The New South. (Douglasville, Georgia) ????-????, February 17, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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> - :■ tr t I 'NET ’ GOODS!;' I The Greatest Stock Ever I U (Brought to Dougiasviile. I I /II I g I x x Upshaw Bro. ri&vCo. H x \ , , *I I - •' 'S- The ONE PK^E’-^ 1 . aSH \ I I ■*■'-■ sIK P feo P^ e propose .o alj pre-, 11- . " ''•” * < . \ -; g I it .-■•'”*!••■ <? ' :/ ■ -. '••***kF -v®- i Spot pStfrriar tba t j We respectfully invite the public to visit our | <3 'M n 0 OWB *joarge as can afford to /j\ store find examiue our stock before they take any i Ht bo without one. It is ‘f of every i’j!| money out <f Douglasville to buy Spring Goods. ■» & Ji h citizen-to build-up and his home town. We are receiving now, without any exception the B ' 0 Rlt requires no argument to prove that a house ’ ? LARGEST, S B g 1 selling Stiicily-Toi easb can undersell* all those •{•( ,-•** i v r i ft er. 1 uho do not. It is our ambition to keep what M v rMCAiic »• M P the people want and to give them such value (.|.J ViiEArEDi, g 1 their money that it will not be necessary for most complete line of Spring Dress Goods || |g gtogo to other towns, or Atlanta to /iver shown you. Our stock of Shoes is a B E their interc-;ii ijj i®s or to' get-,®. by far the largest and cheapest ever seen in E '■ they ; y ■ '* ‘ Douglasville. in— Fj g | —Z— =~ | | Special Sale of Children’s Shoes. - fe $ We offer for the next 30 cbys children’s and misses’ Heavy Winter Shoes absolutely at cost. * You can’t afford to miss this offer. In Men’s and Boy’s Clothing we have a large and well / - ? |gf ■- selected sto k, and we have them marked in Plain Figures at prices no Atlant* House will meet. In Hats we can iuit the hardest to please in price and quality. As spring approaches and ersdit price como into vogue, we make a special appeal to all the friends of Douglasuille to I p * I help us keep up a first-class CASH STORE; it rflfeans lot to you and will save you money whether M & you buy from us or not. IT WILL PAY /OU TO BORROW MONEY AND PAY CASH FOR E I YOUR GOODS. We will assist you whenever we can to do this; it is the only correct way to do time business. :: :T t ::::::::::: : # GUANOmHKI AND ACID. | | A A 7® ruQ 0115 Fertilizer busines I—th from our store books, an 1 will Yx continue to sell our old br Sek Island, Gossypium, Kennesaw s f aorae >ther brands Cor cotton or |tii>u?y note on time. We are ,. z Ki:i’e sp eial prices to pJfetoa orclubslin caf load lots. Remember E] HAli u g but well known rXI K> ■ 2LOSr & -co. ■ -HOWE Edwards A Ward, R( ' Bate As ■ /•Douglasville is ; e „ the Wi(thern wiles west sLallnn connec ts JjgWllantti, six ur.' :'.-'i aiß l out ie city daily. - - x t Fanner Hopkins’ Evidence. HE THIS ABOUT THE SUFFERING OFHiS DAUGHTER. A Victim of Utenajtjs prostration and Neuralgia, Saved After Abandoned Rope. W oro Me Ina. t.yPR* ’k* neighborhood <>f Kugby and ner complexion became sal. * r P T M W r M toJ ? Th “ ! i Tories.. She had no strength, and .mk ! . ,r *. i l "’ l , . UF ' '' r u My. the !.»