle” it. They have now succeeded. The company’s fault was its prosperity. In ten j ears it paid into the state treasury, in royalties and taxes, about $2,000,000. Its pay rolls for labor contained the names of probably 1,000 men, and it furnished the means of livelihood to probably five times that number of persons. The vast majority of its employes were negroes. The stoppage of the com pany's works throws them out of em ployment. The position .which is taken by the /Morning News is identical with that taken on the same subject by the Times. The effort to cripple enter prises because they happen to be own ed by a combination of capital is a species of foolishness that should be erased from the public mind, When ^ these big. enterprises are driven out of existence the suffering that follows does not come to the' men who own them, but to those who depend upon them for a living for themselves arid families, | When a railroad company, under adverse legislation, fails to make money the expenses of the road are cut down by turning men out of employment. When the profits of the factories are reduced the factory either closes down or its force is re duced to where it may operate with out loss to its owners, The reform which the country need g now as badly as it needs anything else is a suppression of the alleged “re formers.”— Valdosta'Times. • While-Governor Atkinson is visi ting other states, studying the con vict question, if he would take a few pointers on better public roads, ' and then give us the result of his obser vations so that we could have better roads in Georgia, he would* certainly receive, the 1 gratitude of the entire State. Don’t neglect a cough because 1 the weather is pleasant; before the next storm rolls around it may de velop into a serious difficulty Jb*- yond repair. One Minute Cough Cure is easy to take arid will do what its name implies. T A. Duke. Notice. Love in the Scale. “How mtich does the baby weigh ” is only another way of asking-, “ Is he healthy and strong?” When a baby is welcomed into the world with loving care and forethought, hi^ chances of health an# strength are increased a hun dred-fold. A prospective mother cannot begin too early to look after her own health and phys ical condition. This is sure to be reflected in the baby. Any weakness or nervous de pression, or lack of vigor oh the mother’s part should be overcome early during the expectant time by the use of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, which promotes! the perfect health and strength of the organism specially concerned in motherhood. It makes the coming of baby absolutely safe and comparatively free from pain; ren ders the mother strong and , cheerful, and transmits healthy constitutional vigor to the child. No other medicine in the world has been such an unqualified blessing to mothers arid their children. It is the; one positive spe cific for all weak and diseased conditions of the feminine organism. It is the only medicine Of its kind devised for this one purpose by a trained and educated special ist in this particular field. . Mrs. F. B. Cannings, of No. 4320 Humphrey St, St. UouiS. Mo., writes: ‘M am now a happy mother of a tine, healthy baby girl. Feel that, your ‘ Favorite Prescription ’ arid little * Pellets - have done; me more good' tha n .anything 1 have ever taken. Three months: previous to my con finement I began using your "medicine., i I took three bottles of the, 1 Prescription.’