The New South. (Douglasville, Georgia) ????-????, May 18, 1905, Image 2

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\ K ' I f r it Ni Zht IRew South* Published Every Thursday. J.S. JAMES AND ASSISTANTS, EDITORS Sc PUBLISHERS. f FFICIAlORGAN OF DOUGLAS COUNTY £ he editoi s of this paper are not respon ble foi the views ot its contributors ADVERTISING RATES. One inch one month $1 00 Two inches oi_e months 1 75 Three inches one month 2 25 S ; x months or yearly contracts made khown on application. Local notices, cardsof thanks, etc., five cents per line. MS Committee t o examine the and Mobley creek bridge in Mid- books of the county school com- die district. We call attention of missioner find them correct and the commissioner in the above neatly kept. We find that he named district and recommed that has received from state school said roads be immediately put in' commissioner, $6824.42, including such condition as the law requires.' $707.00 convict hire. He shows We futher recomend that the vouchers for amounts paid out, towh authorities have the streets $6605.25. leaving abalance on his worked and put in good condition hands $219.17. | to the incorporate limits of Doug- Committee on J. P. and N. P. lasville or that the justic of peace books: We find them neatly and of the 730th district G., M. take correctly kept. I this matter in hand and proceed Committee on county farm and as the law directs to have said GRAND JURY PRESENTMENTS, «®e^the grand jurors chosen ^^prdKsWorh "for the MajTterm of Douglas superior court, 1905, submit the foirowing general pre sentments: Through our various commit tee? we have examined the books of our various county officers and find to-wit: Committee on ordinary’s books makes the following report: We hgv^jmmined the books of the mrdinarvsTJffice arid find them neat and correctly kept. Committee appointed to exam ine the clerk’s books find them neatly and correctly kept. We find that he has collected no money belonging s to the county Committee on sheriff’s books makes the following report: We find the sheriff’s books neatly and correctly kept. We find that he has no criminal docket. We recommend that hereafter he be required to keep a criminal docket, We further find that v*44e execution docket and jail re cord -are not as full and as com plete as they should be. Committee to examine the tax collector’s books find them cor rect and in good shape. We find that he has collected since tne last term of court the follow ing: Taxes collected on digest . . $9857 34 .Taxes collected on digest Errrors on dig'dit. . |p 1 . : . Insolvent; list ...... i; .. . Amt paid to treasurer $11863 50 Commission on same 346 35 By Errors on digest 257 99 ^By insolvent list . . . 140 13 fiy two reports at $1 each 2 00 By land bought in by . county 26 71 By balance due county 459 64 $13096 32 $13096 32 Committee to examine the county treasurer’s books make the following report: We find the books of J. T. Henley, form er treasurer, neatly and correct ly kept, except some minor er rors which we have corrected. We find that he had a balance on hand at the November term, 1904, of $2049.35. Received from all sources up to Jan. 1st, 1905 $10128 94 Order No. 15, May term, 1903, paid twice 10 60 By amounts paid out as per vouchers $9414 66 By amount to T. A. Jackson, treas... 2184 98 We find that he is en titled to com . . 486 96 For making this re port to grand jury 1 00 To balance in hands JIT. Henley, form- treasurer , ... , 101 27 $12188 87 $12188 87 We further find the books of J. A. Jackson, the present county treasurer, neatly and cor rectly kept, and that he hos re ceived from all sources since Jaunary .1, 1905, up to May 1, 1905, $4377.29. Paid out as per vouchers . . . $1362 04 By commissions on amounts re- - aftd paid out ........ 88 85 TD~t*toL on hand May 1, 1005. 2926 40 $4377 29 public buildings report as follows: We find the inmates of the farm nine in number well cared for and satisfied. We find the farm in fairly good condition, with 18 acres in corn and about 25 acres in cotton. Also 2 acres sown and being sown in forage, Also a large garden in fine condition. We find the following repairs needed: Stove flue in kitchen and chimney in kitchen and also 'ytf.hen floor-repaired-w^he north room of superentedent’s house needs ceiling on three sides. We find the jail in bad sanitary condition. Also in great need of repairs, and we recomend that the proper authorities have the jail put in first class condition at once, so that the prisoners can be kept safely and the health of the inmates and surrounding citizens may be protected. We recomend that the board of county commissioners in con nection with the repairs and im provements, which they have been recommended to make on the county jail, enlarge the jail well and erect a durable stand pipe or tank large enough to fur nish an adequate water supply supply for the jail sewerage and for water closets to pe placed in the court house and connected with jail sewer for filling above standpipe or tank. We recommend that a modern windmill or gasoline engin be usedfand we further recommend that the commissioners confer with the town authorities with a veiw to making the standpipe or tank large enough to furnish fire protection not only to the county property but to the contrally lo cated town property, both county' 1 and town sharing in an equitable streets worked. We find after careful investiga- with the scarcity of labor especi ally in rural districts of our county that we connot keep pace with the times and meeet the demonds up on us in the construction and I gia,i and working of the public roads un- ; military termn 1905S)rdeijjed that the foregoing qeral. presentments be entere on jthe minutes of the Vrt as the gen eral f pr«iren|ts of the granjd jugphosen empaneled and f sworijid serving at this the May ter, 190$, of the court. Farther-ueredj that, the re- commendons thereon made be observed d carried out as so re- comfnendebnd tjhat these pre- sentpient^ipubljshed as recom mended. 3s May 10th 1905 f A. L. Bartlett W. K. Fieiir j Judge ;f. Gen. . . ' . MlllTAY ROAD AGAIN. The wrir saw Hon. O. W. Adamsomlember of Congress from the firth list.ict of Geor- en asked about the xd frojtn Fort McPher- der our present syrtem of work-! S on, nearltlantja, to the rifle ing roads. We therefore recom-1 rau „. e n e| W acd, said, “when mend the adoption of the alterna- 1 « HRfc tive road law as set out in article jgj| | do 2, volume 1 of the code of 1905 measure -division nf .Hje HhS tion arid teamTamSthee*: 14U lo Sinking fund to pay court house bonds $1139 49 Int. on court house bonds 569 74 Net balance on hand 998 55 $2926 40 Committee to examine tax re ceiver’s books make the fol lowing report: We find that his books are neatly kept and correct, except in some instances in which the tax payers names appear in different districts to that in which they live, and we would recco- mend that he be more careful in keeping the names properly in their respective districts, Committee to examine county commissioner’s books make the following report: We find them neatly and correctly kept, with but few min or errors. We find they have re ceived from taxes 1903, $3.10, rent for pauper farm, $24.51, and paid the same into the county tresujrej* i X 7-v -v ■ We recommend that J. W. Franck be appointed to succeed himself as N. P. and ex. officio J. P. for the 1260th district G. M. Also that of E. M. Yancy jr. be appointed to succeed himself as N. P. and ex. officio J. P. for the 736 district. Also that J. E. Har bin be appointed to succeed him self as N. P. and ex. officio J. P. for the 1273 district G. M. We recommend that the license of R. G. Duke be extended to al low him to peddle in Douglas county for a period of twelve months. We recommend that the county commissioners have a bridge built across the creek at Dodson & Cowan’s gin on route No. 1 from Winston, not to exceed $25 in cost. We also recommend a bridge built across the creek at the Feely ford on the Douglasville and old Villa Rica red road. We recommend that the county commissioners carry out the rec ommendation of the May term 1904 and build a bridge across Anawaka creek at a place known as the Selman ford on Campbell ton road. We recommend that a thirc class public road to opened com mencing near G. T- Rutherford’s gin and intersecting the road lead ing by C. N. Brown and others at the residence of Mrs. C. A. Ander son, we also recommend that new first clast public road com mencing at a point on the old Vil lia Rica and Douglasville road, about two hundred yards west of Mrs. Martha Feeley’s old resi dent of Marion Morris as petitonec for by J. H. Gable and others. We find that the public roads ifthe 1259th, 1260 and 1272 dist ricts are in every bad condition, and we recommend that the road commissioner’s of the above nam ed districts berequired to show cause at the November term of court why said roads are not worked. We find the public roads in the other five district the Cambleton road. The Tallapoosa road from j the corporate limits of Lithial Springs to- Cobb County line. Al- j so the] abuttments to tha Strick land bridge in Salt Springs dis- trict- The Douglasville and Whiteburg road between H-J. Daniel’s mill, with its several amendments. We recommend that the dis trict commissioners of'the 1273rd and 1230th districts, G. M., re quire the 1 Southern Railway Co. to fix the crossings where needed, according to law. After careful consideration we recommend that the sinking f und to pay off and retire the court house bonds be placed in some good solvent bank, on time de posit, at the highest rate of in terest possible, where it will be safe and 'only be paid on the fund for which it was levied and collected as provided by law. We deplore the fact that our prisoners broke jail last Friday night, and that some of them es caped, and after investigation we think it partly caused by the jailor being too careless. We recommend that the jail be made secure and that the jailor be more careful in the future in keeping the prisoners secure. In taking leave of the court we extend to Judge Bartlett our ap preciation for the able and im partial manner in which he has presided over the court of our county; also to W. K. Fielder, olicitor general, for his active and energetic efforts to suppress crime in our county, and for his counsel and many courtesies shown our body during its sesr sion. We extend to C. B. Weath erly, court stenographer, our thanks for type writing our gen eral presentments. We further extend our thanks to J. IL SeL man for his promptness and at tention in waiting oh our horivjy.-. ■■The New South and Douglas County Sentinel and that they 3e paid five dollars each for the same. John P. Watson, foreman, James M. Abercrombie, Stephen Stovall, James R. Matthews, Wm. C. Dorris, Orville E. Mason, Wiley.W. Lane, John B. Dorris, uther G. Gamp, John J. Kirby, Samuel J. James, Geo. T. Ruther ford, Hershel M. Upshaw, James, R. Holland, Geo.W. Hembry,Jr., Admond A. Morris. Robt. J Dar nell, Wm. A. Hembry, Francis. M. Yancey, Jr., Robt. A. Thomy- son Pat, H. Winn, Henry T. Coop er, Hiram W. Gurley. Douglas Superior Court, May my best 5 if J believe that if the Georgia Ssnl-ers in the House and iSenafv: will! stand by me I can get it Trough.” Ifjtliih red could be,establish ed, it wcSld help our county as much as one thing that can be done, Td we hope that Judge Adamsonf'dl be backed up by our other-Congressmen iu this much neeted road. CHUM DIRECTORY. Methodfit church meeting first, second aiil. fourth Sunday, at 11 a m and % night 7 p m and third Sunday afd Saturday before in each moifh at Bethel church, and pray® meeting every Thurs day night at 7 p m Meetini at Baptist church on tl^rd Saturday aiid Sunday and Sunday night in each month and prayer meeting on each Wednes day night One nifht is all the time, nec essary to|)rove that Bineules is the best ipihedy in the world for backachl and all kidney and bladder ^roubles If you have rheumatiim or any other blood disease a^’ingle .dose will give re lief So T'by J L Selman & Co - The siAning that was to have been at^the Riverside . school house ottPreAth Sunday in April will not Jr postponed on account pt '-thajpAffling of fheu ^sc-ho.ol wi 11 be hgld: iji one of oxises of. Mn, David sgr’liold ft4/y -Turning'off at, the’ road abosLone mile thi's side of The 1 fferry,* almost opposite the Watsp.n Iwuse-jon the river. 6h -7—^ , Boykin Heyward, at pres ent? dii tilct passenger agent of the At lanta aid West Point rail road, |JS| yejsterday appointed general haggiige agent of the Atlanta J'erminal Company, and will resuine his new duties with the opening of the new depot Sunday, j\lay 14. FOLEYSHOKEYHCAR far Childrens « f • *ure. Ifo opiater COURT ADJOURNED , LAST FRIDAY. I The Superior Court adjourned j last Friday afternoon; and the traverse jurors were discharged for t,lie.term. The grand jury was j released for the time being, sub ject to'be called, together at the adjourned term. Judge Bartlett stated that an adjourned term of Douglas Coun ty Superior Court would be held the last of J uly or some time in August, to try disqualified cases; and other unfinished business in the calendar. The time will be fixed as .soon as a judge can be obtained. Next to the last case tried 2d week was the case of J, S. James vs W. A. Taylor and A. Q. Tay lor which resulted in a verdict for the defendants. Mr. James had sued them for $335 besides,'interest, balance of attorney fees, for representing W. A. Taylor in three casSs,— one for 'assaitii with intent--to murder, one for incestuous adul tery, and one case in which liis wife sued for divorce and alimo ny. The first two named cases were Carried to the Supreme Court and reversed. In one : of them, W. A. Taylor was sentenced to 8 years in the penitentiary and, the other, for three years. James succeeded in' having Taylor relieved from both of these sentences. The alimony suit was also carried to the Su preme Court by James for Tay lor, and wolfld have been revers ed but was .compromised. It was said by the lawyers dis cussing the case before the jury, that James had written enough in these three