■■ Ij..:«e irritated her, she was so nor- JL«« reuut?’hSiT* ,U ' ,ner r ; BaM > ' W « h * l ••n-ther he ’Xamarksb'e n U ‘* of a treated her steadily for a year without doing SfflS to led iJrn* .f e P wl ”‘ W any good l 0 feet, it seemed that she •teXVs H,wa* Mr“ A 1 '* J"; WSB w »M«?any becoming worse. He finally l 'T* ” u » K1 Pr Williams’Fink nils for Pule g tha % ‘ , ” «S -teman People for her, as he said that they were the hare tr,e “‘‘A 1 ?’ . on V tMt ’ s <bttt wou! J Uwfil hcr - Mr Honkfol -for «“t T*,’’. \ tld '1 1 .P**"* 1 a of boxes of the pi!’., •Il ‘ S “v-p“’• h ' ” \'? nd thM ,h ' Jr hdped her Vom SnuHbl vSi lb ?tr" 11 ' « l 7»Wy. She kept on foking them till she s?.?sv t, I QAplr aqd they did <-r xm e used -ibout a do?, si boxe<% ukh the rent 3 1 feed than all <gnwrme<ue:nr« that sfor that »he was entirely well, and since then ‘ IZl.rn. 'ikd A A** boitw nl that medicine ther* has been no aj’.nntoms whatever, of her SJS wh7’h r vix :u oU u^m S > whuh had Ifeff-eJ p,. ? <.emna for certainly * wonderful v« Heine, which did a »AK-..0 »t«s. ... L r WO krtnl c d in CHru a «w», doing what in fen* ’u r h c * h} ‘ pW? ,ew '- I*-' de .i s failed t . ? aeeomnliah?* to faiL rhed’XxiH' „' ' *»r 4 4M » \ e e j en { , ; . . ; K|» «m Mused by weak dtgeatio ■-<. H .produced and , tv foe >l. d : whjeh was ■«~m W -d by tn „. | are -.. in . nlgte trouble*, whlea »< arst -as located in form, in Dr.'-Wi’bU :«• Pink p;” g fo r pJ e the nerre. about th* hmrt. < b this j Peoju ?. ; a speeitie for tron waaadaow.-oosfoesrmnforsny •• • , 5 * ‘ 1 ‘ ,;r ' ■''■ ,»*» and all forms of mb J **’ tr ? ~£ '*•• In men thee ‘<r* £ SKfer \ il • *”* r '« nr-sfog from wot™ .•‘The !»»«> « ». |iT ' v ’:H*r. ; .s’Pmk Pills are s.dd io tox.s ' ir " ' cente a box or Six “Norm's , ’^- ru, * d *”? u ir ?- A wd may be had of all drug. a*au u'l rii . u w * '•'* •** !•* Fl * u *»® Dr.AViHiMc? ftOtt all rau f& .i . h«Beo<a<y, N. y. 4 ‘ JSkr.B X The survey hits just been coinpie . <«d, find wul k V, ill I -?•„>:> Such o; >/■ i Electric Railway, running Iron Atlanta to Douglasville. Blnsville has three churches College in North Georgia r, Bank) and a conipan I hiu be and tirejilan drawn fora 15,000 spindle Cotto I Mill; is entirely free from all ma laria: has an altitude of 1800 feet i and presents a magnificient viet | of the surrounding country for 2 miies in every direction; is sur rounded by some of the best farm in V lands in North Georgia, an< lij/sa fine local trade. Below you will find a partial list of some magnificknt faim and city property, which we are, offering at great bargains. 260 acres of land, about one half wltbii city limits of Douglasville, on which ii , . rftimt i a*good and afl water power. lib acres " f from Douglas m v >ic, gcjrfll farm bous< s, well watered 75 acresJb Douglasville, dose fn, high g stau/bf cultivation, good houses. 3 acfJa j n Douglasville, near depot, 1( a, loom house, geod pasture, IV 2| acres two blocks from depot, 6 room ' house. ) s business lots 25x70 feet each »n nETutUig-Jiublic square, / a- 1 business lot ,on public square 25x7C ’ feet with splendid store house. ’ 5 acres in Douglasville with 9 room dwol w ling. A lovely home. 15 Business lot on public square 25x70 feet with good store house. 