. Corise: quences were I was only in labor forty-five min utes. With my first baby I suffered; 18 hours, then had to lose him. He was-very delicate and only lived 12; hours. For t-wo. years I suffered imtold agony, arid had two miscarriages. The ‘ Favorite Prescription ’ saved both my child and myself. My not yet three weeks oM and I do not tlunk I ever felt better in my iili.” The next general examination for teachers will be held at Doug lasville College Hall, May 29th 1897- The; work will be clone with pen and ink, and the teachers of the county must stand the ex amination here, unless they make other arrangements with me. In case they go to another county the papers must be sent. back to this county to be graded. I hope all the teachers will take warning and be on hand, as We will have no special e xa m in ation. \ 6 Respectfully, J. E. Phii.dips, O. S. C. LAVENDER R. RAY, Attorney and Counseller at Law. Will practice in Douglas county, tlic United States Courts and all other courts in Fulton county, residence: aTDanTa oririTCE: Lithia Springs , Ga. 70A Whitehall St. Tell your neighbors that they can get The New South, Consti tution and Home and Farm, three papers one year for $1,50. This' paper and the Atlanta Weekly j Journal one year for $ 1.15. MONTHLY SUFFERING. *J*housands of Women are troubled- at monthly inter vals with pains in the h e a d, b a c k, breasts, shoulders,sides hips and limbs. But they need not suffer. These pains are symptoms of dangerous derangements: that can be corrected. The men strual function should operate painlessly. !Win»fl makes; menstruation painless, |and regular,; It puts the deli cate menstrual organs in condi tion to do their work properly. kAiid that stops all this pain. Why will any woman suffer month after month when Wine of Cardui will relieve her? It costs $i.oo at the drug store. Why don’t you get a bottle to-day? For advice, in cases requiring special directions, address, giv ing symptoms, “The- Ladies’ Advisory Department,” The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenri. Mrs. R0ZENA LEWIS, of Oenavllle, Texas, says : " I was troubled at monthly Intervals with terrible pains in mf head and back, but have been entirely relieved by Wine of Cardui.” Third Quarterly mB >; Of Douglas County Sutulay School Association will be held with Oak Grove Sunday school in the' South Eastern portion- of the county onjjthe 3rd Sunday in J imp. Every Sunday school in the county are earnestly requested to. seed delegates to this meeting of the .^ssoeiaUoh, together with reports'of their school and its work. We hope to bo able ?to pub lish the program next week. Look out foi it and go to work now for the success of your school and the Sun day School Association, upon whidli hinges the . International* Lesson' System. . O V. OWEN; •President, J. T. Davenport. Secretary. J J. Kirby, Ohm..Ex. Corn. . : t ISLj pig. F>OOLE,-/ ^7 P1 iv siv iaw a rid Su rgeon noipT.Asvn.i-K, - - ' , (poimiA- *.■ 1 i • i i • a Iffint niff*gffven 10 all calls O®co:.Room i - Selman & Duke BulUlinu i^z.; stewast, | DENTIST. v , -1$Sm GKOliGtIAI Office: Rooms 1 and i Selman & Duke B’i’dg t/vo minor children havTu-g been filed TITOS. J. POOLE, Physician and Surgeon. f DO UCLASVILLf CA All calls promptly re-ponded to. . Office: Room 4 Selrnan & Duke [it’d. v Not only piles of the very worst kind can be cured by * DeWitt’a Witch Hazel Salve, |>ut eczema, scalds, burns, bfuisGs, boils, ulcers and all other skin troubles can be instantly, relieved by the. same remedy. T. A Duke, Unconditional surrender, is the only terms those famous little pills known as DeWitt’s Little Early Risers will make with con stipation, sick headache and stomach troubles. For sale by T. A. : Duke. ; : . 7 ' Ghambeijaln’s Rye and Shin Ointmesu, Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Sajl- Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped Hands, Itching Piles, Bums, Frost Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lida Fyp gale by druggists at ,25 cents per bosjt.i 20 HORSE OWNERS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy oop dlittri "try 'Dr.*Uadj^s Condition Powder). They tone tip the system, aid digestion, cure loss of appetite,-relieve constipation, Correct kidney disorders and ; destroy worms, giriffg. new life to an old ior OVer-workeo horse, 2 ? '••iris ivev i,vel<a< ! f'.* Fro sale riy drtuatist ’ . For sale byjT. A.Muke, druggist. BARBERSHOP, J, B. GORE, Prop. I SIX years experience. ■ Hair Cut 25 Cents.