The New South. (Douglasville, Georgia) ????-????, June 01, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Personal and Other News Items of Interest Picked Up AROUND AND ABOUT TOWN. 1H the Happenings and Mishaps In and AroundlDonglasville—Something to Please and Displease New South Readers Send us your Job Printing. Barnes Waltom was here Sun day. Young Vansant was here Sun day. ■, Smith paid Atlanta a vis s week. hwf'A!orris spent Sunday in lasville. Grover Starnes was here from Lithia Sunday. W. M. McLarty has on hand 250 fine pigeons. Sheriff McGouirk was in At lanta Saturday. Emmett Harding was here Sun day from Atlanta. KMiss Minnie Dorris spent Sat rday in Atlanta. Col. W. T. Roberts went to the ate City Friday. Quincy Maddox, of Atlanta, was here Sunday. Mr. J. B. Satterfield, of Atlan ta, was here Sunday Luther Sibley was here Sunday from Birmingham. Hon J. T. Duucan went to Atlanta Wednesday. Mr. Homer of Atlan ta, spent Sunday here. Emory Weddington was out from Atlanta Sunday. g “Uncle” Sam Shannon tea re m * turned to Tallapoosa. & v Col. W. A. James attended Mr court at Mableton Saturday. I Lon Downajs tere this week vfirith relatives and friends. ML .v ijfc < Vprdeqjjkmafe Fairburn, was here inis Week. x Jiiu Jtotwteton w teto day with relatives and friends. Dr. IfttyW Tu Aier, ot 1 Gard^- 1 bell countj., Frank Anderson spent a few ta. Atos week with her .dslbidfnU isslppi. " tftetfWd rollton, were in Douglasvillelflst Friday. wjtll friends. ment. . siiept Saturday night here with >4, WVa<W r Sra-modH f„«b DF. F. had his first mess of belWßifdßlA tftd<4N last Friday. | Jr ] | Mr. George Irwin, of Marietta, friends hen* ilumgWn of tJN waL Ke re com menWMfctJO Jf 1 Mrs J. 11 Ghriatian t of Atlan ta, will spend the summer with het* parents. | »\# t 4 • ■ ' V Mitt,.Myrtle Griggs was among thttwliiy- visitors 'to. the Gate City Satuntayjyc . j' »7 teona rd*Schoener, 'b? College »n. uaslTiidiiw imiwyii ■ME Claud AterejteffltoiefuiA ftWtpU* S Atlanta, i'dsniMn tAiiKtritexn ad , I* XHlh 4TM33 0e 33i Qi ite a crowd from Douglas ville attended the singing at New Hope church Sunday. When in town don’t fail to come around to this office and renew your subscription. Mr. I. M. Watson, of Tallapoo sa, spent last Monday on busi ness in Douglasville. We are sorry to state that Willie Penn Watson is sick, but hope he may recover soon. Mr. and Mrs. John Causey, of Atlanta, are visiting the family of R. C. Phillips of this place. Quite a large crowd of Doug lasville people attended the singing at Union Grove, Sunday. Miss Bessye Mills spent Sun day in Douglasville with her par ents, Major and Mrs. H. J. Mills. Pink McCarley and Jim Sel man say that a carpenter will not work when he has plenty to eat. Miss May Griggs, who has been attending school here, returned to her home in Atlanta Thurs day. All day singing at Ephesus next Sunday. Everybody invited to come and bring well filled baskets. Miss Pearl Price, who for the past four months has been teach ing at Covington, returned home Saturday. Henderson, of Aus. tell, was the charming guest of Miss Fae Duncan during com mencement. Deputy Sheriff Aderhold was in Lithia Springs last Friday to serve some papers coilitec&ettwifli the Superior Court. J. H. Selman has had his dwel ling painted. Several others could follow suit and make quite a difference in the looks of our town. J, Comer Barrett, of Pratt . |ierfe With his f sth er aftid many friends. I Mrs; Mather Eakes is here vis iting tyer mother, Mrs. Strick land, ind other relatives and her 1 many friends. • j Mlmkjs He&e J LetUfe, who liTve teen in ‘ their home. b t l Mr W.x Aeftibree, of the Middle district, says that nearly aVtfid]^oj)fe i Sf hiis district are : *« ra iM^ e i^ w Koad Law - On account of the crowded gwM i print j the article continuing the history of ■ itjfwill ap- pear in 9rff , | t suif day. . It is expected that a large F " i <iaEO.e«£U-oii.iiUaM4, - tefl uil l vllre, one'pacßage; tiftmer cam : igaoignNibyi cajifam: \pt»v*V, ft Wright. Douglasville, Ga., law rf&'afitf Ay&fHMhg g(X>ds. R gl&eW phid iyi la Rica a flying He evidently sees something Very ?aauwmw. jfor ht comes back with a broad smile ■❖'o-vi’wov y Read in another column of this ' HitJe andtt&fo l <gUl wifn ' both arms oil; yet she dr aW 5, does Mincy and almos all otfier ■work thffiladies do, using hej» Tfeet of hands. 