61 acres in Douglasville; nice dwelling; 1- good pasture. d Vscant residence I>t 10||200 feet, close 9iacres in Douglasville; nice building lota. A gieat bargain this. 8 room house and good out buildings on lot 250x200 feet; a magnificient home » two blocks from depot. oon? house on lot 200x400 feet; close n and very cheap. n 8 room house with out buildings, on lot la 100x200 feet; two blocks from depot. \ _ 2 vacant residence lots 171x200 feet. 8 room dwelling on lot 100x200 feet. 7 room house on lot 80x200 feet; close in; bargain in this. 5 room dwelling on lot 100x20()feet. 8 room dwelling on lot 100x200 feet. I 5 room dwelling on lot 100x200 feet. 4 loom dwelling, one half block from de pot on lot 621x100 feet. i .75 acies in Douglasville; two tenant I dwellings; place well watered; land in food state of cultivation. For further particulars call on or aidres", EDWARDS A WAEtD, Real Estateand Renting Agents. DOGULA.STILLB, SA Some People’s Folly. Why some pet sons will sutler with the excruciating pangs of rheumatism, when they can be so easily cured bv that greatest of pain-cures, Salvation Oil, is past human comprehension. I That Salvation Oil floes cure rheuma- ! tiam is evidenced by Mr. G. F. Schra- ; der, Pierre, Neb., who says : “I have used Salvation Oil and think there is no liniment on earth like it. I had the rheumatism for several months and l could get no relief until I used Sal- * vation Oil, two bottles of which effected ' a cure, and I feel as well as ever. No i home should be w ithout it ’’ Salvation Oil is sold everywhere for 25 cents. When dealers offer a substitute be- ’ wye. you’ll be victimised. Insist on . 4 haying the best. Salvation Oil. : i ; juwßle society ! e f The Jtiifenilv Scjicty of the Methodist church will give an entertainment. Sunday, 7 p m., Feb. 20. Iproaramine. “Building the Cable.’’ I. Songr- “Little Ones L’ke Me’’.' By children. 2 ; Responsive Service.' Suug—“Where are the Reapers.” ’4.; Recitation.—GreetingManche Strickland. 5} Speech.—All Ready!Willie Duncan. Song—“ Come Over and Help Us,”By Heathen Children. 7. Recitation—“ The Voices.” Ist Voice, —A Christian Child,Mamie Pittman. 2nd Votoe, —The Eskimo,Jimmie Wright. 3rd Vofce, —South Sea Islander,.. . Suola Henley. 4th Voise, —Chinese Girl, Usnia Cofer. sth Voi«e.—lndian Girl Mamie Lizzie Strickland. 8. Recitation —“Help Us, ” A Hindoo girl.*Manche Strickland. A Chinese girlSsllie Kate Cooper. Japan,.Hattie Pittman. Mexico, Mamie Bowie. Brazil, Ruby Bo*ie Indian, Nellie McLarty. 9> Song—Hark! 10. Dialogue,—‘‘How the Bridge was Built, ’Jewel Cooper> Mamie Pillman, Hattie Pittman, Bettie Brown. 11. Vocal Solo, ..Mrs. Lucius Upshaw. 12. Speech—“ Cast Them In,” Holmes Lewis. 13. Vocal-Solo—“I'll Bea Little Helper,”Fay Duncan. 14. Recitation—“ Nine Years Old,” Fannie Stringfellow. 15. Speech—“ Ten Little Fingers, .... Lamar Bowen. 16. Speech—“ Only Little Pennies, Willie Roberts. 17. Recitation—“ The Nickels Lily Fawn Watson I’B. Recitation—“ Only a Nickle ” Alice Roberts. 19. Recitation—“ Sending Her Nickles,”Willie Parks James. 20. Recitation —“Hear the Nickles,” Zettie Price. 21. Song—“ With Cords.” 22. Recitation, Suola Henley. 23. Song—“ Bringing in the Dime.” 24. Recitation/ Evora Harding. 25. Reciiation:/. J R>'la Hutcheson. 26. Vocal Solo, .IMiss J alia V. Griggs. .27 Speech,’. Willie Watson. 28. Rei ‘‘Do You Not ( Hear It?” lahs James 29. Song--“ Throw Out the Life Line.” • ■. 