^gf- | | -^^Satisfaction Guaranteed, Next t>oor To W. J String;fellow. DOUGLASyiLlE GEORGIA You missed something good if you did not get a sample /of Dir. Tichenor’s Antiseptic. For in flamed eyes, sore throat, cuts, burns, bruises etc., it has no equal. 1 This ♦ Bean Y -. has at last got it through X his head that Fahys 14k X gold-filled watch-cases are ♦ .very strong and substantial X , affairs. X But they don’t look it. For ♦ they all .have the daintiness ♦ and delicate designing of the i solid - gold case, and at a T price that is an eye-opener. Only be sure ,it’s a Fahy^, and that you get jjt from ' MONARCH mmm \wm Condensed gchednle in Effect May 2.1897; No. +26 4.00am 5.35am 7.05 am ■ 8.10am ; 9.25am No. *20 8.25pm 5.11pm No. *20 325pm 5.11pm :+i55pm No. §28 5.2 5 am 6,21am 7.29 am 8.10am 8.25 am N©* xfef 5.80pm 500 am 5:55am 6:53am 7,37am 8.32am -9.90am 9 05am 10.53am 11.05am 11.28 am 12.02pm ta39prn if. 19pm 1 45pm 2.09pm ‘2.85pm 3.23 pm 4.(K)pm 8.05pm Iv. •riMontevallo.. ar. Brm’ham lv STATXUNS. Iv... Akron' ..Greenskoro.. ....Marion ..Marion Jot.. «t... Selina v .ly stations. lv.New lv. Meridian, ar .....York..... .Demopolis... ar..Uniopt’nlv Mariok Jet.. lT [Selma [ ..Montevallo.. ....Calera..... ..Columbiana.. iChildersOurg. ...Talladega... ....: Oxford.. j”»v. Anniston... ; .Jacksonville . ...Piedmprit... .Cave Springs/ ....Rome.... No. 19* i 1.20am 9.20am 6,45am No, +25 8.10pm 7; 00pm 5.3 ipm 4.*38pm| 3.30pm No. *15 11.20 am 800pm 7.05pm OilOpm 5.30 pm 4.55pip 4.10pm 4.05 pm 1.59 pm 1.45pm •1 18pm .12.44pm 12.03pm 11.22am 11; 10am 10.49ain 10,29am 9 45 am 9.10am *26 J *38 *38 STATIONS^ . a.m. a.m. 5.55 p.m 4.20 lv. Birm’ham. .a VwiriC 7.12 : 5 So ...t.Pell City]-. &10 6,55 Anniston. ..., 8.19 #05 .... ..Oxford..!.. &55 ...... Heflin ...r. 9.05 7.54 v. Edwards ville' .v. *550 9 13 805 i.^Fruitlinrst..., 9.30 8.25 ... .Tallapoosa^- 7*13 1^.30 9.37 ty.Douglasville.. 725 10.40 948 .Lithia Springs ' 8. 20 mm 10.45 ar... Atlanta.... 1- *.m. am. pm. No. §27 7.18pm 6.34pm 5.i 9pm 4.38 pm 3.45,pm No. *19 11.20am 9.20 am STATIONS; 1 *35 | .*37 .. m. pm. p.m Mi 4 > 10.10 wi),-25- 8:55 y.15 7.50 907 7.40 ; 8k?2 7.10 8.18 6 57 8.06 6.47 7.44 6.28 9.00 6 30 5.16 7.34 6.20 5.05 7.20 5)30 4.15 6 20 v;m. p. m. p.m L. Z. DORSETT, ■ . ATTORNEV-AT-T.AW. -i)0i.0LAsvn,i.K, - - georqia, Wiil; practice in all the, corirta. Special attention given to Collections. A stmiw it y ourpatrouage solicited Did you get a sample nfl: Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic? If so, don’t thr.M it away*. > It is too good to be wasted., Yori’ii need it when vou ‘.liurtv.yourself somebody shoots ./on secy you■ jump,*; " SHERIFF’S SALES. GEORGIA, Douglas Countt: Will be s.riu i.v.oie the couit Jiouse door of said coui tj in the town of Douglasville, Ga., onflii- first Tuesday in June next, witriui ti w.igai lioiiio of sale trie follow ing described property to-wit: Town lot of land No Two (2)-in block No Sixty-one (01) in the town of Doug lasville, Douglas county Oa. Levied on and tp be sold as the property of Joe Amy under arid by virtue of a Justie'e court ii ia which issued from the Justice court of the "JOth district U. W., of Said county in favor of J S James arid against the Said Joe Amy, Levy made by J /H Selman. L 0 and returned to me. Also at the Saule time and place will be sold the following described proper ty to-wit: Fifty (50) acres of land lying and being in the South-west corher.of land lot N’6 Forty nine (-10) ;,in file 2nd district and 5th sectii n of Douglas county Ga. Levied on and to bo sold as the property of J/rs. U, W. .l/obbs’ es tate, B W Mocbs agent, to satisfy a- tax ii fa issued by W A Sayer tax collector of said couuty, against the'said MrsG W Mobbs estate for state aud county taxes for the year XS06. Also at.the same time and place will be sold the following described property to-wit: Land lots. Nos Eights three (8S) Eighty four (84) Eighty live (85) Seven ty one (71) and One Hundred and twenty three. (I2S) in the 8id district and 5xh section of Douglas county Ga. Levied On arid to he sold as the property of John AWltson under and -by virtue of a tax fi fa which was issued by I M Watson fpimer tax collector of, said county for said J-A WHson’-s state apj comity tax for the y ear 1877. Levy made by D W Johns, L C. uj 'Also at.tbf sami-timc and place will tie' ’sold ihc folow ing deselibetl property to-wife lf>7 aces more Or ltSs of laud ! ots SOs 21 and ■22, sou li rind westof D.