4 We are informed by the j mafl I earners of the rural routes than IflJSxlßffthj antpftperi 11118 will be a great benefit to ft>a«o®nty.. Marry Brannon and Haden McElreath are the champion smite killers of Douglasville. HalTeh killed a coach-whip Sun da/ttef measured 6 feet and 6 incl|ea iu. length; and Murry uinr/leped a moccasin that out .measured a yard stick, when cut reaclled this office are being circu- A as ’ de the New Road i Law, put in operation by the last -Gue ' ’ Ul® Potion befoi» an -M&Hiltfd&an be hMd. DfU» A Justice of the tion was held last Crombie’s district. ResuimiXL M. Smith received 30 votes •J. A. Speer received 9 votw| The returns were made by F. M? Collins, N. P., Monday morning,' We learn from some of the ru ral mail carriers that a great many people on the rural routes have not come up to the requirements of the postoffice department in regard* to texes. We think, for the convenience of. themselves and they should get these boxes. The singing class at Barear ap pointed the following delegrteF to attend the United . Sacred Harp Convention: I). S. Tayldr ; L. S. Cansler, Misses Bessie Taj'2 lor, Susie Rice, and "Dexter Thomas. Also, all singers are invited to be. abdk Springs at the all dX/Z siigjr Ist Sunday in June, jan j rfny;j Miss Mildred ife been teaching in the ; School for a number will return to her home in lasvile, today or tombrtow',' aftd will spend a whifej at her parents andT ! the winter and spring denn jlitg;' ing just cloftffo ffivz noy 'll We are ‘jdirectoil obybrJij fS Harding, members of the miwic to say there wiff fie nd ' itinging here on the 4th <if<'Joly 1 gThew is to .be a sipging [in Douglasvile on the 4th Saturday and^ day "comwetee decided that, on this St Afi& Sate Prof. Chas. Lane, who preach ed at the ra|t Sunday, also lectured at same place on Monday night. He most certainly entertained his audience, more highly than we ever knew an audience entertain ed. this ifc f as way that is ndt demoralizing th those who werd present. And the on ly way Out just what his lectures (Jofcsist of is to hear him. Hon. H L. Tisinger, of Thom aston, Ga. r delivered the litera ry address luesday morning whtoh very irah &to raise them to a still ffigher stan dard, and also be a help to them fall ,He gave the jdea thatjt is a great thing -..t0 make and accumulate .. pioney, but, without other thim;a neces sary, a man is pobr iftter all. TTiT address if ‘ » good thing. We are having a grqat deal of rain in this at and pfore esnqqlailyfapnftrr wqdld like tdW till "Wear iky Jwiih gooff gfena’.ot T air wewtter > ier a week' or ten day a,' at should we believewe do w'ish it wouM •aweAfoorttW toe we must have clouds, or suffer =yi the ittture. anv «way we can loqk at iFor fix' but some tiriiw .'ittjip'- »><i darker-than ,wa «like ;• jend the only sure raxgedyWto* Cultivate, _> .hope of landing. in ’*tfie sun otter, side ..of the people; and there was a good at- Fendance ot—-we hil'U HI UW! the Fl- was nwe espMaW Wjrl/Mi OS B -aim 3 iyHJW* ftPIwMW- St fr® s • think th>t. the Eda AbeAf < tfteW of Judge and Mr?. and 1 Visited W(|9*t*||Kis reek, of Milton Winn, Mr. Charley | Baggett, *nd a few others of the 8 older ones, U such encouragement CT TK7TKJHTD Nafi " as if needed at such a time. Do •« 1 we all not neglect the young peo- J pie too much? The appropriate KTtl T TKTTTDXZ subject was beautifully handled IVIjLL#.L4IX| jCix. Y ♦ by an earnest divine, as he told ua of the good and wise choice of -Don’t fail to come and see. my Moses, —‘/Choosing rather to suf- ’- - : * . fer affliction with the people of New Stock of Summer Milliner. God, than to enjoy the pleasnres ; ’- •• . ~ qk w told us fiW be grew in favor The W, th . ra^ l 2? be Millinery with thaMlmighty. and, at the.i A .. . same titfn£, r became Eiae canjbe-foupu at my store. toWMMLgpte for whom he I - | had fought in a single combat, Mrs. J-. E. u lly I Vnc hb qcoff j&k * ,h m Last Sunday, rL’we preached a Mten at the ’ weather, the auditorium was on ly about half filled j but those present were very Highly enter tained by this preeminent speak er and earnest minister of the gospel. But the writer feels too weak to attempt to say anything fhrther on this line; as such men : . as Sam Jones, Bishop Haygood, Bishop Galloway, Bi»hop Key, General Gordon, and others set him upon the top round of the lad- ■ xtorr feel that his Heraaaon-JaJ. such as will cause our people to have still stronger faith in the book of books. urrtnue oi merely mention.a few thiiiggli.ettft KSuWmM tlmt when he firstl ■ reached memrywJ when be tecainel I smarter and haff- m ore seitse, I 1. ' ‘ .{■ ? q| I he grew stilt, auß since he bis ■ in s text: “Seek ye out of the book ’ ' bPtte Lord; «&fre*ct»*la. 3*: ifo' > ■' Ho followed tare main lineg of thought: /I) He sat forth arg u i FliJ to UfihatWd is the author of the Bible; (2) * He said that if good men had written the* book, they w’ould not have said that they did not write it; and that if bad men had they have|wound up their wfilPk atrynat it wteldihake woe and misery their doom, etc. In regard to reading toe Bible, we got the idea that should feel, when we do read it, like we were reading a lettei* from home. He msijtai in a community to ascertain many members ofi the read the Bibler Possibly, the , committee, when thfey called on < one lady, failed to their bus- 1 iness at first, and nierely MMbd 1 for a BiHe. f da»rhtor to look _ possibly in the second bureau ’ fftlWer, afid bring -to | ter. It was found and earned to her, well wrapped in a iStej the bode and d Tt,.and Yhen exclfiimcd*: '• my life, .here ajje nay. have teeii lest ~r~Y —— 1 : J °“' l Ltthk Spring* Items. < Wato* Park has fioC’l style, and guests kry * s coming H i '- I * ll havelmd b utfew this j. A great deal of water s, J < shipped from the Bowdenff ithia j : j ateut 100 carteys ‘ Out farmers are behind wttha ’ circuTation on r >nfay a i from this place. It is the • est, cleanest and best dfeff 1 £2LZ2EJ2S£.Hj WITH A x Kidney Trouble Aimart everybody news- papers is sure to kn'owwrcl^Menderftd 1 11 I ical of the I V Uy] I nineteenth century ; H 'ii f HI I discoveredafteryears Uj g®" I ~x3g"Xß of scientific research I ’ b y/?)r. Kilmer, thfe J- eminent aladder specialist, and is ■iCcessful in promptly curing’lame back, uric acß, catar.-h of the bladder ant Bnght’s' Disease; which is -the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have or btekber trouble it will be work pgfa|te practice, and has l proved so Snctwifol in very casetfrat a geiyj|t hi s beerTvAroe hSigtreader j; Os thii paper, who have iibt a 1 aiwrWMfd||,ma NME twlpail also i&gSß&reyabdurc wmnp Etoot, and how to iLwQjhtfy kklnt or bladder trou- reading this andgend your fflKfeiir Adllar Hom* of Svuop-Roo*. F xwi r’s Swamp-Root, the ‘Bwgl imton on 1 ar r P er 15, $1.00; I uck Eggs, per F- pig S£W 1 % Stored pain*MT?s(bf young )air, $1.00; alll nine e them is to* at PhHUmjA Dou ri a ATi Koller Mill.. W. M. MciltHY. J (1 ewflCti&ECTffitl 89 Methodist church Sunday, at 11 Tm ana atMghr 1 p mAn&third: Sunday and Saturday before in each month at Bethel ckunffi. and prayer meeting day night at 7 p m fl< Baptist cLurch on and and. SumMy night in each mtmnrana praypr meeting on each Wednes day jiight 9/ r . Cheated Death.-?/9fT 91 Kidney trouble often ends fa tally, but by choosing ttejriglpt I have also fountj item of great benefit in gehgral debiljty and' nervfc~jioublds and keep theffi constantly on hand* I find they l|a ve 110 W ua l’M rtggiHts guaruutoe e._ [O 1 I a • w ’ttwlriy, f whooping cough will not run course” if vrm igi iiH4 ■ This-cough, syrup from All nßf> ac M the, bftwefe, ~>7YyUr»iaaiauiQt <ku» crowp toa4c«riaf>ofin«MhowiHivuhuL you and Tar does tins an“ epfes; wH coughs, ereup, whooping 'coa^! 3 idtekd by J ■e •uss' .i. 1/ ,iij M Aiaai! j text sdJ b»7Qta« •vad TjMM jq i * T HMt l«0L -UaaaMLrfrA ' s^l ternfp laJJr (XhftM* CBtafjhfrt j iuedka{ JWtut|oA tHWh tlw£»%>*<xl of datiow.est J&B ifeqrter yd-KffiP ? patiaat atrengtb by builaint uy the con stitution and assisting nature In «i<W They (Jfffif on* fftfWrMteTßirWM «etMHNR|st of UMAMk>aidh>H>a*W wO- iiolvaa m-*. AfMtesfiajA bewoDot aaasDe ha«*h A ' | AR cbtfgharcokhHJb Imo- nary complainto that are cdrable are by One Miijiitoi Ctegh 'drhws’oOT _We ;4tnd heals and affeefed parta, wards off pneumonia. , Hariiir^fi“ and pleasant to take Sold Dy j L Selman tfc Oo jTw -go »o s; K '.■ 1. ; A Daredevil Ride : »cj ofto» endV To heal use Bucklen’S ' BaNe, (4 “A deep wound te/ny foot fronL accident,” writes Theodore tehu ele, Columbua, 0., great -pain. -Physicians helpfessvbfrt Arnica Salve quickly healefFit 4 ’ Bop||e» and heals bii'jis ■ i *U Mam IOWJI OWJ i s lijmuoo* K intr >Tum-jtu« 491940) 4PUVJ Gf?l r sJc: j » uaialttS J L vj United Confederate Vet- ville, Ky., June 14 I On acc?4WiMM>l I casion the SWtlte n Railway Trill Bell tickets to lASiisvilleLKy s Mhd Return at greatly pistes. Tickets will be sold 13th inclusivei good retwning?to leave Louisville nbt later Hhan June 19th. An extension may be secured by depositing > e < Birmingham, Ala. Jl2 ‘ tybttiaa«bbosttfo 3L ’■H welhsgHteim fip-tofflaeft ' J Hiw 9 W *nFnU{ Ifiiemtf om g TKis ad is wortn 5 « N&aUutidi&ersa dU4>Sfqy >““«it M-iUmdaßrs io has obfiin iaod * JMhgi 91«a l U ° VC« bo W>«\L7 VRG n v 4U . THE ATLANTA OPTICIAN, IJ IO Jit iB7O WB mi.: .i-j I Jtoaj. 'jijii t,r-i'." ovazf I Sixh 1 «ii 4 r ,»V«0 lowelc-sH te I ” J * ' : 1 b^k^6F°ted'u-x2toiSW%lv , and tha. Hciantific fitting 01 es'lLul iiS a|>greciate the fso ,-iiiww fogray WlMi, WQgjt P er ’ o ct *TTh ver V id^l4ahDß^iap H ßflite4 ? by WFnpt+ohuM wfatwam<rßdu#tbß of lha Ijest «■*•( 4l9putwtiwa»ttd recon ized’atiWy i ot mid .rttacm >xm «di wa>va* * OW ■ ' aau » Kit ft am a jub atT aaiiEflT idMmo ite, ~ M||| "" a ,ji 9b ivr i»Uu4 '*4a*ai ' gu ui bsiluiz uaa wlo-fvi ugi u < want <M 1t Mt J * >, T • to.JM& »Mta aftjfMi adj K. I M O* Pe , I ‘•wrtwtoncwMiMpopularly? * *W©H KttFFEE |ft eatelully t 1 J J * <» . lt!HH!«iMheplai»tatton, LsrOL direct to 4MII- various Iftetarfc®, | 1 * w IvJW K P agltgd ln " ” 1 aesi loose coffee?■Htfch 44 <a «w%>- H - S ra^^ 1 and «JH.n 1 m «<tea>lta«4Mtary. : G, r 1 SOLD BY 6ROCER& b)n; SPIC® CO.,l«BMhio. ill ■ - ■ ■ , ■■ ■ -.oraiaaO .J i; - -«« ~......., i .9eUoqt , —Cw»- ' oaA >a ni i i corn: an&.'MW o 9 a fflrfcjMd, n|QUa. Can accomcnoa iLe &h , 007 )i boon off bn£ fxM>3| ' < edsfdaT , “'J Z J I {J I lilch Cov Fo. S. . "lULL-lIJ. IMEJF’Mt row -toy -de which will give four and tlaoe- of milk per day. J. O. Odom, I I Douglasville, Ga,, I R. F. D. No. 3. p i N. L. Willett Drug Co. SEED JOBBERS, AUGUSTA, GA. Get catalog. Garden Seeds in bulk,or 5c packets, postpaid. Forage Seed 8c ghum, Cow Peas, Millet, Velvet Beans, Chufa*, etc. Field Seeds—All cottons, corns Rice, Melons, etc. All GRASS SEEDS. Get prices on anything in seeds. State types and amounts , wanted. ji .nc Be—aq bat yJnu / Crashes i&iuitftaffei} Flouring Mill shuck mdkig'onejdfeth# feed slowod 9ib no fe374 lifT bna /♦ meal eakiy«if(Ksifee±MHsilfe Lna tsafto r wlw»t talben<wH.PdV?jWJ&ili e r * tna f/sidonoid bna IU bxm *»<</ oj si ’<bt»iusr on ,*m>i/ iaT La& <anoH aviiaxjJ lauiih* oG X naujfsfe J I xd 3