30. Recitation— Helping on the Way, ” SimHmley. - 31. Song—" The Kingdom Coming. ” f Admissioni-Adbflts Children sc; QenWemen witn Lady. j X Crop System / of exhausts the land, unless a Fertilizer containing a y T high percentage of Potash is used. Better crops, a better soil, and a / @ larger bank account can only then be expected. 9 [ A Write for our “ Farmers’Guide,” a 142-page illustrated book. It -A m is brim full of useful information for farmers. It will be sent free, and m i A will make and save you money. Address, A V GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 N»«sau Street, New York. 1 > irßaiM<. |i; ■■ 11 jjj ■».. ■— PROFESSIONAL CARDS; t ’• ■■ ‘ THOS. J. POOLE, Physician and Surgeon. ? DOUGLASVILE GA j All calls promptly responded to. j Office: Room 4 Selman A Duke Bl’d. > W. T. Roberts. J. R. Hutcheson. ‘ ROBERTS & HUTCHESON, A TTOItNE YS-A TLA W. Csrner Broad A Campbellton Streets, nps fairs. DOUGLASVILLE, - GEORGIA. LIBEL EDR DIVORCE. M. A. Logan | Libsl for Divorce in vs J- Douglas Superior Jackson W Logan ) Court It appearing to the Court that the de fendant in the above stated case does not reside in Douglas county; it app Kr ug further that he does not reside in this state. It is therefore ordered by the Court that service be perfecte d o i the defendant by the publication of this order twice a month for two months be fore the next term of this court in The New South, a newspaper published in Dj iglas Countyjieorgia. J. R. Hutchison, I Petitioner's Attorney. Granted: C. G. Janes, J. 8. C. ' GEORGIA, DvUtlas County. Office Clerk Superh r Court. 1, R. E. James. Clerk of the Superior C« urt in and for said county, do hereby ce.tify that lhe fregoing is a true copy of an Order in the above stated case, on record on the M nutes.of said court. Witness my banc and official signature, thia January 7, 1898. R. E. James, Clerk, Remember that Upshaw Bros. & * Co , the cash store yepple, are re- !, £“• R. E. LEE, SOLDIER, Citi sen and Christian Patriot. A GREAT NIW BOOK FOB THE PEOPLE. 1— - . AGENTS WANTED Everywhere to mliow samples and get cl u oh. EXTRAORDINARILY LIBERAL TERMS Money can be made radidly, and a vast amount of g >od done In circulating one ’ of the noblest historical works pub lished during lhe piuVquarter of a century. ACTIVE AGENT* ARK NOW REARING A RICH HARVEST i Sotneot our best workeis are OVER OBE HUN LIKED BOOKS A WEEK. , / Mr. A. G. Williams, Jacksjn county Mo., work.d four days and a half and secured 51 orders. He sells the book to almost every man he meets. Dr. J. J, Mason, Muscogee county Ga., sofd 120 copies the first five days he canvased. H, C. Sheets, Palo Pinto county Tex. worked a few hours android 1« copies, mostly morocco binding/ J. H, Hanna, Gaston county N. U., made a monlh’*« wages n three days canvassing for this | ook. S. M. White, Callahan county Tex., is selling bo ks at the rate of 144 copies a week. The sVork Contain* Biographical Sketch'* ,of all the Leading Generals, a vast amount of Historical Matter, and a large number of Beautiful Full-Page Idustra- i lions. It is a grand book, and ladies < and gentlemen who can give all or any part of tbe;r tme to the canvass ar j bound to make immense sums of money ] handling it. . . J i An Elegant Prospectus i , i showing the different styles of binding, 1 sample pages, and all material necessary to work with, will be sent ob receipt of j 50 cents. The