-g- river in Uie 1st dis irict • ml Btri section of Dquglas l.'mu.fy <ja. Levied on arid tobe sold ,-ts the property of A it, ynolds under slid by virtue ol a tax fl fn i.-suvd by w A St.yer tax ,ollector , f ».,id county against trie-said A rieyno d» for his stateinid conuty t x fur trie ye .r . J8M. Also jo satisfy a . Superior court''-, ii fa wriicri issued front trie Superior;,; court of said County in favor of Fattuie, 'Ti wlert for trie use of officers of court vs A Key nolds, l'ri.s May the Btri ISliT f Hkxrv IVa all, % Sheriff, ■y concern: The setting appart a pt, F. Smith, wid- Seased, and her y office. This is to cite qH and singu lar the creditors and next ol kin < f R. B. Smith deceased to be aud appear At my office; within the t,me allowetl by law, and show 'cause if any they criifwhy. said application for twelve months sup port should not be granted. This Mai oh 31st1807. j H. T. CboPRR, - Ordinal EX^UTORS SALE. There will be sold before the Mlkrf house door in DouglasvtnB," GarrelT^ the first Tuesday in June 1807 with'irr the legal hours of sale the following propeV- ty towit: All of the interest of the estate , of C. Q. Morris deceased in lot f of land No 73 in the 3rd dii^iict of Douglas county Ga., the interest was settled by verdict of jury in Douglas Supe rior court finding rive ninths of four fifths of said lot to be the property of the Grows chil dren. The interest 1 of C. C. Mortis in. the land Will be sold which is an undivi ded interest therein and the purchaser will get all the interest of the said estate in and to said-lot and any mid eve y ^ art thereof, the same being the interest cov ered by the deed of Martha Crews apd the decree of court aforesaid and the purchaser will get title to all of said in terest so as thep rOpffrty of the estate of C, C. Morris deceased under and b> vii. tue of his will ior distribution among the heirs and legatees of thej; esiatq. Terms cash. - Johx F. Morris. , James A. DkFo.iii. ! vv'--Executors. CITATION. GKO R(i IA—Dovri as Cdux-rv, To all wln-ni it may ccrioen;: The . appraisers appointed for the purpose of setting apart ri years support to A. Fan_j nie Rodgers out. of the estate of her hus- basd; B. P, Rodgers deceased, have made their return, to me- as required by law. This is to cite all persons concerned to show cause within the time ailowul by law why said n should not be made fi the j dgement of the court and entered of rec ird. This .hay 3rd 1807. H, T. CoopErq rdiriary. ' COMarilSSIONER^S sale. By qn de- Lv Rome. Ar Knoxville Ar Morristown ^ Ar .Hot Springs Ar Asheville Ar Salisbury..... , ; ,t.. Ar Greensboro.......... * Mi Ar Raleigh...... Ar Norfolk;....... . Ar Washington;. Ar New York...: No *12 1.00am 8.05am 9 50am 11.46am 1.15 pm 6.40pm 9 5Epni -7,10am 6.42am 12.43 pm ■No. *16 4.10pm 9.50pm 10.55pm 12.23am 1.39am 6 00am &50am |1.45am 5.20pm 9,40pm 6;23am rS l 2 Pullman Sleeping car Rofeie to cna ttanooga and from Chattanooga to New York via Asheville., a i No« 16 oarries Pullman Drawing Room Sleep- mg car Chattanooga t6 Norfolk. Connection at Norfolk ^with steamers for Baltimore, New J? ostolL . Connection at Greensboro ^ JJ*:»Fast Mail carrying Pullman Sleeping; cars for Washington and New Ydrfe, stations. tv Rome . Ar Chattanooga. Ar Cincinnati. ......... Ar Louisville N6v9 6.35pm 9,00pm 7.40am 8 00»m r Pull .