cases for Taylor to have made a book as large or larger than the Code of Georgia, if it had been printed in a book of a similar size of printed mat ter, ' . A motion for a new trial' has been made in the case IJ: S. James, and he says if it is neces sary in order to niabe Taylor pay the balance of his fee sued for he will carry the present case to the Supreme Court as many times as he did for Taylor: ami that he will-contimiebjfe* £ff< r s as long as there is an^SssuMilliid Sillli itl tHi So Moie tnftch Troub’es. All t-n Big' Stock of Summer Hats that are going to be sold— regardless of prices. I Come and see for yourself. My line of Hats is the most Up-To-Date assortment ever brought, to Doug lasville. Miss Lilia Freeman. lie use K Stomach rest Sto )le-is removed )1. Dyspepias ,pe.r- what you u'h’s aid, xe ro< tu 011 nos up the body, the -est restores the stomaeii to xealth You don’t, have to diet ' -ourself when taking KodoJ, J ) Evskine, of Alionville, Mich, lys, “1 sulfered heartburn and oinach trouble for some time, iy sister-in-law has had the same trouble and was not able to- eat for six years. She l^yed en- & tirely on warm water,. After taking two bottles of | pepsia Cure she waseiitirely cured, Site now eats heartily and is in good health, lam glad' to say Kodol gave me instant re- lief” Sold by' J L Selmon & Co Bineules is the name of a discovery put, up in a.' i^w new way Speedy Relief. A salve that heals without a scar is Do Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve No remedy effects such speedy relief It draws out m- ]l;7inat ion, sootlies, cools and heals all cuts, burns and bruises A sure cure for piles and skin diseases Dewitt is the only gen uine witch hazel salve, Beware of counterfeits, they are danger ous Sold by J L Selman & Co A certain cure xor all Kidney, Blood and Bladder diseases, and -i-rv form of Rheuinatisin Bme- ules relieve Backache and Kid ney pains permanently If you need such a remedy let,.us.... slioym you the wonderful Pineufes / Last Hope Vanished. When leading physicirns said that, W M Smithart of Pekin, la, had incurable consumption, his last hope vanished ;but, Dr Kings New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds kept him out of his grave, he says: “This great specific completely cured me, and saved my life, Since then I have used it for over 10 years andlconsider it a marvelous lung and throat cure,” Strictly pcien t-ific cure for coughs, sore throat and colds; sure preventative of pneumonia Guaranteed,50c and $1 bottles at all.’druggists Trial bottle free Be WITT’S WITCH HAZEL Look Well to Your Eyes Spectacles are often needed to improve the vision, but many people suffer from defects of the eyes so slight, that they do not dim the sight, but still cause headaches *or dizziness Pro perly fitted glasses are what such cases need—not medicines. To learn what kind of glass you need, have your eyes examined- and glasses fitted by Julius R Watts & Co , (opticians), 28 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. Prices reasonable. 16 years in Atlanta. BEST F0R TKE pi hm 1 gylliyf wW If yon haven’t a regular, healthy movement of the bowels every day, you’re ill or will beajgKeep your bowels open, and be welh Force, infl» shape of violent physic or pill poison, is dangesius. The smoothest, easiest-; most perfect way of keeping . the ibowels c.lear and; clean is to take ;Uva qfthif^S m Phillips Edwards g/>c Leading- Grocers. Your patronage is earnestly solicited when need ing anything in the Grocery Linep We do not claim to sell cheaper than any one else, but we do pride ourselves]o|i keeping a High Grade Class of Goods, which alfe cheaper in the long run. /- Bring us your produce anit we will pay the 1'; J highest market price. / WE SELL COTTON SEED HULLS AND MEAL. m 1 Phillips & Edwards, The Leading Grocers. I Morris & Wilson H have the Best, Horses- and §? the Easiest Riding Yehi- H cles in Douglasville. || If you don’t, believe this ^ give them a trial. M Their prices ate fixed to If Suit Your Purse. MORRIS & WILSON, Douglasville, Georgia. iSR 5 THE ORIGINAL.. A Well Known Cure for Piles. Cures obstinate sores, chapped hands, ec- rema. skin diseases. MakesUurns and scalds I painless. We could not improve theqv.ality If t^id-.-joubiji^de pr’sfe. The DftWItt’s is theVrigi-nal and only pure and genuine Witch Hazel Salve made. Look far— the name DeWITT on every box. All other* are counterfeit, prepared by E. C. DeWITT A CO.. CHICAQO. CANDY CATHARTS t' em LfeE clffiny , % -* "43S Stertina Bs#Mr|ri>#*»t®®^ r '’'Vhlca(|o or N»w York. KEEP YOUR ILOOB CLEAN npCHB ——pr -. J|S .W- -r-wf let ^Aadroi^* ‘ professional Carbs B. |. oRiees, Attorney-at-Law. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. I solicit the business of those wh°j may have legal business to attend to. Douglasville, Ga., (3. fames, SUMMER SCHOOL At Knoxville, Tenn., June 20 to July 28, 1905, On account of the above occa sion the Southern Railway will sell tickets to.Knoxville, Tenn., at the very low rate of one fare plus 25 cents for the round trip. Tickets will be sold June 18, 19 20, 24 and 25th; also Tuly 1, 8, 9, and 12th with final limit return ing fifteen days from date of sale, An extension until September 30th maysbe obtained hv depos iting ticket with joint agent,and paying a fee of fifty eents. For further information and tickets apply to any Southern Railway Agent or write to J. N. Harrison, District Passenger Agent, Birmingham, Ala. y 15 Attorney-at-Law, OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. Engage in the general practice of Law and attend ail Courts. Reasonable fees charged. DOUGLASVILLE, - GEORGIA. Easy to take and easy to act is that famous little pill DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. This is du# to the fact that they tonic the liver in stead of purging, it. They never gripe nor sicken, not even the most delicate lady, and yet- they are so certain in results that no one who uses them is disappointed. They cure torpid liver, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, headache, malaria and ward off pneu monia and fevers. PREPARED ONLY BY E. C. DeWITT & CO., CHICAGO Don’t Forget the Name. Risers fCOUCHSA^DAf^fiEflj Signals, Stop Them Y ith ISkiSt Hi® GO AFTER BIG &AME WITH THE FAMOUS Models 1893 and 1895 Repeating Rifles -and back up your own ski!, with Marlin ac^racy . They shoot trucr and are more dependable 4san any others-fand they get the gams. The .32-40 and .38-55 high po/er smokeless cartridges thegreat es^ game killer? ever rnadeYThej^avegreat^ekknty and accuracy, make a big l%le and g^feep. Where less power ** desired, black powder load| may be freed. Our Experience Biok is fillet^ with big g&me stories Free with C&alogue fofr 3 stamps postage THE MARLIN FIRE ARMS COMPANYj 42 Willow Street, New' Haven, Conn, ' •L " \ GEORGIA—Douglas County. To all whom it may concern : All persons interested are here by notified that, if no good cause be shown to the contrary, an or der will be granted by the un dersigned, on the 5th day of June, 1905, establishing a new road, as marked out hy'the Road Commissioners appointed for that purpose, commencing at the Watkins mill in the 1271st dis trict- of said county and running along the settlement road through the lands of B. S, Daniell, E. M. Phillips, O. C. Tyson, E Y. Ma- haii'ey, and intersecting the Vil la Rica and Whitesburg road at or near the James Swafford old place. May 3rd, 1905. J. W. Brown, Chairman B. C, C. J110. G. Maxwell, Clerk B. 0. C. L. R. RAY. AttoFney-at-Law. ATLANTA, GA. Office I3d Floor, Temple Court Will practice in all the courts of the city of Atlanta, a ,d especially solicits the patronage of the people of Douglas coun ty. Write or call to see him, ROBERTS & HUTCHES01 Attorneys-at-LaW. douglasville,:ga. Will practiee in all the courts, State and Federal, as wed as tho Supr. me Court All business will receive pitn p- tion. Lv. DCLRSBTT, Attorney-at-Law. Douglasville, Georgia, Will practice in all the Courts ot Douglas County and elsewhere hv spec- contract. Alt business will reciev. prompt attention. JRLs MI= Wilson, Justice of the Peace. D'ouglasvUlo, - -1 - Georgia. I have, 1 ffice in the Com 1 House at, Douglasville and can be found there at most any hour in the day. Bus iness intrusted to me will receiv. nrompt, attention. Moderate charges for approving papers, writing deeds, mortgages, contracts and other obliga tions. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure “Diaests wVJ you eat.’* Or. King s New Discovery «■ For r0NSUM r TION OUGHT and jOLDS Price 50c &$1.00 THE CURE THAT 8 SURE for all Disea ses of Throa’, and Lungs or Money Back. FREE TRIAL. Tonic to the System. For liven troubles aud con pation there is nothing better than Dewitts Little Early Risers the famous little pills They do not weaken the stomach, their action upo n the sy stem i s m ii d, pleasant and harmless,, Bob Moore of Lafayette, Ind, says, ‘No us talking, Dewitts -Little Early Hiser-s do their work All other pills I have used gripe and make me sick in the stomach and never cure me Dewitts LittleJ Early Risers proved to he thel long sought relief,- They are! simply perfect” Persons travel-1 ing find them the most reliables remedy to carry with them Soldi bv J L Selman & Co KILLthe COUGH and CORE the LUNCS WITH New C i Dr. King’s GNSUfifiPTION 0UGHS and OLDS Price 50c & $1 -00| Free Trial, j Surest and Quickest Cure for alp THROAT and LUNG TROUBf LES, or MONEY BACK. ■M