magnificent gallery of ■ portraits, alone in the is worth double the money, We furnith it V at far less than actual cost of manufact- e ure, and we would advise yeu to order 8 quickly, and get exclusive contrel of the I beet territory. Address. |OYAL PUBLI SHlAlft. C.OMP'Y, *ll A $2,000 Word! l iii paper announces, in connection with The Aeekly Constitutution, a new offer in‘which everyone a cliquy to supply the missing word in this sentence: > J FIRST ITI4//IS A THE ‘J ’ HS A GOOD OMEN." F r The sentence is taken from a well-known publication. The word is a familiar one, and it may readily suggest itself. Contest Began Jan. I-Ws March I, '9B TO ESTER THIS COITEST TOV MUST SUISMRBt WIH J * IN CONNSfpON WirH THE NEW. SOWER- J attKeXxiwmelv- LOWPRICE In connection with • ht’rt&L 5 we will, if guess with the subsc; i/tion price, forward Cerras veil« cs'we h tse jgissma igJ|-. At the end of period ccT^ reJ this eontesll T! M tq the ,-u. e.- u: party ' --‘y in tl'.e contest. The ijk", '' popular and have been CiM ' r * .a*® • ■ i’s great -:'l ;■■ :J" ’ iW :- iW RARL# dng word con-t> '. : ■ Aived from subs N|S|sg 'i p en to the .« /.>?A T1 ■ fur .' ustributed with '■> vi>. : <' ■ ■ Itution ha« pu's .. al.- io per cent from aV v O 'h ri f : show s that the amount Jig® > : <>! .uiy?. tu ho worth fc'.r t lr.c fu' proposition, but the p'an fsl'‘.„ n the nv.fls by the Post Ofllce lrP ., lt nJ M The book from which tbr sentence Is take/T, deposited In a opened st the ch ee of the con Part before a comrf. u . ut committee, which m nation of the subscription books. / “ ” In one of these contsLt, there was only one successful who received more than JT.OOO; and in addition to this In one yelt® has been d strlbuted amotfg successful guessers. ,? 1 eme P nber tha b vfbetWer the missing word Is supplied or not, It nothing to guess, and evfty though not successful, the guesses THE GREATEST OF ALL ItIKKLY NEWSPAPERS FOR OBE YEAR .ü Should yoiXtHready be a subscriber to your home paper, remit to this wfper for The Weekly Constitution for one year, and it will to The Constitution with your guess. The Constitution guarantees that the amount of the award will noj4<e less than SSOO in cash, and it may be as much as $2,000. THI><\'EEKLY CONSTITUTION IS 1 HE GREATEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER H*. vj /THE WORLD. It is a TWELVE-PAGE., SEVEN-COLUMNS-TO-THE-PAGE / NEWSPAPER, containing EIGHTY-FOUR COLUMNS every week. It has no. x equal as a Weekly Newspaper in America; its news reports cover the world, and v ' its correspondents and agents are to \e found in almost every bailiwick of the Sooth- d| ern and Western States. AS A MAGAZINE It prints more matter than Is ordinarily found In any mazarine4n the country AS AN EDUCATOR It is a schoolhouse tnltaelf; a year’s reading of The Constitution Is a liberal ITS Mi’ECIAI, FEATURES comni<^l^'^*t^j^jo^xerjjf^riajjittai^,ta America. ITS FAR H AND FARMERS’ D ftg/WSwinnhaS-nh'H'm ffillSi D« r.’ rlmenl arc ul! 4i^lft-clton»'e-•»jSe<saJ|C.,’Uwfcfi , o. Trt t ■ lie, '.'lc nm w,l Cot.iPtutfol !’ *1 II- THE ARETHF. Ten Per Cent of the THE CONSTITUTION i»iT>wa.