^ n cars Roma to liouisyille and Chattanooga to Cincinnati with- out change. ' ' ' Stations. Lv Atlanta....... Ar Charlottes.............. . * Ar Danville . Ar Lynchburg... Ar Charlottesville.......... Ar Washington.............. Ar; Baltimore. ^ Ar Philadelphia... Ar New York :.;r No. 38 NO. 38 • ljfeo.y nn 8.20 pm 12.00am 1 58a-m •3.35am 6.42am 8,00am 10.15am 12.43pm No. 36 •ll;.50pm 9 00am l,3«?pm 3.55pm. 5:5i45pm 9.40pm 1125pm 2.56am 6:23am Washington and Southwestern H ited . Solid Pullman Vestibule train Atlanta wl N ® w York, Carrying Pullman sleeping- car - Birmingham to New York Dining oar At- York - Greensboro and Washington to New 7 N&S36 carries Prillman Drawing Room Buffet bleoping car Atlanta to New York, ♦Dally, tDally Except Sunday, ssrinday Only. W, H. GREEN, Gea SUpt, Washington, D. tl J M CULP, Traf. Mgr. Washington, D. C. W. A TURK, G. P. A. Washington, D. O. D- A- BEN8COTER,a g.p.a. Chattanooga. Toon ' (ITAT1QN. '^J.EORGIA— Douglas County To all wtioni ii, m iy concern: J. II. Abercrouibie :aiiruinistrritbi' the estate ol -is. V. Aberoromhie, ri, asi-d i< oi. - 'ill- to me iu his jielitton dujy ’ flieri tl(at lie h is fully arimiuis- tered tlie estaie of said deceased this is! therefore to cite ail - arid singu ar - the creditors and heirs of said deceased to show' pause if any they -can on the first Monday in August next why letters of dismission should not be granted as ap plied tor, this March 22th 1807. H. T. COOPER, 8-1-07 Ordinary Douglas County. TEARS SUPPORT. GE i )I1G IA —Do ugi. as County . ■ ’ To oil whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that Mrs. M. F. ,Norton widow of Ii. N. Norton deceased, has applied for the ,-etting apart of a y ears support for herself aad, minor jjhildren out of tlie estate of said deceased* and appraisers having made their report. This is to cite all parties interested to show cause if any j they gan witliiu the time allowed by law why; said applica tiou should not be granted. This May 18th, 1,897.7 H. T. Cooper, Ordinay. GLOR0IA—Doi «I.AH C'OUXTY. Virtue of ai deoi'efe granted by the 7 upe- rior court df said county will be sifht be fore tlie court house door in Douglas county on the 1st Tuesday in June lf-07, between; the h gal hours of sale the iol- lowing property tq-wit: ]2.),iicr*-s of land mdmor less in the south westcu u- er of lot latd No 825 bounded as follows: Gu the north by the Ga, -Pacific railway . and Off the west by lauds of Ttieo Dor- sefct and Off. the east- and .west by origi nal land line Offfaid lot. Also uac iounl lot of iand.V j 831 containing 37i- acres more or less ail of said lands are lying - and being in the 18 h district and 2nd sectionof originaly Cherokee now DotiJss las county Ua. The decree Under which said land is to be sold was rendered by - the supeiior court of Douglas county-at the May term 1807 ip the case of T H Selman et al vs S N Dorsett deferidantiri •, fi fa arid R N Anderson administra’or iif Sudie E Dorsett deceased claimant and ail right title interest and claims owued or controlled by the said .deceased and of S N Dorsett in and to said land is to be sbld. 1 his May 4th 1897. Crop on same for this year reserved. - \E. E. Jambs, . Commissioner. APPLICATION. G-I-diCfA—Douglas, County. 1 oall whom it may concern: R. K. James haviug in propbr fff rm applied to ip e for permanent letters of ad in inis-, trotion on the estate of John M James | iate of said coffffty. This is to cite ail aud singular the creditors and next of kin of John J/. James to bo aud appear, at my office within the time; allowed by law and show cause if any they cap why permanent administration should dot fie:: grunted fo R* E. Jaffies off John M. James estate. Witness my hand aud of ficial signature this 5th day of J/ffy 1807 . • . 1 " II. T. Cooper, Ordinary R0SE’S (SORF? whiskies. Unquestionably the finest sold. C ih r C u n f ^'^7 If m f de ? °^ ir 0Xv ' n D ^tillery, strictly HM ( ^ fai ’ hl0rled . hand-made process and from selected The greatest care is displayed in the distellation. grain. Writ© for O ur l*rioo L,ist< R. M ROSE CO. Distil ,e rs and Wholesale Liiq4or Dealers. 1# Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga.