The New South. (Douglasville, Georgia) ????-????, June 01, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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4 {yWe have just received a New and Full Assort |rasnt of all the latest designs of Dry Goods, No ticns. Clothing, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods ana Shoes, Straw and other Hats. Our goods are all new and latest patterns, and JnmgJit for Spot Cash. We intend to give our Extremely low figures on all lines of bought from first hands at Bot tom Prices. * Our Dress Goods stock is Simply fine and Complete in Every Detail. We will duplicate Atlanta prices and are able to furnish you any class of goods desired. JHU Our Line of Ready Made Cloth- ANECDOTES ABOUT ts E —f- Virginia General’s Fight With a WCXDENTS OF HIS COLLEGE DATS AOvte** S»«elal Care •< Dall Sta- Seata-MU Little Trtak •« Daea«ai tioa Praavaetive Paa ot aa OM Caaara4a la Arma Illa Dapariaaaa With a Telaahaae Operatar let Pa mlMaa With the Oeaeral’e Hama. Many atortas are «ted ot tb* reeklroa Aaiiug aud the brilliant fighting of tha late General Fite-Hugh Lee of Virginia when bis active service began, after kit graduattou from West Point, oajra the New York limes. In one of his figbte with the Comanche Indians be met a chief more than six feet in height and all bouse and muscles and sinews. The chief attacked Lee and tried to stab hku. Lee bad a revolv er hi his baud and fired, but the rod man grabbed the barrel and sent the j bullet wide of Its murk. Lee thou dropped the revolver and rushed In up on the Indian and hugged him. though tbs latter held his bowls knife poised and ready to pluugj into hl* adversary. They wrestled long and fiercely, but finally Leo used the old Virginia "back beel trip,” which be bad learned as a boy. and felled the Indian. Before tbs warrior could rise Lee recovered tela re volver and shot him to death. Professor Charles A. Graves ot the University of Virginia Law school fO the following anecdote ot General L :'£*o, says the Louisville (KyJ Times: “When 1 had taken my master's de- Ifljroe at Washington and Leo during the of General Lee 1 became an instructor lu the law department One Morning General met me on the nunpus and In his kindly way asked me bow I was getting on. I replied that I was making It very well, but made some allusion to the dull boys In the class. “‘Mr. Graves,’ said General Lee tn his quiet, serious manner, ’I hope you will follow the stage driver's rule.’ •“What is that'.'’ l asked. I could not 000 how any rule of the driver of a gtagscoa* h could be of value to a law teacher. “‘Look out for the poor borses, sir,’ replied the general, and he bowed with bls usual courtesy and luiseed on. I have always tried to look out for the •poor horses.’" H »* •••Minr horses'’ scattered ll difficult to cura e a cough or free yourself from the discom forts of a cold unless you move the bowels Bees Laxative Hon •y and Tar acts on the bowels and drives all cold out of the ays tem, Then comes its soothing affect and strengthening influ ence upon the throat and lungs, For croup, whooping cough,colds and all lung and bronchial affec tions, no remedy is equal to the original Laxative Honey and Tar by J L Gelman A Co NEW GOODS TO! AHHIVED ing is the latest and most com plete ever exhibited in Western • Georgia. It is well known that the Majestic Clothing is the best made and of Superior Quality and Best Styles on the market today. Our Men and Boys Suits are up We guarantee perfect fit of the new est styles. All we ask is to ex= amine for yourself. > dvirTW mutafl 'SIXTSH tinvc Minwur , thank Old Charley, as the boys call Professor Graves, for his conscientious following of the advice given him by , General Lee. “General Lee was the most accom plished manager of men, if that be the right term, that I have ever known,” said Professor Graves. “I have been I walking with him when be would see a student approaching. The general would ask mo the name of the young man, wbero be was from, whether his ’ parent* were living end bow he was 1 standing in hie classes. When the stu ' dent earns up to us General