■-..7T'. , . Guessers’ Subscrip- reMvca for sulscriptlons from --1 p M 7-1M finne rTA« ♦« “ f»u.l Inr . ;|. t ,'b :t|n n . I t tions goes the mnwlng word. only one Fund to be divided. » br given the entire fund, if t . ;n n ■ 'TStMher words if this Sume W,U Fund THE CONDITION PRECEDENT »«>»t SEM»TN< A amounts to IpvpvO at the Missing Word. Is that each rind ’very for this oeriod then - -S!21 ed ?-X ayear s subscription to would be $2,000. for each correct answer. Tic Ari;- ""1 " Amui rX ' IN MAKING YOUR ANSWER yon neeiftot write the sentence out In full—Just eay W< rd for the above particular period (designating It) Is •*” :.......A DDR ESS ALL CLUBBING ORDERS TO THE NEW SOUTH, Douglasville, Ga. Legal Advertisements • SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA, Douglas County. Will b« seld before the ccart hous< door in the town of Dougffitville, Ga., on the first Tuesday io March, next, within the legal hours of sale the fo’lsw ing described property to-wit: The remaining interest in the dowei of Mrs L J Camp, widow of N W Camp, deceased. Said dower being One hun dred and eleven (111) acres of land lot No One hundred and fourteen (114), in the 3rd district and sth section of eaid county. Levied pn and. to bs the reaiaining interest of the "Sf’L L <£<tnp, d by virtue of of I a Id from the Iduißiei couWW/WV.3 ith di rrict G M , vor cf'T R Wbi tiey and agaihst J Pittrfßtf>Ln^i : ur • of W Cjwip Levy mjde by J i L C., kjV<|«eS4Sn-:<i to me. This Feb. 3,- " M -4 - - NOTICE. GEORG U, 1S County. .aj ;a Orator of Nancy C represents to the Cou-i in his petition duly fi »d au l en tered on record, that h lias idly adm n istered Nancy C ; ’j estate, Tain is therefore to cite ; ms n - c- . .1 kindred and creditor •, „i> ~’io.v o, f any they can, wsy ail i Ad itu rra ?r should not ba di»e’>u ion ; &,?- ministration and rec.-ivc i<-lt. ? r*’t- mission on the first Mo day iu Va>\ 1808. H .T. COOPER, This February 1, ISfiS Ord'... r are line- HtiU w rk than ai/z vt.i,- er three IftJjie thi created—th- y ; are the ?ut. . DeWut J laittifi th,! ’s. tiif* 1 ii’ -U' )/] * UUI-/, for arunajb ■ s. f. A. Duke. [T . 8 MS HINE . ' comes, no § kow dark • ( ) clouds are, -T/*— // x." woman wh£ I •*'/ / I ' is borne down by k ' woman's * troubles taros to Doctor ‘ Cerce’s Favorite e ’ll ■prescription. If * iife ’ 8 L ’ WiTg! 0011 the '■ ,ron i°'weak- I ronjtesaeiita, and . - ‘"i ? painful dworder* '’i | th&t afflict her " | they are < . n- 1 pletely cr ifafe’ft,overwork• d, j nervous, or <f sM hy 1 new life and strength. “ Favojite Preicriptiqn w te <T V 4* 0 w Vigora de « U * / rfeetW karmic lo .V • ■; ? rIBHROHk sicsp, abd restores r Ith lor every “fe- E > c " ;;i disturbance, it p i /he o- so snre and uq- I .. i avaideed. If it doesn’t benefit or cure, you | have your money back. Can courdul <vi to cure Catarrh I ■ , —Dr. Sage’s Catarrh -Remedy. It’s 1 ; nothing new. For 25. years it has | been, doing that very thing. It | gives prompt and complete relief. The proprietors offer 8500 for an * ' uicurabla case of Catarrh. j The ife-’iud- * edu ether flying I Uii.■ ment. MixTiv veiy k1 cs have bt-n pcimanently crued bv it. ft fe eqaa p,y for itc. in? pin »; nd - forerite rem edjr for sere «!o»ip«n bnn ?«, chib foams, fhxt UtWLhd ?..r.-/dc von- evek,. i-or sale by at 2n cents par box'. Try Dr. Fowders, the- F.rt-jastwh’l inht ’condi- tion. Tqni& blood puriilei- and yemytii». DeWitt’s Witch Haxel Salve €> 't .2 c .-x..