Loe would ■ speak to him, calling him by name, would ask when ho beard from his mothsr—we will say bls father was 1 dead—remark bo was glad to bear be > bad shown a recent improvement in bls i ciao* otandtag and urge him to show ■ the same advance the next month, and, » wishing Mm good day, would pass on. ' Tbs boy would go bis way, wondering ' that a man at the bead of a university i having <OO or TOO students should have I such detailed information concerning a I unit of the student body. Thia bad a - powerful effect upon students, the bo l IHt that the personal a*w** of each f mae tn the wnlvorottytoa* being watch i cd with such close interest hy the pros- - tdent.** 1 I"T '’l 1 i Ou on* ooeastoa wham Geoere! Loe, . who dletlngulohed himself tn the Ooo t federate service, was visiting West Vlr ; gtata he met a* old comrade In arms, 1 whose rocopftoa wee somewhat frigid, I say* the Cleveland Plain Dealer. “Well. vfteaTa the matter!* said Gen eral Lee. -Oh, nothing much,- was tbo non i committal reply. “There to something wrong,* potuiai- I od the gsuoraL “Out with ftl What do you waatr* After being strenuously urged tbo old i comrade said: v I -Well, I want to die set toast half aa > hour before you do. I want to bo in i the other world when you arrive there, 1 ( Just to hear what Geaaral Jubal Early I says when be sees you in a blue unl t, form.- i General Lee geeeivod much attention l during one of nls visits to the United ) States from Cuba. He had stories to I tell, and one of them concerned bls t name. It was after he had gone to Cu i ba, and the manipulators of the tele- • phone xyore not very familiar with his name and reputation. • "What name is that?" asked one op j erator. [ "Lee— Fits-Hugh Lee," was the re- > spouse. "RimD it. nteny— ” 1— Backache is never known to those persons who take an occa ’ sional dose of Pineules The val ue of the rosin obtained from the ' pine tree has long been recog _ nized in the treatment of diseas ' es of the bladder and kidneys, ’.One dose of Pineules will give ’ j relief and one bottle will cure • Sold by J L Selman & Co j Everything you eat will taste • good and do good if you take . Kings Dyspepsia Tablets Sold by J L Selman & Co From New York and other Eastern MARKETS. w JU oSr Vjk ClhaidJifi S’ oorr.iOHT, *’£«•“•«•. «£A»OnGOO. . M. * "*V eiNCIHHATL ' I hat a Select Stock we carry. Straw Hats of all Grades and Varieties at your Own Prices. NI&J TJ)HBC ATt ' Tt: -fir- uii.-.f-.-:..., --.-T . - n - - Al - - ''' ■ ' .'' ~ iliff \m A Laxative Cough Syrup that cures Coughs and . g*| . i Colds and Strengthens the Lungs. Prepared by ■■■o’Jflflflfl JnSflfl ■ PINEULE MEDICINE CO., Chicago, U. S. A. . For sale by J. L. SELMAN &CO •‘F-t-t-M-h-u-g-h L-e-e.” “Thank you. Plague take these Cbi nanMn!" Honor. A mlaetouary at Hamada, Japan, write* that he attempted to condole with the mother of a soldier whose fu norai be wm attending. But she said to him: “Toe should congratulate me. Is It not tbo greatest honor my son could have bad— to die for his coun try r Morol Mvtet BodyoaarOe. For mo** than 400 years a body of men known as the Monteros do Es pinosa have enjoyed the exclusive privilege of watebing over the •lum ber* of the kings and queen* of Spain. They ar* bound by tradition to be na tive* of BspteeM and to have eerved with dtotinctlen tn the army. Odo of these to on guard at the door of the bedroom of each royal personage In the patoce. and the other*, armed with huge halberds and wearing felt soled shoe*, trend eUently all through the night along the conldor* and hallo. Their writs begins at midnight and ceaaes at T hi the morning. Canes An east aide kindergartner was about to give her class a lesson, with "The Kitten" as the subject. She begun by saying: -Our lesson thia morning will be all about the kitten. Now, can any little boy or gtri tail me which grow* on the kitten, fur or fen there !“ A dead silence followed tor a min ute, when eno little boy said in a loud voice: “G-o-od gracious! Haint you nev«r seen a kittenT~—Life. An W»«iptto». A New York banker tells the story ot two Irishmen who discussed the “na tionality of the American states.” Said Pat, “Faith an' be jabbers If this grate counthry ain’t overrun wid th’ Irish, an’ yit out of all th' states in th’ Union not wan has an Irish name.” “Sure an’ yer wrong," replied Mike. "What’s the matter wid O’Regon?” Ancestors. “My ancestors, ’’ said the man whose name happened to be Endicott, “came over in the Mayflower." “And mine." observed the man whose name was Adams, “were the original occupants of the garden of Eden.’’— Chicago Tribune. Enthaslasm. Nothing is so contagious as enthusi asm. It is the .*OBI allegory of the tale of Orpheus; It moves stones; It charms brutes. Enthusiasm Is title genius of ■ruth accomplishes no tt.— sure to take Dr iver Pills and en effect upon the J L Selman & Co We keep everything you need. You Can Sit On gtl—- j/ First rate Bessemer steel and heavy galvanizing of the everlasting kind are the foundations of the *trength of the Ellwood Steel Wire Fence. The manner of weaving it, as true as a die, adds to strength gp_Z by distributing all strain* evenly. Tiie method of fastening the wire to gy the twisted cables, making a binge Joint, takes up any strain applied at the top, aa when a man climb* over or ait* on th* \M I ELLWOOD ! I\ l>e F ence J It fences perfectly, having amah meshes near * he K rolll >d. It lasts a lifetime—and It Is /fem vfillp ..xQw/'lwfwvl the fence of economy. Sold everywhere. Z-—-K v My Z // your deMler hasn’t it, write to I Jaht' * MER!M " STHLI WIR£ co.. \ W Chicago, New York, 11 S«n Franctaoo, 1 I j m w 'Wbs®- I '’d I I a NO COUNTRY IS SAFE WITHOUT A STRONG NAVY __ || NO FAMILY IS SAFE WITHOUT A BOTTLE OP 1 DR. TICHENOR’S ANTISEPTIC H For WOUNDS, BURKS, BRUISES, SCALDS, COLIC and CRAMPS [ 10c and BOc *NO A BOTTLE OF- T U BRON*CHO*DA For Coughs, Colds and Sore Throat-2Bc P SHERROUSE MEDICINE CO. MFIS. NEW ORLEANS. LA. Lei THE NEW do your Job Work. We turn out MXirlt as good and as cheap as any shop When it comes to Notions of all sorts, in quanti ty and quality, our stock can not be surpass ed. We are de termined our pa trons shall have the fullest and best assortment from which to select that can be found in the Best Markets. If you will take time to examine our Ladie’s and Gents Furnish ing Goods it will surprise you to Our Shoe Department has been selected with much care. In it you will find the newest and latest up-to-date style of Ladie’s, Men’s and Children’s Shoes We call special attention to our low cut Ladies up-to-date patterns that we will sell at Bottom Prices. We keep a full line of Groceries, Hardware, Furniture and ing Tools of every description. We also keep on hand Coffin well as best grades of Fertilizers. The fact is we keep a full assortment of everything kept in a first class store. We pay the Highest Market Price for Cotton, as well as all Coun try Produce and Farm Products. We stand ready to Accommodate our Custo, roers with time prices, as we have done in the past and will guarantee just and fair treatment to all who trade with us. Remember we are at the Old Stand just west of Court House Square, where we have been for nearly 22 years. j.&STePHGNjys? Wholesale" Deptirtment Store, 164 Pete r s Street, Atlanta, Georgia- I will carry everything in Ladies and Gerts Furnish ings, Dress Goods and all small articles which are wanted by the people. Ladies Shoes, Hosiery, Laces, Ribbons, Jewelry. Gents Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Umbrellas, and everyth Groceries for table use in AY e Canned Goods, Sugar, Conce, ■ Tobacco, Corn, Oats; Hay, Garden Seed, and in fact everything in the grocery line. Remember we pay the highest price for country pro duce, Butter, Chickens, Eggs and Cured Meats. Call and see me. £ DEALER IN HIGH GRADE FERTILIZERSIAND ACIDS. JOHN C. STEPHENSON, 164 Peters Street, Standard Phone 875. Atlanta Georgia. A TAINT MALARIA i BLDff At SPRINGTIME means A SALLOW SKIN, A MINCING APPETITE, A TIRED FEELING, Lasting all SUMMER. By Special ar rangements with The JOHNSON’S CHILL & FEVER TONIC SAVANNAH CA., A forfeit of $5.00 will be made if a course of son's Tonic will not eradicate every trace and taiM®|Hj _ MALARIA, PRICE 50 CEMTB.